Climate Chagen and Health
Climate Chagen and Health
Climate Chagen and Health
Received: 8 May 2023 Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum , Tara Neville, Christian Schweizer &
Maria Neira
Accepted: 5 June 2023
The world is warming at a faster rate than at any time in human history, The same development pathways and economic choices that
due mainly to the burning of fossil fuels—with an important additional are driving the climate crisis are also directly causing large health
contribution through land-use changes, mainly for agriculture and impacts. These include polluting energy systems that the World Health
forestry. Unless urgent action is taken to cut carbon emissions, global Organization (WHO) estimates to cause almost 7 million premature
warming will soon exceed the 1.5 °C limit set in the Paris climate agree- deaths from air pollution each year5; environmentally destructive and
ment, and current trends are likely to result in over 3 °C of warming by unhealthy food systems that are contributing to the global increase in
the end of the century1. noncommunicable disease; and urban planning and transport systems
Climate change has been identified as potentially the greatest that result in car dependency—contributing to the burdens of physical
health challenge of the twenty-first century2,3. It is bringing more deadly inactivity and road traffic injuries. The healthcare sector itself is now
extreme heat and wildfires, increasing noncommunicable diseases and also a notable contributor to climate change, responsible for almost
facilitating the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, contrib- 5% of global carbon emissions6,7.
uting to health emergencies. It is impacting the health workforce and The world is not yet responding to the scale of this challenge.
infrastructure, reducing capacity to provide universal health cover- Although the ‘right to health’ is at the core of the United Nations Frame-
age. More fundamentally, climate shocks and growing stresses such work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agree-
as droughts and rising sea levels are undermining the environmental ment, it is largely absent from its operational mechanisms. Less than
and social determinants of physical and mental health, from clean air 0.5% of international climate finance is currently allocated to health
and water, to sustainable food systems, to livelihoods—and threaten- projects8, and only 30% of nationally determined contributions to the
ing the existence of some nations1. Further delay in action will increase Paris Agreement take account of the large health gains expected from
the risks, undermine decades of improvements in global health and climate change mitigation9. Similarly, while health is routinely identi-
contravene our collective commitments to ensure the human right fied as a top priority for climate action, 70% of countries lack adequate
to health for all4. finance to implement a national adaptation plan (NAP) for health,
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. e-mail: [email protected]
and few national or international health actors allocate meaningful Providing a single estimate of the overall health burden of climate
resources to climate action10. change is challenging. The WHO has published conservative projec-
As part of their latest annual health monitoring report for the tions estimating the effect of climate change only on malaria, heat
sustainable development goals11, the WHO have identified key objec- exposure in older people, diarrheal disease in children, undernutrition
tives for the health response to climate change. In line with this, we in children and coastal flood mortality, for the 2030s and 2050s. For
outline the main connections between climate change and health and example, under a medium-to-high emissions scenario, it was estimated
summarize three ‘grand challenges’ to protect and promote health in that climate change would cause approximately 250,000 additional
the face of climate change. In addition, we discuss the specific roles of deaths per year by the 2030s20. While the WHO assessments established
the health community in responding to these challenges and driving that climate change was already having a substantial adverse impact
change within and beyond the health sector. on human health, which was projected to increase into the future,
they recognized the inability of existing models to account for major
Current status of climate change impacts causal pathways for which no reliable quantitative models exist, or that
on health impact a wide range of health outcomes or that may have compounding
The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- effects with other health risks. Examples include persistent drought,
mate Change estimates that up to 3.6 billion people are living in con- migration pressures and risk of conflict. Further methodological work
ditions that are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change12. is needed to either improve quantitative models or develop alternative
Low-income and lower-middle-income countries and Small Island assessment approaches to capture these important risks.
Developing States face the greatest health consequences of climate The fact that poorer communities tend to have relatively lower
change, despite contributing the least to historical global emis- carbon emissions, but higher health vulnerabilities to climate change,
sions8,12. It is estimated that over the past decade, the mortality rate highlights the need for specific consideration of equity in designing
from extreme weather events was 15 times higher for populations in the public health response. A just and equitable response requires
highly vulnerable regions than in regions with the lowest vulnerability12. that those with both the largest responsibility for carbon emissions,
Within-country disparities also exist; those living in poverty, older and the greatest means, should bear the largest part of any costs of
people, women, children, indigenous peoples, outdoor workers, the climate change mitigation and adaptation, and that public measures
socially isolated and individuals with preexisting medical conditions should be explicitly designed to promote health equity, for example,
are typically at highest risk12. by prioritizing particularly vulnerable groups.
The WHO estimates that approximately 2 billion people lack access
to safe drinking water13. Furthermore, there are about 600 million Three grand challenges for health and
global cases of foodborne illnesses each year and children under the climate action
age of 5 years carry 30% of the burden of foodborne deaths (or 125,000 Climate change presents a fundamental threat to human health. It
child deaths every year)14. Extreme weather events and climate-related affects the physical environment as well as all aspects of both natural
environmental stressors degrade water and soil safety, thereby increas- and human systems—including social and economic conditions and
ing the risks of waterborne and foodborne illnesses. the functioning of health systems. It is therefore a ‘threat multiplier’,
In 2020, about 770 million people in the world faced hunger, pri- undermining and potentially reversing decades of health progress.
marily in Africa and Asia—with women and children at particularly high We identify three ‘grand challenges’ to address the threat of cli-
risk15. Higher temperatures, rising sea levels and flooding affect all mate change to health.
aspects of food and nutrition security. Consequently, climate-related
reductions in agricultural and marine productivity, biodiversity loss, Promote actions that both reduce carbon emissions and
volatility in food prices and disruptions in food imports further impact improve health
the quality, quantity and diversity of food consumed, leading to food To stay within the 1.5 °C global warming limit set out in the 2015 Paris
and nutrition crises. Agreement and avoid escalating and intolerable impacts on human
Changing temperature and precipitation patterns also create con- health and well-being, the world will need to drastically reduce carbon
ditions that facilitate the transmission of mosquito-borne, tick-borne emissions.
and rodent-borne diseases in many regions12. If prevention methods While efforts to achieve this goal are often discussed in terms of
are not strengthened, this could lead to an increase in deaths from paying higher economic costs to protect the global climate, evidence
vector-borne diseases (already at over 700,000 each year)16. now shows that the global transformation to clean energy would pay
The health risks of climate change can have both immediate for itself through reduced energy costs in as little as 6 years21. This
and long-term consequences. Extreme weather events can lead to transformation would also bring more and better jobs, and greatly
acute mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and improve health22. Valuing these societal benefits is estimated to bring
post-traumatic stress. The cumulative effect of loss of livelihood, dis- the payback time to less than 1 year21.
placement, disrupted social cohesion and uncertainty from climate Health has a strong influence on estimates of the benefits of cli-
change can also result in longer-term mental health disorders17. mate action, as the development pathways that are driving climate
Research is ongoing to quantify the current and projected change also have very large negative effects on human health. Nota-
future health effects of climate change. A recent study of 43 coun- bly, the sectors driving greenhouse gas emissions—including energy,
tries estimated that 37% of heat-related deaths are attributable to transport, industry, agriculture and waste—are also sources of harmful
human-induced climate change18, and the 2022 Lancet Countdown air pollutants, which increase mortality from cardiovascular disease,
on Climate Change and Health Report found that heat-related mor- respiratory illnesses and cancer23. The air quality improvements that
tality of people older than 65 years increased by almost 70% over would accompany compliance with the Paris Agreement would there-
the past two decades7. The same report estimates 98 million more fore avoid millions of premature deaths every year by 2050, bringing
people reporting moderate-to-severe food insecurity in 2020 than economic benefits that would equal or exceed the mitigation costs24,25.
the average in 1981–2010, due to climate change7. Advances in the These benefits can also be estimated at the national level, and in
application of detection and attribution studies to health outcomes relation to specific policies. A 2021 WHO study modeled the health
are also providing greater insight and confidence regarding the benefits of adjusting Pakistan’s nationally determined contribution to
magnitude of climate change-related health impacts of extreme the UNFCCC under the Paris Agreement. The study found that under
weather events19. a high-ambition scenario, Pakistan could reduce greenhouse gas
Climate change Secondly, health actors should work to identify and accelerate
UHC index response capacity
90 those climate change mitigation actions that bring the greatest health
gains, helping to galvanize political and financial support for accel-
85 erated climate action, and sustainable development overall. These
NA include a just and inclusive transition to renewable energy, phasing
out coal combustion and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, promoting
75 sustainable and healthy urban transport systems and housing, and
sustainable and healthy food systems and diets4.
Climate resilience
long-term climate change35,36. These vary, but typically include three
common features. First, implementation of climate-informed sur-
CLIMATE- veillance and response systems for key risks, such as extreme heat,
AB LEADERSHIP & AT infectious disease, and food and nutrition security to improve lead
IN & H E
STA ATE GOVERNANCE WO EA -SM times and accuracy of health early warning systems, and to project
the longer-term effects of climate variability and change. Second,
IN integration of climate risk into key ‘vertical’ health programs, target-
climate risks, such as occupational health, maternal, newborn and
child health, climate migrant health and healthy aging. Third, sup-
porting resilience and adaptation in ‘health-determining’ sectors,
and within communities35. Approximately 25% of the current global
burden of disease is attributable to environmental risks—largely
determined by decisions outside of health systems23. The great-
est health gains, and protection from climate risks, may therefore
N AG be achieved through collaboration with other sectors, and some
V &
Other 7%
Fig. 3 | Main barriers to implementation of national health and climate change plans. Data from the WHO Climate and Health Country Survey10; 46 country
respondents, multiple responses possible.
implementing climate and health interventions. There is also a need for mechanisms for products that harm health (which could potentially
further strengthening of platforms to make emerging evidence more include fossil fuels).
widely accessible and more directly connected to policy, for example, Cutting across all of the implementation functions above is the
through regional and national climate change observatories connected issue of finance. While climate change is now recognized as one of the
to policy institutions. greatest global health threats, there are no dedicated multilateral or
The urgency and existential threat of climate change calls for bilateral funding mechanisms of the kind that exist for some specific
greater investment in climate and health research and demonstration diseases (for example, AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), health threats
projects, and implies that it should pursue a more demand-driven (for example, pandemics) or population groups (for example mater-
approach to evidence generation, involving decision-makers and nal, newborn and child health). There is therefore an important role
affected populations as directly as possible. Such research should for the health sector in facilitating simpler, faster and greater access
be focused on the need to limit global warming, protect and improve to existing health and climate funding streams, assessing the scale of
health, and ensure universal access to high-quality, climate-resilient, health impacts which cannot now be avoided and therefore should
environmentally sustainable health services. be supported through any ‘loss and damage’ funds, and proposing
improvements in institutional and financial mechanisms for a scale
Implementation up of investment.
Guided by its values and mandates, and informed by the available evi-
dence, the health community can drive the necessary transformation Conclusion
through a range of functions: via direct responsibility for the formal Climate change is already having major negative impacts on public
healthcare sector, more broadly through public health functions into health, and these are increasing rapidly. The societal changes required
the wider community, and also in an advisory role capacity for other to stabilize the global climate will entail initial financial cost, but this
sectors that have a strong influence on health and climate change. is outweighed by the health benefits that are projected to result—even
The most direct effect that health professionals can exert is before considering the rapid economic payback time—and the funda-
through their individual and collective actions within their own work, mental benefit of maintaining the environmental conditions in which
to deliver improved, climate-resilient and low-carbon health systems. humans can survive and thrive.
The early experience in this emerging field indicates that success fac- The range of threats that climate change presents to health is large,
tors include a strong legislative basis (for example, a legally binding diverse and complex, presenting major challenges to health systems,
climate act mandating emissions reductions across sectors), political and to the global health architecture, which is largely supported by
leadership from senior management from within the health system, vertical programs to address individual diseases or health issues. A
investment in analytical and technical support and networking capac- goal-driven approach to (i) promote actions that both reduce carbon
ity and, above all, the positive engagement and commitment of the emissions and improve health, (ii) build better, more resilient and
health workforce. environmentally sustainable health systems, and (iii) implement public
The specific actions to be taken will depend on the professional health measures to protect from the range of climate risks to health, can
role and institutional context, and particularly at this relatively early help to structure and accelerate the health response to climate change.
stage of the development of the field, will depend heavily on learning The scale and scope of the health sector response needs to be com-
from and sharing experience. This is now being supported from the mensurate with the size of the health threat. While much progress has
international level through a range of policy and technical guidance, been made, much more is still needed. The challenges to delivering this
including the WHO’s Conceptual and Operational Framework for Build- transformation are largely political rather than technical, and require
ing Climate Resilient and Low Carbon Health Systems45, guidance on both leadership and public support. The health community has a criti-
developing roadmaps for low-carbon healthcare31,32, as well as tools for cal role to play—directly within the health sector by delivering improved
assessing and managing carbon emissions46–48. It is also supported by services while reducing carbon emissions, as well as through their
new collaborative initiatives, notably the Alliance for Transformative public health functions to safeguard and improve the environmental
Action on Climate and Health (Box 1). and social determinants of health, but also, crucially, through influenc-
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cal role in strengthening and adapting disease prevention to the new leaders and advocates, changing the narrative from the threat of the
challenges presented by climate change. In addition to assessing health climate crisis, to a positive and healthy future through climate action.
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