CP R77.30 Gateway For OpenStack AdminGuide

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Security Gateway for

Administration Guide

21 May 2015

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21 May 2015 First release of this document


Important Information ............................................................................................................ 3

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5
Deploying Security Gateway for OpenStack ........................................................................ 6
Defining the Network Topology ............................................................................................ 6
Creating a Security Group .............................................................................................. 7
Creating the Internal Network ......................................................................................... 7
Creating the Internal Subnet ........................................................................................... 7
Creating the Internal Gateway Port ................................................................................. 8
Allowing Traffic from the Internet through the Internal Gateway Port ............................... 8
Creating the External Gateway Port ................................................................................ 8
Allowing Traffic from the Internal Network through the External Gateway Port ................ 8
Adding a Route to the Internal Network .......................................................................... 9
Downloading the Image ....................................................................................................... 9
Creating a Storage Volume ................................................................................................. 9
Creating a Machine Flavor................................................................................................... 9
Importing a Key Pair .......................................................................................................... 10
Launching a Gateway Instance ......................................................................................... 10
Configuring the Check Point Gateway .......................................................................... 11
Associating a Public Address with the Gateway Instance .................................................. 12
Securely Accessing the Gateway Instance ........................................................................ 12
Deploying Servers on the Internal Network ....................................................................... 13
The OpenStack Foundation (http://www.openstack.org) is an organization that unites corporate sponsors,
individual developers and a user community to develop and deploy open source software for implementing
public (or private) cloud infrastructure and services, similar to (and sometimes compatible with) Amazon
Web Services.
This guide shows how to deploy an R77.30 Check Point Security Gateway that protects an internal subnet,
in an OpenStack-based cloud.
The guide assumes that you have expertise with:
 Check Point Security Gateway and Security Management.
 OpenStack command line components and Web UI (Dashboard). The procedures uses these
OpenStack command line components: neutron , glance, cinder, and nova. Some tasks can be
automated with OpenStack Heat templates. Heat templates are not covered in this guide.
Important - When copying and pasting commands from this guide into a command prompt, you
must manually link together in a chain the lines that end with '\'. Then, delete the '\'.

Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 5

Deploying Security Gateway for
To deploy a Check Point Gateway that secures traffic between the Internet and an internal network in an
OpenStack-based cloud:
1. Deploy an internal OpenStack subnet that is routed to the Internet through a Check Point Gateway
2. Install a OpenStack-ready Gaia image on the Gateway instance.
This document assumes a basic OpenStack deployment, that has a router ("router1") with:
 One interface connected to a public network ("public").
 One interface connected to an external network ("external").

Defining the Network Topology

To deploy Security Gateway for OpenStack, make these changes to the OpenStack default deployment:
 Add a network "internal".
 Configure a subnet ("internal-subnet") with the IP addresses in the "internal" network.
 Launch a Check Point Gateway instance that connects the "external" network and the "internal" network.

Configure the Gateway instance as a Security Gateway. You can then connect from a Security Management
Server that is not in the cloud, over the Internet, to the Security Gateway. Alternatively, configure the
Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 6
Gateway as a Security Gateway and Security Management Server (a standalone deployment). You can
then connect from a SmartConsole over the Internet to the Security Management Server.
The Check Point Security Gateway inspects all traffic to and from the Internet, and protects servers that are
connected to the "internal" network.

In this Section:
Creating a Security Group ........................................................................................ 7
Creating the Internal Network ................................................................................... 7
Creating the Internal Subnet ..................................................................................... 7
Creating the Internal Gateway Port........................................................................... 8
Allowing Traffic from the Internet through the Internal Gateway Port ....................... 8
Creating the External Gateway Port ......................................................................... 8
Allowing Traffic from the Internal Network through the External Gateway Port ....... 8
Adding a Route to the Internal Network .................................................................... 9

Creating a Security Group

The Gateway instance will enforce the Security Policy configured using Check Point Security Management.
Therefore, define the Security Group for traffic over the interfaces with a permissive policy.
1. Define the Security Group.
2. Add a permissive rule.

$ neutron security-group-create \
--description 'A permissive security group to be applied to the gateway' \

$ neutron security-group-rule-create \
--direction ingress \
--remote_ip_prefix \

Creating the Internal Network

Create the "internal" network.
$ neutron net-create internal

Creating the Internal Subnet

Create the internal subnet and attach it to the "internal" network.
1. Replace INTERNAL-START and INTERNAL-END with the IP address range for the "internal" network
2. Replace INTERNAL-SUBNET-CIDR with the CIDR format subnet address specification.
3. Replace INTERNAL-GATEWAY_ADDRESS with an IP address from the internal subnet that will be
used as the address of the Gateway interface connected to this subnet.

$ neutron subnet-create \
--name internal-subnet \
--allocation_pool start=INTERNAL-START,end=INTERNAL-END \
internal \

Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 7

Creating the Internal Gateway Port
Create the internal Gateway port. This will be the interface of the Gateway that is attached to the "internal"
Replace INTERNAL-GATEWAY-ADDRESS with the Security Gateway address defined in Creating the
Internal Subnet (on page 7).

$ neutron port-create \
--name internal-gw-port \
--fixed-ip ip_address=INTERNAL-GATEWAY-ADDRESS \
--security-group gateway-security-group \

Allowing Traffic from the Internet through the Internal Gateway

Edit the internal Gateway port to allow traffic the Internet to the internal network. To do this, allow traffic from
the Internet, through "router1", through the Gateway, to the "internal" network. To edit the internal Gateway
1. Get the MAC address of the internal Gateway port.
2. Allow traffic with the source MAC address and any source IP address.

$ int_port_mac=`neutron port-show internal-gw-port | awk '/ mac_address /{print $4}'`

$ neutron port-update \
internal-gw-port \
--allowed_address_pairs type=dict list=true mac_address=$int_port_mac,ip_address=

Creating the External Gateway Port

Create the external Gateway port. The external port is used as the interface of the Gateway that is attached
to the "external" network. The "external" network is connected to the "public" network (and the Internet)
through "router1".
Replace EXTERNAL-GATEWAY-ADDRESS with an IP address from the subnet of the "external" network.

$ neutron port-create \
--name external-gw-port \
--fixed-ip ip_address=EXTERNAL-GATEWAY-ADDRESS \
--security-group gateway-security-group \

Allowing Traffic from the Internal Network through the External

Gateway Port
Edit the external Gateway port to allow traffic from the internal subnet addresses to the external Gateway
port. This allows traffic coming from the "internal" network, through the Gateway, routed to the "external"
network, to "router1" and the Internet.
Edit the external Gateway port as follows:
1. Get the port's MAC address.
2. Allow traffic with this source MAC address and a source IP address in the internal subnet IP address
range. Replace INTERNAL-SUBNET-CIDR with the internal subnet IP address range.

$ ext_port_mac=`neutron port-show external-gw-port | awk '/ mac_address /{print $4}'`

$ neutron port-update \
external-gw-port \
--allowed_address_pairs type=dict list=true mac_address=$ext_port_mac,ip_address=INTERNAL-

Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 8

Adding a Route to the Internal Network
Update the router with a route to the internal network.
Replace EXTERNAL-GATEWAY-ADDRESS and INTERNAL-SUBNET-CIDR with the IP addresses defined

$ neutron router-update \
router1 \
--routes type=dict list=true nexthop=EXTERNAL-GATEWAY-ADDRESS,destination=INTERNAL-SUBNET-CIDR

Downloading the Image

Download the R77.30 image for OpenStack from R77.30 Gaia image for OpenStack
(http://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/file_download?id=42154) and save it as
Note - Do this step one time in an OpenStack deployment (one image can be used to launch many
Run these glance image management commands:

$ glance image-create \
--name Check-Point-R77.30-image \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--container-format bare \
--file Check_Point_R77.30_for_OpenStack.qcow2

Creating a Storage Volume

Before launching a new instance, create a disk volume from the imported image. The uncompressed size of
the customized image is 50 GiB (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibibyte).
1. Extract the image identifier of the image that was downloaded earlier.
2. Create a volume based on the image, using the cinder Block Storage management component.

$ image_id=`glance image-show Check-Point-R77.30-image | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ cinder create \
--display-name R77.30-volume \
--image-id $image_id 50

Wait for the new volume to become available. Monitor the status of the volume in the Web UI, or by running
this command line:

$ cinder show R77.30-volume | awk '/ status /{print $4}'

Creating a Machine Flavor

A machine flavor is the list of resources allocated to a virtual machine instance. You can create a flavor with
the resources required to run the image, or use an existing flavor that meets the minimum resource
The 2048 parameter in the command line is a RAM quantity of 2048 MiB
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte). You can set it to a different value depending on the expected load.
You must do this operation as the OpenStack admin. Use the nova Compute management component:

$ env OS_USERNAME=admin nova flavor-create 2048MiB-50GiB-1CPU auto 2048 50 1

Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 9

Importing a Key Pair
Import a key pair into the OpenStack environment. Replace KEY-NAME with the name of the key. Use the
Web UI or a nova Compute command:

$ nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub KEY-NAME

Launching a Gateway Instance

Before you launch a Gateway instance, extract the identifiers of the volume and the Gateway ports created
in the earlier steps.
You can launch a Gateway instance with nova Compute component in one of these ways:
 Using the first-time wizard
 Through a completely automated process that uses a user-defined script

To launch a Gateway instance using the first-time wizard:

1. Run these commands:
$ volume_id=`cinder show R77.30-volume | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ external_gw_port_id=`neutron port-show external-gw-port | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ internal_gw_port_id=`neutron port-show internal-gw-port | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ nova boot \
--flavor 2048MiB-50GiB-1CPU \
--key-name KEY-NAME \
--image Check-Point-R77.30-image \
--block-device id=$volume_id,source=volume,dest=volume,size=50 \
--nic port-id=$external_gw_port_id \
--nic port-id=$internal_gw_port_id \
--config-drive=true \
2. Run the first time wizard. See Configuring the Check Point Gateway (on page 11).

To launch a Gateway instance through a completely automated process:

1. Create a script USER-SCRIPT that runs at the time the computer boots up for the first time. Use these
commands in the script to configure the password for the OS admin user and to set the gateway as a
standalone Security Management Server and Security Gateway:
clish -c 'set user admin password-hash ADMIN-PASSWORD-HASH' -s
clish -c 'set interface eth1 ipv4-address INTERNAL-GATEWAY-ADDRESS mask-length INTERNAL-GATEWAY-
clish -c 'set interface eth1 state on' -s

(config_system -s
; shutdown -r now &)

Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 10

 ADMIN-PASSWORD-HASH - the hash of the OS admin user password, which you can copy from
/etc/shadow on another system
and mask size in bits
and mask size in bits
administrator user name and password (not hash)
 USER-SCRIPT - the name of the script file
2. Launch the instance with the flavor, key pair, image, volume, and interfaces defined in the earlier steps:
$ volume_id=`cinder show R77.30-volume | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ external_gw_port_id=`neutron port-show external-gw-port | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ internal_gw_port_id=`neutron port-show internal-gw-port | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ nova boot \
--flavor 2048MiB-50GiB-1CPU \
--key-name KEY-NAME \
--image Check-Point-R77.30-image \
--block-device id=$volume_id,source=volume,dest=volume,size=50 \
--nic port-id=$external_gw_port_id \
--nic port-id=$internal_gw_port_id \
--user-data USER-SCRIPT \
--config-drive=true \

Several minutes after you configure the Check Point gateway for the first time, you can use the Gaia WebUI
to configure your Gateway.

Configuring the Check Point Gateway

To configure the Check Point Gateway:
1. Set the admin password of the Gateway.
2. Connect to the Gaia WebUI portal of the Gateway.
3. Configure the Gateway instance as a Security Gateway, or as a Security Gateway and Security
Management Server (a standalone deployment).

Note - The host IP address and the default route are set automatically. Do not change them.

To set the administrator password:

1. Set the administrator password. Run:
set user admin password
At the prompt, enter the administrator password.
2. Run:
save config
3. Exit the gateway shell. Run:

To configure the Check Point Gateway:

1. Using a browser, connect to https://<GATEWAY-FLOATING-IP >
2. In the Gaia Portal window, log in using the administrator name (admin) and password that you defined
3. The WebUI shows the First Time Configuration Wizard.
Click Next.
4. Set the date and time (manually, or enter the hostname or IP address of the NTP server).
Click Next.
5. Set the host name for the appliance.
Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 11
6. Optional: Set the domain name, and IPv4 addresses for the DNS servers. You can configure IPv6 DNS
Click Next.
7. The interface page shows the internal IPv4 address of the interface. Do not change this setting.
Click Next.
8. Set the username and password for the Security Management Server administrator account.
Click Next.
9. Select Security Gateway and/or Security Management
Note: ClusterXL is not supported.
Click Next.
10. Define the GUI Clients that can log in to the Security Management Server.
Click Next.
11. If the Help Check Point Improve Software Updates window shows, click Yes or No as necessary.
12. Click Finish and then OK.

Note - You can also automate the first time configuration. To do that, refer to sk69701

Associating a Public Address with the Gateway Instance

The "external" IP address of the launched Gateway is allocated from the "external" network. This address is
usually not reachable from the Internet. To make the external address reachable, select a "floating" IP
address from the "public" network subnet. Then, associate this address with the address of the external
interface of the Gateway.
1. Extract the external interface identifier.
2. Choose and assign a public IP address and print the address. We will refer to this IP address as

$ external_gw_port_id=`neutron port-show external-gw-port | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

$ neutron floatingip-create \
--port-id $external_gw_port_id \
public \
| awk '/ floating_ip_address /{print $4}'

Securely Accessing the Gateway

Use SSH Connect to the Gateway instance as the admin user . Compare the public fingerprint from the
Gateway instance, to the public key from the OpenStack Console.
If you do not compare the fingerprints, you are vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack on your SSH

Note - It can take a few minutes after the launch of an instance before the system log is available
on the OpenStack Console.

To get the SSH public key fingerprints of the Gateway from the OpenStack Console:
1. Open an SSH client.
2. Run:
$ nova console-log R77.30-instance | grep '^ec2:'

Note the fingerprint strings. One of these fingerprints will match the key fingerprint that is presented when
making an SSH connection to the Gateway for the first time.
Security Gateway for OpenStack Administration Guide R77.30 | 12
To connect to the Gateway instance over ssh:
1. Run:

The address GATEWAY-FLOATING-IP is the public IP address that was associated with the Gateway in
Associating a Public Address with the Gateway Instance (on page 12).
2. Compare the public key fingerprint with the string sent by the Gateway.

Deploying Servers on the Internal

After installing a Policy on the Security Gateway from the Security Management Server, launch server
instances on the "internal" network. Traffic to and from the servers is protected by the Gateway.
The servers must be from a vendor or configuration that is supported by the OpenStack deployment.
Launch instances using the command line, using a OpenStack Heat template, or using the OpenStack
Horizon Web UI.
Note: The Havana release of OpenStack does not allow associating a public floating IP to a server that is
not directly connected to the router. Therefore, you cannot give a public IP address to servers in the
"internal" network. However, you can allocate additional public floating IP addresses to the external interface
of the Check Point Security Gateway, and then use Static NAT rules to redirect traffic for these addresses to
servers in the "internal" network.

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