Nutrients 15 05096 v2
Nutrients 15 05096 v2
Nutrients 15 05096 v2
Nutritional Strategies for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus: A Narrative Review
Tatiana Palotta Minari 1, * , Lúcia Helena Bonalume Tácito 2 , Louise Buonalumi Tácito Yugar 3 ,
Sílvia Elaine Ferreira-Melo 4 , Carolina Freitas Manzano 1 , Antônio Carlos Pires 2 , Heitor Moreno 4 ,
José Fernando Vilela-Martin 1 , Luciana Neves Cosenso-Martin 2 and Juan Carlos Yugar-Toledo 1
1 Department of Hypertension, State Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP),
São José do Rio Preto 15090-000, SP, Brazil
2 Department of Endocrinology, State Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP),
São José do Rio Preto 15090-000, SP, Brazil
3 School of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas 13083-887, SP, Brazil
4 Cardiovascular Pharmacology & Hypertension Laboratory, School of Medical Sciences,
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas 13083-887, SP, Brazil
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Background: Thinking about greater adherence to dietary planning, it is extremely impor-
tant to be aware of all nutritional strategies and dietary prescriptions available in the literature, and
of which of them is the most efficient for the management of T2DM. Methods: A search was carried
out in 2023 for randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and guidelines in the fol-
lowing databases: Pubmed, Scielo, Web of Science, CrossRef and Google Scholar. In total, 202 articles
were collected and analyzed. The period of publications was 1983–2023. Results: There is still no
consensus on what the best nutritional strategy or ideal dietary prescription is, and individuality is
necessary. In any case, these references suggest that Mediterranean Diet may of greater interest for the
management of T2DM, with the following recommended dietary prescription: 40–50% carbohydrates;
15–25% proteins; 25–35% fats (<7% saturated, 10% polyunsaturated, and 10% monounsaturated); at
Citation: Minari, T.P.; Tácito, L.H.B.; least 14 g of fiber for every 1000 kcal consumed; and <2300 mg sodium. Conclusions: Individuality
Yugar, L.B.T.; Ferreira-Melo, S.E.; is the gold standard for dietary prescriptions, however, the Mediterranean diet with low levels of
Manzano, C.F.; Pires, A.C.; carbohydrates and fats seems to be the most promising strategy for the management of T2DM.
Moreno, H.; Vilela-Martin, J.F.;
Cosenso-Martin, L.N.; Keywords: nutritional interventions; nutritional therapy; type 2 diabetes mellitus; nutritional strategies;
Yugar-Toledo, J.C. Nutritional
dietary prescription
Strategies for the Management of
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Narrative
Review. Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096.
1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Iskandar Idris
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a highly prevalent chronic disease worldwide, and
Received: 20 November 2023 represents one of the biggest public health problems of the 21st century. Its high incidence
Revised: 1 December 2023 and prevalence are attributed to population aging and lifestyle, which is characterized by
Accepted: 5 December 2023 physical inactivity and eating habits that predispose individuals to obesity and metabolic
Published: 13 December 2023 syndrome [1].
At the same time, this epidemiological scenario is worsening with the increase in
obesity rates [2]. According to the literature, obesity can predispose individuals to the
development of chronic noncommunicable diseases such as T2DM, hypertension and car-
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
diovascular diseases that probably reflect changes in lifestyle characterized by an increase
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
in energy intake and a reduction in physical exercise [2–4].
This article is an open access article
For patients with T2DM and who are overweight, progressive weight loss is rec-
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
ommended to improve quality of life and treatment. This recommendation is based on
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
short-term studies that point to the several benefits of the weight loss process, including im-
provements in glycemic modulation, cardiorespiratory markers, and quality of life [3,5–7].
However, the big question is “what is the patient’s motivation to form new healthy habits
and control the disease in the long term?” [8].
Thinking about greater adherence to dietary planning, it is important for the nutri-
tionist to be aware of all dietary prescriptions and nutritional strategies available in the
literature. Another step would be a critical analysis of them, thus verifying which would
be the most efficient in the management of T2DM.
2. Methods
A search was carried out in 2023 for randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews,
meta-analyses, and guidelines in the following databases: Pubmed, Scielo, Web of Science,
CrossRef, and Google Scholar. In total, 202 articles were collected and analyzed. The
period of publications was 1983–2023. The MeSH indexed terms searched were nutri-
tional interventions, nutritional therapy, type 2 diabetes mellitus, nutritional strategies and
dietary prescription.
3. Results
3.1. The Importance of Individuality in Nutritional Management of T2DM
The treatment of patients with T2DM can be controlled through structured lifestyle
programs, which include dietary education, intensive interdisciplinary therapy and physi-
cal exercise [6,9–12]. The individuality of the treatment and the synergy of interdisciplinary
team (nutritionist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, physical educator, and psychologist) are
fundamental to increase the patient’s quality of life. Another relevant factor is maintaining
empathy and trust between professionals and patients, including the person with T2DM,
who is the protagonist of the intervention [9,11–16].
The strongest evidence for T2DM prevention includes intensive lifestyle interven-
tion resulting in weight loss, reduced incidence of T2DM in overweight adults, and de-
creased glucose tolerance over three years [17]. Other studies with lifestyle interventions
have shown a reduction of 43% in T2DM progression over 20 years [18,19], of 34% over
10 years [17], and of 27% over 15 years [20], and have demonstrated a reduction in all-cause
cardiovascular mortality [21].
Over the years, nutritional interventions have gained increasing prominence in the
prevention, treatment, and maintenance of the disease. Strong evidence supports the
high effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of nutritional therapy for the treatment of T2DM.
Therefore, it is extremely important that all members of the healthcare team know the
benefits of improving the quality of life of T2DM patients in the long term [6,22–26].
Nutritional management must consider life cycles, nutritional diagnosis, eating habits,
individual characteristics, sociocultural issues, the patient’s economic situation, metabolic
profile, use of drugs, physical exercise, and other factors. The dietary prescription, nutri-
tional strategy, and eating plan must be individualized, taking into account the following
objectives: to improve glycemic markers, to increase weight loss, and to reduce cardiovas-
cular risk [9,27–31].
A generic healthy living plan is not enough to prevent and control T2DM, being unre-
alistic and incompatible with the peculiarities of each patient’s clinical case. This review
provides clarity about the many dietary choices and patterns that can help people achieve
health and a better quality of life [9,27–31]. Individualized nutritional management with
a multidisciplinary approach can help reduce glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), presenting
similar or even greater results than would be expected with pharmacological treatment for
T2DM. According to evidence, reductions in HbA1C could reach up to 2.0% in patients
with T2DM in 3–6 months [32,33]. The cost–effect relationship of various lifestyle inter-
ventions for diabetes prevention and control have also been documented in several other
studies [32–36].
Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096 3 of 27
3.2.1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrate is a source of energy used by the body, and is responsible for the
postprandial increase in blood glucose [36–39]. Foods that contain carbohydrates (sug-
ars, starches, or fiber) have a wide range of effects on the individual glycemic response.
Some types of carbohydrate prolong the increase and slow the decrease in blood glucose
concentrations, while others cause a rapid rise followed by a rapid fall [40].
Food sources of carbohydrates, especially those made up predominantly of dietary
fiber, vitamins, and minerals (those low in added sugars, fats, and sodium) should be
highlighted in individualized eating plans [32,36–38,41]. The amount of carbohydrates
needed for optimal health in patients with T2DM is still uncertain, and studies vary greatly
in the types of approaches and percentages of prescriptions. However, the literature
indicates that dietary intake of carbohydrates in T2DM should be around 130 g/day or
40–50% of carbohydrates within the total energy value (TEV), aiming mainly to meet brain
glucose requirements. The body’s other metabolic processes could be supplied by other
energy substrates, such as fatty acids, amino acids (glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis),
and ketone bodies (ketogenesis) [39–42].
-Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
The use of glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) to classify foods rich in car-
bohydrates according to their effects on glycemia still remains of interest to the scientific
community, especially in the management of T2DM. According to studies, GI and GL
could provide a prediction of postprandial blood glucose, the glycemic response curve,
and may also classify carbohydrate-rich foods according to their postprandial glycemic
response [43].
However, two systematic reviews with GI reported no significant impact on HbA1C,
and had mixed results on fasting glucose [32,40]. Furthermore, studies use various defini-
tions to classify low- and high-GI foods, leading to uncertainty regarding their usefulness in
clinical care, and this would be a too simplistic metric for consideration in the management
of T2DM. The authors discuss that several factors can have an impact, such as the following:
(1) Individual glycemic response; (2) The preparation method and cooking time of foods
that are sources of carbohydrates; (3) The addition of other food types to the meal, such
as vegetables, legumes, proteins, and poly and monounsaturated fats; (4) The addition of
drinks to the meal; (5) The order of food intake; (6) The gut microbiota [44–48].
A recent study showed that the order of food intake during a meal affects postprandial
glucose and insulin peaks in pre-diabetes. The researchers suggest that eating vegetables
and protein-rich foods at the beginning of meals and subsequently eating carbohydrate-rich
foods may present an innovative and economically accessible behavioral strategy to reduce
postprandial glycemic and insulinemic peaks in pre-diabetes, or to prevent T2DM [46].
Another study monitored glucose levels in 800 participants, and their glycemic re-
sponses were measured in 46.898 meals. A high individual variability was found in the
different responses to the identical meals offered. Some participants had greater postpran-
dial blood sugar spikes after eating cookies, and others did not have such good responses.
Other participants did not show an increase in postprandial blood glucose after eating
bananas, and others showed an increase. These findings suggest that universal dietary
Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096 4 of 27
recommendations may have limited usefulness, because there are several factors that can
alter these glycemic responses, such as genetics, sex, age, diet, mental health, and even
composition of the gut microbiota [45]. Therefore, individuality must be taken into consider-
ation when creating a dietary prescription, especially for T2DM patients who continuously
monitor their blood glucose levels [45,46].
According to guidelines, glycemic load has more relevance in treatment of T2DM, as
it takes into account the amount of carbohydrates presents within a 100 g portion [9,49].
Counting carbohydrates in the distribution of the patient’s meals is essential when putting
together dietary planning. The ‘Carbohydrate Counting Manual’ is a great guide formu-
lated by the Brazilian Diabetes Society that provides a resource for patients with T1DM
or T2DM to educate themselves and understand the disease [49]. Therefore, carbohydrate
counting, that is, knowing the amount of carbohydrates present in a 100 g portion (glycemic
load), seems to be more important for dietary management than analyzing the GI alone. In
this way, foods that are sources of carbohydrates (fruits, tubers, cereals, and whole grains)
can be included in the dietary plan, as long as they are within the daily carbohydrate
quantification and are combined with other foods [9,47,49].
3.2.2. Proteins
The references show a wide disparity in the percentage of protein prescription in
the management of T2DM. Some comparisons of protein amounts did not demonstrate
differences in results related to T2DM. Prescriptions ranged from 15 to 20% of TEV, but
more studies are needed [50–54]. It is worth remembering that in individuals with T1DM
and T2DM, the intake of some foods that are sources of protein, such as dairy products, can
also increase the postprandial insulin response. Therefore, the use of high-carbohydrate
hypercaloric diets in conjunction with high protein should be avoided when treating
patients, due to the potential increase insulin [9].
However, high-protein diets are advocated by some researchers as a strategy to facili-
tate weight loss, compared to other energy restriction strategies. The hypothesis would be
that patients with T2DM could benefit from high-protein diets due to better blood glucose
control. One study compared 30% protein intake within TEV vs. 15% protein within TEV
for 12 weeks. The results showed a reduction in weight, fasting glucose, and medication
use in the group that consumed 30% of their TEV in protein [54]. Other studies lasting 4 to
24 weeks reported that high-protein diets (25–32% of TEV) resulted in 2 kg more weight
loss and a 0.5% greater improvement in HbA1C, but without significant improvements in
fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol or blood pressure [55,56].
A recent meta-analysis analyzed the effect of protein intake on the metabolism of
T2DM patients. The results showed that there were no significant differences in relation
to HDL and LDL cholesterol in the groups with a high-protein and low-protein diet. The
same applies to HbA1C. However, significant reductions in blood pressure and greater
weight reduction were observed [56].
Researchers who develop high-protein diets can provide positive regulation of anorec-
tic hormones {cholecystokinin (CCK), peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide-1
(GLP-1)}, which suppress brain reactions that are linked to increased appetite. Furthermore,
protein consumption also helps to increase gastric emptying time, promoting a greater
satietogenic effect. In the long term, reduced appetite may contribute to weight loss, blood
pressure, and molecular biomarkers. In any case, a protein intake range of 15% to 20% of
TEV is the most prevalent in the literature, and so far appears to be the most fair prescription
for the management of T2DM. Additionally, more studies are needed [56].
3.2.3. Fats
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans defines a dietary fat prescription with a 25
to 35% TEV fat range. Dietary patterns that recommend replacing saturated fats with
polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats have demonstrated positive results in reducing
blood glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and increasing HDL cholesterol. The types or
Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096 5 of 27
quality of fats in dietary plans can influence results associated with a greater likelihood of
developing cardiovascular diseases [57–60].
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a low-fat diet, given that the
world population consumes, on average, 36–46% of their TEV in fats. This high intake has
been associated in several studies with increased cardiovascular risk. Additionally, only for
individuals with hypercholesterolemia and T2DM, the American College of Cardiology
(ACC) and the AHA recommend limiting the TEV of saturated fats to 5% to 6%. European
and Brazilian guidelines recommend limiting the consumption of saturated fats to <7% of
the TEV and total fats to <35% of the TEV to control dyslipidemia and T2DM [16,61–63].
High-fat diets, especially those rich in saturated fatty acids, are capable of altering the
composition of the gut microbiota, causing a decrease in bacterial diversity and an increase
in intestinal permeability. This process raises lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and activation
of TLR4 (toll-like receptor 4), generating metabolic endotoxemia and low-grade systemic
inflammation. This process add to development of several chronic diseases such as obesity,
diabetes, and atherosclerosis [64]. In addition, patients also pay attention to trans fatty
acids. Foods containing trans fatty acids (hydrogenated vegetable fat) should be minimized
as much as possible from the diet [16,33]. Excess trans and saturated fat intake above the
recommendation has been associated with a higher risk of T2DM [16,61,64,65], and can
also increase the inflammatory response in the gut microbiota [65].
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans concluded that the available evidence does
not support the recommendation to limit dietary cholesterol for the general population;
the exact recommendations for patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as
T2DM, are still less clear. Some researchers argue that the body produces enough cholesterol
to perform its physiological and structural functions, so that people do not need to obtain
it from food [33]. The studies also indicate that dietary cholesterol intake is correlated
with an increase in total cholesterol levels, but this is not linked to a greater likelihood
of cardiovascular diseases. More research is needed on the relationship between dietary
cholesterol, blood cholesterol, and cardiovascular events in people with T2DM [16,60,66].
-Saturated fat
Guidelines recommend that patients with dyslipidemia and T2DM consume an av-
erage of <7% of their TEV of saturated fat [16,33,62,63,67]. The scientific justification for
reducing saturated fat in the diet is based on the significant effect of saturated fat intake
on increasing LDL-C, a factor that contributes to the development and increased risk of
atherosclerosis [68]. The American Heart Association concluded that reducing saturated
fat intake and replacing it with unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated fats, reduces
the incidence of cardiovascular disease [69].
A meta-analysis showed a 17% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events in studies
that reduced saturated fat intake from 9% of the TEV, but no reductions in stroke, car-
diovascular mortality, or all-cause mortality were found. Benefits have also been seen
when replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat, but not with carbohydrates or
proteins [70]. In another study, with patients with T2DM, intake of food sources of mo-
nounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats was associated with a lower risk of CVD and
death, while intake of saturated fat and trans fats was associated with a higher risk of
cardiovascular disease. Replacing saturated fat with monounsaturated or polyunsaturated
fat and replacing trans fat with monounsaturated fat have been associated with a reduced
risk of developing cardiovascular disease [71,72].
In general, replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated
fat, significantly reduces total cholesterol and LDL-C, and replacing it with monounsatu-
rated fat from plant sources such as olive oil and nuts reduces the risk of cardiovascular
disease [67]. Replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates also lowers total cholesterol and
LDL-C, but significantly increases triglycerides and lowers HDL-C [68,73].
Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096 6 of 27
Recently, there has been an increase in the consumption and prescription of foods that
are sources of saturated fats by doctors and nutritionists, so guidelines have taken a strong
stance against the use of coconut oil, lard, bacon, and other foods rich in saturated fatty
acids. They have high levels of lauric, myristic, and palmitic acid, so daily consumption
should be avoided; they should be replaced by vegetable oils rich in monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as olive oil, canola oil, and sunflower oil [48].
A systematic review and meta-analysis analyzed the effect of coconut oil consumption
on LDL-C, HDL-C and other cardiovascular risk factors compared to other cooking oils. The
results showed that coconut oil consumption significantly increased LDL-C +10.47 mg/dL
and minimally increased HDL-C +4.00 mg/dL. The authors concluded that even when
HDL-C is increased, its daily consumption should be avoided, as it results in higher LDL-C
than other vegetable oils [74]. Coconut oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, especially lauric
acid (12 carbon atoms), myristic acid (14 carbon atoms), and palmitic acid (16 carbon atoms).
These types of fatty acids can contribute to increasing concentrations of total cholesterol
and LDL-C [74].
Another meta-analysis also demonstrated that all these saturated fatty acids (lauric,
myristic, and palmitic acid were included in items such as coconut oil, hydrogenated
vegetable fat, and palm oil) increase LDL cholesterol. Therefore, the authors suggest that
coconut oil should be replaced with other unsaturated vegetable oils (olive oil, canola
oil, and sunflower oil). The results are extremely relevant for nutritional and dietary
guidelines [75].
However, other studies did not show an association between intake of some foods that
contain a small portion of saturated fat, such as dairy products and eggs, with an increased
risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Dairy products also have carbohydrates
and proteins in their composition, and their saturated fat contents would not be too high
compared to other sources of saturated fat. Studies suggest that dairy products can be
included in the diet of T2DM, as long as they are quantified in <7% of saturated fats in
the TEV. Therefore, there should also be more interest in giving preference to low-fat
dairy products to ensure that the daily intake of saturated fats does not exceed 7% of the
TEV [76–78].
A similar result was found for eggs. Although they contain fat, they are also rich
in proteins, water, phytochemicals, carotenoids, and micronutrients. Their consumption
was not associated with cardiovascular risk, as long as it is properly quantified within the
energy need for saturated fats within the TEV (<7% for T2DM). Unfortunately, there is still
no consensus on the amount of egg intake per day or week, as there is great divergence in
the literature regarding the intake protocols used [51,62,63,68].
Some research has shown an increase in the risk of T2DM in individuals who consumed
3 to 4 eggs per week, and an increase in those who consumed more than 5 eggs per week.
Separation of intake by sex was also studied, illustrating that an intake of 5 eggs per week
in men and above 7 eggs per week in women could increase the risk of T2DM. Opposite
results were observed in other studies, as higher egg consumption was associated with
a lower risk of T2DM. In systematic reviews and meta-analyses that evaluated healthy
individuals, there was also no consensus on the association between egg consumption and
a higher risk of cardiovascular disease or T2DM. Confounding factors between saturated
fat intake and the amount of calories ingested per day (which favor weight gain and the
development of metabolic syndrome) can limit study results. In any case, more long-term
research is needed [62,63].
-Monounsaturated fats
Monounsaturated fatty acids have been recommended in the literature for their great
capacity to reduce inflammatory response and cardiovascular risk. Two clinical trials
applied the Mediterranean Diet, which is rich in food sources of monounsaturated fatty
acids (extra virgin olive oil and walnut oil), and showed a reduction in the incidence of
disease, cardiovascular risk, blood glucose, and body weight in T2DM [79,80].
Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096 7 of 27
cardiovascular disease mortality. Therefore, the intake of trans fatty acids should be avoided
and excluded from the diets of T2DM patients [13,16,63,71].
3.2.4. Fibers
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020–2025 recommend that patients with T2DM
consume at least 14 g of fiber per 1000 kcal (or 28 g per 2000 kcal), which must come from
the consumption of grains, whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits and legumes (beans,
peas, and lentils) [33]. Regular intake of dietary fiber is associated with reduced all-cause
mortality in T2DM, and should therefore be encouraged, as it also provides additional
benefits in obtaining micronutrients and phytochemicals [36,37,39]. Some studies have
shown a reduction in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HbA1C with an intake of 25 g of
fiber per day. However, this excessive intake may cause flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea.
Therefore, supplementation should occur in specific cases, and is not recommended in the
long term [39,91].
3.2.5. Sodium
Many groups of Health Sciences researchers recognize that the average sodium intake
of the population is greater than 3500 mg per day, and must be reduced to prevent and
control hypertension [26,33,39,92–94]. Reducing sodium to the general recommended
intake of 2300 mg/day (5 g of table salt) demonstrates positive effects on blood pressure
and for patients with T2DM, especially those with hypertension and heart disease [31,95].
However, high reductions in sodium should be avoided, as some studies have shown
an increased risk of mortality associated with very low sodium intake. This can be explained
by the increased excretion of sodium in urine in T2DM. Therefore, sodium intake targets
below 2300 mg/day should be avoided and considered individually according to dietary
preference and palatability, using medical monitoring [96–99].
3.2.6. Alcohol
Guidelines suggest moderation for adults with T2DM who drink alcoholic beverages.
It is recommended that healthcare professionals warn patients about the signs, symptoms
and self-care of reactive hypoglycemia after drinking alcohol, especially when using hy-
poglycemic medications, so monitoring glucose after drinking alcoholic beverages should
also be encouraged [9,16,33,63].
Some studies demonstrate that moderate alcohol consumption has a minimal, if any,
effect on blood glucose in T2DM [100–103]. The maximum daily intake recommendation
is defined as 15 g for women and 30 g for men. This 15 g a day may be represented by a
12-ounce (355 mL) bottle of beer, a 5-ounce (150 mL) glass of wine, or a 1.5-ounce (45 mL)
portion of distilled beverages [9,33]. Excessive alcohol use (more than 3 drinks per day or
21 drinks per week for men, and more than 2 drinks per day or 14 drinks per week for
women) may contribute to hyperglycemia [9,104,105].
However, studies have shown glycemic and cardiovascular benefits from moderate
alcohol consumption, but this needs to be analyzed carefully, because chronic intake can
put people with T2DM at risk of reactive hypoglycemia [103,106–109]. This effect may be
the result of inhibition of gluconeogenesis, reduced perception of hypoglycemia due to the
cerebral effects of alcohol, and reduced counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia. This
is relevant for patients who use insulin secretagogues and may have a fasting hypoglycemia
following alcohol consumption at night [32,33]. To minimize the risk of nocturnal hypo-
glycemia, it is suggested that patients eat some food when they drink alcohol [32,33,109]. It
is essential that people with T2DM receive education about recognizing the symptoms and
managing reactive hypoglycemia, as well as engaging in frequent blood glucose monitoring
after alcohol consumption [32,33,110].
Other reviews and meta-analyses also suggest a protective effect of moderate alcohol
intake on the risk of developing T2DM [101,111,112]. Moderate alcohol intake ranging
from 6–48 g/day (0.5–3.4 drinks) has been associated with a 30–56% lower incidence of
Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096 9 of 27
3.2.7. Sweeteners
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest replacing sugar-sweetened beverages
(non-diet soft drinks/sodas, flavored juice drinks, sports drinks, sweetened tea, coffee
drinks, energy drinks, and electrolyte replacement drinks) with water [33]. One study
found that replacing sugary drinks with an equal amount of water reduced the risk of
T2DM by 7–8% [114]. When low-energy sweeteners are used to reduce overall calorie
and carbohydrate intake, people should be advised to avoid compensatory behaviors like
additional calorie intake from other food sources [33].
Consumption of sugary drinks by the general population contributes to a significantly
increased risk of T2DM, weight gain, heart disease, kidney disease, non-alcoholic liver
disease, and tooth decay [115]. A meta-analysis reported that consuming one serving of a
sugary drink per day increased the risk of T2DM in adults with prediabetes by 26% [116].
Another study showed that regular soda intake increased the risk of T2DM by 13%, while
diet soda consumption increased the risk of T2DM by 8% [117].
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Surveillance Agency have
reviewed the safety of ingesting various types of sweeteners, approving them for con-
sumption by the general public, including T2DM patients. The term “sweeteners” refers to
high-intensity sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, non-nutritive sweeteners, and low-calorie
sweeteners. These include saccharin, neotame, acesulfame-K, aspartame, sucralose, advan-
tame, stevia, and others. Replacing table sugar and sweetened beverages with sweeteners
can reduce carbohydrate and calorie intake. These dietary changes can beneficially affect
blood glucose, weight, and cardiometabolic control [118,119].
Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence to determine whether the use of sweeten-
ers could really contribute to weight loss, reduced cardiometabolic risk, and attenuation of
glycemia in the long term [118]. Moreover, it may be said that the use of sweeteners is inter-
esting, as long as individuals do not compensate for calories throughout the day. Studies
conclude that sweeteners can be useful in reducing caloric intake, especially carbohydrates,
but more research is needed [120,121]. Regarding adverse effects, studies have investigated
hypotheses regarding (1) changing the sensation of hunger and satiety; (2) excessive use of
dietary products and consequent dysregulation of the intestinal microbiota; and (3) reduced
perception of calorie intake [118,122]. Therefore, for people who looking to reduce intake
of sugary drinks, drinking water is more encouraged than substituting diet drinks [118].
Sugar alcohols/polyols represent a separate category of sweeteners, and have been
approved by the FDA for consumption by the general public and in T2DM. Sugar alcohols
have fewer calories per gram than sugars, and they are not as sweet. Therefore, a larger
amount is needed to match the sweetness of the sugars, generally raising caloric content to
a level similar to sugars [123]. The use of sugar alcohols should be moderate, as they can
cause gastrointestinal effects in sensitive individuals. Currently, there is little research on
the benefits of sugar alcohols for people with T2DM [9,124].
weight loss and improves glucose tolerance, and causes a decrease in the incidence of
T2DM [151,152,160,161].
Studies have also pointed out that the Mediterranean diet may have a mixed effect on
HbA1C, weight and cholesterol. In a clinical trial, obese patients with T2DM were divided
in to three groups: the Mediterranean diet with calorie restriction vs. a low-fat diet with
calorie restriction vs. a very low-carbohydrate diet (28% of TEV carbohydrates) with calorie
restriction. The results showed that fasting glucose was lower in the Mediterranean diet
than in the low-fat and very low-carb groups [165].
Another study compared the Mediterranean diet with the low-fat diet for 4 years. The
results showed an improvement in the control of the glycemic profile in the Mediterranean
diet, and the need for the use of hypoglycemic medications was lower too [166]. Another
study showed that a Mediterranean diet with olive oil and nuts significantly reduced the
incidence of cardiovascular disease in T2DM patients [29].
A randomized crossover study evaluated the impact of the Ketogenic diet vs. the
Mediterranean diet on T2DM. Both diets incorporate the inclusion of non-starchy vegeta-
bles, the restriction of added sugars, and limitation of refined grains. The main differences
are the consumption of legumes, fruits, and whole grains only in the Mediterranean. The
authors concluded that both diets produced beneficial effects for individuals and a signifi-
cant reduction in HbA1c, but the ketogenic diet increased LDL, making it impossible to
rule out the potential cardiovascular risks that this change presents; in addition, it reduced
intake of vitamins and minerals, which is closely correlated with the restriction of important
food groups. Although controlling and reducing carbohydrate intake is beneficial and
recommended for controlling prediabetes and T2DM, more studies are needed [167].
Other interventions also showed benefits in improving HbA1C in patients with T2DM
who followed a Ketogenic diet (<26% of TEV in carbohydrates) for 3 and 6 months. How-
ever, the same results were not found at 12 and 24 months. The authors discuss that the
major limitations of these strategies would be low adherence to the diet and the increased
likelihood of long-term loss of lean mass. Food sources of carbohydrates are hyperpalatable,
as are fats, and alongside providing energy substrates for physiological and metabolic
functions, they also have an important emotional role. The production of ketone bodies
would not be sufficient to sustain the myocyte’s energy demand during long-term mus-
cle contraction. Therefore, researchers suggest individualized adjustments and flexibility
after 3–6 months of following this type of intervention, for greater adherence to lifestyle
changes [9,170].
Another meta-analysis compared the low-carb (<40% of the TEV from carbohydrates)
and low-fat diets (<30% TEV from fat) for 6 months. All groups restricted saturated fat
intake to <10% of the TEV. The results showed that the low-carb diet reduced HbA1C,
triglycerides, blood pressure, and the use of hypoglycemic drugs, and increased HDL-
C [171]. Another study compared the low-carb diet and high-carbohydrate diet (both
groups restricted saturated fat intake to <10% of TEV), and the results showed a reduction
in HbA1C, but this was not sustained in the long term [172].
However, the ketogenic diet is not recommended for people with T2DM who have
chronic kidney disease, people with eating disorders, or women who are pregnant. More
studies and literary support are needed before recommending this diet. Adopting the
very low-carb diet can cause diuresis and quickly reduce blood glucose levels. There-
fore, multidisciplinary team management is necessary to prevent dehydration and hypo-
glycemia [9,16,132].
Reducing carbohydrate intake in T2DM appears improve glucose metabolism and
molecular markers, thereby becoming a viable nutritional strategy. However, studies
on ketogenic diets generally indicate challenges to long-term sustainability. Therefore,
it is important to reevaluate and individualize eating plan guidance regularly for those
interested in this approach. It is worth remembering that insulin and other medications
may need to be adjusted to prevent hypoglycemia and blood pressure [9,132].
In any case, no randomized trials have been performed with people with T2DM
who increased saturated fat intake on low-carb or ketogenic diets to examine the effects
on blood glucose and risk factors for cardiovascular disease [167,171–174]. Guidelines
recommend the restriction of saturated fats, comprising 5–7% of the TEV for patients
with T2DM [9,16,47–49,68]. Therefore, more evidence is needed to analyze the real effi-
cacy, adherence, improvement of biochemical and cardiovascular parameters in the long
term [167,170–174].
cular risk and weight gain. Therefore, this strategy is also viable for the management of
T2DM [16,60–64,74,75,132].
Studies on intermittent fasting with T2DM demonstrate a variety of protocols: (1) restriction
of food intake for 18–20 h a day; (2) fasting all day (24 h fasting with days of normocaloric
intake); and (3) severe calorie restriction (intake < 1000 kcal/day) for up to 8 consecutive
days or more [196]. Some clinical trials with few participants (≤63 participants) and a
short duration (≤20 weeks) have demonstrated that fasting protocols on consecutive days
with severe caloric restriction (<1000 kcal/day) and fasting > 16 h per day can result in
weight loss in T2DM. However, there were no improvements in HbA1C compared with
conventional calorie restriction. One of the studies showed modest reductions in HbA1C,
weight, and medication doses when patients underwent 2 days of severe energy restriction
compared to conventional energy restriction [195–197].
A study has analyzed the applicability of fasting in patients with pre-diabetes. The
individuals were divided into two groups: (1) intervention with a dietary window of just
6 h (last meal at 3 p.m.); and (2) a control group with a 12 h food window. The results
showed improved insulin sensitivity, greater responsiveness of β cells, and a reduction in
blood pressure and oxidative stress in the intervention group. However, the study did not
control diet and exercise [197].
The results of intermittent fasting in T2DM are still controversial, and have limitations
(short-term studies, few participants, low long-term adherence, lack of control over diet
and physical exercise). Therefore, its practice requires great caution, especially for patients
who use hypoglycemic medications [197]. The safety of fasting in other specific subgroups,
including pregnant women and patients with eating disorders, has not yet been studied
and is also not recommended [16,47,132].
Table 1. Cont.
5. Conclusions
There is no consensus on what the ideal nutritional strategy and percentages of calories,
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for patients with T2DM. Therefore, the type of strategy
and distribution of macronutrients should be based on an individualized assessment of
current eating patterns, preferences, and metabolic goals. However, several references show
that Mediterranean diet may bring greater benefits in the long term, with the following
recommended dietary prescription: 40–50% carbohydrates; 15–25% proteins; 25–35% fats
(<7% saturated, 10% polyunsaturated, and 10% monounsaturated); at least 14 g of fiber for
every 1000 kcal consumed; and <2300 mg sodium.
Author Contributions: All individuals contributed significantly to the conception, design, and data
collection of the work, and participated sufficiently in the writing of this critical review article to
establish ownership of the intellectual content. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Nutrients 2023, 15, 5096 18 of 27
Funding: This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the State Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto
(FAMERP), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES) for making this work possible.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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