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Archives of Osteoporosis (2024) 19:23


The Dutch multidisciplinary guideline osteoporosis and fracture

prevention, taking a local guideline to the international arena
J. P. van den Bergh1,2 · P. Geusens3,4 · N. M. Appelman‑Dijkstra5 · H. J. G. van den Broek6 · P. J. M. Elders7 ·
G. de Klerk8 · M. van Oostwaard1,2 · H. C. Willems9 · M. C. Zillikens10 · W. F. Lems11

Received: 10 November 2023 / Accepted: 26 January 2024

© The Author(s) 2024

Background In 2018, a grant was provided for an evidence-based guideline on osteoporosis and fracture prevention based
on 10 clinically relevant questions.
Methods A multidisciplinary working group was formed with delegates from Dutch scientific and professional societies,
including representatives from the patient’s organization and the Dutch Institute for Medical Knowledge. The purpose was
to obtain a broad consensus among all participating societies to facilitate the implementation of the updated guideline.
Results Novel recommendations in our guideline are as follows:
- In patients with an indication for DXA of the lumbar spine and hips, there is also an indication for VFA.
- Directly starting with anabolic drugs (teriparatide or romosozumab) in patients with a very high fracture risk;
- Directly starting with zoledronic acid in patients 75 years and over with a hip fracture (independent of DXA);
- Directly starting with parenteral drugs (denosumab, teriparatide, zoledronic acid) in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
with very high fracture risk;
- A lifelong fracture risk management, including lifestyle, is indicated from the start of the first treatment.
Conclusion In our new multidisciplinary guideline osteoporosis and fracture prevention, we developed 5 “relatively new
statements” that are all a crucial step forward in the optimization of diagnosis and treatment for fracture prevention. We also
developed 5 flowcharts, and we suppose that this may be helpful for individual doctors and their patients in daily practice
and may facilitate implementation.

Keywords Fracture prevention · Multidisciplinary guideline · Osteoporosis

* J. P. van den Bergh Osteoporose Vereniging, Bilthoven, the Netherlands
[email protected] 7
Department of General Practice, Amsterdam Public Health
1 Institute, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Internal Medicine, VieCuri Medical Center,
Venlo, the Netherlands Department of Surgery, ADRZ, Goes, the Netherlands
2 9
Department of Internal Medicine, Maastricht University Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Amsterdam
Medical Center, Maastricht, the Netherlands University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
3 10
Department of Internal Medicine, Subdivision Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, University
Rheumatology, Maastricht University Medical Center, Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Maastricht, the Netherlands 11
Department of Rheumatology, Amsterdam University
Department of Medicine and Life Science, Hasselt Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
University, Hasselt, Belgium
Department of Internal Medicine, Division Endocrinology,
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands

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Introduction on the online Dutch Guideline database in September

2022: (https://​r icht​lijne​ndata​base.​nl/​r icht​lijn/​osteo​porose_​
In 2018, a grant from the Dutch Foundation Quality Fund- en_​fract​uurpr​event​ie/​start​pagin​a_-_​osteo​porose_​en_​fract​
ing of Medical Specialists (Stichting Kwaliteitsgelden uurpr​event​ie.​html).
Medisch Specialisten (SKMS)) was obtained at the request
of endocrinologists to provide an update of the evidence-
based guideline for osteoporosis and fracture prevention Methodology
that was published in 2011, based on 10 clinically rel-
evant questions. The grant proposal and the update were The development of this guideline was based on the
coordinated by the Dutch Society for Internal Medicine. AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evalu-
After getting approval for financial support, a multidisci- ation) II instrument (Brouwers, 2010). Briefly, for all 10
plinary working group was formed with delegates from research questions, the PICO (Patient/Problem, Intervention,
Dutch scientific and professional societies to participate Comparison, and Outcome) strategy was utilized to search
in the multidisciplinary working group. The core work- relevant literature in the Cochrane Library, PubMed, and
ing group consisted of 3 internists, 3 general practition- Embase. To grade the quality of evidence and the strength
ers, 2 rheumatologists, a geriatrician, a trauma surgeon, a of the guideline recommendations, the GRADE (Grad-
nurse practitioner, a member of the Dutch Osteoporosis ing of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and
Patient Association, and a senior advisor of the Quality Evaluation) approach was used. The evidence-to-decision
Institute of the Federation of Dutch Medical Specialists. framework from the GRADE Working Group was applied
The core working group was responsible for the scientific to translate the available evidence into recommendations [1,
update of the guideline. In addition, an advisory board 2]. In Table 1, we showed the items that are relevant to the
was formed by delegates of various scientific societies quality of the guideline/set of recommendations.
(Pharmacy, Nurse Specialists, Physical Therapy, Dietetics,
Sports Medicine, Gynecology, Radiology, Nuclear Medi-
cine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Dental Surgery) to provide Results
comments, reflections, and adaptations on all chapters of
the updated proposal. The purpose was to obtain a broad The literature search and the discussion led to several recom-
consensus among all participating societies to facilitate mendations; 5 are, in our opinion, relatively “new in guide-
the implementation of the updated guideline by all disci- lines”, and of course, some are more or less in line with
plines. The core working group started in 2019, and the other guidelines. We report here on those 5 recommenda-
updated version of the guideline was ready in July 2021 tions that are really “new in guidelines” (Table 2).
and was sent to all associations involved for review. The
review period was open for 6 months. Based on the com- In patients with an indication for DXA of lumbar
ments, the guideline text was extensively revised, and the spine and hips, there is also an indication for VFA
revised version of the guideline was sent to all societies
for final approval, which was obtained in August 2022. Although fracture risk can be estimated by clinical risk fac-
The guideline was authorized by the Federation of Dutch tors and by DXA-BMD, with DXA-VFA, it is possible to
Medical Specialists in August 2022 and became available diagnose vertebral fractures (VFs) [3]. With VFA, a quick
visual assessment of the heights of the vertebrae of the

Table 1  Quality items of the Dutch multidisciplinary guideline osteoporosis and fracture prevention

Working group consists of official delegates of professional and scientific organizations, including patients organization
Multidisciplinary working group, with delegates from endocrinology, geriatrics, rheumatology, farmacology, general practitioners, nurse practi-
tioners and patients
An advisory board was formed by delegates of various scientific societies (Pharmacy, Nurse Specialists, Physical Therapy, Dietetics, Sports
Medicine, Gynecology, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Dental Surgery) to provide comments, reflections and adapta-
10 research questions, for which a literature search was done by a senior advisor of the Quality Institute of the Federation of Dutch Medical
To grade the quality of evidence and the strength of the guideline recommendations, the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development and Evaluation) approach was used
We made 5 flowcharts showing what to do in which patient for diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, for educational reasons and to facilitate
Archives of Osteoporosis (2024) 19:23 Page 3 of 13 23

Table 2  What is really new in the Dutch Multidisciplinary Guideline Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention

Diagnosis: In all patients with an indication for DXA of lumbar spine and hip, lateral imaging of the spine has to be performed with vertebral
fracture assessment (VFA)
Treatment: Directly starting with anabolic drugs (teriparatide or romosozumab) in patients with a very high fracture risk
Treatment: Directly starting with second-line drugs (denosumab, teriparatide, zoledronic acid) in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis at very
high fracture risk
Treatment: Directly starting with zoledronic acid in patients 75 years and over with a hip fracture (independent of DXA)
Management: A lifelong fracture prevention strategy is indicated from the start of the first treatment

lateral spine is performed in the same session as the DXA- responsible for reporting for DXA and VFA, and discussed
BMD. DXA-VFA is a relatively cheap and reliable technique around a scoring method that is one of the best and easiest
to detect vertebral fractures, particularly moderate to severe and reliable to implement nationwide: both the above-men-
fractures (Genant Grades II and III). tioned scientific societies and multidisciplinary guideline
Vertebral fractures (VFs) are the most common fractures committee preferred that all vertebral fractures should be
among men and women in individuals 50 years and above graded morphometrically according to the Genant method
[4–7]. It has been estimated that only 1 out of 3 or 1 out of 4 [12]. The grading according to the Genant is dependent on
vertebral fractures is symptomatic [7, 8]. Thus, the majority height loss: mild (Grade 1, 20 to 24%), moderate (Grade 2,
of VFs are asymptomatic, defined as a vertebral fracture on 25 to 39%), and severe (40% or more).
a radiograph in an individual not seeking medical help from
a physician because of back pain around the location of the
vertebral fracture. These so-called asymptomatic vertebral Anabolic drugs in high‑risk postmenopausal women
fractures represent one of the important gaps in our ability
to find all patients with high fracture risk, but they can be Until recently, teriparatide was the only drug available in the
identified easily and reliably with DXA-VFA [9]. Netherlands and was prescribed to men and women with at
The clinical relevance of diagnosing vertebral fractures least two prevalent fractures who had another vertebral or
is that vertebral fractures are risk factors for future frac- nonvertebral fracture after at least 1 year of treatment with
tures, independent of BMD. In patients with VFs, the risk an antiresorptive drug. This has changed rigorously with the
for both vertebral and nonvertebral fractures, (including hip introduction of romosozumab and by two studies showing
fractures) is elevated [10, 11]. The risk of both incident, the superiority in fracture reduction of teriparatide over rise-
vertebral and non-vertebral fractures, is strongly related to dronate and romosozumab over alendronate [13, 14]. In the
the combination of low BMD and the number and severity 2-year VERO trial, vertebral fractures occurred in 5.4% of
of prevalent vertebral fractures [10, 11]. teriparatide users, and in 12.0% of risedronate users (hazard
Thus, there are three reasons for performing a DXA-VFA ratio 0.44, 95% c.i. 0.29–0.68, p < 0.0001), and there was a
in addition to DXA-BMD: trend for reduction in nonvertebral fractures: 4.0% versus
6.1% (hazard ratio 0.66, 95% c.i. 0.39–1.10) [14].
1) to diagnose one or more vertebral fractures, which ele- In the ARCH trial, the primary endpoints were the cumu-
vates the future fracture risk; lative incidence of new vertebral fractures and clinical frac-
2) to have a baseline value; when an osteoporotic patient tures (nonvertebral and symptomatic vertebral fracture) at
suffers from back pain during treatment, it makes it 24 months. Vertebral fractures occurred in 6.2% of romo-
possible to differentiate between a prevalent fracture sozumab users and 11.9% of alendronate users (hazard ratio
(already present before starting drug treatment, thus no 0.52, 95% c.i. 0.40–0.66, p < 0.0001, and the cumulative
treatment failure) and a new vertebral fracture, which incidence of clinical fractures was also significantly lower
opens the discussion about a treatment failure; in romosozumab users with 9.7% versus 13.0% (hazard ratio
3) in some patients in which moderate or severe vertebral 0.73, 95% c.i. 0.61–0.88), including the risk of nonvertebral
fractures (Genant Grade 2 or more) can be diagnosed, fractures with 8.7% versus 10.6% (hazard ratio 0.81 (95%
this may result in an indication for anabolic therapy c.i.:0.66–0.99) [13].
Thus, a new indication for anabolic treatment is based on
Another step forward is the reporting of the results of the evidence that they have fracture prevention superiority
VFA. In daily practice, a fracture on VFA is often described as initial therapy above anti-resorptive drugs. This is in line
as a “little” or “substantial” fracture, which are vague and with an earlier algorithm, in which it is advocated to use
non-scientific terms. We invited the Dutch Societies of Radi- anabolic drugs as initial therapy in high-risk patients and
ology and Nuclear Medicine, in the Netherlands usually that treatment should be continued with an antiresorptive
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agent after completion of the anabolic treatment period of hospitals [18]. Another point is adherence to treatment, with
1 year with romosozumab and 2 years of teriparatide [15]. maybe low in patients with osteoporosis, and particularly in
This is changing the paradigm, not waiting for fractures the elderly, with polypharmacy. As multiple studies failed
as a treatment failure, but starting with anabolics in those to provide evidence for altered negative fracture healing in
with the highest fracture risk. The reasons for only starting these patients, we incorporated this option in the guideline.
with anabolics in high-risk patients are the balance between As a main body of evidence for this advice, we rely on the
the strong effect on fracture reduction versus the higher drug unique study from Lyles and colleagues, in hip fracture
costs and the use of parenteral drugs instead of oral pills. patients, in which zoledronic acid was given versus placebo
However, although the concept of starting with anabolics within 90 days of the hip fracture: reduction in clinical ver-
is attractive, the definition of high fracture risk is arbitrary tebral fractures (− 46%), non-vertebral fractures (− 27%),
[15]. We choose for a high-risk definition based on the pres- and mortality risk (− 28%) was found [19]. Although this
ence of low BMD combined with the presence of vertebral was only one (unique) study, the data are very convincing,
fractures as in the selection criteria of the VERO trial for and a strong argument to initiate zoledronic acid after a hip
teriparatide and the ARCH trial for romosozumab [13, 14]. fracture in patients 75 years and over, even without a DXA/
Therefore, teriparatide should be considered first-choice VFA. Of course, a DXA/VFA is relevant and can be per-
treatment in postmenopausal women with a T-score ≤  − 1.5 formed later after the rehabilitation as a baseline value but
in the FN, TH, or lumbar spine and at least 2 Grade 2 VFs is not necessary for decision-making about starting with
or 1 Grade 3 VF. antiosteoporotic treatment.
Romosozumab should be considered first-line treatment In individuals with a hip fracture below 75 years of age,
in postmenopausal women without a history of MI or stroke we suggest the normal work-up as in other patients at the
and with T-score ≤  − 2.5 in the FN or TH (not lumbar spine) Fracture Liaison Service, with DXA/VFA, fall risk analysis,
and at least 1 Grade 2 or 3 VF, or a T-score ≤  − 2.0 in the and screening for underlying osteoporosis.
FN or TH (not lumbar spine) and at least 2 Grade 2 or 3
VFs. The guideline recommends that this level of care con- Directly starting with parenteral drugs
stitutes hospital-based care and underscored the importance (denosumab, teriparatide, zoledronic acid)
of considering a hospital referral for patients meeting these in glucocorticoid‑induced osteoporosis with very
criteria. high fracture risk
In such patients, anabolic treatment is recommended as
the first choice; obviously, this is an enormous step forward Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) is the most
in fracture prevention in high-risk patients with a low BMD common cause of secondary osteoporosis, and fracture risk
and vertebral fractures. in patients treated with glucocorticoids (GC) is related to
primary risk factors for osteoporosis (age, low BMI, familiar
Directly starting with zoledronic acid in patients osteoporosis, smoking, etc.) and risk factors for secondary
75 years and over with a hip fracture (independently osteoporosis (dosage of GC and severity of underlying dis-
of DXA) ease) [20]). However, GC-treated patients are often under-
treated; only 30–50% of GC-treated patients treated with
Hip fractures are associated with seriously reduced qual- prednisone 7.5 mg per day or more receive anti-osteoporotic
ity of life (the majority recover in a rehabilitation center) drugs [21, 22]. We think that we can improve fracture reduc-
[16] and with high mortality risk: between 2016 and 2019, tion in GC-treated patients with the implementation of two
it was 28% in England and Wales [17]. Remarkably, many strategies:
hip fracture patients are not treated with anti-osteoporotic In patients 50 years and over, treated with 7.5 mg pred-
drugs: when admitted to the hospital, there is an unneces- nisone per day or more, we recommend direct starting with
sary fear of inhibiting fracture repair by using antiresorp- oral bisphosphonates, without waiting for the results of
tives, and outside the hospital, no treatment is prescribed DXA/VFA. Nevertheless, it is important to perform a DXA/
because patients are lost in follow-up, or it is too difficult VFA even after starting with oral bisphosphonates, because
to perform a DXA, etc. As a consequence, those with the when patients suffer from back pain 2 years later, the only
highest fracture risk are not protected by antiosteoporotic way to differentiate between an old, already at baseline exist-
drugs. Data from the UK showed that most patients (88.3%) ing prevalent vertebral and a new, incident vertebral fracture,
are not taking any antiosteoporotic medication when they is to compare baseline with follow-up VFA.
present with a hip fracture, and only half of patients (50.8%) A completely new issue is the starting with parenteral
were prescribed antiosteoporotic medication AOM treatment drugs in GC-treated patients at very high fracture risk, more
by the time of discharge, and the proportion deemed “inap- or less analogous to the start with bone-forming agents
propriate for AOM” varied hugely (0.2–83.6%) in different (romosozumab, teriparatide) in postmenopausal women
Archives of Osteoporosis (2024) 19:23 Page 5 of 13 23

with very high fracture risk. Remarkably, in earlier studies, rule, which is also relatively new: it is recommended that
teriparatide has been proven to be superior to alendronate after tapering and stopping GC, DXA/VFA should be
(favorable response in BMD and in vertebral fracture reduc- done, and treatment should be continued in patients with a
tion [23], while both zoledronic acid [24] and Dmab [25] T-score <  − 2.5, and/or a vertebral fracture grade 2, and/or
have been shown superior in changes in BMD versus rise- a recent nonvertebral fracture (< 2 years).
dronate. Thus, in our opinion, the start with oral bisphos-
phonates in GC-treated patients with a very high fracture A lifelong fracture prevention strategy is indicated
risk is suboptimal, since more powerful drugs are available. from the start of the first treatment
Since there are no comparative trials between zoledronic
acid, dmab, and teriparatide in GC-treated patients, we have In many studies, it has been shown that adherence to treat-
no preference between these drugs and suggest physicians ment is one of the biggest issues in the field of osteoporosis,
to choose between these 3 drugs based on the preferences e.g., in the Netherlands, it has been shown that 1 year after
and characteristics of the individual, very high-risk patient. starting with several oral anti-osteoporotic drugs, 50% had
In the multidisciplinary guideline, very high risk in GC- stopped [26]. Other data showed that for parenteral drugs,
treated patients (arbitrarily) defined as age > 70 years, and/ such as zoledronic acid, teriparatide and denosumab, adher-
or recent non-vertebral fracture (less than 2 years), and/or ence is also an issue: 2 years after starting therapy, around
a vertebral fracture Grade 2 or more (> 25% height loss), 50% has stopped [27]. Obviously, this is insufficient in the
and/or T-score < 2.0 in spine and/or hips, and or prednisone prevention of fractures. Analogous to cardiovascular risk
dosage > 15 mg for at least 3 months, and/or in patients with management, which is lifelong, we propose a lifelong frac-
very severe disease activity (Fig. 1). ture risk management strategy in patients with high fracture
To stimulate the adequate use of anti-osteoporotic drugs, risk. It is crucial to communicate to patients with a high frac-
we made a scheme for clinicians that might be very helpful ture risk that they should have not 3 to 5 years of drug treat-
for GC-treated patients at various risks for fractures, with the ment, but a lifelong fracture management, which does not
age of the patient and the dosage of GC are the key elements mean that they should always need medications since, e.g.,
of fracture risk. Apart from direct starting with bisphos- bisphosphonates, there can be a drug-holiday after some
phonates in high-risk patients and with second-line drugs years of treatment. It is important to realize that lifestyle
in patients with very high risk, we also added a stopping measures, such as adequate nutrition, including calcium,

Fig. 1  Treatment advice for patients treated with glucocorticoids

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vitamin D, and exercise/fall prevention play a crucial and eventually optimize compliance. Standard therapy in
complementary role, in addition to drug therapy. terms of duration is based on the results of fracture effi-
After the 4-step diagnostic process, oral weekly alen- cacy in pivotal RCTs and is recommended after 5 years
dronate and risedronate are usually the first choices [28–30], for alendronate and risedronate [31, 32], after 3 years for
while in case of GI complaints, alendronate in fluid form or zoledronate [33] (Fig. 4) and denosumab, after 2 years for
zoledronate or denosumab is the best alternative and even- teriparatide and after 1 year for romosozumab.
tual raloxifene. As mentioned above, anabolic treatment It is extremely important to realize that while a
(with teriparatide or romosozumab) is recommended as the 2–3 year drug holiday is possible in adequately treated
first choice in patients with a combination of low BMD and bisphosphonate-treated patients, with other drugs, such
(severe) VFs, and zoledronic acid is the first choice after a as romosozumab and teripartide, the gain in BMD should
recent hip fracture in patients 75 years and over, even with- be preserved by continuing with antiresorptive drugs. This
out a DXA and VFA. We have shown this in a flowchart in is even more crucial for patients using denosumab: after
patients ≥ 50 years with a recent fracture (Fig. 2) and in a stopping denosumab, the strongly depressed CTX-levels
flowchart in patients without a recent fracture and without during denosumab do not gradually increase over the years
GC use, but with an increased risk profile based on BMD to baseline but increase within a few months to above the
and prevalent VFs (Fig. 3). In this group of patients, the baseline value (an overshoot reaction) and that is associ-
recommendations to start treatment are marked in green. In ated with an increase in vertebral fractures, particularly
the subgroup of patients aged 60–70 years, it is not recom- in those with prevalent fractures. Thus, for denosumab
mended to start treatment in all patients. In these patients, users, it is crucial to start with another drug not longer
without a recent fracture or prevalent VFs and not using GC, than 6 months after the last denosumab injection; it has
the absolute fracture risk and, therefore, risk reduction with been suggested that zoledronic acid might be the most
treatment may be low, and the decision to initiate treatment effective, one injection, or a second injection 6 months
is mainly based on shared decision-making. later in patients with high fracture risk after 3 years or
In a model of lifelong fracture risk management, moni- more denosumab use. See the flowcharts on evaluation of
toring is crucial. During any drug treatment, evaluation treatment with bisphosphonates (Fig. 4) and of denosumab
after 3 months and yearly afterward is recommended to (Fig. 5). For denosumab, a maximum of 10 years of con-
discuss tolerance, compliance, and motivation and to tinued treatment is recommended, as there is no evidence

Fig. 2  Evaluation of therapy-naive patient ≥ 50 years with a recent fracture

Archives of Osteoporosis (2024) 19:23 Page 7 of 13 23

Evaluation of therapy naive patient without a fracture but with increased risk profile
Calculate risk score

Check clinical risk factors, fall risk, dietary intake

DXA+VFA for baseline and therapy choice


T >-1.0 T -1.0 till -2.5 T≤ -2.5

VF Gr2/or Gr3 VF Gr2/or Gr3

yes yes
no no

60-70yr ≥ 70yr

Lifestyle and fall prevention advices , start Ca/D3

Laboratory testing

In case of vertebral fractures consider boneforming agents: 1st choice Alendronate or Risedronate
Teriparatide: BMD T≤-1.5 + 1 Gr3 or 2 Gr2 VF OR Romosozumab in females:
Start therapy hip T≤-2.0 + 2 Gr2 and/or 2 Gr3 VF or hip T≤-2.5 + 1 Gr2 of 1 Gr3 VF Other choices Zoledronate or Denosumab
Otherwise start (unless hipfracture ):
Shared decison making
1st choice Alendronate or Risedronate
Other choices Zoledronate or Denosumab * Lumbar Spine or total hip or femoral neck

Fig. 3  Evaluation of therapy-naive patient without a recent fracture, but with an increased risk profile

Fig. 4  Evaluation on therapy: bisphosphonates

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Fig. 5  Evaluation on therapy: denosumab

in the literature of safety and efficacy beyond this period Identification of patients with a high fracture risk is indi-
of treatment. cated in 3 groups
Finally, reevaluation after drug therapy consists of a
standard evaluation to decide about the level of future frac- 1. All patients 50 years and over with a recent fracture
ture risk. Low risk is defined as a T-score > − 2.5 (lowest should be considered for evaluation at the Fracture Liai-
T-score at the lumbar spine (LS) + femoral neck (FN) + total son Service (FLS). All these patients should be identified
hip (TH), and no incident VF or NVF and no new clinical and invited for DXA/VFA, fall risk analysis and testing
risk factors. Increased risk is defined as a T-score ≤  − 2.5 for forms of secondary osteoporosis. This is in line with
(lowest T-score at the LS or FN of TH), or bone loss > 5% current recommendations and guidelines from ASBMR,
(spine or FN of TH) or incident new VF or NVF, or new IOF, and EULAR [34–36], and probably also with other
clinical risk factors. When the fracture risk is low, bisphos- local guidelines. The biggest issue is the implementa-
phonates and raloxifene should be stopped, and lifestyle and tion: in 2016, a nationwide survey was done in the Neth-
adequate calcium and vitamin D intake should be continued. erlands, and only in 26% of fracture patients 50 years
Standard reevaluation is recommended 2 years after stop- and over, a DXA was performed. Lack of awareness of
ping oral bisphosphonates and raloxifene and 3 years after osteoporosis among both patients and health profession-
stopping zoledronate. als as a serious disease was one of the most important
reasons, apart from financial issues and lack of clarity
Summary of the other clinically relevant questions on the tasks of different health professionals in fracture
and literature searches prevention. Clearly, we must do better, one of the options
is to start with fracture-prevention teams (with a surgeon,
As mentioned, the new Dutch guideline was based on a lit- a non-surgeon (endocrinologist, rheumatologist, etc., and
erature search of 10 clinically relevant questions and litera- a fracture nurse) in all hospitals, who identify all fracture
ture searches. For completeness, we report on all of them, patients 50 years and over. Currently, nearly all of the
but in a summarized form, because they are more or less in around 80 hospitals in the Netherlands have an FLS, but
line with other guidelines and recommendations, and not so undercapacity, particularly in fracture nurses, plays an
“new” as the above presented 5 topics. important role in many hospitals.
Archives of Osteoporosis (2024) 19:23 Page 9 of 13 23

2. In patients 60 years and over, with clinical risk fac- due to falls, as in elderly individuals 65 years and over and a
tors, but without a recent fracture, and without the use of recent fall or fall-related fracture, it is advocated to perform
glucocorticoids. Based on our literature search, we made a multifactorial risk analysis, usually by referring a patient
a table of risk factors, in patients with 4 or more points, to a fall-risk outpatient clinic.
a fracture risk analysis is indicated (DXA/VFA, fall risk For other patients with a lower fracture risk, such as
analysis and testing for secondary osteoporosis). individuals < 65 years of age and with 2 or more falls in
Although our risk factor table does not fully overlap with recent year, it is advocated that the physician or fracture
other scoring systems, such as FRAX, there is remarkable nurse checks for risk factors that can, at least theoretically,
overlap. The selection of these clinical risks was based on be influenced: alcohol intake, use of sedatives and other
the Dutch fracture risk data [37] (Table 3). drugs (cardiovascular) that may increase fall risk and ortho-
3. Patients treated with glucocorticoids, as discussed static hypotension, deteriorated vision, muscle, and balance
above. weakness.
4. Which laboratory testing should be performed in Interestingly, the authors expect that implementation will
patients with an elevated fracture risk? be difficult because of barriers in health care professionals:
they do not regard falls as an important and modifiable risk
factor for fractures. Moreover, implementing tests during the
This screening includes serum calcium, albumin, creati- outpatient clinic visit for orthostatic hypotension and muscle
nine, TSH, and 25(OH)vitamin D in all patients, with addi- and balance weakness is perceived as taking too much time.
tionally upon clinical indication, e.g., severe osteoporosis/ It is suggested to educate healthcare professionals perform-
multiple fractures/fractures at a young age, ESR, M-protein ing the fracture liaison service with short training sessions,
electrophoresis, serum phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, tes- but one must realize that implementing these fall prevention
tosterone in male individuals ≤ 70 years of age. We advise to strategies takes some time, thus is costly.
perform laboratory testing in all patients with an indication Last but not least, the healthy lifestyle. The issue of a
for treatment but also in patients with a fracture and osteo- healthy lifestyle was brought up by the patients; they had
penia. This was incorporated due to the outcomes of 2 Dutch a strong preference to incorporate these topics in the 10
studies in FLS patients showing that the secondary causes of research questions of the new guideline. As a consequence,
osteoporosis not only occur in patients with T-scores ≤  − 2.5 we discussed three topics, on calcium and vitamin D (as in
but also in patients with osteopenia [38, 39]. the previous guideline), and we did three new searches on
supplements with K2 and magnesium and on the effects of
5. What is the optimal screening method for screening for exercise on bone.
fall risk in patients with high fracture risk?
6. How much calcium and vitamin D are necessary for
Fall risk is strongly age-related and a fall event is a strong patients with a high fracture risk?
risk factor for future fractures. Recently, it was shown in a
3-year observational cohort study at the FLS that an inci- For calcium, we recommend in all individuals with an
dent fall was associated with an approximately ninefold (HR: elevated fracture risk, as before, an intake of 1000–1100 mg
8.6, 95% c.i. 3.1 to 23.8) increase in the risk of subsequent per day, and thus 500 mg or 1000 mg calcium supplementa-
fractures [40]. Therefore, in patient with a high fracture risk tion in patients with only 2–3 or less than 2 calcium products
(milk, yoghurt, cheese or calcium-containing vegan alterna-
tives) per day, respectively.
Table 3  Clinical risk factor scoring For vitamin D, we recommend in all individuals with
Risk factors Risk points an elevated fracture risk, as before, the daily use of 800 IU
vitamin D. However, we discourage the use of high daily
BMI < 20 1 dosages (3000 IU or more per day) of bolus regimes
Age > 60 1 (> 60.000 IE per month) because these are probably related
Age > 70 2 to an increased fall risk [41–43].
Recent fracture 2
Fracture > 2 years ago 1 7. Are supplements of magnesium and/or vitamin K use-
Parent with hip fracture 1 ful in patients with high fracture risk?
More than 1 fall event last year and/or immobility 1
Smoking and/or 3 or more alcoholic drinks per day 1 Magnesium probably plays a role in the mineralization
Comorbidities or drugs that interfere with bone metabo- 1 of bone and is essential in many cellular processes. In some
studies in elderly individuals, a low magnesium intake was
23 Page 10 of 13 Archives of Osteoporosis (2024) 19:23

associated with low BMD [44, 45], but not in other stud- Many professionals play a role in the care of patients with
ies, and in a meta-analysis, only a weak association was a high fracture risk: medical specialists (endocrinologists,
found for magnesium and hip BMD, but not with lumbar rheumatologists, geriatricians, orthopedics/traumatologists),
spine BMD and with fractures [46]. Since no randomized fracture nurses, general practitioners, and others. Although
studies have been performed on the effects of magnesium the type of professionals involved in the care of osteoporotic
supplementation on bone, we recommend for individuals patients differs from country to country, we thought that we
with an elevated fracture risk a healthy diet, with adequate should make a model of care for osteoporotic patients in our
calcium, vegetables fruit and nuts intake, but no magnesium country. In the previous Dutch guideline, from 2011, we
supplementation. had the opinion that everyone who is willing and capable
Vitamin K has, apart from its effect on blood coagulation, to do the 4 steps diagnostic model, either medical specialist
also an effect on bone mineralization and bone formation. or general practitioner, should be allowed to do that. How-
However, in a meta-analysis, no effect of vitamin K supple- ever, in daily practice, no one feels responsible for these
mentation was found on BMD and on fracture rate [47]. It is fracture patients in some regions. Therefore, we developed
important to realize that vitamin K supplementation might a more strict model of care for fracture patients. The first
interfere with blood coagulation. In line with the advice for steps, identifying patients 50 years and over with a recent
magnesium, we recommend healthy food and no vitamin K fracture, followed by a 4-step diagnostic model and initia-
supplementation in patients with a high fracture risk. tion of treatment in high-risk patients is the responsibility
of the fracture-prevention team of the hospital. The frac-
8. Is exercise therapy useful in patients with high fracture ture prevention team preferably consists of 3 professionals:
risk? an orthopedic surgeon/traumatologist, an endocrinologist/
rheumatologist/geriatrician, and a fracture nurse. Nowadays,
Randomized controlled trials in osteopenic and/or osteo- adequately functioning fracture prevention teams are not yet
porotic patients observing the effects of exercise therapy nationwide available, but it is at the top of the implementa-
on fall risk and fractures are rare, probably because large tion agenda.
populations and long-term follow-up are necessary, which What to do after treatment initiation? A follow-up
is difficult to organize and costly (without sponsoring from moment after 3 months is advocated, checking for adher-
pharmaceutical companies). Nevertheless, in our opinion, ence to therapy, possible side effects of the drugs, and the
exercise is crucial not only for the heart, lungs and muscles possibility for the patients to ask additional questions on
but also for healthy and strong bones. the drugs, healthy lifestyle, and prognosis. After that, the
For clinicians, it is recommended to evaluate and discuss patients are referred back to their general practitioner, for the
the exercise behavior of the patient with an elevated fracture rest of the 5-year period of drug treatment with alendronate
risk and to check whether it is in line with the Dutch exercise or risedronate.
directive: it is advocated to perform at least 2.5 h per week Drug treatment with zoledronic acid and denosumab is
(150 min) on different days, weight-bearing physical activi- usually initially for 3 years; in some regions, patients will
ties, such as walking, and twice a week exercises for muscle be referred back to their general practitioners; in other situ-
strengthening, such as balance and fall prevention exercises, ations, they will remain under the specialized care of the
and/or brisk walking. For some (frail) individual patients, a fracture prevention team.
referral to the physical therapist can be useful.
We think that more attention to lifestyle is important in 10. Implementation
the optimization of therapy for patients with a high fracture
risk, and thus, we support that 3 out of 10 items in the new No one should be surprised when a high-quality set of
multidisciplinary guideline focus on lifestyle. However, we recommendations has only a very small impact on daily
also see patients who embrace the lifestyle recommendations practice; thus, an implementation plan should be an integral
but are still very worried about the side effects of anti-osteo- part of the document. Implementation of recommendations
porotic drugs. It is considered critical that the combination and guidelines in daily practice are among the biggest issues
of a healthy lifestyle and the adequate use of antiosteoporotic in modern medicine; both facilitators and barriers play a
drugs is the optimal strategy to reduce fracture risk. Prelimi- role [50]. What are the facilitators and barriers in our new
nary recent studies show that the combination of exercise guideline? We suppose that the literature search leading to
programs with antiresorptive drugs could be more efficient evidence-based recommendations, the multidisciplinarity of
in raising BMD than either alone [48, 49]. the working group, including not only medical specialists
but also general practitioners, and representatives of fracture
9. Organization of care nurses and patients, and the 5 flowcharts, may facilitate the
Archives of Osteoporosis (2024) 19:23 Page 11 of 13 23

implementation of the guideline. However, there are also Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
barriers that may play a role, among them a lack of aware- bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
ness of the clinical consequences of osteoporosis and fear as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
of side effects of drug treatment, etc. We made a table of provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
several key issues that may limit the implementation, with were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
corresponding possible solutions to improve implementa- included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
tion. The main key issues on our list were underdiagnosis in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
high fracture-risk patients, undertreatment, lack of aware- permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
ness among the public and patients, and external barriers, need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
including among them financial issues [51]. In our opin- copy of this licence, visit
ion, the first step of the implementation of a guideline or
set of recommendations is to make an analysis of barriers
and facilitators and, based on that, to start with an agenda References
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