1a TOGAF ArchiMate Cats Mats and Dgrms

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1a TOGAF artefacts with ArchiMate illustrations

and the meta model derived from those artefacts

Last updated 02/01/2018 18:40

TOGAF and ArchiMate are registered trademarks of The Open Group.

This document updates and extends research done by Avancier Ltd for the British Computer Society
into harmonisation of different enterprise architecture standards and sources.

Avancier Ltd hereby gives permission for members of The Open Group’s Architecture Forum to
reproduce text from this document in any document that is the copyright of The Open Group.

Reproduction of text from this document in documents that are not the copyright of Avancier Ltd or
The Open Group requires the permission of The Open Group but not the permission of Avancier Ltd.

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018


1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

TOGAF Principles
service-oriented implementation-independent specification of business systems

Motivations Passive structures Behaviors Logical active Physical active

and constraints Things that are acted Things happening over structures structures
in or on time that access or Specifications Things that act
Aims change the state of of things that act
Goals business systems
Requirements Business * Organization
Service Function Unit
Rules Business Process Role Actor
Data Entity
Standards (SIB) App/IS Logical * Physical
Logical App App
Design Patterns (RM) Data Entity Service
Component Component

Time Logical * Physical
Logical Data Technology Technology Technology
Budget Service
Component Component Component

Separation of logical ABBs from physical SBBs

Physical things in EA are still “considerably abstracted from implementation“

Avancier Limited 2009-2018


1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

For example
Turgid text What it says
Role Catalog Role Catalog
Provides a listing of all authorization levels or zones Lists roles by authorization level and/or zone.
within an enterprise. Frequently, application security Helps to prevent difficulties when different local
or behavior is defined against locally understood
security standards are combined, ensuring both a
concepts of authorization that create complex and
more seamless user experience and more secure
unexpected consequences when combined on the
user desktop. If roles are defined, understood, and applications.
aligned across organizations and applications, this A key input to change impact analysis for role
allows for a more seamless user experience and definition and user training.
generally more secure applications, as administrators
do not need to resort to workarounds in order to
enable users to carry out their jobs. In addition to
supporting security definition for the enterprise, the
Role Catalog also forms a key input to identifying
organizational change management impacts,
defining job functions, and executing end-user
training. As each role implies access to a number of
business functions, if any of these business functions
are impacted, then change management will be
required, organizational responsibilities may need to
be redefined, and retraining may be needed. Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

The ADM (KLP 2.4-1)

• “Architecture Development Method

– The core of TOGAF.
– A step-by-step approach to
– develop and use
– an Enterprise Architecture.”

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The different levels of architecture that exist in an organization (KLP 20-1)

• “Strategic Architecture
– an organizing framework for change and
direction setting at an executive level.

• “Segment Architecture
– an organizing framework for change and
direction setting and the development of
effective architecture roadmaps at a
program or portfolio level.

• “Capability [increment?] Architecture

– an organizing framework for change,
and the development of effective
architecture roadmaps realizing
capability increments”

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A picture that can mislead

• Because the artefacts and activities at top

and bottom levels are so different

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Problem: TOGAF 9 decoupled the ADM from the architecture level

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Solution: distinguish Enterprise Architecture from Solution Architecture

• artefacts for
• Analysis and direction setting at
an executive level and portfolio
level EA
• Differ from artefacts for
• Architecture development
during an ADM cycle at the
capability or solution level SA

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c40 TOGAF artefacts (more comprehensive, coherent and consistent than some realise)

Enterprise / Strategy / Portfolio level artefacts Solution or Capability Increment level artefacts
Motivation Driver Goal/Objective Catalog Goal/Objective/Service Diagram
Organization Decomposition Diagram
Node Connectivity Diagram (physical or logical)
Process Flow Diagram
Functional Decomposition Diagram
Business Scenario
Business Function/Org Matrix
Actor/Role Matrix
Role Catalog
Organization/Actor Diagram
Business Function/Service Catalog
Process/Event/Control/Product Catalog
Process Application Realization Diagram
Application Portfolio Catalog
Application Use Case Diagram
Applications Application/Function Matrix
Application User Location Diagram
Role/Application Matrix
Software Engineering Diagram
Application Communications Diagram
Software Distribution Diagram
Conceptual Data Diagram Business Service/Info Diagram
Data Entity/Function Matrix Logical Data Diagram
Data Application/Data Matrix Data Security Diagram
Data Entity/Data Component Catalog Data Lifecycle Diagram
Data Dissemination Diagram Data Migration Diagram
Environments and Locations Diagram
Technology Standards Catalog
Processing Diagram
Technology Portfolio Catalog
Technology Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram
Technology Services Catalog (TRM)
Communications Engineering Diagram
Technology/Application Matrix
Platform Decomposition Diagram
Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts
The ArchiSurance examples are the widely
published ones created by Marc Lankhorst.

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

1st the EA / Strategic / Portfolio level

• TOGAF features c20 Catalogs and

Matrices that enable portfolio level
– Gap analysis
– Cluster analysis EA
– Impact analysis
– Traceability analysis

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level

Motivation Driver Goal/Objective Catalog

Organization Decomposition Diagram
Node Connectivity Diagram (physical)
Functional Decomposition Diagram
Business Node Connectivity Diagram (logical)
Function/Org Matrix
Role Catalog
Business Function/Service Catalog
Process/Event/Control/Product Catalog




Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

TOGAF artefact: Driver/Goal/Objective Catalog
Goal/Objective Driver Organization Unit

• Driver/Goal/Objective Catalog
– provides a cross-organizational view of how an organization responds to
drivers through the setting of goals, objectives, and any measure associated
with them.
– Helps to identify synergies (e.g. organizations with similar or related objectives)
allowing stakeholders to be identified and change initiatives to be aligned or

Organization Unit Driver Goal Objective

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

TOGAF artefact: Organization Decomposition Diagram
Organization Unit

• Organization Decomposition Diagram

– The base artefact for physical / strategic-level business architecture
– provides the foundation for other artefacts
– relates actors and/or roles to organization units in an organization tree.
– may indicate locations
– indicates owners, decision-makers and a chain of command
– helps to identify which stakeholders are concerned with which business
drivers, goals and objectives.

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Organization Unit

Actor = Org Unit

• An organization view

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TOGAF artefact: Node Connectivity Diagram
Organization Unit

• The Node Connectivity Diagram (physical) (aka goods and services flow diagram)
– A node: an organizational unit, actor, location or facility.
– A needline: shows the need of one node for information from another.
– An arrow: shows information flow direction
– A flow can be named and annotated to describe the data carried
• content
• transport mechanism/media
• security or other classification level,
• timeliness
• interoperability requirements.

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Node connectivity Diagram: SCOR technique
Organization Unit

• Identify your customers

• Identify your suppliers

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Node connectivity Diagram: SCOR technique
Organization Unit

1. Identify your customers

2. Identify your suppliers
3. Identify the key nodes (entities in the supply chain)
4. Link nodes by flows.


A subsystem or

Material and
Information flow

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Organization Unit

• An Organization View - Nodes are physical Actors communication path
rather than interface?

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Reverse engineering principles (1)

• Reverse engineer from

– physical structure to logical structure

Organization Function

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TOGAF artefact: Functional Decomposition Diagram

• Functional Decomposition Diagram

– The base artefact for logical / strategic-level business architecture
– provides the foundation for other artefacts
– shows on a single page the organization capabilities relevant to the
architecture to be defined and governed.
– helps to quickly model the organization’s capabilities without being dragged
into debate on how the organization does it.
– given a basic diagram, it is possible to layer heat-maps on top of it to show
scope and decisions. For example, the capabilities to be implemented in
different phases of a change program.

can be composed or decomposed - from wide/top to narrow/bottom.

“the level and rigor of decomposition varies” (TOGAF)

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A strict (non-redundant) hierarchy.
Strategic management functions
Fiscal and Risk and
Strategy Performance
accounting Compliance

Operational functions
Products Marketing Sales Customer care

Product Market Distribution Customer Customer

definition development channels service relations

Product Sakes Service Customer

engineering execution channel data

Assets Money Claims

Investment Contracts Claim
Investment Banking Accounts
performance life cycle settlement

Investment Asset Money Contract

Cash flow Claim admin.
portfolio inventory market admin.

Support functions

Organization HR Process Office Facility ITSM

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TOGAF artefact: Node Connectivity Diagram

• Node Connectivity Diagram (logical) (aka goods and services flow diagram)
– A node: a function or role
– A needline: shows the need of one node for information from another.
– An arrow: shows information flow direction
– A flow can be named and annotated to describe the data carried
• content
• transport mechanism/medium
• security or other classification level,
• timeliness
• interoperability requirements.

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Node Connectivity Diagram in ArchiMate

• Shows services offered by nodes to external entities and to each other

A Role that
provides or
ABC receives a flow
Goods Reporting
receipt A flow of goods,
services or data

Goods Money A one Actor Role

delivery handling



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Node Connectivity Diagram in ArchiMate

New Product Proposals

Research Technologies Product
Community Development
Requests Governance

Capital Funds Orders

Finance Orders
Orders Products

Parts Product Products Product

Assembly Delivery

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TOGAF mapping logical organization to physical organization
Function Organization Unit
Org/Function Matrix

• “Structured Analysis: Identifies the key business functions within the scope
of the architecture, and maps those functions onto the organizational units
within the business.” Organization Marketing Sales Delivery
Marketing Activity
• Might reveal a 1-1 Sales Activity
• “Functional organization” Delivery Activity

Organization Petrol Paints Plastics

• Or else an N-N realization Marketing Activity Activity Activity
Sales Activity Activity Activity
Delivery Activity Activity Activity

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TOGAF artefact: Role Catalog

• Role Catalog
– The base artefact for people-oriented views
– Provides a foundation for mapping roles to processes, applications and data
– Lists roles by authorization level and/or zone .
– Helps to prevent difficulties when different local security standards are
combined, ensuring both a more seamless user experience and more secure
– Supports change impact analysis for role definition and user training

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Reverse engineering principles (2)

• Reverse engineer from

– physical structure to logical structure

Organization Function

– structure to behavior
Function Process Service

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TOGAF artefact: Process/Event/Control/Product Catalog

• Process/Event/Control/Product Catalog
– a hierarchical process structure including
• events that trigger processes, outputs from processes, and
• controls/rules (pre and post conditions).
– enables gap, cluster and analysis of a portfolio:
• allows an architect to filter, report, and query across organization processes to
identify scope, commonality
– enables impact analysis on changing a process.

Process Process Process Input / event Output / product Control / rules

level 1 level 2 Level 3

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TOGAF artefact: Business Function/Service Catalog
Business Service Function Organization Unit

• Business Function/Service Catalog

– provides a functional decomposition in a form that can be filtered, reported on,
and queried. It can be used to
• identify capabilities of an organization
• understand the level that governance is applied to the functions of an organization.
• identify new capabilities required to support business change
• determine the scope of change initiatives, apps, or technology components.

Function level 1 Function level 2 Business Service Organization Unit

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Business Service Function

• Hand made Claim on

Function assigned to Service


Function uses

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level



App Portfolio Catalog

Applications App/Function Matrix
Role/App Matrix
App Communications Diagram



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TOGAF artefact: App Portfolio Catalog
Application Component

• App Portfolio Catalog

– The base artefact in strategic applications architecture
– provides the foundation for other artefacts.
– lists all (logical and/or physical) applications in the enterprise that are to be
defined and governed
– helps to scope change initiatives that impact applications.
– may be extended to name IS Services provided

• ArchiMate doesn’t feature catalogs and matrices use for portfolio


Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

TOGAF artefact: App/Function Matrix
Function App/IS Service Application Component

• App/Function Matrix
– Enables gap, cluster and impact analysis of a portfolio.
– Asking which business functions use an app reveals where the same app
supports different functions, which apps are essential and those little used.
– Asking which apps are used by a business function may reveal requirements
for interoperability and support.
App CRM ERP Billing Data warehouse
Sales Place order
Register customer
Invoicing Post invoice

• ArchiMate doesn’t feature catalogs and matrices use for portfolio


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App/Function matrix as a diagram
Vision and Strategy Finance Product Design Operations
management Business Data
Costing Engineering
functions aka Intelligence Warehouse

Sales & Marketing Supply Manufacture Delivery Customer Service

Sales and Supply Chain Manufacturing Customer
Marketing Planning Scheduling
Projects Contact
Product Manufacturing Activity Call Center
Configurator Process Management support
Operational Order Supplier Manufacturing Workflow
Entry Scheduling Service
functions aka Flow Management
capabilities Inspection Bills of Time and
of goods Material Expenses

Billing Inventory Cost

Management Capacity

Commissions Quality

Human Resources Accounts Facilities Knowledge ITSM

Human Accounts and Change Identity
Resources Receivable management
Accounts IT Service
Support Benefits
Payable Management
functions aka General Management Server
capabilities Ledger Legal Doc
Fixed Management Network
Rostering Assets Management
Time and Cash EAI
Attendance Management Middleware
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TOGAF artefact: Role/App Matrix
Role App/IS Service Application Component

• Role/App Matrix
– Shows which roles use which apps.
– Enables gap, cluster and impact analysis of an app portfolio.
– Asking which apps support a role reveals permissions needed by that role.
– Asking which roles use an app may reveal requirements for availability,
security and support.

App CRM ERP Billing Data warehouse

Sales Place order
Register customer
Invoicing Post invoice

• ArchiMate doesn’t feature catalogs and matrices use for portfolio


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TOGAF artefact: App Communication Diagram
Application Component

Interfaces renamed
as data flows

• App Communication Diagram

– shows which apps communicate and what data passes between them
– may associate data flows with data entities
– may associate apps, via IS services, with business services
– logical, only shows data transport technologies where architecturally

ABC Business Apps Portfolio Manager







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TOGAF supports the Diagram with an “interface” Catalog
Application Component

App Communication Diagram N2 model, or Node Connectivity Diagram in FEAF


1b Sales

Stock 3a

3b Billing
4b Intelligence

Interface (Aargh! Data Flow) Catalog

Data Flow id Source App Destination App Data content Trigger event
1a CRM Sales Sales order request New sales order
1b Sales CRM Sales order confirmation Order created in the Sales system
2a Sales Stock Requisition Subscribe/Publish timer

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Application Component

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level




Conceptual data Diagram

Data Entity/Function Matrix
Data App/Data Matrix
Data Entity/Data Component Catalog
Data dissemination Diagram


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TOGAF artefact: Conceptual data Diagram
Business Data Entity

• Conceptual data Diagram (Better Catalog?)

– The base artefact in strategic data architecture
– provides the foundation for other artefacts
– lists critical data entities within the enterprise
– shows relationships between them. (TOGAF)

• ArchiMate information structure view

• – business/conceptual level
• (Aargh! Aggregates and compositions
• instead of properly named associations!)

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TOGAF artefact: Data Entity/Business Function Matrix
Function Business Data Entity

• Data Entity/Business Function Matrix

– Shows which business functions create and use which data
– Enables gap, cluster and impact analysis of a portfolio.
– Asking which functions create and use an data entity reveals data entities that
are essential or appear unused, and indicates where functions do or might
exchange/share data.
– Asking which entities each business function creates and uses reveals
functions that use little data, and so might be better supported.
– Supports data governance by data steward against data standards.

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One of the most traditional EA artefacts

• Read Function for Process, and note clustering on “Create”

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TOGAF artefact: Data Entity/Data Component Catalog
Business Data Entity Logical Data Entity Logical Data Component

• Data Entity/Data Component Catalog

– lists all data used across the enterprise, and the data components where data
is stored.
– encourages effective data sharing and re-use
– enables the definition and app of information management and data
governance policies

• ArchiMate doesn’t feature catalogs and matrices use for portfolio


Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

TOGAF artefact: App/Data Matrix
Application Component Logical Data Entity

• App/Data Matrix
– shows which apps create, read, update and delete which data entities.
– enables gap, cluster and impact analysis of a portfolio
– asking which apps access a data entity reveals where the same data is use by
different apps, and they do or might exchange/share data
– asking which data entities are accessed by an app helps understanding of data
entities and their lifecycles in the enterprise.
– may classify data (master, reference, transactional, content, historic…)
– may classify apps (transactional, batch, warehouse… )

Data Entity Customer Order Invoice Payment

Data warehouse RD RD RD

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Partial match in ArchiMate
Application Component Logical Data Entity

• A hand made view: only a partial view of the App/data estate governed by
EA (so not used for gap, cluster or impact analysis)

Insurance Damage
Policy Claim


Claims App



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TOGAF artefact: Data Dissemination Diagram
Business Data Entity Logical Data Entity Application Component

• Shows where business data entities are digitised in different applications

• Allows effective sizing to be carried out and the IT footprint to be refined.
• By attaching business value to data, an indication of the business criticality of apps
can be gained.
• May show data replication and app ownership of the master reference for data…
• Can show several copies and the master-copy relationship between them.
• Can include services; that is, services encapsulate data and they reside in an app,
or services that reside on an app and access data encapsulated within the app.

App CRM ERP Billing Data

Data entity
Customer Master Copy Copy Copy
Order Master (1) Copy Master (2) Copy
Invoice Master Copy
(1) until Order Closed
(2) after Order Closed.

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level





Technology Standards Catalog

Technology Portfolio Catalog
Technology Services Catalog (TRM)
Technology/App Matrix

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TOGAF artefact: Technology Portfolio Catalog

• Technology Portfolio Catalog

– the base artefact in strategic technology architecture
– provides the foundation for other artefacts, and for management of technology
lifecycles, versions and standards
– lists all (logical and/or physical) technologies in the enterprise that are to be
defined and governed
– includes hardware and platform applications (aka system software)
– should be classified using the headings in the TRM or similar
– may be extended to name platform Technology Services provided

• ArchiMate doesn’t feature catalogs and matrices use for portfolio


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Technology Service Catalog (aka TRM)
User Interface Services Transaction Processing Services Operating System Services Software Engineering Services
Graphical Client/Server services Starting a transaction Kernel Operations Programming Language services
Display Objects services Co-ordination of recoverable resources in a transaction Command Interpreter and Utility services Object Code Linking services
Window Management services Committing or rolling back transactions Batch Processing services CASE Environment and Tools services
Dialogue Support services Controlling timeouts on transactions File and Directory Synchronization Graphical User Interface (GUI) Building services
Printing services Chaining transactions together Scripting Language services
Computer-Based Training and Online Help services Monitoring transaction status Language Binding services
Character-Based services Run-Time Environment services
App Binary Interface services
Graphics and Imaging Services Data Management Services Network Services OO Provision of Services
Graphics services Data Dictionary/Repository services Electronic Mail services Object Request Broker (ORB) services
Graphical Object Management services Database Management System (DBMS) services Distributed Data services Implementation Repository services
Drawing services OO Database Management System (OODBMS) services Distributed File services Installation and Activation services
Imaging functions File Management services Distributed Name services Interface Repository services
Query Processing functions Distributed Time services Replication services
International Operation Services Screen Generation functions Remote Process (Access) services Common Object services
Character Sets and Data Representation services Report Generation functions Remote Print Spooling and Output Distribution services Change Management services
Cultural Convention services Networking/Concurrent Access functions Enhanced Telephony functions Collections services
Local Language Support services Warehousing functions Shared Screen functions Concurrency Control services
Video-Conferencing functions Data Interchange services
Broadcast functions Event Management services
Mailing List functions Externalization services
Data interchange services Location and Directory Services System and Network Management Services Licensing services
Document Generic Data Typing and Conversion services Directory services User Management services Lifecycle services
Graphics Data Interchange services Special-Purpose Naming services Configuration Management (CM) services Naming services
Specialized Data Interchange services Service Location services Performance Management services Persistent Object services
Electronic Data Interchange services Registration services Availability and Fault Management services Properties services
Fax services Filtering services Accounting Management services Query services
Raw Graphics Interface functions Accounting services Security Management services Relationship services
Text Processing functions Print Management services Security services
Document Processing functions Security Services Network Management services Start-Up services
Publishing functions System Entry Control services Backup and Restore services Time services
Video Processing functions Security Management services Online Disk Management services Trading services
Audio Processing functions Audit services License Management services
Media Synchronization functions Access Control services Capacity Management services
Multimedia Processing functions Non-Repudiation services Software Installation services
Information Presentation and Distribution functions Trusted Recovery services Trouble Ticketing services
Hypertext functions Encryption services Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018
Trusted Communication services
TOGAF artefact: Technology/App Matrix

• Technology/App Matrix
– Enables gap, cluster and impact analysis of a portfolio.
– Asking which apps use a technology helps when a technology is going out of
support or is to change.
– Asking which technologies are used by an app may reveal interoperability and
support implications.

• ArchiMate doesn’t feature catalogs and matrices use for portfolio


Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018


1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts
The ArchiSurance examples are the widely
published ones created by Marc Lankhorst.

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

2nd the Solution Architecture / Capability change level

• TOGAF defines diagram artefacts,

better suited to this level

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level

Motivation Referred to, refined and updated Goal/Objective/Service Diagram

Process Flow Diagram

Business Scenario
Business Referred to, refined and updated
Actor/Role Matrix
Organization/Actor Diagram




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Identify priorities for change

• Identify
– Problems
– Opportunities
• Envisage
– New/changed business services
• Apply heat mapping techniques to the
– Functional decomposition diagram
– Node connectivity diagram
• Produce one or more “Requests for architecture Work”

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Forward engineering principles

• Forward engineer from

– aims to behaviors
Goal/Objective Service Process

– behaviors to structures

Process Roles Organization


– logical structures to physical structures

Roles Organization

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TOGAF artefact: Goal/Objective/Service Diagram
Driver Goal/Objective Business Service

• Goal/Objective/Service Diagram
– Given a vision of new/changed business services
– this diagram shows which drivers, goals and objectives they support
– It may group services supporting similar or related aims.
– It indicates, at least qualitatively, what constitutes success for a service.

Driver Goal Objective Service

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Driver Goal/Objective Business Service

• Hand made by
• Pieter Van Ostaeyen

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Partial match in ArchiMate
Driver Goal/Objective Business Service

• A lower-level requirements realization view

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TOGAF artefact: Process flow Diagram
Process Role

• Process flow Diagram (cf. value stream)

– Given a product or service of value to be delivered
– this presents the necessary activities/steps in sequence(s)
– It may show
• events that trigger processes,
• outputs from processes, and
• controls/rules (pre and post conditions).
– may use swim lanes to represent owners, roles or resources associated with
process steps
– can help subject specialists to describe ‘‘how the job is done’’ for a particular
function. .

can be composed or decomposed - from long/top to short/bottom

“the level and rigor of decomposition varies” (TOGAF)

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Partial match in ArchiMate
Process Role

• Two process flow views (not explicitly related the service)

Processes can be composed or decomposed - from long/top to short/bottom

“the level and rigor of decomposition varies” (TOGAF)

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Partial match in ArchiMate
Process Role

• A process flow view

Surely a process?


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TOGAF promotes definition of Busines Scenarios
Process Role App/IS Service Application Component

• Busines Scenario
– documents the roles of
– human and computer actors in a
– process that leads to a measurable
– business goal (via a product or service of value to be delivered)

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Business scenario – example adapted from TOGAF 8
Process Role App/IS Service Application Component

Precondition: Sales visit agreed and Human roles Computer roles

Scenario process Customer Sales Lap top Data centre
1 Initiate sales process with the customer Open door Greet customer
2 Discuss customer requirements Accept sales visit Ask about requirements
3 Work with customer Explain requirements Get product descriptions Use case Product
to create a product configuration and discuss options Assemble configurations Use case Configurator
4 Verify desired configuration can be Select option based on Check configuration availability Use case Inventory
delivered capabilities
Confirm interest Get delivery date and show Use case Scheduling
5 Determine price of requested Accept date Price configuration and show Use case Pricing
6 Confirm customer desire to purchase Accept price Recap and ask for confirmation
7 Place an order Confirm purchase Enter order details, get email reply Use case OMS
Print out email, request signature
8 Capture customer signature Sign Confirm signature Use case OMS
Post condition: Order captured
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Partial match in ArchiMate
Process Role App/IS Service Application Component

• Imagine combining this scenario drawn by Pieter Van Ostaeyen

• With this process

• application realization

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TOGAF artefact: Actor/Role Matrix
Role Actor

• Actor/Role Matrix
– shows which actors perform which roles
– supports the definition of security and skills requirements.
– supports the definition of user security settings and training needs,
– helps in business change management.

Role A B C
P Performs Performs
Q Performs Performs

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communication path
rather than interface?

Organization unit



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TOGAF artefact: Organization/Actor Catalog
Actor Organization Unit

• Organization/Actor Catalog
– Lists participants in business systems
– Includes users and owners of IT systems.
– Can be useful in testing requirements for completeness. For example, to
identify which customer types need to be supported and any requirements for
or restrictions on user types.

Org level 1 Org level 2 Org level 3 Location Actor *

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Actor Organization Unit

• Beware conflation of or confusion between organization unit and location

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level



Process App. Real. Diagram

App Use Case Diagram
Referred to, refined and updated App User Location Diagram
Software Engineering D iagram
Software Distribution Diagram



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TOGAF artefact: Process/App Realization Diagram
Process App/IS Service Application Component

• Process/App Realization Diagram

– shows the sequence of events when multiple apps are involved in executing a
business process.
– augments the app communication diagram with sequencing constraints, and
hand-off points between processes (perhaps transactional and batch)
– may identify efficiency improvements to reduce traffic between apps
– may identify complex sequences that can be simplified or rationalised – and so
speed up the process.

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Process App/IS Service Application Component

• Simulation in ArchiMate of a UML Sequence Diagram

Customer Customer Claim Finance
Relations Handling App
App App

Process Assess
Process Claim
flow Claim


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Partial match in ArchiMate
Process App/IS Service Application Component

A process step that may

be assigned to a role and
• An App usage view or a function

A use case

An App providing two

discrete services
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TOGAF artefact: App Use-Case Diagram
App/IS Service Application Component

• App Use-Case Diagram

– Defines the scope of an application in terms of services provided to users – be
they human actors or other apps
– Like other diagrams, it can be annotated with more technical detail as
architecture development proceeds
– Each use case can be described separately – each being a behavior with entry
and exit conditions, main path and extension paths, and non-functional

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Partial match in ArchiMate
App/IS Service Application Component

A process step at which

two use cases are needed
• An App usage view (again)

A use case

An App providing two

discrete services

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App/IS Service Application Component

Use case: an app-enabled

process that an external
• Hand made actor plays a role in A role engaged
One-Actor Role in the use case
ABC Manager
Record Report
goods monthly
One-Actor Role
Record Settle
goods payment BACS



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TOGAF artefact: App and User Location Diagram
Application Component Location

• App and User Location Diagram

– shows where apps are used by end users
– may also show where apps are
• hosted, executed and/or delivered to client devices
• developed, tested, and released; etc.
– may reveal duplications, gaps or opportunities for rationalization

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Weak match in ArchiMate

• This App Cooperation view?

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Application Component Location

Customer location (where 1,000 salesman work)


Salesman Drawing App

Ordering App Printer



Product Order Management

HQ location

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TOGAF artefact: Software Engineering Diagram
Application Component

• Software Engineering Diagram

– breaks apps into packages, modules, services, and operations from a
development perspective.
– enables more detailed impact analysis when planning migration stages, and
analyzing opportunities and solutions.
– helps app development and management teams when managing complex
development environments.

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Possible match in ArchiMate?
Application Component

• An App Behavior view?

A kin to a use case header

Aargh! Operation shown using
function symbol! Service realised by Process

Transition arrow
accesses data

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TOGAF artefact: Software Distribution Diagram

• Software Distribution Diagram

– shows how app software is structured and distributed across the estate.
– useful in systems upgrade or app consolidation projects.
– shows how physical apps are distributed across physical technology and the
location of that technology.
– enables a clear view of how the software is hosted
– enables managed operations staff to understand how that app software is
maintained once installed.

• Seems indistinguishable from several Technology artefacts to follow

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level




Business Service/Info Diagram

Logical Data Diagram
Data Referred to, refined and updated Data Security Diagram
Data Lifecycle Diagram
Data Migration Diagram


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TOGAF artefact: Business Service/Information Diagram
Business Service Business Data Entity

• Business Service/Information Diagram

– shows the information needed by one or more business services.
– shows what data is consumed or produced by a business service and may
also show the source of information.
– shows an initial representation of information created and used, which can be
elaborated and refined in Phase C: Data Architecture
Customer Sender Receiver Depot Package Package Journey
Information needed
account address address address description status route
Business services
Order delivery Use Create Create Use Create Initialise
Collect from sender Use Use Use Use Update Use
Deliver to depot Use Update
Sort in depot Use Update
Collect from depot Update Use
Deliver to receiver Update

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Partial match in ArchiMate
Business Service Business Data Entity

• A Business Process View

• Here, maps data to process, rather than the service

This access arrow Transition

shows direction of arrow
flow (not access)

Note: process rather

than the function
symbol often used in
the App layer

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TOGAF artefact: Logical data Diagram
Logical Data Entity Logical Data Component

• Logical data Diagram

– Shows a logical view of the relationships between data entities within a data
store - to assist application developers and database designers.

• Poor match in ArchiMate

– An information structure view – logical level
– (Aargh! Aggregates and compositions,
– instead of properly named associations!)

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Logical Data Diagram

• In models of persistent business entities,

• the passage of time tends to turn
– Subtypes into roles
– Aggregations into associations
– 1-1 associations into 1-N
– 1-N associations into N-to-N with link entities

Part of the Salesforce.com model

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Logical Data Diagram

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TOGAF artefact: Data security Diagram
Logical Data Entity Role

• Data Security Diagram

– Shows which actors (people, organizations, or systems) can access which
data entity – in a diagram or matrix
– May be needed to demonstrate compliance with data privacy laws and
regulations (HIPAA, SOX, etc).
– May indicate trust implications where parties outside the enterprise have
access to data
Data entity Customer Product Invoice Employee

HR manager Can read

Product manager Can read

Salesman Can read Can read Can read

1st line support Can read Can read Can read

Fulfilment agent Can read Can read

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Data quality scoring scheme

• Score each the data item/group/store thus

Confidentiality Integrity Availability Level
Unauthorized use or Data inaccuracy, incompleteness or Unavailable information
disclosure unauthorized modification
Severely impairs business Causes failures of operations, revenue Impairs business High
operations, make a segment of loss, wrong decisions to be made, loss in operations, affects
the company unable to function or productivity or loss of customer customer service or makes
cause high monetary loss. confidence or market share. it impossible to process
Does not severely affect Makes it impossible to make some Causes productivity loss, Moderate
operations or does not result in decisions, but the problem is not difficult but does not interrupt
high monetary loss. to detect and correct, and does not customer service or
severely impact business operations. revenue generation.

Does not affect operations or Does not disable business operations, Does not severely impact Low
result in significant monetary loss. since alternative validations of the business operations.
information make it possible to continue

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TOGAF artefact: Data Lifecycle Diagram

• Data Lifecycle Diagram

– Shows the life cycle of a data entity from creation to disposal.
– Shows the events and rules that trigger each state change.

UML State Chart Product Lifecycle diagram

First State In assembly

State State In stock
Last State With customer Return

Renew Scrapped

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Data Lifecycle Diagram v Process Flow Diagram

Receive Send Activate

• Lifecycle
Data Notice how one reflects each other
App Form For Approval

App Form App Form Sent for

Approved Live
Sent Received Approval
Recorded Event
Record Send Return
App Form Receive Approve
App Form App Form

Send Receive [No errors] Send

Record Approve Activate
Application Application For
Enquiry Application Account
Form Form Approval
Return for
Process Flow

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TOGAF artefact: Data Migration Diagram

• Data Migration Diagram

– Shows data flows from source(s) to the target(s)
– Supports audit and traceability of data
– Can range from a landscape overview or to data item level movements

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Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio level Solution or Capability Increment level


Business Location

Application Catalog Location Catalog

Physical App Component

Software Distribution Diagram

Applications App/Technology Matrix
Environments & Locations Diagram
Processing Diagram
Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram
Communications Engineering Diagram
Physical Technology

Environments and Locations Diagram

Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram
Technology Referred to, refined and updated Communications Engineering Diagram
Processing Diagram
Platform Decomposition Diagram

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TOGAF artefact: Environments and Locations Diagram

Reads like an
application and
user location
• Environments and Locations Diagram diagram
– shows which locations host which apps
– identifies what technologies and/or apps are used at which locations, and
– identifies the locations from which business users typically interact with the
– should also show the existence and location of different deployment
environments, including non-production environments, such as development
and pre production.

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• A Technology view (note locations)

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TOGAF artefact: Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram

• Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram

– Commonly defines layers in a client-server
stack, such as:
• Client devices
• Web server layer
• App server layer
• Data server layer.
– May define infrastructure shared by
several apps.

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• Implementation and Deployment

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TOGAF artefact: Communications Engineering Diagram
(how is this different?)

• Communications Engineering Diagram

– describes the method of sending and
receiving information between technology
– connects components in a client and server
– identifies network boundaries and
infrastructure required to make connections
– defines protocols and capacities
– does not describe information format or

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TOGAF artefact: Processing Diagram
(how is this different?)

• Processing Diagram
– Groups app components into deployment
– Shows how deployable units are
deployed onto the technology platform.
– Shows how deployment units interact
(network, connections and protocols)
– Shows load or capacity measures for
different technology components
– Typically separates concerns of the
• presentation layer
• business logic layer
• data store layer
• service-level requirements

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Note the duplication between TOGAF Technology Diagrams

Application and User Location Diagram Software Distribution Diagram

■ “shows the geographical distribution of ■ “shows how application software is structured and distributed across
applications, where applications are used by the estate…
the end user; where the host application is ■ shows how physical applications are distributed across physical
executed and/or delivered in thin client technology and the location of that technology…
scenarios; ■ enables a clear view of how the software is hosted”
■ where applications are developed, tested,
and released; etc.” Environments and Locations Diagram
■ “depicts which locations host which applications…
■ what technologies and/or applications are at which locations”
Application/Technology Matrix
■ “documents the mapping of business Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram
systems [i.e applications] to technology ■ “to document the mapping between logical applications and the
platform.” technology components (e.g., server) that supports the application
both in the development and production environments…
■ “to show the ‘‘as deployed’’ logical view of logical application
Processing Diagram components in a distributed network computing environment…
■ “focuses on deployable units of ■ “Enable understanding of which application is deployed where in the
code/configuration and distributed network computing environment.”
■ how these are deployed onto the
technology platform.”

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TOGAF artefact: Platform Decomposition Diagram

• shows the infrastructure technology

platform that supports the applications
and data architecture. Load Load
• EITHER an overview of the Balancer Balancer
enterprise’s technology platform - an
informal ‘‘eye-chart’’ of the technical
• OR expanded to map the technology DR
platform (to application components)
within a specific functional or process
area, showing details such as product
versions, number of CPUs, etc.

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TOGAF artefact: Enterprise Manageability Diagram

• shows how one or more applications interact with components that

support operational management of a solution.
• Analysis can reveal duplication and gaps, and opportunities in the IT
service management operation of an organization.

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1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts

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Portfolio Management

• ArchiMate doesn’t feature catalogs and

matrices that enable portfolio level
– Gap analysis
– Cluster analysis
– Impact analysis EA
– Traceability analysis

• Though it does include symbols that can

be used in drawing diagrams of subsets
of and relationships between portfolios
to show stakeholders

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How do aims, structures and behaviors relate?

• In particular methods and cases, you might say (e.g.)

– 1 Function meets 1 Goal/Objective
– 1 Function provides 1 Service
– 1 Process meets 1 Goal/Objective
– 1 Process provides 1 Service

• In general, and so in TOGAF

– All architectural entities may be recursively composed and decomposed,
– All relationships are many to many. E.g
• 1 Function may provide several Services, and be one of several Functions
that cooperate to provide 1 coarse-grained Service
• 1 Process may coordinate several fine-grained Functions, and be one of several
Processes that enable 1 coarse-grained Function.

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1 Process may coordinate several fine-grained Functions

Swim lanes show logical structures

Role or Structural view
Activities grouped by
logical cohesion
Arrows show behaviors
Event Customer Claim Finance
Trigger Customer Relations Handling Function
Function Function

Submit Record Assess

Claim Claim Claim
Pay Claim
Behavioral view
Activities in sequence

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Node Connectivity Diagrams

• Business Architecture needs the "Node Connectivity Diagram"

– It is mentioned in phase B but strangely omitted from the TOGAF 9.1
viewpoint/artefact type taxonomy.

• There is naturally some duplication between artefacts that document the

physical and logical organization structures

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The function / process confusion

• ArchiMate interprets "behavior" differently from UML

– People misunderstand "business function” in TOGAF and
– Confuse with function with process.
• Where some use process symbols in the business layer
Post Letter

Find Pen Write Put in

And Paper Letter Letter Box

• Some use functions symbols application layer

Email Client App
Send Email
Validate Send
Fields Email

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1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts

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Distinguishing EA artefacts from SA artefacts
Enterprise / Strategy / Portfolio level artefacts Solution or Capability Increment level artefacts
Motivation Driver Goal/Objective Catalog Goal/Objective/Service Diagram
Organization Decomposition Diagram
Node Connectivity Diagram (physical or logical)
Process Flow Diagram
Functional Decomposition Diagram
Business Scenario
Business Function/Org Matrix
Actor/Role Matrix
Role Catalog
Organization/Actor Diagram
Business Function/Service Catalog
Process/Event/Control/Product Catalog
Process Application Realization Diagram
Application Portfolio Catalog
Application Use Case Diagram
Applications Application/Function Matrix
Application User Location Diagram
Role/Application Matrix
Software Engineering Diagram
Application Communications Diagram
Software Distribution Diagram
Conceptual Data Diagram Business Service/Info Diagram
Data Entity/Function Matrix Logical Data Diagram
Data Application/Data Matrix Data Security Diagram
Data Entity/Data Component Catalog Data Lifecycle Diagram
Data Dissemination Diagram Data Migration Diagram
Environments and Locations Diagram
Technology Standards Catalog
Processing Diagram
Technology Portfolio Catalog
Technology Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram
Technology Services Catalog (TRM)
Communications Engineering Diagram
Technology/Application Matrix
Platform Decomposition Diagram
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All entities may be recursively composed and
decomposed, and all relationships are many to
A TOGAF meta model based on c40 artefacts many. So for example, a process may coordinate
several low level functions, and be one of several
Motivation Driver Goal/Objective Catalog
processes that enable one higher function.

Node Connectivity Diagram Node Connectivity Diagram

Goal/Objective/Service Diagram
Business Architecture Functional Decomposition Organization decomposition

Bus.Service Function
Business service/Information Diagram Business Catalog Organization
Service Org/Function Matrix Unit
Data Architecture
Conceptual data Diagram Role Catalog Org/Actor Catalog
Data Entity/Function Matrix.

Business Data Business Scenario

Process Role Actor
Entity Process Flow
Actor/Role Matrix
Process/Event/Control Catalog

Data dissemination Diagram Process App. Real. Diagram App/Function Matrix. Role/App Matrix
Apps Architecture

Logical Data Location

App/IS Service App and User Location Diagram
Location Catalog
Logical data App Use Case Diagram Application Catalog
Data entity/Data component Catalog
Diagram App Comm’s Diagram
App Data Matrix
Logical Data Logical App Physical App
Component Component Component

Software Distribution Diagram

Technology App/Technology Matrix
Technical Services Catalog (TRM) Environments & Locations Diagram
Service Processing Diagram
Networked Computing/Hardware Diagram

Technology Architecture
Communications Engineering Diagram

Logical Physical
Technology Technology
Component Component

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1. To support TOGAF‘s artefacts and principles (more comprehensive,

coherent and consistent than some realise)
2. To simplify and clarify definitions of TOGAF‘s architecture artefacts
3. To distinguish EA artefacts from SA artefacts
4. To illustrate EA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
5. To illustrate SA artefacts using ArchiMate where possible
6. To raise awareness of a few points
7. To generate a TOGAF meta model that is more demonstrably consistent
with its artefacts

Copyright Avancier Ltd 2009-2018

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