2019 Remo STD 6 Term 3

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 Answer all questions in this question paper
 Read all questions carefully before you attempt to answer them
 You are not allowed to talk during the time of the examination, however if you need help
you should raise your hand for the invigilator to help you.
 When you have finished the examination, go over your work again to make sure there are
no errors and/or omissions.

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Choose the letter of the correct answer

1.Which of the religions below is not found in Botswana?
B.Bahai Faith
Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 2 and 3
Kago who was a student at Morula Primary School was advised to join a beauty contest in the
school by her teacher. She however refused citing that she could not win. After a long discussion
she finally agreed to participate and eventually became a winner.

2.Which of the following shows that Kago had a low self esteem?
A.Agreeing to take part in a beauty contest.
B.Having a long discussion with the teacher.
C.Rejecting a request of participating in a contest.
D.Participating in a beauty contest and eventually winning.

3.What advice could be given to people like Kago who have perception?
A.Asking help from friends how things are done
B.Believing in the potential of others
C.Underating oneself
D.Believing in oneself
4.Which of the following is a moral value attached to sacred places?

5.Which of the following is an entitlement to children?
A.Right to choose preferred school
B.Right to choose nationality
C.Right to education
D.Right to slavery
6.Which religion believes in oneness of God, oneness and oneness of humanity?
B.Bahai Faith
D.African Traditional Religion Botswana
7.In which religion do followers celebrate the festival of Diwali?
D. Hinduism
Read the passage below and use it to answer questions (8 )
Two boys of Dinatshana Primary School met a blind elderly man who was afraid of crossing the
road because he could hear the sound of a car.It was nevertheless a sound of a caterpillar
clearing the bush a distance away.The two boys hold the old man by the arm and helped him to
cross the road.
8.What value was demonstrated by the boys of Dinatshana Primary School?

9. Acting autonomously can be demonstrated by a person who

A. follows a leader
B. act independently
C. acccepts instructions from others
D.gain knowledge and skills through interaction with others
10.Which of the following is a bad moral value?
11.To which religion are hills used as sacred land marks?
A.ATR Botswana
12.Which one of the following is not one of the causes of juvenile delinquency?
A.Poor morals
B.Negative peer pressure
C.Positive peer pressure
D.Inadequate parental guidance
13.Which one of the following is prescribed by the law when it comes to administration of
corporal punishment in Botswana schools?
A.It should be applied over the bare back.
B.A maximum of 5 strokes is allowed.
C.Only boys should be flogged
D. It is prohibited.

14.Which one of the following is a view by Christians towards child abandonment?

A.Those who abandon babies must be killed
B.Those who abandon babies must be forgiven
C.It should only be allowed if the mother is poor.
D.It must be condemned because children are gifts from God.
15.Where are abandoned children cared for?
A.Kgaitsadi society
B.Lion’s club
16.A teacher is apprehended by a police officer after beating a child hard, on the palm of the
hand without the authorization from the school head.
What is the mistake done by the teacher concerning his/her action?
A.The teacher must NOT beat children
B Teacher requested permission from a parent
C. Teacher requested permission from school head
D. She did not adhere to the Education Act

17. Which of the statement below supports the use of corporal punishment?
A. It is barbaric form of punishment
B. It violates human rights
C. It reduces cases of moral decay
D. It teaches that problems can be solved through harsh way

18. Which of the following can lead to child abandonment?

A. Wealth and riches
B. Shame and HIV/AIDS
C. Care and Love
D. Honest and trust

19. Oteke was a middle aged man who had a habit of taking intoxicating substance such as drugs
and alcohol, the day when he was drunk he attacked his siblings and injured his elder brother so
seriously that his brother broke his arm.
What reason led Oteke to commit the crime?
A. Alcohol
B. Being a middle age
C. Not respecting his brother
D. His brother did not respect him
20. Fatima is a Muslim girl involved in extra marital relations. How is she going to be punished
according to Sharia law?
A. Expulsion
B. Amputation
C. Stoned to death
D. Demotion
21. Which statement below is true about the consequences of crime
A. People who break the law are only thieves
B. Children are left without care when parents go to jail
C. Imprisonment is the best punishment for a child
D. Capital punishment helps murder to change their behavior
22. The following are ways of punishing students except
A. Praising a child for work done
B. Corporal punishment
C. Detention at break time
D. Manual work around the school premises
23. Some people regard punishment as_____________
A. Happiness
B. Cheer
C. Abuse
D. Praise

24. Why do hindus burn inscense sticks during worship?
A. To honour the religious ten gurus
B. To cremate the dead
C. To recognize Brahmins
D. To please deities
25. The cup used to hold wine for the service of Holy Communion is chalice while the plate
which holds bread is called____________
A. Altar
B. Cloth
C. Paten
D. Holy
26. Which of the following organization care for victims of natural disasters?
A. Red Cross
27. What is crime?
A. Any offence that is punishable by the law
B. Helping the poor to reach their potential
C. Sending criminals to prison
D. Any offence which one cannot be punished for
28. The religion that punishes thieves by cutting their hands is
A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. African Traditional Religion

29. Which of the following items is used during sacrifices in African Traditional Religion?
A. Clay pots
B. Rosary beads
C. Turban
D. Kirpan
30. Which day is observed in memory of the death of Jesus Christ?
A. Ascension day
B. Good Friday
C. Easter Monday
D. Christmas day
31. Which of the following is not a characteristic of worship?
A. Cremation
B. Singing
C. Praying
D. Meditation
32. Why do people worship? To
A. Give time to make good friends
B. Become closer to the Supreme Being
C.Be well known by other people
D.Show people how good they are
33.Some people commit crime because of
A.mental illness
B.Good morals

34.Which one of the following punishment has got a long term effect?
C.Corporal punishment
D. Expulsion from school
35.Which one of the following is a way of dealing with juvenile delinquents in a society?
A.Capital punishment
B.Corporal punishment
36.Which of the following is an economic value of pilgrimate?
A. Businesses make more profit
B. Needy people get donation
C. Planting of trees
D. Meeting new friends
37. Who is allowed to administer corporal punishment in school?
A. Head teacher
B. Teacher
C. Parent
D. Peer pressure

38. One of the following cannot lead to juvenile delinquency

A. Poverty
B. Child abuse
C. Peer pressure
D. Good parental care

39. One of the following is a crime commonly committed by juvenile deliquents in Botswana
A. Car hijacking
B. Pick pocketing
C. Murder
D. Rape
40. Where is the Guru Granth Sahib kept?
A. Takht
B.Under the table
C.In a monastery
D. On top of the table
41. The following are non-governmental organization that take care of abandoned children
A. Bible Life
C.Mpulekwelagope center
42.Mr Mohumi and his family are Christians. Every year on the 25th of December they gather
together and share a special meal and read a few verses from the Bible. What festival could they
be celebrating?
D. Christmas
43. What can cause a parent or parents to abandon their child?
A. Religious beliefs
B. Too much love
C. Parent guidance
D. Lack of food

44. Which of following is NOT a children’s right?
A. The right to education
B. The right to vote
C. The right to privacy
D. The right to life
45. What should a child do as a way of exercising responsibility towards their right to food?
A. Take any food they want from shops for free
B. Eat as much as they want at home
C. Refuse to go to school if there is no food
D. Avoid wasting food
46. Which of the following is an example of acceptable behavior?
A. Whistling to grab attention of an elder
B. Pupils smoking outside the school fence
C. Fighting each other after school
D. Working hard in one’s studies
47. Giving respect and honor to the Supreme Being through praying, singing, dancing and
reading holy books is termed as ____________
A. Worship
B. Praise
C. Dance
D. Bible

48. Which of the following statements is NOT true about religious implications of child
A. A few religious teach that a child should be given love
B. All religions condemn child abandonment
C. A child is seen as a blessing from the supreme being
D. A child brings happiness to every family

49.Which of the following is a symbol for Buddhism?
A. The loftus flower
B. The image of Shiva
C. The Star of David
D. The Khanda
50.Buddhist meditate in front of the statue of _________________
A. Guru Nanak
C. Monk
51. Which of the following is one of the reasons why children’s rights are violated in Botswana ?
A. Children enjoy being punished
B. Children know their rights too much
C. Children have no rights
D. Some people ignore that children have right
52. Calling upon the names of the departed is an expression of worship in which religion?
A. Christianity
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
53. Which of the following is a moral implication of corporal punishment ?
A. A child will like school more
B. A child withdrawing from the school
C. Children will enjoy learning
D. Children may start liking their teacher
54. How can corporal punishment be best described as a way of correcting bahaviour ?
A. Making someone aware of what is right or wrong by beating
B. Punishing a child by hitting him against the wall

C. Beating children out of anger
D. Excessively using a stick to punish children who behave badly
55.In which religion do followers have to wash some parts of the body like faces, arms and feet
before going into the worshiping place?
A. Islam
B. Sikhism
C. Christianity
56.Which of the following is a festival performed in Buddhism?
B. New ruz
C. Diwali
57. Which of the following statements is NOT true about punishment in Christianity?
A. An offender may be presented from taking Holy Communion
B. A leader maybe demoted from his/her position
C. A member may be expelled from the church
D. A leader may be transferred to another church branch

58. The following are myths about HIV/AIDS Except____________

A. There is no cure for HIV/AIDS
B. HIV/AIDS is caused by poisoning
C. HIV/AIDS only affected drug users and prostitutes
D. Having sex with a virgin helps cure HIV/AIDS
59.Thabo noticed that his neighbors left their house unlocked. He got into their house, stole their
television, stove, iron and other things and sold them to his friends.
What consequences is Thabo likely to face if he gets caught?
A. Forgiveness from neighbours
B. Going to jail

C. Corporal punishment by police
D. Capital punishment
60.Why are artifacts important during worship?
A. Because they are very beautiful
B. God only listen to the artifacts
C. Believers are not only aware of God
D. Believers concentrate better through use of artifacts.

REMO 6 Marking key
1. A (STD 5 31. A (
2. C (STD 5 32. B (
3. D (STD 5 33. A (
4. B ( STD 5 34. D. (
5. C ( 35. B (
6. B (STD 5 1.1..1.8) 36. A (STD 5
7. D ( 37. A (
8. B (STD 5 38. D (
9. B (STD 5 39. B (
10. D (STD 5 40. A (STD 5
11. A (STD 5 41. D (
12. C ( 42. D (
13. B ( 43. D (
14. D ( 44. B (
15. C ( 45. D (
16. D ( 46. D (
17. C ( 47. A (
18. B ( 48. A (
19. A ( 49. A (STD 5
20. C ( 50. B (STD 5
21. B ( 51. D (
22. A ( 52. D (
23. C ( 53. B (
24. C (STD 5 54. A (
25. C ( 55. A (
26. A (STD 5 56. D (
27. A ( 57. B (
28. B ( 58. A (
29. A ( 59. C (
30. B ( 60. D (


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