Am Bhs Inggris Mts 9 23 24

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A. Section A: Multiple Choice.

1. Choose the correct answer!

Dad : Have a nice dream, Dear!
Dito : ……

The best expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Good job, Dad. C. Good night, Dad.
B. Good bye, Dad. D. Good evening, Dad.

2. Read the dialouge below!

Mila : Hi, My name is Mila. You can call me Mila.
Dian : Hi, Mila. I am Dian Indah. My nick name is Indah. Glad to meet you Mila.
Mila : It is glad to meet you too.

The bolded expression is the way how Mila ... herself.

A. asks C. apologizes
B. greets D. introduces

3. The best expression to complete the text below is …

Annisa : … My name is Annisa. I am a student at SMP.

A. Good morning. I have a name C. You want to know me
B. I’d like to indtroduce myself D. Hi, guys. Here is me

Read the text below for answer question number 4 – 5

Hello, guys. My name is Insania. My nick name is Sania. I am 12 years old. My birthday is on July
14th. I am from Semarang. I live in Pattimura Street Number 10. I live with my parents and two
siblings. We are happy family.

4. What is the girl’s call name?

A. Insania C. Nickname
B. I am D. Sania

5. The words “siblings” in the sentence “I live with my parents and two siblings.” means …
A. Grandpa and grandma C. Brother and sister
B. Mother and father D. Uncle and ant

Questions for number 6-10!

Pineapple Stew


1 Pineapple cut into dices

3 glasses of water
1 glass of granulated sugar


1) Boil water until boiled.

2) Then add sugar, cinnamon, and clovers.
3) Bring it to a boil and add the pineapples.
4) Wait until you can smell the pineaplles.
5) Remove from heat and serve cold.

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6. The recipe tells you how to make …
A. Dice C. Pineaplle stew
B. Ingredients D. Granulated sugar

7. What ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew?

A. Dice, glass, sugar C. Pineaplles, dice, water
B. Glass, water, sugar D. Pineaplles, water, sugar

8. How much sugar do we need?

A. 1 cup C. 3 spoons
B. 1 glass D. 3 glasses

9. When do we have to stop boiling the pineapple?

A. When water is boiled C. After we remove the stew from heat
B. When we smell the pineapple D. After sugar, cinnamon, and clovers
are added

10. How should you serve the pineapple stew?

A. It is served hot C. It is served cold
B. It is served raw D. It is uncooked

Text for answering number 11-13!

Dear Toni,

Let me congratulate you on your success as the best English news reader in 2019.
I hope you always perform the best in the next competition.


11. Who is the writer of the text?

A. Toni C. Sindi
B. Doni D. Reader

12. What competition did Toni win?

A. English news reader C. English speaker
B. English news writer D. English man

13. Sindi congratulate Toni because …

A. Toni bought the competition C. Toni won the competition
B. Toni failed the competition D. Toni didn’t enjoy the competition

14. What is the opposite of “small” ?

A. Big c Little
B. Tiny D. Short

15. She ___ basketball every weeked.

A. Play C. Plays
B. Played D. Playing

16. She ___ to the store yesterday.

A. Is going C. Went
B. Goes D. Go

17. They ___ excited about the upcoming trip.

A. is C. be
B. am D. are

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18. What is the correct past tense of “drink” ?
A. Drinks C. Drunk
B. Drank D. Drinked

19. I ___ looking forward to the weekend.

A. am C. are
B. is D. be

20. What is the synonym of “happy” ?

A. sad C. angry
B. exited D. joyful

21. My brother always ranks first in his class. And so do I. I am _____ my brother.
A. Smarter than C. Smarter
B. Smartest D. As smart as

22. Mathematics is the ___ subject for me.

A. Most difficult C. Difficultest
B. Difficulter D. More difficult

23. When it comes to Physics subject, I am ___ in my class because I can’t remember the formulas.
A. The best C. The worst
B. Worse D. Good

24. It is noon, Dedik ___ eating lunch in the canteen right now.
A. is C. am
B. are D. were

25. Tiara is ___ now, but she will take a rest soon.
A. dancing C. danced
B. dance D. dances

26. Which one is the correct sentence of present continuous tense?

A. I reading in the library now C. I am reading in the library now
B. I am reading in the library yesterday D. I am read in the library now

27. Notice: “Don’t use the toilet. It’s being repaired.”

What should we do after reading the notice?
A. Use the toilet on purpose C. Use another toilet
B. Help repair the toilet D. Keep the toilet clean

28. Dani : May I borrow your pen, Rio?

Rio : ___ . I am using it.
A. Yes, please C. I am so sorry
B. Sure, you may D. Of course

29. Beni said, “Yes. Thanks Julie. May I use your bicycle again tomorrow?”
What does he express?
A. He asks for help C. He does not need help
B. He offers help D. He refuses help

30. Rina : Are you drinking a cup of iced-tea ?

Joko : Yes, I am.
Rina : ___ one more for me?
A. Do you buy C. Must you buy
B. Will you buy D. May you buy

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31. Which sentence is the best grammatically?
A. Russia is more larger than USA C. The children are taller than their
B. I am not more smarter than my parents
brother D. My house is more bigger than her

32. Ali and his father ___ to have dinner together now.
A. are going C. going
B. will going D. is going

33. Umar : What is Andi doing in the living room by himself?

Farrel : He ____
A. is talking with his father C. is playing hide and seek
B. is doing the crossword puzzle D. is discussing the plant

34. The man usually goes for a walk at this time, but he ___ for now.
A. don’t go C. not going
B. isn’t going D. doesn’t go

35. Our schoolyard is very large. We can play ___ here.

A. Hide and seek C. Badminton
B. Computer games D. Chess

36. Mr. Nurdin always ___ to his office.

A. Driving her car C. Drive his car
B. Is driving her car D. Drives his car

37. (+) He always reads a book every day.

(-) ____________________
A. He doesn’t read a book every day. C. He don’t read book every day.
B. Does he read book every day? D. He didn’t read book every day.

38. Mrs. Ica always goes to the supermarket. She works to count the price of the buyer’s groceries. She
is a ___
A. Cashier C. Journalist
B. Doctor D. Painter

39. This animal lives in the sea and has 8 pentacles. What animal is it?
A. Zebra C. Octopus
B. Elephant D. Tiger

40. Husna : Give me the magazine, please.

Lutfi : _______
A. Never mind C. It is so nice
B. No, thanks D. Here you are

B. Section B: Essay
1. Write 4 expressions of congratulation!
2. Write 4 expressions of disagreement!

Translate the following sentences into English correctly and make a negative, positive, introgative, and
negative introgative forms.
a) Saya belajar ke sekolah setiap hari. b) Apakah dia sedang minum kopi?
3. (+) = …………… 7. (+) = ……………
4. (-) = …………… 8. (-) = ……………
5. (+?) = …………… 9. (+?) = ……………
6. (-?) = …………… 10. (-?) = ……………

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