Blue and White Illustrative Parts of Animal Cell Presentation 8.268 X 11.693 in 1

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Jargons in Field
Allele (n)
( uh·leel )
A variation of a gene’s nucleotide
sequence (an alternative form of
a gene).
To be affected by the disease, which shows autosomal
recessive inheritance, a baby must inherit a mutant allele from
each parent.

Aquaporin (n)
( aa·kwuh·paw·ruhn )
Channel protein in the plasma
membrane of a plant, animal, or
microorganism cell that
specifically facilitates osmosis,
the diffusion of water across the

Water follows sodium through aquaporin channels,

leading to cytotoxic edema

ATP synthase (n)

( uh·tee·pee sin·thace )
Important enzyme that provides
energy for the cell to use through
the synthesis of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)
In cellular respiration, ATP synthase plays a crucial
role in the synthesis of ATP molecules.
Biochemical Reaction (n)
( bye·oh·kem·ick·uhl ree·ak·shun)

Chemical reaction that occurs

inside the cells of living things.

During cellular metabolism, various biochemical reactions

occur to convert molecules into energy or building blocks for
cellular processes.

Bioflim (n)
( bye·oh·film )
Colony of prokaryotes that is
stuck to a surface such as a rock
or a host’s tissue

The formation of a biofilm on surfaces in water distribution

systems can lead to bacterial growth and contamination

Biomass (n)
( bye·oh·mass )

Biological material derived from

living, or recently living organisms

Using biomass as a renewable energy source can

help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate
climate change
Chemoautotroph (n)
( kee·moh·aw·toh·trohf )
Producer that uses energy from
chemical compounds to make
food by chemosynthesis

Chemoautotrophs synthesize organic compounds from chemical

reactions, crucial in ecosystems like deep-sea hydrothermal vents.

Chromatin (n)
( kroh·muh·tin )
Granular material visible within
the nucleus; consists of DNA tightly
coiled around proteins.

During interphase, the DNA in the nucleus is organized as

chromatin, allowing for efficient gene expression and

Codon (n)
( koh·dahn )

Three-nucleotide sequence on
messenger RNA that codes for a
single amino acid

The sequence of three nucleotides in a codon

determines the specific amino acid during protein
Deciduous Plant (n)
( dih·sid·yoo·uhs plant)
A type of plant that sheds its
leaves seasonally to conserve
water during cold or dry periods,
re growing them later in the year.

Deciduous plants, like maple trees, shed their leaves in autumn to

conserve water during the dry winter months.

Developmental Biology(n)
( dih·ve·luhp·mehn·tuhl bahy·ol·uh·jee)
"The study of how living organisms
grow, develop, reproduce, regenerate,
and undergo metamorphosis,
including the growth and
differentiation of stem cells in mature
"Developmental biology explores the intricate processes of
growth, reproduction, and regeneration in living organisms."

Dependent Variable (n)

( dih·pen·duhnt vair·ee·uh·buhl )

Variable in a scientific experiment

that is affected by another
variable, called the independent
In the experiment, the growth rate of plants was
measured as the dependent variable
Endocytosis (n)
( en·doh·sai·toh·sis )
A process where a cell takes in
outside materials by folding its
membrane inward.

Endocytosis allows cells to take in nutrients and other substances

by folding its membrane inward to engulf extracellular material.

Endosymbiosis (n)
( en·doh·sim·bee·oh·suhs )

A theorized process in which early

eukaryotic cells were formed
from simpler prokaryotes.

Endosymbiosis suggests that eukaryotic cells evolved from

symbiotic relationships between prokaryotes.

Enthalpy (n)
( en-thuhl-pee )
Enthalpy, designated by the letter
'H', combines the system's internal
energy with the product of its
pressure and volume.

In thermodynamics, enthalpy (H) represents the total

energy of a system, including both its internal energy
and the work done by its volume and pressure.
Flaccid (n)
( flas·id)
Limp; lacking in stiffness or
firmness, as in a plant cell.

The once vibrant and healthy plant now looked flaccid, its leaves
drooping and lifeless.

Geological Time Scale(n)

( jee-uh-LOJ-ik time scale )
The system of measuring time
through rock layer stratification
helps scientists describe the
timing and relationships of events
in Earth's history.

The geologist used the geologic time scale to determine

the age of the fossils found in the rock layers.

Hybrid (n)
( hay-brid )

Offspring of crosses between

parents with different traits

The liguar, a hybrid of a male lion and a female jaguar,

possesses characteristics of both parent species.
Interphase (n)
( in-ter-feyz )
The longest‐lasting phase of the
cell cycle in which a cell performs
the majority of its functions, such
as preparing for nuclear division
and cytokinesis
During interphase, the cell prepares for division by replicating its
DNA and synthesizing proteins.

K-selected (n)
( kay-suh-LEK-tid )
Species in which population
growth is controlled by density-
dependent factors and
population size is generally at or
near carrying capacity

K-selected species, like elephants and whales, invest

heavily in each offspring, resulting in fewer offspring with
higher chances of survival.
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