A Letter To God

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Lencho, a poor farmer
Post office employees
The story, “A Letter to God” by G.L Fuentes revolves around the idea of having an
unquestionable belief in something. The story is set in a Latin American country. Lencho,
the farmer, who is the protagonist of the story, writes a letter to God seeking help from
the almighty after discovering his entire crop yield destroyed by a devastating hailstorm.
Although his wishes get fulfilled partially, if not completely, he is ungrateful in the end
and questions the honesty and modesty of the post-masters who actually helped him with
money (anonymously) in the name of god.
a. Lencho’s hope of good rain to have a good crop. It rains but the rain soon changes into a
b. Lencho has firm faith in God.
c. Lencho writes a letter to God to help him.
d. He asks God to send him hundred pesos.
e. The postmaster and other employees laugh at Lencho’s letter to God.
f. The postmaster decides to help Lencho.
g. The postmaster wants every employee to help in his noble deed.
h. The postmaster collects seventy pesos and gives the envelope to the postman who gives it
to Lencho himself.
i. Lencho gets angry after getting seventy pesos as he had asked for hundred pesos.
j. Lencho calls the employees of the post office a bunch of crooks as he thinks that they
have stolen the rest of the amount.


k. Lencho again writes a letter to God to send him the rest of the money.
l. Lencho has firm faith in the magnanimity of God, and God never betrays the trust of a
The story, “A Letter to God” by G.L. Fuentes depicts the unwavering faith of a farmer in
God. It begins with a farmer, named Lencho expecting a rain shower to nourish his field
of corn. He is confident that his harvest is going to yield him huge profits just like it does
every year. To his utmost excitement, rainfall did happen but sooner, it turned into a
hailstorm destroying his entire crop field. The damage posed a threat to the family’s
survival as their entire livelihood was dependent on the year’s produce. Although
disheartened, the family had a robust belief in the almighty. Lencho, despite having
worked day and night in the field, knew how to write and thus, decided to write a letter to
God explaining his situation and asking for help. He went to town to post his letter
addressed “To God”. The letter on being noticed by the postmaster, at first amused him,
but then motivated him to want to do something for the farmer so as to keep his immense
belief intact. He contributes from his salary and collects money from his colleagues and
friends who willingly contributed to an act of charity. To his dismay, he could only collect
70 pesos which he wrapped in an envelope to make it seem like a reply from the deity. On
having found the letter, the writer (Lencho) is not at all shocked, but instead, he gets
angry on finding that the amount is less than what he had expected. He again writes a
letter to God conveying his disappointment and distrust in the employees of the post office
who he thought had stolen the remaining amount.
Character sketch:
Lencho : is the main character of the story “The Letter to God.” He is a poor farmer who is the
sole bread-earner of the family. He had faith in God. Lencho lived in a small house that
was situated on the crest of a low hill in the valley. Throughout the morning Lencho sat in
his house and waited for the rain to come. He wished for the rain or the shower for the
field in which he had grown his crops but due to hailstorm, his crops were destroyed.
Lencho wrote the letter to God as he thought that he would be the only one to help him in
his bad times. He wrote a letter addressing God to send him 100 pesos so that he and his
family can survive in such a difficult situation.
Postmaster :
The postmaster was fat and amiable fellow. He was a sensible and compassionate human
being who was amazed by the depth of faith in God that is shown by Lencho. Although at
first he was amused by Lencho’s letter to God, he became serious and wanted to help
Lencho because he didn’t want his faith to be shaken. The postmaster himself gave a part
of his salary and also requested his employees and a few friends to contribute to charity.
He felt happy and satisfied when Lencho received the money. This shows that he was a
kind and empathetic person as well. He loved to help others.
Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1. The house- the only one in the entire valley- sat on the crest of a low hill. From this
height, one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that
always promised a good harvest. The only thing the Earth needed was a downpour or
at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho who knew his fields intimately had
done nothing else but see the sky towards the North-East. “Now we’re really going to
get some water, woman.” The woman who was preparing supper, replied, “Yes, God
(a) Where was Lencho’s house located?
(b) What was Lencho’s wife preparing?
(c) Find the word from the passage which means ‘very closely’.
(d) What does ‘Crest’ means?
Ans. Lencho’s house was located on the crest of a low hill.
(b) Lencho’s wife was preparing supper.
(c) The word is ‘Intimately’.
(d) Crest means the top part of a hill.
2. It was during the meal that, just as Lencho had predicted, big drops of rain began to
fall. In the North-East huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching. The air
was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure
of feeling the rain on his body.
(a) What could be seen approaching in the North-East?
(b) Why did Lencho go out?
(c) Give an antonym of the word ‘Big’.
(d) Which word in the passage is a synonym of ‘forecast’.
(a) Huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching in the North-East.
(b) Lencho went out to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body.
(c) The word is ‘small’.
(d) The word ‘predict’ is a synonym forthe forecast.
3. With a satisfied expression, he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped
in a curtain of rain. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain
very large hailstones began to fall. These truly did resemble new silver coins. Theboys,
exposing themselves to the rain, ran out to collect the frozen pearls.
(a) What happened to the rain suddenly?
(b) ‘The frozen pearls’ refers to which thing in the paragraph.
(c) Find the similar meaning of ‘contented’ in the paragraph.
(d) Find from the passage a word that means ‘to take after.
(a) The rain suddenly changed into hailstones.
(b) ‘The frozen pearls’ refers to hailstones.
(c) The word is ‘Satisfied’.
(d) The word is ‘Resemble’.
4. Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. The flowers were
gone from the plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness. When the storm had
passed, he stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons. “A plague of locusts
would have left more than this. The hail has left nothing.
(a) Describe Lencho’s feelings as shown in the passage.
(b) What happened to the crop when the storm had passed?
(c) Find the word that means the opposite of ‘restored’ as used in the passage.
(d) What do you mean by ‘hail’ in the last line?
(a) Lencho was filled with sadness when the storm had passed.
(b) The crop was completely destroyed when the storm had passed.


(c) The word is ‘destroyed’.

(d) ‘Hail’ is balls of ice that fall from the sky in the form of rain.
5. “That’s what they say: no one dies of hunger.” All through the night, Lencho thought
only of his one hope: the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see
everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience. Lencho was an ox of a man, working
like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write.
(a) What was Lencho’s only hope?
(b) How did Lencho work in the field?
(c) Find the exact word of similar meaning ‘moral sense’ given in the passage.
(d) Explain ‘an ox of a man’.
(a) Lencho’s only hope was the help of God.
(b) Lencho worked as an ‘ox’ in the field.
(c) The word is ‘conscience’.
(d) It means a man working hard as an ox or animal.
6. The postmaster- a fat, amiable fellow also broke out laughing, but almost immediately
he turned serious and tapping the letter on his desk, commented. “What faith! I wish
I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter. Starting up a correspondence with
God!”So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the postmaster came up with
an idea: answer the letter. But when he opened it, it was evident that to answer it he
needed something more than goodwill, ink, and paper. But he stuck to his resolution:
he asked for money from his employees, he himself gave part of his salary,and several
friends of hisobliged to give something ‘for an act of charity’.
(a) What kind of a person the postmaster was?
(b) How did the postmaster help Lencho?
(c) Find the exact word in similar meaning ‘without delay’ given in the passage.
(d) Determination is synonymous with …………….
(a) The postmaster was a fat, amiable and helpful, fellow.
(b) The postmaster helped Lencho by collecting money from his employees and friends.
(c) The word is ‘Immediately’.
(d) Determination is a synonym with Resolution.
7. The following Sunday, Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter
for him. It was the postman himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster,
experiencing the contentment of a man who has performed a good deed, looked on
from his office.Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such
was his confidence, but he became angry when he counted the money. God could not
have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.
(a) Why did Lencho come earlier to the post office?
(b) Why wasLencho angry when he counted money?
(c) Find the word which means the opposite of permitted from the passage.
(d) Which word in the passage gives the meaning ‘that one will be successful one day.

(a) Lencho came earlier to the post office to know if there was a letter for him.
(b) Lencho was angry when he counted the money as it was not the full amount that he
had demanded from God.
(c) The word is ‘denied’.
(d) The word is ‘confidence’.
8. When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then
affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist. The moment the letter fell into the
mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said: “God: Of the money that I asked for,
only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t
send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a ‘bunch of
crooks’. Lencho.”
(a) What did Lencho do with the stamp?
(b) What did the postmaster do when the letter fell into the mailbox and why?
(c) Find out the word which has a similar meaning as ‘attached’ used in the passage.
(d) Which word in the passage denotes a dishonest person?
(a) Lencho licked and affixed the stamp to the envelope with a blow of his fist.
(b) The postmaster immediately opened the letter to know Lencho’s feelings for the money
he had received.
(c) The word is ‘affixed’.
(d) The word is ‘crook’.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Who was Lencho? What were his main problems?
Lencho was a hardworking farmer, who lived on the crest of a low hill. Due to the hailstorm,
his crops were destroyed, so he needed money to sow his field again and support his
family. These were the main problems of Lencho.
2. Give a brief description of the view from Lencho’shouse?
Lencho’s house was situated on the crest of a low hill and it was the only one in the
valley. One could easily see the river and the field of ripe corn from here.
3. What did Lencho compare the raindrops to and why?
Lencho compared the raindrops to new coins because the crop needed the rain badly and
it was a sign of a good harvest. A good harvest meant prosperity for Lencho as he needed
the money to fulfill his basic needs.
4. Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
When Lencho’s crops were completely destroyed by the hailstorm, he wrote a letter to
God because he was the only hope in his despair. Lencho asked him to send hundred
pesos to sow his field again and support his family.
5. Why and how did the postmaster help Lencho?
The postmaster was determined to help Lencho. He did not want Lencho’s faith in God to
be shaken so he asked his employees and friends to help Lencho. He also contributed a
part of his salary to this act of charity.

6. How much money did Lencho need? Howmuch did he get?
Lencho got seventy pesos. He was angry at the difference as he needed hundred pesos to
sow the crops again and to support his family till the next harvest.
7. Why did Lencho not want the money to be sent through the mail?
Lencho wrote in his second letter that he received only seventy pesos but he needed a
hundred pesos.He requested God not to send the rest of the money by post since the post
office employees were a bunch of crooks and would steal the money.
8. Do you think that Lencho was right to call the post office employees a bunch of
crooks? Why or why not?
Lencho called the post office employees a bunch of crooks as he did notget the full money
that he had demanded. He could not believe that God had sent him any less money so he
doubted these people. But he was not right to call them a bunch of crooks.
Long Answer (Value Based) Type Questions
1. Who was Lencho and what circumstances forced him to write a letter to God?
Lencho was a hardworking farmer who lived with his family on a crest of a low hill. He
was a very caring and God-loving man. Though, he was a farmer he could read and write.
Lencho eagerly waited for the rainfall in order to get a good harvest and he became happy
when it came. But the pleasing rain changed into a hailstorm and destroyed his crop.
He became sad and was worried about his family as they might remain hungry that year.
His last hope was help from God as he had complete faith in him. Hence, he wrote a letter
to God asking him to send hundred pesos to survive and to re-harvest.
2. Give a character sketch of Lencho.
Lencho was a simple man and a hardworking farmer. He worked like an ox in his field.
Lencho’s entire crops were badly destroyed by the hailstorm. So, he became very sad as
he was worried about his family. He was an optimistic person. Although his only source of
living was taken away, he didn’t lose hope. He had his last hope in God. He was confident
that God would help him in his distress. Lencho was an innocent atheist who didn’t know
that there was no such living person as God who could send him money. He had blind
faith in God and sought the solution to his problem from God only.
3. Sketch the character of the postmaster in the story ‘A Letter to God”.(or)How do you
like,the character of the postmaster in the story ‘A Letter to God?” Give a reason for
your answer.
The postmaster was fat and friendly fellow. He was a sensible human being. He first
laughed looking at the letter which had a strange address. But soon he became serious.
He was surprised at the faith that Lencho had in God. He wanted his faith not to be
The postmaster himself gave a part of his salary and also requested his employees and a
few friends to contribute to charity. He felt happy and satisfied when Lencho received the
money. This shows that he was a kind and empathetic person as well. He loved to help
4. How did the postmaster and post office employees help Lencho? How did he react to
their help?
The Postmaster and post office employees were very generous as they contributed to the
act of charity. First, they laughed when they saw Lencho’s letter to God, but soon they
were impressed by his faith in God. They decided to send some money to Lencho so that
his faith in God does not get shaken. They collected seventy pesos and sent them to


When Lencho got the envelope and opened it to count the money, he became angry. He
again wrote a letter to God demanding the remaining thirty pesos. He thought that post
office employees had taken away the remaining money and called them a bunch of crooks,
which was not justified at all as they were the people who had helped him. But it shows
his innocence and firm faith in God.
5. How did the hailstones affect Lencho’s field? What was Lencho’s only hope?
Lencho, a hardworking farmer, worked like an ox for a good harvest and depended
completely on his fields to take care of his family. He expected a good harvest that year.
He needed a downpour for the crops to ripe, but the rain followed by a hailstorm completely
destroyed the crops.
It made him sad. He was worried for his family as he loved them so much. But Lencho had
firm faith in God and believed that nobody died of hunger. So, he decided to seek help
from God. He wrote a letter to God and asked him for a hundred pesos to survive and to
sow a new crop.
6. “Humanity still exists”, this is what we get to know after reading A letter to God’ in
which the firm faith in God of a poor farmer and helpfulness of the post office employees
are aptly depicted thought. Write a paragraph on the values in it, in about 80-100
words. Give the paragraph a suitable title.
Existence of Humanity
After reading ‘A letter to God’, our faith in humanity stirs strong. We learn from the story
that there still are people who help others without any self-interest. The postmaster and
the post office employees lay an example for everyone of us to be kind. Though they all
laughed at his letter, they were really moved by the grip of faith Lencho had in God. The
way they all decided to help the stranger in his hard times restores our faith in the
existence of humanity and motivates us to be noble and kind people.
7. Describe Lencho’s qualities in light of his faith in God. Do you have faith in God like
Lencho? Was Lencho’s reaction towards post office employees right?
Lencho was a poor farmer who totally depended on the harvest to survive and fulfillthe
basic needs of his family. Once his crops were destroyed due to heavy rainfall and hailstones
and he was afraid to think about how his family would survive. He believed that God
would help him in this plight. He had firm faith in God, he believed that God would not let
him be humble.
Nowadays a-days faith in God like Lencho is almost impossible and unseen. People are
very much aware that nobody is willing to help others without any self-interest. Lencho’s
reaction towards post office employees was not right or justified but it was just because of
his innocence as he could not believe that God had done such a mistake. It was only the
post office employees who had stolen money according to him.


Mind Map of The Lesson A Letter to God


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