Module 3 EDA

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Module-3: Linear Regression and Variable Selection

3 Marks Questions:

1. Define linear regression and its applications in data analysis.

Simple Linear Regression

This is the simplest form of linear regression, and it involves only one independent
variable and one dependent variable. The equation for simple linear regression is:


 Y is the dependent variable

 X is the independent variable
 β0 is the intercept
 β1 is the slope
Applications in Data Analysis

Linear regression is widely used in data analysis due to its simplicity and interpretability. Some
common applications include:

Economics and Finance: For predicting economic indicators such as GDP, inflation rates, or stock
prices based on various predictors like interest rates, unemployment rates, etc.

Healthcare: Used in epidemiology to understand the relationship between risk factors and health
outcomes, such as the impact of smoking on life expectancy.

Marketing: To determine the effectiveness of different advertising media on sales, or to understand

how pricing changes impact sales volume.

Real Estate: To predict property prices based on features like area, number of rooms, location, etc.

Environmental Science: For modeling and predicting pollution levels, temperature changes, or the
effects of human activities on natural resources.

Quality Control: In manufacturing, to predict product quality from process parameters, helping in
optimizing the manufacturing process.

2. Explain the concept of point estimation in the context of linear regression.

Point estimation in the context of linear regression refers to the process of estimating the
coefficients (parameters) of the regression model using the sample data. These coefficients include
the slope(s) and the intercept of the model, which together define the linear relationship between
the independent and dependent variables.
In linear regression, the equation for a simple linear regression model is:
β0 (intercept): Represents the expected value of y when all independent
variables are zero.
β1 (slope): Represents the expected change in y for a one-unit change in x
The most common method for estimating the coefficients in linear regression is the
Least Squares Estimation. The goal of least squares estimation is to find the values of
the regression coefficients that minimize the sum of the squared differences
(residuals) between the observed values and the values predicted by the model.
Mathematically, this is expressed as:

point estimation in linear regression involves calculating estimates of the

model parameters that best fit the data according to the least squares
criterion. These estimates are used to interpret the relationship between
variables, predict future outcomes, and inform decision-making processes in
various fields.

3. Provide an example of a linear model and discuss its theoretical justification.

Example of a Linear Model: Predicting Housing Prices

Consider a simple scenario where we want to predict the prices of houses based on
their sizes. The assumption here is that the house price is linearly dependent on its
size. The linear model for this problem can be expressed as:

Price is the dependent variable (the outcome we are trying to predict).

Size is the independent variable (the predictor).
β0 is the intercept (the base price when the size is zero, though practically this might
not make sense for house sizes, it adjusts the line to fit the data).
β1 is the slope of the regression line (it indicates the increase in price for each
unit increase in house size).
ε is the error term which accounts for the variability in Price that cannot be
explained linearly by Size.
Theoretical Justification
Empirical Observation: Historical data often show that larger houses tend to
have higher prices. This observation supports modeling house price as a
function of house size.

Linearity Assumption: The assumption that the relationship between the size
and price of houses is linear might be justified by the simplicity of the model
and empirical adequacy for a specific dataset or market segment. For many
practical purposes, a linear approximation provides a sufficiently accurate
description of the relationship and is easy to use and interpret.

Statistical Basis - Least Squares Estimation:

Objective: To find β0 and β1 that minimize the sum of squared residuals (i.e., the
differences between observed prices and prices predicted by the model).
Mathematical Formulation:

Solution: The least squares estimates for β0 and β1 can be derived using
calculus, resulting in explicit formulas that estimate these parameters based
on the covariance and variance of the observed data.
Gauss-Markov Theorem:
Assumptions: The error terms have an expected value of zero, are
uncorrelated, and have equal variances (homoscedasticity), and the
independent variables (Size) are non-random and free of measurement error.
Implication: Under these assumptions, the OLS estimators β0 and β1 are the
Best Linear Unbiased Estimators (BLUE) of the regression coefficients. They
provide the most precise (lowest variance) estimates possible among all linear
unbiased estimators.

4. What are r2 and adjusted r2 values in the result of a linear regression analysis?

In the context of linear regression analysis, R2 (R-squared) and adjusted R2 are statistical measures
that describe how well the model fits the data. They are both used to quantify the percentage of the
variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variables.

R-squared (R2 )

R2 is the coefficient of determination, which provides a measure of how well observed outcomes
are replicated by the model, based on the proportion of total variation of outcomes explained by the
model. It is defined as:

Sum of Squared Residuals (SSR) is the sum of the squares of the residuals, which are the differences
between the observed values and the values predicted by the model.

Total Sum of Squares (SST) is the total variance in the dependent variable and is equal to the sum of
the squares of the differences between the observed values and their mean.

Adjusted R2 is a modified version of R2 that has been adjusted for the number of predictors
in the model. It is used to account for the phenomenon where R2 increases with each
additional predictor, regardless of the predictor's statistical significance. It is defined as:


n is the number of observations,

p is the number of predictors in the model

5. How is the best-fit regression line determined?

6. What are the key components of the Frequentist approach to parameter


Frequentist Basics

The frequentist view defines the probability of an event as the proportion of times
that the event occurs in a sequence of possibly hypothetical trials.
The data x1, ... , xn is generally assumed to be independent and identically
distributed (i.i.d.).
We would like to estimate some unknown value θ associated with the distribution
from which the data was generated.
In general, our estimate will be a function of the data (i.e., a statistic)

Example: Given the results of n independent flips of a coin, determine the

probability p with which it lands on heads.

7. Summarise the main steps involved in variable selection for the linear model.
Carefully selected features can improve model accuracy. But adding too many can lead
to overfitting:

Overfitted models describe random error or noise instead of any underlying

They generally have poor predictive performance on test data;
For instance, we can use a 15-degree polynomial function to fit the following data so
that the fitted curve goes nicely through the data points. However, a brand new
dataset collected from the same population may not fit this particular curve well at

Sometimes when we do prediction we may not want to use all of the predictor
variables (sometimes p is too big). For example, a DNA array expression example has
a sample size (N) of 96 but a dimension (p) of over 4000!
In such cases, we would select a subset of predictor variables to perform regression
or classification, e.g. to choose k predicting variables from the total of p variables
yielding minimum RSS

7 Marks Questions:

1. Discuss the expectations and variances associated with linear methods in



Intuitively, the expectation of a random variable is its "average" value under its
Formally, the expectation of a random variable X, denoted E[X], is its Lebesgue
integral with respect to its distribution.
Lebesgue's theory defines integrals for a class of functions called measurable

The expectation is monotone: if X ≥Y, then E(X) ≥ E(Y)


The term variance refers to a statistical measurement of the spread between

numbers in a data set. More specifically, variance measures how far each number in
the set is from the mean (average), and thus from every other number in the set.
The variance of a random variable X is defined as:

and the variance obeys the following

2. Discuss the assumptions of linear regression and the possible methods to test the

Linear regression relies on several assumptions to ensure the validity and reliability of
the model estimates. These assumptions include:

1. Linearity:
Assumption: The relationship between the independent variables and the
dependent variable is linear. This means that changes in the independent variables
result in proportional changes in the dependent variable.
Testing Methods:
Plotting scatterplots of the independent variables against the dependent variable
can help visualize the linearity of the relationships.
Residual plots can also be used to detect nonlinearity. A pattern in the residuals
suggests that the linear model may not be appropriate.
2. Independence:
Assumption: The residuals (the differences between observed and predicted values)
are independent of each other. In other words, there should be no systematic
pattern or correlation in the residuals.
Testing Methods:
Durbin-Watson test: This test assesses autocorrelation in the residuals. A value of 2
indicates no autocorrelation, while values significantly greater or less than 2 suggest
positive or negative autocorrelation, respectively.
Plotting autocorrelation or partial autocorrelation functions of the residuals can also
help detect autocorrelation.
3. Homoscedasticity:
Assumption: The variance of the residuals is constant across all levels of the
independent variables. In other words, the spread of the residuals should be
consistent throughout the range of the predictors.
Testing Methods:
Residual plots: Scatterplots of residuals against predicted values or independent
variables can help identify patterns in the spread of the residuals.
Breusch-Pagan test or White test: These tests formally assess whether the variance
of the residuals is constant across different groups or levels of the independent
4. Normality of Residuals:
Assumption: The residuals are normally distributed. This assumption is important for
the validity of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals.
Testing Methods:
Shapiro-Wilk test: This test assesses the normality of the residuals. A significant p-
value suggests that the residuals are not normally distributed.
Q-Q plots: Quantile-quantile plots compare the distribution of the residuals to a
normal distribution. Departures from a straight line indicate deviations from
5. No Multicollinearity:
Assumption: The independent variables are not highly correlated with each other.
High multicollinearity can lead to unstable estimates and inflated standard errors.
Testing Methods:
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF): VIF measures the degree of multicollinearity by
calculating the ratio of the variance of the coefficient estimate to the variance of the
coefficient estimate if the variables were uncorrelated. VIF values above 10 are often
considered problematic.
6. No Outliers or Influential Points:
Assumption: There are no outliers or influential points in the data that
disproportionately influence the regression estimates.
Testing Methods:
Cook's distance: This measure quantifies the influence of each observation on the
regression estimates. Points with high Cook's distance values may be influential and
warrant further investigation.
Residual plots: Outliers can often be identified by examining residual plots,
particularly if they exhibit large deviations from the pattern of the other residuals.

3. Explain the different variable selection methods applicable in the context of linear

Likelihood ratio test;
AIC, BIC, etc.;

4. Provide a practical example of linear regression and interpret the results.

Let's consider a practical example of using linear regression to predict housing prices
based on various features of the houses.

Imagine we have a dataset that includes information such as the size of the house
(in square feet), the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the location of the house,
and the age of the house. Our goal is to build a linear regression model to predict
the price of a house based on these features.
Here's how we could interpret the results of the linear regression model:
1. Coefficients: The coefficients in the regression equation represent the weights assigned to
each feature. For example, if the coefficient for the size of the house is 100, it means that for
every additional square foot of the house, the price is predicted to increase by $100
(assuming all other variables are held constant).
2. Intercept: The intercept represents the baseline value of the dependent variable (price)
when all independent variables are zero. In this case, it might represent the price of a very
small house with no bedrooms or bathrooms in a specific location.
3. R-squared: R-squared measures the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable
(price) that is predictable from the independent variables (size, bedrooms, bathrooms,
location, age). For example, if R-squared is 0.8, it means that 80% of the variability in house
prices is explained by the independent variables in the model.
4. P-values: P-values associated with each coefficient can indicate whether the relationship
between the independent variable and the dependent variable is statistically significant. A
low p-value (typically less than 0.05) suggests that the relationship is significant.
5. Residuals: Residuals are the differences between the actual values of the dependent
variable and the predicted values by the model. By examining the distribution of residuals,
we can assess how well the model fits the data. Ideally, residuals should be normally
distributed and centered around zero.
5. Compare and contrast parameter estimation in linear regression with other
regression methods.
Parameter estimation in linear regression and other regression methods can vary in
terms of their underlying assumptions, complexity, and computational techniques.
Let's compare and contrast parameter estimation in linear regression with two other
popular regression methods: polynomial regression and ridge regression.
1. Linear Regression:
 Assumptions: Linear regression assumes a linear relationship between the
independent variables and the dependent variable. It also assumes that the errors
(residuals) are normally distributed with constant variance.
 Parameter Estimation: In linear regression, parameter estimation is typically done
using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method, where the parameters (coefficients) are
estimated to minimize the sum of the squared differences between the observed
and predicted values.
 Flexibility: Linear regression models are relatively simple and interpretable but may
not capture complex relationships between variables.
2. Polynomial Regression:
 Assumptions: Polynomial regression extends linear regression by allowing for
higher-order polynomial terms in the model. It still assumes that the relationship
between the independent and dependent variables is additive.
 Parameter Estimation: Parameter estimation in polynomial regression involves
fitting a polynomial function to the data using methods like least squares, where the
coefficients for each polynomial term are estimated.
 Flexibility: Polynomial regression can capture non-linear relationships between
variables but may suffer from overfitting when higher-order polynomial terms are
used, especially with limited data.
3. Ridge Regression (Regularized Regression):
 Assumptions: Ridge regression is a regularization technique used to mitigate
multicollinearity (high correlation between independent variables) in linear
regression. It assumes a linear relationship between variables but relaxes the
assumption of non-collinearity.
 Parameter Estimation: In ridge regression, parameter estimation involves adding a
penalty term (L2 regularization term) to the ordinary least squares objective
function, which helps to shrink the coefficients towards zero.
 Flexibility: Ridge regression can handle multicollinearity and reduce overfitting
compared to standard linear regression. It's particularly useful when dealing with
high-dimensional data or when there are many correlated predictors.

6. Critically evaluate the assumptions of linear regression in the context of data


Linear regression makes several assumptions about the data and the relationship
between the variables. Here's a critical evaluation of these assumptions in the context of
data analysis:
1. Linearity: Linear regression assumes that there is a linear relationship between the
independent variables and the dependent variable. However, in real-world data analysis,
this assumption may not always hold true. Data often exhibit complex and nonlinear
relationships, which linear regression may fail to capture adequately. It's crucial to assess the
linearity assumption by examining scatterplots and considering transformations or
alternative models if necessary.
2. Independence of Errors: Linear regression assumes that the errors (residuals) are
independent of each other. In other words, the error term for one observation should not be
correlated with the error term for another observation. Violations of this assumption, such
as autocorrelation in time-series data or clustering of residuals, can lead to biased parameter
estimates and incorrect inferences. Techniques like time-series analysis or clustered
standard errors may be employed to address violations of this assumption.
3. Homoscedasticity: Linear regression assumes that the variance of the errors is constant
across all levels of the independent variables (homoscedasticity). If the variance of the errors
varies with the values of the independent variables (heteroscedasticity), the model's
standard errors and hypothesis tests may be biased. Diagnostic plots, such as residual plots
or plots of standardized residuals against predicted values, can help assess
homoscedasticity. Robust standard errors or weighted least squares may be used to address
4. Normality of Errors: Linear regression assumes that the errors are normally distributed with
a mean of zero. While this assumption is not strictly necessary for parameter estimation, it is
important for making valid statistical inferences and constructing confidence intervals and
hypothesis tests. Departures from normality may not be a major concern for large sample
sizes due to the Central Limit Theorem, but for small sample sizes, non-normality can affect
the accuracy of statistical tests. Transformation of variables or robust regression techniques
can be employed to address violations of normality.
5. No Perfect Multicollinearity: Linear regression assumes that there is no perfect
multicollinearity among the independent variables. Perfect multicollinearity occurs when
one independent variable is a perfect linear function of another, leading to singular or non-
invertible matrices in parameter estimation. It's important to check for multicollinearity
using techniques like variance inflation factor (VIF) or correlation matrices and consider
removing or combining highly correlated variables.

In summary, while linear regression is a powerful and widely used tool in data analysis, it's essential
to critically evaluate its assumptions and address any violations appropriately to ensure the validity
and reliability of the results. Understanding the data and the context of the analysis is crucial for
making informed decisions about model selection and interpretation.
10 Marks Questions:

1. Elaborate on the significance of variance in the context of linear regression.

Variance plays a significant role in the context of linear regression as it helps us

understand the spread or dispersion of data points around the regression line. Here's
why variance is important:

1. Model Evaluation: Variance helps us assess the goodness of fit of the linear regression
model. A low variance indicates that the data points are tightly clustered around the
regression line, suggesting that the model provides a good fit to the data. Conversely, a high
variance implies that the data points are more spread out, indicating poorer model fit.
2. Precision of Estimates: In linear regression, parameter estimates (coefficients) are obtained
by minimizing the sum of squared differences between the observed and predicted values
(least squares). The variance of these estimates provides information about the precision or
reliability of the estimated coefficients. Lower variance indicates higher precision, meaning
that the estimated coefficients are more likely to be close to the true population
3. Inference: Variance is crucial for making statistical inferences about the estimated
coefficients. Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests rely on the standard errors of the
coefficients, which are derived from the variance of the residuals. Lower variance results in
narrower confidence intervals and more precise estimates of the coefficients, facilitating
more reliable statistical inference.
4. Assumption Testing: Variance is also important for assessing the assumptions of linear
regression, such as homoscedasticity and normality of residuals. Diagnostic plots, such as
residual plots, help visualize the spread of residuals around the regression line. Patterns in
these plots, such as heteroscedasticity (varying spread of residuals) or non-constant
variance, may indicate violations of assumptions and the need for further investigation or
model refinement.
5. Predictive Performance: Variance influences the predictive performance of the linear
regression model. A model with lower variance provides more precise predictions, whereas
a model with higher variance may produce less reliable predictions, particularly for new data
points that fall outside the range of the observed data.

2. Discuss the limitations of linear regression and when it might be inappropriate to


Linear regression is a versatile and widely used statistical method, but it does have
several limitations and situations where its use may be inappropriate:

1. Linear Assumption: Linear regression assumes a linear relationship between the

independent variables and the dependent variable. If the relationship is non-linear, using
linear regression may result in biased parameter estimates and inaccurate predictions. In
such cases, more flexible regression techniques like polynomial regression or generalized
additive models may be more appropriate.
2. Outliers: Linear regression is sensitive to outliers, which are data points that deviate
significantly from the rest of the data. Outliers can disproportionately influence the
parameter estimates and reduce the model's predictive accuracy. In the presence of outliers,
robust regression techniques or data transformations may be necessary to mitigate their
3. Multicollinearity: Linear regression assumes that the independent variables are not highly
correlated with each other (multicollinearity). Perfect multicollinearity, where one
independent variable is a perfect linear function of another, can lead to non-invertible
matrices and unreliable parameter estimates. Detecting and addressing multicollinearity is
essential for accurate regression analysis.
4. Non-constant Variance: Linear regression assumes that the variance of the errors (residuals)
is constant across all levels of the independent variables (homoscedasticity). If the variance
of the errors varies with the values of the independent variables (heteroscedasticity), the
model's standard errors and hypothesis tests may be biased. In such cases, robust standard
errors or weighted least squares may be used to address heteroscedasticity.
5. Categorical Variables: Linear regression is not well-suited for modeling categorical variables
with more than two levels (i.e., nominal or ordinal variables). While binary categorical
variables can be included in linear regression by coding them as dummy variables (0 or 1),
including categorical variables with multiple levels can lead to issues like overfitting and
difficulties in interpretation. Techniques like logistic regression or multinomial regression are
more appropriate for modeling categorical variables with multiple levels.
6. Non-Normal Residuals: While linear regression is robust to deviations from normality in the
predictor variables, it assumes that the residuals are normally distributed with a mean of
zero. If the residuals are not normally distributed, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests
based on the normal distribution may be inaccurate. In such cases, non-parametric
regression techniques or transformations of the dependent variable may be considered.

3. Evaluate the impact of outliers on linear regression and propose strategies to

address them.

Outliers can have a significant impact on linear regression analysis by disproportionately influencing
parameter estimates, reducing the model's predictive accuracy, and violating the assumptions of the
regression model. Here's how outliers affect linear regression and strategies to address them:

1. Influence on Parameter Estimates: Outliers can exert a strong leverage on the regression
line, pulling it towards themselves. As a result, the estimated coefficients (slope and
intercept) may be biased, leading to inaccurate estimates of the relationships between the
independent and dependent variables.
2. Impact on Residuals: Outliers can inflate the residuals, leading to increased variability in the
errors. This violates the assumption of homoscedasticity (constant variance of residuals),
which can affect the reliability of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals based on the
standard errors of the coefficients.
3. Decreased Model Fit: Outliers can reduce the overall fit of the linear regression model by
introducing noise and obscuring the true underlying relationship between variables. This can
result in poorer predictive performance for new data points, particularly if the outliers are
not representative of the population.
Strategies to address outliers in linear regression include:
1. Data Cleaning: Evaluate outliers and determine if they are genuine data points or data entry
errors. If outliers are the result of data entry errors or measurement mistakes, consider
removing them from the dataset after verifying their correctness.
2. Transformations: Transforming the variables involved in the regression model can help
mitigate the influence of outliers. Common transformations include taking the logarithm,
square root, or cube root of variables. These transformations can make the data more
symmetric and reduce the impact of extreme values.
3. Robust Regression Techniques: Robust regression methods are less sensitive to outliers
compared to ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Techniques like robust regression,
which downweight the influence of outliers, or M-estimation, which uses robust estimation
of the regression parameters, can be employed to handle outliers effectively.
4. Residual Analysis: Conduct a detailed analysis of residuals to identify influential outliers.
Diagnostic plots, such as scatterplots of residuals against predicted values or leverage plots,
can help visualize the impact of outliers on the regression model. Outlier detection methods,
such as Cook's distance or studentized residuals, can be used to identify influential
5. Model Modification: Consider modifying the regression model to account for the presence
of outliers. For example, adding interaction terms or polynomial terms can make the model
more flexible and better able to capture non-linear relationships in the data, potentially
reducing the influence of outliers.
6. Data Segmentation: If outliers are suspected to arise from different subpopulations within
the data, consider segmenting the data and fitting separate regression models to each
segment. This approach can help capture the different relationships between variables
within each subgroup while reducing the impact of outliers on the overall model.

4. Explain the concept of bias-variance trade-off in the context of linear regression.

The bias-variance trade-off is a fundamental concept in machine learning and statistical modeling,
including linear regression. It refers to the balance between two sources of error that affect the
predictive performance of a model: bias and variance.

1. Bias: Bias refers to the error introduced by approximating a real-world problem with a
simplified model. A model with high bias tends to underfit the data, meaning it fails to
capture the underlying patterns and relationships in the data. In the context of linear
regression, bias can arise if the model is too simple to represent the true relationship
between the independent and dependent variables. For example, using a linear regression
model to fit data with a non-linear relationship would result in biased predictions.

2. Variance: Variance refers to the sensitivity of a model to fluctuations in the training data. A
model with high variance is overly sensitive to the training data and captures noise or
random fluctuations rather than the underlying patterns. In the context of linear regression,
high variance can occur when the model is too complex and captures noise in the data
rather than the true relationship between variables. For example, including too many
predictors in a linear regression model can lead to overfitting, where the model performs
well on the training data but poorly on unseen data.

The bias-variance trade-off arises because decreasing bias often increases variance, and vice versa.
Finding the right balance between bias and variance is crucial for building models that generalize
well to new, unseen data. In the context of linear regression:

 High Bias, Low Variance: A simple linear regression model with few predictors may have
high bias but low variance. It tends to underfit the data but is less sensitive to changes in the
training data.

 Low Bias, High Variance: A complex linear regression model with many predictors may have
low bias but high variance. It captures the underlying patterns in the data more accurately
but is more sensitive to noise in the training data.

To achieve optimal predictive performance, it's essential to choose a model complexity that strikes
an appropriate balance between bias and variance. Techniques like cross-validation, regularization
(e.g., ridge regression, lasso regression), and model selection methods (e.g., AIC, BIC) can help
identify the optimal trade-off between bias and variance for a given dataset.

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