Dec 2007
Dec 2007
Dec 2007
Cover Story:
10- PTCL Donates for a Noble Cause
12- Operators Reject QoS Survey Results
13- Telenor’s “Naya Qadam” to Empower Handicaps
Winning Hearts Through Quality of Services
Mobilink Reshaping the Nature
17- KHL Earning Excellent Success
18- PTA - Moving with Excellence
20- Challenges for Operators and Developers
26- PTCL Extends Broadband Services to all customers
32- Telenor Shines at GSM Mobile Asia Congress
38- How Telecom Turned India's Economy
69- Motorola Debuts Luxury Edition RAZR2 in ME 14
75- Samsung Launched Metal 5
Cover Story: 10
46- “Pakistan Package” Historic Relief for Customers PTCL Donates for a Noble Cause
Winning Hearts Through
Quality of Services
22- Pakistan’s IT Industry Thriving yet needs
Improvements 28
30- Software Technology Park, A Milestone
in IT Growth 12
36- Video Conferencing Needs Due Care
37- Urdu Translation Software Launched
70- New Facebook Ad Program Draws Complaints
71- Blogs as Money Machines Operators Reject QoS Survey Results
72- STB Grabbing the world of Media Servers
74- Search Engines Making their way to Business
76- YouTube Puts ID on Clips
77- Amazon Debuts Digital Book Reader 13
80- Telenor Contributes to “World Performing
Arts Festival 2007”
82- Warid Committed to Produce Champions
Telenor’s “Naya Qadam” to Empower Handicaps
Brotherly Ties on the Rise
52- Coming Mobiles
54- Current Mobiles
60- Mobile Reviews 16
66- Hot Laptops
40- Short Stories
88- National
95- International
No More Count of Words
Tremendous growth, millions of subscribers, thousands of cities
covered, high penetration, billions of foreign direct investment, lowest
call rates, highly paid employees, remarkable statistical charts, voices
of 3G, non-stop advertising campaigns, high claims and what not?
But… Now the drama is going to be unfolded as network and work
force is being tested by not only the subscribers but also the regula-
We have been amply shouting of this artificial growth that has been
result of remarkable make-up carried out by the cellular companies
and the government as well. Two chiefs of cellular companies were
blown out, only in one month, as the consequences of this tragedy are
reaching the sea level. Right after these dissect, the terrifying survey
results have further tightened the situation for telecom companies.
Due to market pressures and competition, the war for cutting the
price has led towards a price collapse. Pakistan Package by PTCL,
World Call's free 24 hours NWD (Nation Wide Dialing), late night free
calling packages from cellular companies are causing the ARPU
(Average Revenue Per User) go further down.
Market has started expressing its judgment of at least 30 percent
inactive SIMs. In such a situation, expanding network and in return
increasing operating cost could be the worst for the investors.
PTA has failed to maintain a fairly balance competition amongst the
companies, in fact it is the regulator that has let the situation reach
this worsen level. The hunger for revenues is encouraging companies
to charge subscribers for even switching between their packages.
Over-charging, call disconnection, and various other techniques are
being used to fill the bags.
Current scenario predicts that there is no long term policy defined
to tackle the future. One company has already backed off from field,
other heading towards the limits of user dissatisfaction. Regulatory
authority must have to pull its legs now, or the time will never roll back
again….! It's a plea.
Digital Drop Box
I have been associated with consumer banking for the last five years
and have observed that no doubt it has helped the people a lot and
raised their living standards. Banks are improving their services day by
day, but at the same time we can't deny the complaints and difficulties
faced by the customers. Customers and banks are more concerned and
facing problems regarding the repayments of loans. Sometimes issues
occur due to the customer's negligence and some times due to the
No Right to Celebrate Broadband Usually banks encourage receiving the repayments through cheque
via drop boxes. But while dropping the cheque in a drop box, customers
I am a resident of Kahna nau Exchange Ferozpur Road, Lahore, and
as well as banks don't have any proof of deposit of cheque.
trying to reach the Broadband Department of PTCL for the last six After that if someone receives late payment charges due to any rea-
months. On contacting, the staff just replies that the work is in progress in son, customers argue that they have deposited the cheque before the
our area. due date and the bank has delayed while presenting the cheque in
Can any one from the company tell me that what type of work is clearing.
underway which has not been completed all this time and how the com- At the same time, banks claim that they check the drop boxes on a
pany can celebrate its broadband services? daily basis and there could be no delay at the bank end but it is the cus-
Company's first aim should be customer satisfaction but the company tomer who dropped the cheque after the due date and is now trying to
fails to achieve that, as not only me, but thousands of people are not sat- shun the late payment charges. So, I think there should be some proof
isfied from its service. I want to ask the higher authorities of the company of receiving from the bank side. I want to suggest here that banks
to tell me that is your aim just earning by cheating the nation or their sat- should install digital drop boxes at designated branches.
These machines can be easily invented by making minor changes to
isfaction by your service?
photocopy machines. Customers can deposit their cheque through that
I know they can't answer me because they are not in a position to
machine and will get a photo copy of both sides of the cheque with time
answer their disability in their work. and date of deposit. In this way nobody would be able to avoid his/her
responsibility. It will improve the efficiency of the bank staff because cus-
ANIS AHMAD, tomers will prefer the digital drop boxes and it will decrease the rush at
Lahore counters.
Send us your letters at [email protected] or at our postal addresses. Flare reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and space. 9
Telecom Flare Report
PTCL, as a part of its corporate social responsibility, donated Rs. 2.5 mil-
lion to the SOS Children's Villages. Former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz
handed over the donation to SOS children villages Rawalpindi on behalf
of the company. The company has been fulfilling its social responsibili-
ties quite adequately by contributing to various welfare activities
(PTCL) donated an amount of
Rs. 2.5 million to the SOS
Children's Villages in the country.
Former Prime Minister Shaukat
Aziz handed over the donation to
SOS children villages Rawalpindi on behalf of
Telenor, the third major cellular operator of the county, takes "Naya Qadam"
to loan out motorcycle shops to physically disabled individuals. These
shops on wheels are specially designed to enable disabled to sell Telenor's
most popular product the 'Easy Load' and other small snack items
elenor Pakistan in col- keys to DWA members to the motor-
T laboration with
Disabled Welfare
Association (DWA),
country's one of the
foremost welfare
organizations for disabled, launched
"Naya Qadam" on the World
Disability Day. With the project that
aims to empower persons with
Telenor Pakistan's Executive
Vice President Irfan Wahab Khan
explaining the aim of the project
said, "The objectives of the project
are to give attention to the potential
of our physically challenged commu-
nity, and to provide them with a
decent opportunity to be part of the
physical disabilities by making them booming telecom business. These
partners in retail, Telenor has are talented individuals, and if we
become the country's first mobile can give them their much-needed
operator to do so. mobility and an honest business
As part of the Naya Qadam proj- opportunity, they can take care of
ect, DWA will loan out specially their families with the integrity all of
designed motorcycle-cum-shops, us deserve."
sponsored by Telenor Pakistan, to Commenting on the Naya
Executive Vice President, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Telenor Pakistan Irfan
physically disabled individuals. Wahab Khan addressing at the launch of Telenor Naya Qadam Qadam project, DWA's President
These shops-on-wheels are Javed Rais said, "We appreciate
designed so that people with dis- Telenor Pakistan's support and the
abilities can easily use them to
Telenor Pakistan, as a responsible corporate fact that they consider us partners
display and sell their sale items organization, has been playing a dynamic role that ask only for equal opportunity.
on the move. In an attempt, yet According to WHO, close to a tenth
unprecedented in the telecommu- in the society by running several community- of Pakistan's population has some
nications sector, Telenor Pakistan
has also arranged for the physi-
support programs to empower the underprivi- disability. So, we hope that the pub-
lic, corporate and social sectors will
cally disabled entrepreneurs to leged people come forward to level the field for
become retailers for its most their disabled fraternity."
popular product, Easy Load, in Disabled Welfare
order to earn a respectable liv- Association (DWA) is a
ing. To boost their income fur- Karachi-based organization
ther, they will also be able to that works to obtain the due
sell small snack items from the rights of persons with disabili-
built-in tuck boxes on the ties. It helps to provide them
motorcycles. economic resources by pro-
Presiding over the event, moting self-employment,
Shujat Ali Baig, Provincial financial support, and loans.
Minister for Education and Telenor Pakistan is the
Literacy Sindh said, "The third biggest cellular network
National Policy for Persons provider of the country in
with Disabilities 2002 and the terms of subscribers. The
National Plan of Action 2006 Telenor Group is an interna-
envision full realization of the tional provider of high quality
potential of persons with dis- telecommunications, data and
abilities through their main- media communications servic-
streaming, guided by the prin- es. Telenor ranks as one of
ciples of constitutional guaran- the biggest GSM service
tees, non-discrimination and providers in the world with
rights-based approach instead Provincial Minister for Education and Literacy Shujat Ali Baig handing over the keys to the dis- over 133 million subscribers.
abled as Executive Vice President, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Telenor Pakistan Irfan
of welfare driven programs." Wahab Khan and Regional Director South Telenor Pakistan Syed Montzer Mehdi look on.
Adding further Baig said;
"Telenor Pakistan has been playing its role as a sections of society." He congratulated Telenor
responsible corporate organization with vigor Pakistan and DWA on establishing a solid
and enthusiasm, running several community- model of collaboration in the form of the “Naya
support programs to empower the deprived Qadam” project. The Minister also handed out 13
Interview Flare Lahore Panel
Flare: Do you think that Wateen's services are are actually active users. PTCL will still rely on not only give people a greater number of rea-
matching the services being provided by other Copper for their broadband so their DSL is as sons to use the services, but also increase the
vendors? good as the copper; Mobilink will eventually size of the market. Wateen has done its share
Furqan Qureshi: Wateen is determined to deliv- launch their WiMax services but Wateen will of research into the demographics based on its
er what so many other ISPs, Media outlets and retain the advantage of launching before them. own surveys and also relying on community
Cellular providers have tried to deliver to the Multinet is in the picture to provide fiber across demographics to figure out where its service
market - a portfolio of reliable services and the country also. Other service providers might priorities are going to be. Even though we are
affordable prices. Of course, it can be done. just try and offer the services that Wateen is presently in the test phase of our networks, we
We are the ones who are doing it. Wateen is providing but they will certainly not be able to are surprised at the intense demand we found
resolute to provide international level services match its back end or infrastructure. We are for our services.
to its customers. rolling out the fiber across the country, and Flare: How the deployment of WiMax across the
Flare: Would you please tell us about the broad- though, we are already the largest deployment country, will impact the end user?
band services? right now, we are still growing. We have got Furqan Qureshi: The platform gives you access
Furqan Qureshi: Have you heard of buzzwords WiMax for the last mile of our broadband. We to Broadband Internet of upto 2Mbps dedicated
such as integration and communication? There have got licenses for all 14 regions of Pakistan speeds. Speed is something that service
is a bigger buzzword out there called conver- to offer Voice Over IP, and we can offer that on providers continue to struggle with. Additionally,
gence. It just means that all kinds of communi- our fiber or WiMax. Not to mention the fact that users also get telephony with endless value-
cation can be integrated and used in conjunc- Wateen's sister concern, Warid Telecom, added features. Our users are very sharp and
tion with each other. This includes voice, data already has an established footprint in the 145 know what they want. Unlike other companies,
and video streaming. You need massive cities of Pakistan, so they are not far behind in we have faith in our users that they will begin
amounts of infrastructure, bandwidth, people, the GSM space. to use the features that we offer to them, and
and content to make something like this. Also Flare: Would you tell us the reason behind your then demand for more.
known as a 'Triple play' approach, since all success? Flare: How do you see the current situation and
services are IP-based (rather than terrestrial), it Furqan Qureshi: It is all about listening to what what is the future of the Pakistani market?
means that everything can be integrated or customers want and matching it with the tech- Furqan Qureshi: The current situation in
plugged into each other. Review a movie you nology that will be best suited for them. At Pakistan is quite good and the future is very
may have missed on television, online, or do a times, they lack the vision to see what the bright Massive growth, an increased size of the
video conference and have a voice and data future holds for their strategies. For us at overall market. By launching our services and
exchange happening simultaneously. It is one Wateen, sky is not the limit - it is just the start- other players, the amount of development work
back end, one platform, all software based so ing point. If you have the ability to think about that will require outsourcing will continue to be
nobody has to physically come to you and something, then there has to be a way to make enpanding and it is imperative that service
upgrade or modify something. This portfolio or that happen. Even in Pakistan, there is no rea- provider companies come together to grow
range of service is no longer about the future. son why the services that our company is plan- their numbers and diversity in expertise to be
It is available right now. ning for our subscribers can not be done. able to manage the work and keep it within
Flare: What makes Wateen that ideal conver- Everything is a possibility. We want them to be Pakistan. IT and Telecom companies will have
gence company? able to be at par with the level and quality of to get a better understanding of one another's
Furqan Qureshi: Wateen is in the telecom indus- service that they will experience elsewhere in dynamics and begin working together.
try because it offers voice and data connectivi- the world. Flare: where do you see Wateen in the future?
ty. The company is in the Media industry Flare: How wide will be Wateen's coverage? Will Furqan Qureshi: This is just the first step for
because of television and radio broadcasting, it include rural areas? Wateen. Wateen is in a very strong position.
and it is in the IT industry because short of Furqan Qureshi: Our plan is to go as far as we We're hiring, we're investing, we're building,
touching the application. Wateen has large can. It has to make business sense, but we are we're focused on our objectives and we're on
data center services. It represents Cisco as a certain that even if one region does not work, track. When we initiate all our services and
large partner. The company will launch some another city or township will be strong enough land on the ground running, people will be able
powerful products regarding video conferenc- to compensate for it. But imagine this scenario to assess our position on their own. A great
ing. All these features differentiate the compa- - If you go and provide all these services in a team, some great products and a series of
ny from other vendors. small region, you will create infrastructure for challenging milestones they are confident of
Flare: What does the telecommunications land- positive economic activity. It has the power to delivering, Wateen Telecom will carry the
scape look like right now? create a massive societal change. Beyond that, Pakistani flag high up on its shoulders. You
Furqan Qureshi: There are close to 70 million Wateen was quick to realize the problem that need vision, a lot of faith and a great deal of
people plugged into one network or the other, the industry has already started facing - the expertise. We happen to have a lot
though, it is difficult to tell how many of those size of the consumer pie is so big. You have to of all three.
Telecom Flare Report
Telecom Sohail Raza Qizilbash
PTA, the telecom regulator of the country, is playing its part admirably well. The
proof of its success is the investment of major international telecommunication
companies in establishing their networks in Pakistan and millions of subscribers
countrywide. Not only its achievements have been lauded internationally but it
has also won several awards and certificates for its excellent performance
akistan Telecommunication Shahzada Alam Malik and attended by repre- attended by Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)
The EDF tower of French state-owned power giant Electricite de France (EDF), is seen in the La Defense office building complex in Puteaux, west of Paris. Shares of EDF went on sale
18 Monday, as the government seeks to raise around euro 5 billion (US$ 7.38 billion), to fund the France's ailing university system.
Telecom Umar Akram
he revenue generated from voice networks like 3G and mobile applications that A new report issued by market intelligence firm
hief of the Army Staff (COAS) of the world. He told the successful graduates in all fields, specifically in science and technol-
5th Postgraduate
General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
urged stu-
dents to aim
high and
give their
best to achieve success in
life, while addressing the
Convocation of National
that this university had equipped them with ogy, are expanding beyond imagination nd so
are the opportunities for
them to advance, provided
they have the inspiration and
will to do so.
HEC Chairman Dr Attaur
Rehman also addressed the
convocation. He informed
the audience about HEC
University of Science and contribution and its efforts in
Technology (NUST) in formulating educational poli-
Rawalpindi. cies and funding institutions
Higher Education at a national level.
Commission (HEC) Earlier, Rector of
Chairman Dr. Attaur National University of
Rehman, Rector of Science and Technology
National University of (NUST), Lieutenant General
Science and Technology Muhammad Asghar, said that
(NUST), Lieutenant this institute was only 16
General Muhammad years old but it had evolved
Asghar and other distin- and progressed phenome-
guished guests were also nally into a highly respected
present on the occasion. national institution, with an
General Ahsfaq Kiani equally distinct international
said, "Always aim high Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani (C), Chairman Higher Education Commission Atta-ur- image.
and put in your best. Your Rehman (R) and Rector National University of Sciences and Technology Lieutenant General Muhammad About 226 postgraduate
Asghar attend the 5th Postgraduate Convocation of NUST in Rawalpindi
attitude will determine scholars were awarded
your altitude. Be the inspiring ambassadors of sound education and training in their respective Master's degrees by General Ashfaq Parvez
values of objectivity, creativity and innovation fields. It was up to them to constantly build on Kayani in their respective fields and two schol-
that NUST has helped you imbibe." this solid academic foundation and embrace ars were awarded PhD degrees on the occa-
The Chief of Army Staff admired the attain- the best in professional learning and advance- sion.
ment of high standard by NUST and commend- ment.
ed it for being among the top 500 universities Ashfaq Kiani said that frontiers of education
ony Group P
mph LC
Sy U
IT Sobia Kabir
Chairman, Board of Directors
growing with an increase in regulated state-
opportunities for telecom service owned monopoly to a comparatively deregulat- Provisus until it has an international reference
providers. New trends are prevail- ed competitive model. At length, Pakistan's of testing.
ing in the market and demand for telecom sector has begun moving and started It is presumed that tax and incentive prob-
new and additional services is entering into a period of exceptional growth. lems are creating hurdles in the growth of ICT
continuing on the rise. The key success factor of countries like industry in Pakistan. The industry's current situ-
Pakistan, the sixth most populous country of China and India is that they are focusing on ation and growth prospects if properly consid-
the world with a population of 160 millions, is developing their local industry and discourage ered can make Pakistan a hub for ITC players.
expected to be the next consolidation hot spot. imports. It is time to develop the local IT and
Pakistan's telecom sector is becoming an ideal As Pakistani products and software achieve Telecom industry of Pakistan by taking advan-
target market for the IT and telecom companies success in local markets, it should lead to addi- tage of new trends. The government and policy
around the globe. tional opportunities to gain access to the inter- makers should concentrate their efforts to
Pakistan is Asia's top market for 2007, ris- national market. achieve better market share in international
ing 23% this quarter and of a rise of 15% in the According to Mr Salman Mahmood, markets. This can be done through local mar-
first three months. keting by providing support and benefits to
This country has an immense market poten- local market.
tial in telecom and IT sector. The popularization This is the high time to develop Pakistan's key policy makers and Telecom
rate of mobile communication is 5% which indi- authorities should assist future development of
cates the growth prospects in Pakistan. The the local IT and Telecom indus- its telecommunication industry. Pakistan is still
mobile subscriber base, after growing by a less saturated market with huge growth
almost 170% in 2005 and 23% in 2006, had try of Pakistan by taking advan- opportunities for services especially in its rural
reached over 48 million (30% penetration) by areas.
early 2007 and was continuing to grow. The tage of new trends. The govern- The government should also increase
government was continuing to work towards its efforts for encouraging telecom operators to
targeted national teledensity of 7% (around 10 ment and policy makers need to work in Pakistan by providing incentives and
million lines) by 2010. To achieve this target, support to local vendors. Local IT companies
more than one million additional lines need to concentrate their efforts more are also developing software products that are
be installed every year. often world class and best of breed but many
The telecom sector has also seen consider- to achieve better market share companies prefer to buy software from the
able foreign investment. Singapore Telecom international market instead of local one. The
has indicated that it plans to acquire 30% stake in international markets reason could be the general perception of
in Warid Telecom, Pakistan's fourth largest using the international software and awareness
mobile phone company. Emirates Telecom of the usage of local software. If the govern-
already owns a stake in Pakistan Telecom President and CEO Averox(Otcbb: Avox),a ment discourages import of such software in
while Orascom Telecom of Egypt owns solution and service provider company for IT, order to encourage local market then Pakistan
Pakistan's largest mobile network, Mobilink. telecom and telecom engineering, IT and tele- IT and Telecom industry can show further
As many countries are near to telecom mar- com companies are facing many challenges progress.
ket saturation, stakeholders are likely to gradu- today. He believes that the government should With the passage of time, more and more
ally look outside of their existing markets for encourage local use by local companies rather companies will enter in the Pakistani market as
growth opportunities. than spending money as well as effort in mar- they discover it to be an attractive investment
The increasing number of opportunities keting Pakistani software for export. opportunity.
should help Pakistan's Telecom sector to gain He gave an example of Provisus, a provi-
substantial investment locally and globally. sioning solution which is in testing phase.
Telecom industry of the country has gradually Companies in Pakistan are hesitant to order
Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad Flare Panel
eeping in view the growing household," he emphasised. the customers. He also announced special
K demand, Pakistan
Telecommunication Company
Limited (PTCL) has decided to
extend its broadband services
to all the customers in the
country. In this regard, the PTCL manage-
ment has asked its professionals to
enhance their network installation capaci-
ty, after sales and support services and
Mr. Irshaid specially congratulated the pro-
fessionals of the company who were tasked to
expand the network and broadband services
across the country.
elenor Pakistan has introduce yet service allows unlimited photos and videos
Probably the most important medium for advertising in the 21st century is going
to be the cell phone, not print/electronic media or billboards. Marketers see it
low on cost and high in effectiveness. But in our country there are no hard and
fast rules to advertise through SMS but the trend is gearing up.
et ready for the inbox on your and give discounted SMS rates. While mobile one, especially for advertising purposes. He
he Callmate Telips Telecom Ltd, tributors such as Quality Telecom were recog- 160% decline in profits in FY07 versus FY06,
(PITB) has allocated a development budget of
to build Software Technology formed. Rs 7 billion ($115 million) for the next three
Park, a mega project, is to make The ground-breaking ceremony was per- years to create opportunities for more than
Punjab the hub of Information formed by Chief Minister Punjab. The STP is 60,000 highly trained IT professionals in the
Technology (IT) and promote a pioneering project and is of national impor- province. In recent years, there has been sig-
economic growth in the IT sector tance. It is an icon not only for Punjab but nificant growth and progress in Punjab's IT
through the implementation of e-Governance Pakistan as well. It has been dexterously sector. Many multinational organizations have
policies in IT education. designed by Jurong Consultants of Singapore. opened their offices and have made invest-
Software Technology Park, situated at 346- The construction work is being executed by ments of over $100 million.
B Ferozpur Road, Lahore, has 17 storey world-renowned China State Construction PITB has been playing a vital role in
building with 475,000 square feet of office Engineering Company. attracting foreign investors to the IT sector.
space and is scheduled to be completed by Chairman P&D Board Suleman Ghani said Punjab Government's efforts have also come
December 2008. Total estimated cost of the that the planning and development process in to fruition in the form of strategic partnerships
project is Rs 3.30 billion. You can rent the Punjab has entered a new era of technologi- and alliances with multinational companies
office in tower as its rent starts from Rs 60 per cal advancements through the introduction of and investors including the UAE's Bukhatir
square feet while the office space in car park policies that encourage and facilitate efficient Group, Prince Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia,
block starts from Rs 40 per square feet. You governance. British Telecom and Singapore's Jurong
can purchase office in STP with price starting PITB's role is to assist the IT Industry in International, for the implementation of mega
from Rs 40,000 per square feet, car park creating a reliable and sustainable IT infra- development projects.
block from Rs 20,000 per square feet. structure and the development of efficient and The business friendly and sustainable eco-
Park's building is equipped with the facili- competitive human resources. PITB is making nomic policies introduced by President
ties like Modern communication systems rapid progress in putting in place the neces- General Pervez Musharraf and former Prime
including wireless LAN/WAN, WiMax and sary infrastructure for the development of a Minister Shaukat Aziz are laying the ground
VSAT technologies, auditorium, conference thriving IT sector in Punjab and is creating work for long term development of industries
rooms, video conferencing facilities, health benchmarks for the development of similar and technology-based projects in Pakistan.
club and training centers, restaurants, cafes, projects across Pakistan. Over the last few PITB is currently implementing a number
and parking for around 400 cars, 400 bikes, years, several multinationals have invested in of exciting projects including a Software
central heating and cooling, 24-hour surveil- Punjab including Microsoft, IBM, DELL, Intel, Technology Park (STP), Land Record
lance and power backup system. HP, NCR, Cisco and Oracle. Their revenues Management Information System (LRMIS),
A Software Technology Park (STP) is the have grown by 30 per cent to 70 per cent in a Punjab IT Communication Hub and Data
need of the hour as there is a tremendous sector that is expanding by almost 30 per cent Center, Demand Based IT Training (DBT) and
demand for call centers, off-shore software each year. development of IT Labs.
development, Business Process Outsourcing There are several IT investment opportuni- Chief Minister Pervez Elahi said that the
(BPO), IT Outsourcing (ITO), Application ties in Punjab for foreign investors. These Punjab Government will continue to strive for
Maintenance Outsourcing (AMO), and Tele- opportunities include the Software Technology the creation of a vibrant economy based on
Medicine opportunities. Park (Ferozepur Road Lahore), Punjab progressive development policies across all
Punjab Information Technology Board Internet City, Call Centers, Business Process sectors. We are working on creating a wide
(PITB) was set up by the Government of Outsourcing (BPO), Land Records range of projects with efficient IT-enabled sys-
Punjab as an autonomous body with the mis- Management Information System (LRMIS), tems.
sion to "develop IT as a major sphere of eco- Medical and Legal Transcriptions, Satellite He said that the use of IT and Project
nomic activity and promote its use in the pub- HUBS (VSAT) and Geographical Information Management in education, healthcare, irriga-
lic and private sectors for increasing efficiency Systems (GIS). tion, agriculture, law enforcement and other
and competitiveness. PITB has achieved con- In the next three-five years, the IT and government departments are top priorities of
siderable success in a short time towards industrial sector of Punjab will present a com- the Punjab Government.
Telecom Flare Report
subsidiary, Disney Mobile Games
site for the development of games played on
mobile phones and the Internet, the company
Turnover in the the mobile
announced in statement. An existing games devel-
gaming industry is set to increase fourfold from 2.1 billion dollars (1.42
opment studio in the Czech capital will be expand-
billion euros) last year to 8.4 billion dollars by 2010, Disney said citing
ed and more workers taken on, the company's
industry research.
special division, the Walt Disney Internet Group, added without detail-
"Handsets are increasingly attractive for gamers as larger screens
ing the investment involved in the fast expanding market.
and new generation platforms enable more complex and better quality
32 The move will put Prague alongside Los Angeles, Tokyo and Beijing
game play," it added.
as Walt Disney's leading game development centers worldwide, it
In Picture
Japan's electronics giant Sony employee Noriko Shoji displays the new digital Taiwanese baseball player Wang Chien-ming (L), starting pitcher for the New York
voice recorder "ICD-UX80" and its color variations, equipped with stereo micro Yankees, displays a notebook computer during a press conference in Taipei,. Wang
phones and built-in 2GB memory enabling it to record up to 581 hours. attended the press conference to promote one of Taiwan's leading computer brand's lat-
est products
The lobby of a Hewlett-Packard call center in Dalian, northeastern China's Liaoning Tokyo University research leader Michitaka Hirose, right, talks about a new marker-based
province is seen. In the last decade, Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM Corp., Britain's BT position tracking system while researcher Katsunori Tanaka crouches down with a Web
Group PLC and some 230 other foreign companies have flocked to Dalian to set up camera on a large mat with specially coded leaf patterns on as if he is peering under a
business software and outsourcing facilities, creating a new center for a multibillion- virtually parked car on a screen during a demonstration at Tokyo University in Tokyo.
dollar global industry.
Keio University Prof. Junichi Ushiba, center, demonstrates his brain-computer inter- A 300 milimeter silicon test wafer made using Intel's 45 nanometer process technology and
face technology with his researcher at his laboratory in Hiyoshi near Tokyo. Ushiba's consisting of rows and rows of memory chips and various test structures is seen in the
research team is working on delivering a virtual experience that reaches even more photo, released. Intel Corp, the world's biggest microchip maker, unveiled fast new proces-
deeply into the user, right into his brain. sors made with the new techniques.
Internet Telephony in India Lalvani also said, “We are looking at India as a strategic
hub to fuel our growth plans in Asia Pacific and Middle East
region. We are in the process of expanding our Bangalore
Global telecom equipment provider and Britain’s leading digital com-
facility to cater to our global requirement of software services
munication products maker, Voxtel, is looking to capture the Indian market
and research work”.
with its latest launch of high performance GPS and India is becoming a
Voxtel has already entered into strategic tie-ups with big
space for enduring success and several companies have been making a
players and retailers like Reliance, Spencer, Hypercity, Cromo
huge contribution to the growth of the telecom industry in the country.
and others. The company has also teamed up with MTNL
With the launch of these services in India, Voxtel, a part of the $500
(Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd), one of the major telecom
million telecom giant BEIL based in UK, is not just taking over end-to-end
Dino Lalvani, Chief Operating Officer, service providers in India.
technology but also getting involved in this ever emerging business.
Announcing the move, Voxtel Telecom chief operating officer, Dino Voxtel,
Internet Ismail Qureshi
Attention Please!
Try not to look distracted. Don’t constantly
check your watch, recline with your feet up or
doodle on your notepad. If you have to fiddle,
at least pretend that you are interested. Also,
selves so you can be sure that you can hear
them. Check the lighting. To ensure the best
video quality, find a well-lit room and try not to
sit with your back to a window during daylight
hours. Close the curtains of your windows.
Daylight may conflict with the lighting required
South Korea's electronics giant Samsung Electronics displays a prototype model of Palestinian rap group "Battalion 5" performs at a studio in Beirut. "Battalion 5" might
36 ultra slim 40-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) television in thickness of 10mm at a flat conjure up images of the next big computer game, but in Lebanon, it is a group of
panel display trade show in Yokohama. musicians who express the misery of life in Palestinian refugee camps through rap.
Flare Report IT
Internet Flare Report
feelings they have which are not socially acceptable, on net.
ping young minds in Indian Punjab. After a tiring day at In America, one out of five kids is addicted to net. India is in the
school, playing on computer is one of the coolest relaxing same race. China has taken up a very good measure that they have
activities for most of the school going children. They started net D-addiction centers. Soon, India should also take these
access the internet and go online to play cards, sports measures.
and puzzle games. In Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Jalandhar Be it Punjab or any state, the youngsters are exploring newer inno-
and even Amritsar, one finds the young trying their hand at games of vations, technologies and trends. But, the danger lies in the young
skill against unknown masterminds across the globe. minds becoming couch potatoes by becoming addicted to these
Dead or Alive 4, NFS or Need for Speed, Age of Empires and House games.
of Dead are some of the games popular among youngsters. With the
nternet users reveal more personal information online if they Also, researchers
I believe that they can trust the organisation that requests the
information, says a new research. The project, 'Privacy and Self-
Disclosure Online', led by Dr Adam Joinson, found that people
who had previously demonstrated a high level of caution regard-
ing online privacy would accept losses to their privacy if they
trusted the recipient of their personal information.
"Even people who have previously demonstrated a high level of cau-
tion regarding online privacy will accept losses to their privacy if they
trust the recipient of their personal information," Joinson said.
looked at the way the
wording of questions
and the design of
response options fur-
ther influenced levels
of self-disclosure.
For instance, if
the response 'I prefer
not to say' appears at
In the first of its kind study, rigorous methods were used to measure the top of an options
Internet users' actual behaviour. list, users are far less likely to disclose information.
The project has targeted a number of groups who can benefit from Similarly, if given the opportunity to remain vague in their responses,
the findings, including health professionals, higher education profes- like- in choosing how wide the scale that represents their salary is, they
sionals and survey bodies. are more likely to opt for less disclosure.
Out of all the participants studied, 56 per cent of Internet users stat- "One of the most interesting aspects of our findings is that even peo-
ed that they had concerns about privacy when they were online. ple who genuinely have a high level of concern regarding privacy online
When a website is designed to look trustworthy, people are willing to may act in a way that is contrary to their stated attitudes when they
accept privacy violations. But, the same action by an untrustworthy site come across a particular set of conditions," Joinson said.
leads to people behaving in a much more guarded manner.
A special committee established to
at the problem of the net and cultur-
intended to curb casual piracy rather al protection drew up the agreement
than tackling large-scale pirate groups. between net firms, record companies,
French President Nicolas Sarkozy filmmakers and government.
said the deal was a "decisive moment The deal was hailed by the
for the future of a civilised internet". International Federation of the
Sarkozy: "A decisive moment for the future of a civilised internet" Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which rep-
Net firms will monitor what their cus-
tomers are doing and pass on informa- resents the global interests of the music
tion about persistent pirates to the new independent body. Those identi- business.
fied will get a warning and then be threatened with either being cut off "This is the single most important initiative to help win the war on
40 or suspended if they do not stop illegal file-sharing. online piracy that we have seen so far," it said in a statement.
Shahid Meha, Shahzad Raoof and Kamran Banday pose for a group photo with the Advisor to Prime Minister, Dr Ashfaq Ahmad poses for a group photo with the partici-
teams of Warid Telecom and combined players of Wateen Telecom and Hauwei pants during a ceremony in connection to World Science Day for Peace and
Technologies at Punjab Stadium Lahore . Development Celebrations in Islamabad.
Lt. Gen. Mohammad Asghar, Rector National University of Science and Technology A lady participant capturing the moments through her camera during the convention of
(NUST) awarding Rector NUST's gold medal for best project in BE (Avionics) to Plt Off scientists on the occasion of World Science Day for Peace and Development (WSDPD)
Nazish Younis during a ceremony held at PAF Academy Risalpur. held at a local hotel in Islamabad.
Vendors selling different kind of electric and electronic stuff to customers at their roadside A view of high voltage electric pole installed in the middle of a house and residential area
setup in Provincial Capital City Lahore. posing serious threat to the residents of Bund Road, waiting for the attention of con-
cerned authorities in Lahore.
Kindly share your professional carrier with our like to call me hacker. I am just a security How did you feel when you came to know that
readers? researcher. I target technology, not particular your name has been included in the Top Five
I am a security researcher focusing on computer systems or networks. I might come hackers who left a mark on the year 2006?
operating systems security. I have been work- up with some "hack" from time to time, against It was very nice, of course, to see my name
ing in this field for about 6 years on both the some specific technology, but I am not involved there, but we should also remember that this
defensive and offensive sides. My offensive in any kind of "hacking activities". was just an expression of a subjective opinion
work includes assessing the security of various As to how I got into computer security - in a of one of the journalists writing about IT securi-
technologies and implementing proof of con- very straightforward and common way - I start- ty, thus I took it with a bit of reserve. After all
cept attacks that proves the weaknesses. I ed programming very early, when I was 11, and there are dozens of super-smart security
have recently started my own company, then over the next couple of years, when learn- researchers out there, for sure much more then
Invisible Things Lab, a consulting company ing e.g. assembler language for x86 architec- just five...
dedicated for cutting edge research into operat- ture, I learnt a lot about the internals of operat-
ing systems' security. We provide our services ing systems, which in turn brought me into the Last year, we had heard in news that Joanna's
to both security vendors, who are interested in security field. 'Blue Pill' Prototype creates 100% undetectable
evaluating the security of their products, as I remember when I once wrote a little pro- Malware. Would you like to provide some details
well as large corporations, who would like to gram in assembler for MS-DOS, whose pur- about it and why you called it 'Blue Pill'?
ensure that the technology is really secure or pose was to bypass the BIOS Anti-Virus pro- It is a reference to the movie "The Matrix",
does provide the promised protection. tection of the boot sector, which was a very which can be thought as of a nice metaphor for
popular feature in BIOSes in mid 90's. I just did the concept of virtual machines in computer
How did you enter in the field of Computer it to convince a friend of mine that this protec- science. In this movie, when you take the Blue
Security and do you remember when was your tion is not really that good as he thought. At Pill, "the story ends, you wake in your bed and
1st hacking activity and how? that time I was probably 14 or 15. you believe whatever you want to believe" - in
I really do not know why everybody would other words you are taken back into the Matrix
research and demon- I think that I would like to focus more on the
stration? defense side now. In the past two years I have
A few months after worked on several offensive techniques, start-
my presentation at ing from passive, very hard to detect covert
Black Hat, Microsoft channels ("Nushu"), then I presented "Stealth
fixed the design prob- by Design", type II malware, then I showed that
lem that I was exploit- Vista kernel can be subverted despite the new
ing to bypass Vista protection mechanism and also demonstrated
x64 kernel protection. that recent hardware virtualization technology
However, neither can be used to create a new class of stealth
Microsoft nor AMD or malware - something I call type III malware
Intel addressed the (e.g. "Blue Pill").
problem of virtualiza- And just recently I found that hardware
tion based malware, based memory acquisition as used for foren-
as demonstrated by sics, believed to be absolutely reliable,
Blue Pill. The reason because it uses so called "Direct Memory
is that the current Access" to read memory, can be cheated in
technology does not some cases. Unfortunately I have not seen any
Rootkit gurus Joanna Rutkowska and Jamie Butler go over the slides after Rutkowska's
presentation allow us to solve this serious effort in the security world to address
problem today. most of those threats. We still do not have any
"virtual machine" and you can't even realize effective way to combat type II malware.
that it has just happened. Do you see stealth Malware as a
My Blue Pill attack works pretty similar - serious threat to ICT Sector?
once Blue Pill is executed on the target Yes, definitely, after all, this
machine, it creates a hardware virtual machine, is an ideal way to spying on
moves the operating system which runs on the competition! A couple of
native machine into the virtual machine, it months ago, Gartner, a promi-
becomes so called hypervisor, and resumes nent IT research company,
the system inside the virtual machine allowing came out with the prediction,
it to continue its execution, without even realiz- that "by the end of 2007, 75
ing that it is now running inside the virtual percent of enterprises will be
machine, fully controlled by the hypervisor. This infected with undetected,
all happens on the fly and takes less then a financially motivated, targeted
millisecond to complete! malware that evaded their tra-
ditional perimeter and host
As you have demonstrated a working prototype defenses", Sounds a bit scary
for Windows Vista x64 at the SyScan Conference to me…
in Singapore and at the Black Hat Briefings in Las
Vegas. How do you describe your experience Few months ago, Malaysia's
there? Hack In the Box Team has
Joanna Rutkowska having a laugh with one of the conference attendeees
The experiences of presenting at SyScan organized a hacking workshop
in Singapore and Black Hat in Las Vegas were (HITB Security Conference 2007)
dramatically different. The SyScan conference at Dubai in which many international hackers and Network intrusion detection systems and fire-
was very small and also the audience did not security experts participated. What are your com- walls are years behind when it comes to
seem too much involved in my presentation. I ments regarding it? detecting or preventing any more advanced
got only very few questions and comments dur- I was invited to speak twice at the HITB in covert channels. We still do not have any good
ing and after my speech. I presume the talk Malaysia over the past two years and I think solution to prevent or detect hardware virtual-
was a little bit too technical for this conference. that it is a really nice conference. It is one of ization based malware...
On the other hand, the audience I had at the few conferences which brings quality tech- I would like to work more on the defense
Black Hat conference in Las Vegas was just nical, non-marketing, speeches and is also side now. I believe that we should convince OS
great! I could see they understood all the tech- very well organized. It is probably the best IT vendors (and also CPU vendors) to make sys-
nical details. I was talking about and I got lots security conference in Asia. tems verifiable, so that we could come up with
of good questions and comments. *systematic* ways to check whether the system
Finally, please share your future plans with our is infected by any of type I, II or III malware.
What was Microsoft's response about your readers?
Cover Story
akistan Package is first of its kind this package to do good enough for decreasing Some people did not comment on the pack-
legal elements in the introduction of such a ny. in their own way, following two equation are
package by PTCL and raised hue and cry on it. Private telecom companyies officials met extremely important for them
According to these telecom companies, this PTA Chairman and they showed their concerns
package will directly hit them. on PTCL's package. In their discussion with 5 Million x Rs. 200 x 12 months =
Senior officials of LDI and WLL companies, PTA Chairman Maj. Gen. (R) Shahzada Alam Rs. 12 Billion
while speaking with Flare told that their busi- Malik, the representatives from telecom compa- Long Distance Revenues Dropped from
nesses are on high risk, as the Significant nies said that if this package is not stopped Rs. 10 Billion to 5 Billion
Market Player (SMP) has started taking such then they will have to roll back their setups in
illegal actions. They said that PTCL should the country, and investment in this sector will No doubt that it was a very bold step by
have asked PTA prior to introduction of the be badly affected. Officials of telecom compa- PTCL to facilitate its customers, however, natu-
package. "PTCL could announce the package nies told 'Flare' that PTA chairman assured rally it is impossible to satisfy 10 out of 10 in
only after carrying a positive consensus by all them to take necessary actions and PTCL the line. PTCL could have come up with differ-
LDI and LL companies, PTA is solely responsi- administration would be called by PTA for this ent packages, such as free local call package,
ble for letting PTCL play with our investments issue which is threatening to other telecom free nation wide call package and flat package
in the country", told a president of LDI compa- players. that may charge every call on
PTA issued a statement say- regular basis. Defiantly,
ing that it has directed PTCL to PTCL management would be
PTA says that it has direct- refrain in future from announc- eyeing such opportunities in
ing any pre-activated package coming days. PTCL officials
ed PTCL to refrain in future without customers' consent have already mentioned their
and without prior approval plans of introducing a local
from announcing any pre- of the Authority. call rate of Rs. 3.99 per
Acknowledging hour.
activated package without consumers' com- LDI companies'
customers' consent and with-
out prior approval of the
Acknowledging consumers'
complaints, PTA has directed
PTCL not to charge Rs. 199
from those subscribers who
are unable to opt out of the
package and have NWD bill of
less than Rs. 200 per month
in the corresponding months.
PTA has also directed PTCL
to reduce the time period of
subject package to 60 days
plaints, PTA has reservations
with no extension. This deci- directed PTCL make sense too,
not to charge Rs. but similar pack-
sion was taken to ensure 199 from those ages were also
healthy competition and to subscribers who introduced by
are unable to opt World Call, a
safeguard consumers' inter- out of the pack- wireless local
age and have loop company,
est. NWD bill of less which offers 24
than Rs. 200 per hours free on-
The Authority has further month in the cor- net calls to its
said that PTCL is directed to responding customers. From
months. past couple of
refrain from launching / PTA has also directed PTCL to reduce the months, cellular companies have also started
time period of subject package to 60 days with offering late night on-net calls for free or at
announcing any promotion or no extension. This decision was taken to ensure very nominal rates. The ultimate consequences
healthy competition and to safeguard con- of this price war will lead to immense cus-
tariff package without prior sumers' interest. tomers' benefits, however, as far as the busi-
approval of the Authority by The Authority has further said that PTCL is nesses and investments are concerned, PTA
directed to refrain from launching / announcing has badly failed in maintaining a fair balance
submitting complete details any promotion or tariff package without prior amongst small and big investors.
approval of the Authority by submitting complete I will put to an end of this discussion with a
of such package(s) to the details of such package(s) at least ten (10) days note that through Pakistan Package, better
in advance and also to refrain from pre-activat- social and economical values, communication
Authority at least ten (10) ing such packages without customers' prior con- opportunities and the way people interact with
days in advance and also to sent. each other will entirely change in coming days.
PTA's press release includes a note that In collaboration with regulator, input from cus-
refrain from pre-activating Authority has always appreciated innovative tomers and LDI companies, PTCL can reach at
packages from the operators; however, the reg- a position where it can offer services, which
such packages without cus- ulator has to ensure that it should not disturb would be optimal and ideal for its customers
consumers' interest and fair competition. and challenging for its competitors in a fairly
tomers' prior consent. PTCL stakeholders, are eyeing the situation manner.
Bringing 3G capabilities to the Nokia 8800 series, the 8800 Arte fea-
tures an elegant and sophisticated design theme that takes inspiration from
nature. On the surface, the metal and glass body gives the 8800 Arte a
sense of style, while under the skin functionality is driven by innovation. By A pedestrian passes by Samsung Mobile phone's advertisement board in Seoul, South
tapping the steel surface below the display, an analogue clock appears. To
add an element of sophistication and security, each handset comes with a Korea. South Korea's National Assembly passed a bill demanding an independent investi-
leather pouch with a linen-lining and a separate matching desk stand. gation into allegations of bribery at the Samsung Group conglomerate.
The just-announced 3110 Evolve candybar from Nokia is big on fea- With G800 take an FM radio wherever you go. Enjoy your
tures. A phone that features a 1.3 megapixel camera, FM radio, and a tri- favorite radio shows and round-the-clock music, news, weather and
band GSM radio. Certainly nothing to write home about there, but the traffic reports using auto/manual tuning. Or save your favorite chan-
Evolve's claim to fame is that it's rocking "bio-covers" made with over 50 per- nels, tune less and just sit back. Now you can't take a bad shot. Enjoy
cent renewable materials and comes in a box made of 60 percent recycled a face-oriented auto-focus feature, image and red-eye stabilizers,
stuff. faster auto-focus and panorama/macro/multi-shot modes. ISO options
and WDR optimization guarantee great pictures in any light
Samsung i560
Dimensions 130 x 51 x 16 mm,
Type TFT, 256K colors, Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.4 inches
Type Polyphonic, MP3
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall, Call
records, Detailed, max 30 days, Card slot microSD (TransFlash)
150 MB built-in memory
GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps, EDGE Yes, 3G HSDPA,
3.6 Mbps, Bluetooth Yes, v2.0 with A2DP, USB Yes, v2.0
OS Symbian OS 9.2, Series 60 v3.1 UI, Camera 3.15 MP, 2048x1536
pixels, video, flash; secondary QCIF videocall camera, Built-in GPS
navigation, 3.5 mm audio output jack, FM radio, Java MIDP 2.0
Flash player, WMV/3GP/H.263/MPEG4 player,
WMA/MP3/AAC/AAC+/OGG/ASF player, Organiser, Document viewer
(MS Word, Excel, PPT, PDF), Built-in handsfree
Size Size
Dimensions 98 x 45 x 12.9 mm, Weight 60g Dimensions 99 x 44 x 17 mm, Weight 75g
Display Display
Type TFT, 65K colors Type STN, 65K colors
Ringtones Ringtones
Type Polyphonic (16 channels) Type Polyphonic (16 channels)
Memory Memory
Phonebook 300 entries Phonebook 200 entries
Features Features
Java, FM radio, T9, Organiser, Calculator, Built-in FM radio with RDS, T9, Calculator, Reminder
handsfree Built-in handsfree
Battery Battery
Stand-by Up to 250h, Talk time Up to3 Stand-by Up to 400h, Talk time Up to 9h
LG KG 270 is another blaster from LG for the Sony Ericsson J120 has easy to use features,
lower end market. It has got everything to meet such as a single-icon menu and one-click access,
basic communication requirements. However, poly- with the added benefit of a built-in FM Radio that
phonic tones and FM are good plus for music allows you to store up to 10 favorite channels plus a
lovers stereo headset that's supplied with the phone. When
it's time to share the radio play-list with a wider audi-
Design: 7.7 ence, the Sony Ericsson J120 features a loudspeak-
Features: 7.6 er through which the radio can be played.
Performance: 7.6
Design: 7.6
Features: 7.7
Performance: 7.7
Design: 8.1
Features: 8.2
Performance: 8.2
A sophisticated, yet easy to use mobile phone with As the smallest 1.3-megapixel phone from Sony
full range of practical mobile features to help you enjoy Ericsson, the K510a delivers high quality pictures with 4x
and share the treasured moments of your life; camera, FM digital zoom. Through the 262K-color TFT display, the
Radio, EDGE, Bluetooth and polyphonic ringtones may K510a easily sorts photos through thumbnails. Before
catch your eyes at first sight. sharing, pictures can be made more captivating with sim-
ple effects such as face warp, sepia colorizing and
Design: 7.7 panorama views.
Features: 7.5
Performance: 7.6 Design: 7.8
Features: 7.7
Performance: 7.7
LG KG195
Motorola SLVR L9 Rs. 5,600
Rs. 10,100
Size Dimensions 100 x 45 x 12.4 mm, Weight 69.9g
Dimensions 113 x 49 x 11.5 mm, 59 cc, Weight Display
96g Type TFT, 256K colors
Display Ringtones
Type TFT, 256K colors, Size 176 x 220 pixels, 1.9 inches Type Polyphonic (64 channels)
Ringtones Memory
Type Polyphonic, MP3 Phonebook 500 entries, Card slot microSD,
Memory (TransFlash), 64 MB shared memory
Card slot microSD (TransFlash), 20 MB internal user Data
memory GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
Data Bluetooth Yes, v1.2 with A2DP, USB Yes, v1.1
GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps Features
EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps, Bluetooth Yes, v2.0 with Camera VGA, 640x480 pixels, video, FM radio
A2DP, USB Yes, v1.1 miniUSB Scheduled FM recorder, MPEG4/MP3 player
Features Java MIDP 2.0, T9, Organiser, Voice memo
Camera 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, video(CIF) Battery
Java MIDP 2.0, FM radio with RDS, Stand-by Up to 300h, Talk time Up to 2h 30 min
MP3/AAC/AAC+/MPEG4 player, T9, Calendar
Built-in handsfree, Voice command, Voice memo The LG KG 195 has an MP3 player and FM
Battery radio with options such as FM recording and voice
Stand-by Up to 350h, Talk time Up to 4h recording making it a truly musical experience. The
Video player supports MP4 and 3GP formats but only
The Motorola SLVR L9 provides users with an inte- of 174 X 144 resolution. The phone has sophisticated
grated music player, FM radio, and Motorola's new look but the keypad is hard and make the keys are
CrystalTalk technology to hold conversations in noisy uncomfortable to use.
environments. The integrated music player with stereo
Bluetooth wireless technology allows users to freely enjoy Design: 7.9
music wirelessly on the go. Even when traveling, users Features: 7.7
can listen to their music uninterrupted in airplane mode. Performance: 7.8
The Motorola SLVR L9 also offers an FM radio, support-
ing Radio Data System (RDS) for radio station information
- including such details as the song genre, song title, or
radio station name - all on the handset's main screen.
Design: 7.8
Features: 7.6
Performance: 7.7
Design: 8.2
Features: 8.3
Performance: 8.3
Design: 7.9
Features: 8.1
Performance: 8.1
Motorola RAZR2 V8
Rs. 22,800 LG KE970 Shine
Rs. 16,700
Dimensions 103 x 53 x 11.9 mm, Weight 117g
Display Size
Type TFT, 256K colors, Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.2 inches, Second Dimensions 99.8 x 50.6 x 13.8 mm, Weight 119g
external 256K colors, 2 inches display (240 x 320 pixels) with con- Display
textual touch interaction Type TFT, 256K colors, Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.2 inch-
Ringtones es, Mirror effect screen, full metal body
Type Polyphonic, MP3 Ringtones
Memory Type Polyphonic (40 channels), MP3
Phonebook 1000 entries, Photocall, Call records 30 dialed, 30 Memory
received, 30 missed calls, 420 MB or 2 GB internal user memory Card slot microSD (TransFlash), 50 MB internal memory,
Data 300 text messages
GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps, EDGE Class 12, Data
Bluetooth Yes, v2.0 with A2DP, USB Yes, v2.0 microUSB GPRS Yes, EDGE Yes, Bluetooth Yes, v1.2 with A2DP,
Features USB Yes
Camera 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, video(QCIF), Java MIDP 2.0, Features
MP3/AAC/AAC+ player, T9, Organizer, Calculator, Built-in hands- Camera 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, autofocus,
free video(QCIF), flash, Java MIDP 2.0
Voice memo MP3/AAC++/3GP/MPEG4 player, T9, Organiser
Battery Voice memo, Document viewer (.ppt, .doc, .pdf, .xls, .txt)
Stand-by Up to 330h, Talk time Up to 7h 50 min Battery
Stand-by Up to 280h, Talk time Up to 3h
The Motorola RAZR2 V8 has a completely redesigned User
Interface (UI) so consumers can search contacts even faster. The Encased in a full-metal body, the slider phone
main menu is customizable, so consumers are never more than 2-3 offers users amazing looks and a high technical specifi-
clicks away from favorite applications, and even messaging is easi- cation including expandable memory (microSD card)
er; automatically recognizing what type of message consumers are and an auto-focus camera by Schneider Kreuznach.
sending. The RAZR2 V8 also 'talks' to consumers by speaking the When closed, Shine exudes sophistication with a per-
interactive menu, contact lists, emails and messages aloud - a fea- fectly reflective 2.2-inch screen. Slide open the super-
ture developed for people with visual impairments, but convenient thin brushed metal body and the 'magic mirror' full color
for in-car use. Without opening the phone, RAZR2 users can rely screen comes to life, while Shine's keys are bathed in a
on the large external screen to read messages and reply with pre- cool blue light. Access to Shine's menu system is by an
programmed text messages. easy-to-use multi-function scroll key.
Design: 8.4 Design: 8.4
Features: 8.0 Features: 7.8
Performance: 8.1 Performance: 7.8
i-mate JAMA
If you are looking for a handheld device and want Windows Mobile, then the choice
between Windows Mobile Smartphone and Windows Mobile Pocket PC can be a difficult
one to make.
I-mate has just blurred the dividing line further with the JAMA. It looks like an ordinary
candybar mobile phone with a slider format that keeps the number pad hidden away until
needed. But in fact the relatively small casing (106mm tall, 52.5mm wide and 15.6mm thick)
houses Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC. This means it doesn't need a hardware-based
number-pad. The dial-pad can go on the screen, which is touch-sensitive.
So is the JAMA the best of both worlds or too much of a compromise?
Of course there is a camera - a 2-megapixel one - and there is around 45MB of free
storage space for applications and data, including photos and music to play through the
JAMA's copy of Windows Media Player, and more. A microSD card slot is on the left edge
of the casing for more memory to be added.
If you are thinking of using the JAMA as a music player then you'll want to know that
when we asked it to play music non-stop from a full battery charge, with its screen forced
on to push the battery hard, we got a little less than six hours of music. That's not bad
The slim, compact design and low weight make the i-mate JAMA a highly portable
device, which will benefit users who plan to use more of the
phone's capabilities. Also, the software bundle is another strong
point of the device. Other than these, there are all the features
specific to Pocket PCs (the touch-screen, productivity tools etc),
even though they do not make the i-mate JAMA stand out from
the crowd.
Nokia N82
How do you follow up a success like the Nokia N95? Well, one way to do it is
to follow the path of the Nokia N95 8GB and give it more memory and a larger
screen. If you wanted to go further, then you'd probably dream up something even
more superlative than the N95 and call it the Nokia N96. So, the Nokia N82 is a
surprise, because it's not really what we would imagine a successor to the N95 to
be like.
The very first thing that strikes you about the Nokia N82 is just how ordinary it
looks. Where the N95 was frankly a bit mad with its two-way slider, the N82 is a
straightforward monoblock design with an uncluttered keypad and large QVGA
Pretty much everything from the original N95 has been directly ported over to
the N82. There's a five megapixel camera with Xenon flash, autofocus and a Carl
Zeiss lens, 3G support with HSDPA, WiFi, microSD expandable memory (with
2GB in the sales package), A-GPS (Assisted GPS), a video calling camera, FM
radio and stereo Bluetooth.
This is a Symbian S60 smartphone, so it comes with a web browser, email
client, document viewer, advanced multimedia player and the N82 also has a set
of personal information management (PIM) applications. Nokia Maps is prein-
stalled for basic GPS use, although expect to pay a fee for more advanced map-
ping functions. Video capture is an impressive 640x480 pixels at 30 frames per
Nokia say that the N82 is available now from selected retailers at an unsubsi-
dized cost of around Rs. 50,000.
LG KE770
LG KE770 Shine is a candy bar version of the stylish LG KE970 Shine. The LG
KE770 is known as the LG KE770 Shine or the LG KE770 Shine Bar. The handset
comes with a high quality & truly inspirational mirror effect screen which has made the
LG Black Label Series Shine phones so popular.
The screen is 1.7 Inch in size & displays up to 262,000 colors on a high resolution
screen. The handset comes with no opening mechanisms due to its bar design which
makes the handset easy to use & comes with a keypad lock to avoid any buttons being
pressed when the handset is being carried. The KE770 Shine Bar comes with a beauti-
fully metal effect keypad which is etched into the handsets casing & is neatly situated
below the phone mirror effect screen. The handset is extremely slim with a total depth
of 10mm & the KE770 weighs only 79 grams includes the fitted battery. The battery
provide up to 200 hours of standby time & approximately 2.5 hours of talk time from a
fully charged battery.
The built in camera provides the user with an easy to use 2 megapixel camera com-
plete with camera or video settings & capabilities. The camera feature is easy to use
as the handset comes with camera keys situated on the side of the phone for ease of
use. The camera comes with a LED flash & digital zoom which will ensure the user
gets the perfect shot each time the camera is used.
The user can enjoy their music on the go with the built in music player which sup-
ports all popular music formats. The music player comes with music settings & storage
which allows the user to access their music & enjoy it at any time of the day or night.
Samsung U300
The Samsung SGH-U300 forms part of the Ultra Edition II range, and it
can be seen as a slimmer and slightly tweaked version of the Slightly
slimmer that the D830 - the U300 is just 9.6mm thick, the SGH-U300
also has a 3 megapixel digital camera.
However, the U300 does not appear to have expandable memory
(although 70MB is built in), which puts it at a disadvantage over the older
Despite the limited memory, the overall features on the U300 are still
pretty decent. There's a 2.2" 240x320 pixel main display with a smaller
secondary on the outside. The U300 has a multimedia player that can
play back MP3, AAC, WMA, WMDRM, H.263 and MPEG4 clips
(although the limited memory will be a factor here).
It's a tri-band GSM 800/900/1800 device with GPPS and EDGE. The
SGH-U300 also support Bluetooth and USB 2.0 connections.
If your looking for a clamshell phone and your primary consideration is
how slim it is, then the U300 is an attractive device. And in terms of
looks, the U300 is an elegant and quite understated handset that should
draw some admiring glances.
However, the slim design of the handset has compromised its features
somewhat, both in terms of expandability but also the RAZR-style hand-
set that might become irritating to use after a while.
LG KU990 / LG Viewty
LG Viewty - a 5.1 megapixel camera phone with a Schneider Kreuznach
lens and advanced imaging capabilities. The front of the LG KU990 has a
large touchscreen, similar to the LG Prada. 5.1 megapixel camera comes with
a flash, electronic image stabilization, photo editing and single-click uploading
to YouTube.
Video capture on the LG Viewty is up to 120 fps (frames per second) - this
is twice the frame rate of an HDTV and frankly why anyone needs this kind of
frame rate is a mystery. We're not sure what the video capture resolution is on
the KU990, but it will need to be at least 640x480 pixels.
Schneider Kreuznach are the people who make lenses for Kodak, so that's
a promising start when it comes to the KU990's optical credentials. Combine
this with the 5.1 megapixel camera, and the KU990 Viewty looks very good
The "U" in KU990 should indicate that this is a 3G device, and you can
reasonably expect to see a multimedia player, web browser, email client and
all the usual features. You can safely assume that the KU990 / Viewty will be
competing directly against the N95, where the LG has the advantage of a
touchscreen but is unlikely to have GPS.
LG KE970
The LG KE970 is a beautiful & highly capable mobile phone which is better known as
the LG Shine. The beautiful KE970 Shine is the second Black Label Series mobile hand-
set to be deigned by LG. The highly attractive mobile phone has been given the name LG
Shine due to its stunning appearance & mirror effect casing.
The LG Shine comes in a super slim casing with a tactile slide opening mechanism.
The phone comes with a shiny stainless steel casing & with a large mirror effect screen.
The screen displays a real mirror when the LG Shine is in its closed position, for all to
admire. The handset has a roll bar navigation tool which allows the user to scroll through
menus with ease.
The keypad is etched into the stainless steel surface & the keys have a blue backlight
which is highly effective. The keypad can be accessed when the handset is in its slide
open position. The LG KE970 Shine is an appearance & feature focused mobile phone
which will be admired by all.
The large screen provides a screen resolution of 240 x 320 pixels on a 2.2 Inch high
colour screen. The screen provides the user with a sharp & clear viewing tool which
comes with the stylish mirror effect feature. The user can take photos & record video
footage with ease using the built in imaging features. The user can save, edit, share &
store their photos & video footage. The LG KE970 Shine comes with a photo album &
video gallery which allows the user to store & locate their photos & video easily.
The phone comes with a built in music player which supports all popular music for-
mats including MP3 format & provides high quality sound. The LG KE970 comes with a
built in Internet browser which the user can access from the phones main menu. The
user can access the WAP Internet browser & enjoy a mobile Internet experience on the
their mobile phone.
Motorola Z6c
The Motorola Z6 is a handset available in a few different formats - the
MOTOROKR Z6 is a GSM device for sale in Europe, Asia Pacific and else-
where, and then there's a CDMA version called the MOTOROKR Z6m for
North America, China and Far East Asia. Another version, the MOTORIZR
Z6tv is a CDMA variant for the Verizon network optimized for streaming 3G
The fourth variant of the Z6 is rather more novel - called the Z6c, this
particular Z6 combines both CDMA and GSM network functions into one
handset, making it an ideal phone for GSM customers who want to use a
GSM device at home, but who also want to travel with the same handset
This dual CDMA/GSM functionality is very rare, but we have seen it
before - in the Motorola A840, which hit the market about three years ago.
The Z6c represents a welcome addition to this surprisingly small market
Expect to see a 2" 240x320 pixel display, 2 megapixel camera, microSD
expandable memory and Bluetooth in a device weighing around 105 grams.
To look at, you'd be hard pressed to tell it apart from its siblings, but the
Z6c does come with a "World" logo in the top left hand corner to mark it out
as something special.
Product Specifications
Processor Type Intel Core 2 Duo T7300
Processor Speed Intel Core 2 Duo T7300 / 2 GHz 800Mhz
RAM 2 x 1 GB DDR2,
Hard Drive 200 GB 5400 rpm, Serial ATA
Display 15.4 in TFT active matrix
Graphic Accelerator NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT
Camera Integrated
Optical Drive DVD Super Multi (Double Layer) Drive
Wired & Wireless Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN , Ethernet,
Communication IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g,
Fast Ethernet, IEEE 802.11n (draft)
HP Compaq 6710 US
1.8C2D 512MB Rs. 51,500
Product Specifications
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 1.83Ghz
Memory 512 MB
Memory Max 1GB , 2GB
Hard Disk 120Gb
Modem type Fax / modem
Modem Speed 56kbps
Wireless 802.11b/g
Optical Drive Super Drive
Battery Lithium-Ion
Weight 2kg
O/S Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium
FireWire ports 1 x FireWire 400
USB Ports 4 x USB 2.0
Warranty 1 Year Limited Warranty
Product Specifications
Processor Type Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core Processor T2080
1.73 GHz
Processor Speed 1.73 GHz, 533MHz
RAM standard : 1,024 (512 + 512) MB
maximum expandability : 2,048 MB
Hard Drive technology : DDR2 RAM (667 MHz)
Display 120 GB
Graphic 15.4 " Toshiba TruBrite® WXGA TFT display
Accelerator Hybrid Graphics System lets toggle between
NVidia GeForce Go 7400 (up to 335 MB
Optical Drive DVD+/-RW SuperMulti with Double Layer
Wireless Compliancy : Wi-Fi®
Communication Network Support : 802.11b/g integrated
Wireless Technology: Wireless LAN
Operating System Windows Vista® Home Basic Edition
Dimensions 362 x 267.8 x 33.5 (front) / 39.3 (rear) mm
Stephanie Endicott and Marcus Smallegan, first-year students at George Brad Garlinghouse, left, senior vice president of Yahoo, demonstrates the
Washington University, use their laptops in Washington. For the Facebook genera- capabilities of a laptop during a media preview flight aboard "BetaBlue," an
tion, love now comes with a drop-down menu. Airbus A320 aircraft equipped with an onboard wireless network. JetBlue will
start offering free online messaging services on one of its planes next week,
becoming among the first airlines to offer in-flight Internet access.
Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili speaks with journalists during a news
conference after his trip to Britain in south of Tehran. Iran said, it would safeguard
its right to nuclear technology whatever European Union foreign policy chief Javier
Solana reported about his latest talks with Tehran.
Managing Director of Emerson Process Management India, Sunil Khanna (R) and
President of Rosemount Division of Emerson Process Management USA, Mark
Schumacher (L) pose for a photograph at the press launch of Smart Wireless
Solutions for Process Automation in New Delhi.
Ericsson's Chief Executive Carl-Henric Svanberg arriving for presentation of the third-quarter
result in Stockholm. Ericsson, the world's leading mobile networks maker, allegedly paid more
than a million dollars (euros) to a former Oman government minister in what appears to have
been a bribe for a large contract, Swedish public radio report.
otorola, Inc.
M announced a special
edition of the new
RAZR2, available in
limited quantities, in
time to celebrate the
holiday season in style. The signature
RAZR2 form factor has been re-imag-
ined and reconfigured in the most luxuri-
ous materials - bathed in gold and
clothed in snake-like skin, and includes
a full suite of features and accessories
for consumers seeking a glamorous
RAZR2 Luxury Edition, equipped
with unique features, is designed for the
Middle Eastern audience keeping the
latest and most desired trends in mind.
The phone has a metallic feel with gold
accents adding to the ultimate finesse of
the device, while the snake skin finish is
sure to entice local and expatriate resi-
dents of the region.
This special edition of RAZR2 comes
complete with a black slate Motorola
H680 Bluetooth headset with 18k gold-
plated accents and also includes in-box.
The New phone comes with up to
approximately eight hours of crisp, clear
talk time and eight days of standby time.
The petite and stylish H680 is the per-
fect companion of style conscious.
A wired stereo headset for music
enjoyment, a matching patent leather
carrying case with mini strap, and a polishing
cloth are also included in box, adding even more
style to a device that delivers the complete mobile
experience. RAZR2 V8 Luxury Edition is avail-
able in Motorola authorised retail outlets across
Internet Flare Report
ome users of the online hangout said she had no idea (information would be
The STB/gateway paradigm has launched a race of sorts as its manufacturers contest to
stuff as much functionality into it as possible. It has also prompted other companies such
as Motorola and Cisco to get into the technology. As a result STBs are increasingly packing
sophisticated technology
elcos making plans for video serv- replace the STB altogether. it is not an issue, but the point is most people
Internet Ahmed Saeed
Search engines are now revamping their business and road maps to adjust to the condi-
tions of the market. Timely data is now as important as gold was a few years back. As a
result, Google and Yahoo are on the verge of a heads on collision regarding human
resources, customer relationship management, data mining processes and an overall
understanding of the international markets
ith a competitive market in understand the real picture at hand. Total cus- Boris Evelson, a Forrester Research
new scanner has been unveiled which takes large and is also designed to reduce patients' exposure to X-rays and It is so
Chief of Army Staff and Pro-Chancellor General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani giving away the degrees among the successful students during the 5th
Postgraduate Convocation of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST).
Visitors play a video game at the India Gaming Summit 2007, in Mumbai, India. Sony Online School children view the exhibits inside the 'Science Express' at the Jammu railway
Entertainment LLC plans to set up a development studio in India for online games that would station in Jammu. The 'Science Express', a unique train exhibition specially designed
have local content and a local partner, a company official said. to arouse the curiosity of youth in the field of science and technology.
A clock at a Siemens AG office building indicates "five minutes after twelve" in Erlangen, Vietnam's Communist Party chief Nong Duc Manh, center, is briefed on a mobile
southern Germany. German telecommunications giant Siemens AG paid about 17.5 million phone by an unidentified LG Electronic Inc.'s employee as LG Electronic Inc. vice
dollars (12 million euros) in bribes to government and industry officials in chairman Nam Yong, right, looks on during Manh's visit to the LG Electronics Inc.
Nigeria, Russia and Libya in a bid to win contracts. factory in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul, South Korea.
Two-legged "e-nuvo Walk" Verstion 3 robot kicks a ball during a press preview in Tokyo. Robots for Japan's largest industrial robot maker Yasukawa Electric, beat a drum at
ZMP of Japan began selling the walking robot that runs on Microsoft's new robotics software the International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo. Some 200 companies and more than 50
a product the companies said will make it easier to transfer technology from one robot to organisations from Japan and abroad took part in the 2007 International Robot
78 another. Exhibition in Tokyo, one of the world's largest robot shows.
Event Flare Report
arid Telecom, a sub- Guest at the men's final. Air Chief Marshal
ndia's fastest-growing telecom provider, Tata bled in just about a year - to 38 million from 16 million.
apanese electronics giant Hitachi unveiled traffic at Hitachi Ltd's research center and
Americans in Digital The two random online surveys polled 16- to 25-year-olds. The "Young
Digital Mavens" study aimed to explore how attitudes toward digital
technology are changing among Chinese and American youth at a time
Self-Expression when people are spending less time with traditional media and more
with interactive technology.
The study found that while a large majority of youth in both countries
illions of young Chinese are embracing the Internet now feels dependent on digital technology, this attitude is especially
M as a discreet space for their thoughts and emotions, pronounced in China. As many as 80 percent of Chinese respondents
according to a survey of Chinese and American agreed that "Digital technology is an essential part of how I live", as
youth released by IAC, which operates businesses compared to 68 percent of Americans.
in sectors being transformed by the Internet, and The Internet is such a vital part of life for Chinese youth that they are
JWT, the fourth largest advertising agency network twice as likely as young Americans to say they would not feel OK going
in the world. The findings show how eagerly young Chinese are taking without Internet access for more than a day (25 percent vs. 12 percent).
to the Internet and its possibilities-for example, almost five times as And more than twice as many Chinese youth admitted they sometimes
many Chinese as American respondents said they have a parallel life feel "addicted" to living online: 42 percent vs. 18 percent of Americans. 85
oogle released upgraded mapping displays a map of the area with a blue circle pin-
T years. CDs are not selling in the numbers they used to,
which is a worry for the record industry as well as retail-
ers. The online revolution took the record industry by sur-
prise and it has been playing catch-up ever since. "I think
the music industry has to accept its fair share of the
blame for not acting quickly enough to digital music," said Adam
Benzine from Music Week magazine.
The recording industry is finally hitting back and mobile phones are
leading the charge. CD sales might be tumbling but digital music sales
are steadily increasing. Unfortunately digital growth only accounts for a
tenth of overall music sales, so they are still not making up for the
shortfall generated by CDs.
There is one territory, which is bucking this trend though. Digital
music sales in Japan are sufficient to offset the loss made by CDs. In The biggest hurdle that mobile music companies currently face is
fact, Japan saw a 1% rise in music sales last year. Industry observers that it is just not easy enough to buy music on the mobile phone.
attribute this rise to mobile music downloads. Globally, various mobile music stores have launched; the UK has seen
Downloading via mobile offers the user the ability to browse a three launch in recent weeks.
store's back catalogue, purchase and download music all via a mobile Generating more hype than the average Hollywood blockbuster,
phone while on the move, cutting out the need to download songs Apple's iPhone downloads songs using wi-fi from its already successful
using a computer. iTunes store.
Microsoft Corp said has that it expects strong growth in Asia's IT Mainland China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America. While the
sector to more than double headcount for its customer service centre in majority of the staff is located at its Shanghai headquarters, the centre
the region in five years time. Wing-Dar Ker, general manager for also has offices in Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Southeast Asia,
Microsoft Customer Service and Support in the Asia-Pacific and Australia and New Zealand.
Greater China region, said that the centre currently has around 850 The centre also offers training to Chinese information technology
staff. "We have huge growth across the board, not only just in China employees, and works with 400 to 500 outsourcing agents in the Asia-
but all across Asia as well," Pacific region. According to research firm Gartner, the information tech-
With rapid growth, of course the need for services will come along. nology services market is set to grow 8.7 per cent globally to more
The centre, founded in 1997, offers technical support to customers in than $730 billion this year.
Culture in IT cell phone numbers on the IGI Securities website, calling the toll
free call centre or by simply giving instructions while opening a
trading account with IGI Securities.
Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) is launching various initiatives to
This new service will provide investors with the peace of mind
facilitate access to venture capital, strengthening the
that their trading transactions have been executed, whether they
equity base of IT companies and promoting world class
are trading through a broker or an online internet trading system
entrepreneurial culture in the IT industry.
like I-Trade. IGI Securities Limited is determined to become the
The projects are aimed at raising the fast track devel-
leading brokerage firm in Pakistan by providing innovative servic-
opment and robust growth of the Pakistan's IT industry.
es. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of IGI Investment
One such Programme, the PSEB's Entrepreneurship
Bank and a part of the IGI Financial Services Group which offer
Project has been initiated to provide consultancy, on due
services including Investment Banking, Insurance, Brokerage
diligence, to selected IT companies with the objective of
and Asset Management.
qualifying them for Initial Public Offering (IPO).
Currently, out of over 1082 IT companies in Pakistan,
only two companies are listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. 'To get more companies listed, as envisioned under the project, PSEB would sub-
sidise its consultancy by 75 per cent while selected companies would bear the remaining 25 per cent of the consultancy fee', a spokesman of
PSEB said in a statement.
In order to facilitate access to venture capital, PSEB would facilitate entrepreneurs in getting venture capital funding through vetting business
plans and establishing linkages with Angel, VC, Private Equity, Public and Multilateral funding organisations.
PSEB has also launched an Apprenticeship Programme for creating a pool of skilled resources in Pakistan's IT industry matching the
advanced and specialised international technological requirements.
Under this initiative, IT companies would recruit IT graduates on apprenticeships and later hire them for a period of at least one year. This
would allow fresh graduates to follow a career path provided by the participant companies, thus strengthening the pool human capital in the coun-
try. The spokesman also said that a multinational IT company, Bearing Point, has already expressed its willingness to recruit about 100 IT appren-
tices out of which 46 have already been placed.
Another major project, the IT industry Internship Programme, said the official spokesman of PSEB, intends to bridge the gap between the IT
industry and academic institutions, and would help mould fresh graduates into world-class professionals. Some 3100 internees from 205 universi-
ties/institutes were placed in the local IT industry and 235 IT departments of public and private sector organisations. 89
City Nazim Mustafa Kamal addresses during the function on "2nd All Pakistan
Utech 07" organized by UIT computer society held in Karachi. While Karachi
University Vice Chancellor Perzada Qasim and Dr. Manzoor Ahmed are also pres- US Consulate Acting Public Affairs Officer Antone Greubel talking with school students during an
ent on the occadion. exhibition organized by US Consulate at National Museum of Science and Technology in Lahore.
The sale of mobile phone SIMs have become a nuisance for national
security as criminals behind terrorist threats, bomb hoaxes, kidnap-
ping for ransom, fraudulent prizing schemes, irritating and repetitive
unknown calls and text messages, identity theft, you name the illegal
activity and you will find the use of these unregistered SIMs. A SIM
can be purchased quite easily and cheaply from the hawkers without
Secretary General Revenue Division and Chairman FBR Abdullah Yusuf addressing to ID card. This phenomenon is facilitating criminals while the PTA has
the participants during IT Appreciation Awards 2007 organized by Pakistan Computer
Association held at Islamabad failed to take any action against such sales
Visitors look at computers on display during the annual computer show at the World Trade Model display the handy PC device with sliding key board "Lui PC remote pocket",
Centre in Taipei. A total of 360 computer and peripheral makers from here and abroad dis- equipped with a 4.1-inch sized WVGA display on its palm sized body weighing 250g,
played the latest products of their lines in the nine-day exhibition. which enables to download digital contents such as video, music and datas from a
home server "Lui home server PC" (in the cabinet) during a press preview of the
company's advanced technology fair in Tokyo.
Japanese electronics giant Sony displays their latest products at the CEATEC electronics "Motoman" robots from Japan's largest industrial robot maker Yasukawa Electric,
trade show in Chiba. After a tough first year, sales of the PlayStation 3 are finally gaining perform a demonstration at the International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo. Some 200
momentum while the company's new flat television is reviving its reputation for innovation. companies and more than 50 organisations from Japan and abroad are taking part
in the 2007 International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo, one of the world's largest robot
Japan's machinery maker Kawasaki Heavy Industries robot "Cube-kun" is seen solving a Chinese staff work in a TCL store at a computer mall in Shanghai. French electron-
3x3x3 Rubik's Cube during a demonstration in Tokyo, while an attendant (L) tries to solve the ics company Legrand SA has agreed to buy a low-voltage electrical unit of strug-
cube. The double armed industrial robot is displayed with advanced technology products. gling Chinese consumer electronics maker TCL Corp for (US$67 million).
Reporters checks Gibson's new product "Robot Guitar" at Gibson Tokyo office. A
US computer giant Dell senior vice president Alex Gruzen introduces all-in-one desktop PC
new electric guitar from Gibson comes with robotics technology that allows the
"XPS One", at a global launching in Tokyo. The "XPS One" is equipped with Intel's Core2
instrument to tune itself in a matter of seconds. The technology, developed in part-
Duo or celeron processor 20-inch WSXGA (1,680 x 1,050-pixel) LCD display and wireless
nership with German company Tronical, allows the guitar to recognize pitch and use
keyboard, mouse on its stylish body.
its processor and six motors on its tuning pegs to tighten the strings accordingly.
Vietnam's general secretary of the Communist Party Nong Duc Manh (R) talking
UMC Sales Down 10.9% on a video mobile phone with South Korea's SK Group chairman Chey Tae-won
(L) at the central research institute of SK Telecom in Seongnam, south of Seoul.
Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd talks at the Oracle World Conference in San
Francisco. Hewlett-Packard Co., the world's biggest PC seller, is scheduled to
report fourth-quarter financial results after the market closes.