Henderson Police Department Media Relations Policy

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Henderson Police Department Policy

DP346 Media Relations

Media Relations


Our policy is to cooperate fully and impartially with authorized news media representatives and
provide unhindered flow of accurate information concerning matters of public interest in a timely
and unbiased manner, provided that the release of this information does not interfere with the
department operation or infringe on the rights of persons involved.


1. Public Information – Information that may be of interest to the general public regarding
policy, procedures or events involving the department or other newsworthy information that
is not legally protected. All public information must be in conformity with local and state law.
2. News Media Representatives – Those individuals who are directly employed by agencies
for the electronic or print media such as radio, television, and newspapers.
3. Public Information Officer (PIO) – The department's Public Information Officer serves as a
central source of information for release by the department and responds to request for
information by the news media and the community.


The duties of the Public Information Officer are:
1. Assist news personnel in covering routine news stories, and at the scenes of incidents.
2. Assist the news media on an on-call basis.
3. Prepare and distribute news releases.
4. Arrange for, and assist at, news conferences.
5. Assist in crisis situations.
6. Coordinate the release of authorized information concerning confidential agency
investigations and other major operations.
7. Develop procedures for releasing information when other public service agencies are
involved in a mutual effort.
8. Act as the Department’s liaison to the media for the development of changes in policies and
procedures relating to the public information function.

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Henderson Police Department Policy
DP346 Media Relations
1. Access to Department Personnel – Authorized news media representatives shall have
reasonable access to the PIO, the Chief of Police or his designee, and operations of the
department as governed by this policy. When information must be denied to the media, the
basis for that denial shall be fully and courteously explained.
2. Recognition of Media – The Henderson Police Department recognizes authorized
identification from all local, national and international news organizations. Failure of media
personnel to present identification may provide grounds for restricting access to requested
information or to incident scenes.
3. Release of Information – Public information shall be released to the media as promptly as
circumstances allow, without partiality and in as objective a manner as possible.
a. Public information may be provided to media representatives by telephone if the identity
of the representative is known or can be authenticated.
b. Any media inquiries will be referred to the PIO.
c. Written press releases shall be released only following approval of the Chief of Police or
his/her designee. All press releases shall be prepared using the authorized press release
d. The Communications Center will immediately notify the appropriate Shift Commander
upon receipt of any information regarding events or incidents that may have media
e. The on-duty Watch Commander is responsible for ensuring that the PIO, the Shift
Commander, and the Chief of Police are informed of events that may have media
interest. See HPD Policy and Procedure DPM358 Major Incident Notifications and


During the course of any criminal investigation, from its inception through final court disposition,
the Chief of Police or his/her designee should approve all media requests for case information
prior to release.
1. Investigative Information That May Be Released – The following investigative case
information may be released:
a. The type or nature of a crime or incident.
b. The location, date, time, injuries, damages, and general description of how the incident
c. The type and quantity of property taken or damaged.
d. The identity and approximate address of a victim, except the victim of a sex crime, and
in other cases where release of victim information that would endanger the victim.
e. Requests for aid in locating evidence, a complainant, or a suspect.

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Henderson Police Department Policy
DP346 Media Relations
f. Number of personnel involved in an event or investigation, and the length of the
g. The name of the officer in charge of a case, his supervisor and division (exception: the
name of any undercover officer will not be released).
2. Investigative Information That May Not Be Released – The following Information may not
be released in connection with criminal investigations unless authorized by the Chief of Police
or his/her designee:
a. The identity of a suspect prior to arrest, unless such information would aid in
apprehending the suspect or serve to warn the public of potential danger.
b. The identity of any victim of a sex crime or any related information which, if divulged,
could lead to the victim's identity.
c. The identity of victims or witnesses if such disclosure would prejudice an investigation to
any significant degree or place the victim in personal danger.
d. The identity of any juvenile that is a suspect or defendant, except as provided in the
e. The identity of any critically injured or deceased person prior to notification of next of kin.
f. The results of any investigative procedure such as lineups, polygraph tests, fingerprint
comparison, firearms examinations, or other investigative procedures. The fact that any
of these tests have been performed can be released without further comment about the
g. Information that, if prematurely released, may interfere with the investigation or suspect
apprehension such as investigative leads, details of the crime known only to the suspect,
or information that may cause the suspect to flee or more effectively avoid apprehension.
h. Information that may be of evidentiary value in criminal proceedings.
i. Specific cause of death unless officially determined by the medical examiner.
j. The home address or telephone number of any member of the department.


1. Suspect Information That May Be Released – After a suspect has been arrested, an
arrest warrant issued or an indictment filed, the following information may be released.
a. The suspects name, age, physical description, residence address, occupation, and
family status.
b. The time and place of arrest, whether pursuit or resistance occurred, weapons used,
charges against the suspect and descriptions of the contraband seized.
c. The identity of the arresting officers and the duration of the investigation unless the
officers are working in an undercover assignment.
d. The location of the suspect(s) detention.

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Henderson Police Department Policy
DP346 Media Relations
2. Suspect Information That May Not Be Released – After the arrest and formal charging of
a suspect but prior to adjudication, the following types of information should not be released
without the express authorization of the Chief of Police or his/her designee:
a. Prior criminal conviction record, character, or reputation of the defendant.
b. Existence or contents of any confession, admission or statement of a defendant or the
failure or unwillingness to make any statement.
c. Performance or results of any tests, or a defendant's refusal to submit to tests, e.g.,
polygraph, etc.
d. Identity, statement or expected testimony of any witness or victim.
e. Any opinion about the guilt or innocence of a defendant or the merits of the case.
f. Any opinion or knowledge of the potential for a plea bargain or other pretrial action.


1. Incident Scene Access by Media – Recognized news media representatives will be
provided reasonable access to all crime scenes controlled by Henderson personnel. This
may include closer access of media persons or equipment than afforded the public to the
degree that it does not interfere with the agency mission or the safe movement of vehicle
2. Incidents Involving Multiple Agencies - The Field Commander or PIO will confer with
Command Staff of the allied agencies to coordinate releases of information to the news
media. Generally, the agency having primary jurisdiction will bear the responsibility.
3. Where There is Existing Evidence – The news media shall not be allowed access to any
area or scene where there exists a possibility that evidence may be damaged, altered,
destroyed, or otherwise prejudiced by its existence being published or portrayed.
Once evidence has been processed, removed, and secured by detectives and the scene has
been prepared for release, the media may be allowed to enter with the permission of the
commanding officer at the scene.
4. Incidents on Private Property – On private property, photography, film, or videotape
recording requires the permission of the owner or the owner's representative.
5. Photographs of Suspects – Suspects or accused persons in custody shall not be posed, or
arrangements made, for photographs, telecasts, or interviews, nor shall Henderson
personnel pose with suspects or accused persons in custody.
6. Release of Photographs to Aid in Apprehension – Once a person is charged with a crime
and is sought by law enforcement authorities, photographs, or mugshots may be released to
the media to aid in the apprehension of the suspect. No departmental photographs,
mugshots, videotape, film, or composites of suspects in custody shall be released to the
media unless authorized by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
7. Press Area Designation – At the scene of major crimes in progress, such as a hostage or
barricade situation, the Commanding Officer on scene shall designate a press area as early

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Henderson Police Department Policy
DP346 Media Relations
as possible and as close to the scene as safety and operational requirements reasonably
8. Release of Suicide Information – Details regarding suicides may be reported to the media,
to include fact-based information describing how the incident occurred. The name, age,
address, physical description, and occupation of the victim may also be released, but only
after notification of the next of kin has been completed. The existence of a suicide note may
also be disclosed; however, the contents of such notes are personal and confidential and
shall not be released.


At the scenes of accidents, disasters, or other non-criminal incidents, the principles of media
cooperation will be maintained to the extent that they do not impede the mission of law
enforcement, fire, medical and other emergency personnel responsible for the management of
the incident.
1. Press Area Designated – During any critical incident, the commanding officer on scene shall
designate a press area as early as possible and as close to the scene as safety and
operational considerations allow.
2. Management of Media – The Fire Dept. Officer-in-Command at the scene shall manage
media access to and movement within designated fire perimeters. This access and
movement should be coordinated with the commanding officer at the scene.
3. Rescue of Media Personnel – Emergency personnel on scene, including Henderson
Officers, will not decline the rescue of news media personnel who are in danger, but they are
not required to provide an escort into or out of dangerous areas.
4. Free Movement Permitted for Media – In general, authorized news media representatives
are permitted free movement in disaster areas providing they do not hamper, deter, or
interfere with law enforcement or public safety functions.


Statements of policy, which express the official position of the Henderson Police Department,
official responses to criticism of the department, or statements regarding any pending civil
litigation involving the department shall be made only by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
All statements regarding internal investigations, disciplinary or personnel matters, officer-involved
critical incidents, such as shootings or accidents, shall only be made by the Chief of Police or
his/her designee.


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Henderson Police Department Policy
DP346 Media Relations
Accreditation Standards
CALEA 54.1.1 Activities
CALEA 54.1.2 Policy Input
CALEA 54.1.3 Media Access
PSCA 2.6.6 Public Education Function
PSCA 2.6.7 News Media, Involvement and Discussion

DPM358 Major Incident Notifications and Response

Revision History
Date Effective Purpose
1-16-13 DM-0145 Media Relations, changed to DP346 Media Relations
§346.4.3.b. Removes authorization for ranking officers at scenes to
release information.
§346 Training guidelines for Department personnel deleted.
Changed to new format
DM-0145, dated 12-8-03 rescinded.
02-04-16 Annual Review – No changes needed.
03-06-18 Biennial Review – No changes needed.
09-14-21 Biennial review.
Minor changes, including grammatical revisions.
01-11-24 Biennial review.
Minor grammatical changes throughout.

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