Brook Street Employee Terms and Conditions

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Employer's name: Brook Street (UK) Limited, ("Brook Street")

Employer’s address: Capital Court, 30 Windsor Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1AB

Temporary Employee's name: Radu-Razvan Rostas

Temporary Employee's address: 135A Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1



Employment Business: An organisation which engages a work seeker under a contract, who then works under the
supervision of someone else, for example being placed on assignment with our Clients.

Assignment: The period during which you are assigned to provide services to the Client.

Client: The customer organisation to whom you are assigned to work.

Brook Street Contact: The Contact responsible for the specific Client, based at your local branch/site.

Brook Street will operate as an Employment Business when providing you with temporary work.

This document sets out particulars of your employment in accordance with section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996. This
document, together with Brook Street’s Assignment letter, as may be issued to you from time to time, constitutes your contract
of employment. You are also referred to Brook Street’s Temporary Employee Handbook (“Employee Handbook”), a copy of
which can be accessed via the Brook Street website, which contains additional relevant information.


1.1 You are employed by Brook Street as a Temporary Employee (Associate). Brook Street operates in the following

1.1.1 Administrative, secretarial, clerical and associated functions

1.1.2 Care and Public Sector
1.1.3 Warehouse, factory, light industrial and manufacturing roles
You may be offered assignments in either of these sectors, unless you indicate that you are not prepared to work in
that specific sector (by listing it in the box below). For details of roles that may fall into these sectors, please refer to
the Employee Handbook.

List any sectors, from the above that you do NOT wish to work in:

1.2 You will be assigned to carry out work for a Client from time to time in the capacity, as detailed in the relevant
Assignment letter. In carrying out that work, you agree to work under the direction and supervision of the Client,
including anyone authorised by the Client to whom you are assigned. You will be expected to carry out the duties of
the Assignment in a loyal and trustworthy manner and to observe and comply with the Client's internal rules, policies
and procedures. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action being taken against you by Brook Street.
1.3 Details of any Assignment offered to and accepted by you, will be confirmed in an Assignment letter from Brook
1.4 Your duties may vary from Assignment to Assignment or during the duration of any Assignment undertaken by you.
1.5 You agree that you may be transferred to a new Assignment at any time, without restriction to location or Client, as
directed by Brook Street.
1.6 You agree that Brook Street or the Client may terminate an Assignment at any time, without prior notice or liability.
Termination of an Assignment is not termination of your employment.
1.7 Whilst employed by Brook Street you must comply with all of Brook Street's rules, regulations and policies.


2.1 Your employment with Brook Street will commence on the date on which you start your first Assignment with Brook
Street under this contract; and will continue until terminated in accordance with section 6 below.
2.2 Your period of continuous employment with Brook Street commenced on or will commence on the date on which you
start your first Assignment with Brook Street under this contract. No employment with a previous employer counts
towards your period of continuous employment with Brook Street.
2.3 You will undertake to:
2.3.1 Inform Brook Street if, since the 1 October 2011, you have worked in the same or similar role with the Client
via a third party; either prior to the date of commencement of the relevant Assignment or during the relevant
2.3.2 Provide Brook Street with all details of such work, including (without limitation) details of where, when and
the period(s) during which such work was undertaken and any other requested details.
2.4 Your appointment is subject to the completion of pre-employment checks and the full disclosure by you of all
information relevant to your appointment and subsequent Assignments.
2.5 A probation period may apply for some Assignments, and where this is relevant, you will be advised by your Brook
Street Contact of the duration of the probation period.

3.1 Your pay is based on an hourly rate, for the type of work performed and will always be no less than the applicable
National Living Wage/National Minimum Wage, currently in force.
3.2 You will be advised in advance of the specific pay rate applicable for each Assignment. Your pay rate may go up or
down, between Assignments and/or in the same Assignment, according to the requirements of our Clients and the
needs of our business. You will always be notified in advance of any change to your pay rate. This standard rate also
forms the basis for calculating any overtime premiums that may apply from Assignment to Assignment.
3.3 You will be paid for hours worked during your Assignment, as certified by the Client, whether or not Brook Street is
paid by the hirer in respect of that work. If you do not work, you are not paid, and neither are you entitled to be paid
for time taken off for meals, rest breaks, travelling to and from the Client’s premises at the beginning and end of the
working day; or any other purpose during your Assignment other than work, irrespective of whether you are on the
Client premises or not.
3.4 You are required to record the hours you have worked and that you are entitled to be paid for on a weekly basis (or at
the end of an Assignment, if it is for less than one week). Where Brook Street is unable to validate your working
hours, it reserves the right to temporarily withhold payment pending verification from the Client.
3.5 You will be paid weekly, in arrears for the hours worked as described above. Payment is made directly into your bank
or building society account; and is subject to statutory deductions such as Tax and National Insurance.
3.6 For the purposes of the Employment Rights Act 1996, sections 13-27, you agree that Brook Street may deduct from
your remuneration, any sums due from you to Brook Street including, without limitation, your pension contributions (if
any), any overpayments (whether the result of an error by Brook Street or as a result of an incorrect (including
fraudulent) timesheet, loans or advances made to you by Brook Street, fines incurred by you using Brook Street or
Client vehicles, cost of any personal mileage, non-returned or damaged (whether caused deliberately or by reason of
your reckless or negligent behaviour) Brook Street property (including Personal Protective Equipment) and any
overpayment of holiday pay.
3.7 Where appropriate and authorised, reasonable and itemised expenses properly incurred in connection with your
Assignment, will be paid in accordance with Brook Street’s expenses policy, as may be amended from time to time.
Additional information is detailed in the Employee Handbook.

4.1 Brook Street will, at all times during your employment, use its reasonable endeavours to allocate you to suitable
Assignments. The nature of our business means your hours of work may differ from one Assignment to another;
similarly, the length of individual Assignments will vary. There may be occasions when no work is available or there is
a surplus of employees to fulfil the work that is available. You are employed under a general zero hours contract and
each time you are assigned Brook Street will provide to you details of the expected hours of work.

4.2 Your actual hours of work and length on each Assignment will vary according to the requirements of the Client,
including the days of the week you may be required to work, and reasonable overtime that may also be required. For
the purposes of this contract, days includes any day from Monday to Sunday and will be confirmed to you in advance.
It is a condition of your employment that you work flexibly in accordance with the Client's and any statutory
requirements; and, therefore you accept you will not have any normal working hours in any Assignment. Attendance
and timekeeping expectations are detailed in the Employee Handbook.
4.3 Brook Street does not guarantee that there will always be a suitable Assignment to which you can be allocated, and
there may be periods when no work is available for you. In these circumstances, Brook Street has no obligation to
pay you when you are not carrying out work or not on Assignment.
4.4 The Working Time Regulations 1998 provide that a Temporary Employee shall not work on an Assignment with the
Client in excess of the ‘working week’ unless you agree in writing that this should not apply (opt out). The ‘working
week’ means an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17-week reference period. If you opt out of the
‘working week’ limit, you may end this agreement, and opt back in by giving Brook Street 4 weeks’ notice in writing.
The limit shall apply after the 4 weeks’ notice period. For the avoidance of doubt, any notice bringing this agreement
to an end shall not be construed as termination by you of an Assignment with a Client.
4.5 Should the hours of work required by any Assignment accepted by you include night work or be subject to restrictions
(Young Workers) as defined in the Working Time Regulations 1998, additional information can be found in the
Employee Handbook.

5.1 Your place of work will vary according to each Assignment. You may be required to travel within the UK and abroad
for the performance of your duties under any Assignment, with Brook Street’s express consent.
5.2 Where you are required to work outside of the UK for more than one month, Brook Street will endeavour to give you
reasonable notice of that requirement, and you will be provided with information in writing about the terms of your
employment outside the UK. This will include the period you are required to work outside the UK, the currency in
which you will be remunerated, and any additional remuneration that may apply.

6.1 If you wish to terminate your employment, you must give Brook Street one week's notice in writing, except where you
serve notice to terminate your employment during an Assignment and the period of notice required under that
Assignment is longer than one week, in which case you must give the longer period of notice.
6.2 Subject to clauses 6.5 and 6.6, Brook Street must give you the following periods of prior written notice to terminate
your employment:
1.1.1 no notice if you have been continuously employed for less than 4 weeks;
1.1.2 two weeks' notice if you have been continuously employed for more than 4 weeks, but less than two years;
1.1.3 three weeks’ notice if you have been continuously employed for more than two years, but less than three
years, with an additional week for every additional year of continuous employment up to a maximum of 13
weeks' notice for 12 or more years of continuous employment.
6.3 There is no guarantee that work will be available during any notice period.
6.4 You are not entitled to pay during any period of notice during which you are not working on Assignment.
6.5 You are obliged to work when required by Brook Street. You acknowledge that Brook Street may consider that you
no longer wish to remain in employment with Brook Street or for Brook Street to find you suitable Assignments if in
Brook Street’s sole discretionary opinion:
1.1.4 you unreasonably refuse to undertake an Assignment offered to you following the end of an Assignment;
1.1.5 you fail to maintain regular contact with Brook Street or confirm your availability for work for a continuous
period of 3 weeks since the end of your last Assignment;
1.1.6 where there has been sufficient contact with Brook Street, you do not accept a new Assignment within 10
weeks of the end of your last Assignment.
In all the above circumstances Brook Street reserves the right to assume that you have terminated your employment
and issue your P45.
6.6 Brook Street may terminate your employment immediately, without notice, if you are, at any time, in Brook Street's
reasonable opinion, guilty of dishonesty or other gross misconduct or gross incompetence or wilful neglect of duty, or
you commit any other serious breach of this contract. Examples of gross misconduct can be found in Brook Street's
disciplinary procedure.

1.1 You will begin to accrue holiday entitlements from your first day of work with Brook Street. Your annual entitlement is
equal to the statutory minimum, which is currently 28 days (inclusive of public holidays) in each holiday year; but is
subject to change.
1.2 Your actual entitlement to holiday depends upon the number of paid days or hours you work each week for the
duration of the holiday year. For employees that work less than the average 5 days per week over the holiday year,
their entitlement to holiday shall be pro rata to the days they actually work.
1.3 Your holiday pay is based on the pay you have received for standard working hours over the statutory reference
period (currently 52 weeks in England, Scotland and Wales and 12 weeks in Northern Ireland), prior to your holiday.
Weeks in which you did no work and/or received no pay will not be included in the calculation.
1.4 All holiday you have accrued during the year must be taken before the end of the holiday year, or you will lose it. You
may not carry any entitlement forward into a new holiday year.


1.5 Your holiday year is a rolling period of 12 months commencing on the date of your first Assignment with Brook Street.
Brook Street reserves the right to amend your holiday year in accordance with clause 20.
1.6 You may be required to use any outstanding holiday entitlement during any notice period. If, at the date of your
termination, you have taken more holiday than is your accrued entitlement in the holiday year to that date, any
excess holiday pay will be deducted from your final pay. This will be based on your actual rate of pay at time of
leaving. If, following such deduction you owe further monies in respect of holiday pay, you will repay such monies
within 14 days of termination of this contract.

1.1 If you are absent from work for sickness or any other reason, you must inform your Brook Street Contact, 2 hours
prior to the commencement of your agreed start time on your first day of absence, and on any subsequent days of
absence, unless covered by a medical certificate.
1.2 You may be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if your earnings are sufficient under the Government scheme.
Details of when this is applicable, and eligibility criteria are in the Employee Handbook.
1.3 If you become unable to work for an extended period, due to injury or ill-health, you are still required to maintain
regular contact with Brook Street. In the event of long-term absence, Brook Street may decide to terminate your
employment. Entitlement to sick pay is not a guarantee of continued employment. Such decisions will normally be
taken after consultation with Brook Street medical advisers, or your own doctor; and consideration of any implications
under the Equality Act, and consultation with you.


1.1 Employees are entitled to paid statutory leave for maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental and parental
bereavement leave. Details of eligibility criteria, processes and entitlements are detailed in the Employee Handbook,
which also covers other unpaid leave.
1.2 There is no entitlement to any other paid leave.


2.1 Brook Street has a workplace pension scheme to meet our employer duties under regulations. Details of how this
scheme operates are contained in the Employee Handbook.
2.2 You are not entitled to any contractual benefits; however, the Employee Handbook has details of non-contractual
discretionary benefits that may be available from time to time.

3.1 There are no collective agreements which affect your terms of employment. If the Client to whom you are assigned
has a Collective or Workforce Agreement in place, this may apply to you, and you will be provided with the relevant
“Confidential Information” means any and all confidential commercial, financial, marketing, technical or other
information or data of whatever nature relating to the Client or Brook Street or their business (including but not limited
to this contract, data, records, reports, agreements, software, programs, specifications, know-how, trade secrets and
other information concerning the Assignment) in any form or medium whether disclosed or granted access to whether
in writing, verbally or by any other means, provided to you or any third party in relation to the Assignment by the
Client or Brook Street or by a third party on behalf of the Client; whether before or after the date of this contract,
together with any reproductions of such information in any form or medium or any part(s) of such information.
4.1 In order to protect the confidentiality and trade secrets of any Client and Brook Street and without prejudice to every
other duty to keep secret all information given to them or gained in confidence you agree as follows:
1.1.1 not at any time, whether during or after an Assignment (unless expressly so authorised by the Client or
Brook Street, as a necessary part of the performance of its duties) to disclose to any person or to make use
of any of the trade secrets or the Confidential Information of the Client or Brook Street with the exception of
information already in the public domain;
1.1.2 to hand over to the Client or Brook Street (as directed) at the end of each Assignment all documents and
other materials belonging to the Client (and all copies) which are in your possession, including documents
and other materials created by you during the course of the Assignment; and
1.1.3 not at any time to make any copy, abstract, summary or précis of the whole or any part of any document or
other material belonging to the Client, except when required to do so in the course of your duties under an
Assignment, in which event any such item shall belong to the Client or Brook Street as appropriate.
4.2 You agree that on certain Assignments, Brook Street may require you, as a condition of accepting the work, to enter
into an agreement with the Client about the ownership of any patents or rights.

5.1 Brook Street is duty bound to ensure your privacy and will manage your personal data in accordance with data
protection legislation.
5.2 Details concerning how your personal data will be processed, is available in the Employee Handbook.


6.1 Brook Street and its Clients reserve the right, where appropriate and in accordance with regulations, to conduct
monitoring in the following areas:
1.1.1 Telephone calls (or portions of telephone calls) may be recorded and/or monitored for quality control
customer service, training purposes, security and other lawful reasons;
1.1.2 Email, internet, social media and messaging (including text, voice, photo and video messages) used for
business purposes or used on business equipment;
1.1.3 Equipment including, but not limited to PCs, laptops, tablets, telephones and other mobile devices; and
1.1.4 Company or Client vehicles, including tracking devices, black boxes and dashcams.
You hereby agree to such monitoring and recording.

1.1 Brook Street and its Clients reserve the right to audit any of its equipment, systems, databases and files at any time.
Personal material or activity contained therein (e.g. emails, photos) may therefore be subject to inspection.
3.8 Any misuse arising from clause 14.1 will be viewed seriously and treated as a disciplinary matter by Brook Street and
may result in dismissal. Any costs arising from damage or losses incurred through your unauthorised or improper
use, will be deducted from monies owing to you in accordance with clause 3.6.
3.9 The Client may require the right to carry out searches of its workplace at any time. It may also require the right to
search you and your personal belongings, including the content of lockers, bags and vehicles. Should this be
required, you will be advised in advance.
3.10 Brook Street and its Clients reserve the right, where appropriate, to conduct alcohol and/or drug testing of employees
and to deny employees access to, or remove them from, premises if such tests are positive. Any employee so
excluded from work would not be paid while excluded.
3.11 Any unreasonable refusal by you to co-operate with the Client's reasonable request to search, as outlined in clause
14.4 or to co-operate with alcohol or drug tests, as outlined in clause 14.5, will be treated as a disciplinary matter by
Brook Street, and may result in the ending of your Assignment or dismissal.
3.12 In the event of a stock/financial loss, you may be required to participate in the Client's investigations and co-operate
where necessary with the Client's auditors and other third parties, as directed by Brook Street.

7.1 You will be able to access Brook Street’s training platform, and you can obtain details on how to do so from your
Brook Street Contact. This is not mandatory but may support with your own development.
7.2 You will be expected to undertake any training that may be required during your Assignment, which may include, but
is not limited to, Health and Safety, manual handling, skills, equipment and procedures. Please refer to the Employee
Handbook for further details on Health and Safety training.
7.3 There may be qualifications and accreditations that are required for you to be eligible for an Assignment; and you will
be expected to complete and keep these current, which may include ongoing training requirements. These costs will
not be covered by Brook Street, unless expressly confirmed otherwise.


8.1 The disciplinary rules which apply to you are contained in the Employee Handbook. You should ensure that you read
Brook Street’s disciplinary procedure.
8.2 If you have a grievance about your employment, you are entitled to raise a complaint in accordance with Brook
Street’s grievance procedure. The grievance procedure is contained in the Employee Handbook. All grievances
should be directed to Brook Street, and not to the Client.
8.3 The grievance and disciplinary procedures are guidelines only and are not contractually binding on Brook Street.
Brook Street may alter them, or omit any, or all of their stages, where it considers it appropriate.
8.4 Brook Street reserves the right to summarily dismiss in circumstances of gross misconduct and to apply sanctions
short of dismissal (e.g. demotion, transfer and/or suspension).


9.1 You should comply with the Health and Safety policy, as contained in the Employee Handbook; whilst working under
the Client's control and supervision. You must also comply with the Client's Health and Safety policy and
9.2 You will be informed by Brook Street, of any known Health and Safety risks, as advised by the Client, in relation to
the Assignment, and the steps the Client has taken to prevent or control such risks.
10.1 You agree that you will complete a PPE and Company Property Agreement, when you are issued with personal
protective equipment ("PPE") and/or other Brook Street or Client business equipment or property. If you do not
immediately return, when requested, any item of PPE and/or other business equipment or property, you agree
that Brook Street may make a deduction from your remuneration in accordance with Clause 3.6 above.


11.1 You confirm that you are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom. If during the course of your employment,
your right to work is reviewed or revoked, you must inform your Brook Street Contact immediately. If Brook Street
discovers that you do not have permission to work in the United Kingdom, or if your permission to do so is
revoked, Brook Street will be entitled to terminate your employment. Brook Street can do so in those
circumstances without giving you any warning in terms of Brook Street’s disciplinary procedure


12.1 Brook Street reserves the right to make changes to any of your terms and conditions of employment in writing.
12.2 You will be given not less than one month's written notice of any significant changes that may be given by way of an
individual notice. You will be deemed to have accepted those changes, unless you notify Brook Street of any
objection in writing before the expiry of the notice period.

Authorised signatory for and on behalf of Brook Street:

Leigh Passingham
Operations Director

Declarations by the Temporary Employee:

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this contract (and am aware that the Temporary Employee Handbook is accessible
via the Brook Street’s timesheet portal/website). I have read and understood the contract and I agree to be bound by all the
terms contained therein.

In addition, by my signature hereof, I authorise Brook Street to make deductions from salary or final payments due to me as
specified herein.

I have read and understood clause 4.4 in relation to my right to opt out of the ‘working week limit’, which I must execute in

Signed by Temporary Employee: ………………………………………………………….

Dated: …………………………………………………………………………………………..



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