Example 2D Spacing of Wick Drain FE Plaxis
Example 2D Spacing of Wick Drain FE Plaxis
Example 2D Spacing of Wick Drain FE Plaxis
Research Paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: The paper describes the Class A prediction and Class C back-calculations of the Ballina test embankment
Embankment using the finite element program Plaxis and the Soft Soil Creep Model (SSCM). The prediction underesti-
Soft soil
mated the measured settlement 3 years after construction by about 20%. This was mainly due to too high
stiffness in the transition zone beneath the clay and that SSCM underestimated the shear deformation of
the clay. Furthermore, the horizontal permeability of the clay was overestimated. In the back-calculation,
FEM it was possible to obtain a excellent match with the measured settlements by reasonable modifications of
the input parameters.
Ó 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
0266-352X/Ó 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
124 H.P. Jostad et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 123–132
The prediction is based on the stratigraphy deduced from CPT according to the calculated incremental displacements. The main
soundings and boreholes Inclo1, Mex1 and Inclo2, and aims at purpose of the updated mesh analyses is to account for that the
reproducing the settlement of the cross section 2 of the western excess weight of the embankment is gradually reduced as the
embankment. The soil layering of this cross section comprises of material settle below the ground water table. This is accounted
about 1.4 m thick alluvial clayey sandy silt, underlain by a 9.4 m for by using the ‘‘Updated water pressures” option in Plaxis.
thick estuarine clay layer, a 3.3 m thick transition zone, a 5 m thick The 15-node triangular element and the medium mesh option
sand layer and then a stiff Pleistocene clay layer. are selected in the calculation, leading to a total of 2151 elements.
In order to build the embankment, a working platform approx- This model is found to be fine enough to not be affected by any dis-
imately 95 m long by 25 m wide and 0.6 m thick was initially con- cretization errors.
structed. On top of this a 0.4 m thick sand layer was placed, before
the wick drains were installed. Lastly, a 2 m thick top earth fill 3.2. Soil models and properties
comprised of highly plastic clay was constructed on top of the sand
layer. The final crest of the embankment was 80 m long by 16 m The compressibility and shear deformation of the estuarine clay
wide. The slope of the sides was 3:2 (H:V). are modelled with the Soft Soil Creep Model (SSCM) [4]. This model
accounts for the stress dependent stiffness of the soil within the
framework of hardening plasticity. In addition, the model takes
3. Finite element analyses into account the time-dependent behaviour of the deformation,
i.e. creep. The hardening law of SSCM does not include directly
3.1. Finite element model the strain-induced destructuration such as for instance in Creep-
SCLAY1S [5,6]. Instead, the parameters are selected in order to
The numerical analyses are carried out by using the finite ele- model the significant stiffness reduction seen for this clay beyond
ment (FE) program Plaxis 2D version 2016.01 (www.plaxis.nl). the yield (pre-consolidation) stress in the stress range of interest.
Fig. 1 shows the finite element model used in the Class A predic- Thus, a strain independent value of the modified compression
tion. The model consists of 8 soil layers, the 0.6 m thick working index k⁄ is assumed to be appropriate to describe the material
platform, 0.4 m thick sand drain and the 2 m thick top embank- compressibility. The SSCM uses an associated plastic flow rule
ment. The model covers a total horizontal distance of 140 m. This based on an isotropic CamClay type cap surface as shown in
model is found to be sufficiently large enough such that end effects Fig. 2 (left). The hardening law is controlled only by the plastic vol-
do not affect the settlement beneath the embankment and the hor- umetric strain. This means that the additional shear deformation
izontal displacement at the edge of the embankment. The bottom due to slightly higher shear mobilisation than the KNC o -state may
boundary is taken at the top of the stiff Pleistocene clay. The be different than predicted by the isotropic SSCM model. However,
ground water table is in the Class A prediction taken at 1.2 m in order to control the shear deformation one need to include one
below the original terrain in order to fit the effective stress profile additional parameter that change the shape of the yield surface
given in [2]. between the KNC o -line and the failure line M. In the paper by Siva-
The effect of the wick drains is modelled by the vertical drain sithamparam et al. [7], one such model is proposed.
elements available in Plaxis, starting from the sand layer 1.0 m The input parameters to the SSCM that controls the compress-
above the ground continuing down to 14.9 m below the ground, ibility are the modified compression index, k⁄, the modified swel-
with a selected center distance of 3.2 m. When activated, the ling index, j⁄, the unloading/reloading Poisson ratio, mur, the
drains force the nodes with pore pressure degree of freedom along modified secondary compression index, l⁄, and the vertical effec-
the geometrical line to have a head equal to a specified value. In tive yield stress, rvc0 . The yield stress is defined by the over-
the Class A prediction the head is set equal to 0 m, i.e. the nodes consolidation ratio, OCR = rvc0 /rvo0 , or pre-overburden pressure,
are forced to have a hydrostatic pore pressure starting from the POP = rvc0 rvo0 . In SSCM, it is assumed that all plastic strain is
original ground level. The corrected horizontal permeabilities used time dependent. This means that the yield stress given by the
for the soil between the drains are calculated in Section 3.3. intersection between the elastic compression line and the elasto-
The ground is assumed to be horizontal even though the borings plastic virgin compression line is rate dependent, see Fig. 2 (right).
shows some small variations. Displacements along the bottom of The creep rate along the virgin compression line is de/dt = l⁄/teqv,
the model is fully fixed while the vertical boundaries are free to where teqv is given by a vertical strain increment (distance) from
move in the vertical direction and fixed in the horizontal direction. a reference line corresponding to to = 24 h, i.e. Dev,creep = l⁄ ln(teqv/
Pore water flow is prevented through the bottom and the vertical to). Therefore, when interpreting the input parameters to SSCM
boundaries of the estuarine layer. The other soil layers are consid- from a constant rate of strain (CRS) oedometer test, one need to
ered to be drained and thus pore water flow through their vertical account for the actual strain rate used in the CRS-test. Fig. 3 shows
boundaries are allowed. back-calculation of the CRS-test of the specimen from depth
In the analyses an updated mesh formulation is used. This 5.49 m in boring Inclo2 using SSCM with k⁄ = 0.263, j⁄ = 0.042,
means that after each calculation step, the nodal points are moved l⁄/k⁄ = 0.03, rvo0 = 40.5 kPa and rvc0 = 64 kPa (at the reference
Fig. 1. Finite Element Model of cross section 2 used in the Class A prediction.
H.P. Jostad et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 123–132 125
Fig. 2. The Soft Soil Creep Model, yield surface (left) and compression curves (right).
Fig. 4. Input parameters used in back-calculation of CRS tests on samples from Inclo2 using the Soft Soil Creep Model and values (given by the vertical solid lines) used in the
class A prediction.
Table 1
SSCM/SSM input parameters for the clay/silt layers used in the Class A prediction.
3.4. Calculation phases 3.5. Class A prediction and comparison with measurements
For cross section 2, settlement recording starts before the work- The calculated settlement of the original terrain at the center of
ing platform construction. An initial consolidation phase of 8 days cross section 2 versus time is compared with the measured settle-
is considered leading to have comparable results. Drains are acti- ments in Fig. 6. The most representative settlement plates are SP2
vated in four different phases, thus, taking into account the instal- and SP3. However, as shown in Fig. 6, there are very small differ-
lation time of the vertical drains. The equivalent permeabilities ences between the four settlement plates. The calculated settle-
were introduced when half of the drains were installed. Informa- ment agrees very well with the measured settlement up to the
tion about the calculation phases are listed in Table 2. end of filling. After that, the calculation first overestimates the rate
In the consolidation phases the automatic time stepping proce- of settlement, before both the rate and total settlement become too
dure in Plaxis was used. That the applied time steps were not too small. In July 2016, the calculated settlement is about 1.18 m while
large was manually checked by inspection of the calculated history the measured settlements are between 1.46 and 1.52 m. The corre-
curves. sponding rate of calculated and measured settlement in July 2016
Table 2
Construction phases applied in the numerical analyses.
Phase Time
Initial phase –
Consolidation 8 days
Working platform construction 5 days
Consolidation 7 days
Drainage sand construction 8 days
Consolidation 8 days
Activate drains 1 1 day
Activate drains 2 1 day
Consolidation with eqv. permeabilities 5 days
Activate drains 3 1 day
Activate drains 4 1 day
Consolidation 5 days
Main construction 13 days
End of consolidation and creep 1770 days Fig. 6. Comparison between measured and calculated (Class A) time settlements
128 H.P. Jostad et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 123–132
is about 40 mm/year and 1000 mm/year. The main reason for the 3.6. Uncertainties in Class A prediction
larger calculated settlement rate immediately after the construc-
tion of the fill is due to overestimation of the rate of pore pressure The following main uncertainties affected the predicted time-
dissipation as will be shown later, while the most likely reason for settlement curve:
under-predicting the settlement and rate of settlement in July
2016 will be discussed in the following. The measured permeability is varying significantly within the
Fig. 7 shows the calculated and measured settlement profiles at estuarine clay (from 61010 m/s at 9.73 m depth to 6108 m/
Mex1 in July 2016. From this figure, it is seen that one reason for s at 3.65 m depth, both at the yield stress, based on Table 2 in
the under predicted settlement is that the calculated compaction Pineda et al. [2]. In addition, based on experiences from Sweden
of the transition zone at 10.8–14 m depth is too small. At 11 m [10], the intact horizontal permeability was taken as 2.5 times
depth the measured settlement is about 6 cm larger than calcu- the vertical. However, the permeability anisotropy might be dif-
lated. In addition, between 2 and 5 m depth the measured com- ferent for the estuarine clay.
paction is about 14 cm larger than calculated. Finally, in the top Limited information was available about the stiffness of the soil
2 m of the soil profile the measured compaction is about 13 cm above and below the estuarine clay, i.e. only CRS-tests at 0.79
while the calculated compaction is about 6 cm smaller. and 11.46 m in Inclo2.
Fig. 8 shows the calculated and measured average vertical strain The ground water table is varying with the seasons and it may
in Mex1. This shows the same results as in Fig. 7, that the largest increase up to the sand drainage layer during the consolidation
contributions to the under prediction come from the upper part process.
of the estuarine clay, and beneath and above the estuarine clay. Spatial variation in the soil properties and layer thicknesses. The
Fig. 9 shows the calculated and measured horizontal displace- soil properties were based on CRS-tests on samples taken from
ment profiles with depth in Inclo1 at the end of construction and Inclo2.
in July 2016. The calculated and measured horizontal displacement The effect of the disturbance of the soil during installation of the
at the end of construction agree rather well, although, the mea- drains. The permeability ks in the remoulded (smear) zone
sured displacements is larger below 8 m. The measured maximum around the drains was assumed to have a horizontal permeabil-
horizontal displacement in July 2016 is 22 cm, while the calculated ity being 1/3 of the intact horizontal permeability. However,
is only 10 cm. This means that the model was not able to predict this permeability can be both higher and lower.
the development of horizontal displacement with time, which The stress path in the CRS-tests before yielding is different from
more or less follows the development of settlement with time. This in situ since it starts from significantly lower effective stresses
additional shear deformation is therefore one reason for the under in the CRS-tests. This may affect the predicted yield stress.
estimated settlement between 2 and 5 m depth. SSCM may predict wrong shear strains for a shear mobilisation
Fig. 10 shows the calculated and measured total pore pressure larger than the KNC o -line.
at 2, 6 and 10 m depths. The calculated pore pressures are initially The creep parameter is uncertain, l⁄/k⁄ = Cc/Ca is varying
too small and also decreases faster with time compared with the between 0.025 and 0.07 in the IL creep tests presented in Pineda
measured values. The calculation automatically accounts for the et al. [2].
effect of piezometers (nodes) being moved downwards with the The idealization of the varying properties with depth within the
settlement. As the position of the ground water table is assumed estuarine soft clay into four sub-layers introduce some
to be fixed, the hydrostatic pore pressure is then increased due uncertainties.
to the increased depth below the ground water table.
A systematic evaluation of the uncertainties in the calculated
settlement is presented in a companion paper by Liu et al. [11].
4. Class C back-calculation
Fig. 8. Comparison between measured and calculated (Class A) average strain curves at Mex1.
The stiffness of the Alluvial soil and the Transition zone were
first reduced in order to fit the measured settlement profile after
3 years shown in Fig. 7, i.e. the average vertical strain in these
Fig. 9. Comparison between measured and calculated (Class A) horizontal dis-
placement profiles in Inclo1in July 2016.
zones. Then, the KNCo was increased in the Estuarine clay layers in
order to increase the shear deformations in the soil beneath the
Fig. 10. Comparison between measured and calculated (Class A) total pore pressure histories in VWP6.
130 H.P. Jostad et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 123–132
embankment and thus better fit the measured horizontal displace- ity kekv by 50%, k⁄ by 20% and l⁄ by 20% compared to the parame-
ment profile at the edge of the embankment shown in Fig. 9. ters that gave the best fit to the average vertical strain between
Finally, the SSCM input parameters k⁄, l⁄/k⁄ and kekv were adjusted Magnets 2 and 3. The final parameters used in the Class C predic-
until a good fit with the measured average vertical strain curves, tion are presented in Table 3.
shown in Fig. 8, were obtained. It was chosen to keep the vertical By simulating CRS tests, however by starting from the initial
yield stresses the same as for the Class A prediction. The adjust- effective stresses, it is demonstrated that the modified parameters
ments were performed by first changing kekv, to fit the initial part given in Table 3 still agree with the CRS-tests from Inclo2 as shown
of the strain curves (e.g. typically the first 6 to 12 months). The Fig. 12.
k⁄-values were then adjusted in order to fit the magnitude of the
measured average strains after 3 years. Finally, the slope of the 4.3. Comparison with measurements
measured average vertical strain curves in July 2016 were fitted
by changing the contribution from the creep, i.e. the l⁄/k⁄-ratios. Fig. 13 shows that the Class C back-calculation gives time-
This process was repeated until a good fit was obtained. The effect settlement curves that perfectly fits the measured settlement
of changing the different parameters is demonstrated in Fig. 11. curves at Mex1. From Fig. 6, it is seen that in order to improve
The figure shows the effect of increasing the equivalent permeabil- the results compared to the Class A prediction, the total settlement
Fig. 11. Effect of changing the SSCM input parameters compared to the best fit parameters for the average vertical strain between Magnets 2 and 3.
Table 3
SSCM/SSC input parameters for the clay/silt layers in the Class C back-calculations.
Fig. 12. Simulated CRS tests at characteristic depths within each of the Estuarine clay layers using modified parameters for the Class C calculation together with some CRS
tests from Inclo2.
H.P. Jostad et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 123–132 131
Fig. 13. Comparison between measured and calculated (Class C) time settlements curves.
Fig. 15. Comparison between measured and calculated (Class C) total pore pressure histories in VWP6.
132 H.P. Jostad et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 123–132
Class A prediction. In order to obtained better results another friction angle below the measured value from the triaxial tests.
material model than the SSC model is recommended to be used Alternatively, a model [7] that accounts for this effect by an input
as discussed in Section 3.2. parameter that control the curvature of the yield surface could be
Fig. 15 shows that the calculated pore pressure histories also used.
fits the measured histories better. The main reason for this is the
lower equivalent permeablies used, as discussed above. Further-
more, the plane-strain idealization of the drains may overestimate
the pore pressure dissipation in the middle between the drains.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support through an
internal research project (GBV) which is partially funded by the
5. Conclusions Norwegian Research Council. In addition fruitful discussions with
the authors (Suzanne Lacasse, Zhongqiang Liu and Jung Chan Choi)
The paper describes the Class A prediction and Class C back- of the companion paper regarding uncertainties in the calculated
calculations of the test embankment at the NFTF near Ballina in results.
Australia using the FE program Plaxis 2D. The Soft Soil Creep Model This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
(SSCM) was used for the deformation calculation of the soft estuar- agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
ine clay. The Class A prediction underestimated the measured set-
tlement 3 years after construction by about 20%. This was due to
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