Chapter 5 - Wireless Tech and Its Application v1.2 With Narration Text (PAN)

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Chapter 5

Wireless Technologies Overview

and Its Application

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Welcome to Chapter 5 of this module, Wireless Technologies Overview and Its


Where are we again? 2

• Focusing at sensor network layer, various M2M comm wirelessly.

M2M Comms

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Let’s take a look at this M2M communication layer. This layer decides how the gateway
connects to its M2M devices to form a sensor network. Connecting devices wirelessly
has become very popular due to the conveniences it brings. Therefore in this chapter, we
focus to look at the various wireless technologies that can be used to connect the
various M2M devices. Different wireless technology suits different use cases. The
question of sustainability must always come into the design mindset. For example, the
cellular 4G connectivity is fast and provides wide coverage, but it is not suitable for IoT
devices like temperature sensors that does not need this high bandwidth of data
transfer. Nothing is free, with great speed, the device tends to draw more power. It is
therefore costly in term of battery maintenance. Thinking about an outdoor IoT
Temperature sensor use case again, it is preferred to choose one that is wide coverage
but yet lower in power consumption. This is called design with sustainability in mind It is
important to choose the right technology for the right constraint. In order to achieve
this, an IoT system consultant must first know and understand all the attributes provided
by a particular technology to make a reliable decision. This chapter aims to provide
learner to have such design insight.

However, do note that in this layer, it can be using wired technologies too. Although
wireless technology are popular, but when it comes to performance and reliability
especially under noisy environment, wired technology like Modbus, USB or wired
Ethernet are still preferred. This is especially true in a manufacturing factory because in
a factory, the level of noises interference is high.

Objectives 3

• Able to describe various wireless communication technologies that

can be used as M2M area network below
• Bluetooth / BLE
• ZigBee & Z-Wave
• WiFi
• EnOcean
• 3G / 4G / 5G Cellular Network
• LoRa & SigFox
• NB-IoT & LTE-M

• For each wireless communication technology, understand its

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

The objectives of this module is to allow learners to be able to describe the attributes of
various wireless communication technologies, that can be used as M2M area network
by distance coverage categories below:

- Under PAN, we will discuss :. RFID. Bluetooth and BLE. Zigbee and Z-wave.
- Under LAN, we will discuss :. WiFi. DSRC. EnOcean.
- Under WAN, we will discuss :. 3G, 4G, 5G Cellular Network.

With a fast rate of increasing number of IoT devices to be connected, there is need and
big demand to have wireless technology that is wide in coverage, but yet low in power
consumption. Therefore, the last part of this chapter will explore into Low Power Wide
Area Network.

Note that this chapter does not go into the respective wireless technology’s low level
implementation. These low level implementation details will be covered under a
separate Wireless Technology module. This module focus to know their operations and
understand its application in order to make good decision when choosing a wireless
technology to use.

5.1 PAN

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

PAN – Personal Area Network. The wireless technology introduced here are shorter in
range coverage.


• Radio-frequency identification, according to Wikipedia, uses

electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags
attached to objects.

• Main Components
• RFID Reader
• A physical device that reads data
from a RFID Tag
• The length of the Antenna
determines the read ranges
• RFID Tag
• A physical tag that stores an unique ID
• Sends data to out

• Types of RFID tags

• Passive
• Active
Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

If you need to have an IoT Solution that provides an unique identification. Consider RFID.
RFID stands for Radio-frequency identification, according to Wikipedia, uses
electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects.

A RFID system deployment normally have a RFID reader reading a RFID tag that hold an
unique ID within.
The asset of interest will have to carry this RFID tag for identification.

There are 2 types of RFID:. active and passive.

Passive RFID Tag 6

• A passive tag does not require an external power source.

• The passive tag harness power from the radio waves generated from
the reader then sends the embedded information from the tag's

• Advantages
• No power required, long lasting tag
• Low cost
• Small in size

• Disadvantages
• Very short range and less sensitive
• Unable to include other sensors
since no electrical power

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

A RFID passive tag does not require an external power source.

The passive tag harness power from the radio waves generated from the reader then
sends the embedded information from the tag's memory
In this manner, there is no power requirement, thus bring maintenance and cost to
A RFID passive tag is physically small too.

However, it is very short range and tends to be less sensitive. The amount of energy it
can harvest is only enough to read the ID within the tag’s memory for a RFID reader to
read. Therefore the Tag is unable to include or integrate with other sensor.

Typical use cases of RFID tag are, employee pass for entering an organisation’s facilities.
Logistic items tracking in a warehouse.

Active RFID Tag 7

• Usually externally powered by a battery

• Additional sensors can be attached and data can be transmitted to


• Advantages
• Long range and more sensitive
• Capabilities can be extended
with more sensors attached together

• Disadvantages
• Battery life span usually last for few years
• More expensive

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

An active RFID tag is powered by an external battery. With battery that supply more
power, the range is longer and additional sensors can be attached too.
It is more sensitive than a passive RFID tag.

However, due to the use of battery, there will be cost introduced to maintenance.
Battery lifespan must be considered. Therefore it is more expensive to implement. The
car on-board unit for parking system can also use this for car identification for billing

Deploy active RFID if the application needs the longer range coverage and higher
sensitivity during reading.
For example, use cases like a retail shop tagging all its product for logistic tracking but at
the same time serving as a theft prevention system. The gantry installed at the exit of a
retail stores are active RFID readers.

RFID Application 8

• Mainly use in application that needs an unique identification


• For example
• Facilities smart door access
• Auto carpark gantry
• Factory employees attendance taking at gate
• Smart shop/warehouse for product checking

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

In summary, when an IoT solution needs the attribute to have an unique identification,
consider RFID.
But in RFID, there is passive and active. So depending on power needs and range
coverage not forgetting about cost, choose between active and passive correctly.

For each example here, think about whether would you use active or passive RFID? And
why ?

Bluetooth 9

• Bluetooth is a protocol standard based on IEEE 802.15.1 defined for

wireless data transmission operating at 2.4GHz. It is secured, low-
power and low-cost, suitable for short-range wireless data
transmissions between electronic devices.

• Once can imagine that it is like the wireless version of serial


• Application
• Headsets / Speakers
• Wireless Keyboards / mouse
• Video game remote controllers

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Bluetooth is a protocol standard based on I-E-E-E 802.15.1, defined for wireless data
transmission operating at 2.4 GigaHertz. It is secured, low-power and low-cost, suitable
for short-range wireless data transmissions between electronic devices.

Bluetooth is one of the most popular PAN technology today. Computers, tablets, mobile
phones and even modern vehicles now comes with Bluetooth connectivity supported.
There are Bluetooth applications like, speaker, headset, microphone, keyboard, mouse,
game controller and many more. It has become a mandatory features for consumer.

Bluetooth Networks – Piconets 10

• Uses a master/slave model to control data

• A single master device can be connected to up to 7 different slave

devices. Any slave device in the piconet can only be connected to a
single master.

• The master coordinates

communication throughout the
piconet. It can send data to any of its
slaves and request data from them
as well.

• Slaves are only allowed to transmit to

and receive from their master. They
can’t talk to other slaves in the
Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Bluetooth operates in a master and slave model to control data transfer.

It has a single master device that can connect up to 7 different slave devices.
Any slave device in the piconet can only be connected to a single master.
The master coordinates communication throughout the piconet.
It can send data to any of its slaves and request data from them as well.
Slaves are only allowed to transmit to and receive from their master.
They can’t talk to other slaves in the piconet.

Bluetooth Addressing and Name 11

• Address – Unique 48-bit address, commonly abbreviated BD_ADDR,

usually found in the form of a 12-digit hexadecimal value. The upper
24 bits is an organization unique identifier (OUI) for respective
manufacturer. The lower 24-bits is the unique part of the address.

• Name – Up to 248 bytes long, and two devices can share the same
name. Sometimes the unique digits of the address might be included
in the name to help differentiate device
Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Each bluetooth devices has an unique 48-bits physical address. The upper 24 bits is an
organization unique identifier (OUI) for respective manufacturer. The lower 24-bits is the
unique part of the address as shown in the slide.

Each bluetooth device also has a name of up to 248 bytes long. However, 2 devices can
share the same name, therefore it is good to add part of the physical address digits to
differentiate between devices.

Bluetooth Bonding and Pairing 12

• Bonded devices automatically establish a connection whenever

they’re close enough

• Bonds are created through one-time a process called pairing. When

devices pair up, they share their addresses, names, and profiles, and
usually store them in memory. The also share a common secret key,
which allows them to bond whenever they’re together in the future.

• Pairing usually requires an authentication process where a user

must validate the connection between devices.

• For example, Mobile phone pairing with cars.

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Bluetooth connection only happens automatically within range if the master and slave
has been bonded before.
The bonding is a one-time process called pairing. When devices pair up, they share their
addresses, names, and profiles, and usually store them in memory. The also share a
common secret key, which allows them to bond whenever they’re together in the
Pairing usually requires an authentication process where a user must validate the
connection between devices.

Now that we have briefly understand what is Bluetooth. Let’s try to ask ourselves these
1:. Do you think that Bluetooth is suitable, if you have a use case that needs to connect
more than 7 IoT devices in a single sensor network?
The answer is no. Because Bluetooth master can only connects up to 7 slaves.

Question 2:. Do you think Bluetooth can be used for identification use cases like RFID?
The answer is yes. Because every bluetooh devices will have an unique physical address.
This can be used for unique identification.

Hope these questions will help to you understand that, why from start of this chapter,
we are actually looking at attributes of the technology that will help us to make correct
decision for the IoT product that you are making.

Bluetooth Profiles 13

• Bluetooth profiles are additional protocols that build upon the basic
Bluetooth standard to more clearly define what kind of data a
Bluetooth module is transmitting. While Bluetooth specifications
define how the technology works, profiles define how it’s used.

• List of profiles
• Serial Port Profile (SPP)
• Human Interface Device (HID)
• Hands-Free Profile (HFP) and Headset Profile (HSP)
• Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)
• A/V remote Control Profile (AVRCP)

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Bluetooth profiles are additional protocols that build upon the basic Bluetooth standard
to more clearly define what kind of data a Bluetooth module is transmitting. While
Bluetooth specifications define how the technology works, profiles define how it’s used.

There is a profile for file transfer as though it is a serial port (SPP). There is a profile for
computer pheripharels like keyboard and mouse inputs (H-I-D).
There is a profile for Hand-free headset, (HFP and HSP). There is a profile for audio
speaker (A2DP) and another profile for Audio and Video controller (A-V-R-C-P).

Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (BLE) 14

• BLE targets to operate at very low power applications. It sacrifices

range and data throughput for a significant savings in power
consumption. Suitable for peripheral devices which operate on
batteries, and don’t require high data rates, or constant data

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

As mentioned before, with the emergence of IoT devices, that requires low power
consumption, so that the battery lifespan of these devices can last as long as possible.
Bluetooth recognises this needs and proposed another standard, namely Bluetooth Low
Energy (B-L-E).

B-L-E targets to operate at very low power applications. It sacrifices range and data
throughput for a significant savings in power consumption. Suitable for peripheral
devices which operate on batteries, and don’t require high data rates, or constant data

ZigBee 15

• ZigBee is a wireless technology based on IEEE 802.15.4

specifications to address the need of having both low cost, low power
and reliable networks for M2M.

• ZigBee attributes:
• Reliable, easy to install and maintain
• Scalable to thousands of nodes
• Low Cost and long battery life
• Secured (AES 128)
• Operates in 2.4 GHz, but at sub 1GHz band in some countries

• Application
• Smart Home Automation
• Smart Metering
• Security systems
• Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) control
Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

ZigBee is a wireless technology, based on IEEE 802.15.4 specifications, to address the

need of having both low cost, low power and reliable networks for M2M.

ZigBee is one of the common standards used in many Smart Home products. Its range
coverage falls in between PAN and LAN categories.
For example, its range is wider than Bluetooth but shorter than WiFi.

It is reliable, easy to install and maintain. It can scale to thousands of nodes. Low cost
and with longer battery lifespan.
It is secured with AES 128 encryption technique that operates in 2.4 GigaHertz range but
at sub 1 GigaHertz band in some countries.

Typically, you can find it being used in Smart home automation, smart metering, security
systems and HVAC control.

ZigBee Standardisation 16

• ZigBee standardised at all layers

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

This figure shows you that ZigBee standard, defines and implements across all layers in
OSI 7 layers.
At layer 1 and 2, it defines which frequency is used and how data transmission is carried
At layer 3, 4, 5 and 6, it defines how does zigbee mesh network is formed, how devices
join and how messages are encrypted.
At layer 7, it defines the services available for application use. For example in lighting, it
offer services for turning on-off and dimming of a bulb.

ZigBee Architecture 17

• The physical layers (PHY) and the media access layer (MAC) are
defined by the IEEE 802.15.4 specification

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

ZigBee uses I-E-E-E 802.15.4 standards for its Physical and Data link layer.
It then defines its own standards for middle layers for networking and application
Customer application can be created at the top layer using the service provided in the
middle layer.

Zigbee – Mesh Network 18

• Nodes are interconnected with other nodes so that multiple pathways

connect each node. Connections between nodes are dynamically
updated and optimized through sophisticated, built-in mesh routing

• Ad-hoc routing provide greater stability in changing conditions or

failure at single nodes.

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Zigbee nodes are interconnected with other nodes so that multiple pathways connect
each node. Connections between nodes are dynamically updated and optimized through
sophisticated, built-in mesh routing table.

Nodes are interconnected with other nodes so that multiple pathways connect each
node. Connections between nodes are dynamically updated and optimized through
sophisticated, built-in mesh routing table.

ZigBee – Network Device Types 19

• Coordinator : One coordinator exists in each network. It starts the

network and handles management functions as well as data routing
functions. These functions require that the coordinator always be
powered. Therefore, this type of node is recommended to be main-

• Routers: In most cases, routers are also main-powered. They help

carry data across multi-hop ZigBee networks including a variable
number of routers and, in some cases, are without routers, thus,
transforming the network into a point-to-multipoint.

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

There are 3 types of Zigbee network devices, namely, Coordinator, Routers and End

One coordinator exists in each network. It starts the network and handles management
functions as well as data routing functions. These functions require that the coordinator
always be powered. Therefore, this type of node is recommended to be main-powered.

Routers, in most cases, are also main-powered. They help carry data across multi-hop
ZigBee networks including a variable number of routers and, in some cases, are without
routers, thus, transforming the network into a point-to-multipoint.

ZigBee – Device Types 20

• End Devices: These are devices that are battery-powered due to

their low-power consumption. They sleep most of the time and wake
up regularly to collect and transmit data. Devices such as sensors are
configured as end devices. They are connected to the network
through the routers.

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Lastly, End devices are devices that are battery-powered due to their low-power
consumption. They sleep most of the time and wake up regularly to collect and transmit
data. Devices such as sensors are configured as end devices. They are connected to the
network through the routers.

ZigBee – Mesh Network 21

• Self Healing when a node fails

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

One of the main advantage ZigBee network is its self-healing capability thanks to
connecting as Mesh Network.
Data are actually being forwarded from one node to another. In the event when one
node fails, it is able to re-adapt and change its data route to reach as many connected
nodes as it can. In this manner, it is more reliable.

Z-Wave 22

• Z-wave, acquired by Sigma Design, is also a wireless radio frequency

technology based on ITU-T G.9959 (for MAC an PHY layer) that lets
smart devices talk to and connect with one another used primarily for
home automation.

• Z-Wave attribute
• Also based on a mesh network topology.
• Each device used becomes a signal repeater.
• More devices you have, the stronger the network becomes.
• Z-wave also uses AES-128 encryption
• Operates at 868.42MHz (EU), 908.42MHz(US), avoids interference at crowded

• Application
• Security systems
• Home automation and lighting controls

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

Z-wave is another standard similar to Zigbee. Zigbee is popular in Asia, however Z-wave
is better received in Europe market.
Z-wave is a wireless radio frequency technology, based on ITU-T G.9959 (for MAC an PHY
layer), that lets smart devices talk to and connect with one another, used primarily for
home automation.

Similar to Zigbee, Z-wave also uses mesh network topology with each device used
becomes a signal repeater. The more devices connected, the stronger is the network. Z-
wave is also secure with AES-128 encryption technique operating at 868.42 MegaHertz
in Europe and 908.42 MegaHertz in US. These frequencies avoided the crowded 2.4

It is commonly found in security system and smart home automation like Zigbee.

How Z-Wave works 23

• The Z-Wave hub serves as your home network’s controller, allowing

up to 232 devices to wirelessly communicate with each other.

Chapter 5, Version 1.2 Tan Chee Seng, EEE, SP

In Z-wave deployment as shown in this figure, the Z-Wave hub serves as your home
network’s controller, allowing up to 232 devices to wirelessly communicate with each

So far you have been introduced to RFID, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (B-L-E),
Zigbee and Z-wave under PAN category.


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