Syllabus of Retailing Management - English

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2. Course code: (Phòng QLĐT-CTSV sẽ bổ sung)
3. Number of Credits: 3
4. Qualified Participant: Senior students
5. Course delivery:
- Lectures and discussion: 30 hours
- Quiz and Group excersises: 15 hours

6. Subject objectives:
After studying, the program enables students to do the following:
(1) Demonstrate an understanding of how retailers develop a retail mix to build a
sustainable competitive advantage.
(2) Explain how retailers use marketing communications to build a brand image and
customer loyalty.
(3) Understand the integration of merchandise management and supply chain strategies
leading to excellent customer service
(4) Understand the financial implication of strategic retail decisions.
(5) Demonstrate an understanding of decisions retailers make to satisfy customer needs in a
rapidly changing and competitive environment.
7. Course description - Subject introduction:

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the world of retailing from a managerial
viewpoint. Consequently, we will study the elements that comprise the retail mix, including
types of retailers, multichannel retailing, consumer buying behavior, retail marketing strategies,
selecting retail site locations, supply chain management, merchandising, pricing, store
management, store layout & design and customer service.
8. Request for Student:
- To be able to increase efficiency during studying time, all students are kindly requested to
read documents at home such as the instructor’s materials, the reference books, the related
documents and magazines.
- Students should be forcible to share their knowledge with the classmates and to discuss
each others the application of cases requested by the lecturer.
- Students should be active in raising the non-understanding-problems with the instructor
and/or the teaching assistant to receive the right answers.
9. References:
Student can read the below documents:
- Main documents:
+ Barry, Joel, Patrali, Retail Management, 13th, Pearson, 2018.
+ Levy, Weitz, Grewal, Retailing Management, 9e, McGraw Hill, 2013.
- Extra documents:
+ William H. Bolen: Contemporary Retailing, Prentice Hall
+ Jay Diamond, Gerald Pintel: Retail Buying, Prentice Hall
+ Willard N. Ander & Neil Z. Stern, Nghệ thuật Bán lẻ, Dịch giả: Trần Minh Nhật, NXB
Tổng hợp TPHCM, 2012.
+ Dale M. Lewison & M. Wayne Delozier: Retailing, Merill Publishing
+ Nhiều tác giả, nhiều dịch giả, Bộ sách Vua bán lẻ, NXB Lao động – Xã hội, 2013.
+ Robin Lewis & Michael Dart, Những quy luật mới trong Bán lẻ, Dịch giả: Phương Thúy,
NXB Tinh Văn Media và NXB Tổng Hợp TP.HCM, 2012.
+ Books, magazines related to retailing.
10. Evaluation:
Content Rating
1. Evaluation of studying process 50%
(1a) Individual activities: 20%
- Test in class 10%
- Volunteer 5%
- Homework 5%
(1b) Group activities: 20%
- Group discussion 10%
- Group exercises & presentation 10%
Note: Evaluation each member of group
(1c) Mid-term test: 10%
2. Final test 50%
Multiple choice and essays, documents not
Total 100%

11. Score: 10/10

12. Details of program
Session Chapter Reference Students’ Exercises Objective
and preparation
1 Levy, Weitz, Read chapter 1 (pp.4- (1)
Course introduction
(4 Grewal, Retailing 29).
Chapter 1: Introduction
hours) Management, 9e, Read and prepare
to Retailing
McGraw Hill, 2014 chapter 2&3 (pp.34-
85), case study 2 & 4
p.552, p.555-556
2 Discussion case (1), (2)
Chapter 2: Retailing
(4 study;
Institutions (types of
hours) Read and prepare
retailers and multi-
chapter 4 (pp.88-115)
channel retailing)
Case study 5, p. 556-
3 (4 Discussion case (1), (2)
Chapter 4: Customer
hours) study;
Buying Behavior
Read and prepare
chapter 5 & 6 (pp.
Case study 8, p.560-
4 (4 Chapter 5: Retail Market Case 11, p. 565-566 (1), (2), (3),
hours) Strategy (operations Read and prepare (4)
strategy and financial chapter 7&8 (pp.182-
strategy) 230)
Case 12&13, pp.566-
5 (4 Group discussions (1), (2), (3)
Chapter 7: Retail
hours) Read and prepare (5)
chapter 10&11
Case 10&17, pp.564-
6 (4 Read and prepare (1), (2), (3)
Chapter 10: Information
hours) chapter 12 (pp.316- (5)
System and Supply
Chain and CRM
Case 19, pp.577-578
7 (4 Discussion. (1), (2), (3)
Chapter 12: Merchandise
hours) Case 21, p. 579-581. (5)
Planning Process
Read and prepare
chapter 14 (pp.386-
Case 24, pp.584-586
8 (4 Discussion. (1), (2), (3)
Chapter 14: Retail
hours) Read and prepare (5)
chapter 15 (pp.416-
Case 25, p.586
9 (4 Chapter 15: Retail Read and prepare (1), (2), (3)
hours) Communication Mix chapter 16 (pp.452- (5)
478), chapter 9;
Case 28, p.588-589
10 (4 Chapter 16: Managing Read and prepare (1), (2), (3)
hours) the Store chapter 17&18 (4), (5)
Case 31&33, pp.
11 ( 5 Chapter 17: Layouts, Group discussion: (1), (2),
hours) Design, Visual Customer Service. (3), (4), (5)

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