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Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

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Knowledge growth and development: internet of things (IoT)

research, 2006–2018
M. Dachyar *, Teuku Yuri M. Zagloel, L. Ranjaliba Saragih
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia


Keywords: The term "Internet of Things" first appeared in publication paper since 2006, describing the paradigm of evolution
Information science concept that brought about by the presence of internet technology (Vermesan and Friess, 2015) which is very
Scientometrics important in contemporary circumstances. This study conducted an in-depth analysis of the research material
4th Industrial revolution
written on 26420 papers which focused on the published Internet of Things (IoT) research, starting from the
Internet of things
Knowledge growth
firstly year IoT keyword appeared in 2006 until 2018. The selected paper is a combination of various disciplines
Scopus and publications which are all indexed by Scopus wherein the article discusses IoT. IoT articles are classified using
IOT key attributes in sequence: the methodology used, general knowledge and applied concepts, and various general
exploration topics. By using the Scientometrics method, this method will group the overall terms that appear
frequently from the Scopus paper database according to keywords, titles, and abstracts. The resulting data is then
studied to understand and distinguish trends that occur in the time span along with the general characteristics of
the paper, in the mathematics visual scheme. All various issues that are considered in the paper's methodology
selection, their studied and services innovations, and continuing discoveries on the characteristics, concepts, and
processes applied to IoT success. Although it only involves scopus indexed paper, this study found a remarkable
increase in the number of articles on IoT in each category of the paper. This study also reveals the direction of the
regular discipline of knowledge. The use of the Scientometrics method makes the analysis able to focus on the
movement of characteristics and IoT themes to researcher's direction that has not found at this time, as a
comprehensive guide to further research and industry strategy that is more directed on concepts that support the
4th industrial revolution.

1. Introduction applications in connecting real-world objects to virtual information using

computing system mobility, for example, mobile phones or handheld
The entire study in the paper between 2006 and 2018 carries a record PDAs, by instilling an introduction to reading algorithms barcode or RFID
of 8510 journal papers and 16775 conference proceeding papers that to start IoT for the future better (Adelmann et al., 2006) which later
discuss the Internet of Things. The article Internet of Things starts from developed into a variety of big things to date. The percentage of occur-
the following three conference papers (Adelmann et al., 2006; Bernard, rence in the initial three years is 6.2  10-4% can be considered as a very
2006; Rammig et al., 2006) published in 2006 even though there is only less significant value in the development of knowledge. The graph data in
one paper that explicitly uses the internet of things sentence in its title, Fig. 1 indicate IoT began to be interested in being investigated since 2010
while the other two mention it in the abstract. Then there were only two with a large number of researches (total 119) then continuing with de-
conference papers in 2007 (Muenchen et al., 2007; Thiesse et al., 2007), velopments multiplying times each year until this paper was made.
and became increased to six papers in 2008 (Elrharbi and Pepin, 2008; The research area of the Internet of Things in recent years has expe-
Frenken and Spiess, 2008; Grønbæk and Telenor, 2008; Kong et al., 2008; rienced growth and development in an interdisciplinary manner. Various
Nyman et al., 2008; Wu, 2008) until the time of writing this paper at the papers are written very massive, and reach various concepts and fields of
end of 2018 there were a total of 25285 published papers. Developments knowledge ranging from technology, applied engineering, economics,
in the early three years of the Internet of Things research, all types of business, strategy, industry, management, etc. This becomes a confusion
paper documents in the form of conference papers that contain technical in understanding the direction of the development of the IoT knowledge.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Dachyar).

Received 9 April 2019; Received in revised form 3 June 2019; Accepted 6 August 2019
2405-8440/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Fig. 1. Number of the IoT research in 2006–2018.

Besides this, IoT brings many dimensions of disruptive to many things for research content.
humans and nature such as physical disruption in terms of work, cyber- The structure of the paper is communicated as follows in sequence:
space disruptions that make human work deprived and faced with starting with the background, this paper presents IoT research to the
various new complexities when carrying out their routine activities and present, identifying research gaps and motivations to overcome them
tasks, disruption of data through mastery of information generated by big through answers to defined research questions. The methodology section
data which causes many opportunities for new knowledge to emerge and explains the sequence of stages of obtaining material and methods,
new creative intelligent environments greatly changes the current con- analysis of repetition of keywords and clusters, classification of data, and
ditions (Ammirato et al., 2018), including interfering with many analysis of results. The following subsections show IoT evolution fol-
everyday business processes both the specifications of people, their lowed by presentations of the five largest fundamental themes of the
abilities and routine tasks, which are directed towards benefits charac- group area and related knowledge disciplines, to further identify the
terized by high speed and interconnection. state-of-the-art field of the IoT. The end result is a conclusion as an
Most of the research is written on the applied scale of technology in outlook from the IoT and the future of the work area. The writing of the
using IoT, run as something that facilitates human life in certain fields, sub-section of the paper further shows the evolution of IoT in the disci-
including how IoT helps improve business capabilities, and recent plinary group of knowledge and a description of the overall main char-
research analyzes how data obtained from IoT devices can benefit various acter in the field of industry, then identifying what details the various
aspects. But looking at the disruptive level that spreads across all in- methods and tools in implementing the concept of the IoT. We also report
dustrial areas (so-called revolution) and becomes a topic that is widely an approach to the thinking process of scientists in formulating their IoT
discussed in the future through the 4th industrial revolution scheme. It is research as a sequential flow of state-of-the-art concepts. The end result is
a gap to write a science thinking flow as a foundation that addresses this a conclusion as an outlook from the IoT and the future of the work area.
IoT growth and development that can be used by researchers, developers
and industries. The direction of the development of IoT is expected to be 2. Methodology
easier to understand, how the character and habits of the problem occur,
and various methods and tools used by researchers related to the This study answers the research questions stated in the introduction
knowledge domain and industry. by applying quantitative literature review using Scientometrics Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to explore the theoretical core of the IoT. based on the bibliometric techniques on keywords, abstracts, and titles.
This paper discusses the research questions as follows: In order to get a comprehensive dataset, our data sources are gener-
RQ1. How does the core knowledge of the field of the Internet of ated from the results of Scopus database queries, with an advanced
Things evolve through time? search using the "IoT" AND "Internet of Things" search phrases that found
RQ2. What are the most influential industries in the Internet of Things in Titles, Abstracts and Paper Keywords.
knowledge field? To make the dataset obtained relevantly and to avoid invalid docu-
RQ3. What are the substance methods or tools used in the Internet of ments, a set of criteria needs to be defined. Following are the methods
Things research? used to include/remove documents from the analysis dataset:
The research approach is an in-depth literature analysis using Scien-
tometrics technique with a comprehensive information visualization  Only admit paper indexed by Scopus, with document type: conference
technology in the entire journal paper and conference paper mentioned paper, article and article in press; Emit other types of documents such as
above. In order to process large-scale documents, we need a tool for a book, chapter book, editorial, letter, note, review, and short survey;
software and data visualization technology that is capable of handling  Admit papers written in English;
large amounts of scientific literature data. VOSviewer is used which has a  Eliminate duplication, and data formatted incorrectly on each dataset
special function for mining text that can be used to build, visualize and item;
explore bibliometric maps of keywords taken from a large collection of  Admit paper from the entire year and publisher;
scientific literature that presented in various ways, through keyword
repeat mapping, which can provide visualization of results through The study uses a VOSviewer software tool based on co-citation to
various bibliometric indicators (Jin and Ji, 2018; Sajovic et al., 2018; produce any term map based on co-occurrence data that is processed
Youngblood and Lahti, 2018) by interpreting a mathematic scheme in the based on the title, keyword and abstract from the dataset provided,
linked-circular theme and progressive average year, so that research and where the conditions specified are terms with the number of occurrences
trends in certain fields can be more clearly demonstrated. In addition to >10 times (configuration set). This tool displays an analysis of biblio-
contributing to the more clearly found portrayals of various fields, an metric maps of paper that are processed in detail. Then the research uses
additional qualitative analysis was also conducted to bridge the gap be- the VOSviewer software tool to create a paper map based on co-citation
tween the IoT and various findings of scientific disciplines related to to produce any term map based on co-occurrence data that is processed

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

based on the title, keyword, and abstract of the entered dataset, where
the conditions specified are in with the number of occurrences >10
times. This tool displays the bibliometric map analysis of the entire paper
processed in detail (van Eck and Waltman, 2010) and as an analytical
method for mapping science that is able to identify knowledge of useful
terms from data, networks, and maps (Sajovic et al., 2018).
The results of this bibliometric analysis result in trending items in the
form of research terms that run within the span of the research marked by
the number of occurrences and average years of publication, this answers
the research question one about how does the core knowledge of the field
of the Internet of Things evolve through time (RQ1); the results are then
processed to answer the research question two about what are the most
influential industries in the Internet of Things knowledge field (RQ2) in
order to produce any industry influenced by the Internet of Things. Fig. 2
shows the research methodology.
At the end of Fig. 2, data segregation is carried out in order to have
benefits in answering research questions. The core knowledge that moves
the IoT research period will be related to certain technological fields that
are automatically marked based on the labels that appear according to
the tools used. Segregation in terms of industry is the most influential
through the results of manually defining all data found with label-to-
industry mapping. Segregation to get the method used in the article,
obtained by redefining certain attributes of each industry in Scopus
database search, through various articles according to each industry
obtained then examined about what methods and tools are used by re-
searchers (manual and automatic segregation).

3. Study area

Scopus has indexed 469 publishers around the world who have
published papers that write a variety of knowledge about IoT, in Fig. 3,
there are 20 top publishers, including 3 of the most active ones, namely
IEEE, MDPI AG and Elsevier B.V. IEEE publishers produce most research
publications, and they furthermore have issued 80 standards, 45 ongoing
projects, including the most famous is IEEE P2413 (Draft Standard for the
Architectural Framework for the IoT), and also has its own research
Working Group that focuses on the field of IoT (IEEE Standards Associ-
ation, 2018), this is different from MDPI AG and Elsevier B.V which only
play a role in publishing journal papers and IoT conference papers.
The topic of IoT research involves various industries, which are
considered disruptive and threats to various sectors because of the
presence of internet technology that confirms changes in business pat-
terns, humans in work, communication, transportation, factories, etc.
that replace human functions, or significantly change values corporate
chain through defining various new business models. It is increasingly
scattered and increasing in quantity, this is in line with the development
of knowledge which is characterized by irregular developments.
Through VOSviewer tools we find various studies of researchers who
move according to the times and conditions that are considered the most
hits in time, so that it is expected to map a very large and complex
research trend so that models can show the development of successive
research and to be able to see what IoT potential that is in the future.
Through Fig. 4, the pattern of analysis of research trends from 2006 to
2018 is shown with different years colors, the occurrence increasing of
research terms will be displayed with a larger diameter circle size. Fig. 2. Research methodology.
This research we classify various industries which are considered very
intensive involving IoT in their business model. The number of industries configuration set) in the title, keyword, and abstract of all existing
found is in line with the emergence of research attention in the industrial research. Total repetition is calculated in the Occurrence column, which
sector, whether driven by industry needs or researchers' proposals due to displays information on how many terms appear in all the research pa-
the suitability of IoT technical application to related industries. These pers. Average score explains the average of all years of publication found
finding industries can be categorized as mature in applying the 4th in- in various years, this indicates the weight of the year distribution which
dustrial revolution concept in their operation where IoT is one of the key is the quantitative average of the term emerged.
elements. All terms involving industry are displayed, excluded from the tele-
Labels or terms that are found are presented as a combination of the communications and ICT industry because both are considered not
words and sentences that are most widely used by researchers in the influenced by IoT and are even the basic industry providers of IoT
period 2006–2018 which recur more than 10 times (according to the products themselves (such as vendor service connectivity and various

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Fig. 3. Top 20 publisher of IoT's paper.

Fig. 4. The entire term in the IoT research paper in the period 2006–2018.

sensor devices as IoT solutions). This study found various industrial the IoT starting from the most to the least influential as follows
sectors that involved or were affected by IoT intensively as shown in Manufacturing, Agriculture, Public Service, Health, Electronics, Energy,
Table 1. and Mining.

4. Results & discussion 4.1. Growth and development of the IoT industry

Data derived from Table 1 is further processed to categorize paper 4.1.1. Industry 1: manufacturing
related to certain industrial sectors. Found seven industries affected by In this study, IoT looks very influential in the manufacturing industry

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Table 1 4.1.2. Industry 2: agriculture

Industrial sector, appearance and year of publication. The second industry sector that is most influenced by IoT is the
Label/Term weight <Occur- score<Avg. Industry agricultural sector where the IoT has recently been applied in agrarian
rences> pub.year> Sector countries, as stated by (Mushtaq, 2018; Srilakshmi et al., 2018) this is
logistic 420 2014.8 All Industry driven because IoT contributes significantly to socio-economic growth,
agricultural product 107 2014.8 Agriculture Increasing Productivity, Reducing Costs and Optimizing time for farmers
iot industry 57 2015.3 All Industry in particular, and also this sector produces a basic need that has a great
supply chain 126 2015.4 All Industry effect on a country in general where its development is strongly influ-
agricultural internet 33 2015.5 Agriculture
enced by how is the government's strategy (Saragih et al., 2018).
agricultural production 54 2015.5 Agriculture
decision support 54 2015.7 All Industry 4.1.3. Industry 3: public service
intelligent 173 2015.7 Public Service Due to IoT technology ability to connect many services through the
transportation system
internet with the ability of sensor devices and monitoring to be spread
electric vehicle 96 2015.8 Electronics
production process 100 2015.9 Manufacturing everywhere, many researchers are implementing their IoT applications in
automotive industry 34 2015.9 Manufacturing the sector of intelligent Public Service industry (Hoon et al., 2013; Día-
campus 128 2016.1 Public Service z-díaz, Mu~noz and Perez-gonzalez, 2017; Trilles et al., 2017), those are
bus 222 2016.1 Manufacturing found in this study included intelligent transportation system, smart
mining 392 2016.2 Mining
manufacturing industry 73 2016.2 Manufacturing
campus, smart school, general education, city, traffic management,
agriculture 625 2016.3 Agriculture transportation system and water.
school 146 2016.5 Public Service
manufacturing 511 2016.5 Manufacturing 4.1.4. Industry 4: electronics
health care 298 2016.5 Health
The electronic industry sector which is much influenced by the
smart industry 36 2016.5 Manufacturing
robot 466 2016.5 Electronics presence of IoT, all those found are electric vehicles, robots, electronics,
education 327 2016.5 Public Service electronics, microcontrollers, and wearables. Actually, these findings are
electronic 408 2016.5 Electronics product technologies that have long existed, but through IoT now
industrial process 53 2016.5 Manufacturing developed with a variety of new capabilities, such as being able to have
hospital 328 2016.5 Health
sensors on the environment, then be able to connect and exchange in-
industrial control 52 2016.6 Manufacturing
system formation with each other through an internet connection.
electricity 144 2016.6 Energy
city 3365 2016.6 Public Service 4.1.5. Industry 5: health
farm 197 2016.7 Agriculture
This health industry sector is one of the biggest influenced by IoT, the
electronics 74 2016.7 Electronics
healthcare 875 2016.7 Health sector is a new IoT product in health services which includes labels found
factory 212 2016.7 Manufacturing in it such as Health care, hospital, healthcare, healthcare service,
production line 52 2016.7 Manufacturing healthcare system, medicine, medical data, healthcare industry. Services
traffic management 95 2016.7 Public Service that involve IoT such as health condition sensors and historical records
microcontroller 430 2016.8 Electronics
that study a person's health condition with qualitative analysis, as well as
battery 850 2016.8 Energy
transportation system 102 2016.8 Public Service a human health monitoring tool.
healthcare service 171 2016.8 Health
plant 330 2016.8 Agriculture 4.1.6. Industry 6: energy
farming 141 2016.8 Agriculture
The Energy Industry Sector, including chemistry which is much
precision agriculture 89 2016.8 Agriculture
healthcare system 292 2016.8 Health
influenced by the presence of IoT found, is labeled electricity, battery,
manufacturing system 123 2016.9 Manufacturing gas, sensor gas and solar energy.
gas 114 2016.9 Energy
water 508 2016.9 Public Service 4.1.7. Industry 7: mining
production system 119 2017.0 Manufacturing
The mining industry sector which is much influenced by the existence
medicine 151 2017.0 Health
medical data 59 2017.0 Health of IoT, which is found is mining in the form of data mining labels, which
wearable 209 2017.0 Electronics is an advanced Information Technology (IT) industry.
smart manufacturing 99 2017.0 Manufacturing There are several other industrial labels that are classified as widely
gas sensor 74 2017.0 Energy
used and are considered to have an IoT influence, namely logistics, IoT
farmer 271 2017.1 Agriculture
smart factory 203 2017.1 Manufacturing
industry, supply chain management, decision support which are classi-
solar energy 36 2017.1 Energy fied as operating management devices which in this study are categorized
irrigation system 89 2017.1 Agriculture as all industries.
healthcare industry 59 2017.2 Health The manufacturing industry is the most mature sector in the appli-
smart agriculture 76 2017.2 Agriculture
cation of the IoT concept with a large amount of research in this sector,
machinery 447 2017.3 Manufacturing
this is reasonable because the 4th industrial revolution framework has
emerged earlier and is very underlined about smart manufacturing,
sector, as shown in Fig. 5, research activities in this field are very causing a lot of research to focus on this sector before moving to various
intensive and always high throughout the year, this is in line with the 4th industries others. Then the agriculture industry, researchers are very
industrial revolution that is running throughout the world. Starting from interested in this field because of the high opportunity for socio-
the German government which initiated the term Industrie 4.0 in 2011 in economics, the rapid application of IoT techniques, and also land and
the manufacturing industry sector using the term IIoT (Industrial IoT) plant objects involved in having very low applied risks. So that in terms of
through the 4th industrial revolution, which strongly emphasized IoT applied risk, very low risk is also the reason why the Public Service In-
integration into manufacturing operations and communication between dustry is heavily influenced by IoT, as applies to the manufacturing
many objects (Kiel et al., 2017). This characterizes the digital connec- sector. Then the electronics industry functions as a supporting tool that
tions of industrial manufacturing processes that produce fully intelligent, makes it easy for humans to access IoT services directly or IoT as a daily
connected and autonomous plants. life support tool used by humans such as electric vehicles and wearable.

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Fig. 5. Seven industries affected by IoT.

The passage of time, research has begun to shift a lot and reveal about including the cost of remote wireless communication which is relatively
the Hospital and Health care industry, even since 2016 this health topic is expensive on some devices (Lv et al., 2016) which requires the right stage
a new subject. Due to its application has a high risk because it is related to of device selection based on function and price. Including the limitations
humans, but it can be interpreted that the level of IoT technology of the device in producing certain other variables needed such as "how
advancement has been quite mature since the time of the emerges at the much power is used" (Han et al., 2018). Overall the presence of the
time of the arrival of technology despite the very high level of risk to be development of IoT is very fast, so in general, this IoT is difficult in terms
applied. The future of research looks at the energy and chemistry in- of standardization as delivered (Tervonen, 2018). In order to achieve a
dustry as an important prospect in subsequent scientific research, this is good IoT system implementation (Fortino et al., 2017a) have a sugges-
not only a necessity because the more renewable energy, but also the tion that developers may use IoT simulations based on either agent or
presence of batteries is an important character of IoT energy availability network approach, which allows designers to validate their design
to work so that ubiquitous can be easier to happen. Recent researchers choices and unfold unexpected conduct before the actual deployment.
are also very interested in conducting research related to data mining, the
emergence of IoT which has resulted in the accumulation of very large 4.2.1. Problem came from the business needs that feasible be supported by
data both offline and online into their own needs for analytic and then IoT
take advantage of the data for various interests of certain stakeholders.
 Agri-crisis occurs due to rain and poor climatic conditions, so farmers
4.2. IoT main character for industry suffer from severe scarcity and have difficulty recovering from
drought. IoT is a technology that serves as a solution to this problem
The development of IoT knowledge is very much and continues to be (Srilakshmi et al., 2018). To do air quality tracking carried out only at
increasingly in demand by scientists and industry, it is because of the the macro level, detailed hyper-local data is difficult to obtain
ability of IoT to connect many devices to be able to communicate with because of the lack of sensors that collect information (Meinert et al.,
each other and enter information through the internet as delivered by 2018). In addition, the relationship between weather, plants, and
(Kaur et al., 2018) even with a variety of different (heterogeneous) de- pests can negatively affect plant productivity and profitability (Moon
vices that can carry certain functions or benefits (Chan, 2015). Based on et al., 2018)
its function then IoT has a role, among others identity, track and trace-  Problems in urban areas such as traffic jams, environmental
ability, and authentication (Liu et al., 2017), then traceability and visibility contamination, limited natural resources (Paruchuri and Rajesh,
(Meng et al., 2017). Other perceptions that are not much different from 2018). Problems due to lack or absence of detection systems in the
industries perceptive (Zhang et al., 2018) outlining the benefits of IoT is city (Díaz-díaz, Mu~ noz and Perez-gonzalez, 2017)
to promote information progress in real-time monitoring, traceability,  Every authority (government) is required to know the pattern of cit-
tracking, transparency, and interaction, which was then comprehensively izen estimation for public service design and optimization goals,
elaborated by (Zhang et al., 2016) as real-time traceability, visibility, and taken from a large number of passenger digital transaction records,
interoperability in production planning, execution, and control. this is the scope of researchers in IoT-driven urban computing ap-
This study found that there are four main things that are the main plications (Weng et al., 2018)
characteristics of IoT for industrial organizations (1) Traceability, (2)  Changes in current manufacturing technology that require moni-
Visibility, (3) Interoperability and (4) Interaction. Whereas the role outside toring devices that support the distribution of sensors and high-speed
the industrial organization through the presence of IoT is included in wireless networks (Zhao et al., 2015), including manufacturing in-
green and eco-friendly process management (Al-Turjman, 2018), and IoT spections in industry (Li et al., 2018b), and difficulties in planning of
is also able to mitigate energy and green computing consumption production logistics (PL) which increases due to uncertainty and dy-
(Mohiuddin and Almogren, 2019). namic production environment (Huang et al., 2019)
The development of IoT does not always bring positive things as  Difficulty in building optimization that covers the entire production
discussed above, some negative things and problems are found related to process (Liu et al., 2017) and how IoT can help activate the optimal
the journey of IoT research and need to be considered by researchers composition of services (Li et al., 2018c)
including: technical or technological problems from IoT itself, industrial
problems and businesses that require IoT solutions, problems in terms of
IoT framework, problems when adopting and redesigning the current 4.2.2. Problem came from the current IoT framework.
process, and problems after applying IoT. IoT design techniques have
very poor communication latency problems and communication over-  The framework is currently limited by the constraints of communi-
head (Jutila, 2016; Praveen Kumar and Babu, 2017; Al-Turjman, 2018) cation latency, fixed bandwidth, coverage, and uneven computing

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

resources, therefore the framework is difficult to adapt to the emer-  Sensors have poor sensory detectors, many physical parameters that
gence of IIoT demands or requirements (Li et al., 2018d). cannot be detected, such as various things on dirty surfaces, mirrors
 Not complete in calculating the factors that cause common problems or shadows, including positions that are slightly misaligned (Adel-
that occur at this time in the system of Production Logistic - PL such as mann et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2012)
the following: distribution accuracy and low efficiency, lack of flex-  Various interconnected devices are difficult to maintain (maintenance)
ibility and responsiveness, and inconsistencies between distribution (Wolfs, 2017)
and production (Huang et al., 2019)  Raw sensor data contains a lot of noise, is heterogeneous, and has high
 IIoT is easy to hack and difficult to survive from various cyber-attacks dimensions, which comes with a lot of complexity and computational
(Falco et al., 2018) difficulties in extracting high-quality results in a real-time manner
 IoT has a large variety of devices, with different technologies and (Vermesan and Friess, 2015)
protocols. This brings its own disadvantages, so IoT is very low in
terms of interoperability, security, scalability, efficiency or reliability 4.3. A variety of research methods and tools, in the implementation of the
(Trilles et al., 2017) including poor throughput running simulta- concept of the internet of things
neously (Al-Turjman, 2018)
 How to integrate production and logistics into a smart control system Researchers view IoT as an important research opportunity to solve
such as its ability to identify exceptions, self-organizing configura- various industrial problems, as the main character of IoT described in
tions, and self-adaptive collaboration (Zhang et al., 2018) section B. Researcher can use several operational models in developing
 Constant interactions that occur between machines, between humans, conventional industrial notation towards IoT services, which assist in
between humans and machines and the complexity of information verification and execution so that they can use the right tools as
from certain problems that arise will result in difficulties in exchange explained by (Fortino et al., 2017b). The growth of knowledge then
and sharing. Fundamental construction can lead to mutual under- combines science and technology into certain research methods that are
standing and awareness of the organizational information structure applied through stages that focus on defining one of the four layers of IoT
between users and agents (Hao et al., 2015). technology architecture as a domain of research knowledge: (1) the
 The superiority of IPv6 topology is also very concerned now to be "Application and Service" layer, or (2) the "Platform" Architecture layer,
used in implementing IoT in the future, where IPV6 can establish also called data and knowledge, or (3) "Communication" Architecture
locative conditions on the Internet that are applicable and actually, layer, or (4) "Physical" Architecture layer called sensor or actuator (Meng
due to IP distribution between objects that are not uniform at this et al., 2017), these are then processed to answer research questions three
time (Kleineberg and Helbing, 2017). In the IPv6 Internet topology, about what are the substance methods or tools used in the Internet of
each node (device) represents the Autonomous System, this is a very Things research (RQ3) in order to produce the substance methods or
perfect IoT concept to run. tools used in the IoT research.
All research begins with the phenomenon of business/industrial
4.2.3. Problem came when adopting IoT and redesigning the current needs which are then faced with the willingness of IoT technology fea-
process. tures so that they (researchers) look for novelty research with the help of
methods based on appropriate science, as new discoveries into several
 Analyzing the current situation: before redesigning, the reengineering context solutions, in the form of architecture own or combined tech-
team needs to gain a better understanding of the chosen current nology, industrial technical application, or as a new context of knowl-
process, paying attention to how badly it operates (bad or problem- edge from industrial management that is supported by IoT functions such
atic processes), critical issues that affect performance, and a set of as analysis of available real-time data. The researcher thinking process is
instructions for IoT adoption and redesign processes (Wolfs, 2017; shown in Fig. 6. The researcher processed the data through the biblio-
Ammirato et al., 2018) graphic method for the entire 2006 IoT study until the end of 2018,
 Intensively understand ecological conditions at a fundamental level, obtained by finding IoT in the seven main industries in section A dis-
the speed of communication, including information on certain dis- played in Tables 2, 3, and 4 where several terms (labels) were found that
tances to local servers (Keswani et al., 2018) corresponded to each IoT technology used, described in each year the
 How is worker satisfaction and how long the adaptation is needed to be appearance of research. Through a comprehensive search of various
competent in carrying out new activities (Ammirato et al., 2018) studies with IoT keywords, industry and methods used by researchers;
 It is always difficult for designers to analyze and validate performance hence a variety of research methods are obtained which are considered to
efficiently and effectively when it is associated with limited profes- have a significant impact on research on the development of knowledge
sional knowledge and there are black-box models (Zheng et al., 2018) and strategic development and include impacts on the industry. Then
these results are elaborated on the knowledge domain column according
4.2.4. Problem after IoT is applied. to emerging terms and components of basic IoT technology architecture
which are ideas from the technical focus of research and development of
 With a manual approach to the amount of available system infor- science, as shown in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
mation and expert assumptions, it still poses difficulties in validating In traditional manufacturing industries, there are limitations to sensor
for experts to understand the system (Falco et al., 2018). Thus, the technology, with many physical parameters unable to be detected,
accumulation of data has a limitation, which presents a situation of especially the need for long-term dynamic and real-time monitoring
large amounts of data but contains little information. So that data (Zhang et al., 2012). In today's modern industry there are several new
mining technology emerges; as an important tool in the acquisition of terms that describe future industry concepts, such as Manufacturing 2.0,
knowledge from the manufacturing environment (Liu et al., 2017) Internet Industry, Smart Factory, 4th industrial revolution and IIoT (Riel
 Applications must be able to find ways to obtain data (from the client et al., 2017; Meng et al., 2018).
side in it sensor-program code), to be stored reliably in large numbers The broad topic of IoT research for 4th industrial revolution in the
and in a scalable way (digesting data in the database with all its manufacturing area as mentioned in Table 5 is about connecting all
difficulties), to transform that data into a which makes it possible to components in manufacturing systems using various sensor systems,
access them with analytical purposes then present them in a dashboard Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) through the IoT concept, where activity
view (Lengyel et al., 2015) data from all components can be real-time collected and monitored, to

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Fig. 6. The IoT research thinking process.

Table 2 provide a smart response to various problems that may arise in the fac-
Mapping research on technology architecture (2006–2015). tory, including the results of real-time analysis obtained from cloud
label IoT Architecture Weight Score <Avg. computing and big data (Tsai and Lu, 2018).
Technology <Occurre pub. year> Specific IoT research topics for 4th industrial revolution provide op-
nces> portunities for smart manufacturing in terms of real-time traceability,
RFID technology Physical 269 2014.2 visibility and interoperability in production planning, implementation
RFID network Physical 42 2014.6 and control (Zhang et al., 2016), flexibility in systems, monitoring, and
Application system Application 75 2014.7 adaptation to change manufacturing needs (Kumar, 2018), besides that
Next generation Communication 37 2014.8
reliability is also an important research topic in other IoT applications
RFID system Physical 233 2014.9 and cloud environments (Xiao et al., 2018).
Low power wireless Communication 39 2014.9 IoT implementation is considered to provide various benefits in
personal area supporting manufacturing operation's internal processes or activities,
such as optimization of production logistics in utilizing the real-time data
Zigbee technology Communication 40 2015.1
Service platform Platform 178 2015.1 generated by the IoT (Huang et al., 2019). Other benefits include smart
Passive RFID tag Physical 39 2015.1 energy management that significantly saves operational expenses and
RFID reader Physical 114 2015.3 minimizes total product completion time (Rubaiee and Yildirim, 2018),
Zigbee network Communication 53 2015.3 detect product defects (Li et al., 2018b), ultimately increasing profit-
WSN application Application 46 2015.5
Actuator network Communication 84 2015.5
ability and production efficiency (Zhang et al., 2018). In terms of R & D
Personal area network Communication 78 2015.5 operations, IoT technology is able to bridge the gap between humans and
Sensor technology Physical 178 2015.6 technology that can be used for interactive innovation (Wang and Hsieh,
Open platform Platform 41 2015.6 2017).
Middleware solution Platform 72 2015.6
In terms of technical application, research (Liu et al., 2017) provides
NFC Communication 201 2015.7
Constrained application Application 144 2015.7 an important framework for companies that already have high technol-
protocol ogy potential and then want to activate IoT, through IoT-enabled intel-
6LoWPAN network Communication 72 2015.7 ligent assembly systems for mechanical products (IIASMP), through their
Zigbee Communication 434 2015.7 research questions as following: (1). How to encode current
Ad hoc network Communication 102 2015.7
manufacturing resources, through data parsing, exchange, processing,
Network node Communication 131 2015.8
Electric vehicle Physical 96 2015.8 and sharing? (2). How to capture massive data from heterogeneous de-
Middleware platform Platform 68 2015.8 vices then transfer and integrate it? (3). What methodology is appro-
Wireless sensor network Physical 2224 2015.8 priate for value-added information for the company's management
Application Application 151 2015.8
decision-making process? (4). How to achieve optimization from the
Wireless sensor node Physical 143 2015.9 current manufacturing process.
Network environment Communication 139 2015.9 Research in the agricultural area is largely directed at analyzing
sensor utilization through the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system
which is actually not IoT, even though this WSN application is part of

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Table 3 Table 3 (continued )

Mapping research on technology architecture (2016). label IoT Architecture Weight Score <Avg.
label IoT Architecture Weight Score <Avg. Technology <Occurre pub. year>
Technology <Occurre pub. year> nces>
Application layer Application 62 2016.8
Global network Communication 68 2016.0 protocol
e-Health application Application 47 2016.0 Network lifetime Communication 273 2016.8
Sensor system Physical 127 2016.0 Network resource Communication 139 2016.8
Wireless sensor Physical 68 2016.0 Android Platform 171 2016.8
networks Smart city application Application 137 2016.8
Mobile ad hoc network Communication 55 2016.0 Diverse application Application 46 2016.8
Application Application 56 2016.1 Sensor value Physical 44 2016.8
programming Healthcare application Application 135 2016.8
interface Camera Physical 551 2016.8
Constrained network Communication 49 2016.1 Connected vehicle Physical 53 2016.8
Application developer Application 91 2016.1 Temperature sensor Physical 143 2016.9
Network service Communication 80 2016.1 Network capacity Communication 64 2016.9
Network topology Communication 193 2016.1 Network simulator Communication 57 2016.9
Heterogeneous Communication 197 2016.1 Board Physical 501 2016.9
network Network traffic Communication 161 2016.9
IoT middleware Platform 115 2016.1 Sensors data Physical 49 2016.9
GPS Physical 209 2016.1 Analytic Platform 641 2016.9
Wireless Communication 38 2016.1 Opportunistic network Communication 49 2016.9
communication Big data analytic Platform 210 2016.9
network Surveillance camera Physical 56 2016.9
Network coding Communication 62 2016.1 Single board computer Physical 73 2016.9
Network architecture Communication 333 2016.2 Analytical model Platform 111 2016.9
Network management Communication 76 2016.2 IoT sensor node Physical 38 2016.9
Medical sensor Physical 44 2016.2
Cloud database Platform 40 2016.2
Network security Communication 75 2016.2 building an IoT solution. WSN research is conducted throughout the
Network size Communication 35 2016.2
Network virtualization Communication 45 2016.2
World for precision agricultural purposes (Sawant et al., 2017), requiring
Sensor node Physical 1141 2016.2 many improvements in the fields of communication, data distribution,
Application protocol Application 130 2016.2 and real-time component analysis to make dynamic decisions. For
Information centric Communication 109 2016.3 example, IoT wireless sensor environment development that is able to
accurately analyze soil and environmental parameters used in agricul-
LTE network Communication 69 2016.3
Network load Communication 46 2016.3 tural activities to predict air demand in a timely manner (Keswani et al.,
Mobile network Communication 246 2016.4 2018), including management of agricultural production, with case
Body sensor network Physical 53 2016.4 studies in solar greenhouses (Kang et al., 2018).
Web application Application 158 2016.4 Other research uses the concept of IoT through smarter, more com-
Vehicular network Communication 59 2016.4
Lossy network Communication 216 2016.4
plex farming, looking at opportunities through plant and land data sup-
Wireless local area Communication 54 2016.4 ported by sensors, so that embedded sensors are expected to be used for
network crop yield prediction, crop classification, soil classification, weather
Medical application Application 63 2016.4 prediction, and crop prediction with using decision-making systems on
Network device Communication 95 2016.4
existing IoT components such as the IoT Gateway and IoT Service plat-
Access network Communication 183 2016.5
Network performance Communication 227 2016.5 forms integrated in the system to provide smart plant growth solutions
Large scale network Communication 56 2016.5 for farmers (Patil and R, 2017), other studies focus on diverse agricultural
Wireless network Communication 667 2016.5 data that need to be stored efficiently and beneficial (Moon et al., 2018).
Bluetooth Communication 273 2016.5 Research on IoT applications for public services is currently associ-
Wireless mesh network Communication 39 2016.5
Data networking Communication 98 2016.5
ated with the usual use of the Internet to communicate with other devices
Predictive analytic Platform 40 2016.5 to achieve certain benefits in urban areas, this is supported by the
LTE Communication 478 2016.5 development of today's critical infrastructure that is 'smarter' and more
Wi-Fi Communication 303 2016.5 dependent on highly specialized computers called industrial control
Vehicular ad hoc Communication 65 2016.6
system (ICS) (Falco et al., 2018). Benefits are obtained through the use of
Network parameter Communication 37 2016.6 approval, sensing and information functions for everyday human activ-
Network throughput Communication 78 2016.6 ities. According to (Jiang and Liu, 2018), research on the IoT area can be
Vehicle Physical 1735 2016.6 carried out on the following three main aspects (1) How to recognize data
Multiple sensor Physical 73 2016.6 transmission objects and technology. (2) Data communication technol-
Mobile sensor Physical 39 2016.6
Core network Communication 77 2016.6
ogy, which is about how to act on data and technology. (3) Under-
Home network Communication 79 2016.6 standing and adaptation of historical data of IoT device users based on
Network congestion Communication 60 2016.6 data and reasoning.
Mesh network Communication 67 2016.6 Recognizing objects and data transmission technology in the concept
Wearable sensor Physical 98 2016.6
of public services is closely related to infrastructure and how to control it,
Wireless body area Communication 60 2016.7
network such as CCTV, electricity network, air network and transportation
Wi-Fi Communication 313 2016.7 network security (Falco et al., 2018), real-time garbage collection
Bluetooth low energy Communication 292 2016.7 scheduling based on certain conditions (Jiang and Liu, 2018), manage-
Humidity sensor Physical 57 2016.7 ment of public parking spaces by developing urban parking management
Cellular network Communication 320 2016.7
Large network Communication 33 2016.7
cloud platforms (Kong et al., 2018), fire security and monitoring (Naidu
Are et al., 2018).
Understanding data transmission communication technology in the

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Table 4 Table 5
Mapping research on technology architecture (2017). Growth of IoT knowledge on Manufacture.
label IoT Architecture Weight Score <Avg. Research Domain Knowledge Method/Tools Industry
Technology <Occurre nces> pub. year>
(Azeez Physical IoT A resonance method Manufacture
Network bandwidth Communication 60 2017.0 et al., based on square-patch
Network operator Communication 84 2017.0 2018) antennas
Analytical result Platform 52 2017.0 (Huang Production Logistics Ant Colony algorithm Manufacture
Wearable Physical 209 2017.0 et al., optimization
Android application Application 104 2017.0 2019)
Gas sensor Physical 74 2017.0 (Kumar, Smart Manufacturing Flexibility in systems, Manufacture
Arduino board Physical 54 2017.0 2018) monitoring, and
Software defined Communication 113 2017.0 adaptation to changing
networking needs
Motion sensor Physical 41 2017.0 (Lee et al., Smart Manufacturing A light-weight Demand Manufacture
5G system Communication 50 2017.0 2018) Response (DR) scheme,
Industrial IoT Application 34 2017.1 based on the Stackelberg
application Model
Things network Communication 88 2017.1 (Li et al., Smart industry AI Method (Deep Manufacture
Big data analytics Platform 43 2017.1 2018b) Learning) to detect the
IoT network Communication 1208 2017.1 defects of the products
Network function Communication 60 2017.1 (Li et al., Cloud Manufacturing EK-Oriented genetic Manufacture
Raspberry Pi Physical 489 2017.1 2018c) (CMfg) algorithm (EK-GA) for the
Data analytic Platform 298 2017.1 large-scale IoT service
Arduino Physical 156 2017.2 composition
Wi-Fi network Communication 47 2017.2 (Liu et al., Smart Manufacturing IoT-enabled Intelligent Manufacture
Biosensor Physical 57 2017.2 2017) Assembly System
Network condition Communication 55 2017.2 (IIASMP)
5G technology Communication 50 2017.2 (Meng et al., Adaptive Manufacturing Reference Manufacture
Edge network Communication 52 2017.2 2018) Manufacturing Architectures (MRAs)
Network edge Communication 163 2017.2 (Na et al., Smart Manufacturing Maximum Weight Manufacture
Raspberry Physical 38 2017.2 2018) System Independent Set (MWIS)
Wearable technology Physical 59 2017.3 (Riel et al., smart products and Integrating functional Manufacture
Sigfox Communication 72 2017.3 2017) digital manufacturing safety and cybersecurity
5G network Communication 209 2017.3 in the early design
Ultrasonic sensor Physical 53 2017.3 (Rubaiee An energy-aware Ant Colony algorithm Manufacture
Network function Communication 48 2017.3 and multiobjective on
virtualization Yildirim, preemptive scheduling
Lora technology Communication 34 2017.4 2018)
NB IoT system Communication 53 2017.4 (Wang Human-centered Kansei Evaluation Manufacture
Unmanned aerial Physical 79 2017.4 et al., design factors for the method
vehicle 2018b) design of interactive
IoT applications Application 150 2017.4 clothing
Low power wide area Communication 129 2017.4 (Wang and Smart eyewear Quality Function Manufacture
network Hsieh, industry Development (QFD) to
Wi-Fi module Communication 46 2017.5 2017) recognize the specific IoT
Lora Communication 326 2017.5 development potential
NB IoT Communication 329 2017.5 (Xiao et al., Fabrication of logic Bayesian Network (BN) Manufacture
Arduino uno Physical 38 2017.5 2018) circuits method, and Probabilistic
Lora network Communication 38 2017.5 Transfer-Matrix (PTM)
Low power wide area Communication 47 2017.5 model
networks (Zhang Cloud Manufacturing Fiber Bragg Grating Manufacture
Lorawan Communication 191 2017.6 et al., perception network
UAV Physical 193 2017.6 2012)
PIR sensor Physical 33 2017.7 (Zhang Mechanism and Smart Production Manufacture
et al., methodology of smart Logistics Systems (SPLS)
2018) production
concept of public communication, for example (Al-Turjman, 2018) that (Zhang Real-Time Production Performance Analysis and Manufacture
uses IoT hybrid sensing communication for smart cities, which facilitates et al., Performance Exception Diagnosis
2016) Analysis Model (PAEDM)
the involvement of heterogeneous traffic flows in network sensors so that (Tsai and Production planning Activity-Based Costing Manufacture
it can be used for simultaneous users with various needs. Lu, 2018) and control (ABC) and Theory of
Regarding the understanding and adapting the historical data for IoT Constraints (TOC)
device users, for example the Intelligent/Smart and Connected Trans-
portation System (ICTS) understands the preferences and demands of
actual passenger behavior collected passively from IoT devices to reduce
passenger transit chains using information enrichment and probabilistic one of the most important barriers to practical application (Chen et al.,
inference approaches (Weng et al., 2018). 2018) because powering electronics is a big challenge using battery
Growth of IoT knowledge on Electronics, As a result of the use of IoT technology with power limited. As research is conducted on circuit
which requires sensor networks, causing dramatically increasing the design methods to improve the efficiency of charging to energy storage
rapid growth of portable electronics. The growing popularity of various devices (Pyo et al., 2019), then triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG)
sensors and portable devices, causing the demand for electricity to drive research based on triboelectrification and electrostatic induction make
these electronic devices is very important. Although there is also research energy harvesting technology simple, cost-effective, and versatile (Liu
in the era of security on IoT devices in the information transport layer et al., 2018a).
such as (Kumar and Gandhi, 2017; Erozan et al., 2018). There is also a flexible Electronic concept, which requires information
Many of research in the electronic field has been investigated to be distributed on whatever surface we need, where development is
regarding energy harvesting against high output performance, which is highly demanded the IoT, this case associated with robot technology and

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Table 6 Table 9
Growth of IoT knowledge of Agriculture. Growth of IoT knowledge on Health.
Research Domain Knowledge Method/Tools Industry Research Domain Method/Tools Industry
(Kang et al., Smart Agriculture agricultural cyber- Agriculture
2018) physical-social system (Chai et al., 2018) Application and Plan-Do-Study-Act method Health
(CPSS) Service IoT
(Keswani Smart irrigation neural network Agriculture (Chukka and Kumar, Application and IoT-Enabled ECG Health
et al., 2018) control scheme 2018) Service IoT Telemetry system
(Moon et al., predictive weather on lossy compression based Agriculture (Elhoseny et al., Application and hybrid encryption schema Health
2018) IoT platform. on FWHT and DCT 2018) Service IoT
(Nalajala Communication IoT monitoring and control Agriculture (Kaur et al., 2018) Application and vector machine and Health
et al., 2017) of greenhouse Service IoT artificial neural network
(Patil and R, Communication and Kalman filter (KF) Agriculture classifiers
2017) platform IoT (Kim and Chung, Application and knowledge-based Health
(Sawant et al., Physical IoT adaptation framework Agriculture 2017) Service IoT crowdsourcing
2017) (Kim and Kim, 2018) Application and Conjoint analysis Health
Service IoT
(Li et al., 2018a) Application and (a,k)-anonymity model Health
Service IoT
Table 7 (McRae et al., 2016) Application and machine learning Health
Growth of IoT knowledge on Public Service. Service IoT
(Santhoshi and Application and fall detection scheme using Health
Research Domain Knowledge Method/Tools Industry
Thirugnanam, Service IoT ambient sensors
(Al-Turjman, Application and Hybrid Collaborative Path Public 2016)
2018) Service IoT Finder (HCPF). Service (Sarkar et al., 2017) Application and blind cloud framework Health
(Naidu Are Application and Fire IoT sensors Public Service IoT
et al., 2018) Service IoT Service (Wang et al., 2018c) Application and The Mann–Whiney test or Health
(Falco et al., Communication IoT automated attack Public Service IoT t-test
2018) generation based on Service (Xie et al., 2018) Platform IoT knowledge in linked open Health
artificial intelligence data
(Jiang and Liu, Application and solid waste transportation Public
2018) Service IoT scheduling Service architecture to combine primitive information into collective intelligence
(Kong et al., Application and parking space sharing and Public (Salmon and Meissner, 2015).
2018) Service IoT allocation problem Service
(Weng et al., passengers' closed information enrichment Public
The research on the Health area, there is a paradigm shift from
2018) transit chains and probabilistic inference Service traditional and IoT-based medical field care, where doctors now have to
pay more attention to the patient's raw medical records, then directly in
making medical advice, conclusions or diagnoses from their experience
Table 8 using the hospital information system (HIS). The IoT-based HIS is
Growth of IoT knowledge on Electronics. distributed by scattered devices such as tablet computers, personal digital
assistants that are used as automatic analyzers, or other massive and
Research Domain Method/Tools Industry
informative medical devices (Xie et al., 2018) and the possibility of a
diagnosis can be made by a doctor elsewhere when the doctor has time
(Chen et al., 2018) Physical IoT crumpled morphology Electronics
for special patients, so the diagnosis can be more precise.
onto the gold thin film
using macro control IoT research in the health sector, it is important to pay attention to
(Erozan et al., 2018) Physical IoT electrolyte-gated field- Electronics various attributes of health information such as the service provider
effect transistors profession, task discussion room, devices used, expert support, and
(EGFETs) based on
various personal medical data (Kim and Kim, 2018). Various medical
inorganic materials
(Kumar and Gandhi, Communication transport layer security Electronics
data can be obtained by utilizing IoT devices that are in our daily lives,
2017) IoT (TLS) protocol such as jam, health tape, scale, TV, lights, and door lock (Kaur et al.,
(Liu et al., 2018a) Phisical IoT flexible temperature Electronics 2018), or various types of related sensors used such as smart acceler-
sensors ometers, gyroscope, pulse oximeter, RBG camera, camera Kinect, micro
(Pyo et al., 2019) Physical IoT triboelectric Electronics
cellphone, PIR, RFID, smart tiles, etc., where these sensors are integrated
nanogenerators (TENGs)
(Razafimandimby Communication Neuro-Dominating Set Electronics with IoT technology (Santhoshi and Thirugnanam, 2016) and all these
et al., 2019) IoT algorithm (NDS) sensors can support, personal health records and self-diagnoses (Kim and
(Salmon and Phisical IoT Monte Carlo simulations Electronics Chung, 2017), for example, IoT to monitor human physiological condi-
Meissner, 2015)
tions indefinitely, so doctors examine their patients remotely such as
monitoring using brain safety research obtained through sensors (Kaur
et al., 2018).
electronic skin (Liu et al., 2018a). Recent research is now beginning to IoT research in the energy sector largely relies on energy efficiency
shift, from the IoT paradigm to just being passive so far, to then add an that can be applied to a wide variety of fields with the benefits brought by
active role to IoT devices using robots. ABI research introduces a new IoT, both in internal IoT devices that require energy to run (usually
concept called Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) as a set of intelligent batteries or solar panels), as well as external use of resources large-scale
devices that can monitor events, integrate sensor data from various energy such as power-networks that are helped by IoT in reducing un-
sources, use local intelligence and then distribute it to determine the best necessary or inefficient energy. The basic idea of the various studies is
actions, ultimately acting to control or manipulate objects in physical IoT that is able to complement network connectivity and computing
world (Razafimandimby et al., 2019). An interesting vision for the IoT is capabilities to various physical devices.
a group of flying robots (robot bees) that can provide enormous collective Smart-grid is a sub-function of the smart city today, its research has
intelligence to gather information. However, this vision cannot be become an evolution in managing electricity demand that is large to be
implemented because it requires a new method of providing a new managed, smart and economical, in the Heterogeneous Network

M. Dachyar et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02264

Table 10 manufacturing), and mechanical doors (medicine storage cabinets in

Growth of IoT knowledge on Energy. hospitals). “Green computing” method for energy use efficiency, where
Research Domain Method/Tools Industry virtual machines replace idle physical servers into hibernation mode,
Knowledge thereby reducing power usage (Mohiuddin and Almogren, 2019).
(Bousdekis et al., Application and “Detect-Predict-Decide- Energy Energy research in its own IoT internal devices, power consumption is
2018) Service IoT Act” proactivity a major concern for on-chip system designers, such as using ultra-low
principle power VLSI (ULP) circuits that have benefited greatly from academia
(Han et al., 2018) Physical IoT Ultra-low power (ULP) Energy and industry as the most suitable technique for IoT devices (Han et al.,
VLSI circuits
(Jutila, 2016) Communication regressive admission Energy
2018), a method with a combination of Optimal Secured Energy
IoT control (REAC) and Conscious Protocol (OSEAP) and Improved Bacterial Foraging Optimi-
fuzzy weighted zation (IBFO) algorithm (Praveen Kumar Reddy and Rajasekhara Babu,
queueing (FWQ 2017), resource allocation using the DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Fre-
(Liu et al., 2018b) Physical IoT tag searching Energy
quency Scaling) method and method optimal effective consolidation
(Mohiuddin and Platform IoT Workload-Aware Energy
Almogren, 2019) Virtual Machine (Rizwan and Rajasekharababu, 2016).
Consolidation Method
(WAVMCM) 4.4. The thinking process on how scientists formulate IoT research
(Praveen Kumar Reddy Physical IoT Gravitational Search Energy
and Rajasekhara Algorithm (GSA) and
Babu, 2017) Artificial Bee Colony
According to the systematic research survey result, it can be assumed
(ABC) algorithm there is a logically consistent of the scholar thinking process such framed
(Reddy and Babu, Communication Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Energy in Fig. 6.
2017) IoT clustering algorithm The main research idea based on the business domain or technical
(Rizwan and Platform IoT DVFS (Dynamic Voltage Energy
derivability, which are crossed over among ideas. Based on the deductive
Rajasekharababu, and Frequency Scaling)
2016) methods and existing way, a researcher can begin the process of sequential research thinking
effective optimal starting from the point of view of business and industrial needs as a
consolidation methods broad-scale need. Then leading to the need for science and technology
(Sun et al., 2018) Platform IoT Markov decision Energy using certain tools and methods. Then based on IoT technology archi-
Q-learning algorithm
tecture that focuses on one or more applications, platforms, communi-
(Wan et al., 2019) Platform IoT binary space Energy cations, and sensors. In the end, research involving the IoT system utilizes
partitioning (BSP) the main capabilities of each IoT device that has traces, views, operations
(Li et al., 2018d) Application and software-defined Energy and facilitates something.
Service IoT network (SDN) and
edge computing (EC)
(Wang et al., 2018a) Platform IoT Offloading-assisted Energy 5. Conclusion
energy- balanced
approach on IoT edge Paper made an important contribution, regarding the growth and
node relocation (CIC- development of the IoT in the following stages: First, applying a new
OAEBA), and CIC-based
Direct Replacement
research approach to all Scopus literature, reliable paper journals and
Approach (CIC-DRA). proceedings from the beginning of 2006 until the end of 2018 without
(Zhang et al., 2018) production and production and logistics Energy exception, as a dynamic representation of the growth of knowledge in the
logistics field to what are the main component themes. Second, exploring the field
(Cui et al., 2018) Physical IoT PRG algorithm Energy
of the IoT with industry classification offers a comprehensive review. The
(Ge et al., 2017) Platform IoT Forum Alert Traffic Energy
Security (FATS) combination of co-citation offers a perspective on the work of the most
architecture influential and most productive industries in the IoT. Third, this paper
(Gupta et al., no date) Communication taxonomy of various Energy looks at Growth and Development of the IoT in Industry, about evalu-
IoT solutions ating the problems that exist in defining needs, a technology that can be
(Hao et al., 2015) Physical IoT Agent-middleware Energy
helped by the presence of IoT, problems when implementing IoT tech-
(Tervonen, 2018) Physical IoT Survey. business Energy nology, until after the implementation of IoT. Fourth, this paper reaches
excellence and out to thinking patterns from existing forms of research, by framing the
CogInfoCom thinking process of researchers.
This paper represents an overview of the field of IoT by combining
two important perspectives - observing evolution and observing IoT
infrastructure. Smart-grid can automatically support electricity in the city directly on the most prominent themes in the Industrial sector and also as
and adjust to changes in user demand. This is supported by IoT where an accurate foundation for seeing new IoT business opportunities and
electricity meters are connected to the Internet to provide consumers/ research opportunity.
suppliers with smart decisions about energy use/production in real time. The most important factor that determines what is the most influen-
For example, smart home appliances (dishwashers, clothes, and air tial theme for researchers in the IoT found in this study are (1) the
conditioners) communicate over the network using smart meters and emergence of the 4th industrial revolution as an interesting topic for
electric machines to avoid peak times (Al-Turjman, 2018). researchers because it has many novelties especially in large-scale in-
The idea of IoT research then continues to develop through the dustrial reforms manufacture, then (2) the broad opportunities and
integration of various infrastructure attributes such as hospitals, elec- benefits of socio-economic research as shown by agriculture results in the
tricity networks, energy, transportation, food, air, etc. The idea of the result and analysis section A, and (3) considering how the level of risk
researcher (Al-Turjman, 2018) with the “Agile IoT” method uses mid- from applying the research, such as those found in Hospital and health-
dleware signal processing to allow sensors in the infrastructure to be care industries which requires time for technological readiness.
redesigned by applying ideas 1) Trying parallel communication methods, Based on the perspective of researchers, how to start new research on
and 2) Feeling parallel mechanical parameters, to utilize the temperature IoT is how they need to focus on research gaps based on certain phe-
sensor parameters for non-temperature measurements, such as fluid flow nomena, but their research must be built on concepts about industry,
in a pipe (air, plant), ice buildup (transportation, energy, methods, tools, technology, and functions as a deductive-scientific

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