Alstom Test Report R02.00041

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The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the

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GIS Test Laboratory
Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3
CH-5036 Oberentfelden

Akkreditierte Prüfstelle gemäss ISO/IEC 17025 Akkreditierungs-Nr.

Laboratoire d’essais accrédité selon ISO/IEC 17025 No d'accréditation STS 527
Accredited Testing Laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation No.

TEST REPORT N° R02.00041

Customer ALSTOM Grid AG

Carl-Sprecher-Strasse 3
5036 Oberentfelden, Switzerland

Ident N° 2014-002-F35-41 ML41 DE

Tested equipment Gas insulated switchgear type F35-145kV

Manual link type F35-ML41

Manufacturer ALSTOM Grid AG, Oberentfelden

Purpose of tests Dielectric Type Tests

according to IEC and ALSTOM standards

Site of tests ALSTOM GIS Test Laboratory, Oberentfelden

Date(s) of tests 26 February to 11 March 2014

Tests witnessed by P. Weber, A. Frey

Tests performed according to IEC 60060-1 (2010), IEC 60270-1 (2000),

IEC 62271-1 (2007), IEC 62271-203 (2011)

Report pages 34

Date of issue 07. April 2014

Test Engineer Head of the GIS Test Laboratory

Andreas Frey David Gautschi

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Content: Page

1. Summary 2
2. Characteristic data of the equipment under test 3
3. Identification of the equipment under test 3
4. Test program 3
5. Test results 4

Appendices: 6-34

A1. Identification of the test circuit and test equipment 06

A2. Test conditions 06
A3. Measurement uncertainty 06
A4. Test results/diagrams 07-29
A5. Drawings of the test setup 30-31
A6. Pictures of the test setup and equipment under test 32-33
A7. Parts list of the equipment under test 34
A8. Report history 34

Dielectric type tests were performed on the F35-145kV manual link F35-ML41 in the ALSTOM GIS Test
Laboratory in Oberentfelden, Switzerland. The dielectric tests were done according to IEC 60060-1:2010,
IEC 60270:2000, IEC 62271-1:2007 and IEC 62271-203:2003.

The manual link F35-ML41 has passed the dielectric type tests with the values in the following table:

Phase – Earth, Between

Test Standard
Phase – Phase Terminals
50 Hz power frequency, 1 min. IEC1) 275 kV / 315 kV 315 kV
PD measurement ALSTOM Grid2) < 1.0 pC at 240 kV < 1.0 pC at 240 kV
Lightning impulse 1.2/50 s IEC / ALSTOM Grid ± 650 kV ± 790 kV3)
Switching impulse 250/2500 s ALSTOM Grid4) ± 520 kV ± 633 kV
According to IEC 62271-203 the test level for Ur = 145 kV is 275 kV. To simplify the test across the open terminals the test level of
315kV was applied during the test as well between phase-earth and between phase-phase.
According to IEC 62271-203 the test level for Ur = 145 kV is 174 kV. The ALSTOM Grid standard uses higher levels.
According to IEC 62271-203 the test level for Ur = 145 kV is 750 kV. The applied values were higher than required by IEC.
According to IEC 62271-203 switching impulse tests are not required.

All measurements were carried out with the minimum functional pressure for insulation (0.55 MPaabs SF6 at

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Rated voltage 145 kV
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated continuous current 2500/3150 A
Rated power frequency 50 Hz, 1 Min. Phase – Earth 275 kV
Between terminals 315 kV
Rated lightning impulse 1.2/50 µs Phase – Earth 650 kV
Between terminals 750 kV
Rated filling pressure for insulation (absolute at 20°C) 0.61 MPa
Min. functional pressure for insulation (absolute at 20°C) 0.55 MPa


Test arrangement PD T47.00264 Rev 3 (see Appendix A5)
Test arrangement impulse T47.00265 Rev 3 (see Appendix A5)

The complete parts list can be found in Appendix A7.

Adapter housing Manual link (test object) Adapter housing

contact Fixed
side contact

Phase 1 A a

Phase 2 B b

Phase 3 C c

The following tests have been carried out on the equipment under test:

No. Test Kind of test Voltage

1 Power frequency and PD measurement 50 Hz 315 kV
2 Power frequency and PD measurement A, B, C 50 Hz 315 kV
3 Power frequency and PD measurement a, b, c 50 Hz 315 kV
4 Lightning impulse (Ph – Ph / Ph – E) 1.2/50 s 650 kV
5 Lightning impulse (Between terminals) A, B, C 1.2/50 s 790 kV
6 Lightning impulse (Between terminals) a, b, c 1.2/50 s 790 kV
7 Switching impulse (Ph – Ph / Ph – E) 250/2500 s 520 kV
8 Switching impulse (Between terminals) A, B, C 250/2500 s 633 kV
9 Switching impulse (Between terminals) a, b, c 250/2500 s 633 kV

The filling pressure during the tests was 0.55 MPaabs = 4.5 bargauge = min. functional pressure for insulation.
The description of the test conditions can be found in the test protocols in the appendices.

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Test of the gap between terminals

The test levels for the gap between the terminals are higher than the level for the phase-to-earth and phase-to-
phase test. The following methods were applied:

Power frequency test: The test voltage which has to be applied across the open terminals, between the
phases as well as between phase-earth remains the same for all the tests in
order to simplify the test procedure. In this case the applied phase-phase and
phase-earth voltages were higher than required by IEC. The conductors on the
outgoing side and the neighbor phases were grounded during the test.

Impulse test: The device under test was energized from one side by the impulse voltage with
the level of the phase-to-earth (phase-to-phase) test and on the other side by a
HV transformer supplying an AC voltage. The two voltages were synchronized in
the way that the peaks were exactly in opposite phase to each other, i.e. the
peak of the positive impulse is synchronous with the peak of the negative sinus
half wave of the AC voltage and vice versa for the negative impulse.

The test results are summarized in the following tables, showing that the values according to the IEC and the
ALSTOM Grid standards are fulfilled.

5.1 Power frequency test with PD measurement

Test Arrangement HV Earth 0V 240 kV / 275

No. on on PD (pC) kV
A B, C, F
ML on (closed) B A, C, F < 1.0 < 1.0 1 Min.
C A, B, F
A a, B, b, C, c, F
ML off (open) B A, a, b, C, c, F < 1.0 < 1.0 1 Min.
C A, a, B, b, c, F

a A, B, b, C, c, F < 1.0
ML off (open) b A, a, B, C, c, F < 1.0 1 Min.
c A, a, B, b, C, F

5.2 Lightning impulse 1.2/50 s (phase – phase / phase – earth)

Test Arrangement HV Earth Withstand voltage

No. on on
A B, C, F
4 ML on (closed) B A, C, F ± 650 kV
C A, B, F

5.3 Lightning impulse 1.2/50 s, feeding on mobile contact side (between terminals)

Test Arrangement HV 650kV imp. 140 kVAC peak Earth Withstand voltage
No. on on on
A a B, b, C, c,F
5 ML off (open) B b A, a, C, c,F ± 790 kV
C c A, a, B, b,F

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5.4 Lightning impulse 1.2/50 s, feeding on fixed contact side (between terminals)

Test Arrangement HV 650kV imp. 140 kVAC peak Earth Withstand voltage
No. on on on
a A B, b, C, c,F
6 ML off (open) b B A, a, C, c,F ± 790 kV
c C A, a, B, b,F

5.5 Switching impulse 250/2500 s (phase – phase, phase – earth)

Test Arrangement HV Earth Withstand voltage

No. on on
A B, C, F
7 ML on (closed) B A, C, F ± 520 kV
C A, B, F

5.6 Switching impulse 250/2500 s, feeding on mobile contact side (between terminals)

Test Arrangement HV 520kV imp. 113 kVAC peak Earth Withstand voltage
No. on on on
A a B, b, C, c,F
8 ML off (open) B b A, a, C, c,F ± 633 kV
C c A, a, B, b,F

5.7 Switching impulse 250/2500 s, feeding on fixed contact side (between terminals)

Test Arrangement HV 520kV imp. 113 kVAC peak Earth Withstand voltage
No. on on on
a A B, b, C, c,F
9 ML off (open) b B A, a, C, c,F ± 633 kV
c C A, a, B, b,F

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A1. Identification of the test circuit and test equipment

The following test equipment was used during the tests:

Partial discharge test an power Transformer MWB 510 kV metal-clad

frequency voltage test 50Hz 5.5 bargauge SF6 with attached measuring capacitor (PMUE 7544)
PD measuring system mtronix CPL542 (PMUE 1000016)

Lightning impulse voltage test 1.2/50 μs Impulse generator 6 cascades (PMUE 4714)
Ext. front resistor RSE 500 – 646 Ω
Int. resistors RSI 6 x 17 Ω
RBIL 6 x 610 Ω + 2 x 610 Ω ||
Divider MWB 2 cascades, Low voltage side RCT 2000
Measuring device Haefely DiAS 733

Switching impulse voltage test 250/2500μs Impulse generator 6 cascades (PMUE 4714)
Inner resistors RSI 6 x 3.0 kΩ
RBIL 6 x 610 Ω + 1 x 610 Ω ||
Divider MWB 2 cascades, Low voltage side RCT 2000
Measuring device Haefely DiAS 733

A2. Test conditions

Date: 28.02.2014
Atmospheric pressure: 960.0 hPa
Temperature: 19.4 °C
Humidity relative 38.3 %

The test conditions during each test can be found on the test protocols.

A3. Measurement uncertainty

In the following table the measurement uncertainties are listed with a standard deviation of 2 (coverage factor
of 2). This means that 95% of the measured values are inside the calculated uncertainty interval.

Total expanded
Test system Measurement unit uncertainty (2)
510kV encapsulated AC test system (PMUE 7544) voltage 1.3
voltage 1.7
3600kV impulse test system (PMUE 4714)
time 5.1
Partial discharge measurements (PMUE 1000016) pC 10.1

The uncertainties are calculated according to the “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement”
(GUM, ISO, 1995).

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A4. Test results/diagrams

PD measurement / Power frequency voltage test 50 Hz, phase - earth

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Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

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PD measurement / Power frequency voltage test 50 Hz, across the isolating distance

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Phase 1
fixed contact

Phase 2
fixed contact

Phase 3
fixed contact

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Phase 1
mobile contact

Phase B
mobile contact

Phase C
mobile contact

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Lightning impulse voltage test 1.2/50 μs

Phase 1

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Phase 2

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Phase 3

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Lightning impulse voltage 1.2/50 μs – 50Hz as composite voltage test

Phase 1

Impulse on
mobile contact

50 Hz on
fixed contact

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Phase 2

Impulse on
mobile contact

50 Hz on
fixed contact

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Phase 3

Impulse on
mobile contact

50 Hz on
fixed contact

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Phase 1

Impulse on
fixed contact

50 Hz on
mobile contact

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Phase 2

Impulse on
fixed contact

50 Hz on
mobile contact

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Phase 3

Impulse on
fixed contact

50 Hz on
mobile contact

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Switching impulse voltage test 250/2500 μs

Phase 1

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Phase 2

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Phase 3

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Switching impulse voltage 250/2500 μs – 50Hz as composite voltage test

Phase 1

Impulse on
fixed contact

50 Hz on
mobile contact

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Phase 2

Impulse on
fixed contact

50 Hz on
mobile contact

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Phase 3

Impulse on
fixed contact

50 Hz on
mobile contact

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Phase 1

Impulse on
mobile contact

50 Hz on
fixed contact

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Phase 2

Impulse on
mobile contact

50 Hz on
fixed contact

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Phase 3

Impulse on
mobile contact

50 Hz on
fixed contact

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A5. Drawings of the test setup and equipment under test

Drawing 1: Test arrangement

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Drawing 2: Test arrangement for the impulse tests

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A6. Pictures of the test setup and equipment under test

Picture 1: Test arrangement PD measurement and power frequency voltage test

Picture 2: Test arrangement impulse tests

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Picture 3: Test arrangement for combined AC and impulse tests, Impulse side

Picture 3: Test arrangement for combined AC and impulse tests, 50 Hz AC side

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A7. Parts list of the equipment under test


Artikelnummer Ausg. Bezeichnung Anzahl

47.235.442-01 5 V-Gehäuse l=400 (OB) 1
47.232.708-01 4 Abschirmring Leiter 3
47.232.560-01 4 Isolierplatte F35-41 komplett 2
47.232.235-01 1 Dichtbolzen komplett 3
47.236.300-03 1 Trennvorrichtung 400mm-Geh. links 3
- 47.236.452-02 7 Trennvorr.Geh.bearb.400 Geh. 3
- 47.236.560-01 5 Drehwelle TV 1
- 47.236.920-01 2 Abschlusshuelse 3
- 47.236.919-01 2 Mitnehmerbolzen 3
- NT412.134.208 3 ZYLSCHRAUBE I6KT M5x30 A2-70 3
- 47.236.922-02 2 Einpressbolzen Mitnehmerbolzen 3
- 47.236.912-01 3 Bananenhebel 3
- 47.236.922-01 2 Einpressbolzen Kontaktstift 3
- 47.236.921-01 4 Kontaktstift 3
- 47.236.562-02 2 Fuehrung unten 3
- 47.236.562-01 2 Fuehrung oben 3
- 47.236.610-01 2 Federscheibe gewellt d12.5 x 8.89 12
47.234.652-01 2 Kontaktfeder 0.8x6x7.3x39 3
47.236.310-01 1 Trennvorrichtungsdeckel komplett 1
- NT417005009_SEH 3 SCHEIBE NORMAL 8 140 HV A2 4
- NT411034307_SEH 3 6KT SCHRAUBE M8x25 A2-70 4
- NT425918315_SEH 4 O-RING 70 SH. A 5.33x78.74 2
- 47.236.801 3 Blockierblech 1
- 47.236.760-01 2 Wellenadapter zu TV 1
- 47.236.761-01 2 Fixiersegment 2
- NT425918301 1 O-RING 70 SH. A5.33x37.47 2
47.238.219-03 1 Einbausatz Isolierplatte 1
47.232.250-01 1 Sichtfenster komplett 1
47.239.110-01 1 Druckentlastung Membrane +Adsorber 1
47.234.641-01 5 Steckkontakt zur TV d39 3
47.234.652-01 2 Kontaktfeder 0.8x6x7.3x39 3
47.234.700-01 2 Dichtbolzen VT 3
47.232.607-01 8 Steckkontakt d68 6
47.245.416-01 7 Lamelle selbsthaftend gerafft D=69 12
ENTW47240450-2D 2 Adapterflansch F35-41 zu F-35-5 2

A8. Report history

Version Changes to prior version

1.0 first release

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