ACP - Life Processes

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(Options acche se padhna)


(A) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ's)

1. Which is the first enzyme that gets mixed with food in the digestive tract?

2. The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon.

(c)Concentration of CO₂ in stomata
(d)Water in guard cells

3. The parts A and B Shown in the given diagram are:

(a)Guard cell and stomatal pore

(b)Epidermal cell and stomatal pore
(c) Epidermal cell and guard cell
(d) Guard Cell and Epidermal Cell


4. Complete the following reactions:

6CO₂ + 6H₂O → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂

(d)Carbon dioxide

5. The energy currency of the cell is:


6. The blood leaving the tissues becomes richer in:


7. The internal (cellular) energy reserve in autotrophs is:

(d)Fatty acid

8. During deficiency of oxygen in tissues of human beings, pyruvic acid is converted

into lactic acid in the:
(d)Golgi body
9. What prevents backflow of blood inside the heart during contraction:
(a)Thin walls of atria
(b)Valves in heart
(c)Thick muscular walls of ventricles
(d) All of the above

10. Which of the following enzymes needs an acidic medium to be active

(a) Trypsin
(b) Pepsin
(c) Lipase
(d) None of the above

11. Give reasons:

(i) The number of stomata are more on the lower surface of the leaf as compared
to the upper surface.

(ii) Arteries are thick walled.

(iii) Plants have low energy needs.

(iv) Aquatic animals breathe faster than the terrestrial animals.

12. (i) What stops blood from flowing backwards through the heart. (CBSE 2008)

(ii) Name the process used by single-celled organisms for taking in food, exchange of
gases or removal of wastes. (CBSE 2016)

13. State one difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

14. Define peristaltic movement.

15. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food?

16. Name the tissue that transports water and minerals in plants.

17. What is the role of acid in our stomach?

18. What is emulsification?

19. Name the cell organelle in which photosynthesis occur.

20. Name the largest artery in the human body.

21. Define transpiration.

22. What is the structural and functional unit of kidney called?


(yaha Marks katate h)

Assertion and Reason type of Questions

In the following questions a statement of Assertion is followed by a statement of

Mark the correct choice as two statements are given one labeled Assertion (A)
and the other labeled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions
from the cods (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both A and R true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.

I. Assertion: Rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is slower than terrestrial


Reason: The amount of dissolved oxygen is fairly low as compared to amount

oxygen in air.

II. Assertion: The effect of root pressure in transport of water is more important
at night.

Reason: During the day the transpiration pull acts as major driving force in the
movement of water in the system.

III. Assertion: The opening and closing of the pore of stomata is a function of the
guard cell.

Reason: The stomatal pore opens when water comes out of guard cells causing
their shrinkage.

IV. Assertion: Carnivores have a shorter small intestine.

Reason: Meat is easier to digest.

V. Assertion: Plasma of blood transports food, carbon dioxide and nitrogenous


Reason: Red blood corpuscles carry oxygen.


(ho jaayenge aaram se)

(2 and 3 Marks)

1. Name the organ which perform the following functions in human

(i) Absorption of digested food

ii) Absorption of water
iii) Secretion of Bile juice.

2. Diagrammatically illustrate the process of utilization and digestion of food in


3. Give two examples each of organisms which perform the following types of
a) Saprotrophic
b) Parasitic
c) Holozoic

4 What will happen if green plants disappear from earth?

5. Mention three major events that occur during photosynthesis?

6. Name the energy currency in the living organisms. When and where it is

7. How do carbohydrates, proteins and fats get digested in human beings?

8. Explain the three pathways of breakdown of glucose in living organisms.

9. How is small intestine designed to absorb digested food.

10. Describe the process of double circulation in human beings.

11. Define the term transpiration. Design an experiment to demonstrate this

(pahle points socho firr likho)


(5 Marks)

1. (i) Write three types of blood vessels. Give one important feature of each
(CBSE, Delhi 2018-19)
ii) How are CO₂ and O₂ transported in human beings? (CBSE 2018-19)

2. Write the function of the following in the human alimentary canal. (CBSE
(i) Saliva
ii) HCl in Stomach
iii) Bile juice
iv) Villi
3. Write one function of each of the following enzymes.
i) Pepsin
ii) Lipase

4. Draw a well labelled diagram of Nephron. Explain the process of formation of

urine in the human kidney.

5. Why is energy needs in plants is very less as compared to animals? Explain.

6. Draw the diagram showing Human Respiratory System. Label the following
a) Alveolus
b) Trachea
c) Bronchus
d) Lungs
(read paragraph first)

Case Study/Source Based Question

There is a progressive change in the structure of the heart among vertebrates,

from fishes to birds and mammals. Fish have a simple two-chambered heart.
Amphibians possess a three-chambered heart with two atria and a single
ventricle. Reptiles have a septum (wall) that partly divides the ventricle. Birds
and mammals have a four-chambered heart

1. In fishes blood flows from heart to gills to body and back to heart. This is
example of
(a) Single circulation
(b) Double circulation
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

2. Which of the following organisms shows mixing of oxygenated and

deoxygenated blood-
(a) Pigeon.
(b) Dog
(c) Frog
(d) Crocodile

3. Birds and mammals have four-chambered hearts as it leads to separation of

oxygenated and deoxygenated blood such a separation allows
(a) Highly efficient supply of oxygen to the body
(b) Give energy to maintain their body temperature continuously
(c) Double circulation being carried on efficiently
(d) Efficient of collection of blood from tissues of the body
Now choose the right option-
(a) (i) & (iv)
(b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (i) & (iii)
(d) (i), (ii) & (iii)

4. In which of the following vertebrate group/groups heart does not pump

oxygenated blood to different parts of the body-
(a) Pisces and Amphibians
(b) Amphibians and reptiles.
(c)Amphibians only
(d) Pisces only

5. Which chamber of human heart receives deoxygenated blood from tissues of

the body.
(a) Left atrium
(b) Right atrium
(c) Left ventricle
(d) Right ventricle

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