Trigo Identities and Equations and Graph

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

14B Trigonometric Identities and Equations

Conventional Questions
Extra EYA or Section B Questions
1. The figure shows a triangle and a circle with radius 3 cm. Which one has a greater area?
Explain your answer.

80 5 cm
10 cm
3 cm


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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

2. In the figure, ABCD is a square and BCE is an equilateral triangle. AE produced meets CD at


(a) Find ABE, CEF and CFE.

(b) Is the length of CF greater than two times that of DF? Explain your answer.
[Hint: Use the fact that  .]
sin CEF sin CFE

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

3. The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD. It is given that AD = 14 cm, CD = 25 cm,

ABC = 94, ACB = 36 and ADC = 80.

14 cm 80
25 cm

36 C

(a) Find AC.

(b) Find BC.
(c) Which triangle, ABC or ACD, has a greater area? Explain your answer.
(Give the answers correct to 3 significant figures if necessary.)


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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry


MC Questions
Modified Exam Questions (HKCEE 2006  HKDSE 2018)
4. For 0    360 , how many roots does the equation 5 cos2   3sin  3  0 have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2003 Paper 2 Q45

5. 4 cos 30 sin  + sin 90 cos (90  ) =

A. sin .
B. 2 3 sin .
C. 2 3 cos .
D. (2 3  1) sin  .
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2006 Paper 2 Q21

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

6. For 0 < x < 360, how many roots does the equation 3 sin2 x + 5 sin x  2 = 0 have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2006 Paper 2 Q44

7. If x and y are acute angles such that x + y = 90, which of the following must be true?
I. sin (90  x)  cos (90  y) = 0
II. sin x + cos y = 1
III. tan x 
tan y
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2007 Paper 2 Q20

cos(90   ) sin(90   )
8.  
cos sin 
A. 1.
B. 2 tan  .
C. sin cos .
D. .
sin  cos
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2007 Paper 2 Q21

9. Solve the equation 3 sin  cos , where 0    90.

A.  = 0
B.  = 30
C.  = 60
D.  = 90
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2007 Paper 2 Q22

10. sin  tan (90  ) =

A. sin .
B. cos .
C. sin  tan .
sin 2 
D. .
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2008 Paper 2 Q23

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

11. For 0    360, how many roots does the equation 6 cos2   7 cos + 1 = 0 have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2008 Paper 2 Q45

sin 2 x
12. If x and y are acute angles such that x + y = 90, then 
cos2 y
A. 1.
B. tan2 x.
C. tan2 y.
D. sin2 x cos2 y.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2009 Paper 2 Q24

13. For 0    360, how many roots does the equation sin2   cos2   1 have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2009 Paper 2 Q45

14. In the figure, AD is a diameter of the circle ABCD. It is given that AC and BD intersect at E. If
AED = , then =

 C

A. sin .
B. –cos .
C. tan .
D. – .
tan 
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2009 Paper 2 Q48

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

15. If x is an acute angle, then tan 2 x  
tan (90  x)

A. .
tan 2 x
B. .
tan 2 x
C. 2 tan2 x.
D. 2 sin2 x cos2 x.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2010 Paper 2 Q22

16. sin2 1  sin2 2  sin2 3    sin2 89  sin2 90 

A. 44.
B. 44.5.
C. 45.
D. 45.5.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2010 Paper 2 Q46

17. If x, y and z are the angles of a triangles with y + z = 90, which of the following are true?
I. cos x = sin y  cos z
II. sin x tan y = tan z
III. sin2 x = sin2 y + sin2 z
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2011 Paper 2 Q20

18. In the figure, the area of ABC 


2x cm

A 8 cm

12 cm

A. ( x  4)(10  x) cm .
2 2

B. ( x 2  4)(100  x 2 ) cm2 .
C. ( x 2  4)( x 2  100) cm2 .
D. ( x 2  4)( x 2  100) cm2 .
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2011 Paper 2 Q47

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

tan(180   ) cos 300

19.  
sin 210 tan( 90   )
A. 0.
B.  tan  .
C.  tan  .
D.  .
2 tan 
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE Sample Paper Paper 2 Q19

sin 150 cos 240

20.  
1  sin(90   ) 1  sin(270   )
sin 
A. .
tan 
tan 
B.  .
sin 
C.  .
sin  tan 
D. .
sin  tan 
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2012 Paper 2 Q19

21. If 0 <  < 90, which of the following must be true?

I. sin  + sin (90  ) > 0
II. cos   cos (90  ) > 0
III. tan  tan (90  ) = 1
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2013 Paper 2 Q23

22. [sin( 270   )  1][cos(180   )  1] 

A. sin2 .
B. cos2 .
C. sin2 .
D. cos2 .
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2014 Paper 2 Q19

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

23. For 0    360, how many roots does the equation 5 sin2  = sin  have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2014 Paper 2 Q39

 sin(90   ) 
24. sin 2 (180   ) 1  =
 1  sin(270   ) 
A. 1 + cos θ.
B. 1 – cos θ.
C. (1 + cos θ)(1 – 2 cos θ).
D. (1 – cos θ)(1 + 2 cos θ).
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2015 Paper 2 Q19

25. For 0° ≤ x ≤ 360°, how many roots does the equation (sin x + cos x)2 = 3 have?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2015 Paper 2 Q38

26. For 0 <  < 360, how many roots does the equation 4cos 2  – cos  – 3 = 0 have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2016 Paper 2 Q38

27. For 0    360 , how many roots does the equation 2 cos2   cos  3  0 have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2016 Paper 2 Q38

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

28. For 0    360, how many roots does the equation 5sin2  3sin  2  0 have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2018 Paper 2 Q38

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

14C Graphs of Trigonometric Functions

MC Questions
Modified Exam Questions (HKCEE 2006  HKDSE 2018)
1. Let k be a constant and 90 <  < 90. If the figure show the graph of y = a cos (x + ), then

A. a = 3 and  = 60.
B. a = 3 and  = 60.
C. a = 3 and  = 60.
D. a = 3 and  = 60.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2007 Paper 2 Q46

2. Let h and k be constants. If the figure shows the graph of y = h sin (2x  60) + k, then

A. h = 3 and k = 3.
B. h = 3 and k = 3.
C. h = 3 and k = 6.
D. h = 6 and k = 0.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2008 Paper 2 Q46

3  cos
3. For 0    360, the greatest value of is
3  cos
A. 1.
B. .
C. 1.
D. 2.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2008 Paper 2 Q47

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

4. Let 0 <  < 180. If the figure shows the graph of y = 5 cos (x + ), then

A.  = 30.
B.  = 60.
C.  = 120.
D.  = 150.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2009 Paper 2 Q46

5. The figure shows

A. the graph of y = 1 + sin x.

B. the graph of y = 1 + sin 2x.
C. the graph of y = 2 + cos x.
D. the graph of y = 2 + cos 2x.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2010 Paper 2 Q45

6. Let k be a constant and 90 <  < 90. If the figure shows the graph of y = k sin (x + ), then

A. k = 5 and  = 60.
B. k = 5 and  = 60.
C. k = 5 and  = 60.
D. k = 5 and  = 60.
Public Exam Reference: HKCEE 2011 Paper 2 Q46

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

7. Let h be a constant and 90 <  < 90. If the figure shows the graph of y = h sin (x + ), then

A. h = 2 and  = 35.
B. h = 2 and  = 35.
C. h = 2 and  = 35.
D. h = 2 and  = 35.
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE Sample Paper Paper 2 Q42

8. For 0    90, the least value of is
3 cos   4 cos 2 (90   )

A. 7.
B. 12.
C. 21.
D. 28.
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE Practice Paper Paper 2 Q23

9. Let b be a constant and 90 <  < 90. If the figure shows the graph of y = b cos (x + ), then

A. b = 5 and  = 60.
B. b = 5 and  = 60.
C. b = 5 and  = 60.
D. b = 5 and  = 60.
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE Practice Paper Paper 2 Q38

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

10. The figure shows

A. the graph of y = 1 + 2 sin x .

B. the graph of y = 1 + 2 sin 2 x .
C. the graph of y = 3 + 2 sin x .
D. the graph of y = 3 + 2 sin 2 x .
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2012 Paper 2 Q39

11. Let a and b be constants. The figure shows the graph of y  a  b tan , where 0  x  .
Which of the following must be true?

I. a < 0
II. b > 0
 a
III. tan 
6 b
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2013 Paper 2 Q39

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

12. Let k be a positive constant and –180° < θ < 180°. If the figure shows the graph of
y = cos (kx°+ θ), then

O 50 170

A. k = and θ = –15°.
B. k = and θ = 15°.
C. k = and θ = –15°.
D. k = and θ = 15°.
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2015 Paper 2 Q39

13. Let A be a positive constant and  180    180 . If the figure shows the graph of
y  cos(Ax   ) , then

40 O

A. A ,  100 .
2 200
B. A  ,   .
3 3
C. A  ,   100 .
D. A  ,   150 .
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2015 Paper 2 Q39

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All-in-one Exam Pack Chapter 14 Trigonometry

14. Let p and q be constants. If the figure shows the graph of y = p sin (x + 90), then

O q

A. p = –4 and q = 180.
B. p = 4 and q = 180.
C. p = –4 and q = 270.
D. p = 4 and q = 270.
Public Exam Reference: HKDSE 2016 Paper 2 Q37

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