Montoya Burgos2003
Montoya Burgos2003
Montoya Burgos2003
Tropical South America possesses the largest ichthyofauna of any continental region. To
test whether palaeohydrological changes may have been the causes of such diversification,
the ‘hydrogeological’ hypothesis, the phylogenetic relationships of 51 representatives of
the catfish genus Hypostomus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) were inferred using mitochon-
drial D-loop haplotype sequences. Specimens were collected in all main tropical South
American rivers systems east to the Andes. The major interrelationships found with the
D-loop data were confirmed with a subset of 21 species using complete internal transcribed
spacer (ITS) region sequences. The phylogenetic analysis indicate that the genus Hyposto-
mus can be divided into four monophyletic clades. The historical biogeographical analysis
of each of these clades allows the identification of seven major cladogenetic events. Using
calibrated D-loop and ITS molecular clocks, date estimations were attributed to each of
these cladogenetic events allowing a linkage between four of them with documented hydro-
geological changes. Comparisons with published distribution patterns of unrelated fish
groups indicate that several of the reconstructed and dated hydrogeological–cladogenetic
events may have acted at a large scale on the diversification of Neotropical freshwater fish
fauna during late Tertiary.
Keywords: catfishes, diversification, D-loop, historical biogeography, Hypostomus, Neotropics
Received 24 October 2002; revision received 21 February 2003; accepted 5 March 2003
freshwater fishes (e.g. Lovejoy & De Araújo 2000), as well world, and providing material for repeatedly and inde-
as other vertebrates such as lizards (Glor et al. 2001). These pendently testing hypotheses of historical biogeography,
results point to another possible major force responsible few fruitful morphologically based hypotheses have
for the diversification and this is the particularly event- been proposed (Vari 1988). The reason lies in the poor
ful history of Neotropical river systems, which we will call knowledge of geographical distribution of species and
the ‘hydrogeological’ hypothesis. Models for the evolu- the fact that many taxa do not represent natural assem-
tionary diversification and biogeography of the Neotro- blages (Vari & Weitzman 1990). Despite the extensive use
pical aquatic fauna must indeed consider the long and complex of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) based phylogenies for
history of South America’s landscape and river systems. reconstructing phylogeographical patterns (Avise 2000),
The formation of drainage divides, shifting courses of only recently has the issue of Neotropical freshwater fish
rivers and repeated incursions and regressions of marine phylogeography and diversity been addressed using
waters must have produced many vicariant events pro- mtDNA (Hrbek & Larson 1999; Lovejoy & De Araújo 2000;
moting biotic enrichment (Lundberg 1998) (for alternative Martin & Bermingham 2000; Sivasundar et al. 2001).
models concerning nonaquatic vertebrates see Haffer The Neotropical catfish genus Hypostomus belongs to
1997). the family Loricariidae. Members of this family are easily
Freshwater fishes are largely incapable of surviving out- recognizable by their sucker-like mouth and by their
side their aquatic environment due to morphological and body covered with bony plates. The systematics of the
physiological limitations, so that even relatively minor ter- Loricariidae has been re-assessed recently using molecular
restrial barriers isolate populations within their drainage means, leading to an important revision at the subfamily
basins (Vari 1988). This property makes freshwater fishes level (Montoya-Burgos et al. 1997, 1998). In a recent study,
suitable organisms for investigating past geological and Montoya-Burgos et al. (2002) have investigated further the
environmental modifications, because the dispersal of phylogenetic relationships within Hypostomus and related
fishes is linked intimately to direct connections or head- genera using mitochondrial D-loop sequences. Several
waters captures between adjacent basins, which in turn reflect aspects of the systematics of these genera were clarified,
geomorphological or climatic changes (Lundberg 1993; leading to a revision of the genus Hypostomus.
Bermingham & Martin 1998). Thus, phylogeographical With about 110 species, the genus Hypostomus is one of
analysis of fish groups showing wide distribution ranges, the most diversified freshwater catfish group. Hypostomus
inhabiting all major river basins of the studied area, pro- species occur almost everywhere in East Andean tropical
vide natural information for the reconstruction of the his- and south temperate South America and colonize nearly
torical events that originated their diversification. all aquatic habitats, although preferring running waters.
Although Schaefer (1998) estimated 8000 species of They are mainly herbivorous or detritus-eating fishes, with
freshwater fishes in the Neotropical realm, making it the minor commercial importance. Because no marked migra-
largest ichthyofauna of any continental region in the tory behaviour has been reported for Hypostomus species,
Table 1 Documented hydrogeological changes which may have influence freshwater fishes diversification in the Neotropics
Fig. 2 (A) Maximum likelihood tree based on the D-loop sequences of Hypostomus species, obtained under the GTR + Γ model (ln L =
– 6726.965). The following model parameters were used: gamma shape parameter = 0.359; base frequency: A = 0.383, C = 0.194, G = 0.113,
T = 0.31; substitution matrix: AC = 0.894, AG = 9.175, AT = 0.845, CG = 0.397, CT = 6.987. Numbers above branches indicate bootstrap
support values above 50% for ML, MP and NJ methods, respectively. Bold letters are abbreviations used for naming clades (see text). (B)
Maximum likelihood tree of a subset of 21 Hypostomus species based on the ITS region and obtained under the GTR + Γ model (ln L =
– 4748.709). The following model parameters were used: gamma shape parameter = 0.345; base frequency: A = 0.169, C = 0.356, G = 0.327,
T = 0.148; substitution matrix: AC = 0.955, AG = 2.779, AT = 0.664, CG = 0.336, CT = 2.964. Numbers above branches indicate bootstrap
© 2003 Blackwell
support Publishing
values above ML,Molecular
50% forLtd, MP, and Ecology, 12, 1855–1867
NJ methods, respectively.
1860 J . I . M O N T O Y A - B U R G O S
D-loop ITS
Lineages ∆K SD P ∆K SD P
1204 + H. sp. 1211, H. sp. Tib13 and the clade composed by example, H. fonchii has been described very recently
H. commersonii + H. ancistroides + H. punctatus + H. affinis + (Weber & Montoya-Burgos 2002) while H. sp. 906, 1013
H. sp. 1161. Compared to the ML tree, the NJ tree differs in and 1134 are currently under description. The discovery,
(i) some interrelationships of basal species of clade D4; (ii) description and knowledge of species distribution is still a
H. luteomaculatus is placed as the sister taxa of H. regani + H. considerable challenge for Neotropical ichthyologists
nigromaculatus; (iii) H. sp. 699 is placed at the base of clade (Vari & Weitzman 1990). In this context, the biogeograph-
D3-1; and (iv) H. commersonii is placed as the sister taxa of ical analyses proposed hereafter have been based on the
H. punctatus + H. affinis + H. sp. 1161 + H. ancistroides. current available data on species distribution and for
Regardless of which method was used to construct the simplicity, species distribution ranges have been replaced
ITS phylogeny, the major groupings within Hypostomus by the point locality of the collected specimens (Figs 3
were identical to the D-loop tree. Figure 2B presents the and 4). In what follows, the discussed phylogenetic
ML tree (ln L = – 4748.709). The MP analysis resulted in relationships concern, in general, deeper than sister-
three equally parsimonious trees (length = 501; CI = 0.68; species relationships in order to reduce the potential
RI = 0.688), differing only in the interrelationships within problem of persistent ancestral polymorphism which may
clade D3-1. The NJ tree is identical to the ML tree. mislead the interpretations (for a relevant view of this
The four main Hypostomus clades, D1 to D4, which are topic, see Edwards & Beerli 2000). It will be assumed that
supported by bootstrap values above 50% with both data reciprocal monophyly of the D-loop haplotypes has been
sets, represent in addition homogeneous morphological reached among the discussed clades.
Fig. 3 Biogeographical scheme of Hypostomus clades D1 and D2. The cladograms show the resolved relationships found in both the D-loop
and ITS phylogenetic trees and which are supported by bootstrap values above 50%. In clade D1, the splitting between H. hondae
and H. plecostomoides can be dated to 8 Ma on the basis of geological evidence (see text). In clade D2, the two main boxes indicates lineages
found exclusively in the Amazon plus northeastern South America coastal rivers (NE coastal) and in the Paraná system plus eastern
South America coastal rivers (E coastal). Divergence date estimations were inferred using the D-loop and, when possible, the ITS molecular
H. hondae–H. plecostomoides separation date can be used for hydrogeographical changes and their temporal estimates
calibrating the molecular clock and inferring age estimates (Table 1).
throughout the ingroup subtree. For the D-loop data, The biogeographical analysis of clade D2 (Fig. 3) indi-
node-to-tip distances taken from the ML tree result in 7.4% cates an old splitting between species from the Amazon
sequence divergence between H. hondae and H. plecosto- plus northeastern South American coastal rivers (NE coastal
moides (for an 8-Ma period), that is 0.93% per Ma. Using rivers: French Guyana, Gurupí, Itapicurú and Parnaíba rivers)
this same procedure, the evolutionary rate for the ITS on one side and species inhabiting the Paraná system plus
region was estimated to be 0.31% sequence divergence per eastern South American coastal rivers (E coastal rivers:
Ma; that is, three times slower than the D-loop. The rate of Ribeira, Ubatiba and Paraíba rivers) on another side. The
sequence divergence obtained for the D-loop is 1.7–3.6 Paraná system refers to the Paraná, Paraguay and Uruguay
times less than previously reported estimations based on rivers. This splitting event can be dated between 11.4 and
other fish groups (Donaldson & Wilson 1999; Sivasundar 10.5 Ma (using the D-loop and ITS molecular clocks, respect-
et al. 2001). This difference can be explained by the exclu- ively). This major division and its inferred age match
sion from our analyses of the variable regions located at the almost perfectly with the documented boundary displace-
3′ and 5′ ends of the D-loop which could not be aligned ments between the northern palaeo Amazon–Orinoco
unambiguously, in particular with the distant outgroup system and the southern Paraná system which occurred
taxa (of the 1025 D-loop positions as a mean, only 660 could 11.8–10 Ma. (Table 1, event 2). These boundary changes must
be used). have implied water (and fish) exchanges between northern
In what follows, the phylogenetic data coupled with and southern river systems. Once interrupted (about
the distribution of Hypostomus species of clades D2, D3 10 Ma), separated populations might have speciate by allo-
and D4 will be analysed and contrasted with the known patry, giving rise to the two major lineages of clade D2.
Fig. 4 Biogeographical scheme of Hypostomus clades D3 and D4. The cladograms show only the congruent relationships found in both the
D-loop and ITS phylogenetic trees and supported by bootstrap values above 50%. In clade D3, the main boxes separate lineages
found exclusively in the Tocantins River (a major tributary of lower Amazon) and in the Paraná system. Within the latter a monophyletic
group emerges occurring in the São Francisco River. Date estimations were inferred using the D-loop and, when possible, the ITS molecular
In order to test the reliability of the phylogenetic divi- poral dimension of the boundary displacements between
sion between the northern system (NS) and the southern the palaeo Amazon–Orinoco system and the Paraná system
system (SS) lineages of clade D2, alternative topologies (11.8–10 Ma).
corresponding to different scenarios of river basin group- Within clade D2, the well-supported lineage inhabiting
ings were tested, based on the D-loop data set (Table 3, hypo- Amazon + NE coastal rivers diversified between 5.5 Ma
theses 1, 2, 3 and 4). Of the four alternative groupings tested, (separation between H. plecostomus and the remaining
the only grouping which was not significantly different species) and 5.3 Ma (separation among H. sp. 177, H. sp.
(P < 0.05) from the groupings of the ML tree was the sister 49 + 36, and H. sp. 219 + 270), according to the D-loop
group relationship of the Paraguay River species (H. bou- molecular clock (Fig. 3). These speciation events may have
lengeri) with the northern system species (Table 2, been promoted by the contemporaneous low sea-level
hypothesis 1). This means that at least all the Paraná, Uru- period reported between 6 and 5 Ma (Table 1, event 3). Due
guay and E coastal river species form a distinct lineage to the very shallow saltwater found along the coast of
while the Paraguayan species could eventually be the northeast South America (the Amazon fan, which formed
southern system species related most closely to the during late Miocene (Damuth & Kumar 1975)), a decrease
northern system lineage of clade D2. This scenario is of the sea level may have allowed fish dispersal among
not unfounded knowing that the headwater exchanges neighbouring rivers via delta connections or coastal marshes
between the northern and southern systems involved the (as seen today in the Guianas countries and in the Amapa
upper Paraguay and southern tributaries of the Amazon region of Brazil). Once these connections were interrupted
(Lundberg et al. 1998). Nevertheless, the divergence time by the subsequent sea level, increase (5 Ma), fish popula-
between the Uruguayan species and the northern system tions would have diverged by allopatric speciation.
lineage estimated on the basis of this plausible alternative Regarding the clade D2 lineage inhabiting Paraná + E
scenario is 9.7 Ma, which is still compatible with the tem- coastal rivers (Fig. 3), species from the E coastal rivers form
Clade D2
ML tree: (Northern Systemsa) (Southern Systemsb) 6726.96
Hypothesis 1: [(NS, Paraguay), remaining SS] 6734.41 7.44 0.082 0.506
Hypothesis 2: [(NS, Paraná), remaining SS] 6752.29 25.3 0.02* 0.048*
Hypothesis 3: [(NS, Paraguay, Paraná), remaining SS] 6751.41 24.4 0.007* 0.033*
Hypothesis 4: [remaining NS (SS, upper Amazon)] 6765.21 38.2 0.000* 0.003*
Clade D3
ML tree: [NS (SS + São Francisco)] 6726.96
Hypothesis 5: [(NS, São Francisco) SS] 6744.62 17.65 0.04*
a monophyletic clade emerging from Paraná system spe- respectively. The hydrogeological event which probably
cies. The origin of this coastal clade can be estimated to allowed the colonization of the São Francisco River is
about 4.2 Ma using the D-loop molecular clock. The hydro- the boundary displacement between the upper Paraná–
geological event, which may be geographically linked to São Francisco basins which occurred during the Tertiary
the isolation of the E coastal river species, is the disconnec- (Table 1, event 5). This time interval is, however, large and
tion of the coastal Paraíba River from the upper Paraná, a more refined geological dating is needed to correlate
which occurred in the middle Miocene (Table 1, event 4). this boundary displacement confidently with the origin of
However, if dated correctly, this hydrogeological change the São Francisco lineage.
predates the inferred age of the formation of the E coastal Within Hypostomus clade D4, the D-loop and the ITS data
rivers lineage and therefore cannot be the responsible provide poor phylogenetic resolution (Fig. 2). Neverthe-
vicariant event. More recent headwater captures must be less, an ancient splitting between Paraná system species
invoked to explain the origin of the E coastal lineage of and the NE coastal river species (H. johnii) is found again
clade D2, the members of which are, in turn, distributed in (Fig. 4). This biogeographical scheme, although reduced, is
three coastal rivers (Ribeira, Ubatiba, and Paraíba rivers) similar to the one found in clade D2 (Fig. 3). The estimated
which may have shared tributaries about 4 Ma (Fig. 3). age of this speciation event is 11.8 Ma (based on the branch
Within clade D3, Amazon species and Paraná system lengths of the D-loop tree leading to H. johnii and H. sp. Tib
species form two distinct lineages which originated 1). This is the third compatible and independent age
10.2 or 10.1 Ma according to the D-loop and the ITS estimation of a major biogeographical event separating
molecular clocks, respectively (Fig. 4). These very narrow Amazon plus NE coastal rivers species from Paraná
estimations correspond well with the date estimations system species (Table 1, event 2).
of the Amazon–Paraná dispersal event reported for Within the Paraná system species of clade D4, a mono-
clade D2 (11.4 and 10.5 Ma for the D-loop and ITS data, phyletic group emerges comprising all Uruguay River and
respectively). The concordance of the date estimations Jacuí River representatives (Fig. 4). The origin of this Uru-
obtained independently with two Hypostomus clades guayan clade can be dated to 9.3 Ma (using the D-loop
and two genetic markers suggests strongly that the same molecular clock), and may be correlated with the discon-
major hydrogeological change (Table 1, event 2) has driven nection of the Uruguay River from the upper Paraná which
allopatric speciation on both monophyletic clades. occurred during the Miocene (Table 1, event 6).
Regarding the Paraná system lineage of clade D3, a Under the assumption of an accurate calibration of the
monophyletic assemblage emerges comprising the São D-loop and ITS molecular clocks, the historical biogeo-
Francisco River representatives (Fig. 4). The inclusion of graphical study of Hypostomus has allowed the identifica-
this São Francisco lineage within the Paraná system tion and dating of seven main cladogenetic events linked
species is supported significantly better by the D-loop probably to hydrogeological changes distributed through-
data set than the alternative hypothesis grouping the out East-Andean South America (Fig. 5). Four of these
São Francisco lineage with the Amazon lineage of clade cladogenetic events coincide geographically and tem-
D3 (Table 3, hypothesis 5; KH test P < 0.05). The origin porally with documented geomorphological or climatic-
of the São Francisco clade can be dated to 5.7 Ma and associated changes, which are suggested therefore to be
6.4 Ma using the D-loop and the ITS molecular clocks, the primary vicariant causes.
endemic to the Uruguay and Lagoa dos Patos systems logical time span (6.4–3.5 Ma), are congruent with the
(Menezes 1988). Aside from the probable vicariant event distribution pattern of the catfish genus Neoplecostomus.
that separated upper Paraná from the Uruguay basin, This genus comprises six species which are exclusively
it should be noted that the present lower Paraná is restricted to upper Paraná, the headwaters of the São
connected to the lower Uruguay basin via the Rio de la Francisco River and E coastal rivers (Langeani 1990).
Plata estuary. This configuration has been maintained From this general survey it seems likely that the major
almost unchanged for the last 10 Ma (Lundberg et al. 1998). geological–cladogenetic events highlighted in the course
This estuarine connection may explain more recent diver- of this study might have acted at a larger scale, shaping
gence times among Uruguayan species and their closest the distribution patterns of many other Neotropical fish
Paraná system sister clades. For example, in clade D2, the groups.
Uruguayan H. commersoni diverged from E coastal rivers
and upper Paraná species about 4.2 Ma, while in clade D3
the Uruguayan H. luteomaculatus separated from upper
Paraná species about 6 Ma (according to the D-loop The great diversity of the Neotropical freshwater fishes
molecular clock). In addition, several conspecific popu- was suggested to be the result of a few million years of
lations are distributed currently along both systems, evolution (Roberts 1972; Haffer 1982). On the contrary,
dispersing most probably through Rio de la Plata (e.g. palaeontological and biogeographical works suggested
Sivasundar et al. 2001). that fish diversification up to the level of modern species
The third event is the rise of the Mérida Andes, which predated the Pleistocene (Weitzman & Weitzman 1982;
separated Lago Maracaibo from the palaeo Amazon– Lundberg 1997). According to Lundberg et al. (1998), much
Orinoco 8 Ma (Lundberg et al. 1998), and which was used of the diversity of freshwater fishes might be the outcome
here for calibrating the D-loop and ITS molecular clocks of palaeohydrological changes that promoted dispersals
(Fig. 5). The rise of the Mérida Andes probably represents followed by vicariant divergences. This constitutes the
a major vicariant event for Neotropical fish fauna in hydrogeological hypothesis. The historical biogeography
general, as documented for instance in the Characiformes of Hypostomus reveals that the many documented hydro-
genera Potamorhina (Vari 1988) and Prochilodus (Sivasundar geological changes are most probably at the origin of all
et al. 2001) and in the catfish genus Hoplosternum (Reis main cladogenetic events observed in the phylogeny of
1998). this genus. The comparison to unrelated fish taxa suggests
The fourth event regards fish dispersal (followed by that the majority of these geological or climatic changes
allopatric population divergence) among Amazon and NE have probably contributed to the shaping of the tremendous
coastal rivers, probably promoted by a low sea-level ichthyological diversity observed today. Taken together,
period about 6– 5 Ma (Fig. 5). Compatible distribution these results fulfil the prediction of the hydrogeological
patterns are found in Characiformes fishes where ende- hypothesis on the origin of the diversity of Neotropical
mic species from northeastern coastal rivers of Brazil have freshwater fishes. Moreover, the inferred date estimates
their closest relatives in the Amazon basin (Vari 1988). indicate that the main geological–cladogenetic episodes
Regarding Brazilian Shield rivers, headwaters captures in the evolutionary history of Hypostomus occurred be-
occurred from the upper Paraná to the São Francisco River, tween 12 and 4 Ma. These results provide a comple-
probably about 5.7–6.4 Ma (Fig. 5). These water exchanges mentary contribution to geology for the building of a more
reflect perfectly the present distribution patterns of the detailed picture of the landscape evolution in the Neo-
genus Piabina (Characiformes), the members of which are tropics during late Tertiary. However, because the history
restricted to upper Paraná and São Francisco basins, with of Neotropical rivers seems to be so complex and because
one occurrence in the Itapicuru River near the outlet of the its ichthyofauna is still poorly defined phylogenetically
São Francisco River (Vari & Harold 1998). and geographically, a comprehensive view of the tempo
The historical biogeography of Hypostomus also suggests and mode of the Neotropical landscape evolution and
headwater captures between the upper Paraná and E its role as a major biological diversifying force remains a
coastal rivers, about 4.2 Ma (Fig. 5), and water exchanges challenging issue.
among the E coastal rivers (4.3 – 3.5 Ma; Fig. 5). A similar
biogeographical situation was observed by Weitzman et al.
(1988) working on Glandulocaudini species (Characi-
I wish to thank M. Burgos, S. Fisch-Muller, V. Mahnert, J. A.
formes). Basal species of their morphological phylogeny
Montoya-Burgos, J. Pawlowski, C. Weber, E. B. Taylor and
inhabit Paraguay and Paraná basins while more derived three anonymous reviewers for their comments and valuable dis-
species are distributed along E coastal rivers. All these cussions. I owe many thanks to J. Armbruster, F. Langeani, P.-Y.
consecutive watershed divide displacements in eastern Le Bail, H. Ortega, P. de Rham, R. E. Reis, E. Pereira, J. Pezzi da
Brazilian Shield rivers, which occurred in a narrow geo- Silva and O. Shibatta, who provided precious material. I
acknowledge J. Fahrni for technical assistance. This project was Huelsenbeck JP, Crandall KA (1997) Phylogeny estimation and
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