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Study programme syllabus

The Swedish School of Textiles

Master in Fashion Management with specialisation in Fashion Marketing and Retailing

Magisterutbildning i Fashion Management med inriktning modemarknadsfring 60 Credits/hgskolepong

Ladok-code: DMAFM Level: Second cycle Approved by: , Version: 4.0 Valid from: Autumn 2011

General objectives
Second level education shall essentially build on the knowledge that students acquire in rst level education or corresponding knowledge. Second level education shall involve a deepening of knowledge, skills and abilities relative to rst level education and, in addition to what applies to rst level education, shall

further develop the students' ability to independently integrate and use knowledge, develop the students' ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, and develop the students' potential for professional activities that demand considerable independence or for research and development work.
(The Higher Educations Act, Chapter 1, Section 9)

After completing the training the student should have the skills for and be well prepared to work in various responsible positions in fashion trade. The programme is also a research preparatory education, which in turn provides a theoretical and applied perspective on the specic eld of profession. The student should after the training:

Be able to further develop the acquired knowledge of fashion marketing in a theoretical and applied way Be able to describe, identify, analyze and provide solutions to complex and reality-based problems within the fashion sector Be able to describe, understand, reect on and analyze the value of a brand and brand ownership. Understand and manage dierent fashion marketing practices towards the end customer Independently be able to plan, implement and measure communication campaigns in the fashion and apparel sector Be able to exchange knowledge about fashion marketing and brand management also with persons without specialized knowledge in the eld Be able to encourage others to innovations and solutions to complex problems within the fashion industry.

The curriculum is about understanding conditions and opportunities for stakeholders in the fashion sector, and how they can adapt to changes in the world market by knowledgeable approaches. There is a particular focus on branding, fashion marketing and fashion communication, where these three areas form a red thread through this programme. The consumer/brand relationship and retailing concepts are addressed in depth. The following courses and the nal thesis constitute the programme:

Alternative 1: Creative Businessmanship in the textile value chain 7.5 ECTS Alternative 2: Fashion Logistics 7.5 ECTS Fashion Retail Marketing 7.5 ECTS Fashion Consumer Behaviour 7.5 ECTS Fashion Brand Management 7.5 ECTS Visual communication, related to fashion and textile 7.5 ECTS Art of Business, 7.5 ECTS Final thesis in Fashion Management 15 ECTS

Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree in Technology/Engineering, Social Sciences, Media or Design, 180 credits, or equivalent. Veried knowledge of English corresponding to the course English B in the Swedish Upper Secondary School or a Bachelor's degree from a university in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland or Iceland.
For further information about English language proency, please view: (or equivalent).

Master of Science (60 credits) with a major in Fashion Management with specialisation in Fashion Marketing. Degree certicates are issued upon application on a special form. More information is available at

Student inuence and evaluation

In order to ensure that the programme and its courses support the purpose and objectives, a structured quality assurance programme has been initiated at the School. The foundation for that are the University College's quality policy and other policies that govern the UC's operations. They are complemented by the Swedish School of Textiles' own system for mandatory course evaluations and scheduled evaluation meeting where students and personnel in charge. At these meetings courses are evaluated in relation to each other and in relation to the overall objectives of the programme. Apart from those, programme meetings are held each month, engaging students and the head of the programme. The students are also represented on the School board. The

head of the programme hold regular informal as well as formal meetings with the students. These meetings are an important forum for quickly identifying problems and introducing suggestions and ideas from the students of the programme. The head of the programme is responsible for ensuring that there is progression in every course, and for structuring education methods in a programme with a large number of guest lecturers.

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