Lesson Plan 3rd Week

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Lesson Plan

English Course 3rd Week

Theme : Talking about School and Family
Tujuan Umum :
√ Siswa dapat berbicara tentang School and Family.
√ Siswa dapat menceritakan hal-hal yang menarik di sekolah.
√ Siswa dapat menceritakan hal-hal yang menarik di keluarga.
√ Siswa dapat menceritakan ciri khas di keluarga.
√ Siswa dapat mengenal dan menceritakan segala hal yang berkaitan dengan perpustakaan.
√ Siswa dapat mendeskripsikan kesulitan atau problems yang dihadapi di sekolah.

1st Day - Saturday, 18 June 2022

Material : School Library
Today we are going to discuss about school library
A. Opening (10 minutes)
● Greeting, siswa diajak untuk membuka pembelajaran dengan berdoa.
● Checking the attending list
● Warming up (listen to the music)

Hen says… are hens allowed in the library? I want a story!!

cos i want to go to the library shhhhhh…
are hens allowed in the library? baby says… goo ga! goo ga! library
I want a story! googa! goo ga! library!
Book,pook,pook,pook, such a lot of books! (3) googa! googa! library!
book,pook,pook,pook, such a lot of books! Me want story!!
book,pook,pook,pook, such a lot of books! ga, ga, book book, ga,ga, book
I want a story!! ga, ga, book book, ga ga, book
shhhhhh… ga, ga, book book, ga ga, book
Frog says… are frogs allowed in the library? Me want story!!
cos i want to go to the library shhhhhh…
are frogs allowed in the library Book, pook, pook, pook,
I want a story!! such a lot of books read it,read it
Read it, read it, read a lot of books! read a lot of books
read it, read it, read a lot of books! ga, ga, book book, ga, ga, book
read it, read it,read a lot of books! Me want story…shhhhhh…

B. Inti Pembelajaran (45 minutes)

● Preparation
➢ Exercise, circle the school library needs to give someone a library card (page 12)
● Activity 1 : Listening activity (10 minutes)
➢ Siswa mendengarkan audio
➢ Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan (page 12-13)
➢ Tutor mereview jawaban siswa
● Activity 2 : Vocabulary building (10 minutes)
➢ Tutor menjelaskan verbs vocabulary dan noun vocabulary yang berhubungan dengan School Library
➢ Tutor memberikan contoh dalam pengucapan dan siswa diminta untuk menirukan.

Verb Vocabulary
No Words Meaning 6 Discuss Membahas

1 Visit Mengunjungi 7 Study Belajar

2 Read Membaca 8 Write Menulis

3 Borrow Meminjam 9 Look For Mencari

4 Return Kembali 10 Tidy Rapi

5 Sit Duduk
No Words Meaning 7 Catalogue Card Kartu Katalog

1 Book Buku 8 Comics Komik

2 Novel Novel 9 Bookshelf Rak Buku

3 Magazine Majalah 10 Librarian Pustakawan

4 Atlas Atlas 11 Desk Meja

5 Globe Bola Dunia 12 Stool Bangku

6 Map Peta

● Activity 3 : Speak Up, discuss about school library (10 minutes)

➢ Siswa kita bentuk menjadi kelompok besar dan melingkar tentang School Library (page 13)

C. Closing (5 minutes)
● Tutor memberikan feedback akan pembelajaran hari ini
● Tutor memberikan review dan kesimpulan perihal pembelajaran
● Tutor menutup kelas

2nd Day - Sunday, 19 June 2022

Material : Homework Problem (part 6, page 14-15)
Today we are going to discuss about homework problems and everything related to school and homework.
A. Opening (5 minutes)
● Greeting, siswa diajak untuk membuka pembelajaran dengan berdoa.
● Checking the attending list
● Warming up
➢ Reviewing previous lesson
➢ Playing a game (whispering)
➢ Siswa dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok atau lebih, masing-masing kelompok berbaris menghadap
belakang. Siswa yang pertama mendapatkan kalimat yang harus dihafalkan lalu dibisikkan ke teman
selanjutnya hingga selesai. Siswa yang terakhir harus menyebutkan kalimat yang diberikan.
➢ Contoh kalimat yang bisa digunakan :
1. Don’t park your car in the park but park your car in the parking area.
2. Wildan’s homework will be done by Wildan if Willy wants to help him.
3. If Mr. Ken can can a can into a can, so we can do it too.
4. Shally should show me seashells when we are at the shore.

B. Inti Pembelajaran (45 minutes)

● Preparation (5 minutes)
➢ Siswa diajak memperhatikan gambar pada hlm 14, dan menanyakan pada siswa dengan beberapa
pertanyaan yang related. For example : Look at this picture, what is he doing? Do you ever have
problems at school? Do you ever have problems while doing homework? etc
● Activity 1 : Listening activity (10 mimutes)
➢ Siswa mendengarkan audio
➢ Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan (page 14-15)
➢ Siswa bersama dengan tutor mereview jawaban yang benar
● Activity 2 : Vocabulary building (5 minutes)

No Words Meaning 5 Improve Meningkatkan

1 Assignment Tugas 6 Academic Skills Kemampuan

2 Deskmate Teman Sebangku
7 Achievement Prestasi
3 Task Tagihan
8 Benefit Keuntungan
4 Exercise Latihan
9 Work on Group Kerja Kelompok 10 Deadline Tenggat Waktu

● Activity 3 : Talking about school and homework (10 minutes)

➢ Siswa diberikan penjelasan bahwa kita bisa menggunakan vocabs di atas untuk membuat dialog
tentang school and homework.
➢ Siswa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk memilih partner untuk berdialog
● Activity 4 : Having a conversation (15 minutes)
➢ Siswa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk maju ke depan mempraktekkan conversation tentang school
and homework

C. Closing (5 minutes)
● Tutor memberikan feedback akan pembelajaran hari ini.
● Tutor memberikan review dan kesimpulan perihal pembelajaran.
● Tutor menutup kelas.

3rd Day - Monday, 20 June 2022

Material : Talking about Your Family (Part 4, Page 9)
Today we are going to talk about your family and their character.
A. Opening (15 minutes)
● Greeting, siswa diajak untuk membuka pembelajaran dengan berdoa.
● Checking the attending list.
● Warming Up (Listening to Finger Family)
Daddy finger, daddy finger, What do you do
Where are you? Building things, building things, that's what I
Here I am, here I am. do
How do you do? Sister finger, sister finger,
Daddy finger, daddy finger, Where are you?
What do you do? Here I am, here I am.
Play guitar, play guitar, that's what I do How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, Sister finger, sister finger,
Where are you? What do you do?
Here I am, here I am. Draw and paint, draw and paint, that's what I
How do you do? do
Mommy finger, mommy finger, Baby finger, baby finger,
What do you do? Where are you?
Exercise, exercise, that's what I do Here I am, here I am.
Brother finger, brother finger, How do you do?
Where are you? Baby finger, baby finger,
Here I am, here I am. What do you do?
How do you do? Play with friends, play with friends, that's
Brother finger, brother finger, what I do

● Discussion about What is your family like?

➢ What is your Father like?
➢ What is your Mother like?
➢ What is your Siblings like?

B. Inti Pembelajaran (40 minutes)

● Preparation
➢ Matching words in the correct group (page 9)
● Activity 1 : Listening Activity (untuk aliyah/kondisional)
➢ Siswa mendengarkan audio
➢ Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan.
➢ Tutor mereview jawaban siswa.
● Activity 2 : Vocabulary Building

No Words Meaning 6 Marriage Pernikahan

1 Sibling Saudara 7 Divorce Perceraian

2 Twin Kembaran 8 Extended Family Keluarga Besar

3 Cousin Sepupu 9 Nuclear Family Keluarga Inti

4 Nephew Keponakan (lk) 10 Foster Family Keluarga Angkat

5 Niece Keponakan (PR)

● Activity 3 : Speaking
➢ Siswa diminta untuk menceritakan tentang ciri khas keluarga mereka.

C. Closing (5 minutes)
● Tutor memberikan feedback akan pembelajaran hari ini.
● Tutor memberikan review dan kesimpulan perihal pembelajaran.
● Tutor menutup kelas.

4th Day - Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Material : My Mom
A. Opening (5 minutes)
● Greeting, siswa diajak untuk membuka pembelajaran dengan berdoa.
● Checking the Attending List.
B. Inti Pembelajaran (50 minutes)
● Activity 1 : Listening Activity
Siswa mendengarkan lagu My Mom.
Siswa mengisi kata yang kosong sesuai yang didengarkan.
Siswa menyanyikan lagu My Mom bersama-sama
My Mom
Who should I give my 1) love to? Who used to hold you?
My respect and my honor to Before you could 7) walk
Who should I pay good mind to? And when you fell who picked you up
After Allah Clean your cut
And Rasulullah No one but your mother
Comes your mother My mother
Who next? Your mother 2x
And then your father Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to
Cause who used to 2) hold you Never say no to
And clean you and clothes you After Allah
Who used to feed you? And Rasulullah
And always be with you Comes your mother
When you were 3) sick Who next? Your mother 2x
Stay up all night And then your father
Holding you tight
That's right no other Cause who used to 8) hug you
Your mother (My mother) And buy you new clothes
Who should I 4) take good care of? comb your 9) hair
Giving all my love And blow your nose
Who should I 5) think most of? And when you cry
After Allah Who wiped your tears?
And Rasulullah Knows your 10) fears
Comes your mother Who really cares?
Who next? Your mother 2x My mother
And then your father Say Alhamdulillah
Thank you Allah 2x
Cause who used to 6) hear you For my mother.
Before you could talk
● Activity 2 : Speaking
◆ Tutor memberikan pertanyaan:
1. What do you feel about yor mother?
2. What will you do to make her proud?
3. What will you say to her if She is in front of you right now?
◆ Tutor memberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk bergantian maju ke depan menyampaikan
jawaban tersebut.

C. Closing (5 minutes)
● Tutor memberikan feedback akan pembelajaran hari ini.
● Tutor memberikan review dan kesimpulan perihal pembelajaran.
● Tutor menutup kelas.

5th Day - Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Puncak Tema
Afternoon Speaking
● Siswa berkumpul dengan siswa yang lainnya untuk MA di koridor depan kelas dan untuk Mts
& MI di koridor timur.
● Siswa diminta untuk melakukan diskusi dengan teman temannya bersama sama dengan
tema “Our School and Family”
● Para siswa diberikan selebaran
● Meminta siswa secara acak untuk maju kedepan untuk menceritakan hasil diskusinya.

6th Day - Thursday, 23 June 2022

▪ Evaluation
● Tutor melaksanakan evaluasi dan penilaian pembelajaran untuk para siswa.
● Siswa diminta maju per grup untuk mempraktikkan mini drama tentang:
a. At class.
b. At home.
c. At school canteen
Lyrics for 1st day

Hen says… are hens allowed in read it, read it, read a lot of books!
the library? read it, read it,read a lot of books!
cos i want to go to the library I want a story!!
are hens allowed in the library? shhhhhh…
I want a story! baby says… goo ga! goo ga!
Book,pook,pook,pook, such a lot of library
books! (3) googa! goo ga! library!
book,pook,pook,pook, such a lot of googa! googa! library!
books! Me want story!!
book,pook,pook,pook, such a lot of ga, ga, book book, ga,ga, book
books! ga, ga, book book, ga ga, book
I want a story!! ga, ga, book book, ga ga, book
shhhhhh… Me want story!!
Frog says… are frogs allowed in shhhhhh…
the library? Book, pook, pook, pook,
cos i want to go to the library such a lot of books read it,read it
are frogs allowed in the library read a lot of books
I want a story!! ga, ga, book book, ga, ga, book
Read it, read it, read a lot of books! Me want story…shhhhhh…

Vocabularies for 1st day

Things at the Library


Novel Magazine Atlas

Catalogue Card Comic


Stool Librarian
Vocabularies for 2nd day
Vocabularies for 3rd day

Lyrics for 3rd day

Daddy finger, daddy finger, What do you do

Where are you? Building things, building things, that's
Here I am, here I am. what I do
How do you do? Sister finger, sister finger,
Daddy finger, daddy finger, Where are you?
What do you do? Here I am, here I am.
Play guitar, play guitar, that's what I How do you do?
do Sister finger, sister finger,
Mommy finger, mommy finger, What do you do?
Where are you? Draw and paint, draw and paint,
Here I am, here I am. that's what I do
How do you do? Baby finger, baby finger,
Mommy finger, mommy finger, Where are you?
What do you do? Here I am, here I am.
Exercise, exercise, that's what I do How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, Baby finger, baby finger,
Where are you? What do you do?
Here I am, here I am. Play with friends, play with friends,
How do you do? that's what I do
Brother finger, brother finger,
Song for 4th day

My Mom
Who should I give my 1) ..... to? Who used to hold you?
My respect and my honor to Before you could 7) .....
Who should I pay good mind to? And when you fell who picked you up
After Allah Clean your cut
And Rasulullah No one but your mother
Comes your mother My mother
Who next? Your mother 2x
And then your father Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to
Cause who used to 2) ..... you Never say no to
And clean you and clothes you After Allah
Who used to feed you? And Rasulullah
And always be with you Comes your mother
When you were 3) ..... Who next? Your mother 2x
Stay up all night And then your father
Holding you tight
That's right no other Cause who used to 8) ..... you
Your mother (My mother) And buy you new clothes
Who should I 4) ..... good care of? comb your 9) .....
Giving all my love And blow your nose
Who should I 5) ..... most of? And when you cry
After Allah Who wiped your tears?
And Rasulullah Knows your 10) .....
Comes your mother Who really cares?
Who next? Your mother 2x My mother
And then your father Say Alhamdulillah
Thank you Allah 2x
Cause who used to 6) ..... you For my mother.
Before you could talk
Afternoon Speaking
About School and Family
Name : ................................................................
Class of course : ................................................................
Class of origin : ................................................................
What do you like most What is your favorite What is your favorite What is your best
from your school? lesson? Why? teacher? Why? moment at school?

How many people are What job does your What job does your What is your sweet
there in your home? father have? mother have? memory with family?
No Words Meaning 24 Deskmate Teman
1 Visit Mengunjungi
25 Task Tagihan
2 Read Membaca
26 Exercise Latihan
3 Borrow Meminjam
27 Improve Meningkatkan
4 Return Kembali
28 Academic Skills Kemampuan
5 Sit Duduk Akademik

6 Discuss Membahas 29 Achievement Prestasi

7 Study Belajar 30 Benefit Keuntungan

8 Write Menulis 31 Work on Group Kerja Kelompok

9 Look For Mencari 32 Deadline Tenggat Waktu

10 Tidy Rapi 33 Sibling Saudara

11 Book Buku 34 Twin Kembaran

12 Novel Novel 35 Cousin Sepupu

13 Magazine Majalah 36 Nephew Keponakan (lk)

14 Atlas Atlas 37 Niece Keponakan (PR)

15 Globe Bola Dunia 38 Marriage Pernikahan

16 Map Peta 39 Divorce Perceraian

17 Catalogue Card Kartu Katalog 40 Extended Keluarga Besar

18 Comics Komik
41 Nuclear Family Keluarga Inti
19 Bookshelf Rak Buku
42 Foster Family Keluarga
20 Librarian Pustakawan Angkat
21 Desk Meja

22 Stool Bangku

23 Assignment Tugas

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