API 570 Importance
API 570 Importance
of steel networks at various pipeline and CGS locations which may later be threats to our
gas supply. Detailed analysed reports covering advanced NDT interpretation remarks,
external CUI inspections, areas of concern, etc. have been submitted.
In view of this, emphasis is to be given to employee's skill development and upgradation of
knowledge by providing relevant training/certifications courses viz. API 570, ASNT level III,
CP level II, PCN etc.
API program provides certification for API 570 for personnel whose specific jobs requires in-
depth knowledge of the technical principles underlying the Integrity inspections like NDT,
wall thickness measurement, corrosion monitoring, etc. that are performed on steel network.
Steel construction sites are increasing day by day. Additionally, due to government
infrastructure projects our NRO, valve replacements, and hot-tapping jobs also increased
and to maintain the integrity of old pipelines i.e. In-service pipelines and special care to be
taken for HDD, Nallah, and river crossings which requires proficient engineers to carry out
vital inspection activities in the field.
This certification program shall cover comprehensive technical topics as listed below which
may useful to perform our duties in a better way: