3D Bioprinting and The Future of Surgery: Thomas H. Jovic, Emman J. Combellack, Zita M. Jessop and Iain S. Whitaker

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published: 27 November 2020
doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2020.609836

3D Bioprinting and the Future of

Thomas H. Jovic 1,2 , Emman J. Combellack 1,2 , Zita M. Jessop 1,2 and Iain S. Whitaker 1,2*
Reconstructive Surgery and Regenerative Medicine Research Group, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom,
Welsh Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, United Kingdom

Introduction: The disciplines of 3D bioprinting and surgery have witnessed incremental

transformations over the last century. 3D bioprinting is a convergence of biology and
engineering technologies, mirroring the clinical need to produce viable biological tissue
through advancements in printing, regenerative medicine and materials science. To
outline the current and future challenges of 3D bioprinting technology in surgery.
Methods: A comprehensive literature search was undertaken using the MEDLINE,
EMBASE and Google Scholar databases between 2000 and 2019. A narrative synthesis
of the resulting literature was produced to discuss 3D bioprinting, current and future
challenges, the role in personalized medicine and transplantation surgery and the global
3D bioprinting market.
Edited by: Results: The next 20 years will see the advent of bioprinted implants for surgical
Warren Matthew Rozen,
use, however the path to clinical incorporation will be fraught with an array of ethical,
Monash University, Australia
regulatory and technical challenges of which each must be surmounted. Previous clinical
Reviewed by:
Vijayavenkataraman Sanjairaj, cases where regulatory processes have been bypassed have led to poor outcomes and
New York University Abu Dhabi, controversy. Speculated roles of 3D bioprinting in surgery include the production of de
United Arab Emirates
Michael P. Chae, novo organs for transplantation and use of autologous cellular material for personalized
Peninsula Health, Australia medicine. The promise of these technologies has sparked an industrial revolution, leading
Rachna Ram,
to an exponential growth of the 3D bioprinting market worth billions of dollars.
Monash Health, Australia

*Correspondence: Conclusion: Effective translation requires the input of scientists, engineers, clinicians,
Iain S. Whitaker and regulatory bodies: there is a need for a collaborative effort to translate this impactful
[email protected]
technology into a real-world healthcare setting and potentially transform the future
of surgery.
Specialty section:
Keywords: 3D printing, transplantation, biotechnology, bioprinting, reconstruction
This article was submitted to
Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Surgery INTRODUCTION
Received: 24 September 2020
The advent of three-dimensional (3D) printing has evoked a global industrial revolution, garnering
Accepted: 06 November 2020
Published: 27 November 2020
the attention of the public and media in the process. Despite having its roots in the automotive,
packaging and architectural domains (1), major developments in 3D printing technology have
Jovic TH, Combellack EJ, Jessop ZM
born witness to an expanded role of printing technologies, spanning into healthcare research and
and Whitaker IS (2020) 3D Bioprinting prompting the development of numerous medical devices, models and prosthetics.
and the Future of Surgery. Surgery too has witnessed incremental transformations over the past century, with the
Front. Surg. 7:609836. introduction of microsurgery, transplantation and robotics augmenting the array of treatments
doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2020.609836 available for patients. As the scope and complexity of surgical interventions broadens so too does

Frontiers in Surgery | www.frontiersin.org 1 November 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 609836

Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

the need to adequately plan and prepare for surgery. Challenges of Cell Source Selection
Furthermore, many procedures, particularly in reconstructive Within the healthcare setting itself, the origins of both cell
and transplantation surgery remain hindered by the availability sources and bioink materials may spark further debate. Firstly,
of donor tissues and organs, the morbidity associated with cells used to create simple tissue structures such as heart valves
tissue harvest and the potential complications related to could feasibly be derived from either animals or humans, as with
immunosuppression (2, 3). 3D printing software can be used the porcine valves currently used in clinical practice. Animal
to extract digital data from patient images such as computed sources are likely to enable greater mass production of tissue
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or laser scanning for surgical use but consist of allogenic material with a risk of
to yield custom-made and personalized constructs for surgical disease xenotransmission (12). In contrast, human sources offer
planning and implantation (1). In particular, the incorporation greater biocompatibility and the opportunity for personalisation,
of a biological component would transform this established but their use is likely to be fraught with tighter regulation,
technology, with the potential to revolutionize personalized lengthier production times and higher costs. Many donor related
healthcare through the advent of autologous living implants akin ethical concerns could be bypassed by the use of autologous
to the patient’s own tissue. cell sources, however the accessibility of certain cell types and
3D printing holds incredible potential for the future of the presence of genetic diseases may cloud the ethical and
surgery, as acknowledged by the Royal College of Surgeons in regulatory aspects of autologous cell sourcing (13). In addition,
the Commission on the Future of Surgery (4). The biological due to limited human trials of successful clinical translation of
applications of 3D printing technology, or “bioprinting,” tissue engineered constructs at present, there remains an element
traverse the disciplines of human biology, materials science of unpredictability regarding how autologous cells will behave.
and mechanical engineering, and incorporates this into clinical The biological component of implants make integration and
practice to yield novel and personalized surgical options for interactions more unpredictable when inserted into hosts than
patients (5, 6). Successful implementation could lead to a currently used stents, pacemakers and artificial joints. Differences
paradigm shift in surgical outcomes, with the potential to obviate in patient’s genotypes will affect processes such as cell migration,
the need for donor organs for transplantation surgery and post-printing phenotype, oncogenic potential (particularly in
offering the restoration of form and function without painful and immortalized cell populations) and dysregulated differentiation,
destructive donor sites (7). Throughout the course of this review such as fat derived stem cells producing ectopic bone for example
article we aim to identify the key roles this technology may play in (14, 15). Teratoma formation and the recurrence or potentiation
the future of surgery and explore the pivotal considerations and of malignancy from the use of stem cells remains a significant
challenges that remain to be addressed prior to the integration scientific concern: a first in human trial of induced pluripotent
of three-dimensional printing and bioprinting into mainstream stem cells in Japan was ceased due to the genomic mutations that
surgical practice. developed (16, 17).

Challenges of Biological Ink (Bioink) Selection

3D BIOPRINTING IN SURGERY Irrespective of cell sources, the materials selected for bioink
production must be biocompatible before being considered
Addressing the Current and Future for use in humans. The immunogenicity and toxicity of
Challenges to Translation bioinks will necessitate further investigation prior to human
The Promise of 3D Bioprinting trials (18). Many materials are derived from non-human
The introduction of 3D printing into surgical practice is organisms such as alginate from seaweed and gelatin from
already underway. An example of successful integration is the porcine material. The foreign nature of these components
ability to 3D print customized titanium prosthetics which has risk immunogenicity, inflammation and infection (12, 19). The
revolutionized personalized maxillofacial surgery in the UK production of degradable biomaterials has attracted significant
(8), and the ability to emulate the success of this technology research interest due to their potential to create scaffolds
in 3D printing tissue holds the potential to revolutionize that resorb, as new tissue forms to replace it (18). Further
transplantation surgery and reconstructive surgery (9). research is also needed to investigate the risk of toxicity as
It is the promise of a biological component in technologies by-products are released into bloodstream, and undergo renal
such as bioprinting that presents the most significant challenges or hepatic clearance (20). The bioprinting process itself, in
to 3D printing in surgery. There have been a number particular for extrusion based bioprinting, may exert shear
of recent reports that have raised concerns regarding the forces on cells. Mechanotransduction pathways may disrupt
adoption of regenerative medical interventions such as 3D cell behavior and direct stem cells down certain, potentially
bioprinting into mainstream clinical practice (10). The process undesired lineages (21). Furthermore, many hydrogel materials
of bioprinting requires cells, bioinks and bioprinters, each used as bioinks are required to be crosslinked post-printing to
of which presents biological, technical and ethical challenges maintain their 3D shape. Crosslinking often requires chemical,
and uncertainty regarding clinical effectiveness and cost- thermal or enzymatic catalysis which may be cytotoxic or induce
effectiveness (11). As such, the translation of 3D bioprinting DNA damage, an example of which is the use of ultraviolet
into mainstream clinical practice will be fraught with significant light as a photopolymerisation agent (22). For many of these
challenges (Figure 1). crosslinking processes, the genotoxic effects of free radicals and

Frontiers in Surgery | www.frontiersin.org 2 November 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 609836

Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

FIGURE 1 | Challenges for clinical translation in 3D bioprinting. The main challenges to clinically translating bioprinting technology traverse in vitro, in vivo and clinical
domains, requiring the support of financial investment, a robust logistical network and engagement from multidisciplinary professionals.

ultraviolet irradiation on DNA damage may not be immediately cost effectiveness and biography (11). The classification of
apparent (22). complex and novel regenerative and gene medicinal products was
expanded to include tissue engineered constructs which sought
Regulatory Challenges to define Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) (23).
Regulation of these products is another challenge. The high This class of innovative therapies represents a novel group of
degree of personalisation in construct shape and genetic material therapeutic agents with significant differences to those therapies
renders bioprinted tissue a “custom made device.” The inclusion currently licensed and available on the market (24). In an
of biological material complicates the picture, and governing effort to standardize market availability within the European
bodies worldwide such as the FDA are failing to keep abreast Union (EU) the European Commission (EC) established the
of the rapidly developing field of bioprinting, with currently ATMP Regulation (EC 1394/2007) alongside directive 2009/120
unclear guidance and regulations for such technology (13). which created definitions for these novel technologies alongside
The challenge with regenerative medicine and tissue engineered marketing authorization (MA) guidance (25). As one of the
technologies and their components are their classification and four product types covered by the ATMP umbrella, Tissue
ultimate regulation in all facets of design, production, handing. engineered products (TEPs) have seen a slow progression over
The seemingly endless innovation and advancement of these the last 10 years, with relatively few transitioning from concept
technologies illustrates the intersection of a number of different to patient application. The complexity of UK and EU regulation,
pathways covering a broad taxonomy of perceived utility, coupled with challenges at a regional level with safety, scalability

Frontiers in Surgery | www.frontiersin.org 3 November 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 609836

Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

and reliable production has posed a number of challenges for (31). Indeed the inadequacy of preclinical evidence in this
regulators and applicants alike. The majority of these innovations instance, reiterates the importance of a robust foundation of
are being produced within academic institutions rather than scientific and clinical validity prior to clinical implementation
commercial enterprises (26). The challenges therefore must (3). Other challenges in designing clinical trials include the fact
be addressed by clearer communication between regulatory that patients cannot withdraw post-implantation, and consent for
bodies and organizations seeking to produce and market TEPs trial inclusion is challenging where the extent of complications
for clinical use. The EU regulatory committees recognize is uncertain. A perceived benefit of three dimensional structures
the challenges posed by the complex nature of these novel is that at least a degree of reversibility exists in their ability
technologies and need for development of bespoke guidance to be excised if problematic, whereas injectable stem cell and
as new challenges arise. In the UK, regulators such as the gene based therapies may prove extremely challenging, if not
MHRA should be engaged early to facilitate the development impossible, to reverse (13).
of processes and pathways which will ultimately meet standards
required to scale tissue engineered constructs for both clinical Technological and Institutional Readiness
trials and commercial manufacture. Outside the healthcare Should bioprinted technologies surpass the obstacles of clinical
setting, incremental advancements in three-dimensional printing proof of concept, widespread uptake of the technology presents
technology are yielding more affordable and compact printing a further set of significant challenges. The pathway from
systems at an astonishing rate. This rapid evolution indicates conception to implementation in patients can be mirrored
three dimensional printers may eventually become household through the concept of the “Technology Readiness Scale” (32)
items, much like conventional inkjet printers (27). With (Figure 2). In the field of bioprinting, much of the current
these ambitious aspirations however, come fears of the power research exists in the TRL1-4 stages; in vitro experimentation
of such technology being widely accessible. Concerns of with the optimisation of scaffold and cell source combinations,
unregulated and “DIY” home use may facilitate bioterrorism bioinks and 3D printing methods and construct analysis (33).
(28) and unregulated surgical practices, much like the current There are a handful of groups worldwide who report the use
epidemic of unregulated injectables such as botulinum toxin of 3D bioprinted cartilage, bone, skin and vessel constructs
and fillers. in animal models (33) and occasional cases of 3D printing
technology being used to make biological constructs in humans
Ethical Challenges (34, 35). In addition to pursuing the appropriate steps of
The design of clinical trials will also prove challenging: it would technological readiness as outlined in Figure 2, it is becoming
be unethical to trial tissue engineered organ transplantation on increasingly apparent that “institutional readiness” will be of
healthy volunteers, and the use of patient specific cell populations equal importance in ensuring translation of tissue engineered
mean that the patient themselves would need to act as their products into routine clinical practice (10).
own control, introducing a high degree of heterogeneity when The concept of institutional readiness is a social sciences
attempting to assess treatment efficacy (13). This could be concept which in essence is a “measure of the capacity and
particularly problematic when interpreting favorable results from willingness of organizations and inter-organizational structures
clinical trial patients: how much of the effect is the patient’s to adopt, respond to and utilize novel technologies” (10). The
inherent response to treatment and how much is attributable to significance of institutional readiness is that it may impact the
the bioprinted product itself? A valid and comprehensive means technology readiness scale. This may be particularly stark when
of evaluating the effect of bioprinted interventions need to be extrapolated to regenerative medicine interventions: absence of a
formally defined prior to commencing any clinical trials of value clear structure within which regenerative medicine interventions
in this area. Indeed, the only trials of tissue engineered constructs can be implemented into health services obstructs the pathway
to date have been in patients with terminal disease, where such from inception to clinical and commercial success, with the
“last resort” options are often considered “more ethical,” despite potential to deter investors (10). Institutions who will be
the uncertainty of complications. Examples include the use of responsible for the delivery of regenerative therapies must also
skeletonized trachea from cadaveric sources, seeded with patient display the readiness to cope with the demand for these services.
mesenchymal stem cells for use in surgery (29). In these instances, This is likely to include logistical considerations including
the key to acquiring ethical approval was in the portrayal of adequate transport, storage and facilities near to patient for
the patients’ clinical urgency. Describing the trial of a tissue GMP-licensed manufacturing (10). Additionally, facilities will be
engineered trachea as the last resort option and as a final required for the acquisition of donor and autologous tissue for
chance at a lifesaving intervention facilitated the acquisition bioengineering and bioprinting which may include integration
of ethical approval to implement the treatment in patients (2, with the blood and transplant services as an established clinical
30). This approach was effective in driving an incremental step body for handling tissue and preparing recipients (36).
in translational bioengineering but is a shortcut that presents One of the keys to translation will be the engagement and
significant limitations. active role of clinicians in ensuring the developments from
The caveat to such advancements is the potential to generate basic science regenerative medicine and bioprinting research is
uncontrolled and unethical practice. This is particularly starkly ethically and clinically viable for widespread use in patients. One
demonstrated by the Macchiarini scandal, where the outcomes of the ways in which this might be expedited is through the use of
of the synthetic trachea implantation were falsely augmented surgically led, rather than research-led units (30).

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Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

FIGURE 2 | Translation of emerging medical technology into clinical use FIGURE 3 | Anticipated trajectory of bioprinting for surgical applications. Major
through the Technology Readiness Level model (32). developments in the uses of 3D bioprinted tissue are expected over the next
10–15 years, initially focussing on simple tissue models for drug and cosmetic
testing, followed by an increasing number of animal and clinical trials of 3D
bioprinted tissue over the next 10 years. Success in these platforms is likely to
pave the way for more complex 3D bioprinted constructs such as organs to
What Are the Anticipated Developments in make an appearance in clinical trials.
3D Bioprinting in the Next 20 Years?
As a biofabrication technology, bioprinting encompasses a
combination of software, hardware and wetware processes to
enable both high throughput and precise placement of cells, long positioned at the head of the market. Their repertoire rapidly
biomolecules and biomaterials in a spatially controlled manner. expanded to include printed kidney and liver tissue models for
These properties render bioprinting an ideal technology to research purposes in addition to 3D skin models for cosmetic
replicate native living organoids, tissues and organs, “printing a testing. However, as with many new technological advancements,
living environment” for both translational medicine and research the need for significant investment front loaded in research
purposes. It applies the core doctrines of tissue engineering and development alongside infrastructure development often
research in which tissue architecture is emulated through the creates additional expectation. Whilst overall market investment
optimal selection of cell, scaffold and growth factor combinations matched initial hype surrounding the technology, perceived lack
(1), potentiated by the ability to customize, automate and of progress resulted in a divestment and directional change
replicate the end tissue engineered product (33). for the company in 2019. Twelve years after their 2007 bio-
printing debut their CEO Taylor Crouch announced a directional
Stage 1: 3D Bioprinting for Drug and Cosmetic change citing lack of sufficient resources to handle the challenges
Testing presented by the “variability of biological performance and
Organovo were the first company to enter the 3D bioprinting related duration of potential benefits” of its lead programme. For
sphere in 2007, offering functional bioprinted blood vessels. As many this illustrated one of the key issues in the bioprinting
early adopters of the technology, the San Diego based biotech market regarding long term investment balanced against market
paved the way for creation of 3D bioprinted organoids and were expectations of a return in a timely fashion. Despite taking a hit

Frontiers in Surgery | www.frontiersin.org 5 November 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 609836

Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

in share price, a recent merger with Tarveda Theraputics has seen neovascularisation to enable the survival of the tissue construct
the company change direction with a focus on precision oncology (46). Mastery of composite tissue engineering is likely to
medicines. In spite of this strategic change, the value of 3D precede the ability to produce functional organs, which in
bioprinted models for drug testing and basic science research has addition to surmounting the challenges of multiple cell types
significant value and remains a key area of research investment. and vascularisation will require organization of tissue into
Currently used cell lines and animal models often fail to emulate an organ-specific topography and mimicry of the complex
the behavior of human tissues and underpin many of the failures endocrine and physiological roles served by solid organs (47).
of translation to human clinical drug trials. Currently, several Furthermore, detailed assessments of the safety, longevity and
drug companies are printing tissue for use in drug testing: Aspect biocompatibility of smaller bioprinted constructs will need to
Biosystems have been developing bioprinted lung tissue for this first be verified and optimized prior to the irreversible action of
purpose since 2015 (37). transplanting a large construct with physiological roles such as a
solid organ.
Stage 2: 3D Bioprinting of Simple Tissues
It has been predicted that the early stages of using bioprinted
products for implantation will occur in the early 2020s (38). It Is There a Role for 3D Bioprinting in
is speculated that the advent of bioprinted implants will spark the
emergence of bioprinted tissue for use in regenerative medical
Personalized Medicine?
3D bioprinting offers the opportunity to manage disease
and implant-based therapies over the course of the next decade
through personalized treatments and to produce therapeutics
(38). Reconstructive surgery concerns the restoration of form
on an industrial scale (48). Bioprinting is likely to augment
and function to patients affected by congenital abnormalities,
personalized healthcare through efficient coupling of diagnosis
trauma, malignancy and burns. In many cases, this population
to intervention, translating patient specific images into tailored
would benefit from relatively small amounts of tissue to restore
implants and prosthetics, advancing cell and gene-based
their form or function. The current treatment options rely heavily
therapies and regenerative medicine.
on the use of autologous donor tissue to improve the defect.
The cost of such a treatment is the creation of a defect or
scar elsewhere on the body. Bioprinting offers the potential to 3D Printed Implants and Prosthetics
evade donor sites and the associated complications of their use Firstly, with open source 3D printing files compatible with
with the potential to be life changing. Connective tissues are an most printer-based technology available on the internet, there
achievable medium-term goal for bioprinting. Structures such is an increased availability of “blueprints” from which clinicians
as cartilage are avascular, aneural and devoid of the extensive can choose and initiate printing of a 3D product within
cell-cell connections that underpin solid viscera (39). As such, minutes (49). By decentralizing the manufacturing process and
they have been a subject of increasing interest from scientists, circumventing transportation and logistical barriers that delay
clinicians, industry and investors alike (40). Despite global efforts treatment clinicians would have greater access to a range of print
to advance connective tissue bioengineering, there remains a files for their patients. For example, upon diagnosis of severe
lack of successful translation. There remains a degree of dispute aortic stenosis, the blueprint for a new aortic valve could be
regarding optimal cell sources and scaffolds (41), means of downloaded and printed within minutes. Bioprinting also means
ensuring adequate vascularization (42), characterization and that the valve could be printed with bioinks such as collagen, that
proof of safety prior to implantation (43), and durability in more closely emulate native tissue valves than plastics (50), or
animal models (41). Current high-profile failures in tissue even with the patient’s native valvular cells to truly personalize
engineering cartilage (in part due to the clinical models in which the product (51). To a degree, similar processes already exist for
they were used) highlight the current shortcomings. dental fillings and neurosurgical cranial plugs (52).
This potential to rapidly download and produce 3D products
Stage 3: 3D Bioprinting of Complex Tissues and based on tissue blueprints could even be extrapolated to
Organs simple, generic prosthetics. However, the availability of medical
The natural progression thereafter would be to engineer images such as CT scans and increasingly seamless integration
composite tissues. Clinically, defects in need of surgical into 3D printing technologies means true customization and
reconstruction often consist of multiple cell types, for example anatomical matching is an achievable reality. In maxillofacial
cartilage perichondrium and skin in ear reconstruction (44), surgery, a combination of contour models, guides, splints
or bone, periosteum and mucous membranes in cleft palate and implants have been extensively generated through 3D
repair. Although significant advancements are being made in the printing with an average production time of under 24 h (53).
engineering of single tissue types, composite tissue engineering This technology could be extrapolated to joint replacements,
adds an additional layer of complexity (45). Production of pacemakers, cochlear implants and other implantable medical
multilaminar constructs requires a combining of scaffolds, devices. Furthermore, three dimensional printing enables the
cell source and environments that accommodate each of the specific seeding of pharmaceutical agents such as antimicrobial,
intended tissue types. Furthermore, the maintenance of an immunomodulatory or analgesic agents during the printing
appropriate interface between the tissue layers, such as in process with the potential to generate a new class of bioactive
skin, presents a new obstacle, compounded by the need for medical implants (54).

Frontiers in Surgery | www.frontiersin.org 6 November 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 609836

Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

Biologically Active 3D Printed Implants that work in synergy to maintain the structural and functional
The ability to incorporate cells into the 3D constructs would components of the organ. The complex interplay between
additionally transform the ability to personalize pharmaceutical bile ducts, hepatocytes, vasculature and connective tissue act
and disease management. Currently, several drug companies are synergistically to serve digestive, endocrine and hematological
printing tissue for use in drug testing: Aspect Biosystems have roles. Although tissue engineering and 3D bioprinting may
been developing bioprinted lung tissue for this purpose since ultimately be able to emulate the complex topography and
2015 (37). 3D bioprinting research has also been expanded to function of solid viscera, replication of this interplay in vitro will
address the management of diseases such as type 1 diabetes, be fraught with technical and biological difficulty (61).
through the 3D printing of human beta-like cells capable of The high resolution of bioprinting conveys the advantage
glucose mediated insulin secretion (55, 56). of enabling the deposition in nano to microscale array to
The next step in revolutionizing personalized prosthetics is mirror histological and macroscopic morphology of different
a like-for-like replacement of the defective tissue with tissue tissues (62). In the post-processing phase, bioreactors offer a
engineered constructs. 3D bioprinting offers the ability to print dynamic environment for tissue maturation to occur, though
constructs such as ears in the exact shape of the patients missing precautions must be implemented to minimize the risk of
auricle using a bioink conducive of de novo cartilage formation tissue damage during the maturation process (63). Bioprinting
(44). As such, when laced with the patient’s own cartilage cells, is currently the best suited biofabrication method to achieve the
an exact cartilaginous match of the contralateral ear could be required porosity, geometry and interconnectivity of complex
generated. The mastery of 3D bioprinting would merge the structures such as solid viscera and is likely to underpin major
accuracy of printed medical prosthetics with the benefits of advancements in the field over the next 20 years. To date, there
autologous reconstruction to yield a replacement that would have been a number of first in human implantations of tissue-
be unparalleled in its resemblance to native tissue (33). As engineered constructs, not all of which have been successful,
previously discussed, the ultimate potential of 3D bioprinting highlighting the need for robust preclinical evidence and high-
is the production of patient specific body parts such as organs quality clinical trials in this field to ensure patient safety (Table 1).
and limbs, with the capability of revolutionizing personalized
medicine and surgery. The Role and Growth of the Global 3D
Bioprinting Market
Is 3D Bioprinting the Answer to Organ and Market Overview: Base Technology
Tissue Transplantation? The exponential development of the 3D bioprinting market
The Clinical Need for 3D Bioprinting in both the academic and commercial settings is largely due
There is an increasing clinical need for organ and tissue to the successful development and adaptation of the base
replacement therapy (57). In 2016–2017, 6389 patients were technologies first pioneered in the 1980s. The 3D printing
awaiting an organ transplant in the UK, yet only 3712 donor and additive manufacturing (AM) industry surpassed forecasted
transplants were available during this period (58). These statistics growth expectations and in the “2018 Wohlers Report” they
underpin the sobering paradigm of modern healthcare: the cited a 21% growth of AM products and services world-
availability of resources is an inadequate solution to the scale of wide, currently valuing the market at $7.336 Billion, $1 Billion
the clinical problem. In addition to the stark shortage of suitable ahead of initial projections. Key investments in Research and
organ donors, receipt of an organ transplant requires a lifetime Development and the significant development of entry level
of immunosuppressive medication whilst still retaining a lifetime platform technologies saw an estimated 520,000 desktop 3D
risk of rejection and immune-mediated diseases. Ultimately, printers under $5000 sold in just 2 years, with Ultimaker,
these patients may find themselves in need of an additional organ MakerBot and Aleph Objects contributing to an estimated
transplant or even facing death. The promise of bioprinting is $500 million made from just this technology alone (68).
to truly personalize tissue engineering: using a patient’s own Regardless of the product offering companies continue to use
cells and genetic material to generate a replacement viscera and refine one of the four main print-head technologies;
in a shape and structure that matches their own anatomy. extrusion, laser-induced, inkjet and microvalve. Extrusion
Biologically, this obviates the need for HLA matching, the risk (syringe based) technology continues to command the greatest
of acute rejection and facilitates long-term integration of the market share due to its affordability, ease of adaptation and
organ into the recipient. Structurally, it enables the combination broad applications.
of multiple tissue types arranged precisely in the tissue’s native
microarchitecture and microenvironment to provide an organ Bioprinting Market
that is truly the patient’s own. There are numerous market forces which have been instrumental
in driving up the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) with
The Role of Organ Biofabrication global market projections of between 26 and 36% in the next
Despite in vitro and in vivo studies supporting the feasibility of 5–10 years (69). Advancements in production technology and
tissue engineering for use in a multitude of clinical scenarios (59, biomaterials innovation alongside increasing cost and regulatory
60) obstacles remain that are hindering clinical translation. At the complexity in the manufacture and testing of pharmaceuticals
top end of the spectrum, solid organs such as the liver display and cosmetics saw the first wave of companies enter the
a complex three-dimensional array of different tissue types market in 2014 offering novel printers and tissue specific assays.

Frontiers in Surgery | www.frontiersin.org 7 November 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 609836

Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

TABLE 1 | Applications of tissue-engineered constructs in humans [adapted from Al-Himdani et al. (44)].

Organ/tissue No. of Cell source Outcomes References


Bladder 7 Bladder urothelial and muscle cells Improved volume and compliance with no metabolic (64)
consequences at mean 46 months follow-up
Trachea 1 Recipient MSCs Functional airway with a normal appearance and mechanical (29)
properties at 4 months, recent controversy
Urethra 5 Muscle and epithelial cells Maintenance of wide urethral calibers without strictures, normal (65)
architecture on biopsy at 3 months following implantation
Nasal cartilage 5 Autologous nasal chondrocytes Good structural stability and respiratory function after 1 year (66)
Vaginal organs 4 Vulval biopsy—epithelial and muscle Tri-layered structure on biopsy with phenotypically normal (67)
cells smooth muscle and epithelia with follow-up up to 8 years
Auricular cartilage 5 Autologous auricular chondrocytes Evidence of cartilage formation at 6 months in 80% of patients, (35)
structural deformation noted in most cases

As the market develops there appears to be a divergence 2016, industry reports project growth to reach $1.9 Billion by
with companies such as EnvisionTec, GeSIM, Cellink, and 2027 (73).
BioBots choosing to focus on printer technology and associated
consumables, whereas Organovo focus on the production of
cellular products and tissue assays. Maintaining its position as
the market leader and first ever publicly traded bioprinting 3D printing and bioprinting has the potential to be the single
company; Organovo initially offered a small number of human biggest technological disruptor to the current model for design
tissue assays including liver and kidney for drug testing and delivery of healthcare and research in this century. The
and pre-clinical research and has since developed a custom incorporation of human cells and biocompatible materials into
tissue partnership offering the opportunity to develop unique 3D printing practice is set to deliver a paradigm shift in the
tissue models and assays specific to an individual company application of 3D printing for surgery, offering the potential to
or researchers needs. In 2014 Organovo in partnership with 3D print living tissue and organs. The promise to 3D print de
L’Oreal, developed 3D bioprinted skin models to get ahead novo body parts, obviate the need for organ transplantation and
of the EU directives banning the testing of cosmetics on to replace the role of animals in the development and testing of
animals (13). novel drugs, means patients could potentially have access to a
bespoke treatments at every point in their healthcare journey.
Future Developments The diverse applications of bioprinting technology have
The creation of complex human tissue arrays and organoids already been demonstrated on a global scale, leading to the
has not gone unnoticed by researchers around the world production of novel constructs from vessels and composite
looking to better create 3D models of complex diseases such tissue, to organoids and complex cellular and tissue models for
as cancer. The production of 3D vascularised tumor models drug, cosmetic and experimental testing. The 3D bioprinting
“organ on a chip” has been created to better understand the market has seen off shoot companies set up to corner a specific
complex interplay between cancer and multi-organ metastasis sub-set of the production and manufacturing of complex 3D
and paracrine signaling mechanisms in the regulation of breast printed tissues; from desktop 3D bioprinters and bioinks, to
cancer metastasis (70). This novel utilization of 3D printing scaffolds pre-loaded with and without growth factors generating
has the potential to advance our understanding of complex a market value in the $US billions. The diversification of this
disease and develop novel personalized treatments for diseases technology and its associated components demonstrate the key
such as caner which currently account for one in seven deaths issue with this extraordinary technology and potential difficulty
worldwide (71). The continued development and application in harnessing its true potential; the lack of “end to end” visibility
of this base technology promises to 1 day make the creation by any one agency.
of bespoke tissue engineered constructs and “made to order” The translation of 3D printed constructs into clinical
solid complex organs a reality. The technological revolution in practice is challenging. The optimisation of the translational
the last two decades has seen the development of intelligent pathway demands concerted efforts from scientists, engineers
bio-inks, refinement of printing techniques and production of and clinicians, contextualized within an infrastructure in which
novel biomaterials to facilitate the creation of custom scaffolds an effective supply chain exists. It is no longer sufficient for
to support cellular growth (72). Since 2014 a number of 3D scientists, clinicians and regulatory bodies to exist in operational
bioprinting companies, start-ups and R&D spinouts have entered silos: there is a need for a collaborative effort to translate this
the market contributing to the commercial development of this impactful technology into a real-world healthcare setting. In
novel technology and creating a projected market value based on order to harness the true potential of 3D printing in surgery,
the early success and novel application of 3D bioprinted products surgeons will need to keep abreast of developments in the field,
(38). With a market value estimated at around $680 Million in identify niches in which this technology can be applied and

Frontiers in Surgery | www.frontiersin.org 8 November 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 609836

Jovic et al. 3D Bioprinting: Future of Surgery

encourage its integration into mainstream surgical practice. With FUNDING

incremental advances in 3D printing and bioprinting expected
over the next century, the impact on the future of surgery could The Reconstructive Surgery & Regenerative Medicine Research
be transformational. Group was supported by the Medical Research Council (Grant
Number: MR/N002431/1) (ZJ), Microtia UK (TJ and IW), Action
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Medical Research (Grant Number: GN2782) (TJ), the Vocational
Training Charitable Trust Foundation (TJ), the Welsh Clinical
IW, ZJ, and TJ conceived the idea for the manuscript. TJ and Academic Training Programme (TJ, ZJ, and EC), the Royal
EC drafted the manuscript with significant contribution from ZJ College of Surgeons (TJ, EC, ZJ, and IW), and the American
and IW. All authors contributed to the article and approved the Association of Plastic Surgeons/European Association of Plastic
submitted version. Surgeons Academic Scholarship (IW).

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