Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Total marks - 60
Deadline- 15th November, 2023
Assigned date- 6th November, 2023
2. At the interface between one linear dielectric and another, the electric
field lines bend . Show that
tan θ2 θ2
tan θ1 θ1
assuming there is no free charge at the boundary.
If we think of the above equation as analogous to of Snell’s law in op-
tics. Would a convex “lens” of dielectric material tend to “focus,” or
“defocus,” the electric field? [4+1]
3. Two long coaxial cylindrical metal tubes (inner radius b, outer radius a)
stand vertically in a tank of dielectric oil (susceptibility χe , mass density
ρ). The inner one is maintained at potential V, and the outer one is
grounded. To what height (h) does the oil rise, in the space between the
tubes? [10]
4. A dielectric sphere of radius R has variable permittivity, so the permit-
tivity throughout space is described by
ϵ0 (R/r)2 , if r < R
ϵ(r) =
ϵ0 , if r > R
(c) Find the exact vector potential INSIDE the sphere. [10]
6. Consider a uniformly magnetized infinite circular cylinder, of radius R,
with its axis coinciding with the z axis. The magnetization inside the
⃗ = M0 ẑ.
cylinder is M
⃗ r) everywhere in space. [5]
(a) Find H(⃗
⃗ r) everywhere in space. [5]
(b) Find B(⃗