Tech Rick

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Limmu Gannet TVET

Collage Technology
PROJECT TITTLE- Rick Technology
SECTOR: Economic Infrastructure

SUB-SECTOR : Hard Ware and Network servicing

SINCE 2015 Photo’s Rick technology

I would like to express my gratitude to the many
people who so me through this technology ;to all
those who provided support, talked things over,
read, wrote offered ,comments allowed me to quote
their remarks and assisted in the editing
,proofreading and design.
I would like my god for enabling met to publish
this virtual machine technology. above all I want to
thank my friends, my fields and the rest of my
Mulalem Terefe just found in Limu Gennet TVET
collage, who supported and encouraged me in spite
all the time it to me away from the it was along
difficult journey for the I would like to tanks Alemu
Derese for it advising.
Thanks to Rick without you this Rick Technology
would never find its way to web and too many
people who cannot use the Rick technology.
Content Page
2. Introduction………………………………………….. 5
3. Background study of technology…………..………….6
4. statement of the problem…….…,,,,,,,,……………….8
5. General objective………………………….………… 9
6. specific objective………………………….………….9
7. Limitation of the problem………..….……………….11
8. Mission…………………………………………..… 11
9. vision……………………………,,…………………..12
10.Value chain…………………….…………………….14
11. project description…………………….……….……..15
1. Introduction

Power dividers (PDs) are essential devices commonly used in communication circuits.
PDs are used for power division or combination in amplifiers, antennas, phase shifters,
mixers, modulators, and frequency multipliers Dividers have been widely used in modern
5G communications circuits and systems.
Two recent trends in the computing society made us think about studying The
power divider is always being used, locked in or unlocked its always stressed but the
difference is with it locked in and if the rear axle has more traction ( such as installing
chains on the rear axle only ) it experiences more torque flow through it and also the
lighter drive axle between the two diffs. A power divider is really no different in principle
then the gears contained within a differential carrier which divide torque equally between
the right and left tires of an axle. In fact I believe with a splash oil system of lubrication
for the power divider ( not sure of the pump style ), if the front drivers axle has traction
and is not turning a tire and the rear axle is spinning a tire due to the power divider not
being locked in, it can starve itself of oil and have a melt down of the nest
gears galling onto their respective stub shafts and also nest gear faces lack of lube as
well. So thinking that not locking the power divider in means no damage to it, that isn't
necessarily true.
I think what you need there RN, is axles with outboard planetaries, huge boat anchor
axles with full lockup and can dig your way to china with no worries.

Power dividers (also power splitters and, when used in reverse, power combiners ) and
directional couplers are passive devices used mostly in the field of radio technology.
They couple a defined amount of the electromagnetic power in a transmission line to a
port enabling the signal to be used in another circuit. An essential feature of directional
couplers is that they only couple power flowing in one direction. Power entering the
output port is coupled to the isolated port but not to the coupled port. A directional
coupler designed to split power equally between two ports is called a hybrid coupler .

Directional couplers are most frequently constructed from two coupled transmission lines
set close enough together such that energy passing through one is coupled to the other.
This technique is favoured at the microwave frequencies where transmission line designs
are commonly used to implement many circuit elements.

However, lumped component devices are also possible at lower frequencies, such as the
audio frequencies encountered in telephony . Also at microwave frequencies, particularly
the higher bands, waveguide designs can be used. Many of these waveguide couplers
correspond to one of the conducting transmission line designs, but there are also types
that are unique to waveguide.
Directional couplers and power dividers have many applications. These include providing
a signal sample for measurement or monitoring, feedback, combining feeds to and from
antennas, antenna beam forming, providing taps for cable distributed systems such as
cable TV, and separating transmitted and received signals on telephone lines.

power divider consists of two parallel uncoupled λ/4 transmission lines. The input is fed
to both lines in parallel and the outputs are terminated with twice the system impedance
bridged between them. The design can be realised in planar format but it has a more
natural implementation in coax – in planar, the two lines have to be kept apart so that
they do not couple but have to be brought together at their outputs so they can be
terminated whereas in coax the lines can be run side-by-side relying on the coax outer
conductors for screening. The Wilkinson power divider solves the matching problem of
the simple T-junction: it has low VSWR at all ports and high isolation between output
ports. The input and output impedances at each port are designed to be equal to the
characteristic impedance of the microwave system. This is achieved by making the line
impedance of the system impedance

The coupled output from the directional coupler can be used to monitor frequency and
power level on the signal without interrupting the main power flow in the system (except
An inexpensive version of the power divider is used in the home to divide cable TV or
over-the-air TV signals to multiple TV sets and other devices. Multiport splitters with
more than two output ports usually consist internally of a number of cascaded couplers.
Domestic broadband internet service can be provided by cable TV companies ( cable
internet ). The domestic user's internet cable modem is connected to one port of the
Power combiners Since hybrid circuits are bi-directional, they can be used to coherently
combine power as well as splitting it.

2. Back ground of the study of technology

Technology is one of the major instruments that can promote social, cultural and
economic development for the reason that technology is undoubtedly the basis for
development of any nation due attention should be given to ameliorated the
technology status of any country. Developing counties like Ethiopia in order to
achieve sustainable economic growth require skilled man power.
The Ethiopian government established technical and vocational education &
training program in 2002 to solve the problem of skilled man power in the country
because previously. Technology and vocational education and training (TVET) in
Ethiopia has been fragmented & delivered by different providers at various
qualification levels without being considered as useful education program. to
alleviate this problem the government has been opened TVET institutes in the
Limmu Gennet TVET is the one (national) TVET strategy. The following
application areas motivate the development of multiprocessors and/or cluster
computers. Client-server is the most popular computing paradigm in the
commercial, personal and internet computing communities. It seems reasonable to
assume that the demands for powerful high end servers will keep strong in the
future market while most server owners would have limited budgets, and variety of
platforms, software bases across generations due to evolution of the companies.
Facts indicate that commercial servers in these areas take the majority of today’s
high end computer market.
High performance scientific and engineering computing demands will keep
increase. Traditionally the major demands in high end computer market, they still
play an important role.
computer graphics/vision, multimedia, all kinds of demanding virtualization
applications, computer animations and their applications in entertainment, and
even virtual reality could be major new applications in the future for high end
Although there are enough application demands for parallel and/or distributed
computing, the best programming paradigm in this end is not very clear, both
shared memory and message passing have their own advantages and
Ideally, the following features are desired for high end machines:
 High performance -- hundreds of up-to-date processors, huge memory,
permanent storage and communication capacity may be needed for many
 Reliability -- the availability of the system, fault containment for both software
and hardware faults.
 Cost effectiveness.
 Scalability-- including both the hardware platform scalability and the scale of
applications, which may have different computing power requirement and /is a
assumptions, it can support.
 Flexibility – features like dynamic reconfiguration, platform independence,
multiple is a support and multiple parallel programming paradigms e.g.
message passing or shared memory.

Both multiprocessor systems and clusters can accomplish the above goals to
different extents. We describe our VM on clusters paradigm next, refrain from
arguing about its advantages and disadvantages compared with multiprocessors
until the section for motivations. based on the work from cellular disco VM for
multi-multiprocessors, we propose a similar work for virtual machine monitors on
top of (smp) clusters to turn cost-effective commodity smp systems into highly
parallel, scalable and cellular multi-like multiprocessor systems to support desired
parallel virtual machine models for various purposes (figure 1). for example, a
virtual machine supports the native is a of the node and smp parallel programming
model to execute familiar applications on the local node; a parallel virtual machine
with a specific is a and message passing to support some message passing or
cluster applications; and yet another parallel virtual machine across multiple nodes
to support shared memory parallel programming paradigm. two things deserve
notice one is that multiple is a, os service models, or paradigms are supported
simultaneously in the system. Another is that there is no single entity in any single
layer in the whole system, event not at the os level, which is often the performance
and reliability bottleneck in multiprocessor systems.

3. statement of the problem

One of the mistakes often made is not locking the power divider soon enough. If you
have wheel slip with the power divider unlock with 4.10 ratio the spider gears in the
power divider are turning 4 times faster than the spider gears driving the axles. The spider
gears in the power divider are running in oil like the axle spider gears so run dry when
spinning. Lock the power divider when off road. Make sure ties are similar size front and
back diff. Use synthetic oil with additive like Lucas that carry oil up the gears 3 wheel
lock up allows for better steering and control than 4 wheel. Locked up 4 wheel systems
will slide sideways on ice. The oil pumps on the Eaton are more durable than the
Rockwell "New World" .

Some good points mentioned. After the first one or too, we (or least I, and everyone else
claims to be) am very diligent about either engaging the power divider when stopped, or
letting off the throttle for 10 or 15 seconds while engaging. Most of the 46's that have
failed didn't actually blow themselves apart like a 40K does - the locking mechanism just
goes pop and we are back to 2 wheel drive. Annoying, but at least it makes it home.

Technology as a process of training instruction plays a significant contribution for

advancement and modernization of any society.
Therefore it is unquestionable that there is a need to technology every citizen of the
country. there for this technology must be supported by educations because
education can be taken by formal and informal method formal education is the
education through schools, institutes, college and university and formal education
is the education through families, neighbors peer group etc. from the formal
education TVET is the one that constituted to the objective of fulfilling middle
level trained man power. Generally this technology is used for to some the lack of
computer network problem. this technology is benefited for how to made and use
computer network . Ideally in theory the major goal of this technology is to
alleviating the problem shortage of middle level skilled, innovative, and creative,
man power in the area. In practice the implementation and development of the
technology is a main issues.
Fine grain resource sharing of common server resources such as processors,
memory, network interfaces and disks among cluster nodes. For example,
migration for load balances memory sharing and parallel disk i/os.
Check pointing and vm /process migration for both hw and sw fault containment.
in addition, we can study dynamic hardware reconfiguration via fault recovery
mechanisms inside a co-designed vm, therefore, making upper os enjoy a more
easy life for this purpose. Dynamic verification of cache coherence/shared
memory coherence and memory consistency models with virtual machine support
as protocols are becoming aggressive and difficult, expensive to test and verify in
design and manufacture. hw alone may not be a good solution. Search for a
potentially unified solution for such vm system for both clusters and large scale
multiprocessor systems as the architectures are converging.
4. general objectives
The main advantages of virtual machines: multiple os environments can exist
simultaneously on the same machine, isolated from each other; virtual machine can
offer an instruction set architecture that differs from real computer's; easy
maintenance, application provisioning, availability and convenient recovery
to alleviating the problem shortage of middle level skilled, innovative, creative
man power to encourage the trainees will participating in the creative of new
technology & use of by this technology & create their own business. There are
many related projects on now or cluster computing paradigm. For example,
Berkeley now, Princeton shrimp, rice tread marks. They have done a lot of work on
high speed networking technology for now/clusters and shared virtual memory
schemes for distributed hardware memory systems. We need to figure some way to
incorporate these results into the architectural design of the paradigm.

5. specific objectives
The specific objectives of the technology is to equip the trainees with the skill of
configure computer network making craft which help them to create their own job
in the future.
to identify problems that affect the attitude of trainees and SME (students) towards
the technology . that turn clusters into multi-like multiprocessor virtual machines
allows users to enjoy both high end large scale parallel virtual machines and their
familiar working environments simultaneously. The system could grow at flexible
granularity, and look more scalable than conventional multiprocessor technology
in reality. In fact, large-scale multiprocessors are not often used as the way they are
supposed to work. os and other important software components always lag behind
and most importantly, single os entity in the whole system decrease both reliability
and scalability. By organizing each node as a cell in the whole system, we have
multiple cellular running on top of cluster computers and multiple is a/ os /parallel
programming support, therefore, increase reliability, scalability, and flexibility.
Taking into account the fact that the speed and latency of commodity networking
devices improve very fast, in fact even faster than the custom system
interconnection designs would improve because they are cheaper and better track
technology, many assumptions and designs in current systems might have become
the reasons of inefficiency and cost. For example, in most current message passing
system or shared virtual memory systems, communication via os services is an
inefficient scheme, which stemmed from the time when networking devices are not
as reliable as today, and was much slower, played a much less important role in the
whole system. However, situations have been changed, networking/interconnect,
no matter within a microprocessor, within a multiprocessor system, or inter-
computers, became the focus and networking speed and latency has been improved
substantially. The main reason for such high overheads is that communication is
provided as in the old times when networking software concerned too much about
the poor networking condition in the old time. Another comparison, user space
communication with my rent technology has a latency of use while the rice
trademarks shared virtual memory would take.

6. Limitation Of The Study Of Technology:-

The power divider power handling capability is limited as terminations must be

mounted inside the coupler or
divider or combiner.Insertion loss of wilkinson design is not as good as reactive
design.The divider or combiner is often made in microstrip or stripline forms.
Refer disadvantages of microstrip line and stripline.which will result in the directly
connected port being the transmitted port, the adjacent port being the coupled port,
and the diagonal port being the isolated port. On some directional couplers, the
main line is designed for high power operation (large connectors), while the
coupled port may use a small connector, such as an SMA connector. The internal
load power rating may also limit operation on the coupled line. Shortage of
reference materials. Lack of money and time some limitations that specified by
technology makers.

In this design, the power divider (PD) in the ideal case has 100% size reduction and an infinite
number of harmonics suppression. However, in the real case, the proposed divider has a 92%
size reduction and suppresses theharmonics. The small-proposed divider is designed. The typical
Wilkinson divider has two long quarter- wavelength branches. In the proposed design, new
resonant series LC branches are used instead of the divider’s typical branches,leading to
performance improvements in the proposed power divider. To the best of the authors’
knowledge, the proposed filtering power divider has the best size reduction, and harmonics
suppression reported thus far. The proposed divider has a filtering response with good insertion
loss at the pass band, which is desirable for modern communication systems.
we argue that, just as microprocessor designs took multiprocessor issues in mind
several years ago, smp system designs could also take the inter-cluster
communication issues into account for better larger system integration.
Specifically, we argue that the high speed networking interface should not be put
in slow system area like some current I/O levels.

Review literature:- It is necessary to say that there is a great deal of argument over
what, precisely doing Rick technology means and to which people and process it
refers. this contention has been going on for the past 67 years and is likely to
continue long in to the future as the meaning of the word. craft changes as societies
change and people tailor the word to their specific needs and desires figure electric
is an empire. it is a constituency within the late-modern system of the arts, a
naming –word and a major class in a professional world that is under pinned by a
rigorous classificatory structure .
 To create job opportunity for SME will more of emphasis on self-
 To encourage the trainees well be able to create new technology and by use
of the technology t develop their own income (business) e.g. of the
technology of model of new technology

one important outcome of the Berkeley now project is that they observed that for
now architecture and its targeted workloads, the most benefits doesn't necessarily
come from parallel processing, but rather from sharing memory among the nodes
and the fact that now have a great potential for doing parallel i/o in a really cheap
and scalable way. As the network speed is much faster than disks, paging to
another cluster node would be much better than paging to disks.
we are thinking about some way to either bypass disks to the upper level
distributed os for complicated disk i/o handling or try to virtualizes electric in some
way to better support parallel i/o and disk sharing.
We are still not in a decent stage to think much about the overall integration issues,
the only thing we can do at this point is to keep the integration issues in mind to
avoid potential conflicts in the component design
Transformati Marketing End user
Specification material
on Production profitability
Project design Select marketing
implementation material Adverting
Application of
smoothing the wood
surface Made up of Promotion
Sand paper

Checking General
production Customer design
package to need

Nail PBT
To apply
Depend on
Identify user
Project Description
With excellent size reduction and harmonics suppression, is designed, analyzed,
and implemented in this. compact proposed series LC branches are used instead of
the long micro strip lines in the typical Power divider, which leads to excellent
compact size, filtering response, and performance improvement. The designed
Power divider has a 92% size reduction compared to the typical Power divider and
suppresses the 2nd to 45th unwanted harmonics. The proposed Power divider has
the most compact size and best suppression band, which have been reported up
until now. In this paper, the Power divider is initially designed analytically, then
simulated with ADS software, and the proposed device is fabricated at the end. All
of the calculated, simulation and measured values have good agreements,
confirming the proposed design’s validity.

 to alleviating the problem shortage of middle level skilled, innovative,

creative man power
 To encourage the trainees will participating in the creative of new
technology & use of by this technology & create their own business.

 Using to sitting
 Save cost and safety
 Not burns
 Easy to install
This project is essential in the furniture making and BIE
No Item Specifica Quantit Unit Total cost
tion y prices

2 Timber M2 1/2 800 400

3 Sand M 1 80 80

5 Nail Kg 1/4 180 90

7 Electric Meter 2 160 160


Total material cost 6,130

Standard costing
Total material cost +wastage of timber over head =total material cost *10
Labor cost = total material cost *15%
Profit=total material cost +over head labor cost *20%
Selling price =profit +total material cost over head+ labor cost= 854.45
In order to achieve GPT Ethiopia has started and sacrifices the activity Technology
copy, storing and transferring to industry and sme to the solve the problem
community .by verifying that this technology is to eliminate import technology by high
cost form other country and replace by export technology .this technology if from
other country comes 650 EB.but produced in Ethiopia by 255.EB
Materials, Equipment Tools
No Items unity Quantity

1 Bow saw pcs 1

2 Tape rule pcs 1

3 Portable dril pcs 1

4 Router pcs 1

5 Claw hammer pcs 1

6 Jigsaw pcs

7 Jointer machine pcs

8 Band saw pcs

1.4=-Project operation /steep /procedure

1. Preparing working Area
2. Prepare working drawing
3. Select raw materials
4. Preparing cutting list
5. Measuring and cutting of the appropriate sale
6. Make joints according to the design
7. Assemble the part according to the drawing specification
8. Final finishing
Prepared By Samuel Tamiru

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