SRS M SC Chemistry CBCBCASS 2012 13 UOM Order No. AC.2

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Post-graduate Degree Programme in Chemistry
M. Sc. Degree in Chemistry – I - IV Semesters
Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment Semester System –
2012 - 2013
Scheme of Revised Syllabi and examination of M.Sc. degree in
chemistry under CBCBCASS University of Mysore.

Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Core Papers Paper Title Hours/week Marks Duration (hrs) &
& Credits / Paper C1 Test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Statistical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

evaluation of (2 h ) & 2
analytical data
and titrimetric
Concepts and 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
Chem-HC-I-T- Models of (2 h ) & 2
1.2 Inorganic

Chem-HC-O-T- Stereochemistry 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ and 50 %

1.3 and Reaction (2 h )& 2
Chem-HC-P-T- Chemical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ and 50 %
1.4 Thermodynami (2 h ) & 2
cs and Kinetics

Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Core Papers Paper Title Hours/week Marks / Duration (hrs) &
& Credits Paper C1 test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Analytical 2 Session,4 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-HC-A- Practicals – I h&2

Inorganic 2Session, 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Practicals – I 4h&2

Organic 2Session, 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-HC-O- Practicals – I 4h&2

Chem-HC-P- Physical 2Session, 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

P-1.4 Practicals – I 4h&2


Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Soft Core Hours/week
Paper Title Marks Duration (hrs) &
& Credits / Paper C1 test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Molecular 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

Chem-SC-T- spectroscopy– I
1.1 (2,1 h ), 3 h
Molecular 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
Chem-SC-T- spectroscopy– II
1.2 (2,1 h ), 3 h

1. Chem-HC-A-T-1.1, Chem-HC-I-T-1.2, Chem-HC-O-T-1.3, Chem-HC-P-T-1.4
and practicals, Chem-HC-A-P-1.1, Chem-HC-I-P-1.2, Chem-HC-O-P-1.3, Chem-
HC-P-P-1.4 are hard core papers and compulsory papers for every student.
2. Chem-SC-T-1.1 AND Chem-SC-T-1.2, are soft core papers and each student has to
study both of them but a student taking Chem-SC-T-1.1 in the I semester will take
Chem-SC-T-1.2 in the II semester or other way.
3. Each practical exam includes viva-voce.

Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Core Papers Paper Title Hours/week Marks Duration (hrs) &
& Credits / Paper C1 Test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Chem-HC-A- Separation 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

T-2.1 Techniques (2 h ), & 2
Chem-HC-I- Coordination 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
T-2.2 Chemistry (2 h ), & 2

Reagents in 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ and 50 %

organic synthesis (2 h ), & 2
Quantum 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ and 50 %
Chem-HC-P- chemistry and (2 h ), & 2
T-2.4 advanced
chemical kinetics

Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Core Papers Paper Title Hours/week Marks / Duration (hrs) &
& Credits Paper C1 test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Analytical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-HC-A- Practicals – II 4h&2

Chem-HC-I- Inorganic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Practicals – II 4h&2

Organic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-HC-O- Practicals – II 4h&2

Chem-HC-P- Physical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

P-2.4 Practicals – II 4h&2

1. Chem-HC-A-T-2.1, Chem-HC-I-T-2.2, Chem-HC-O-T-2.3, Chem-HC-P-T-2.4 and
practicals, Chem-HC-A-P-2.1, Chem-HC-I-P-2.2, Chem-HC-O-P-2.3, Chem-HC-P-P-2.4
are hard core papers and compulsory papers for every student.
2. Each practical exam includes viva-voce.




Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Core Papers Paper Title Hours/week Marks Duration (hrs) &
& Credits / Paper C1 Test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Instrumental 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

methods of (2 h ), & 2
Chem-HC-I- Organometallic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
chemistry (2 h ), & 2
Heterocyclic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ and 50 %
chemistry, (2 h ), & 2
Chem-HC-O- and pericyclic
T-3.3 reactions,
and retrosynthesis
Nuclear, 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ and 50 %
Chem-HC-P- radiation, photo, (2 h ), & 2
T-3.4 polymer and
Nano chemistry

Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Core Papers Paper Title Hours/week Marks / Duration (hrs) &
& Credits Paper C1 test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Analytical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-HC-A- Practicals – III 4h&2

Chem-HC-I- Inorganic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Practicals – III 4h&2

Organic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-HC-O- Practicals – III 4h&2

Chem-HC-P- Physical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

P-3.4 Practicals – III 4h&2

Chem-HC-SR- Seminar 1 h duration 25 - - -

3.5 &1
1. Chem-HC-A-T-3.1, Chem-HC-I-T-3.2, Chem-HC-O-T-3.3, Chem-HC-P-T-3.4 and
practicals, Chem-HC-A-P-3.1, Chem-HC-I-P-3.2, Chem-HC-O-P-3.3, Chem-HC-P-P-3.4
are hard core papers and compulsory papers for every student.
2. Student strength per seminar will not exceed 20 members or two times a practical
3. Each practical exam includes viva-voce.

Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Soft Core Hours/week
Paper Title Marks Duration (hrs) &
& Credits / Paper C1 test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Miscellaneous 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

Chem-SC-A- methods of (2,1 h ),3 h
T-4.1 analysis &3

Applied analysis 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

T-4.2 (2,1 h ),3 h
Bioinorganic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
Chem-SC-I- chemistry
T-4.3 (2,1 h ),3 h
Structural 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
Chem-SC-I- methods in (2,1 h ),3 h
T-4.4 inorganic &3
Synthetic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
Chem-SC-O- organic
T-4.5 (2,1 h ),3 h
chemistry &3
Natural products 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
T-4.6 (2,1 h ),3 h
Polymers, 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
Chem-SC-P- semiconductors (2,1 h ),3 h
T-4.7 and statistical &3
Pharmaco 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %
Chem-SC-P- kinetics and (2,1 h ),3 h
T-4.8 biophysical &3


Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.

Core Papers Paper Title Hours/week Marks / Duration (hrs) &
& Credits Paper C1 test C2 test Assessment Weightage

Analytical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-SC-A-P- Practicals – IV

Analytical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Practicals – V 4h&2

Inorganic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-SC-I-P- Practicals – IV 4h&2

Inorganic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

Chem-SC-I-P- Practicals – V
4.4 4h&2

Organic 4h&2 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %


Organic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

practical-V 4h&2

Physical 4h&2 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %


Physical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 5 h and 50 %

chemistry-V 4h&2

Dissertation- 2Session 100 25 % 25 % Project Report

Chem HC-D- project work evaluation and Viva-
4.1 4+1 h & 3
voce by internal and
external examiners = 50

1. In the fourth semester, the students will be distributed equally among the four
branches/specializations based on merit in the first two semesters plus admission
merit and their choice. They have to select two elective theory papers and two
elective practicals from the same branch/specialization. The Dissertation work has
to be carried out on topics from the same branch/specializations under the
supervision of same branch/specialization faculty members.
2. Chem HC-D-4.1 hard core and compulsory for every student.
3. Each practical exam includes viva-voce in all semesters.


Contact Total Assessment Weightage Semester End Exam.
Open elective
Paper Title Hours/week Marks Duration (hrs) &
& Credits / Paper I test II test Assessment Weightage

CHEM- OE-A- Analytical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

T-1 Chemistry 2h&2

CHEM- OE-I- Inorganic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

T-2 Chemistry 2h&2

CHEM- OE-O- Organic 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

T-3 Chemistry 2h&2

CHEM- OE-P- Physical 2Session 100 25 % 25 % 2 ½ h and 50 %

T-4 Chemistry 2h&2


1. Students of chemistry when registered for additional credits can chose more than
one elective / soft core paper in IV semester. However, a minimum of 15 students
have to register for additional credits for conducting such a paper.
2. Open elective / Cross border papers are for other than chemistry students and for
conducting such a paper a minimum of ten students are required.

Post-graduate Degree Programme in Chemistry
M. Sc. Degree in Chemistry – I - IV Semesters
Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment Semester System – 2012 - 2013
Scheme of Revised Syllabi and examination of M.Sc. degree in chemistry under
CBCBCASS University of Mysore.


Chem-HC-A-T-1.1 Statistical evaluation of analytical data and titrimetric analysis

(48 hours)
Analytical Chemistry - Meaning and analytical prospective, scope and function:
Analytical problems and their solutions, trends in analytical methods and procedures.
Language of analytical chemistry - Analysis, determination and measurement.
Techniques, methods, procedures and protocols. Classifying analytical techniques.
selecting an analytical method - accuracy, precision, sensitivity, selectivity, robustness
and ruggedness. Scale of operation, equipment, time and cost. Making the final choice
Errors and treatment of analytical data: Limitations of analytical methods – Error:
determinate and indeterminate errors, minimization of errors. Accuracy and precision,
distribution of random errors, the normal error curve. Statistical treatment of finite
samples - measures of central tendency and variability: mean, median, range, standard
deviation and variance. Student’s t-test, confidence interval of mean. Testing for
significance - comparison of two means and two standard deviations. Comparison of an
experimental mean and a true mean. Criteria for the rejection of an observation - Q-test.
Propagation of errors: determinate errors and indeterminate errors.

Standardization and calibration: Comparison with standards - direct comparison and

titrations. External standard calibration - the least squares methods, regression equation,
regression coefficient. Internal standard methods and standard-addition methods. Figures
of merit of analytical methods - sensitivity and detection limit, linear dynamic range.

(16 hours)
Obtaining and preparing samples for analysis: Importance of sampling, designing a
sample plan-random, judgement, systematic-judgement, stratified and convenience
sampling. Type of sample to collect - grab and composite samples. Insitu sampling. Size
of sample and number of samples. Implementing the sampling plan - solutions, gases and
solids. Bringing solid samples into solution - digestion and decomposing.

Titrimetric analysis: An overview of titrimetry. Principles of titrimetric analysis.

Titration curves. Titrations based on acid-base reactions - titration curves for strong acid
and strong base, weak acid and strong base and weak base and strong acid titrations.
Selecting and evaluating the end point. Finding the end point by visual indicators,
monitoring pH and temperature. Quantitative applications – selecting and standardizing a
titrant, inorganic analysis - alkalinity, acidity and free CO2 in water and waste waters,
nitrogen, sulphur ammonium salts, nitrates and nitrites, carbonates and bicarbonates.
Organic analysis - functional groups like carboxylic acid, sulphonic acid, amine, ester,
hydroxyl, carbonyl. Air pollutants like SO2. Quantitative calculations. Characterization
applications - equivalent weights and equilibrium constants.
Acid-base titrations in non-aqueous media: Role of solvent in acid-base titrations,
solvent systems, differentiating ability of a solvent, some selected solvents, titrants and
standards, titration curves, effect of water, determining the equivalence point, typical
applications - determination of carboxylic acids, phenols and amines.
(16 hours)
Precipitation titrations: Titration curves, feasibility of precipitation titrations, factors
affecting shape - titrant and analyte concentration, completeness of the reaction, titrants
and standards, indicators for precipitation titrations involving silver nitrate, the Volhard,
the Mohr and the Fajan’s methods, typical applications.
Complexometric titrations: Complex formation reactions, stability of complexes,
stepwise formation constants, chelating agents, EDTA - acidic properties, complexes
with metal ions, equilibrium calculations involving EDTA, conditional formation

constants, derivation of EDTA titration curves, effect of other complexing agents, factors
affecting the shape of titration curves - completeness of reaction, indicators for EDTA
titrations - theory of common indicators, titration methods employing EDTA - direct,
back and displacement titrations, indirect determinations, titration of mixtures.

Redox titrations: Balancing redox equations, calculation of the equilibrium constant of

redox reactions, calculating titration curves, detection of end point, visual indicators and
potentiometric end point detection. Quantitative applications - adjusting the analyte’s
oxidation state, selecting and standardizing a titrant. Inorganic analysis - chlorine
residuals, dissolved oxygen in water, water in non-aqueous solvents. Organic analysis -
chemical oxygen demand (COD) in natural and waste waters, titrations of mercaptans
and ascorbic acid with I3- and titration of organic compounds using periodate.
(16 hours)
1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch,
8th edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 6th edition, 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, 1993, Prentice
Hall, Inc. New Delhi.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney,
J.D. Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003, Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.
6. Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry, F.W. Fifield and Kealey, 3rd edition,
2000, Blackwell Sci., Ltd. Malden, USA.
7. Modern Analytical Chemistry, David Harvey, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.


1. Determination of total acidity of vinegar and wines by acid-base titration.

2. Determination of purity of a commercial boric acid sample, and Na2CO3 content of
washing soda.
3. Analysis of chromate-dichromate mixture by acid-base titration.
4. Determination of replaceable hydrogen and relative molecular mass of a weak
organic acid by titration with NaOH.
5. Determination of ephedrine and aspirin in their tablet preparations by residual acid-
base titrimetry.
6. Determination of purity of aniline and assay of chlorpromazine tablets by non-
aqueous acid-base titration.
7. Periodate determination of ethylene glycol and glycerol (Malprade reaction).
8. Determination of carbonate and bicarbonate in a mixture by pH-metric titration and
comparison with visual acid-base titration.
9. Determination of purity of a commercial sample of mercuric oxide by acid-base
10. Determination of the pH of hair shampoos and pH determination of an unknown soda
11. Analysis of water/waste water for acidity by visual, pH metric and conductometric
12. Analysis of water/waste water for alkalinity by visual, pH metric and conductometric
13. Determination of carbonate and hydroxide-analysis of a commercial washing soda by
visual and pH-titrimetry.
14. Determination of ammonia in house-hold cleaners by visual and conductometric
15. Potentiometric determination of the equivalent weight and Ka for a pure unknown
weak acid.

16. Spectrophotometric determination of creatinine and phosphorus in urine.
17. Flame emission spectrometric determination of sodium and potassium in river/lake
18. Spectrophotometric determination of pKa of an acid-base indicator.
19. Determination of percentage purity of phenol by bromatometry.
1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch 8th
edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 6th edition, 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, India.
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, 1993, Prentice Hall,
Inc. New Delhi.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003, Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.

(48 hours)

Structures and energetics of ionic crystals: Introduction, Ionic radii, Factors affecting
the ionic radii, Radius ratio rules, Crystal systems, Bravais lattice (fluorite, rutile, β-
crystobalite and cadmium iodide), Perovskite and spinel structures, Properties and
thermodynamics of ionic solids, Lattice energy (NaCl, MgO, etc), Born-Haber cycle,
Born-Lande equation., Kapustinskii equation, Point defects, Applications of lattice
Structures and energetics of inorganic molecules: Introduction, Hybridized orbitals,
VSEPR model for polyatomic molecules, MO treatment of homo- and heteronuclear
diatomic molecules, MO treatment for polyatomic molecules (CO32- , NO3 - , NO2 -, CO2 ,
N3- etc), Walsh diagram for triatomic molecules.
(16 hours)

Modern concept of acids and bases: Lux-Flood and Usanovich concepts, Solvent
system and leveling effect, HSAB concept.
Non-aqueous solvents: Classification of solvents, Properties of solvents (dielectric
constant, viscosity etc), Protic solvents (HF, anhydrous H2SO4 and glacial acetic acid)
aprotic solvents (BrF3 and N2O4), Solutions of metals in liquid ammonia, Hydrated
electron. Superacids.
Supercritical fluids: Properties of supercritical fluids and their uses as solvents.
Supercritical fluids as media for inorganic chemistry
Molecular hydrides: Nomenclature and classification, Synthesis, properties and
structure of diborane and higher boranes, Wade’s rules, Carboranes and
metallocarboranes, Borazines
(16 hours)
Chemistry of main group elements: Polymorphism of carbon, sulphur and
phosphorous, Phosphazines, Oxyacids of nitrogen, phosphorous,sulphur and halogens,
Sulphur-nitrogen compounds.
Silicates: Classification and structure, Isomorphous replacement, Pyroxenes, Layered and
vitrified silicates, Zeolites and molecular sieves, Condensed phosphate, Polyhalides.
(16 hours)

1. Basic Inorganic Chemistry – 3rd edition. F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson and P.L. Gaus,
John Wiley and Sons (2002).
2. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition. James E. Huheey, Harper and Row Publishers
3. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition. G.L. Miessler and D.A. Tarr, Pearson Education
4. Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd edition. D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford,
Oxford University Press (1994).
5. Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd edition. C.E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, Pearson
Education Ltd. (2005).
6. Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, K.M. Mackay and R.A. Mackay,
Blackie Publication (1989).
7. Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry 3rd edition. B.E. Douglas, D.H.
McDaniel and Alexander, Wiley (2001).
8. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, William Jolly, TMH.

9. Chemistry of Elements, M. M. Greenwood and Earnshaw, Elsevier.


1. Determination of iron in haematite using cerium(IV) solution (0.02M) as the titrant,

and gravimetric estimation of insoluble residue.
2. Estimation of calcium and magnesium carbonates in dolomite using EDTA titration,
and gravimetric analysis of insoluble residue.
3. Determination of manganese dioxide in pyrolusite using permanganate titration.
4. Quantitative analysis of copper-nickel in alloy/mixture:
i. Copper volumetrically using KIO3.
ii. Nickel gravimetrically using DMG
5. Determination of lead and tin in a mixture: Analysis of solder using EDTA titration.
6. Quantitative analysis of chloride and iodide in a mixture:
i. Iodide volumetrically using KIO3
ii. Total halide gravimetrically
7. Gravimetric analysis of molybdenum with 8-hydroxyquinoline.
8. Spectrophotometric determinations of:
a. Titanium using hydrogen peroxide
b. Chromium using diphenyl carbazide in industrial effluents
c. Iron using thiocyanate/1,10-phenanthroline method in commercial
d. Nickel using dimethylglyoxime in steel solution
9. Micro-titrimetric estimation of :
a) Iron using cerium(IV)
b) Calcium and magnesium using EDTA
10. Quantitative estimation of copper(II), calcium(II) and chloride in a mixture.
11. Circular paper chromatographic separation of: (Demonstration)
a. Iron and nickel
b. Copper and nickel
1. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis – 5th edition, J. Basset, R.C.
Denney, G.H. Jeffery and J. Mendhom.
2. A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis by A.I. Vogel, 3rd edition.
3. Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements by Z. Marczenko.

(48 hours)
Stereoisomerism: Projection formulae [flywedge, Fischer, Newman and sawhorse],
enantiomers, diasteroisomers, mesomers, racemic mixture and their resolution, configurational
notations of simple molecules, DL and RS configurational notations.
Stereoselectivity: Meaning and examples of stereoselective reactions, diastereoselective
reactions, stereospecific reactions, regioselective, regiospecific reactions, enantioselective
reactions and enantiospecific reactions.
Optical isomerism: Conditions for optical isomerism: Elements of symmetry-plane of
symmetry centre of symmetry, alternating axis of xymmetry (rotation-reflection symmetry).
Optical isomerism due to chiral centers and molecular dissymmetry, allenes and biphenyls,
criteria for optical purity.
Geometrical isomerism: Due to C=C, C=N and N=N bonds, E, Z conventions, determination
of configuration by physical and chemical methods. Geometrical isomerism in cyclic systems.
Conformational analysis: Elementary account of conformational equilibria of ethane, butane
and cyclohexane. Conformation of cyclic compounds such as cyclopentane, cyclohexane,
cyclohexanone derivatives and decalins. Conformational analysis of 1,2-, 1,3- and 1,4-
disubstituted cyclohexane derivatives and D-Glucose, Effect of conformation on the course
andrate of reactions.
(16 hours)
Structure and reactivity: Brief discussion on effects of hydrogen bonding, resonance,
inductive and hyperconjugation on strengths of acids and bases.
Methods of determining organic reaction mechanism: Thermodynamic and kinetic
requirements for reactions, kinetic and thermodynamic control. Hammonds postulates
and Curtin-Hammett principle.
Identification of products. Formation, structure, stability, detection and reactions of
carbocations (classical and non-classical), carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes,
nitrile oxides, nitrile imines, nitrile ylides and arynes. Determination of reaction
intermediates, isotope labeling and effects of cross over experiments. Mechanism of ester
hydrolysis. Kinetic and stereochemical evidence, solvent effect. Linear free energy
relationship-Hammet equation and Taft treatment.

(16 hours)


Basics of organic reactions: Meaning and importance of reaction mechanism,
classification and examples for each class.
Aliphatic substitution reaction:
Nucleophilic substitution reactions: Kinetics, mechanism and stereochemical factors

affecting the rate of reactions, Neighbouring group participation.

Electrophilic substitution reactions:
Aromatic substitution reactions:
Nucleophilic substitution reactions: SN1, SN2 and benzyne mechanism, Bucherer reaction.
Electrophilic substitution reactions: Mechanism of nitration, halogenation, sulphonation,
Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation, Mannich reaction, chloromethylation, Vilsmeier-Haack
Mechanism of Addition reactions: Addition to C-C multiple bonds involving
electrophiles, nucleophiles. Markownikoff’s rule and anti-Markownikoff’s rule.
Additions to carbonyl compounds: Addition of water, alcohol, bisulphate, HCN and
amino compounds.
Mechanism of hydrolysis of carboxylic acid derivatives: Hydrolysis of esters, amides
and acid chlorides.
Elimination reactions: Mechanism and stereochemistry of eliminations - E1, E2, E1cB.
cis elimination, Hofmann and Saytzeff eliminations, competition between elimination
and substitution, decarboxylation reactions. Chugaev reaction.
(16 hours)
1. Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd.
2. H. Pine, Hendrickson, Cram and Hammond, Organic Chemistry, Mc Graw Hill, New
York, 1987.
3. I.L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longmann, Vol. I & II, 1984.
4. E.L. Eliel and S.H. Wilen, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, John Wiley and
Sons, New York. 1994.
5. Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry by Roberts & Caserio
6. N.S. Issacs, Reactive Intermediates in Organic Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons, New

7. R.K. Bansal, Organic Reaction Mechanism, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi,
8. J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley Interscience, 1994.
9. A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry by Petersykes
10. Stereochemistry and Mechanism through Solved Problems by P.S. Kalsi.
11. Text book of Organic Chemistry by P.S. Kalsi.
12. F.A. Carey and Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry – Part A & B, 3rd edition,
Plenum Press, New York, 1990.
13. S.K. Ghosh, Advanced General Organic Chemistry, Book and Alleied (P) Ltd, 1998.
14. Organic chemistry, Gram Solomons.


1. Preparation of p-nitro aniline from acetanilide.

2. Preparation of n-butyl bromide from n-butanol.
3. Preparation of p-nitroiodobenzene from paranitroaniline.
4. Preparation of aniline from nitrobenzene.
5. Preparation of ß-D-glucose penta acetate.
6. Preparation of phenoxy acetic acid.
7. Preparation of cyclohexanone from cyclohexanol.
8. Preparation of chalcone.
9. Preparation of S-benzylthiouronium chloride.
10. Diels-Alder reaction of anthracene and maleic anhydride.
11. Preparation of m-nitrobenzoic acid from methyl benzoate.

1. Manual of Organic Chemistry - Dey and Seetharaman.
2. Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry by John H. Miller and E.F. Neugil, p 289.
3. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry - Robert, Wingrove etc.
4. A Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry – A.I. Vogel, Vol.III
5. Practical Organic Chemistry - Mann & Saunders
6. Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis by Cheronis, Entrikin and Hodnet .
7. R.K. Bansal, Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry, New Age International (P) Ltd.
London, 3rd edition, 1996.

Chem-HC-P-T-1.4 Chemical Thermodynamiccs, Kinetics and Electrochemistry
(48 hours)

UNIT – I : (16 hours)
Chemical Thermodynamics : A brief resume of laws of thermodynamics (combined
form of 1st and 2nd laws), entropy as a measure of unavailable energy, Concept of fugacity
and free energy, entropy and free energy changes and spontaneity of processes. Variation
of free energy with T & P, Maxwell’s relations, thermodynamics equations of state,
limitations of Van’t Hoff`s equation, Nernst heat theorem & its applications.Third law of
thermodynamics, determination.of third law of entropies.
Application of thermodynamics : Entropy and free energy of mixing, partial molar
quantities, partial molar volume and free energy (chemical potential), their significance
and determinations (slope and intercept methods). Gibbs-Duhem and Duham-Margules

Thermodynamics of non-ideal solutions -Activity, activity coefficient-effect of

temperature and pressure, determination by vapour pressure, cryoscopic and conductivity
Thermodynamics of ideal solutions - deductions of laws of Raoult ebullioscopy,
cryoscopy and osmotic pressure. Quantitative treatment of Le-Chatelier principle.

Phase Rule:Application to 3-component systems. An introduction to 4-component


UNIT- II : (16 hours)

Chemical Kinetics: Determination of order of reactions, complex reactions- parallel,
consecutive and reversible reactions. Chain reactions - Branched chain reactions- general
rate expression, explosion limits. Oscillatory reactions.

Theories of reaction rates: Collision theory and its limitations, Activated complex
theory (postulates -derivation) and its applications to reactions in solution. Energy of
activation, other activation parameters-determinations and their significance. Lindemann
theory of unimolecular rections. Qualitative account of its modifications (no derivation).

Potential energy surfaces – Features & construction of them. Theoretical calculation of


Kinetic Isotope Effect: Theory of kinetic isotope effect - normal and inverse isotope
effect, primary isotope effect, secondary isotope effect, solvent isotope effect.

Fast reactions- Study of fast reactions by continuous and stopped flow techniques,
relaxation methods (T-jump and P-jump methods), flash photolysis, pulse and shock tube

Reactions in solution: Ionic reactions - salt and solvent effects. Effect of pressure on the
rates of reactions.

UNIT-III : (16 hours)
Electrochemistry of solutions: Ionic atmosphere, factor effecting conductance, Debye-
Huckel-Onsager equation of conductivity and its validity. Walden`s rule and its
application. Debye-Huckel theory - concept of Ionic strength, Debye-Huckel limiting law
(DHL), its modification for appreciable concentrations.

A brief survey of Helmholtz-Perrin, Guoy-Chapmaan and Stern electrical double layer

(no derivation).
Determination of transference number by emf and Hittorf’s methods. Liquid junction
potential. True and apparent transference numbers (TrN). Abnormal TrN, effect of
temperature on TrN.

Irrversible electrode process: Introduction, reversible and irreversible electrodes,

reversible and irreversible cells. Polarization, over voltage - ohmic over voltage,
concentration over voltage activation over voltage, experimental determination of over
voltage. Equations for concentration over potential, diffusion current – stationary current,
potential curves, thickness of diffusion layer, diffusion controlled current – potential
curves at a dropping mercury electrode, polarography, half wave potential, application in
qualitative and quantitative analysis. Energy barrier and electrode kinetics, Butler-
Volmer equation, Tafel equation. Hydrogen over voltage and Oxygen over voltage.
Effect of temperature, current density and pH on over voltage.

1. Physical Chemistry, 5th Ed., - Atkins (ELBS) 1995.
2. Physical chemistry – G. M. Barrow (McGraw Hill, Int. St. Ed) 1988.
3. Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry – Maron and Lando (Collier Macmillan) 1974.
4. Thermodynamics for Chemists - S. Glasstone (East-west) 1973.
5. Themodynamics - Rajaram and Kuriokose (East-West) 1986.
6. Chemical Kinetics - K.J.Laidler (Harper and Row) 1987.
7. Principles and Applications of Electrochemistry–Crow (Chapman hall, London) 1988
8. Thermodynamics for Chemists by S. Glasstone, Affiliated East-West, New Delhi,
9. Chemical Thermodynamics by I.M. Klotz, W.A. Benzamin Inc. New York (1964).
10. Basic Physical Chemistry by W.J. Moore, Prentice Hall, New Delhi (1986).
11. Text Book of Physical Chemistry by Samuel Glasstone, MacMillan Indian 2nd
12. Theoretical Chemistry by S. Glasstone.
13. Elements of Physical Chemistry by Lewis and Glasstone.

14. Chemical Kinetics by Frost and Pearson.
15. Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Transformation by J. Rajaram and J.C.
16. Chemical Kinetics by L.K. Jain.
17. Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry by H.B. Mark and G.A. Rechnitz, Wiley
Interscience Publishers, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
18. Introduction to Electrochemistry by S. Glasstone.
19. Advances in Photochemistry - Rohatgi Mukherjee.
20. Principle and Applications of Photochemistry by R.P. Wayne, Elsevier, New York,
21. Treatise on Electrochemistry, G. Kortum, 2 nd ed. Elsevier, London (1965)

1. Study of kinetics of hydrolysis of an ester using HCl/H2SO4 at two different
determination of rate constants and energy of activation.
2. Study of kinetics of reaction between K2S2O8 and KI, first order, determination of rate
constants at two different temperatures and Ea.
3. Conductometric titration of a mixture of HCl and CH3COOH against NaOH.
4. Conductometric titration of a mixture of HCl, CH3COOH and CuSO4 against NaOH.
5. Potentiometric titration of KI vs KMnO4 solution.
6. Determination of dissociation constant of a weak acid by potentiometric method.
7. Potentiometric titration of AgNO3 vs KCl.
8. To obtain the absorption spectra of coloured complexes, verification of Beer’s law and
estimation of metal ions in solution using a spectrophotometer.
9. Spectrophotometric titration of FeSO4 against KMnO4.
10. Determination of heat of solution of benzoic acid by variable temperature method
(graphical method).
11. Thermometric titration of hydrochloric acid with a NaOH.
12. Determination of molecular weight of a compound using Bekmann’s cryoscopic
using benzene or/and water as solvent.
13. Potentiometric titrations of (a) Fe(II) vs V(V).
14. Kinetics of photodegradation of indigocarmine (IC) using TiO2 as photocatalyst and
study the effect of [TiO2] and [IC] on the rate of photo degradation.
15. Conductometry –To determine the degree of hydrolysis and hydrolysis constant of
16. Conductometric titration of potassium iodide with mercuric perchlorate.
17. Determination of the molecular weight of a polymer material by viscosity
(cellulose acetate/methyl acrylate).

(48 hours)

UNIT – I : Symmetry and Group Theory (16 hours)

Definitions of group, subgroup, relation between orders of a finite group and its
subgroup. Conjugacy relation and classes, symmetry elements and symmetry operations,
Schonflies symbols, Matrix representations of symmetry operations, products of
symmetry operations, some properties of matrices and vectors, classification of
molecules into point groups. Reducible and irreducible representations. The Great
Orthogonality theorem (without proof), character tables. The direct product. Applications
of group theory - Molecular vibrations, group theoretical selection rules for electronic
transitions, for infra red and Raman spectra. Hybrid orbitals and Molecular orbitals,
transformation properties of atomic orbitals.
Microwave Spectroscopy- The rotation and classification of molecules, rotation spectra
of diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Rigid and non-rigid rotator models.
Determination of bond lengths, isotope effect on rotation spectra. Stark effect, nuclear
and electron spin interaction. Microwave Spectrometer.
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Vibration spectra of diatomic molecules - linear harmonic
oscillator, vibrational energies, zero point energy, force constants & bond strengths;
anharmonicity of molecular vibrations- Morse PE diagram, selection rules, fundamental,
overtones and hot bands. Vibrations of polyatomic molecules- normal modes of
vibrations & nature of molecular vibrations (Ex-CO2 & H2O).

UNIT-II (16 hours)

Vibration-rotation spectra of diatomic and polyatomic molecules, selection rules, PQR
branches. IR Spectrophotometer-Instrumentation, sample handling techniques, FTIR
Spectroscopy. Far IR region - metal-ligand vibrations, normal co-ordinate analysis.
Raman Spectroscopy: Classical and quantum theories of Raman effect, concept of
polarizability and polarizability ellipsoid. Rotational and vibrational Raman spectra,
selection rules, Raman activity of vibrations, vibrational - rotational Raman spectra,
selection rules, mutual exclusion principle, polarization of Raman lines. An introduction
to Laser Raman Spectroscopy. Raman Spectrometer – instrumentation. Applications of

IR and Raman spectroscopy in elucidation of molecular structure (Ex - H2O, N2O & CO2
molecules). An introduction to Resonance Raman Spectroscopy.

Application of infrared spectroscopy in the structural study-identity by fingerprinting

and identification of functional groups. Characteristic vibrational frequencies of common
functional groups (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, alcohols, ethers,
phenols and amines). Study of vibrational frequencies of carbonyl compounds (ketones,
aldehydes, esters, amides and acids). Factors affecting band positions and intensities such
as effect of hydrogen bonding, phase and solvent on vibrational frequencies, overtones,
combination bands and Fermi resonance.

UNIT – III (16 hours)

UV-VIS Spectroscopy (outer shell electronic spectroscopy): Quantitative aspects of
Absorption -Beer’s law. Terminology associated with absorption measurements.
Limitation of the law: Real, chemical, instrumental and personal. Theory of molecular
absorption. Vibration, rotation, fine structure of electronic spectra. Types of absorption
bands: n toπ*, π to π*, n to σ* , σto σ*,
C-T & ligand field. Empirical rules for predicting the wavelength of maximum
absorption‫ ׃‬Olefins, conjugated dienes, cyclic trienes and polyenes -α, β -unsaturated
and ketones - benzene and substituted benzene rings. Basic components of
instrumentation, single and double beam designs. Applications: Qualitative and
quantitative analysis of binary mixtures, measurement of dissociation constants of acids
and bases, determination of molecular weight, photometric titrations, determination of
stoichiometry and stability of the complexes and kinetic studies.
Photoelectron spectroscopy: Basic principles, valence &core binding energies, shifts in
energies due to chemical forces, Photoelectron spectra of simple molecules, Auger
transitions, measurement techniques. Applications.
Polarimetry:Plane polarized light, instrumentation, acid-catalyzed muta rotation of
glucose, inversing of cane sugar-relative strengths of acids. Optical rotatory dispersion
&circular dichroism–introduction, selection rules, deduction of absolute configuration,
octant rule for ketones and cotton effect.

1. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Banwell & McCash (Tata McGraw


2. Organic Spectroscopy-3rd ed.-W.Kemp (Pagrave Publishers, New York), 1991.

3. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds - Silverstein, Bassler&Monnill
(Wiley) 1981.

(48 hours)
UNIT - I : (16 hours)
NMR Spectroscopy: Magnetic properties of nuclei (magnetic moment, g factor, nuclear
spin), effect of external magnetic field on spinning nuclei, Larmor precession frequency,
resonance conditions, population of nuclear magnetic energy levels, relaxation processes,
relaxation time, line width and other factors affecting line width.
Chemical Shift: Standards employed in NMR, factors influencing chemical shift:
electronegativity, shielding and deshielding, vander Walls deshielding magnetic
anisotropy, H-bonding, diamagnetic and paramagnetic anisotropies, spin-spin coupling,
chemical shift values and correlation for protons bonded to carbon and other nuclei,
Chemical shift equivalence and magnetic equivalence, proton exreactions, effects of
chiral centre, stereochemistry-hindered rotation, karplus curve-variation of coupling
constants with dihedral angle.
Complex NMR Spectra: Simplification of complex spectra-isotopic substitution,
increased magnetic field strength, double resonance and lanthanide shift reagents;,
Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE), variable temperature probe, FT-NMR Spectroscopy
and advantages.
C-NMR Spectroscopy: Comparison of 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR, multiplicity-Proton
decoupling-Noise decoupling-Off resonance decoupling-Selective proton decoupling-
Chemical shift, application of CMR.
NMR of 19F, 31P, 11B and 15N
Applications of NMR: Structural diagnosis, conformational nalysis, keto-enol
tautomerism, Hbonding.
Two dimensional NMR Spectroscopy: COSY, NOESY, INDOR, SPI, DEPT Spectra,
technique, MRI.

UNIT – II (16 hours)

Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Basic principles, hyperfine couplings, the ‘g’
values, factors affecting ‘g’ values, isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine coupling
constants, Zero Field splitting and Kramer’s degeneracy. Measurement techniques and
Applications to simple inorganic and organic free radicals and to inorganic complexes.

NQR Spectroscopy: Quadrupolar nuclei, electric field gradient, nuclear quadrupole
coupling constants, energies of quadrupolar transitions, effect of magnetic field.
Mössbauer spectroscopy: The Mössbauer effect, chemical isomer shifts, quadrupole
interactions, measurement techniques and spectrum display, application to the study of
Fe2+ and Fe3+ compounds, Sn2+ and Sn4+ compounds( nature of M-L bond,
coordination number and structure), detection of oxidation states and inequivalent
Mössbauer atoms.

UNIT – III (16 hours)

Mass Spectrometry: Basic principles, Instrumentation -Mass spectrometer,
interpretation of mass spectra, resolution, exact masses of nucleides, molecular ions,
meta-stable ions and isotope ions. Fragmentation processes-representation of
fragmentation, basic fragmentation types and rules. Factors influencing fragmentations
and reaction pathways. McLafferty rearrangement. Fragmentations (fragmentation of
organic compounds with respect to their structure determination) associated with
functional groups- alkanes, alkenes, cycloalkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, halides,
alcohols, phenols, ethers, acetals, ketals, aldehydes, ketones, quinines, carboxylic acids,
esters, amides, acid chlorides, nitrocompounds, amines & nitrogen heterocycles.
Fragmentation patterns of carbohydrates, terpenoids, alkaloids, steroids, peptides &
proteins-some representative examples, ion analysis, ion abundance, retro Diels-Alder
fragmentation. Application in structure elucidiation and evaluation of heats of
sublimation & ionization potential. Nitrogen rule. High resolution mass spectroscopy.
Composite problems involving the applications of UV, IR, 1H and 13C NMR and mass
spectroscopic techniques. Structural elucidation of organic molecules.

1. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Banwell & McCash (Tata McGraw
2. Organic Spectroscopy-3rd Ed.-W.Kemp(Pagrave Publishers, New York), 1991.
3. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds - Silverstein,Bassler & Monnill
4. Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds-Dyer (Prentice Hall,
NY) 1965.
5. Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds-3rd Ed.-P.S.Kalsi (New Age, New Delhi) 2000.
6. E.A.V.Ebsworth, D.W.H.Ranklin and S.Cradock: Structural Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry, Blackwell Scientific, 1991.
7. R.S.Drago: Physical Methods for Chemists, Saunders College Publishing, 1992.
8. D.N.Satyanarayana: ElectronicAbsorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques,

9. G.Aruldhas, Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, Prentice Hall, 2001
10. J. A. Iggo: NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
11. C.N.R.Rao and J.R. Ferraro: Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol
12. Analytical Chemistry-Open Learning : Mass spectrometry.
13. Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry - Williams and Fleming, TMH.
14. Spectroscopy, B. P. Straughan and S. Salker, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New Yourk,
Vol.2, 1976.
15. Application of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, John R. Dyer,
Prentice/Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 1974.
16. Organic Spectroscopy, V. R. Dani, Tata MeGraw-Hall Publishing Company Limited,
Delhi. 1995.
17. Interpretation of Carbon-13 NMR Spectra, F.W. Wehrli and T. Wirthin, Heyden,
18. NMR spectroscopy-Powai

(48 hours)
Chromatography: Definition, principles and mechanism of separation, classification of
chromatographic techniques. General descriptions of column chromatography - frontal
analysis, displacement analysis and elution analysis. General theory of column
chromatography: characterizing a chromatogram - retention time, retention volume and
baseline width. Chromatographic resolution, capacity factor, column selectivity. Column
efficiency - band broadening - rate theory and plate theory. Peak capacity, non ideal
behavior. Optimizing chromatographic separations using capacity factor, column
selectivity and column efficiency - Van Deemter equation, and its modern versions,
Golay equation and Huber-Knox equations.
Gas chromatography (GC): Principles, instrumentation - mobile phase,
chromatographic columns, stationary phases, sample introduction, temperature control,
and detectors for gas chromatography. Quantitative and qualitative applications.

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): Principles, instrumentation -
columns (analytical and guard columns), stationary phases, mobile phases, choosing a
mobile phase, isocratic vs gradient elution, HPLC plumbing, sample introduction.
Detectors for HPLC - spectroscopic, electrochemical and others, quantitative
(16 hours)

Ion exchange chromatography (IEC): Definitions, requirements for ion-exchange
resin, synthesis and types of ion-exchange resins, principle, basic features of ion-
exchange reactions, resin-properties-ion-exchange capacity, resin selectivity and factors
affecting the selectivity, applications of IEC in preparative, purification and recovery
processes. IEC with eluent suppressor columns. Single Column Ion Chromatography.
Size-exclusion chromatography: Theory and principle of size-exclusion
chromatography, experimental techniques of gel-filtration chromatography (GFC) and
gel-permeation chromatography (GPC), materials for packing - factors governing column
efficiency, methodology and applications.

Thin layer chromatography: Principle, apparatus and methodology, applications,

Affinity chromatography: Definitions, separation-mechanism-matrices, matrix
activation, role of spacer arms and applications.
Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC): Properties of supercritical fluids,
instrumentation and operating variables, comparison of SFC with other types of
chromatography, applications.
Supercritical fluid extraction: Advantages of supercritical fluid extraction,
instrumentation, supercritical fluid choice, off-line and on-line extractions, typical
applications of supercritical fluid extraction.
(16 hours)

Electrophoretic methods - Electrophoresis & Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory -
electrophoretic mobility, electroosmotic mobility, electroosmotic flow velocity, total
mobility, migration time, efficiency, selectivity and resolution. Instrumentation -
capillary tubes, hydrodynamic and electrokinetic methods of sample injection, applying
electric field and detectors. Capillary electrophoresis methods - capillary zone
electrophoresis, micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, capillary gel
electrophoresis and capillary electrochromatography.
Solvent extraction: Theory - Nernst partition law, efficiency and selectivity of
Extraction systems: Extraction of covalent neutral molecules, extraction of uncharged
metal chelates and synergic extraction, extraction of ion-association complexes - non
chelated complexes, chelated complexes and oxonium systems. Use of salting out agents.
Methods of extraction - batch and continuous extractions. applications.
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE): Principles, apparatus and instrumentation. Solid phase
sorbents, extraction formats - Automated solid phase extraction. Solid phase micro
extraction (SPME). Applications of SPE and SPME.
(16 hours)
1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch
8th edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 6th edition, 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, 1993 Prentice
Hall, Inc. New Delhi.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney,
J.D. Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003 Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.
6. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, Robert. D. Braun, Pharm. Med. Prem. India,

7. Instrumental Method of Analysis, W.M. Dean and Settle, 7th edition, 1986, CBS
Publishers, New Delhi.
8. Instant Notes of Analytical Chemistry, Kealey and Haines, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.,
9. Modern Analytical Chemistry, David Harvey, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
10. Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry, F. W. Fifield and Kealey, 5th edition,
2000, Blackwell Sci., Ltd. Malden, USA.
1. Determination of percentage of chloride in a sample by precipitation titration - Mohr,
Volhard and Fajan’s methods.
2. Determination of silver in an alloy and Na2CO3 in soda ash by Volhard method.
3. Mercurimetric determination of blood or urinary chloride.
4. Determination of total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness and carbonate and
bicarbonate hardness of water by complexation titration using EDTA.
5. Determination of calcium in calcium gluconate/calcium carbonate tablets/injections
and of calcium in milk powder by EDTA titration.
6. Analysis of commercial hypochlorite and peroxide solution by iodometric titration.
7. Determination of copper in an ore/an alloy by iodometry and tin in stibnite by
8. Determination of ascorbic acid in vitamin C tablets by titrations with KBrO3 and of
vitamin C in citrus fruit juice by iodimetric titration.
9. Determination of iron in razor blade by visual and potentiometric titration using
sodium metavanadate.
10. Determination of iron in pharmaceuticals by visual and potentiometric titration using
cerium(IV) sulphate.
11. Determination of nickel in steel by synergic extraction and boron in river
water/sewage using ferroin.
12. Determination of total cation concentration of tap water by ion-exchange

13. Determination of magnesium in milk of magnesium tablets by ion-exchange
14. Cation exchange chromatographic separation of cadmium and zinc and their
estimation by EDTA titration.
15. Gas chromatographic determination of ethanol in beverages.
16. Determination of aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine in a mixture by HPLC.
17. Solvent extraction of zinc and its spectrophotometric determination.
18. Anion exchange chromatographic separation of zinc and magnesium followed by
EDTA titration of the metals.
19. Separation and determination of chloride and bromide on an anion exchanger.
20. Thin layer chromatographic separation of amino acids.

1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch 8th
edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 6th edition, 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc, India.
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, 1993, Prentice Hall,
Inc. New Delhi.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003, Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.


(48 hours)
Preparation of coordination compounds: Introduction, Preparative methods - simple
addition reactions, substitution reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, thermal
dissociation reactions, reactions of coordinated ligands, the trans-effect, other methods.
Stability constants of coordination compounds: Introduction, Trends in stepwise and

overall stability constants, Factors influencing the stability of complexes, Irving-William
series, Macrocyclic effect, Theoretical aspects of determination of stability constants by
spectrophotometric, pH and polarographic methods.
Crystal field theory: Salient features of CFT, d-orbital splitting in octahedral,
tetrahedral, square planar and tetragonal fields, Strong and weak field complexes, Jahn-
Teller distortions, Factors affecting10 Dq, Evidences for metal-ligand covalency, Ligand
Field Theory. Geometries of complexes of coordination number 4 to10.
(16 hours)

Molecular Orbital Theory: MO theory of octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar

complexes with sigma (and pi) bonding, Dq from MO energy diagrams.
Electronic spectra: Introduction, selection rules and intensities, Electronic spectra of
octahedral and tetrahedral complexes, Term symbols for dn ions, d-d transitions, Orgel
and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams, Charge-transfer spectra, Spectrochemical and
Nephelauxetic series, Factors affecting 10 Dq, Calculation 10 Dq and Racah
Magnetic properties: Introduction, Diamagnetism, Paramaganetism, Ferromagnetism,
Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism, Magnetic susceptibility and its measurements
(Gouy and Faraday methods), Spin and orbital contributions to the magnetic moment,
Effect of temperature, Spin-cross over systems.
(16 hours)

Reaction and Mechanisms: Introduction, Substitution reactions - Inert and labile

compounds, mechanisms of substitution,
Kinetic consequences of Reaction pathways - Dissociation, interchange and
association, Experimental evidence in octahedral substitution - Dissociation, associative
mechanisms, the conjugate base mechanism, the kinetic chelate effect.
Stereochemistry of reactions- Substitution in trans and cis complexes, Isomerization of
chelate rings.
Substitution reactions of square-planar complexes - Kinetics and stereochemistry of
square-planar substitutions, Evidence for associative reactions, Explanations of the trans
Electron-transfer processes: Inner-sphere and outer-sphere mechanism.

Metal-metal bonding: Factors favoring M-M bonding, Wade-Mingo-Lauher rules,
Polynuclear metal clusters (bi through hexa.)
( 16 hours)
1. Physical Inorganic Chemistry - A Coordination Chemistry Approach- S.F.A. Kettle,
Spektrum, Oxford, (1996).
2. Inorganic Chemistry - 2nd edition, C.E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, Pearson
Education Ltd., (2005).
3. Inorganic Chemistry - 3rd edition, G.L. Miessler and D.A. Tarr, Pearson Education,
4. Inorganic Chemistry - 2nd edition, D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford,
Oxford University Press, (1994).
5. Inorganic Chemistry- 3rd edition, James E. Huheey, Harper and Row Publishers,
6. Basic Inorganic Chemistry- 3rd edition, F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson and P.L. Gaus,
John Wiley and Sons, (2002).
7. Concise Coordination Chemistry, R.Gopalan and Ramalingam.

Semimicro qualitative analysis of mixtures containing TWO anions and TWO cations
(excluding sodium, potassium and ammonium cations) and ONE of the following less
common cations: W, Mo, Ce, Th, Ti, Zr, V, U and Li.


1. Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis – Svelha.

2. Macro and Semimicro Inorganic Qualitative Analysis by A.I. Vogel.
3. Semimicro Qualitative Analysis by F.J. Welcher and R.B. Halin.
4. Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Daniel C. Harris, 7th edition, (2006).




(48 hours)

Oxidation: Oxidation with chromium and manganese reagents (CrO3, K2Cr2O7, PCC,
PDC, Sarret reagent, Jones reagent, MnO2, KMnO4), oxygen (singlet and triplet), ozone,
peroxides and peracids, lead tetraacetate, periodic acid, OsO4, SeO2, NBS, chloramine-T,
Sommelet oxidation, Oppenauer oxidation, Fenton’s reagent, Sharpless epoxidation.
Reductions: Catalytic hydrogenation (homogeneous and heterogeneous) – catalysts (Pt,
Pd, Ra-C, Ni, Ru, Rh), solvents and reduction of functional groups, catalytic hydrogen
transfer reactions. Wilkinson catalyst, LiAlH4, NaBH4, DIBAL-H, Sodium
cyanoborohydride, dissolving metal reactions (Birch reduction). Leukart reaction
(reductive amination), diborane as reducing agent, Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction,
Wolff-Kishner reduction, Clemensen reduction, tributyl tinhydride, stannous chloride,
Bakers yeast,
Organoboron compounds: Introduction and preparations. Hydroboration and its
applications. Reactions of organoboranes: isomerization reactions, oxidation,
protonolysis, carbonylation, cyanidation. Reaction of nonallylic boron stabilized
carbanions: alkylation reactions, acylation reaction, Reactions with aldehydes or ketones
(E and Z-alkenes).
Palladium reagents: Suzuki coupling, Heck reaction, Negishi reaction.
(16 hours)
Reagents in organic synthesis: Use of following reagents in organic synthesis and
functional group transformations: Lithium diisopropylamide (LDA), Gilmann reagent,
dicyclohexyl carbodimide (DCC), dichlorodicyanoquinone (DDQ), Silane reagents-
trialkylsilyl halides, trimethylsilyl cyanide, trimethyl silane, TBDMS, phase transfer
catalyst, crown ethers, cyclodextrins, Ziegler-Natta catalyst, diazomethane, Woodward
and Prevost hydroxylation, Stark enamine reaction, phosphorous ylides - Wittig and
related reactions, sulphur ylides – reactions with aldehydes and ketones, 1,3-dithiane
anions - Umpolung reaction, Peterson reaction.
Functional group transformations: Nitro to keto group (Neff reaction), alcohol to
(16 hours)
Chemistry of organometallic compounds: Synthesis and reactions of organolithium (n-
BuLi, PhLi}, organocadmium, organomagnesium (Grignard reagent), organomanganese,
organoselenium and organotellurium.

Organoaluminium reagents: Preparation, site selective and stereoselctive additions of
nucleophiles mediated by organoaluminum reagents, reaction with acid chlorides, allyl
vinyl ethers, 1,2-addition to imines and application in the synthesis of natural products.
Organocopper reagents: Gilman reagent, preparation, reactions with aldehydes, ketones
and imines. Application in the synthesis of brevicomin,
Organozinc reagents: Preparation - oxidative addition and transmetallation, addition
reactions of alkyl, aryl, allylic and propargylic zinc reagents, diastereoselective and
enantioselective addition reaction with aldehydes, Reformatsky reaction.
Organosamarium reagents: Reactions promoted by samarium diiodide and
dicyclopentadienyl samarium – Barbier type reaction, Reformatsky type reactions, ketyl-
alkene coupling reactions, pinacolic coupling reactions, acyl anion reactions.
Organotin reagents: tributyltin hydride, Barton decarboxylation reaction, Barton
deoxygenation reaction, Stille coupling, Stille-Kelley coupling reactions, Barton
McCombie reaction, Keck stereoselective allylation and other applications.
(16 hours)
1. H. Pine, Hendrickson, Cram and Hammond, Organic Chemistry, Mac Grow Hill, New
York, 1987.
2. Organic Chemistry - Morrison and Boyd
3. Organic Chemistry- Crabtree
4. Organic Chemistry- Clayden
5. I.L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longmann, Vol. 1 & II, 1984.
6. J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley Interscience, 1994.
7. E.S. Gould, Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry, Halt, Rinhart & Winston,
New York, 1964.
8. F.A. Carey and Sundberg. Advanced Organic Chemistry – Part A & B, 3rd edition, Plenum
Press, New York. 1990.
9. Principles of Organic Synthesis - ROC Norman and Coxon.
10. S.K. Ghosh, Advanced General Organic Chemistry, Book and Allied (P) Ltd. 1998.



Qualitative analysis: Separation of binary mixtures, identification of functional groups
and preparation of suitable solid derivatives.
1. Manual of Organic Chemistry - Dey and Seetharaman.
2. Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry by John H. Miller and E.F. Neugil, p 289.

3. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry - Robert, Wingrove etc.
4. A Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry – A.I. Vogel, Vol.III
5. Practical Organic Chemistry - Mann & Saunders
6. Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis by Cheronis, Entrikin and Hodnet .
7. R.K. Bansal, Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry, New Age International (P) Ltd.
London, 3rd edition, 1996.

Chem-HC-P-T-2.4 Quantum Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Kinetics
(48 hours)
UNIT - I : Quantum Chemistry (16 hours)
A brief resume of black body radiation, and atomic spectra-Bohr’s theory of hydrogen
atom. Photoelectric and Compton effects, de-Broglie concept, uncertainty principle,
operators (algebra of operators, commutative and non-commutative operators, linear
operator, Laplacian operator, Hermitian operator-Hamiltonian operator, turn over rule.
Wave equation for stretched strings, Schrodinger wave equation for particles, Eigen
values and Eigen functions, postulates of quantum mechanics. Application of
Schrodinger equation to a free particle and to a particle trapped in a potential field (one
dimension and three dimensions). Degeneracy, Wave equation for H-atom, separation
and solution of R, фand θequations. Application of Schrodinger equation to rigid rotator
and harmonic oscillator. Quantum numbers and their characteristics, orbital diagrams.
Approximate methods – Necessity of approximate methods, perturbation method, the
theory of perturbation method – first order and second order correction, application to
He-atom (first order correction only) – calculation of first ionization potential and
binding energy.

UNIT–II: (16 hours)

Variation theorem: statement and proof . Application of variation method to He atom,
the structure of many electron systems/atoms (secular equations & determinants), Spin-
orbit interaction, antisymmetry and Pauli exclusion principle. Angular momenta
(commutations, relations, operators), Term symbols, Russell-Saunders terms and
coupling schemes, Slater orbitals and SCF method for many electron systems.
Molecular wave functions: Born-Oppenheimer approximations. Covalent bond –valence
bond and molecular orbital approaches with comparisons. MO theory applied to
homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomics by LCAO methods, correlation diagrams, non-
crossing rule.

Theory of directed valence-hybridization and geometry of molecules in terms of

molecular orbitals (bond angle, dihedral angle), localised and delocalised molecular

Conjugated and aromatic molecules: Huckel molecular orbital (HMO) theory of linear
conjugated systems (ethane & allyl systems) and aromatic molecules (benzene as an
example). Calculation of delocalization energies, bond order & charge density.

UNIT-III : (16 hours)

Homogenous Catalysis: Acid-Base catalysis, specific acid and base catalysis. General
acid and base catalysis. Oxidation of amino acids and carbohydrates in pressence of acid
and base catalysis. Acidity functions - Bronstead, Hückel, Hammett and Bunnett
Enzyme kinetics: Effect of substrate concentration (Michaelis Menton equation), Effect
of pH, effect of catalysts and inhibitors (substrate, zeolite, Cr3+, Fe2+ ZnO, U.V light),
effect of temperature. A brief kinetic and mechanistic applications of glucose oxidase in
the oxidation of glucose.
Linear Free Energy Relationship: Hammett equation, Taft equation, Okemoto Brown
equation and its application to oxidation of amino acids and aromatic amines. Swain-
Scott and Edward equation. Winstein - Grunwald relationship. Isokinetic relationship and
significance of isokinetic temperature, Exner criterion.

Pharmaco kinetics: Pharma concentration time curve, protein binding and drugs, drug
dissolution rate, pharmacokinetics applied to one-component open model (calculation of
elimination rate constant & metabolism constant). Bioavailability.and factors affecting it.

Mechanisms of surface reactions- kinetic effects of surface heterogeneity & interactions

– surface inhibition and activation energies –reactions between two adsorbed molecules –
surface exchange reactions –unimolecular and bimolecular reactions.

Micelles: Surface active agents-micellisation, hydrophobic interactions, critical micellar

concentration (CMC), factors affecting the CMC of surfactants. Micellar catalysis.


1. Introductory Quantum Chemistry – A.K.Chandra (Tata McGraw Hill) 1994.

2. Introduction to Physical Organic Chemistry, R. D. Gilliom, Madison – Wesley,
USA (1970).
3. Quantum Chemistry – Eyring, Walter and Kimball. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York.
4. Quantum Chemistry –I.N. Levine. Pearson Education, New Delhi, (2000).
5. Theoretical Chemistry – S. Glasstone. East West Press, New Delhi, (1973).
6. Quantum Chemistry – R.K. Prasad, New Age International Publishers, (1996).
7. Valence Theory – Tedder, Murel and Kettle.
8. Quantum Chemistry – D.A. McQuarrie.
9. Physical Organic Chemistry, Reaction Rate and Equilibrium Mechanism – L. P.
Hammett, McGraw HillBook, Co., (1970).
10. Biophysical Chemistry, Principle and Technique – A. Upadhyay, K. Upadhyay
and N. Nath, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, (1998).

1. Analysis of a binary mixture (Gylcerol & Water) by measurement of refractive index.
2. Determination of degree of association of benzoic acid in benzene by distribution
3. Binary analysis of two miscible liquids by viscometric method (Ethanol & Water)
4. To study the salt effects on kinetics of reaction between K2S2O8 and KI.
5. Study of kinetics of reaction between CAT and indigocarmine spectrophotometrically
and determination of rate constant.
6. Determination of energy of activation for the bromide-bromate reaction.
7. Conductometric titration of sodium sulphate against barium chloride.
8. Determination of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of a strong
and verification of Onsager equation.
9. Determination of dissociation constant of a weak electrolyte (HCOOH) by
10. Potentiometric titration of a mixture of halides (KCl+KBr) against AgNO3.
11. pH titration of (a) (CH3COOH+HCl) Vs NaOH (b) CuSO4 Vs NaOH and
determination of
12. Determination of redox potential of Fe2+ ions by potentiometric method.
13. Determination of partial molar volume of (a) NaCl-H2O systems.
14. G.M. Counter –determination of G.M. plateau and dead time.
15. Verification of inverse square law using gamma emitter.
16. Kinetics of acid hydrolysis of an ester and study of effect of dielectric constant of the
medium (using CH3OH).
17. Conductometric titration of formic acid/oxalic acid against NaOH and NH4OH.
18. Conductometric titration of orthophosphoric acid against NaOH.
19. Determine the concentration of KI by potentiometrically by caliberation method.

1. Practical Physical Chemistry – A.J. Findlay.
2. Experimental Physical Chemistry –F. Daniels et al.
3. Selected Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Latham.
4. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – James and Prichard.
5. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Shoemaker.
6. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments –J. Rose.
7. Practical Physical Chemistry –S.R. Palit.
8. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Yadav, Geol Publishing House.
9. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Palmer.
10. Experiments in Chemistry –D.V. Jahagirdar, Himalaya Publishing House,
Bombay, (1994).
11. Experimental Physical Chemistry –Das. R.C. and Behera B, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

(48 hours)
Flame photometry and Atomic absorption spectrometry: Energy level diagrams -
atomic absorption spectra. Flame characteristics. Flame atomizers and electrothermal
atomization. Comparison of spectral interferences, chemical and physical interferences in
FP and AAS. Use of organic solvents. Quantitative techniques - calibration curve
procedure and the standard addition technique. Typical commercial instruments for FP
and AAS, applications. Qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluations. Relative
detectabilities of atomic absorption and flame emission spectrometry.
Molecular luminescence spectrometry: Theoretical basis for fluorescence and
phosphorescence. Singlet and triplet excited states. Variables affecting luminescence -
quantum efficiency, transition types, structure and structural rigidity, temperature and
solvent effects, effect of pH, dissolved oxygen and concentration effect. Excitation
spectra vs emission spectra. Fluorescence instrumentation - fluorometers and
spectrofluorometers. Sensitivity and selectivity. Modification necessary to measure
phosphorescence. General scope of applications of luminescence. Chemiluminescence
spectrometry-Principles, instrumentations and applications.
Nephelometry and turbidometry: Principles, instrumentation and applications.
(16 hours)
Classification of electrochemical methods: Controlling and measuring current and
potential potentiometers, galvanostats and potentiostats.
Potentiometric methods of analysis. Potentiometric electrochemical cells. The Nernst
equation. Liquid junction potentials. Reference electrodes - SHE, calomel electrode and
silver/silver chloride electrode. Metallic indicator electrodes - electrodes of first kind and
second kind. Redox electrodes. Membrane electodes – membrane potential, selectivity of
membranes. Glass ion selective electrodes. Crystalline solid state ion selective electrodes.
Liquid-based ion selective electrodes. Gas sensing electrodes. Potentiometric biosensors.
Quantitative applications. Activity vs concentration. Quantitative analysis using external

standards and the method of standard additions. Measurement of pH. Clinical and
environmental applications.
Electrogravimetric analysis: Theory, apparatus, cell processes, deposition and
separation, electrolytic separation of metals, applications.

Coulometric methods of analysis: General discussion, coulometry at controlled

potential, apparatus and general technique, applications, coulometric titrations
(amperometric coulometric) - principles, apparatus, comparison of coulometric titrations
with conventional titrations, automatic coulometric titrations, applications.

Voltammetry: Fundamentals of voltammetry. Cyclic voltammetry: Principles and

applications. Stripping analysis: Stripping voltammetry - basic principles, electrodes used
for stripping analysis, apparatus for stripping analysis, applications, determination of lead
in water voltammetry with micro electrodes.
(16 hours)
Thermal method of analysis: Introduction,
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA): types of thermogravimetric analysis, principles.
Factors affecting the results - heating rate, furnace, instrument control/data handling.
Applications - purity and thermal stability, evaluation of correct drying temperature,
analysis of complex mixture and determination of kinetic parameters of thermal
Differential thermal analysis (DTA): Theory - variables affecting the DTA curves.
Differences between TGA and DTA. General principles. Instrumentation. Applications -
analysis of the physical mixtures and thermal behaviour study. Determination of melting
point, boiling point and decomposition point.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC): Basic principle. Differences between DTA
and DSC. Instrumentation - power compensated DSC, Heat flux DSC. Applications -
studies of thermal transitions and isothermal crystallization. Pharmaceutical industry for
testing the purity of the samples.

Thermomechanical analysis. Dynamic mechanical analysis.
Enthalpimetric analysis: Thermometric titrimetry and direct injection enthalpimetry -
principle, instrumentation, applications.
(16 hours)
1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch
8th edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 5th edition, 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, 1993 Prentice
Hall, Inc. New Delhi.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney,
J.D. Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003 Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.
6. Instrumental Methods of Analysis by H.H. Willard, L.L. Merritt and J.A. Dean, 7th
Edition, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 1988.
7. Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry, F.W. Fifield and Kealey, 3rd edition,
2000, Blackwell Sci., Ltd. Malden, USA.
8. Modern Analytical Chemistry, David Harvey, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
9. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, Braun, Pharm. Med. Press. India.
10. Instant Notes of Analytical Chemistry, Kealey and Haines, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2002.
1. Determination of calcium in limestone by redox, acid-base and complexation
2. Determination of mercury in an algaecide by EDTA titration; and arsenic in ant
control preparation by redox titration.

3. Analysis of a copper-nickel alloy sample for copper and nickel by EDTA titration
using masking and selective demasking reactions.
4. Determination of zinc in a sample of foot powder and thallium in a sample of
rodenticide by EDTA titration.
5. Determination of ascorbic acid in goose berry/bitter gourd by titrimetry and
spectrophotometry using N-bromosuccinimide (NBS).
6. Analysis of a mixture of iron(II) and iron(III) by EDTA titration using pH control.
7. Potentiometric titration of a mixture of chloride and iodide.
8. Electrolytic determination of copper and lead in brass.
9. Polarographic determination of copper and zinc in brass.
10. Determination of sodium, potassium and calcium in mineral waters by atomic
emission spectrometry.
11. Colorimetric analysis of procaine by diazotization and coupling reaction.
12. Determination of manganese in steel by extraction-free spectrophotometry and
molybdenum in steel by extractive spectrophotometry.
13. Potentiometric determination of formula and stability constant of a silver-ammonia
complex ion.
14. Conductometric titration of sodium acetate with HCl and NH4Cl with NaOH.
15. Photometric and potentiometric titration of iron(III) with EDTA.
16. Photometric and potentiometric titration of copper with EDTA.
17. Polarographic determination of stability constant of lead oxalate complex.

1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch
8th edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 5th edition, 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, 1993, prentice
Hall, Inc. New Delhi.

4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney,
J.D. Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003 Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.
6. Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis by Ashutoshkar, New Age International Publishers,
New Delhi, 2005.
7. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ed. A. H. Geckett, J. B. Stenlake, 4th edition.
Part I and II, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
8. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in Pharmaceutical Formulations, P. D. Sethi, 3rd
edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 1997.


(48 hours)
Fundamental concepts: Introduction, Classification of organometallic compounds,
Nomenclature, Effective atomic number rule, General methods of synthesis.
Organometallics of transition metals: Preparation, bonding and structures of
manganese,iron, cobalt and nickel carbonyls, Preparation and structures of metal nitrosyls
Metallocenes: Preparation, structure and bonding of ferrocene and ruthenocene
Complexes of alkene, alkyne, arene and allyl ligands: Preparation, structure and
bonding. Isolobal principles.
(16 hours)
Organometallics in Organic Synthesis: Preparation, properties and applications of
organometallic compounds-Li, Mg, Zn, Cd, Sn and Hg.
Organotransition metal compounds: Organocuprates, Hydrozirconation,
Transmetallation reactions by Organopalladium and Organonickel, Carbonylation by
metal carbonylates, Decarbonylation, Carbene complexes and Metallacycles.
(16 hours)

Homogeneous catalysis: Alkene hydrogenation, hydroformylation, Wacker’s process,
Monsanto acetic acid process and L-DOPA synthesis, Alkene oligomerizations, Water-
gas shift reactions.
Heterogeneous catalysis: Alkene polymerization: Ziegler-Natta catalysis, Fischer-
Tropsch reaction, Mechanism
Zeolites as catalysts for organic transformation: Uses of ZSM - 5
Alkene metathesis, Hydroboration, Arylation or Vinylation of Olefins (Heck reaction).
Applications: Industrial and medicinal applications of organometallics.
(16 hours)

1. Organometallic Chemistry, 2nd edition, R.C. Mehrothra and A. Singh, New Age
International Publications (2006).
2. Fundamental Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry – Charles M. Lukehart,
Brooks, Cole Publishing Company (1985).
3. The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 4th edition, Robert H.
Crabtree, Wiley Interscience, (2005).
4. Organometallics – A Concise Introdution, 2nd edition, Chistoph Elschenbroich and
Albert salzer VCH, (1992).
5. Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd edition, C.E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, Pearson
Education Ltd., (2005).
6. Inorganic Chemistry- 3rd edition, G.L. Miessler and D.A. Tarr, Pearson Education,
7. Basic Organometallic Chemistry – B.D. Gupta and A.J. Elias, Universities Press


1. Determination of bismuth, cadmium and lead in a mixture: Analysis of a low melting

alloy (Wood’s alloy).
2. Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium and manganese in a
steel solution.
3. Quantitative analysis of copper(II) and iron(II) in a mixture:

i. Copper gravimetrically as CuSCN and
ii. Iron volumetrically using cerium(IV) solution
4. Determination of chromium(III) and iron(III) in a mixture: Kinetic masking method.
5. Electrogravimetric determination of:
a) Copper in copper sulphate
b) Nickel in nickel suphate
c) Copper and nickel in alloy solution
d) Lead in lead nitrate.
6. Flame photometric determination of the following metal ions from different samples:
a) sodium b) potassium c) calcium d) lithium and d) sodium and potassium in a
7. Polarographic estimation of cadmium and zinc.
8. Determination of iron as the 8-hydroxyquinolate by solvent extraction method.
9. Quantitative determination of nickel using dithizone and 1,10-phenanthroline by
synergistic extraction.
10. Spectrophotometric determination of the pKa value of methyl red.
1. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments – J. Rose.
2. Instrumental Analysis Manual – Modern Experiments for Laboratory – G.G.
Guilbault and L.G. Hargis.
3. A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis – A.I. Vogel, 5th edition.
4. Experimental Inorganic Chemistry – G. Palmer.
5. Inorganic Synthesis – O. Glemser.
6. Experimental Inorganic/Physical Chemistry- Mounir A. Malati.
7. Quantitative Chemical Analysis – Daniel C. Harris, (2006) 7th edition.
8. Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements – Z. Marczenko



(48 hours)


Heterocyclic chemistry: Nomenclature of heterocyclic compounds. Structure (no
elucidation), reactivity, synthesis and reactions of furan, pyrrole, thiophene, indole,

pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline, pyrazole, imidazole, pyrone, coumarin, chromones,
pyrimidines, purines. Structure and importance of quinine, proline as organic catalysts.
(16 hours)
Photochemistry: Light absorption and electronic transitions, Jablonski diagram,
intersystem crossing, energy transfer, sensitizers, quenchers.
Photochemistry of olefins, conjugated dienes, aromatic compounds, ketones- Norrish
type-I and Norrish type-II reactions, enones, Paterno-Buchi reaction, di-pi-
rearrangements, photooxidations, photoreductions.
Electrocyclic reactions: Stereochemistry, symmetry and Woodward-Hofmann rules for
electrocyclic reactions, FMO theory of electrocyclic reactions, correlation diagram for
butadiene to cyclobutene and hexatriene to cyclohexadiene systems.
Cycloaddition reactions: Classification, analysis by FMO and correlation diagram
Cycloaddition reactions: [2+2] and [4+2] cycloadditions- FMO and correlation diagram
method Deils-Alder reaction, hetero Diels-Alder reaction and their applications.
Intra and intermolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions: involving nitrile oxide, nitrile
imine, nitrile ylide and their application in organic synthesis.
Sigmatropic reactions: Classification, stereochemistry and mechanisms. suprafacial and
antarafacial shifts of H and carbon moieties. [3,3] and [5,5]- sigmatropic rearrangement,
Claisen, Cope and aza-Cope rearrangement.
(16 hours)
Molecular rearrangements: Introduction
Carbon to carbon migration: Pinacol-pinacolone, Wagner-Meerwein, Benzidine,
benzylic acid, Favorskii, Fries rearrangement, dienophine rearrangement.
Carbon to nitrogen migration: Hofmann, Curtius, Lossen, Schmidt and Beckmann
Miscellaneous rearrangements: Wittig, Smiles, Bayer-Villeger rearrangement and
Barton reaction.
Retrosynthesis: Introduction to disconnection approach: Basic principles and
terminologies used in disconnection approach. One group C-X and two group C-X
disconnections. Synthons and synthetic equivalents.
Retrosynthesis and synthesis of benzofurans, p-methoxy acetophenone, saccharine, α-
bisabolene, nuciferal, tetralone, iboprofin.

(16 hours)
1. J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley Inter Science, 1994.
2. F.A. Carey and Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry – Part A & B, 3rd edition,
Plenum Press, New York, 1990.
3. Principles of Organic Synthesis ROC Norman and Coxon.
4. Comprehensive Organic Synthesis – B.M. Trost and I. Fleming series, Pergamon
Press, New York, 1991.
5. S.K. Ghosh, Advanced General Organic Chemistry, Book and Allied (P) Ltd., 1998.
6. Heterocyclic Chemistry – Joule & Smith
7. Basic Principles of Heterocyclic Chemistry – L.A. Pacquette
8. Molecular reactions and Photochemistry-DePey Chapmann
9. Organic synthesis- Stuart Warren, Wiley interscience, 1982.


Isolation of natural products

1. Fractional crystallization: separation of mixture of naphthalene and biphenyl
2. Fractional distillation: Separation of mixture of hexane and toluene.
3. Thin layer chromatography: Separation of plant pigments
4. Column chromatography: Separation of mixture of o and p-nitro anilines
5. Isolation of piperine from pepper
6. Isolation of caffeine from tea
7. Isolation of azeleic acid from castor oil
8. Isolation of hesperidiene from orange peal
9. Isolation of cysteine from hair
10. Isolation and spectroscopic characterization of lycopene
11. Isolation of lipids from egg yolk
12. Extraction of nicotine from tobacco leaves.

1. Manual of Organic Chemistry - Dey and Seetharaman.
2. Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry by John H. Miller and E.F. Neugil, p 289.
3. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry - Robert, Wingrove etc.
4. A Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry – A.I. Vogel, Vol.III
5. Practical Organic Chemistry - Mann & Saunders
6. Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis by Cheronis, Entrikin and Hodnet .
7. R.K. Bansal, Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry, New Age International (P) Ltd.
London, 3rd edition, 1996.


Chem-HC-P-T-3.4 Nuclear, Radiation, Photo-, Polymer and Nano

(48 hours)

UNIT - I : (16 hours)

Nuclear chemistry: Radioactive decay – General characteristics, decay kinetics, parent –
daughter decay growth relationships, determination of half-lives, Nuclear stability –
fraction, binding energy, Brief survey of alpha, beta and gamma decays. Nuclear
reactions –
Bethe’s notation, types of nuclear reactions – specific nuclear reactions, photonuclear
Oppenheimer – Phillips process, spallation reactions. Definition of Curie and related
calculations.. Szilard-Chalmers process. Geiger-Muller counters – G.M. Plateau, dead
time, coincidence loss, determination of dead time.
Radiation chemistry: Introduction, units, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with
matter, G-value, LET of radiation, dosimetry, Fricke dosimeter. Radiolysis - cysteine,
and biphenyl. Radioisotopes as tracers, use of isotopic tracers in the elucidation of
reaction mechanism, structure determination and solubility of sparingly soluble
substances. 14C dating, medical applications of isotopic tracers. Hazards in radiochemical
work and radiation protection.

UNIT - II : (16 hours)

Photochemistry: Introduction to photochemistry, quantum yield and its determination,
factors affecting quantum yield, Actinometry - Uranyloxalate and potassium ferrioxalate
actinometers, acetone and diethylketone actinometers. Term symbols and significance.
Photosensitization: by mercury, dissociation of H2. Photochemical kinetics of:
Decomposition of CH3CHO, formation of HCl. Photodegradation: Photocatalyst – ZnO,
TiO2, principle, application of ZnO/TiO2 in the photo degradation of dyes (IC),
pesticides (DDT) and in industrial effluents. Effect of photo degradation on COD value.

Corrosion: Manifestations of corrosion, types of corrosion, basis of electrochemical

corrosion, theories of corrosion. Local cell theory (Wagner and Traud theory), Current –
potential relations (Evan diagram) in corrosion cells. Effect of pH, nature of metal and
dissolved oxygen (principle of differential aeration) on corrosion. Corrosion inhibition
and prevention by painting,phosphating and by using biomaterials, corrosion protection
by anodic (passivation) and cathodic protection.

Polymers: Fundamentals of polymers - monomers, repeat units, degree of
polymerization. Linear, branched and network polymers. Classification of polymers.
Polymerization - condensation, addition, free radical, ionic, co-ordination polymerization
and ring opening
polymerization. Molecular weight and size. Polydispersion. Average molecular weight
concepts – number, weight and viscosity average molecular weight. Determination of
molecular weights -viscosity method, osmotic pressure method, sedimentation and light
scattering method.
(16 hours)

Fundamentals of X-ray crystallography, law of interfacial angles, laws of symmetry,

Miller indices, Bragg equation (no derivation), Experimental methods – powder and
rotating crystal methods, indexing of powder and rotating crystal photographs. Atomic
scattering factor, structure factor, Fourier synthesis and electron density diagrams.
Electron diffraction of gases, experimental technique, Scattering-Intensity curves, Wierl
equation (no derivation), Radial distribution method determination of bond lengths and
bond angles.

Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Nano particles. Synthesis - Laser abalation, chemical

vapour transportor (CVT) and sol-gel methods. Metal oxides nanoparticles with
supercritical water and precursor method. Synthesis of metal oxides and its composite
nanoparticles by solvothermal, hydrothermal and electrochemical methods. Carbon
nanotube, carbon nanowires and its composites. Applications of nanomaterials in
renewable energy. Inorganic and organic nanoporous aerogels. Heat capacity of solids:
Einstein and Debye equations (With derivation).

1. Nuclear Chemistry by Friedlander and Kennedy, John Wiley and Sons (1987).
2. Nuclear Physics and Chemistry by G. Harvey.
3. Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry by H.J. Arnikar, Eastern Wiley (1990).
4, Nuclear Chemistry by U.N. Dash, Sultan Chand and Sons (1991).
5. Source Book on Atomic Energy by S. Glasstone, 3rd edition Van Nonstrand (1967).
6. Nuclear Radiation Detection by Price. Nuclear Radiation Detectors by S.S. Kapoor and
Ramamoorthy, Wiley Eastern (1986).
7. Fundamentals of Radiochemistry by D.D. Sood, A.V.R. Reddy and N. Ramamoorthy
8. Fundamentals of Photochemistry – Rohatgi and Mukherje (New Age Bangalore) 2000.
9. Introduction to electrochemistry by S. Glasstone.
10. Treatise on Electrochemistry, G. Kortum 2nd Edition, Elsevier, London (1965).
11. Text Book of Polymer Science, F.W. Billmeyer, Jr., John Wiley, London (1994).
12. Polymer Science. V. R. Gowrikar, N.V. Vishwanathan and J. Sreedhar, Wiley
New Delhi (1990).

13. Fundamentals of Polymer Science and Engineering. A. Kumar and S.K. Gupta,
Tata –McGraw Hill New Delhi (1978).
14. Polymer Characterization, D. Campbell and J.R. White, Chapman and Hall, New
15. Fundamental Principles of Polymer Materials, R.L. Rosen, Wiley, New York.
16. Functional Monomers and Polymers by K. Takemoto, Y. Inaki and P.M. Ottenbrite,
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1987.
17. Hand Book of Nanotechnology, Bharat Bhushan, Springer Publisher.
18. Nanotechnology, Richard Booker and Earl Boysen, Wiley.
19. Nanometerials, A.K. Bandopadhyay, New Age International, 2nd edition.
20. Nanotechnology - Importance and Applications, M. H. Fulekar, Ink International

1. Kinetics of reaction between sodium formate and Iodine, determination of energy of
2. To study the kinetics of saponification of ethyl acetate by conductivity method,
determination the energy of activation.
3. To study the kinetics of reaction between acetone and iodine-determination of order of
reaction w.r.t. iodine and acetone.
4. Conductometric titration of thorium nitrate with potassium tartarate.
5. Determination of mean ionic activity coefficient of a weak electrolyte (acetic acid) by
conductometric measurements.
6. To study the acid catalysed kinetics of oxidation of glycine by chloramine-T (CAT)-
determination of order of reaction w.r.t. [CAT] and [glycine].
7. Kinetics of decomposition of benzene diazonium chloride, determination of energy of
activation and thermodynamic parameters.
8. Potentiometric titration of Pb(NO3)2 Vs EDTA.
9. Preparation of Ag/AgCl electrode and to determine the activity of 0.2M HCl.
10. Determination of ionic product of water and study the effect of temperature.
11. Determination of transport number of H+ by e.m.f. method.
12. Photolysis of monochloro acetic acid.
13. To determine the eutectic point of a two component system (Naphthalene-m-
dinitrobenzene system).
14. Conductometric method of determination of solubility of sparingly soluble salt.
15. Potentiometric titration of mixture of KCl+KBr+KI vs AgNO3.
16. Study of phase diagram of a three component system (Eg: acetic acid-chloroform
water and system).
17. Thermodynamics of a cell reaction –construction of an electrochemical cell, study the
effect of temperature on the cell reaction and calculation of thermodynamic parameters.
18. Determination of hydroxyl radicals scavenging (antioxidant activity) by
spectrophotometric method.
19. Study of pH effect (by inhibitors) on electrochemical dissolution of a metal.


1. Practical Physical Chemistry – A.J. Findlay.

2. Experimental Physical Chemistry –F. Daniels et al.
3. Selected Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Latham.
4. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – James and Prichard.
5. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Shoemaker.
6. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments –J. Rose.
7. Practical Physical Chemistry –S.R. Palit.
8. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Yadav, Geol Publishing House.
9. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Palmer.
10. Experiments in Chemistry –D.V. Jahagirdar, Himalaya Publishing House,
Bombay, (1994).
11. Experimental Physical Chemistry –Das. R.C. and Behera B, Tata Mc Graw

(48 hours)
Kinetic methods of analysis: Analytical uses of reaction rates relative, basis of reaction
rate methods, rate laws-first and second order reactions relative rates of reactions,
analytical utility of first or pseudo first order reactions, determination of reaction rates,
types of kinetic methods–differential methods, integral methods, multicomponent
analysis-neglect of reaction of slow-reacting component, logarithmic extrapolation
method, reaction rate method, applications-catalyzed reactions, measurement methods for
catalyzed reactions, micro determination of inorganic species like iodide, selenium,
cobalt & mercury in complex materials, determination of organic species, non-catalytic
reactions. Applications of enzyme-catalysed reactions for the analysis of substrates-
stoichiometric and rate methods, determination of urea, uric acid, blood glucose,
galactose and blood alcohol, determination of enzymes-LDH, GOT and GPT.
A brief outline of IR, UV, NMR, Mass spectroscopy as tools for kinetic study.
(16 hours)

Radiochemical methods of analysis
Introduction: Radioactive isotopes, radioactive decay products. Decay processes- alpha
decay. beta decay, gamma-ray emission and x-ray emission. Radioactive decay rates.
Counting statistics.
Measurement of alpha particles, beta-particles and gamma radiations. Radiation
detectors-gas ionisation, scintillation and semiconductor detectors. Pulse height analysis
and autoradiograghy.
Neutron activation methods-neutrons and neutron sources, reactors, radioactive neutron
sources and accelerators.
Interactions of neutrons with matter. Theory of activation methods and experimental
considerations. Non-destructive methods and destructive methods. Applications of
neutron activation-scope, accuracy and sensitivity, Isotopes dilution methods- Types,
principles and applications.
Radiometric titrations. Radiorelease methods. Radioactive tracers. Principles and
applications of radioimmunoassay.
(16 hours)
Automated methods of analysis
An overview, definition, distinction between automatic and automated systems,
advantages and disadvantages by automation, types of automated techniques. Non-
discrete techniques, segmented flow methods and basic equipment, special techniques
and devices, theoretical considerations and problems, applications. Single channel and
multi channel auto analysers, BUN analyzers, automatic glucose analyzers and ammonia
in water analyzers, COD analyzers, CFA in industry. Non-segmented flow methods:
Flow injection analysis. Principles, types of dispersion, factors affecting dispersion,
applications of small, medium and large dispersions. Stopped flow methods, flow
injection titrations. Discrete methods: Centrifugal fast scan analyzer, automatic
multipurpose analyzers, Automatic elemental analyzer, automated analyzer based on
multi layer film-principles, film structure, instrumentation applications. Comparison of
discrete and non-discrete methods. Advantages of flow injection measurements over
continuous flow measurements.

(16 hours)
1.Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch 8th
edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 5th ed., 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc, India
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition,1993 prentice Hall,
Inc. New Delhi.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint.2003, Pearson Education
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.
6. Instrumental Methods of Analysis by H.H. Willard, L.L. Merritt and J.A. Dean, 7th
Edition, (1988).
7. Principles of instrumental analysis. D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler, Nieman
8. Introduction to instrumental methods of analysis. D. Braun.
9. Principles and practice of analytical chemistry. Fifield and Kealey.
10. Nuclear chemistry-Arnikar.
11. H.H.Bauer, G.D. Christien, and J.E.O’Reilly, eds., Instrumental analysis. Boston:Allyl
and Bacon, 1978, Chapter 18, “Kinetic methods” by H.B. Mark, Jr.
12. R.A. Greinke and H.B.Mark, Jr., “Kinetic Aspects of Analytical Chemistry”. Anal.
chem., 46 (1974) 413 R.
13. H. L. Pardue, “ A Comprehensive Classification of Kinetic Methods of Analysis used in
Clinical Chemistry”. Clin. Chem., 23, (1977) 2189.
14. D. Perez-Bendito and M. Silva, Kinetic methods in analytical chemistry. New York:
Wiley, 1988.
15. H.A. Mottola, Kinetic Aspects of Analytical Chemistry. New York: Wiley interscience,
16. H.U. Bergmeyer, Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley. A series of
12 volumes plus index volume, 1983-1987.

Applied analysis-I
1. Analyses of waste waters for DO and COD by titrimetry.
2. Analysis of a ground water sample for sulphate by titrimetry (EDTA) and turbidimetry.
3. Kinetic determination of urinary creatinine and purity of a commercial H2O2 sample.
4. Analysis of brackish water for chloride content by a) spectrophotometry (mercuric
thiocyanate method), b) conductometry (silver nitrate) and c) potentiometry (silver
5. Determination of fluoride in drinking water/ground water by spectrophotometry
(alizarin red lake method).
6. Spectrophotometric determination of iron in natural waters using thiocyanate and 1,10-
phenanthroline as reagents.
7. Analysis of waste water for
a) nitrate by phenol disulphonic acid method.
b) phosphate by molybdenum blue method
c) ammonia-nitrogen by Nessler’s method
d) nitrite-nitrogen by NEDA method
e) silica by molybdate method
8. Analysis of a soil sample for
a) pH, conductance and total solids and dissolved solids.
b) calcium carbonate and organic carbon by titrimetry.
c) calcium and magnesium by EDTA titration.
9. Analysis of a soil sample for
a) Available phosphorus by spectrophotometry.
b) Nitrate-nitrogen/nitrite nitrogen/ammonia nitrogen by spectrophotometry.
c) sodium and potassium by flame photometry.
d) water-soluble silica by molybdate method by spectrophotometry.
e) sulphur by colorimetric method.
10. Analysis of waste water for anionic detergents and phenol by spectrophotometry.

11. Kinetic based indirect spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination of
MnO4- and Cr2O7 2-
12. Enzymatic determination of glucose in blood.
13. Analysis of potable /ground water for fluoride with ion selective electrode
14. Kinetic determination of urinary creatinine and purity of a commercial H2O2 sample.
15. Determination of chromium (III) and iron (III) in a mixture by kinetic masking
16. Catalytic determination of traces of selenium in biological materials and iodide in blood
17. Separation and identification of pesticide residues from the soil by TLC.

1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch 8th
edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 5th edition, 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc, India.
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, 1993, Prentice Hall,
Inc. New Delhi.
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003, Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California, 1990.
6. Practical Clinical biochemistry methods and interpretations, R. Chawla, J.P. Bothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., 1995.
7. Laboratory manual in biochemistry, J. Jayaraman, New Age International Publishers,
New Delhi, 1981.
8. Practical Clinical Biochemistry by Harold Varley and Arnold.Heinmann, 4th edition.
9. Experiments on Water Pollution, D.I. Williams and D. Anglesia, Wayland Publishers
Ltd., England, 1978.
10. Experiments on Land Pollution, D.I. Williams and D. Anglesia, Wayland Publishers
Ltd., England, 1978.

11. Experiments in Environmental Chemistry, P.D. Vowler and D.W. Counel, Pergamon
Press, Oxford 1980.
12. Manual Soil Laboratory Testing, vol. I, K.H. Head, Pentech Press, London 1980.


Food analysis: Objectives of food analysis. Sampling procedures. Detection and
determination of sugars and starch. Methods for protein determination. Oils and fats and
their analysis-iodine value, saponification value and acid value. Rancidity-detection and
determination (peroxide number). Tests for common edible oils. Analysis of foods for
minerals-phosphorus, sodium, potassium and calcium. General methods for the
determination of moisture, crude fibre and ash contents of food. Analysis of milk for fat
and added water. Non-alcoholic beveragesdetermination of chicory and caffeine in
coffee; caffeine and tannin in tea. Alcoholic beveragesmethanol in alcoholic drinks and
chloral hydrate in toddy. Food additives-chemical preservatives. Inorganic preservatives-
sulphur dioxide and sulphites, their detection and determination. Organic preservatives-
benzoic acid and benzoates, their detection and determination. Flavouring agents-
detection and determination of vanilla and vanillin. Coloring matters in foods-
classification, certified colors, detection of water soluble dyes, color in citrus fruits, beet
dye in tomato products, mineral color. Pesticide residues in foods-determination of
chlorinated organic pesticides. Control food quality-codex alimentaries, Indianstandards.

Unit –II
Pharmaceutical analysis: Importance of quality control; drugs and pharmaceuticals.
Sources of impurities in pharmaceutical chemicals. Analytical quality control in
finished/final products. Common methods of assay. Analysis of common drugs;
Analgesics-aspirin, paracetamol; Anthelmentics-mebendazole; Antiallergics-
chlorpheneramine maleate; Antibioticspenicillin, chloromycetin; Anti-inflammatory
agents-Oxyphenbutazone; Antimalarialsprimaquine phosphate; Antituberculosists-INH;

Narcotics-nicotine, morphine; Expectorants- Benadryl; Sedative-diazepam; Vitamins-A.
C, B1, B2, B6, niacin and folic acid. Estimation of drug residues in biological samples.

Newer Concepts in Analytical Chemistry: Metrology: Meaning, importance and newer
Traceability and Uncertainty: Concepts and definitions. Accuracy versus traceability
Precision versus Uncertainty.
Green Chemistry: A New Chemical Philosophy. Basic concepts of twelve principles.
Green Analytical Chemistry: Real Time analysis for pollution prevention. Green
Sampling Techniques.
Field Analytical Chemistry: Meaning, Importance and Advantages. Field Portable
Process Analytical Chemistry: Meaning, Importance and Advantages. Process Analysis.
Green Analytical Tools: Chemical Sensors. Biochemical Sensors. Electronic Tongue.
Electronic Nose.


1. Food Analysis, A. G. Woodman, McGraw Hill. 1971.

2. Chemical Analysis of Foods, H. E. Cox and Pearson.
3. Analysis of Foods and Food Products, J. B. Jacob.
4. A First Course in Food Analysis, A. Y. Sathe, New Age Internationals (P) Ltd.,
Publishers, Bangalore, 1999.
5. Analytical Agricultural Chemistry, S. L. Chopra and J. S. Kanwar, Kalyani Publishers,
New Delhi, 1999.
6. Pharmaceutical Analysis, Ed. T. Higuchi and E. B. Hanssen, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1997.
7. Pharmaceutical Analysis-Modern Methods, Part A & B, Ed. James W. Hunson.
8. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in Pharmaceutical Formulations, P. D. Sethi, 3rd Ed.
CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 1997.

9. Encyclopaedia of Analytical Chemistry. R.A. Meyers, Wiley, 18 volume set, 2000.
10. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice , Paul T Anastas John C.Warner, Oxford
University press, USA , 2000.
11. Introduction to Green Chemistry, Second edition. Albert Matlack, CRC Press: 2nd
edition, 2010.
12. Green Chemistry: An Introductory Text. Mike Lancaster, Royal Society of Chemistry;
Revised edition. 2010.
13. Ultrasound Technology in Green Chemistry, Sillapaa, Mika, Pham, Thuy-Duong,
Shrestha, Reena Amathya. 1st Edition., 2011, Springer.
14. Handbook of Green chemistry and technology, James H. Clark, Duncan J.
Macquarrie, John Wiley and sons, 25-Mar-2002.

Applied analysis-II
1. Determination of vitamin C in orange juice by titration with cerium(IV) and with 2,6-
dichlorophenol indophenols
2. Determination of aluminium and magnesium in antacids by EDTA titration.
3. Determination of saccharin in tablets by precipitation titration.
4. Determination of sulpha drugs by potentiometry using NaNO2 and iodometric assay of
5. Determination of iron in mustard seeds and phosphorus in peas by spectrophotometry.
6. Fluorimetric determination of riboflavin (vit. B2) in tablets.
7. Analysis of urine for
a) Urea and uric acid by titrimetry snd spectrophotometry.
b) Sulphate by precipitation titration after ion-exchange separation.
c) Sugar by Benedict’s reagent.
8. Analysis of blood for
a) Cholesterol by spectrophotometry
b) Bicarbonate by acid-base titration.

9. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine in
APC tablets using solvent extraction.
10. Fluorimetric determination of quinine in an antimalarial tablet.
11. Determination of iodine value and saponification value of edible oils.
12. Assay of methyl salicylate and diethylphthalate in surgical spirit by UV-
13. Assay of chlorpramazine HCl in a syrup formation by difference spectrophotometry.
14. Assay of isoniazid in tablet formulation by titrimetric with KBrO3.
15. Assay of diphenylhydramine HCl and nicotinic acid in pharmaceuticals by titration
with perchloric acid.
16. Analysis of Phenobarbital by visual, potentiometric and conductometric methods.
1. C. A. Burtis and E.R. Ashwood, eds., Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical chemistry, 4th
ed., Wasington, DC: American Association of clinical chemistry, 1995.
2. C. A. Burtis and E.R. Ashwood, eds., Tietz textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 3th ed.,
Wasington, DC: American Association of clinical chemistry, 1998.
3. M. Reiner and D. Seligson, eds., Standard methods in clinical chemistry. San Diego:
Academic. Multivolume series started in 1953.
4. D. Glick, ed., Methods of biochemical analysis. New York: Wiley-Interscience. A
series of annul volumes, started in 1954.
5. D.S. Young and R.B.Friedman, Effect of diseases on clinical laboratory tests, 4th ed.
Washington, DC: American Association of clinical chemistry, 2001.
6. D.S. Young and R.B.Friedman, Effect of drugs on clinical laboratory tests, 5th ed.
Washington, DC: American Association of clinical chemistry, 2000.
7. J. Wang, Electro analytical techniques in clinical chemistry and laboratory
medicine.New York: VCH, 1988.
8. Practical Clinical biochemistry methods and interpretations, R. Chawla, J.P. Bothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., 1995.
9. Laboratory manual in biochemistry, J. Jayaraman, New Age International Publishers,
New Delhi, 1981.
10. Practical Clinical Biochemistry by Harold Varley and Arnold.Heinmann, 4th edition.


Structural and molecular biology: Introduction, The structural building blocks of
proteins and nucleic acids, Metal ion interactions with nucleosides and nucleotides.
Bioenergetics: Introduction, Redox reactions in metabolism, the central role of ATP in
metabolism, Kinetic stability of ATP, Mitochondrial flow of electrons from NADH to O2,
Oxidative phosphorylation and respiratory chain.
Biochemistry of sodium and potassium: Introduction,Transport across membranes.
Potassium and sodium channels, Sodium-potassium ATPase, Metal ion carriers (crown
ethers, cryptands and ionophores).
Biochemistry of calcium: Introduction, Biological role of calcium, Binding sites of
calcium and proteins, Storage of calcium, Calcium in muscle contraction, Calcium in
blood clotting process.
Biochemistry of Magnesium: Chlorophyll and its role in photosynthesis.
Biochemisrty of cobalt: Chemistry of cobalamin, Structural features, Biochemical
functions of cobalamins, Model compounds, Special characteristics of B12 co-enzyme
(16 hours)
Metal ion transport and storage: Iron storage and transport: Transferrin, ferratin,
phosvitin and gastroferrin, Iron transport in microbes: siderophores, in vivo microbial
transport of iron
Oxygen transport: Properties of dioxygen (O2), Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of
dioxygen as an oxidant, Activation of dioxygen through complexation with metal ions.
Haemoglobin (Hb) and Myoglobin (Mb) in oxygen transport mechanism:
Introduction to porphyrins, Substituent effects on porphyrin rings, Functions of Hb and
Mb, Characteristics of O2 binding interaction with Hb and Mb, Model compounds for
oxygen carriers (Vaska’s complex and cobalt(III) – Schiff base complexes), Hemerythrin
and hemocyanin.
Electron transport proteins and redox enzymes: Iron – sulfur proteins (rubredoxins
and ferredoxins) and cytochromes including cytochrome P450, Catalase and peroxidase-
structure and reactivity.
Superoxide dismutase: Structure and reactivity.

Molybdenum containing enzymes: Aspects of molybdenum chemistry, Xanthine
oxidase, aldehyde oxidase, Sulfite oxidase, Nitrogenase and nitrite reductase.
Non-redox metalloenzymes - Structure and reactivity of metalloenzymes,
Carboxypeptidase-A, Alcohol dehydrogenase, Leucine aminopeptidase and carbonic
(16 hours)
Therapeutic uses of Metals - Introduction, Metals in medicine, Metals and human
Disease due to metal and nonmetal deficiency: Deficiency due to iron, zinc, copper,
sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and selenium and their treatment.
Metal complexes as drugs and therapeutic agents: Introduction, Antibacterial agents,
Antiviral agents, Metal complexes in cancer therapy, metal complexes for the treatment
of rheumatoid arthritis, Vanadium diabetes, Metal complexes as radio diagnostic agents.
Treatment of toxicity due to inorganics: General aspects of mechanism of metal ion
(i) Mechanism of antidote complex with poison, rendering it inert: arsenic, lead, mercury,
iron and copper.
(ii) Antidote accelerated metabolic conversion of poison to non-toxic product: cyanide
and carbon monoxide.
(16 hours)
1. The Inorganic Chemistry of Biological Process- 2nd edition, M. N. Hughes, John
Wiley and Sons, (1988).
2. Bioinorganic Chemistry - R.W. Hay, Ellis Horwood Ltd., (1984).
3. Biological Inorganic Chemistry – An Introduction, R.R. Crichton, Elsevier, (2008).
4. Bioinorganic Chemistry - A.K. Das, Books and Allied (P) Ltd, (2007).
5. Bioinorganic Chemistry - K. Hussain Reddy, New Age International Ltd. (2003).
6. Bioinorganic Chemistry: A Survey - Eiichiro Ochiai, Academic Press, (2008).
7. Bioinorganic Chemistry: A Short Course - 2nd edition, R.M. Roat-Malone, Wiley
Interscience, (2007).
8. Medicinal Applications of Coodination Chemistry - Chris Jones and John Thornback,
RSC Publishing, (2007).
9. Transition Metal Complexes as Drugs and Chemotherapeutic Agents - N. Farrell,
Kluwer Academic Publishers (1989).

10. The Biological Chemistry of the Elements: The Inorganic Chemistry of Life - 2nd
edition, J.J.R. Frausto da Silva and R.J.P. Williams, Oxford University Press,(2001).


I. 1. Analysis of alloys:
a) nickel gravimetrically using diethyl glyoxime
b) chromium titrimetrically by persulphate oxidation
c) iron titrimetrically using cerium sulphate
d) chromium and manganese.

2. Ferromanganese: Manganese using EDTA

3. Molybdenum and tungsten steels: gravimetric
4. Semi- micro gravimetric estimation of aluminium and molybdenum.
5. Electrogravimetric estimation of:
i) Lead
ii) Nickel and copper.

6. Flame photometric determination of sodium, potassium and calcium in

environmental and biological samples.

7. Polarographic determination of Cadmium, zinc + lead .

8. Stability constant of lead oxalate complex.
9. Solvent extraction and spectrophotometric determination of:
b. Uranium or molybdenum
c. Nickel

10. Specrtophotometric determination of titanium and zirconium.

1. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments – J. Rose.
2. Instrumental Analysis Manual - Modern Experiments for Laboratory – G.G. Guilbault
and L.G. Hargis.
3. A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis – A.I. Vogel, 5th edition.
4. Experimental Inorganic Chemistry – G. Palmer.
5. Inorganic Synthesis – O. Glemser.
6. Experimental Inorganic/Physical Chemistry- Mounir A. Malati.
7. Quantitative Chemical Analysis – Daniel C. Harris, (2006) 7th edition.

8. Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements – Z. Marczenko


Vibrational spectroscopy:Introduction, Selection rules, Vibrations of polyatomic
molecules, Group frequency Structure of small molecules, Applications to coordination
compounds (aquo, ammine, DMSO and DMF complexes), Linkage (SCN, NO2) and
geometrical isomers, Spectra of sulphate and perchlorate, carbonate and nitrate
NMR Spectroscopy: Basic principles, Chemical shift and factors affecting it, F19and P31
NMR, Fluxional Molecules, Chemical exchange, and their applications to simple
molecules, Lanthanide shift reagents, NMR of Paramagnetic compounds and Nuclear
Overhausser Effect, NMR spectra of solids.
(16 hours)
Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy(ESR):Basic principles, selection rules, g-factor
and hyperfine splitting, Spectra of simple free radicals (NO, NH3, NH2, methyl,
hydrazyl, benzene, parabenzoquinone, cyclopentadienyl etc), Zero field splitting, and
Kramer’s degeneracy, Applications to transition metal complexes of d1, d5, and d9.
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy (NQR): Basic principles, electric field
gradient, Quadrupole moment, asymmetric parameter, Quadrupole transitions for I = 1,
3/2, 5/2 and 7/2 systems, Instrumentation, Applications to chemical bond and structures.
Mossbauer spectroscopy: Basic principles, Isomer shift, Quadrupole splitting and
magnetic hyperfine structure, Applications to iron and tin compounds (eg. Low spin Fe
complexes, Divalent and tetravalent tin complexes) study of spin cross over.
(16 hours)
Photoelectron Spectroscopy:Introduction, chemical shift, Koopman’s theory, spectra of
simple molecules(H2, N2, O2, F2, and CO) , X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger
spectroscopy, Instrumentation,Applications
CRD and CD:Introduction, Optical activity of inorganic compounds, ORD and CD,
Cotton Effect, Applications to d-d transitions, Absolute configuration
Mass spectroscopy: Introduction, Fragmentation process, ion sources, Mass spectra,
Meta stable ion, Applications to inorganic systems, Mass spectrometer.

(16 hours)

1. Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques – D.N.
Sathyanarayana, Universities Press (2001).

2. Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry – E.A.V. Ebsworth, D.W.H. Ranklin
and Cradock, Blackwell Scientific Publications (1988).
3. Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry – R.S. Drago, Saunders Publishers

4. Spectroscopy, B.P. Straughan and S. Salker, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New
York, Vol.2, 1976.
5. Organic Spectroscopy, William Kemp, English Language Book society,
Macmillan, 1987.
6. Application of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, John R. Dyer,
Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1974.
7. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 4th edition, Robert M.
Silverstein, G. Clayton Bassler and Terence C. Morrill, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1981.
8. Organic Spectroscopy, V.R. Dani, Tata MeGraw-Hall Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi. 1995.
9. Interpretation of Carbon-13 NMR Spectra, F.W. Wehrli and T. Wirthin, Heyden,
London, 1976.
10. NMR spectroscopy – Powai.

1. Preparation and characterization of:
a) Chloropentammine cobalt(III) chloride
b) Estimation of chloride in a complex by potentiometric or ion-exchange method
c) Record the electronic absorption spectrum of a complex and verify Tanabe
Sugano diagram
2. Preparation of cis- and trans- dichlorobis(ethylenediammine) cobalt(III)chloride.
Record the UV-Vis spectra and compare it with cis-form. Measure the molar
3. Preparation of hexamine cobalt(III) chloride and estimate cobalt ion.
4. Determination of magnetic susceptibility of any two compounds/complexes by Gouy
5. Determination of the composition of iron-phenanthroline complex by:
(a) Job’s method
(b) mole-ratio method and

(c) slope-ratio method.
7 Determine the stability constant of copper-sulphosalicylate complex by Bejrrums’s

8. Determine the stability constant of iron-tiron/iron-phenanthroline by Turner-Anderson

9. Preparation of tris(oxalate)ferrate(III) and estimate the metal ion.
10.Using chloropentamine cobalt(III) chloride, prepare nitro and nitritopentamine
cobalt(III) chloride. Record the IR spectra of the isomers and interpret.
11.Estimate the chloride ion in a given complex by silver nitrate titration after ion-
exchange separation.
12.Demonstration Experiments:
(a) Recording and interpretation of IR and NMR spectra of complexes.
(b) Spectrochemical series - Evaluation of Dq value.
(c) DNA interaction with metal complexes by UV-visible absorption and viscosity

1. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments – J. Rose.
2. Instrumental Analysis Manual - Modern Experiments for Laboratory – G.G.
Guilbault and L.G. Hargis.
3. A Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis – A.I. Vogel, 5th edition.
4. Experimental Inorganic Chemistry – G. Palmer.
5. Inorganic Synthesis – O. Glemser.
6. Experimental Inorganic/Physical Chemistry- Mounir A. Malati.
7. Quantitative Chemical Analysis – Daniel C. Harris, (2006) 7th edition.
8. Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements – Z. Marczenko


UNIT – I: Synthetic dyes

Dyes: Introduction, modern theories of colour and chemical constitution. A general study
of the following: Direct azo dyes (congored, rosanthrene O, procion dyes), acid azo dyes
(ponceau2R, Naphthol blue black 6B), basic azo dyes (chrysoidin G, bismark brown),
developed dyes, mordent dyes, vat dyes, disperse dyes, fibre reactive dyes, sulphur dyes
and solvent dyes. Fluoroscent brightening agents (tinopal B.V), cyanine dyes
(classification, application in photography, quinoline blue and sensitol), chemistry of
colour developer, and instant colour processes. Synthesis and applications of malachite
green, rhodamine-B, phenolphthalein and methyl orange. Triphenylmethane dyes: crystal
violet, pararosaniline, aurin, chromeviolet.
Application of dyes: In photography, DVD, CD and LCD, and electronics.
(16 hours)
Synthetic Drugs: Introduction, chemotheraphy, pharmacodynamics, metabolites and
antimetabolites, agonists and antagonists. A general study of the following class of drugs;
a). Sulpha drugs - sulphanamides, sulphamethoxazole. b). Antipyretics –phenacetin,
novalgin. c). Antimalarials – Quinine, chloroquine. d). Hypnotics, analgesics and
sedatives – Phenobarbital, meprobamate. e). Antihistamines – chlorpheniramine. f).
Stimulants – caffeine. g). Antineoplastics – 5-Fluorouracil and chlorambucil. h).
Antibiotics: introduction, structure (no elucidation) and mode of action streptomycin,
chloromycetin and tetracyclines.
Insecticides: Introduction, classification, mode of action and synthesis of chlorinated
insecticides (DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane), Naturally occurring insecticides-
pyrethroids-natural pyrethrins-isolation and structures. Organophosphorous insecticides:
Malathion, DDVP. Carbamate insecticides: Sevin, beygon. Fungicides: Introduction,
organic fungicides, Systemic fungicides-types & examples. Herbicides: Introduction,
study of heterocyclic sulfonamides, heterocyclic amines, hydroxyoxazolidinones,
pyridine herbicides and 1,3,4-oxadiazoles.
Mechanism of action and toxicities of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides.

(16 hours)


Basic concepts: monomers, repeat units, degree of polymerization, linear, branched and
network polymers. Classification and nomenclature of polymers, conducting polymers-
polyanilines. Properties of polymers (brief explanation of molecular weight, glass
transition temperature - Tg , solubility and visco-elasticity). Methods of polymerization-
addition and condensation polymerization, ionic and free-radical polymerization
processes, polymerization with complex catalysts (Ziegler-Natta catalysis), co-
polymerization and their mechanisms. Techniques of polymerization - bulk, emulsion.
Stereospecific Polymers - Preparation and significance- classification of polymers
based on physical properties - thermoplastics - thermosetting plastics - fibers and
elastomers. General applications.
Preparation of Polymers - Preparation of polymers based on different types of
monomers -Industrial applications-olefin polymers - diene polymers- nylons - glyptal
resins, epoxy resins - ion exchange resins, polycarbonates and its applications.
Polymer degradation reactions: Thermal and oxidative processes.


PAPER-1: Multi step synthesis

1. Oxidation of cyclohexanol to adipic acid via cyclohexanone
2. Esterification: Preparation of benzoccaine from p-nitrotoluene
3. Diazotization (Sandmeyer’s reaction): Preparation of p-chlorobenzoic acid from p-
4. Molecular rearrangement:
i. Preparation of o-chlorobenzoic acid from phthalic anhydride
ii. Preparation benzilic acid from benzaldehyde
iii. Preparation of o-hydroxy benzophenone from phenyl benzoate via Fries
iv. Prepartion of benzanilide from benzophenone oxime via Beckmann
5. Grignard reaction: Prepearation of triphenyl carbinol
6. Preparation of luminol from phthalic anhydride
7. Synthesis of isoxazolines and pyrazolines via 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition.
8. Solvothermal synthesis
9. Synthesis of tetralones starting from aryl aldehydes.
Synthesis of m-chloroiodobenzene from m-dinitrobenzene


Carbohydrates: Introduction, Ring size determination of monosaccharides,
configuration and conformations of monosaccharides, anomeric effect, Hudson’s rules,
epimerization and mutarotation.
Synthesis, industrial and biological importance of glycosides, amino sugars, sucrose,
maltose and lactose.
Polysaccharides: General methods of structure elucidation. Industrial importance and
biological importance of cellulose, starch, glycogen, dextran, hemicellulose, pectin, agar-
agar. Photosynthesis and biosynthesis of carbohydrates.
Lipids: Nomenclature, classification, purification, synthesis of lipids, phospholipids,
sphingolipids, biological importance of lipids: Lecithin, sphingolipids, oils and fats.
Prostaglandins: Introduction, classification and biological importance, constitution of


Amino Acids: General structure, physiological properties
Peptides: Structure and conformation of peptide bond, peptide synthesis: Solution phase
and Merrifield’s solid phase synthesis, Racemization and use of HOBt, Synthesis of

oxytocin and vasopressin, biological importance of insulin, selective cleavage of
polypeptide bonds (chemical and enzymatic).
Proteins: Structure determination: C and N terminal residue determination, primary,
secondary, tertiary and quartenary structure determination, denaturing and renaturing of

Nucleic acids: Introduction, structure and synthesis of nucleosides and nucleotides,

protecting groups for hydroxy group in sugar, amino group in the base and phosphate
functions. Methods of formation of internucleotide bonds: DCC, phosphodiester
approach and phosphoramide methods. Solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides.
Structure of RNA and DNA, Crick-Watson model, role of nucleic acids in the
biosynthesis of proteins.
Protecting groups: Protection of hydroxyl, carboxyl, carbonyl, thiol and amino groups.
Illustration of protection and deprotection in synthesis.
(16 hours)
Alkaloids: Introduction, classification, isolation and general methods of structural
elucidation. Biological importance of alkaloids. Structure and synthesis of quinine,
morphine, reserpine and lysergic acid. Biosynthesis of alkaloids (nicotine and morphine).
Steroids: Introduction, Structure and synthesis of cholesterol. Ergosterol and its
irradiation products. Biological importance of bile acids, estrone, progesterone,
testosterone, androsterone and corticosterone.

(16 hours)

1. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longmann, Vol. I & II, 1984.

2. Essentials of physiological chemistry – Anderson, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1953.
3. K. Albert, L. Lehninger, D.L. Nelson, M.M. Cox, Principles of Biochemistry,
CBZ publishers, 1st edition, New Delhi, 1993.
4. Harper’s Biochemistry, Ed. R.Harper, 22nd edition, Prentice Hall Press, New
York, 1990.
5. Intrdouction to Alkaloids – G.A. Swan
6. The Alkaloids - K.W. Bently
7. Steroids – L. Fiescher and M. Fiescher
8. Steroids – Shoppe
9. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology – Kirck-Othmer series
10. Harper’s Review of Biochemistry – P.W. Martin, P.A. Mayer and V.W. Rodfwell,
15th edition, Maurzen Asian Edition, California, 1981.

11. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longmann, Vol. I & II, 1984.
12. A text on petrochemistry by Dr. B.K. Bhaskar Rao, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
13. Chemistry of pesticides-Melnikov.
14. Burger’s medicinal chemistry and drug discovery, ed Manfred. E , John Wiley
sons, 1995.
15. Pharmaceutical chemistry, Gurudeep R chatwal, Himalaya publishers, Delhi.
16. Essentials of physiological chemistry – Anderson, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1953.
17. Harper’s Biochemistry, Ed. R.Harper, 22nd edition, Prenctic Hall Press, New
York, 1990.


Organic estimations
1. Estimation of sugars by Fehlings method
2. Determination of enol content by Meyer’s method
3. Estimation of ketones by haloform reaction
4. Estimation of sugars by Bertrand’s method
5. Estimation of nitro groups
6. Estimation of amino group
7. Estimation of keto group by oxime method
8. Estimation of hydroxyl group.
9. Estimation of vicinal hydroxyl groups
10. Determination of iodine value of an oil or fat
11. Determination of saponification value of an oil
12. Determination of equivalent weight of carboxylic acid by silver salt method.

1. Manual of Organic Chemistry - Dey and Seetharaman.
2. Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry by John H. Miller and E.F. Neugil, p 289.
3. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry - Robert, Wingrove etc.
4. A Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry – A.I. Vogel, Vol.III
5. Practical Organic Chemistry - Mann & Saunders
6. Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis by Cheronis, Entrikin and Hodnet .
7. R.K. Bansal, Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry, New Age International (P) Ltd.
London, 3rd edition, 1996.



UNIT I (16 hours)

Polymers: A review of fundamentals of polymers, linear, branched and network
polymers. Classification of polymers.
Kinetics of Polymerization - condensation, addition, free radical, ionic, co-ordination
polymerization. Kinetics of Copolymerisation and polymer degradation.
Phase transitions in polymers and thermal characterization : Glass transition,
crystallinity and melting- correlation with the polymer structure.
Polymers in solution: Criteria of polymer solubility. Thermodynamics of polymer
Advanced polymeric materials: Polymer Blends interpenetrating Networks and
composites- Types, preparation techniques, properties and applications
Polymer processing–processing of plastics, elastomers and fibres. Compounding &
processing techniques-calendering, casting, moulding, foaming, fibre spinning &
reinforcing techniques.
Polymer degradation and management of plastic waste : Thermal, mechanical,
chemical & photodegradation. Methods of plastic waste management. Biodegradable

UNIT II (16 hours)

Solid state chemistry: Types of imperfections, classification of imperfections, point
Schottky defects, Frenkel defects, disordered crystals, line defects, dislocation types,
defects, small-angle and large-angle boundaries, stacking faults, crystal growth and
Semiconductors: Band theory, energy bands, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
Conductivity: electrons and holes, temperature dependence on conductivity, Optical
properties: absorption spectrum, photoconductivity, photovoltaic effect and
luminescence. Junction properties: metal-metal junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions,
p-n junctions, transistors, industrial applications of semiconductors: Mixed oxides,
spinels and other magnetic materials.
Superconductors: Meissner effect, type I and II super conductors, isotope effect, basic
concepts of BCS theory, manifestations of the energy gap, Josephson devices.
UNIT - III : (16 hours)
Statistical Thermodynamics : Micro and macrostates, phase space and ensembles.
Concept of distribution - thermodynamic probability and most probable distribution -
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law. Maxwell`s distribution of molecular velocities.
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics and applications, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.
Partition functions - definitions and separations, evaluation of translational, rotational,
vibrational and electronic partition functions for monoatomic, diatomic and polyatomic
gaseous molecules. Calculations of thermodynamic functions and equilibrium constant in
terms of partition functions, entropy of monoatomic gas - Sackur-Tetrode equation,
comparison of 3rd law and statistical entropies. Heat capacity behaviour of solids 9hrs.
Irreversible Thermodynamics- Thermodynamic criteria for non-equilibrium states.
Entropy production in chemical reactions. Transformations of the generalized fluxes and
forces, non-equilibrium stationary states, phenomenological equations. Microscopic
reversibility and Onsager`s reciprocity relations. Electrokinetic phenomena and
thermoelectricity. Irreversible thermodynamics for biological systems and non-linear

1. Text book of polymer Science. F.W. Billmeyer, Jr., John Wiley. London (1994).
2. Polymer Science. V. R. Gowrikar, N. V. Vishwanathan and J. Srreedhar, Wiley
New Delhi (1990).
3. Fundamentals of Polymer Science and Engineering. A. Kumar and S.K. Gupta, Tata –
McGraw Hill New Delhi (1978).
4. Polymer Characterization, D. Campbell and J. R. White, Chapman and Hall, NewYork.
5. Fundamental Principles of Polymer materials, R. L. Rosen, John Wiley, New York.
6. Functional monomers and polymers by K. Takemoto, Y. Inaki and P. M. Ottenbrite,
Marcel dekker, Inc., New York, 1987.
7. Solid State Chemistry and Its ApplicationsAnthony R. West.
8. Basic Solid State Chemistry, Second Edition, Anthony R. West.
9. Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd editionLesley E. Smart and Elaine A.
10. Introduction to Solid state Physics—C. Kittel, 5th Edition, Wiley EasternLimited.
11. C.N.R. Rao and J. Gopalakrishna “New Directions in solid state
University Press, Cambridge (1999).
12. Binay Kumar, R.P. Tandon “Advances in technologically important crystals”
India Ltd.
13. Physical Chemistry, 5th Ed., - Atkins, (ELBS) 1995
14. Themodynamics - Rajaram and Kuriokose (East-West) 1986.
15. Statistical Thermodynamics, M. C. Gupta (Wiley eastern Ltd.) 1993.


1. Determination of thermodynamic parameters for the kinetics of decomposition of
alcohol by NaOH.
2. Spectrophotometric kinetics of oxidation of indigocarmine by chloramine-T (CAT) (a)
Determination of order of reaction w.r.t. [CAT] (b) Effect of pH and determination of
of reaction w.r.t. [H+].
3. Kinetic study on Ru(III) –catalysed reaction between primary amine and CAT (a)
Determination of order of reaction w.r.t. [Ru(III)], (b) Determination of order of reaction
w.r.t. [H+], (c) Determination of Ea and thermodynamic parameters.
4. Kinetics of saponification of ethyl acetate by conductivity method and study the effect
dielectric constant of the medium (using CH3OH).
5. Study of photolysis of uranyl oxalate: (a) determination of intensity of light source (b)
study of photocatalysis of oxalic acid.
6. Determination of rate for the photolysis of CAB solution.
7. Statistical aspects of radioactivity measurements.
8. Determination of maximum beta energy by Nomogram method.
9. Determination of half-life of 40K.
10. Determination of ratio and product of two activities.
11. Study of salt effect on solubility and determination of activity coefficient.
12. Determination of pK value of an indicator (bromophenol blue).
13. Spectrophotometric analysis of a mixture of (a) CuSO4 and K2CrO4.
14. Study of complex formation between ferric salt and salicylic acid.
15. Determination of half wave potential of metal ions in a mixture (Mn2+, Pb2+ and
16. Estimation of a metal ion in solution by polarographic method.
(64 hours)
1. Practical Physical Chemistry – A.J. Findlay.
3. Experimental Physical Chemistry –F. Daniels et al.
4. Selected Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Latham.
5. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – James and Prichard.
6. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Shoemaker.
7. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments –J. Rose.
8. Practical Physical Chemistry –S.R. Palit.
9. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Yadav, Geol Publishing House.
10. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Palmer.
11. Experiments in Chemistry –D.V. Jahagirdar, Himalaya Publishing Bombay(1994).
12. Experimental Physical Chemistry –Das. R.C. and Behera B, Tata Mc Graw Hill.


UNIT I (16 hours)

Introduction: Biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, clinical pharmacokinetics,
Pharmaco-dynamics, toxicokinetics and clinical toxicology. Measurement of drug
concentration in blood, plasma or serum. Plasma level-time curve, significance of
measuring plasma drug concentrations. One compartment open model: Intravenous route
of administration of drug, elimination rate constant, apparent volume of distribution and
significance. Calculation of elimination rate constant from urinary excretion data, clinical
Two compartment model: Plasma level-time curve, relationship between tissue and
plasma drug concentrations, Apparent volumes of distribution. Drug clearance,
clinical example. Plasma level-time curve for a three compartment open model. Drug
Factors affecting the rate of drug absorption-nature of the cell membrane, Route of drug
administration- oral drug absorption, Intravenous infusion and intravenous solutions,
Effect of food on gastrointestinal drug absorption rate.

UNIT II (16 hours)

Drug Bioavailability: Factors affecting the drug bioavailability, rate of dissolution, pH
and drug absorption, particle size, clinical applications. In vitro – In vivo correlation of
rate of dissolution.
Drug release; Kinetics of extended- release dosage forms. Relative and absolute
availability, Bioequivalence, clinical significance of bioequivalence studies. clinical
examples. Kinetics of Protein binding with drugs: Effect of protein binding on the
apparent volume of distribution.
Determination of binding constants and binding sites by Invitro methods (known protein
concentration and unknown protein concentration), Relationship between protein
concentration and drug concentration in drug-protein binding. Clinical significance.
Kinetics of drug elimination and clearance. Renal drug excretion, relation of rate of drug
excretion and drug in the plasma. Drug biotransformation reaction, effect of blood flow
on elimination half-life and hepatic excretion., drug elimination by capacity limited
pharmacokinetics for one component model (IV Bolus). Determination of Km and Vmax
in patients, bioavailibility and protein binding reactions. A brief survey of applications of
pharmacokinetics in clinical situations.

UNIT III (16 hours)

Electrokinetic Phenomena: Electrophoresis - principles of free electrophoresis, zone
electrophoresis, gel electrophoresis and its applications in qualitative and quantitative
study of proteins. Determination of isoelectric point of a protein. Electro osmosis and
streaming potential and its biological significance. Biological significance of Donnan
membrane phenomenon. Micelles and its involvement during digestion and absorption of
dietary lipids. Diffusion of solutes across biomembranes and its application in the

mechanism of respiratory exchange. “Salting In” and “Salting out” of proteins. Osmotic
behaviour of cells and osmo-regulation and its application in the evolution of excretory
systems of organisms. Effect of temperature and pH on the viscosity of biomolecules
(albumin solution). Significance of viscosity in biological systems - mechanism of
muscle contraction, detection of intrastrand disulfide bonds in proteins, polymerization of
DNA and nature of blood flow through different vessels. Effect of temperature, solute
concentration (amino acids) on surface tension. Biological significance of surface tension
- stability of Alveoli in lungs, interfacial tension in living cells (Danielli and Davson
model). Application of sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium method for
molecular weight determination of proteins.

1. Applied Pharmaceuticals and pharmacokinetics, L.Shargel and Andrew Yu, 4th
Prentice Hall International, London.
2. Essentials of physical chemistry and pharmacy-HJ Arnikar, S. S. Kadam, K. N. Gujan
Orient Longman, Bombay, 1992.
3. Introduction to Physical Organic Chemistry, R. D. Gilliom, Madison – Wesley, USA
4. Physical Organic Chemistry, Reaction Rate and Equilibrium Mechanism – L. P.
Hammett, McGraw HillBook, Co., (1970).
5. Biophysical Chemistry, Principle and Technique – A. Upadhyay, K. Upadhyayand N.
Nath, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, (1998).
6. Essentials of Physical Chemistry and Pharmacy – H. J. Arnikar, S. S. Kadam, K.
N. Gujan, Orient Longman, Bombay, (1992).

1. Amperometric titration of lead nitrate against potassium chromate/potassium
2. Coulometric titrations - NaOH vs HCl.
3. Determination of energy gap for semiconductor (Ge) and effect of temperature on
semiconductor by four probe method.
4. Electrochemical degradation of Indigocarmine Dye

5. Determination of acidic and basic dissociation constants and isoelectric point an amino acid.
6. Determination of the potential of an electrochemical cell and mean ionic activity coefficient .
7. Verification of Tafel equation of hydrogen evolution reaction.
8 . Study of self adsorption of rays and determine the adsorption curve.
9. Preparation of Fricke and Ceric sulphate dosimeters & calculation of G-value&dose rate
10. Study of isotope dilution analysis; 8. Radiochemical Determination of I -131 in sea water.

11. Photochemical study of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
12. Photochemical study of Bleaching of dyes.
13. Photochemical reaction between threonine and ferrous sulphate.
14. Determination of molecular weight and size parameters of polymers by viscometry.
15. Determination of specific heat of liquids and solutions by calorimetry.
16. Determination of stepwise neutralisation of acids.
20. Cryoscopic and ebullioscopic analysis of the given mixture of urea and glucose.
17. Determination of vant Hoff’s factor for benzoic and acetic acid mixtures in benzene.
18. Study of adsorption of picric acid on charcoal using a calorimeter.
23. Spectroscopic investigation of partition coefficient of iodine between H2O and CHCl3.

1. Practical Physical Chemistry – A.J. Findlay.
3. Experimental Physical Chemistry –F. Daniels et al.
4. Selected Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Latham.
5. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – James and Prichard.
6. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Shoemaker.
7. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments –J. Rose.
8. Practical Physical Chemistry –S.R. Palit.
9. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Yadav, Geol Publishing House.
10. Experiments in Physical Chemistry – Palmer.
11. Experiments in Chemistry –D.V. Jahagirdar, Himalaya Publishing Bombay(1994).
12. Experimental Physical Chemistry –Das. R.C. and Behera B, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

1. In the fourth semester, the students will be distributed equally
among the four branches/specializations based on merit in the
first two semesters plus admission merit and their choice. They
have to select two elective theory papers and two elective
practicals from the same branch/specialization. The Dissertation
work has to be carried out on topics from the same
branch/specializations under the supervision of same
branch/specialization faculty members.
2. Each practical includes viva voce in all semester.


Principles of chromatography: Distribution coefficients, modes of chromatography,
selection of stationary and mobile phases, analyte development and elution.
Chromatographic performance parameters - Retention time and volume, capacity factor,
plate height and resolution.
Gas-liquid chromatography: Principle. Apparatus-columns, sample application, mobile
phase, stationary phases, detectors. Applications.
HPLC principles: Instrumentation - columns, stationary phase and matrices, sample
application, mobile phases, pumps, detectors. Fast protein liquid chromatography
Ion-exchange chromatography: Principle, materials and applications.
Molecular exclusion chromatography: Principle, materials. Applications - purification,
relative molecular mass determination, solution concentration, desalting.
Affinity chromatography: Principle, materials-matrix, liquid, practical procedure,
applications. Lectin affinity chromatography, metal-chelate chromatography, covalent
Thin layer chromatography: Principle, apparatus - preparation of plates, sample
application, plate development, detection of analytes. Applications. Selection of
chromatographic systems.

Electrophoretic techniques: Electrophoresis & Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory -
electrophoretic mobility, electroosmotic mobility, electroosmotic flow velocity, total
mobility, migration time, efficiency, selectivity and resolution. Instrumentation -
capillary tubes, hydrodynamic and electrokinetic methods of sample injection, applying
electric field and detectors. Capillary electrophoresis methods - capillary zone
electrophoresis, micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, capillary gel
electrophoresis and capillary electrochromatography.

Concepts of distillation, crystallization, evaporation, dialysis, electro dialysis, osmosis

and reverse osmosis.

Centrifugation: Centrifugal force, centrifugal sedimentation, centrifugal decantation,
centrifuges, selection of centrifuge tubes. Preparative, density gradient and isopycnic
centrifugation. Applications.
Analytical sedimentation: Sedimentation coefficient, sedimentation velocity,
applications in biological separations.

Membrane separation: Principles and applications.

1. Modern Analytical Chemistry, David Harvey, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Wilson and
Walker, 6th edition, 2006, Cambridge Univ. Press.
3. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch
8th edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
4. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 5th edition, 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. Separation Techniques in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Roy Keller; M. Dekkar, Inc.




Introduction to elements-configurations, systematic arrangement, properties and

importance. Elements: Concept of orbitals, electron configurations, systematic
arrangements-periodic table and periodic properties, bond formation and bond types and
Unit II

Elements in life, environment, water, industry-conductors, insulators, semi conductors,

building materials, paints, ceramics, purifiers, drugs and radioactivity.

1. Basic Inorganic Chemistry – 3rd edition. F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson and P.L. Gaus,
John Wiley and Sons (2002).
2. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition. James E. Huheey, Harper and Row Publishers (1983).
3. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition. G.L. Miessler and D.A. Tarr, Pearson Education
4. Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd edition. D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford,
Oxford University Press (1994).
5..Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd edition. C.E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, Pearson Education
Ltd. (2005).
6. Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, K.M. Mackay and R.A. Mackay, Blackie
Publication (1989).
7.Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry 3rd edition. B.E. Douglas, D.H. McDaniel
and Alexander, Wiley (2001).
8. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, William Jolly, TMH.
9.Chemistry of Elements, M. M. Greenwood and Earnshaw, Elsevier.



Dyes: Colour and constitution, classification, dyeing method and their industrial

Drugs: Basic concepts, classification, sources, the requirement of an ideal drug

Synthetic drugs: Structure and medicinal properties:

Sulphanilamide – an example of sulpha drug-paracetamol, aspirin, oil of wintergreen;
Mephensin – a muscle relaxant; Ibuprofen – an anti-inflammatory drug; L-dopa – cures
Parkinson’s disease; Chloroquine – an antimalarial drug; Chlorpromazine – an
antipsychotic agent; Phenobarbital – a barbiturate; Omeprazole – an drug;
Ciprofloxacin – an antibacterial drug; Formulation of drugs – introduction and

Polymers: Introduction, biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers and their

industrial importance, plastics (uses and effects on enviornment), natural and synthetic

rubbers, polyamides and poly esters like nylon, decron, terelyne. Thermoplastics - poly
carbonates, poly acrylates in lens applications, polyurethanes and conducting polymers.

(16 hours)
Soaps and detergents: Production and their cleansing action.

Liquid crystals and their applications.

Cosmetics: Detailed study of formulations and manufacturing of cream and lotions,
lipstick and nail polish, shampoos, hair dyes and tooth pastes.

Flavours: Natural flavouring materials and classification

Sweeteners: Natural and synthetic sweeteners.

Insecticides: Introduction, classification, applications and their effect on environment.

Pheromones: Introduction, Sources, biological importance.

Explosives: Introduction, RDX, Gun powder.

(16 hours)
1. I.L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longmann, Vol. I & II, 1984.
2. K. Albert, L. Lehninger, D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox, Principles of Biochemistry, CBZ
publishers, 1st edition, New Delhi, 1993.
3. Harper’s Biochemistry, Ed. R. Harper, 22nd edition, Prentice Hall Press, New York,
4. Encyclopedia of Chemical technology – Kirck-Othmer series
5. Harper’s Review of Biochemistry – P.W. Martin, P.A. Mayer & V.W. Rodfwell, 15th
edition, Maurzen Asian Edition, California, 1981.

6. Green Chemistry and Catalysis, R.A. Sheldon, I. Arends and U. Hanefeld, Wiley-
VCH, 2007.
7. Green Chemistry and Practice, P.T. Anastas and J.C. Warner, Oxford University Press,
8. Greener Approaches to Undergraduate Chemistry Experimnets, American Chemical
Society, 2002.




Chemical kinetics and Electrochemistry

Applications of chemical kinetics: industrial waste water treatment (photodegradation),

quantitative determination of effect of drug interaction to the living body, oxidation-
reductions reaction study, application of radiochemistry in medicinal chemistry.
Application of Electrochemistry to prevention of corrosion of metals by painting,
significance of entropy in the universe.


Nanochemistry and photochemistry

Synthesis of nano materials by electrochemical method: application of nano materials in

colored glasses, waste water treatment, bullet proof jacket, electrochemical oxidation to
waste water treatment.
Significance of physical properties: viscosity, surface tension, osmosis, micelles
formation in biological system (lungs, kidney, muscle contraction), effect of
photochemistry on glucose and some organic compounds.


1. Chemical Kinetics - K.J.Laidler (Harper and Row) 1987.

2. Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Transformation by J. Rajaram and J.C.
3. Biophysical Chemistry, Principle and Technique – A. Upadhyay, K. Upadhyay
and N. Nath, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, (1998).

4. Nuclear Radiation Detection by Price. Nuclear Radiation Detectors by S.S.

Kapoor and
5. Ramamoorthy, Wiley Eastern (1986).
6. 7. Fundamentals of Radiochemistry by D.D. Sood, A.V.R. Reddy and N.
7. 8. Fundamentals of Photochemistry – Rohatgi and Mukherje (New Age
Bangalore) 2000.
8. 9. Introduction to electrochemistry by S. Glasstone.

9. 10. Treatise on Electrochemistry, G. Kortum 2nd Edition, Elsevier, London (1965).
10. . Nanometerials, A.K. Bandopadhyay, New Age International, 2nd edition.
11. 20. Nanotechnology - Importance and Applications, M. H. Fulekar, Ink
12. publishing.
13. Themodynamics - Rajaram and Kuriokose (East-West) 1986.



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