MBA in Business Analytics

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MBA in

Business Analytics
for Working
Programme Introduction 01
Who Should Apply 02
Programme Highlights 03
Programme Objectives 04
WILP Presence and Impact 05
Student Learning Outcomes 06
Mode of Learning 07
Experiential Learning 09
Continuous Assessment
Case Studies and Assignments
Dissertation/Project Work

Programme Curriculum 10

Eligibility Criteria 11

Fee Structure 12

Remote Lab 13

Mode of Examination 15

How to Apply 16

Students Speak 18
Program Introduction

● As per a report by Allied Market Research, the Global Big Data

and Business Analytics Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of
10.9% to reach $420 Billion by 2027.

● MBA in Business Analytics is designed for working professionals,

who are aspiring for rapid career progression in the high-growth
areas of Business Analytics and Big Data

● Prestigious Master’s-level qualification from a premier institution.

01 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Who Should Apply?

The programme is designed for

employed professionals working in
diverse business functions.

Professionals who aspire for roles

that require a strong
understanding of data science

The programme also addresses the

learning needs of IT professionals
who wish to gain a solid foundation
in management science and
business practices and the
application of analytics to deliver
enhanced value to business teams
and the organization.

02 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Programme Highlights

MBA in Business Analytics The students have access

is a BITS Pilani Work to the state-of-the-art
Integrated Learning remote labs that can help
Programme (WILP). BITS the students perform data
Pilani Work Integrated analysis and visualization
Learning Programmes are using latest contemporary
UGC approved software tools

This programme is of
4 semesters and can be
Become a part of elite and
pursued only by working
global BITS Pilani Alumni
professionals. You can
pursue the programme
without any career break

The programme will also

enable working professionals
to attend contact classes
from anywhere over a Fee submission option using
technology-enabled platform. easy - EMI with 0% interest
The contact classes will be and 0 down payment
conducted mostly on
weekends or after business

The programme uses a

Continuous Evaluation System
to assess the learners

03 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Programme Objectives

Business Analytics enables This programme imparts the

organizations to effectively knowledge and skill sets essential
leverage data from multiple for data-driven decision-making
sources in a seamless manner
to make smart managerial

Helps the participants to The programme also gives the

determine which analytics students exposure to the
approach is most appropriate applications of business analytics in
for a particular situation and different sectors such as investment
enables them to leverage big banking, retail, optimization
data to deliver better business consulting, risk advisory and
outcomes assessment, fintech, etc

Participants can learn and

understand the underlying
technologies and their
applications to make data-driven
business decisions and deliver
value to their organizations

04 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

WILP Presence and Impact

45+ 1,20,000+
Years of Working
Educating Working Professionals
Professionals Graduated

46,000+ 1100+
Working Professionals
Currently Enrolled Faculty Members


05 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Learning Outcomes
After attending this program, the students
will be able to:

Demonstrate empathetic
Apply critical thinking skills Operate in an ethically
leadership skills in a
to solve Business Problems and socially responsible
dynamically changing
and make sound decisions manner
business world

Effectively apply modern Design solutions leveraging

Apply cutting edge
management techniques artificial intelligence, machine
frameworks, technologies
for the benefit of their learning, and digitization
and analytical methods to
firms and society in techniques
solve business problems

Apply deep analytical skills,

business knowledge, and
Explain and communicate
critical problem-solving
with a diverse set of
expertise to transform data
stakeholders, and effectively
efficiently and effectively into
manage teams/projects
sound business decisions that
give a competitive edge

06 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Mode of Learning
The Mode of Learning used in this programme is called - Work Integrated
Learning. Internationally, Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is defined as "An
educational approach involving three parties - the student, educational institution,
and employer organization(s) - consisting of authentic work-focused experiences
as an intentional component of the curriculum. Students learn through active
engagement in purposeful work tasks, which enable the integration of theory with
meaningful practice that is relevant to the students' discipline of study and/or
professional development*.

An education model can be considered as WIL if and only if:

1. The programs are designed and developed by the institute in collaboration

with industry.
2. Work-focused experiences form an active part of the curriculum.
3. The program structure, pedagogy and assessment enable integration of
theory-with relevant practice.

The innovative Work Integrated Learning Programs (WILP) of BITS Pilani are
quite aligned with the above definition and requirements. The programs are
designed in collaboration with its industry partners, subject matter experts from
industry and academia that enable the students to remain relevant in their
chosen profession, grow in their career and retain the habit of lifelong learning.
The continued availability of workplace related experiences along with the
weekly instruction sessions promote integration of theory with practice. An active
participation of the organization mentor in the learning process of the student
plays a key role. Case studies, simulation exercises, labs and projects further
strengthen this integration.

The WILP of BITS Pilani is comparable to its campus-based programs in terms

of structure, rigor, instruction, labs, assessment, faculty profile and learning
support. The pervasive adoption of technology in all its academic processes
makes the same high-quality education of BITS Pilani available to the aspirants
at scale with the required flexibility.

07 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Key Benefits of BITS Pilani WILP

● Can pursue the programme without any career break and along with the job.

● The programme curriculum is highly relevant to sectors, industries and

organisations they work for.

● In addition to the institute, the learning experience of working professionals in

the programme is also supported by the employer organisation and Industry

● Effective use of technology to deliver a range of learning interventions at the

location of the working professional such as faculty contact sessions,
asynchronous learning materials, remote, virtual and cloud labs, Learner
support, peer to peer collaboration etc.

● Contact sessions with faculty take place mostly over weekends or after
business hours and are conducted over a technology platform that can be
accessed from anywhere.

● Mid semester and End semester examinations for every semester are
conducted mostly at designated examination centres distributed across the
country (for details refer to link mode of examinations).

● Learners can access engaging learning material which includes recorded

lectures from BITS Pilani faculty members, course handouts and recorded
lab content where applicable.

08 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Experiential Learning

The programme emphasises on

Experiential Learning

This is achieved through the exposure to

contemporary software packages in the Analytics
Lab that can be accessed remotely by the students

Continuous Assessment
The assessment includes graded assignments/quizzes,
mid-semester and comprehensive exam

Case studies & Assignments

Carefully chosen real-world cases & assignments are both
discussed and used as problem-solving exercises during the

Dissertation/ Project Work

The fourth semester offers an opportunity for learners to apply
their knowledge gained during the programme to a real-world like
complex project. The learner is expected to demonstrate
understanding of vital principles learnt across semesters and
their ability to successfully apply these concepts

09 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Programme Curriculum

First Semester Second Semester

● Financial and Management ● Marketing
Accounting ● Advanced Statistical Methods
● Managerial Economics
Foundations of Data Science
● Quantitative Methods ● Strategic Management &
● Managing People & Organizations Business Policy

Third Semester Fourth Semester

● Financial Management ● Elective 1
● Predictive Analytics ● Elective 2
● Analytics for Competitive Advantage ● Project
● Operations Management

Pool of Electives
● Financial Analytics ● Analytics for Marketing
● Project Management ● Analytics for Retail Industry
● Data Visualization and Communication ● Operations Research Models
● Analytics for HR ● Analytics for Investment Banking
● Models in Marketing ● Financial Risk Models
● Supply Chain Analytics ● Analytical Models in Finance

Choice of Electives is made available to enrolled students at the beginning of each semester.
A limited selection of Electives will be offered at the discretion of the Institute.

10 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Eligibility Criteria
To apply, candidates must possess one of the following qualifications:
Employed professionals holding B.E./ B.Tech./ M.Sc./ Integrated First Degree
ofBITS or its equivalent with at least 60% aggregate marks, and minimum one
year relevant work experience after the completion of the degree
Employed professionals holding a three year undergraduate degree such as
B.Sc./ B.Com./ BCA with at least 60% aggregate marks, and having studied at
least one course in mathematics or statistics at the high school or higher level,
and with minimum two years of relevant work experience after the completion of
the degree

11 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Fee Structure
The following fees schedule is applicable for candidates seeking new admission during
the academic year 2024-25.

Application Fees Admission Fees Semester Fees

(one time) (one time) (per semester)

`1500 `16,500 `66,750

Easy Monthly Payment Option with 0% Interest and 0 Down Payment

Instant EMI option with 0% interest and 0 Down Payment is now available
that allows you to pay programme fee in an easy and convenient way.

● Instant online approval in seconds

● No Credit Cards/ CIBIL score required
● Easy & Secure online process using Aadhaar and PAN number
● Anyone with a Salary Account with Netbanking can apply Option to submit fee
using easy- EMI with 0% interest and 0 down payment

Application Deadline: 17 th June 2024 Click here to learn more

All the above fees are non-refundable.

Important: For every course in the programme, institute will recommend textbooks,
students would need to procure these textbooks on their own.

12 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Remote Lab
● Students enrolled in the WILP management programs have remote access to
the labs in the areas of finance, analytics, and general management.

● These labs play a vital role in enhancing student engagement and enriching the
“learning by doing”- cornerstone of BITS Pilani WILPD programs.

Analytics Lab
The Analytics Lab hosts These packages help the
software packages such as students perform basic,
Tableau, SPSS, Stata, @risk, advanced workplace related
StatTools, Eviews, Anaconda analytics exercises
Navigator, R, Python, and
Power BI among others

Students can perform Adequate suite of packages to

descriptive, predictive, and equip the students to work on
prescriptive analytics related to different types of data- numeric
all the functional areas of or text, structured or unstructured
finance, marketing, supply
chain management, HR

Finance Lab
The Finance Lab hosts The Financial markets as well
state-of-the-art Bloomberg as the financial statements
Terminals that capture and valuable business
real-time information information of the industry

13 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

The databases such as The Lab also hosts a simulation on
"Prowess” are also made working capital management that
available to the students so gives the students rich experience in
that they can download the managing the working capital and
information increases their absorption through
experiential learning

Management Lab
The Management Lab is The simulations help improve
equipped with software, the decision-making skills,
simulations, and digital business competence and
resources that students can integrating the application of
leverage in core areas of learnings from various courses

With the Microsoft Project Students get access to the digital

software, the students can collection of professionally
plan, schedule, track, produced multimedia
collaborate to successfully
execute projects

14 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Mode of Examination

Semester 1, 2 and 3 have Mid-Semester

Examinations and Comprehensive
Mode of Examinations Examinations for each course.

applicable for students These examinations are mostly

scheduled on Friday, Saturday or
admitted in Sunday. Students need to appear in
person for taking the examinations
Batch starting in at the institution’s designated
July 2024. examination centres as per the
examination schedule, Instructions, rules
and guidelines announced before every

During these semesters,

in addition to the above
mentioned Mid-Semester and
In Semester 4 (Final
Comprehensive examinations,
Semester), the student will be
there will also be
Quizzes/Assignments conducted doing Dissertation/Project
online on the Learning Work as per the Institution’s
Management System (LMS) as per guidelines.
the course plan in which the
students need to participate.

Students can take their examination at any of our 30 designated examination centres in India at the
following locations:
● South Zone: Bangalore - North, Bangalore - Central, Bangalore - South, Chennai - North , Chennai -
Central , Chennai - South, Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Kochi,
Thiruvananthapuram and Coimbatore.
● North Zone: Delhi, Gurugram, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Lucknow and Pilani.
● West Zone: Mumbai, Navi-Mumbai,Pune, Pune - Pimpri Chinchwad, Goa, Ahmedabad, Indore and
● East Zone: Kolkata, Guwahati and Jamshedpur.
In addition to these locations, the Institution also has a designated examination
centre in Dubai.

15 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

How to Apply

Click here to Create your login at

the Application Center Once logged in,
Apply now
by entering your follow four essential
unique Email id and steps:
create a password of
your choice.

Step 1 2 3 4
Fill and submit
Download a PDF
Pay the application
Print the downloaded
your application copy of the fee of INR 1,500 using Application Form and
form for your application form. Net banking/Debit note your Application
chosen program. Card/Credit Card. Form Number.

In the printout of the downloaded Application Form, you will notice on page no. 3 a section called the
Employer Consent Form. Complete the Employer Consent Form. This form needs to be signed and
stamped by your organisation’s HR or any other authorised signatory of the company.
Important: In view of work-from-home policies mandated by many organisations, a few candidates may
not be able to get the physical forms signed by their HR/other authorised organisational representative.
Such candidates may instead request an email approval to be sent to their official email ID by the HR
using the format available through this link.

On page 4, complete the Mentor Consent Form, Due to remote work policies, some candidates
which needs to be signed by your Mentor. may struggle to get physical mentor signatures.
They can request email approval using a
provided format.

16 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Who is a mentor:
● Candidates applying to Work Integrated Learning Programmes must choose a Mentor,
who will monitor the academic progress of the candidate, and act as an advisor &
coach for successful completion of the programme.
● Candidates should ideally choose the immediate supervisor or another senior person
from the same organisation. In case a suitable mentor is not available in the same
organisation, a candidate could approach a senior person in another organisation who
has the required qualifications. Wherever the proposed Mentor is not from the same
employing organization as that of the candidate, a supporting document giving
justification for the same should be provided by the candidate’s employer.
● Candidates applying to B.Tech. programmes should choose a Mentor who is an
employed professional with B.E./ B.S./ B.Tech./ M.Sc./ A.M.I.E./ Integrated First
Degree of BITS or equivalent. Candidates applying to M.Tech., M.Sc., MBA, M.Phil
programme should choose a Mentor who is an employed professional with:
● B.E./ M.Sc./ M.B.A./ M.C.A./ M.B.B.S. etc. and with a minimum of five years of relevant
work experience.
● M.E./ M.S./ M.Tech./ M.Phil./ M.D./ Higher Degree of BITS or equivalent.

In the final step (Step 4),

Photocopies of these
Page 5 of the downloaded upload your printed Application
documents should be made,
Application Form includes Form, Mentor Consent Form,
and applicants need to
a Checklist of Employer Consent Form, and
self-attest academic mark
Enclosures/Attachments. mandatory documents
sheets and certificates.
one by one.

Selected candidates will

Accepted file formats for The Admissions Cell will
receive email notifications
uploads include .DOC, review your application for
within two weeks of submitting
.DOCX, .PDF, .ZIP, and completeness, accuracy,
their application with all
.JPEG. and eligibility.
required documents.

You can also check your

selection status by logging
in to the Online Application

17 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

Students Speak
The programme from BITS Pilani WILP has been nothing short
of remarkable for me. From the moment I entered the
programme, I was impressed by the depth of knowledge and
expertise that the faculty brought to the table. I found this
programme quite aligned with my current job role and equipped
me with the right administrative and management skills.

Avinash Balivada
Lead Administrator, WIPRO Technologies
Participant of MBA in Business Analytics

This programme was recommended by one of my friends as

I was looking forward to gaining some expertise in digital
business domain. I embarked on this journey of pursuing a
programme from BITS WILP with high hopes. Little did I know
that this programme would not only meet but far exceed my
expectations. The programme is well-structured and has
remarkable faculty.

Sneha Ramachander
Digital Marketer, Adobe
Participant of MBA in Business Analytics

As I work for numbers, I was looking for a programme that

would help me expand my career. When I came across this
programme from BITS Pilani WILP, I knew this is what I really
needed to achieve my career goals. This programme has
steered me towards acquiring expertise in the field which has
greatly contributed to my current role within my organization
and enabled me to master critical skills without taking any
career break.

Sylvester Jayan P R
Digital Marketing Analyst, Zoho Corporations
Participant of MBA in Business Analytics

18 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

UGC Approval
BITS Pilani is an Institution of Eminence under UGC (Institution of Eminence
Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2017. The Work Integrated Learning
Programmes (WILP) of BITS Pilani constitutes a unique set of educational
offerings for working professionals. WILP are an extension of programmes
offered at the BITSPilani Campuses and are comparable to our regular
programmes both in terms of unit/credit requirements as well as academic
rigour. In addition, it capitalises and further builds on practical experience of
students through high degree of integration, which results not only in
upgradation of knowledge, but also in up skilling, and productivity increase.
The programme may lead to award of degree, diploma, and certificate in
science, technology/engineering, management, and humanities and social
On the recommendation of the Empowered Expert Committee, UGC in its
548th Meeting held on 09.09.20 has approved the continued offering of BITS
Pilani’s Work Integrated Learning programmes.

The material in this brochure is provided for educational and informational purposes only. All the
images that have been used belong to their respective owners and have been picked up from the
public domain.

19 MBA in Business Analytics APPLY NOW

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