OpenMic Ai AI Product Engineer (Full Stack Engineer

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ai AI Product
Engineer (Full Stack

Objective and Goal is a fully automated solution for building and
Deploying your own end to end voice agents for tasks like Sales
Automation / Cold Calling running customer support operations
most of the time without human aid, we believe what we are
building matters and would change the way people do hard sales,
as a fullstack Engineer your role would be a pivotal one
allowing us to move fast and break things as much as possible to
deliver a rich experience to the end user

Therefore you are first Encouraged to go check out and get a

idea of what actually is please record a loom of
what the product feels like what is good what is bad and what
are your thoughts as a Full stack Engineer

Develop a web application that allows users to collaboratively
create, read, update, and delete notes in real-time. Each note
should support rich text formatting and the ability to attach
files. The application should include user authentication, and AI Product Engineer (Full Stack Engineering)Assignment 1

users should only have access to notes they have created or been
given access to by other users.

1. Front-end (React.js):

Implement a modern, responsive UI with React.js.

Utilize Redux or Context API for state management across

the application.

Integrate a rich text editor for note content (e.g., Quill

or Draft.js).

Implement file upload capability within notes (consider

using Amazon S3 or a similar service for storage).

Use React Router for navigation between different parts of

the application (e.g., note list view, note edit view,
login/signup pages).

Implement private routes that require authentication.

2. Back-end (Node.js, Express.js):

Secure RESTful API endpoints using JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

for authentication and authorization.

Implement WebSocket for real-time collaboration on notes.

Design the API to handle CRUD operations for notes and

user accounts.

Connect to MongoDB and use Mongoose for schema

definitions, including user and note models. Ensure
relationships between users and notes are properly

Implement error handling and validate request data to

ensure API reliability and security.

3. Database (MongoDB): AI Product Engineer (Full Stack Engineering)Assignment 2

Design schemas for users and notes. Notes should reference
their creators and have an array of user IDs representing
shared users.

Implement database indices to optimize query performance,

especially for note retrieval and user lookup.

4. Additional Features:

Add role-based access control (RBAC) for notes (e.g.,

owner, editor, viewer).

Implement a feature to invite users to collaborate on a

note via email.

Include version control for notes to view and revert


Deploy the application using a cloud service (e.g.,

Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean) and include a Dockerfile for

5. Testing:

Write unit tests for both front-end and back-end


Implement integration tests for API endpoints.

Complete source code for the front-end and back-end,
including any deployment and Docker configuration files.

A README file with comprehensive setup instructions, API

documentation, and an overview of the application features
and technology stack.

A suite of tests demonstrating the application’s reliability

and your testing approach.

Evaluation Criteria AI Product Engineer (Full Stack Engineering)Assignment 3

Advanced Feature Implementation: Successfully integrating
real-time collaboration, file uploads, and rich text editing.

Security: Proper implementation of authentication,

authorization, and secure handling of user data and file

Code Quality and Organization: Clean, well-commented code

following best practices and patterns for the MERN stack.

Deployment: A live version of the application is available

with a focus on performance optimizations and security best

Testing: Demonstrating thorough testing practices including

unit and integration tests.


Please submit your task within 3 days of receiving this.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need

clarification regarding the task to

[email protected]




→ AI Product Engineer (Full Stack Engineering)Assignment 4

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