RW-2 - Class II - 2024

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Ahad : Computer-II

Std-II, English Literature Topic: The Ugly Duckling 2. Most of the ducklings were grey. (False)

Word Meaning (W/M): 3. The air grew chilly as fall came. (True)

Hatch: when an egg breaks in order to allow a young animal 4. Mother Duck led the duckling away. (True)

to come out 5. One day the duckling saw a group of white swans. (True)

Fragile: easily damaged Matching:

Shells: the hard outer covering of something Column A Column B

Fuzzy: woolly 1. Mother Duck sat on a. white swan.

Silly: foolish Strange: odd 2. He was a beautiful b. a stream.

Belong: be a member of 3. Don’t listen to those c. her eggs.

Quietly: noiselessly 4. He floated down d. were small.

Wander: stroll 5. Most of the ducklings e. silly frogs.

Splashing: to move in water so that drops of it go in all Answer: 1+c, 2+a, 3+e, 4+b, 5+d Fill in the blanks (F/B):

directions 1. The eggs were beginning to hatch.

Stretched: extend 2. The ponds and streams froze.

True/False (T/F): 3. That duckling was bigger than the others.

1. The grey duckling was happy. (False) 4. At last, winter became spring.
5. It felt wonderful to fly! 2. What were the frog’s reaction when they saw the ugly

Make sentence (M/S): duckling?

1. Duckling: Ducklings are yellow and fuzzy. Answer: The frogs said that the duckling was ugly and odd.

2. Hatch: The eggs were beginning to hatch. 3. What did the duckling do when everyone was sleeping at

3. Silly: The frogs were silly. night?

4. Alone: The grey duckling was alone. Answer: When everyone was sleeping, the duckling quietly
5. Swan: He saw a group of swans. wandered away.
6. Reflection: His reflection was beautiful. 4. What happened when the ugly duckling saw some
7. Chilly: The air grew chilly as fall came. beautiful, graceful birds?
Q/A (Pg:66) Answer: He thought that the birds were very beautiful. He also

1. How did the mother duck know the ugly duckling was wanted to fly like them.

different from her 5. How did the ugly duckling feel when he saw his own reflection in

the water?
other ducks?
Answer: He felt beautiful for the first time.
Answer: He was different because he was bigger, grey in
6. Who came to welcome the ugly duckling?
color and his neck was long.
Answer: A group of white swans welcomed the ugly duckling.
Interactive science : Standard-II: Chapter 3

Animal life: Let’s recall: Page 28,29

A. Tick the correct answer. D. Write true or false.

1. A plant eating animal
1. Animals such as tigers eat both plants and animals. False
2. Crows clean up our surrounding. True
2. Animals that eats the flesh of other animals
3. An animal that is killed for food is a prey. True
4. Scavengers hunt for food. False
3. A frog is a (aquatic animals/ amphibian/terrestrial
5. Amphibians live only in water. False
6. Black rhinoceros is an endangered animal. True
4. An endangered animal is (deer/elephant/tiger/dog).
E. Answer the following questions.
5. Animal that eats dead animal (cat/ vulture/ dog/lion)
1. What are carnivores animals? Give two examples.
B. Fill the table. Ans: Carnivores animals are meat or flesh eating animals.
Group of animals examples Example: lions, tigers.
terrestrial animal Dogs, cats, lions
2. What are plant eating animals called? Give two examples.
endangered animals Blue whale, tigers, giant pandas
Ans: Plant eating animals are called herbivores animals.
scavengers Crows, vultures, hyenas
Example: cows, horses.
carnivores animals Lions, tigers, eagles
3. What are endangered animals?

Ans: Animals that are in danger of disappearing are called

endangered animals.

Example: Black rhinoceros, giant pandas.

4. What is the difference between terrestrial animals and


Ans: Amphibian animals live both on land and in water. Column A Column B

Terrestrial animals live on land only. 1. raccoons a. aquatic animal

2. buzzards b. live on land and in water

5. Which group of animals can fly? Give two examples
3. zebras c. dead meat eating animal
Ans: Animals that can fly in the air are called aerial animals.
4. penguins d. plant eating animal
Example: eagle, bat.
5. octopuses e. plant and meat eating animal
F.Match the following.

BDGS: Class-2
Lesson -5 Our Environment Fill in the blanks
1.We have plants and animals in our country. Lesson -6 Our Neighbour Fill in The Blanks
2. We should always keep our environment healthy. 1. We are social beings.
3.Our school is a part of our environment. 2. We can not live alone.
4.Everything around us exists is our environment. 3. We go to their house.
5. Sun and moon are part of our environment. 4. They also come to our house.
Short Questions 5. We help each other for different works
1.What is the environment?
Ans: The things around us are called the environment. Broad Question
2.How many kinds of environments are there? 1.Why are our neighbours important to us?
Ans: There are two kinds of environments. These area. Ans :A person living next door or near us is our
Natural Environment neighbour. So our neighbours are our closest friends. We
b. Social Environment share joys and sorrows with our neighbours. We help

Broad Question each other with different kinds of work. For all these

1.What are included in our natural environment? reasons, our neighbours are important to us and we

Ans: Plants and animals, the sun and the moon, hills and should keep good relations with them.

mountains, soil and water make up our natural

environment. We should always keep our environment
healthy. Matching
Left Column Right Column

a. Neighbour i. Play together

b. We ii. person living next door.

c. Our neighbours iii. live alone

d. They also iv.are our closest friend.
e. We cannot v. come to our house.

(a+ii), Neighbour + person living next door. (b+i), We +
Play together.
(c+ iv) ,Our neighbours + are our closest friends. (d+v),
They also + Come to our house.
(e+iii), We cannot live alone.

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