IJSCL - Volume 9 - Issue 1 - Pages 102-110

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Phonetic Peculiarities of the English Language in India

Marina Borisovna Grolman1a, Zubayda Albertovna Biktagirova2a, Olimjon Habibovich



ARTICLE HISTORY: In India, English has the status of an official language along
with Hindi. According to linguists, the English spoken in
Received October 2020 India is different from the one spoken in other countries,
Received in Revised form January 2021 with it being an independent version of the English
Accepted January 2021 language. While working on the research, the general trends
Available online January 2021 of differences between the Indian English pronunciation and
the Standard English pronunciation were discovered. In our
work, the phonetic peculiarities of Indian English were
studied. There is a particular tendency towards assimilation
with other indigenous languages of India – softening and
reduction of some sounds and the abolition of reduction in
others, the appearance of retroflex sounds, the replacement
Indian English of interdental sounds with dental occlusive sounds, the
Standard English transposition of stress, etc. Phonetic peculiarities of Indian
Sounds English are explained by a different structure of the
Stress articulation apparatus of people living in India. Despite this,
Intonation the educated population of India, when using Indian
English, strives for a more prestigious pronunciation.

© 2021 IJSCL. All rights reserved.

Associate Professor, Email: [email protected] (Corresponding Author)
Tel: +7-890-33415264
Associate Professor, Email: [email protected]
Professor, Email: [email protected]
Kazan Federal University, Russia
Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Tajikistan
M. B. Grolman et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 103

1. Introduction diversity due to the complex linguistic

landscape in the country, in recent years,

I n 1835, the public proclamation of the

Macaulay’s Minutes making English
mandatory was the first milestone passed
by the then people of India. Macaulay’s dream
of making India an anglicized nation did not
several attempts have been made to present
English as a gift from a simultaneous and two-
time perspective (Chand, Kapper, Mondal,
Sur, & Parshad, 2017; Saikia & Singh, 2016).

come true. However, the foundation of English India is the seventh-largest country and the
education was laid during the colonial period. second-largest populated country. Its population
All national and international transactions are is about 17% of the population of the whole
done through the medium of English. Its globe. In addition to 22 official languages,
journey from its inception to the present era there are numerous dialects. English is an
from a foreign language to the stature of the official language along with Hindi, although it
Associate Official Language of Administration plays a more supporting role.
has been a noteworthy achievement (Kumar,
2018). Kachru (1986) notes that English currently
performs both national and international
English remains the second language in India - functions, which are different and complement
as the official language of the Union, as the each other. English, in this way, gains the
official and higher education language, and as position of power and new elitism.
a link language among educated people if they Notwithstanding it, the debate about the
do not share a common Hindi language. English language continues so far (Ennser-
Therefore, it has created its language patterns Kananen, Escobar, & Bigelow, 2017).
as a result of the influence of different Indian
languages and socio-cultural contexts in the There have been some campaigns against
country. Deviation from native English is much English in Indian society, and it is natural as
greater in terms of phonological and phonetic ethnic feelings and the desire to preserve
patterns, although there are differences in identity are rooted in the historical people's
vocabulary and grammar (Bansal, 1990; consciousness (Ashrapova, Litvinenko, &
Pandey, 2015). Shakirova, 2019). The national language is one
of the essential factors of distinguishing
The difference between dialect and language peoples (Akhunzhanova, Galiullina, & Khadieva,
often poses a serious challenge, as linking 2016).
these concepts is usually not an easy task. In
recent decades, research has been done on According to some researchers of Indian
various aspects of language and society, and English, its most striking peculiarity is
dialectology has made an interesting phonetics. In Indian English phonetics, a
contribution to social linguistics. In fact, number of deviations from the British English
people's specific accent or pronunciation can pronunciation standards are observed.
usually speak louder than they can about Researchers of Indian English explain these
people and their background/context. This phonetic peculiarities by the fact that peoples
shows that dialectology contributes a lot to inhabiting India have a different articulation
social linguistics and that languages can apparatus than peoples inhabiting the British
represent countless dialects, all of which are Isles. The characteristic feature of this
valid and none of which is superior. The apparatus is the jaws being looser and the
variety of English spoken in India is no distance between the upper and lower teeth
exception. Although less than 10 percent of being relatively more comprehensive, so the
India's population speaks English, the oral cavity is more and even much more open
language has deep roots in Indian society and than the standard British pronunciation implies
is used by universities, the media, and the (Farzadnia & Giles, 2015; Sahgal, 1988).
government. In addition, more than 1,500
languages spoken in English have been 2. Theoretical Framework
translated into Second Language in various There are quite a large number of studies
forms. Although it is undoubtedly difficult to dealing with the Indian English language.
reach an agreement on the standard type of this Kumar (2018) writes in his article that when a
104 Phonetic Peculiarities of the English Language in India

scholar surveys every city in India, he processing in post-colonial Englishers. The

discovers varieties of English by virtue of the present study examines the perception of
impact of the regional language and mother lexical stress in non-idiomatic words by
tongue of the user. Multilingualism in India standard Indian adult English speakers. The
has brought bounteous problems in the results show that in amoebic words (emphasis
teaching-learning process of English. It is added syllable), participants act with 54%
owing to the fact that English is a non- accuracy regardless of social context. In terms
phonetic language like French, and Indian of the trochanter, participants with significantly
languages are phonetic. This is the first and better performance (60% accuracy; p < 0.05)
foremost barrier in the English language in with private tutoring approach the level of
India. Our syllabi have to be redefined on the accuracy reported for Australian English
basis of this oceanic geographical distinction. listeners than those with a public school
For the above relevant reason, innumerable background. The results of research by
English Coaching Centers and English Maxwell and Fuchs (2019) suggest that
Institutes have been mushrooming in every processing of the commonly occurring
nook and cranny of streets. trochaic condition is easier for participants
from private schools, while processing of the
And then he answers problems with solutions: rare iambic pattern is not eased by such
after having journeyed briefly through the ebb experience. First language background and the
and flow of the form and function of English, onset of learning English show no systematic
it can be logically inferred that students are in effect on participants’ performance. Variability
need of what is rightly called ‘Functional in Standard Indian English is shaped mainly
English’, which comprises form and function by schooling and not L1 background (Maxwell
of the English language. No matter what grade & Fuchs, 2019). But there has been no
English is prescribed from, what matters is to comprehensive research on phonetic peculiarities
prescribe what is useful to students in of the English language in India.
improving their English language skills. This
is an urgent and inevitable need. It is pathetic 3. Methodology
to say that the phonetic aspect has been totally
ignored, and the authorities concerned have The main research approach is descriptive-
turned a blind eye to the teaching of English analytical (DA), with its main constituents:
pronunciation. Coming to vocabulary, a proper observation, generalization, and interpretation.
plan has to be tailored to enrich students’ word In the social sciences, observation is one of the
power. Form refers to the grammatical most vital research approaches and, at the
structure of English and function to the same time, one of the most diverse. The term
colloquially earmarked nuances. A meticulously includes several approaches and methods
designed special Functional English Course which are difficult to compare in terms of
has to be graded, and it is the pressing approval and predicted results. The choice
urgency. Some of the salient features of should be appropriate to the research issue and
Functional English are: It equips students with the scientific context. In fact, observation may
the understanding, skills and knowledge be the basis of everyday life for most people.
necessary to use and apply English in We observe behaviors and the material
everyday life. Acquiring these practical skills environment (Ciesielska, Boström, & Öhlander,
will enable students to make the most of their 2018).
future work and education. Applied English is
a separate independent degree that can be A generalization is a form of abstraction
taken whenever your students are ready. whereby common properties of specific
Students need to pass writing, reading, instances are formulated as general concepts or
listening, speaking, and communicating to claims. Generalizations posit the existence of a
qualify. (Kumar, 2018; Rajendran, Soman, domain or set of elements, as well as one or
Anandkumar, & Sankaralingam, 2021). more common characteristics shared by those
elements (thus creating a conceptual model).
In English, lexical stress provides basic As such, they are the essential basis of all valid
information that guides vocabulary activation. deductive inferences where the process of
However, little is known about lexical strain verification is necessary to determine whether
M. B. Grolman et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 105

a generalization holds true for any given paper /p p (r)/, pauper /p p (r)/, pepper /pep
situation. For the purpose of a comprehensive (r)/, pipe /p p/, pop /p p/, pup /p p/, taint /t nt/,
analysis of the linguistic features of speech, a tent /tent/, tilt /tɪlt/, tot /t t/, toot /t t/, tut /t t/,
comparative historical method is also used, crack /kr k/, kecks /keks/, kinetic /kɪnetɪk/,
which allows you to identify some trends in kook /k k/, A similar problem rises in case of
the development of the grammatical system of producing / / sound; most Indians produce the
the national literary language; during the sound as in Hindi letter tha. In some parts of
study, comparative-typological and statistical India (no specific areas in this case), Indians
methods are also used. end certain words with the sound /ʊ/
unnecessarily, these words generally end with
4. Results the sounds such as /t/, /n/ for example that /t/
instead of /t/, but /b t/ instead of /b t/ or /b t/,
Since Indian vernacular languages are pen /pen / instead of /pen/. Mostly northern
phonetic languages, Indians face difficulties in Indians fix /ɪ/ sound before the words begin
giving stress and producing tone and intonation with the letter s. For example, they pronounce
while speaking English. They encounter a the word school as /ɪsk l/, instead of /sk l/. The
number of difficulties in pronunciation, tone, letter t in certain word sounds as /d/ rather than
and intonation. Let us examine some of the /t/, for example, water /w t (r)/ is pronounced
problematic sounds which Indian students find as /wɔːd (r)/.
difficult to overcome. They have problems
with consonant sounds: /f/-/v/. Most Indians It is believed that a characteristic feature of the
cannot differentiate the /v/ sound from the /f/ Indian English pronunciation is the replacement
sound. It is done in two ways: firstly, they of alveolar consonants with retroflex consonants
produce sounds for them representing the being formed by the tip of the tongue curving
Indian sounds /f/ and /w/, respectively. It is to the hard palate. And the sounds [t] and [d],
because, in Indian languages, there is no /v/ which are called alveolar explosives, are most
sound. For example, they pronounce the word, susceptible to this process. However, the
veil /weɪl/ instead of /veɪl/. Secondly, if they voiceless consonant sound [t] can only be
try to produce the two sounds like native sometimes retroflex, while the sound [d] is
speakers, they face difficulty in producing and always replaced by a retroflex [ɖ] (Bytko,
differentiating the sound /v/ from /f/, and they 2017). The other scholar claims the explosive
pronounce /v/ as /f/. Most of the Indian consonants [t] and [d] often to be retroflex in
English speakers cannot recognize the basic Indian English, especially in southern India,
difference between them, i.e., the /f/ sound is and in general, the use of retroflex consonants
voiceless, yet the /v/ sound is voiced. Most to be the standard for this language variant.
Indians face the same kind of difficulty while
producing /s/ and /z/ sounds. The /s/ sound is As for the soft and hard [l] (like in the words
voiceless, whereas /z/ is a voiced sound. They 'milk' and 'leaf'), in Indian English, there are
pronounce the sound /z/ as voiceless, like /s/ no differences between these sounds, with the
sound. soft [l] being strictly used in this case.

In case of aspirates (unvoiced) /p/, /t/, /k/ most In southern India, the sound [l] is replaced by a
Indians pronounce them as voiced sounds. retroflex [ɭ], yet this sound is not typical of
When letters p, k, t, and k come at the standard Indian English. Nevertheless, the
beginning of words, they must be aspired like Tamil and Malayalam languages have the rule
/ph/, /th/, and /kh/ whereas when they come in to voice an explosive consonant when it is
the middle or at the end of the words, they are between vowels or stands after a nasal sound.
unaspirated. Most Indians pronounce them as Thus, the word 'simply' will be pronounced as
voiced sounds irrespective of their places. For [simbly].
example, in the word paper, the first letter, p is
aspirant (unvoiced), and the second p is Other striking examples of phonetic deviations
voiced. In the word, taint, the first t is an are: replacing the sound [r] with a trembling,
aspirant, and the second t is voiced. In the vibrating, or retroflex one. The sound [r] in
word kick, the first letter k is an aspirant, and Indian English mostly does not vibrate, which
the second ck is a voiced sound. For example: is borrowed from the standard British
pronunciation. It acts as a frictionless alveolar
106 Phonetic Peculiarities of the English Language in India

approximant, or an alveolar sound; [r] is silent the first letter followed by 'h', the aspiration of
in such words as 'bird', 'car', 'park', 'hurt', the first consonant is evident, no matter
'higher' etc. However, it appears when words whether it is voiceless or voiced. Thus, in the
end with the letter 'r' being followed by words words 'ghost' and 'why', the first sound is
starting with a vowel: The car [r] is here; the aspirated.
player [r] indicates his displeasure. The final
[r], for example, in the words 'here' and In the Indian variant of the English language,
'displeasure' is not pronounced. Similarly, the the contrast between the sounds [v] and [w] is
intrusive [r], being the feature of Oxford often not audible, with the labio-dental
pronunciation, is absent in Indo-European approximant [] being used instead of them,
languages. In phrases such as 'India and which is also widely spread in some Indian
China', 'the idea of it,' the sound [r] is not languages, in Hindi, in particular. The
articulated while in the Oxford pronunciation, pronunciation of this sound is characterized by
[r] may appear between the words 'India' and the upper teeth approaching the lower lip but
'and' and between 'the idea' and 'of'. They even not touching them. So, the words 'wet' and 'vet'
suppose such a pronunciation seems ridiculous will often be homophones.
to the Indians (Bytko, 2017).
Most Indian languages (except Urdu) do not
It is also known that in Indian English, the have the voiced alveolar fricative [z].
consonants [p], [t], [k] are not aspirated. The Although having the closest equivalent of the
Indian language (with the exception of Tamil) voiceless [s] in their native language, Indians
has phoneme differences between aspirated mostly use palato-alveolar affricate [ʤ] as in
and unaspirated explosive consonants. It is the Korean accent. Thus, for example, the
mainly characteristic of the voiceless consonant words 'zero' and 'rosy' sound like ['ʤi:ro] and
sound [θ], as there are no interdental fricative ['ro:ʤi:] accordingly. Moreover, the latter
sounds in either the Indian language or Indian variant of pronouncing 'rosy' is characteristic,
English. The sound [θ] can still be audible especially of northern India.
sometimes, but the sound [ð] frequently
disappears during the articulation process. The Many Indians, whose level of English is not
voiceless sound [θ] is most often replaced by high, pronounce [f] as an aspirated voiceless
the unaspirated voiceless dental occlusive [t], explosive [ph]. Such replacement is less
which is present in Indian languages (Bytko, common than the replacement of the sound [z]
2017). and, in fact, [f] is also often used instead of
[ph] by the local Indians. Thus, they seem to be
In Indian languages, with the exception of interchangeable (Bytko, 2017).
Tamil, there are aspirated and unaspirated
explosives and constrictive consonants. Those The sound [ŋ], remaining the same at the end
ones, which are spelled as 'th', are often of words in the Indian version of English,
aspirated. In the Tamil language, instead of the often adds the sound [g] to itself when being in
sound [θ], the unaspirated voiceless occlusive the middle of a word. Thus, the word ringing
dental [t] is used (Bytko, 2017). will be pronounced as ['riŋɡiŋ] (Bytko, 2017).

Bytko (2017) emphasizes that if the aspiration Syllabic [l], [m] and [n] are often replaced in
of the voiceless sound appeared due to the Indian English by the vowel-consonant (VC)-
influence of the pronunciation, then we could group of the sounds [əl], [əm], [ən], or [il], as, for
pronounce the sound [d] as an analog of the example, the word button will be pronounced
sound [ð], but in the words 'mother', 'bathe' we as ['bʌtən], and little as ['litil].
get the smooth sound [d]. Thus, the voiced [ð]
In Standard English, as well as in American
is replaced by the voiced dental occlusive [d] English, when the plural index follows an
like in words these, those, and weather (Bytko, alveolar palatal fricative or affective sound, it
2017). is pronounced as [əz] or [iz] as, for example,
Speaking of the aspiration, it should also be in words fridges or kisses. In Indian English,
noted that in Indian English, the aspiration the plural index is introduced by [s] or [s],
cannot always be predicted with its being almost always deafening the final sound.
related directly to the spelling. In words with Similarly, the past tense indicator in American
M. B. Grolman et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 107

English is always [d] or [d]. That is to say parameters that make stressed syllables more
that, in the standard English pronunciation, salient to listeners. Similar to other dimensions
when the final consonant is deaf, the past tense of prosody, stress is not universal. Not all
indicator will be deafened as well, as, for languages contrast stressed with unstressed
example, in the word 'trapped'. In American syllables, and even within the category
English, it will remain voiced, and the word ‘stressed’, languages can have various patterns.
trapped will be pronounced as [træpd] (Bytko, Given such differences in the function and
2017). physical properties of stress, listeners may use
acoustic information in the speech signal
Since there are no groups of consonants differently. While most varieties of English as
standing together in Indian languages, their Native Language (ENL) have a distinction
reduction in Indian English is a common case. between stressed and unstressed syllables, it
The word acts will be pronounced as [æks], has been suggested that this may not be the
and film can be uttered as [filəm]. School may case in many post-colonial varieties of English,
sound like [səkul] or [is’ku: l]. In general, in such as Nigerian English, Singaporean
the system of vowel sounds, Indian English is English, or Indian English. This could be due
less different from the Standard English to the influence of typologically distinct first
pronunciation. This is especially true for those languages, which differ in their prosodic
whose native language is Hindi, with its systems and the use of prominence. Empirical
system of vowels being a bit similar to the evidence on such varieties, however, is often
English speech. But there are still differences. limited or presents conflicting results, at times
For example, the two vowels of the central suggesting a lack of distinction for stressed/
row [ə] and [ʌ] do not differ in standard Indian unstressed syllables’ (Maxwell & Fuchs,
English. And in some dialects, the back vowel 2019).
[ʌ] is replaced by the front vowel [a].
Researchers note that Indian English is usually
Many Indians did not see the difference syllabic, which means the non-observance of
between the vowels [ɒ] and [ɔ:], such as in the alternating stressed syllables at regular
words cot and caught. Moreover, some of intervals of time. Besides, syllables that are
them, especially those living in southern India, unstressed in other variants of the English
replace the rounded sounds [ɒ] and [ɔ:] with language sometimes get stressed in Indian
[a]. Accordingly, coffee in South India will be English, with the abolition of vowel reduction
pronounced [kafi]. The diphthongs [eɪ] and [oʊ], being observed. Example: syllable - ['silə 'bel]
like in words pale and hole, being characteristic instead of ['siləb(ə)l] (Sahgal, 1988). All this
of the standard British pronunciation, in Indian makes Indian English difficult to understand.
English are often replaced by monophthongs
[e:] and [o:]. Also, in non-standard Indian Thus, the stress in standard Indian English is a
English, except diphthongs [ɔi] as in boy and somewhat confusing phenomenon. The stress
[aʊ] as in cow, all other diphthongs are falling depends on the weight of the syllable.
changed to long vowels, and the sound [r] is A syllable is considered to be light if it
added, so poor is pronounced [pu:r], beer as contains only one short vowel, and the number
[bi:r], tour as [tu:r], pear as [pe:r] (Bytko, of consonants preceding the vowel does not
2017). Also, many Indians pronounce such matter. So, the syllable CV with a short vowel
words as flower and our like [fla:(r)] and will be light. The heavy syllable contains a
[a:(r)], accordingly, instead of [flaə(r)] and long vowel or a vowel with a consonant: V:C
[aə(r)]. or VCC. An unusually heavy syllable is the
one in which a long vowel is followed by a
‘Prosodic structures differ across languages consonant (V:C) or a short vowel is followed
and language varieties and influence the way by at least two consonants (VCC or VCCC)
listeners use prosodic cues. The subject of the (Garesh, 2004). Thus, some linguists suggest
present study is lexical stress, which refers to while teaching a target language, studying special
the lexically specified distinction between notes indicating differences in accent options and
strong and weak syllables in a word. In stress their normative assessments (Mordinova &
languages, such as English, lexical stress is Sadykova, 2017).
cued by a number of robust acoustic
108 Phonetic Peculiarities of the English Language in India

The stress falls on the first syllable of a two- b) at the docking of verbal foundations when
syllable word, except the cases where the forming a compound word.
second syllable is especially heavy 'taboo, c) at the junction of reducing the short vowel
'mistake. In three-syllable words, the stress (a).
also falls on the first syllable. But if the second d) between semantic combinations in the
syllable is heavy, in this case, it is this syllable context of a sentence.
that will be stressed: mo' desty, char 'acter e) between two parts in a complex sentence.
(Garesh, 2004). But since many speakers
ignore these rules, there are many individual Often people in India make a pause between
variations. two words in a phrase to avoid phonetic
ambiguity. Let's consider as an example the
Some speakers of standard Indian English put speech of the filmmaker and the actor from
the stress in the words where it stands in Mumbai on the television show “BVB media”:
standard English pronunciation, for example,
mist 'ake, terr' ific, having probably learned … In economics, there is a principle
this pattern word by word (Bytko, 2017). called the theory of comparative costs
Another oddity of Indian English is the which says that you may grow rice and
tendency to emphasize with stress the first you may grow wheat, but you have to
pronoun in a sentence, such as: 'She is coming decide which one you can grow better
by train’. Also, in some varieties of IE (but not and concentrate on that and let some
in standard Indian English), there is a tendency other countries grow the other. The other
to emphasize with stress more words in a thing is similarly with arts you may be a
sentence, without avoiding service words, for painter, you may be a writer you …
example: 'This 'is CNN (this feature began to
appear in American English by radio or We hear the lack of difference between the
television announcers, who may have wanted soft and hard [l], as, for example, in the word
to excel). ‘principle’ called with soft [l] being used. The
next phonetic peculiarity is that the sound [w]
5. Discussion is similar to the labio-dental approximant [],
as in ‘with’, ‘wheat’. The syllabic [l], [m] and
In Indian English, complete intonation divides [n] are replaced with a VC-group of sounds
phrases according to the target orientation of [əl], [əm], [ən], or [il], like in the word
the expression and shows all kinds of psycho- ‘concentrate’ instead of the British variant of
emotional tones. Communicating intonation in pronouncing [ˈkɒnsntreɪt], we hear [ˈkɒnsəntreɪt].
the narration is formed by lowering the tone We can also note the pronunciation of the
towards the end of the phrase. Interrogative sound [z] as [s] and vice versa; for example, in
intonation is created by enhancing the tone the word ‘rice’, instead of the usual British
towards the end of a phrase and highlighting [raɪs], we hear [raɪz]. Another phonetic
the word that shows the essence of the peculiarity is the replacement of the voiceless
question. Incentive intonation is similar to sound [θ] by the non-aspiratory voiceless
communicating intonation in its sound dental occlusive [t]: for example, in the word
coloring. But the beginning of an incentive ‘thing’, instead of pronouncing [θɪŋ], we hear
phrase is pronounced in a tone higher than the [tɪŋ]. Phrasal stress falls on practically all
beginning of a narrative phrase. We can meet stressed syllables. The speech is pronounced
incomplete intonation in complex sentences categorically. As for the intonation, mostly,
where the subordinate part is separated from the falling tone is used.
the central part by a short pause. In the
intonation of Indian English, there are speech Indian English is used throughout India, and
pauses that carry meaningful functions. They some of its peculiarities are common with the
can be between morphemes, between verbal standard British pronunciation, while others
foundations, and between phrases that are a differ, being exclusively Indian. Indian
part of a sentence. Speech pauses can be: English, used by less educated people, is even
more heavily influenced by local languages.
a) at the docking of morphemes when adding However, no one can say exactly how diverse
different affixes to the word. the pronunciation of the English language can
M. B. Grolman et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 109

be throughout this vast country, so this is a Qualitative methodologies in organization

topic for further research. studies (pp. 33-52). London, United
Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
While working on the research, the general Chand, V., Kapper, D., Mondal, S., Sur, S., &
trends of differences between the Indian Parshad, R. D. (2017). Indian English
English pronunciation and the Standard evolution and focusing visible through
English pronunciation were discovered. And power laws. Languages, 2(4), 26-31.
as a result, phonetic peculiarities of Indian Ennser-Kananen, J., Escobar, C. F., &
English have been described: the peculiarities Bigelow, M. (2017). It's practically a
of using consonants and vowels in the speech must: Neoliberal reasons for foreign
of Indians. Also, the peculiarities of using language learning. International Journal
stress and intonation in the Indian version of of Society, Culture & Language, 5(1),
the English language were considered. 15-28.
Farzadnia, S., & Giles, H. (2015). Patient-
Overall, it can be concluded that phonetic provider interaction: A communication
peculiarities of Indian English are defined accommodation theory perspective.
through a distinctive structure of the International Journal of Society,
articulation apparatus of people residing in Culture & Language, 3(2), 17-34.
India. However, India's academic community, Gargesh, R. (2008). Indian English: Phonology.
while utilizing Indian English, attempts for a Varieties of English, 4(2), 231-243.
more prestigious pronunciation. The results of Kachru, B. B. (1986). The indianization of
this research may be used in studying the English. English Today, 2(2), 31-33.
Indian version of the English language, as well Kumar, M. S. (2018). Form and function of
as in further studying differences between this English in India. International Research
variant of the English language and the Journal of Humanities, Language and
standard pronunciation. In general, the Literature, 5(7), 12-25.
material given in the work may be useful for Lukankina, T. A., Mardieva, L. A.,
those who have to communicate with Shchuklina, T. Y., & Zamaletdinov, R.
representatives of India in English, either in R. (2017). Russian language as non-
formal or informal situations. mother tongue in polyethnic region of
Russia. Revista QUID, 2(1), 818-822.
Maxwell, O., & Fuchs, R. (2019). Cross-
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