Mern Stack by Career Compiler

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Proposal for

Job-oriented Value-added Course


Session 2024-25

Submitted by Career Compiler, Agra

Department Computer Engineering & Applications

Full Stack Development with React & Node

Title of the Program JS

Targeted Group Anyone having specified Pre-requisite

What Students will learn during this course?
(We should clearly tell what interesting things learners will learn during this program)

 This course dives into the focus on the popular JS library React for
front-end and Node.js for back-end along with APIs and deployment
is a must-have program for any aspiring developer
 From this course, the learners will be able to learn the purpose of
Web Development and its real world application.
 The learners will be able to create 10+ Projects covering HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and React.
 Full Stack Real-World Project Building.

How this program is Industry Relevant?

(Proposal should clearly show that this technology/tool is and will remain in high demand in
corporate. We can show vacancy post, articles showing demand etc. to believe the relevancy.)

 After completion of this course, learners can add new skills to resume
such as React JS, Node JS, Full Stack Web Developer
 Web Projects can be added to the resume such as Instagram Clone, E-
Commerce Website, Spotify Clone

Pre-requisites (if any)

(Should mention the skills / knowledge learners should have before registering for this

 Basic Computer Operation

 Basics of C Programming

Tools Required (if any)

(Physical or Soft resources required for taking the course like Laptop, iOS mobile, particular
software etc.)

 Internet enabled computer system (PC/Laptop).

 Window based software (VS Code)
Content Outline
(Mention broad topics which will be covered along with teaching & evaluation methodology for
each topic.)

Teaching Evaluation
S. No. Broad Topic
Methodology (s) Methodology (s)
Module 1-Introduction to Web
Development & Version Control
Understanding the basics of web
Introduction to HTML tags and
Styling HTML pages with CSS PPT and Quiz and
Introduction to GIT and version Hands On Assignment
Setting up a GIT repository and
committing changes,
Creating responsive web pages with
media queries,
Introduction to CSS frameworks like
Module 2- Advanced HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript Fundamentals
Advanced CSS techniques like
flexbox and grid,
Best practices for HTML and CSS
2 Overview of JavaScript language and PPT & Hands On Assignment
its features, Variables, data types,
and operators,
Control flow statements (if-else, for,
while, switch),
Clouseres, Promises, Callbacks,
event loops
Module 3- Advanced JavaScript
Introduction to ES6 features like let,
const, and arrow functions,
Working with functions, objects, and
3 Variable types, scoping, and error PPT & Hands On Assignment
handling, Manipulating the DOM with
Handling events and user interactions
with JavaScript,
Debugging and troubleshooting
JavaScript code
4 Module 4- React Basics & Building PPT & Hands On Assignment
Introduction to React and its features,
Setting up a React development
JSX syntax and its benefits,
Creating React components, Creating
reusable React components,
Using props to pass data between
Creating conditional rendering and
handling events in React,
Best practices for React component
Module 5- React State
Management and Routing
Introduction to React Hooks,
Understanding state and its importance
in React,
Understanding useState and useEffect
5 Hook, PPT & Hands On Assignment
Implementing custom hooks in React,
Understanding React Routing,
Understanding client-side routing &
server-side routing,
Introduction to different types of React
Module 6- React LifeCycle and
Introduction to Node.js
Introduction to class-based
Understanding React Lifecycle and its
Introduction to React context,
6 Use of lazy and suspense, Introduction PPT & Hands On Assingment
to Node.js and its features,
Understanding the basics of web
servers and HTTP requests,
Node Modules - HTTP, File Systems,
Understanding the Node.js event loop
and asynchronous programming
Module 7- Advanced Concepts and
RESTful API Mastery
Using callbacks, promises, and
async/await in Node.js,
Handling errors and debugging
Node.js applications,
Implementing security best
practices in Node.js, Understanding
7 the principles of RESTful APIs, PPT & Hands On Assignment
Setting up an Express.js
development environment,
Building a simple Express.js server,
Building CRUD operations with
Implementing middleware in
Best practices for building scalable
and maintainable APIs
Module 8- Mastering MongoDB -
From Introduction to Advanced
Understanding NoSQL databases and
Setting up a MongoDB development
Building MongoDB schema and models
with Mongoose, PPT & Hands On
8 Using Mongoose to perform CRUD Assignment
operations in MongoDB, Understanding
MongoDB indexing and aggregation,
Implementing authentication and
authorization with MongoDB,
Best practices for securing MongoDB
Implementing data migrations and
backups in MongoDB

Module 9 - Advanced State

Management with Redux and
Express.js API
Introduction to state management with
Setting up Redux in a React
Creating Redux actions and reducers
PPT & Hands On
9 Integrating Redux with React Assignment
components, Advanced RESTful API
Implementing authentication and
authorization in Express.js,
Handling file uploads and other
advanced features,
Testing and documenting RESTful
Module 10- Major Project
Development and Deployment
Applying the knowledge gained
throughout the course,
Building an E-Commerce Website
with MERN stack,
Developing features, integrating APIs,
10 and implementing user authentication, PPT & Hands On Major Project
Project development, testing, and
debugging, Introduction to CI & CD
Deploying React applications using
hosting services like Netlify, Vercel,
Cyclic, and more
Deploying Node.js applications with
server configurations
Detail of External Experts and their affiliation
(Mention the detail of external members involved in taking JOVAC course along with their

Name: DD Singh
Current Organisation: Career Compiler
Current Designation:
Total Experience: 20 Years

LinkedIn Profile:

Role in JOVAC will be Project Evaluation.

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