Lec 9 - Bioavailability
Lec 9 - Bioavailability
Lec 9 - Bioavailability
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sadat city
Spring (2023-2024)
Course coordinator: Isra H. Ali, Ph.D.
Lecturer of Pharmaceutics
Prepared By: Hend Abdel-bar, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics
• Bioavailability and
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
Absolute bioavailability compares the
bioavailability (estimated as area under
Bioavailability is a the curve, or AUC) of the active drug in
measurement of the extent of a systemic circulation following non-
therapeutically active drug that intravenous administration (i.e., after
oral, rectal, transdermal, subcutaneous
reaches the systemic administration), with the bioavailability
circulation and is available at of the same drug following intravenous
the site of action. administration.
𝐴𝑈𝐶 𝑝𝑜∗𝑑𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝐼𝑉
F= 𝐴𝑈𝐶 𝐼𝑉∗𝑑𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑜
Factors influencing bioavailability:
Factors related
Physicochemical factors: absorption: to Dosage form related
Measurement of bioavailability
I. Pharmacokinetic methods
1) Plasma Level—Time Studies
b) Multiple Dose Studies:
2. Urinary Excretion Studies
2. Urinary Excretion Studies Method
Bioavailability • Fr=
(Xu ss) test Dstd τ test
(Xu ss)std Dtest τstd
multiple dose study at • Xu,ss is the amount of drug excreted unchanged at
steady state is given
Pharmacokinetic methods
theophylline- salivary
II. Pharmacodynamics methods
Acute Pharmacological Response Disadvantages
Bioavailability is determined by
construction of pharmacological effect-
time curve as well as dose-response graphs.
The pharmacological response like Observed response may
The method requires ECG or EEG readings, pupil be due to an active
measurement of responses for diameter tends to be more variable metabolite whose
and accurate correlation between concentration is not
at least 3 biological half-lives. measured response and drug Conc. considered for the
is difficult. pharmacological effect.
It includes determination of
onset of action, duration of
action, intensity of action
III. Clinical trials
Improper quantification of observed
based on observing the
clinical response to a drug Assumes that physiological status of the
patient does not change significantly over the
formulation given to patients duration of study.
suffering from disease for A patient who required the drug for disease
would be able to receive only single dose of
drug every week or for a few days.
which it is intended to be
Drug -drug interaction.
In vitro tests
Dissolution test Approaches of IVIVC
In vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC)
These studies are done in vitro in artificial In vitro dissolution alone will be
gastric fluid, artificial intestinal fluid, insufficient to predict its therapeutic
artificial saliva, and artificial rectal fluid.
The amount of drug released from the
efficacy Establishing a linear
dosage form is measured over time to Correlation between in-vitro dissolution relationship between the in
determine if drug dissolution plays a role in & in-vivo bioavailability must be
limiting the absorption rate of the drug. established to predict its therapeutic vitro and the in vivo parameters
In vitro studies
IVIVC levels
Level A
Highest category correlation representing point- to- point relationship between in vitro and in
vivo parameters. In vitro dissolution and in vivo absorption rate curves are superimposable
In vitro dissolution curve serves as an alternate for in vivo testing and can accurately predict
its therapeutic efficacy
Level B
Not a point-to-point correlation utilizing principles of statistical moment analysis. Here mean
dissolution time is compared to either the mean residence time or in vivo dissolution time.
Cannot justify changes in manufacturing or modification in formula based on level B correlation.
In vitro data cannot be used for in-vivo quality control standards
Level C
• It is a single point correlation. Relates one
dissolution time point (T50%) to one PK parameter
such as AUC, Tmax , Cmax. Useful as guide in
formulation development or quality control
Types of dissolution apparatus
Drug permeability
To produce a biologic response, the
drug molecule must first cross a
biologic membrane. The biologic The interrelationship of the
membrane acts as a lipid barrier to dissociation constant, lipid solubility, Data obtained from the basic
most drugs and permits the and pH at the absorption site with the physicochemical studies, specifically,
absorption of lipid soluble substances absorption characteristics of various pKa, solubility, and dissolution rate,
by passive diffusion, while lipid- drugs are the basis of the pH partition provide an indication of absorption.
insoluble substances can diffuse theory.
across the barrier only with
considerable difficulty if at all.
Drug permeability
For ionisable solutes, the compound may
exist as a variety of different species in
each phase at any given pH. D, the
logP and logD both describe the same
distribution coefficient, is the appropriate
Partition Coefficient (P) = [Compound] physical property (lipophilicity) it is
descriptor for ionizable compounds since
octanol / [Compound] water critical that we understand the differences
it is a measure of the pH-dependant
between them and apply them accordingly.
differential solubility of all species in the
octanol/water system (typically used in the
logarithmic form logD).
Caco-2 cell line:
The Caco-2 cell line is a
Although in vivo studies yield The permeability of the
human colon adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells can also be used
much definitive information cellular monolayer may vary
cell line that differentiates in to study interactions of drugs
about drug permeability in with the stage of cell growth
culture and resembles the with the transporter P-gp
humans, they are tedious and and the cultivation method
epithelial lining of the human discussed below.
costly to perform. used.
small intestine.
The parallel artificial membrane
permeability assay (PAMPA)
Artificial lipid membranes are supported on a filter between two fluid compartments,
one of which contains the drug candidate.
The rate of appearance into the opposite compartment is then measured to determine the
permeability of the compound.
Several models and variations of this approach are available, and investigators should
pay attention particularly to the lipid composition of the artificial membranes as well as
other experimental details. Notably, the PAMPA can only predict simple diffusional
permeability, which does not involve uptake or efflux transporters.
In silico method: Lipinski rule of five and
Lipinski's rule states that, in general, an
Lipinski's rule of five is a rule orally active drug has no more than one
of thumb to evaluate the drug violation of the following criteria:
permeability and absorption.
However, the rule does not No more than 5 hydrogen bond donors
predict if a compound is (the total number of nitrogen–hydrogen
pharmacologically active. and oxygen–hydrogen bonds)
The rule is important to keep in mind during drug No more than 10 hydrogen
discovery when a pharmacologically active lead bond acceptors (all
structure is optimized step-wise to increase the nitrogen or oxygen atoms)
activity and selectivity of the compound as well
as to ensure drug-like physicochemical properties A molecular
are maintained as described by Lipinski's rule. mass less than
500 daltons
Candidate drugs that conform
to the rule of 5 tend to have An octanol-water
lower attrition rates during partition coefficient (log
clinical trials and hence have P) that does not exceed 5
an increased chance of
reaching the market.
Biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS):
Class Sol Per Abs. Pattern Examples Challenges in Drug Delivery
The two properties of biopharmaceutical
interest, that is, the properties that predict I High High Well Diltiazem CR forms need to limit drug
the ability of the drug candidate to move absorbed Propranol release or dissolution since
from dosage form to receptor, are water ol absorption of released drug is
solubility and membrane permeability. Metoprolo rapid.
II Low High Variable Nifedipine overcome solubility or
Naproxen dissolution problems
BCS drug for immediate–release drug
products and IVIVC expectations
Class Sol Per IVIVC Predicting
Expectations IVIVC From
dissolution data
I High High If dissolution rate is Yes
slower than gastric
emptying rate.
II Low High In vitro dissolution Yes
rate = in-vivo
dissolution rate
III High Low Absorption is rate No
determining no
IVIVC from
dissolution data
IV Low Low Limited no IVIVC No
Bioequivalence Studies
relative term that two or more drug products two or more drug
two or more drug
compares drug products are identical in strength, products that contain
products contain the
with respect to a specific quality, purity, content the same
same active ingredient
characteristic/function or a uniformity and therapeutically active
in the same amount
defined set of standards disintegration and ingredient eliciting
dissolution characteristics identical
but may differ in terms of pharmacological
excipients used effects and can
control the disease to
the same extent.
Bioequivalence: Drug in two or more identical dosage forms reaches systemic
circulation at the same relative rate and extent i.e. their plasma concentration-time
profiles will be identical without significant statistical differences
Bioequivalence Studies
Types of bioequivalence studies
If a new product is
intended to be a substitute
for an approved medicinal
product as a
In vivo
In vitro
The equivalence with this
product should be shown or
justified in order to ensure
clinical performance
I. In vivo (Studies are conducted by
Pharmacokinetic and Dynamic methods
1. Oral immediate release products
with systemic action
Narrow therapeutic margin as digoxin and phenytoin
II. In vitro (Bio-wavers: In vitro studies, i.e., dissolution
studies can be used as alternate to in vivo bioequivalence under
certain circumstances as follow)
1. New drug product differs only in strength
of the active substance it contains, provided
all the following conditions hold:
The qualitative
Pharmacokinetics are
composition is the 2. The drug product has
been slightly reformulated
or manufacturing method,
The ratio between
active substance and
Both products are slightly modified without
produced by the same
excipients is the same
or the ratio between the
manufacturer at the affecting bioavailability
same production site
excipients is the same
II. In vitro (Bio-wavers: In vitro studies, i.e., dissolution
studies can be used as alternate to in vivo bioequivalence under
An acceptable
certain circumstances as follow) IVIVC with
similar in vitro
3. The drug product meets all the dissolution rate
as approved
following requirements medicinal
It is in solution or solubilized The product is
form intended for topical
administration, oral
administration but
Active ingredient is in the same not intended to be
concentration as the approved absorbed.
drug product For parental solution; same active substance with same
concentration, same excipient, oral solution; same active
substance with same concentration, excipient not affecting GI
The product contains no transit or absorption, gas, otic / ophthalmic/topical solution;
excipients that effect absorption same active substance with same concentration, same excipient
and inhalational product/ nasal spray; administered with or w/o
of the drug same device as reference product; prepared as aqueous solution;
same active substance with same concentration, same excipient.
Bioequivalence study designs
The Crossover Design
The Parallel Design
A crossover design is a modified, randomized block
design in which each block receives more than one
formulation of a drug at different time periods.
A parallel design is a complete randomized
design in which each subject receives one
and only one formulation of a drug in a
random fashion. It is preferred if: For bioavailability and bioequivalence studies, the
crossover design is viewed favourably because of the
A-the drug is following advantages:
potentially toxic or
has a very long
elimination half-life
1. Each subject serves as his or her own control. It allows a
B-the population within subject comparison between formulations.
2. It removes the intersubjective variability from the comparison
of interest between formulations.
consists of very 3. With a proper randomization of subject to the sequence of
ill patients formulation administrations, it provides the best unbiased
estimates for the differences (or ratios) between formulations.
Washout period:
The washout period is defined as the rest
period between two treatment periods.
A suitable washout period should be
long enough to return any relevant
changes that influence bioavailability to
baseline (usually, at three times the
blood-plasma elimination half-life of the
active ingredient).