Kenya Consumer Price Indices and Inflation Rates April 2024

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The overall year on year inflation rate as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
was 5.0 per cent, in April 2024. This means that the general price level in April 2024
was 5.0 per cent higher than that of April 2023. The price increase was mainly driven
by rise in prices of commodities between April 2023 and April 2024 under Transport
(9.2%); Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (5.6%); and Housing, Water, Electricity,
Gas and other fuels (3.8%). These three divisions account for over 57 per cent of the
weights of the 13 broad categories.

The CPI and inflation is generated from data collected through monthly survey of
retail prices that target a representative basket of household consumption goods and
services. The data collection is conducted in the second and third weeks of the month
from a representative sample of outlets located in 50 data collection zones across the

As presented in Table 1 and Table 2, the index decreased from 138.66 in March 2024
to 138.40 in April 2024.

Table 1: Overall CPI and Rates of Inflation

Base Feb 2019=100
Mo n th Ov eral l CP I Inf latio n R ate
April 2023 131.83 7.9
May 2023 133.01 8.0
June 2023 134.01 7.9
July 2023 134.15 7.3
August 2023 134.02 6.7
September 2023 135.32 6.8
October 2023 136.71 6.9
November 2023 137.03 6.8
December 2023 137.55 6.6
January 2024 138.15 6.9
February 2024 138.34 6.3
March 2024 138.66 5.7
April 2024 138.40 5.0

The Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages Index which carries the largest weight
(32.9%) decreased by 0.1 per cent between March 2024 and April 2024, as shown
in Table 2. As shown in Table 3, which details the national average prices of selected
items, the price of sugar, maize grain-loose, fortified maize flour maize and maize
flour loose dropped by 8.3, 3.6, 3.0 and 2.8 per cent, respectively between March
2024 and April 2024. During the same period, however, prices of onions- leeks and
bulbs, tomatoes and oranges increased by 5.8, 4.3 and 4.0 per cent, respectively.

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics is ISO 9001:2015 Certified

The Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’ Index dropped by 1.3 per cent
between March 2024 and April 2024 mainly due to a decline in price of kerosene
by 9.7 per cent. In addition, prices of 200 kWh and 50 kWh of electricity dropped
by 6.4 per cent and 7.7 per cent, respectively. However, the price of gas/LPG rose
by 0.3 per cent during the period.

The Transport Index reduced by 0.3 per cent between March 2024 and April 2024.
This was mainly due to a drop in prices of petrol and diesel by 2.7 per cent and
5.2 per cent, respectively.
Table 2: One and Twelve-Month Changes in the Consumer Price Indices
Wei ght % % Chang e on % Chang e on
last month same month of
(April 2024/ the previ ous year
March 2024) (April 2024/
April 2023)
13 COICOP Divi sions
Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages 32.9094 -0.1 5.6
Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics 3.3289 0.2 8.3
Clothing and Footwear 2.9914 0.2 3.7
Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other
Fuels 14.6124 -1.3 3.8
Furnishings, Household Equipment and
Routine Household Maintenance 3.7372 0.1 4.4
Health 2.9116 0.1 2.7
Transport 9.6468 -0.3 9.2
Information and Communication 7.7840 0.1 1.3
Recreation, Sport and Culture 1.7219 0.2 4.8
Education Services 5.5620 0.0 2.3
Restaurants and Accommodation Services 8.0991 0.2 4.3
Insurance and Financial Services 2.2423 0.0 0.9
Personal Care, Social Protection and
Miscellaneous Goods and Services 4.4532 0.2 6.0
Total 100.0000 -0.2 5.0

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics is ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Table 3: National Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities

% Change
over last % Change
month over last
Average April year April
Average Price Average 2024/ 2024/
Un it of Price April March Price April March April
Commodity Name Quantity Measure 2023 2024 2024 2024 2023
Sugar 1 Kg 159.10 189.45 173.70 (8.3) 9.2
Maize Grain - Loose 1 Kg 78.87 65.31 62.98 (3.6) (20.1)
Fortified Maize flour 2 Kg 209.29 163.94 159.01 (3.0) (24.0)
Maize Flour - Loose 1 Kg 84.29 67.02 65.16 (2.8) (22.7)
Wheat Flour-White 2 Kg 195.65 190.72 186.03 (2.5) (4.9)
Avocado 1 Kg 84.39 100.18 97.80 (2.4) 15.9
Maize Flour - Sifted 2 Kg 186.29 145.57 142.19 (2.3) (23.7)
Kale-Sukuma Wiki 1 Kg 63.36 65.94 65.13 (1.2) 2.8
Cooking Oil (Salad) 1 Litre 319.85 333.59 329.73 (1.2) 3.1
Beans 1 Kg 182.33 185.01 183.51 (0.8) 0.7
Potatoes (Irish) 1 Kg 106.18 109.74 111.82 1.9 5.3
Oranges 1 Kg 78.10 88.53 92.07 4.0 17.9
Tomatoes 1 Kg 82.34 87.52 91.25 4.3 10.8
Onion -Leeks and Bulbs 1 Kg 103.28 167.28 177.02 5.8 71.4
Kerosene/Paraffin 1 Litre 146.86 189.48 171.18 (9.7) 16.6
Electricity 50 kWh 1,304.92 1,400.00 1,292.00 (7.7) (1.0)
Electricity 200 kWh 6,349.80 6,730.20 6,297.78 (6.4) (0.8)
House rent - single room 1 Per Month 3,927.62 4,087.36 4,089.24 0.0 4.1
Gas/LPG 13 Kilogram 3,135.39 3,231.84 3,242.11 0.3 3.4
Diesel 1 Litre 162.91 191.11 181.11 (5.2) 11.2
Petrol 1 Litre 180.05 199.77 194.46 (2.7) 8.0

Macdonald G. Obudho, PhD, EBS, MBS


Kenya National Bureau of Statistics is ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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