Bộ Luyện Nghe Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success Cả Năm (Gồm 12 Units, Mỗi Unit Gồm 3 Tests, Có Audio, Script Và Đáp Án)

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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú

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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú
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Nguyen Thanh Tu Group

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I. True/false.
1. Emily is looking for a new art set.
A. True B. False
2. Anh Đinh is not interested in art.
A. True B. False
3. Emily enjoys expressing herself through art.
A. True B. False
4. Anh Đinh prefers physical activities and team sports.
A. True B. False
5. Emily and Anh Đinh are planning to watch a comedy movie together.
A. True B. False
6. What is Emily looking for?
A. A new TV
B. A new book
C. A new art set
D. A new phone
7. What does Anh Đinh usually do in his free time?
A. Paint
B. Sculpt
C. Play football
D. Watch movies
8. What does Emily enjoy doing?
A. Playing sports
B. Watching movies
C. Exploring her creative side
D. Reading books
9. What does Anh Đinh like about team sports?
A. It keeps him active
B. It helps him express himself
C. It allows him to be creative
D. It helps him relax
10. Who is Anh Đinh planning to watch a movie with?
A. Emily
B. Sarah
C. Jake
D. All of the above
I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
1. Emily is looking for a new art set.
*A. True B. False
2. Anh Đinh is not interested in art.
*A. True B. False
3. Emily enjoys expressing herself through art.
*A. True B. False
4. Anh Đinh prefers physical activities and team sports.
*A. True B. False
5. Emily and Anh Đinh are planning to watch a comedy movie together.
A. True *B. False
6. What is Emily looking for?
A. A new TV
B. A new book
*C. A new art set
D. A new phone
7. What does Anh Đinh usually do in his free time?
A. Paint
B. Sculpt
*C. Play football
D. Watch movies
8. What does Emily enjoy doing?
A. Playing sports
B. Watching movies
*C. Exploring her creative side
D. Reading books
9. What does Anh Đinh like about team sports?
*A. It keeps him active
B. It helps him express himself
C. It allows him to be creative
D. It helps him relax
10. Who is Anh Đinh planning to watch a movie with?
A. Emily
B. Sarah
C. Jake
*D. All of the above

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. The speaker enjoys spending free time with their friends.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The speaker and their family ride bikes on weekends.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. The speaker's big brother is a professional chef.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. The speaker's favorite fun activity is cooking with their brother.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The speaker has won a costume contest at school.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. Why does the speaker love spending time with their family?
A. To connect with them
B. To avoid friends
C. To learn new skills
D. To win contests
Câu 7. What do the speaker and their family do on weekends?
A. Cook together
B. Visit museums
C. Ride their bikes
D. Watch movies
Câu 8. What do the speaker and their big brother cook together?
A. Complicated recipes
B. Family recipes
C. Easy recipes
D. Vegetarian recipes
Câu 9. What is the fun activity the speaker likes the most?
A. Riding bikes
B. Cooking with their brother
C. Doing DIY projects with their mom
D. Taking photos on their trips
Câu 10. What did the speaker win first place in at school?
A. A talent show
B. A cooking contest
C. A costume contest
D. A bike race
I. True or False Statements:
1. The speaker enjoys spending free time with their friends.
A. True *B. False
2. The speaker and their family ride bikes on weekends.
*A. True B. False
3. The speaker's big brother is a professional chef.
A. True *B. False
4. The speaker's favorite fun activity is cooking with their brother.
A. True *B. False
5. The speaker has won a costume contest at school.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
6. Why does the speaker love spending time with their family?
*A. To connect with them
B. To avoid friends
C. To learn new skills
D. To win contests
7. What do the speaker and their family do on weekends?
A. Cook together
B. Visit museums
*C. Ride their bikes
D. Watch movies
8. What do the speaker and their big brother cook together?
A. Complicated recipes
B. Family recipes
*C. Easy recipes
D. Vegetarian recipes
9. What is the fun activity the speaker likes the most?
A. Riding bikes
B. Cooking with their brother
*C. Doing DIY projects with their mom
D. Taking photos on their trips
10. What did the speaker win first place in at school?
A. A talent show
B. A cooking contest
*C. A costume contest
D. A bike race

Đáp án
True or False Statements:
1. The speaker enjoys spending free time with their friends.
False. The speaker specifically states, "I love spending time with my family because we connect."
2. The speaker and their family ride bikes on weekends.
True. The text says, "On weekends, we usually ride our bikes."
3. The speaker's big brother is a professional chef.
False. The text states that the brother "finds easy recipes," which implies that he is not a professional chef.
4. The speaker's favorite fun activity is cooking with their brother.
False. The speaker says, "The fun activity I like the most is doing do-it-yourself projects with my mom."
5. The speaker has won a costume contest at school.
True. The text mentions, "One time I won first place in a costume contest at my school."
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Why does the speaker love spending time with their family?
A. To connect with them
B. To avoid friends
C. To learn new skills
D. To win contests
Answer: A. The speaker says, "I love spending time with my family because we connect."
2. What do the speaker and their family do on weekends?
A. Cook together
B. Visit museums
C. Ride their bikes
D. Watch movies
Answer: C. The text states, "On weekends, we usually ride our bikes."
3. What do the speaker and their big brother cook together?
A. Complicated recipes
B. Family recipes
C. Easy recipes
D. Vegetarian recipes
Answer: C. The text says that the brother "finds easy recipes."
4. What is the fun activity the speaker likes the most?
A. Riding bikes
B. Cooking with their brother
C. Doing DIY projects with their mom
D. Taking photos on their trips
Answer: C. The speaker states, "The fun activity I like the most is doing do-it-yourself projects with my
5. What did the speaker win first place in at school?
A. A talent show
B. A cooking contest
C. A costume contest
D. A bike race
Answer: C. The text mentions, "One time I won first place in a costume contest at my school."

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Sophia typically has free time in the mornings.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Sophia enjoys playing the piano during her leisure time.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Painting is Sophia's favorite creative activity.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Sophia is not interested in exploring different art techniques.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Sophia has never participated in any art exhibitions or contests.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. When does Sophia typically have free time?
A. In the mornings
B. In the afternoons
C. In the evenings
D. At night
Câu 7. What creative activities does Sophia enjoy pursuing during her leisure time?
A. Reading books
B. Playing the guitar
C. Watching TV
D. Cleaning the house
Câu 8. What is Sophia's favorite creative activity?
A. Playing the guitar
B. Painting
C. Writing stories
D. Reading books
Câu 9. What subjects or themes does Sophia enjoy painting?
A. People and portraits
B. Abstract art
C. Nature and landscapes
D. Cityscapes
Câu 10. Has Sophia ever participated in any art exhibitions or contests?
A. No, she has not.
B. Yes, she has won first prize in a local art competition.
C. Yes, she has won second prize in a local art competition.
D. None of the above.
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Sophia typically has free time in the mornings.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Sophia enjoys playing the piano during her leisure time.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Painting is Sophia's favorite creative activity.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Sophia is not interested in exploring different art techniques.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Sophia has never participated in any art exhibitions or contests.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. When does Sophia typically have free time?
A. In the mornings
B. In the afternoons
*C. In the evenings
D. At night
Câu 7. What creative activities does Sophia enjoy pursuing during her leisure time?
A. Reading books
*B. Playing the guitar
C. Watching TV
D. Cleaning the house
Câu 8. What is Sophia's favorite creative activity?
A. Playing the guitar
*B. Painting
C. Writing stories
D. Reading books
Câu 9. What subjects or themes does Sophia enjoy painting?
A. People and portraits
B. Abstract art
*C. Nature and landscapes
D. Cityscapes
Câu 10. Has Sophia ever participated in any art exhibitions or contests?
A. No, she has not.
B. Yes, she has won first prize in a local art competition.
*C. Yes, she has won second prize in a local art competition.
D. None of the above.
Test 1
Anh Đinh: Hey, Emily! I didn't expect to see you here. What brings you around?
Emily: Hi, Anh Đinh! I'm actually looking for a new art set.
Anh Đinh: An art set? I never knew you were into art.
Emily: Yeah, I've always enjoyed exploring my creative side. I like drawing, painting, and even sculpting.
Anh Đinh: That's cool! So, you like expressing yourself through art.
Emily: Definitely. How about you? What do you usually do in your free time?
Anh Đinh: Well, I'm more of a sports guy. I play football, go for bike rides, or shoot hoops with my friends.
Emily: Ah, so you're into physical activities and team sports.
Anh Đinh: Yeah, it keeps me active, and I love friendship. Hey, speaking of free time, there's a new adventure
movie coming out this weekend. Want to join me and Sarah?
Emily: That sounds awesome! Can I invite Jake too?
Anh Đinh: Of course! Let's meet outside the cinema at 6 p.m. on Saturday.

Test 2
Some teenagers like spending free time with friends. Other teenagers like doing fun activities with their
family. I love spending time with my family because we connect.
On weekends, we usually ride our bikes. We ride to small towns to enjoy the fresh air. We take photos and
look at the photos later. My big brother and I also like cooking. My brother finds easy recipes. Then we get
the things we need and cook. Sometimes the food is good, but sometimes it is not good; anyway, we like
whatever we cook. The fun activity I like the most is doing do-it-yourself projects with my mom. She teaches
me how to make my own dresses and doll clothes. On special days, we make special dresses together. One
time I won first place in a costume contest at my school.
Test 3
Interviewer: When do you typically have leisure time?
Sophia: Usually, I have free time in the evenings after finishing my homework.
Interviewer: How do you usually spend your free time?
Sophia: I enjoy pursuing creative activities during my leisure time. I'm passionate about painting, playing the
guitar, and writing stories.
Interviewer: That's wonderful! Do you have a particular preference for any of these activities?
Sophia: Painting is my absolute favorite. I find it incredibly relaxing, and it allows me to express my emotions
in a visual form.
Interviewer: That's fantastic! Do you have any specific subjects or themes that you enjoy painting?
Sophia: I'm particularly drawn to nature and landscapes. I love capturing the beauty of the outdoors on canvas.
Interviewer: That sounds really inspiring. Have you ever participated in any art exhibitions or contests?
Sophia: Yes, I have. Last year, I entered a local art competition, and my painting won the second prize. It was
a great feeling to have my artwork recognized.
Interviewer: That's impressive! Do you have any future plans or goals related to your art?
Sophia: I would love to explore different art techniques and experiment with various mediums. Additionally,
I hope to have my own art exhibition someday to showcase my work to a wider audience.
Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your passion for art with us, Sophia. We wish you all the best in your
artistic endeavors!

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Anh Đinh was complimented by Liz.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Anh Đinh went to Yorkshire, England for his summer vacation.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Anh Đinh helped farmers pick oranges and bananas.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Anh Đinh saw cows and sheep grazing in the fields.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Anh Đinh did not make any new friends during his vacation.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What did Anh Đinh do during his vacation?
A. Worked at a hotel
B. Helped farmers pick apples and pears
C. Went sightseeing in London
D. Went shopping at the mall
Câu 7. What traditional English games did Anh Đinh play?
A. Chess and Checkers
B. Soccer and Volleyball
C. Cricket and Croquet
D. Poker and Blackjack
Câu 8. What did Anh Đinh learn during his vacation?
A. How to surf
B. How to dance salsa
C. About farming and the countryside
D. About city life
Câu 9. Did Anh Đinh have a good time during his vacation?
A. Yes, he had a wonderful time
B. No, he was bored the whole time
C. He didn't enjoy it that much
D. He had a terrible time
Câu 10. Did Anh Đinh make any new friends during his vacation?
A. No, he didn't make any new friends
B. Yes, he made some friends at the village pub
C. He made friends at a local restaurant
D. He didn't have the chance to make any friends
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Anh Đinh was complimented by Liz.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Anh Đinh went to Yorkshire, England for his summer vacation.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Anh Đinh helped farmers pick oranges and bananas.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Anh Đinh saw cows and sheep grazing in the fields.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. Anh Đinh did not make any new friends during his vacation.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What did Anh Đinh do during his vacation?
A. Worked at a hotel
*B. Helped farmers pick apples and pears
C. Went sightseeing in London
D. Went shopping at the mall
Câu 7. What traditional English games did Anh Đinh play?
A. Chess and Checkers
B. Soccer and Volleyball
*C. Cricket and Croquet
D. Poker and Blackjack
Câu 8. What did Anh Đinh learn during his vacation?
A. How to surf
B. How to dance salsa
*C. About farming and the countryside
D. About city life
Câu 9. Did Anh Đinh have a good time during his vacation?
*A. Yes, he had a wonderful time
B. No, he was bored the whole time
C. He didn't enjoy it that much
D. He had a terrible time
Câu 10. Did Anh Đinh make any new friends during his vacation?
A. No, he didn't make any new friends
*B. Yes, he made some friends at the village pub
C. He made friends at a local restaurant
D. He didn't have the chance to make any friends

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. The village in Canada is peaceful.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The scenery in the village includes towering mountains, dense forests, and pristine lakes.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. People in the village work at a fast pace.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Children in the village have a playful and carefree childhood.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The villagers do not have a strong sense of community.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What do people in the village do to make a living?
A. Work in factories
B. Farm the land, raise livestock and fish
C. Work in offices
D. Sell handmade crafts
Câu 7. What do children in the village do during their free time?
A. Watch TV
B. Play video games
C. Explore the outdoors and participate in community events
D. Stay indoors all day
Câu 8. How do villagers come together during harvest season?
A. They go on a vacation
B. They have a big party
C. They pick their crops using traditional methods
D. They go on a fishing trip
Câu 9. What is the sense of community like in the village?
A. Weak
B. Non-existent
C. Strong
D. Average
Câu 10. How does the air feel in the village?
A. Warm and humid
B. Cold and dry
C. Crisp and refreshing
D. Dusty and polluted
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. The village in Canada is peaceful.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. The scenery in the village includes towering mountains, dense forests, and pristine lakes.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. People in the village work at a fast pace.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Children in the village have a playful and carefree childhood.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. The villagers do not have a strong sense of community.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What do people in the village do to make a living?
A. Work in factories
*B. Farm the land, raise livestock and fish
C. Work in offices
D. Sell handmade crafts
Câu 7. What do children in the village do during their free time?
A. Watch TV
B. Play video games
*C. Explore the outdoors and participate in community events
D. Stay indoors all day
Câu 8. How do villagers come together during harvest season?
A. They go on a vacation
B. They have a big party
*C. They pick their crops using traditional methods
D. They go on a fishing trip
Câu 9. What is the sense of community like in the village?
A. Weak
B. Non-existent
*C. Strong
D. Average
Câu 10. How does the air feel in the village?
A. Warm and humid
B. Cold and dry
*C. Crisp and refreshing
D. Dusty and polluted

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Hoi An is a village located in central Viet Nam.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Hoi An is famous for its traditional handicrafts, including tailoring, silk making, and pottery.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Visitors to Hoi An cannot witness the artisans at work.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Hoi An's architecture does not reflect a blend of cultural influences.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Hoi An is not on UNESCO's World Heritage list.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is Hoi An famous for?
A. Its beaches
B. Its nightlife
C. Its traditional handicrafts
D. Its modern architecture
Câu 7. What can visitors witness in Hoi An?
A. Art exhibitions
B. Skillful artisans at work
C. Film screenings
D. Cooking classes
Câu 8. What can visitors purchase at the local markets in Hoi An?
A. Factory-made goods
B. Authentic handmade goods
C. Mass-produced clothing
D. Generic souvenirs
Câu 9. What cultural influences can be seen in Hoi An's architecture?
A. Japanese and Korean
B. Chinese and Thai
C. Japanese and Vietnamese
D. Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese
Câu 10. Why is Hoi An a must-visit destination?
A. Because of its modern architecture
B. Because of its nightlife
C. Because of its beaches
D. Because of its traditional Vietnamese crafts and architecture
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Hoi An is a village located in central Viet Nam.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Hoi An is famous for its traditional handicrafts, including tailoring, silk making, and pottery.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Visitors to Hoi An cannot witness the artisans at work.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Hoi An's architecture does not reflect a blend of cultural influences.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Hoi An is not on UNESCO's World Heritage list.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is Hoi An famous for?
A. Its beaches
B. Its nightlife
*C. Its traditional handicrafts
D. Its modern architecture
Câu 7. What can visitors witness in Hoi An?
A. Art exhibitions
*B. Skillful artisans at work
C. Film screenings
D. Cooking classes
Câu 8. What can visitors purchase at the local markets in Hoi An?
A. Factory-made goods
*B. Authentic handmade goods
C. Mass-produced clothing
D. Generic souvenirs
Câu 9. What cultural influences can be seen in Hoi An's architecture?
A. Japanese and Korean
B. Chinese and Thai
C. Japanese and Vietnamese
*D. Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese
Câu 10. Why is Hoi An a must-visit destination?
A. Because of its modern architecture
B. Because of its nightlife
C. Because of its beaches
*D. Because of its traditional Vietnamese crafts and architecture
Test 1
Liz: Hi Anh Đinh, you look amazing today!
Anh Đinh: Thank you, Liz. I just got back from my summer vacation.
Liz: That's great! Where did you go?
Anh Đinh: I went to a small village in Yorkshire, England. It was a lovely and peaceful place.
Liz: What did you do there?
Anh Đinh: Well, it was the harvest season, so I helped the farmers pick the apples and pears. It was a lot of
hard work, but it was also fun.
Liz: Wow, that sounds interesting.
Anh Đinh: Yes, and sometimes I went for a walk in the countryside with my hosts. We saw cows and sheep
grazing in the fields. It was so peaceful and beautiful.
Liz: I'm jealous! Did you make any new friends?
Anh Đinh: Yes, I did. I met some of the locals at the village pub. They were very friendly and welcoming.
We had a great time together.
Liz: That's great to hear. What else did you do?
Anh Đinh: We played some traditional English games like cricket and croquet. It was so much fun.
Liz: It sounds like you had a wonderful time.
Anh Đinh: Yes, it was a great experience. I learned a lot about farming and the countryside. I wish I could go
back there again.

Test 2
I feel grateful to call a peaceful village in Canada my home. The scenery here is breathtaking, with towering
mountains, dense forests, and pristine lakes. The houses are nestled among the trees, and the air is crisp and
refreshing. Life here moves more slowly than in the bustling cities, and the people work hard to make a living.
They farm the land, raise livestock, and fish in the nearby lakes and rivers. During harvest season, they come
together to pick their crops using traditional methods. Children in the village enjoy a playful and carefree
childhood, spending their days exploring the outdoors and participating in community events. The villagers
have a strong sense of community, and they often gather in the evenings to share stories and enjoy each other's
company. Living in this peaceful village in Canada is a true blessing, and I feel fortunate to call it my home.

Test 3
Hoi An is a famous craft village located in central Viet Nam. The village is renowned for its traditional
handicrafts, including tailoring, silk making, and pottery. Visitors to Hoi An can witness the skilful artisans
at work, creating beautiful and intricate pieces using traditional methods. The village is also home to many
local markets, where visitors can purchase authentic handmade goods, including clothing, accessories, and
home decor. Hoi An is a melting pot of cultural influences, and the village's architecture reflects a blend of
Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese styles. Visitors can explore the village's ancient temples, pagodas, and
bridges, which date back to the 15th century. Hoi An's charm and beauty have earned it a place on UNESCO's
World Heritage list, making it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in traditional Vietnamese crafts
and architecture.

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Mr. Anh Đinh and Tom know each other.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Tom's class is not using online platforms for their classes.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Tom is confident about his preparation for the upcoming tests.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Tom is not a member of any school club.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Mr. Anh Đinh advises Tom to take care of himself.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What online platforms are Tom's class using for their classes?
A. Instagram and Twitter
B. Facebook and WhatsApp
C. Google Classroom and Zoom
D. Snapchat and TikTok
Câu 7. What is causing stress for Tom?
A. Upcoming tests
B. Club activities
C. Social media
D. Spending time with friends
Câu 8. What club did Tom join?
A. The debate club
B. The music club
C. The photography club
D. The drama club
Câu 9. What does Mr. Anh Đinh suggest for Tom to do if he needs help?
A. Ask his parents
B. Ask his friends
C. Ask his teacher
D. Don't ask for help
Câu 10. What does Mr. Anh Đinh suggest for Tom to do to take care of himself?
A. Take breaks
B. Play video games
C. Watch TV
D. Study all the time
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Mr. Anh Đinh and Tom know each other.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Tom's class is not using online platforms for their classes.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Tom is confident about his preparation for the upcoming tests.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Tom is not a member of any school club.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Mr. Anh Đinh advises Tom to take care of himself.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What online platforms are Tom's class using for their classes?
A. Instagram and Twitter
B. Facebook and WhatsApp
*C. Google Classroom and Zoom
D. Snapchat and TikTok
Câu 7. What is causing stress for Tom?
*A. Upcoming tests
B. Club activities
C. Social media
D. Spending time with friends
Câu 8. What club did Tom join?
A. The debate club
B. The music club
*C. The photography club
D. The drama club
Câu 9. What does Mr. Anh Đinh suggest for Tom to do if he needs help?
A. Ask his parents
B. Ask his friends
*C. Ask his teacher
D. Don't ask for help
Câu 10. What does Mr. Anh Đinh suggest for Tom to do to take care of himself?
*A. Take breaks
B. Play video games
C. Watch TV
D. Study all the time

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Lina is interested in the music club and the drama club.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Lina prefers the music club over the drama club.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. The music club and the drama club meet on different days.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Lina thinks the music club is not beginner-friendly.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Ms. Lee is the coach for the music club.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What school clubs is Lina interested in?
A. The music club and the debate club
B. The drama club and the music club
C. The dance club and the art club
D. The sports club and the science club
Câu 7. When does the music club meet?
A. On Tuesdays and Thursdays
B. On Mondays and Wednesdays
C. On Fridays and Saturdays
D. On Sundays and Wednesdays
Câu 8. Is the music club beginner-friendly?
A. No, it's only for advanced students
B. Yes, the music teacher is nice and patient
C. No, the music teacher is strict and demanding
D. Yes, the music club is for experienced musicians only
Câu 9. Who is the coach for the drama club?
A. Ms. Lee
B. Mr. Johnson
C. Ms. Smith
D. Mr. Brown
Câu 10. Is Max still undecided about joining a school club?
A. Yes
B. No
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Lina is interested in the music club and the drama club.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Lina prefers the music club over the drama club.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. The music club and the drama club meet on different days.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Lina thinks the music club is not beginner-friendly.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Ms. Lee is the coach for the music club.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What school clubs is Lina interested in?
A. The music club and the debate club
*B. The drama club and the music club
C. The dance club and the art club
D. The sports club and the science club
Câu 7. When does the music club meet?
A. On Tuesdays and Thursdays
*B. On Mondays and Wednesdays
C. On Fridays and Saturdays
D. On Sundays and Wednesdays
Câu 8. Is the music club beginner-friendly?
A. No, it's only for advanced students
*B. Yes, the music teacher is nice and patient
C. No, the music teacher is strict and demanding
D. Yes, the music club is for experienced musicians only
Câu 9. Who is the coach for the drama club?
*A. Ms. Lee
B. Mr. Johnson
C. Ms. Smith
D. Mr. Brown
Câu 10. Is Max still undecided about joining a school club?
*A. Yes
B. No

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. The author feels overwhelmed by the pressures of school, parents, and peers.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The author has no homework to complete.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. The author's parents are always supportive and never compare the author to other high-
achieving students.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. The author's classmates are not talented or successful.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The author seeks advice from friends who are also high-achieving students.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What are the sources of the author's stress?
A. Only schoolwork
B. Only parents
C. Only peers
D. School, parents, and peers
Câu 7. How does the author manage stress?
A. By ignoring schoolwork
B. By tuning out their parents' complaints
C. By seeking advice from friends
D. All of the above
Câu 8. What helps the author avoid feeling exhausted after finishing assignments?
A. Breaking down schoolwork into manageable tasks
B. Taking long breaks
C. Ignoring schoolwork
D. Procrastinating
Câu 9. Who does the author seek advice from?
A. Friends who are not successful in school
B. Parents who are not supportive
C. Friends who are high-achieving students
D. Teachers who are not helpful
Câu 10. What is the author determined to do?
A. Give up on schoolwork
B. Not strive for success
C. Work hard and achieve goals
D. Ignore advice from friends
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. The author feels overwhelmed by the pressures of school, parents, and peers.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. The author has no homework to complete.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. The author's parents are always supportive and never compare the author to other high-achieving
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. The author's classmates are not talented or successful.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. The author seeks advice from friends who are also high-achieving students.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What are the sources of the author's stress?
A. Only schoolwork
B. Only parents
C. Only peers
*D. School, parents, and peers
Câu 7. How does the author manage stress?
A. By ignoring schoolwork
B. By tuning out their parents' complaints
*C. By seeking advice from friends
D. All of the above
Câu 8. What helps the author avoid feeling exhausted after finishing assignments?
*A. Breaking down schoolwork into manageable tasks
B. Taking long breaks
C. Ignoring schoolwork
D. Procrastinating
Câu 9. Who does the author seek advice from?
A. Friends who are not successful in school
B. Parents who are not supportive
*C. Friends who are high-achieving students
D. Teachers who are not helpful
Câu 10. What is the author determined to do?
A. Give up on schoolwork
B. Not strive for success
*C. Work hard and achieve goals
D. Ignore advice from friends
Test 1
Mr. Anh Đinh: Good to see you again, Tom! How are you doing?
Tom: I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. We have a lot going on in our class lately.
Mr. Anh Đinh: What's keeping you busy?
Tom: Well, we're using online platforms like Google Classroom and Zoom for our classes. It's a bit
overwhelming sometimes.
Mr. Anh Đinh: I understand. But it's great that you're adapting to new ways of learning. What else is causing
Tom: We have some upcoming tests, and I'm not sure if I'm prepared enough.
Mr. Anh Đinh: Don't worry, Tom. Make sure to study hard and ask for help if you need it. What other pressures
do you face?
Tom: There's also pressure from my parents to do well in school. And I want to make sure I can keep up with
my friends and their accomplishments.
Mr. Anh Đinh: I see. Let's discuss these issues in our class forum on Facebook. It's great that you chose
Facebook because it's user-friendly. Have you joined any school clubs?
Tom: Yes, I joined the photography club. We have a lot of fun activities and competitions.
Mr. Anh Đinh: That's great to hear! I hope you continue to enjoy your club activities and don't let the stress
get to you. Remember to take breaks and take care of yourself.
Test 2
Max: Hi Lina, have you thought about joining any school clubs?
Lina: Yes, I'm interested in the music club and the drama club.
Max: That's great! Which one do you like more?
Lina: I love music, but I've always wanted to try acting. So I'm leaning towards the drama club.
Max: I see. When do the clubs meet?
Lina: The music club meets on Mondays and Wednesdays after school, and the drama club meets on Tuesdays
and Thursdays. Both of them start at 3:30 p.m. and end at 5:00 p.m.
Max: Hmm, I also like music, but I'm not sure if I have the talent for it. Do you think the music club is
Lina: Yes, definitely. The music teacher is really nice and patient. She will teach us the basics and help us
improve our skills.
Max: That sounds good. What about the drama club? Who's the coach?
Lina: Ms. Lee, the English teacher, will be the coach. She's really passionate about drama and has a lot of
experience in directing plays.
Max: That's cool. I'm glad you found a club you're interested in. I'm still undecided, but I'll keep looking.
Test 3
I often feel overwhelmed by the pressures of school, my parents, and my peers. I have a lot of homework to
complete every night, and my parents are always comparing me to other high-achieving students. My
classmates are incredibly talented and successful, which sometimes makes me feel inadequate. To manage
my stress, I break down my schoolwork into manageable tasks, which helps me avoid feeling exhausted after
finishing my assignments. I try to tune out my parents' complaints and focus on my own goals. I also seek
advice from my friends, who are high-achieving students themselves. Their tips and insights help motivate
me to strive for success and to believe in my own abilities. Despite the challenges, I am determined to work
hard and achieve my goals.

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Tom and Linh are discussing Sapa.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Sapa is a coastal town in Viet Nam.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Sapa is home to many ethnic minority groups, including the Hmong and the Dao.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. There are no trekking routes in Sapa.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Local markets in Sapa sell machine-made crafts and textiles.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. Where is Sapa located?
A. In the southern part of Viet Nam
B. In the central part of Viet Nam
C. In the northern part of Viet Nam
D. In the eastern part of Viet Nam
Câu 7. What is the scenery like in Sapa?
A. Flat and boring
B. Breathtaking with terraced rice fields, rolling hills, and majestic mountains
C. Crowded and polluted
D. Deserted and scary
Câu 8. What kind of food can you find in Sapa?
A. Fast food
B. Chinese food
C. Local dishes made with fresh ingredients such as bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and wild
D. Fried food
Câu 9. What can you do in local markets in Sapa?
A. Buy machine-made crafts and textiles
B. Attend a traditional festival or ceremony
C. Take a boat ride
D. None of the above
Câu 10. What does Tom hope to do someday?
A. Visit Sapa and see all of these things for himself
B. Never visit Sapa
C. Forget about Sapa
D. Visit Sapa and stay in a hotel all day
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Tom and Linh are discussing Sapa.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Sapa is a coastal town in Viet Nam.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Sapa is home to many ethnic minority groups, including the Hmong and the Dao.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. There are no trekking routes in Sapa.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Local markets in Sapa sell machine-made crafts and textiles.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. Where is Sapa located?
A. In the southern part of Viet Nam
B. In the central part of Viet Nam
*C. In the northern part of Viet Nam
D. In the eastern part of Viet Nam
Câu 7. What is the scenery like in Sapa?
A. Flat and boring
*B. Breathtaking with terraced rice fields, rolling hills, and majestic mountains
C. Crowded and polluted
D. Deserted and scary
Câu 8. What kind of food can you find in Sapa?
A. Fast food
B. Chinese food
*C. Local dishes made with fresh ingredients such as bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and wild herbs
D. Fried food
Câu 9. What can you do in local markets in Sapa?
A. Buy machine-made crafts and textiles
*B. Attend a traditional festival or ceremony
C. Take a boat ride
D. None of the above
Câu 10. What does Tom hope to do someday?
*A. Visit Sapa and see all of these things for himself
B. Never visit Sapa
C. Forget about Sapa
D. Visit Sapa and stay in a hotel all day

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Stilt houses are not common in Viet Nam.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Stilt houses are built on the ground.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Stilt houses are designed to provide protection from floods and wild animals.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. The space underneath the stilt house is often used for living space.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Visiting a stilt house can provide insight into the cultural heritage of ethnic minority groups in
Viet Nam.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. Why are stilt houses elevated?
A. To provide a better view of the surroundings
B. To protect against floods and wild animals
C. To make them more stable
D. To make them more accessible
Câu 7. What are stilt houses made of?
A. Brick and concrete
B. Mud and straw
C. Wood and bamboo
D. Steel and glass
Câu 8. How is the living area of a stilt house accessed?
A. By a door on the ground level
B. By a ladder or staircase
C. By a ramp
D. By a slide
Câu 9. What is the space underneath the stilt house used for?
A. Living space
B. Storage or shelter for livestock
C. Gardening
D. Entertainment
Câu 10. Why is visiting a stilt house a unique experience?
A. Because it is very expensive
B. Because it is dangerous
C. Because it allows you to learn about the cultural heritage of ethnic minority groups in Viet
D. Because it is not allowed
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Stilt houses are not common in Viet Nam.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Stilt houses are built on the ground.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Stilt houses are designed to provide protection from floods and wild animals.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. The space underneath the stilt house is often used for living space.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Visiting a stilt house can provide insight into the cultural heritage of ethnic minority groups in Viet
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. Why are stilt houses elevated?
A. To provide a better view of the surroundings
*B. To protect against floods and wild animals
C. To make them more stable
D. To make them more accessible
Câu 7. What are stilt houses made of?
A. Brick and concrete
B. Mud and straw
*C. Wood and bamboo
D. Steel and glass
Câu 8. How is the living area of a stilt house accessed?
A. By a door on the ground level
*B. By a ladder or staircase
C. By a ramp
D. By a slide
Câu 9. What is the space underneath the stilt house used for?
A. Living space
*B. Storage or shelter for livestock
C. Gardening
D. Entertainment
Câu 10. Why is visiting a stilt house a unique experience?
A. Because it is very expensive
B. Because it is dangerous
*C. Because it allows you to learn about the cultural heritage of ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam
D. Because it is not allowed

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Đông HồVillage is located in the southern province of Viet Nam.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The village is known for its traditional folk paintings.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. The paintings are created using digital technology.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. The paintings depict only historical events.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Visitors to Đông HồVillage cannot purchase paintings to take home as souvenirs.
A. True B. False
Câu 6. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 7. What are Đông Hồpaintings?
A. Paintings created using digital technology
B. Paintings created using woodblocks and natural colors
C. Paintings created using oil paints
D. Paintings created using watercolors
Câu 8. What do Đông Hồpaintings depict?
A. Only historical events
B. Only daily life
C. Only folk tales
D. A combination of daily life, folk tales, and historical events
Câu 9. How long has Đông HồVillage been producing these paintings?
A. Only a few years
B. A few decades
C. A century
D. Several centuries
Câu 10. What can visitors do in Đông HồVillage?
A. Watch the artists at work
B. Learn about the history of the village
C. Purchase paintings to take home as souvenirs
D. All of the above
Câu 11. What kind of experience does a visit to Đông HồVillage offer?
A. A boring experience
B. A dangerous experience
C. A unique and enriching experience
D. A confusing experience
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Đông Hồ Village is located in the southern province of Viet Nam.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. The village is known for its traditional folk paintings.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. The paintings are created using digital technology.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. The paintings depict only historical events.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Visitors to Đông Hồ Village cannot purchase paintings to take home as souvenirs.
*A. True B. False
Câu 6. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 7. What are Đông Hồ paintings?
A. Paintings created using digital technology
*B. Paintings created using woodblocks and natural colors
C. Paintings created using oil paints
D. Paintings created using watercolors
Câu 8. What do Đông Hồ paintings depict?
A. Only historical events
B. Only daily life
C. Only folk tales
*D. A combination of daily life, folk tales, and historical events
Câu 9. How long has Đông Hồ Village been producing these paintings?
A. Only a few years
B. A few decades
C. A century
*D. Several centuries
Câu 10. What can visitors do in Đông Hồ Village?
A. Watch the artists at work
B. Learn about the history of the village
C. Purchase paintings to take home as souvenirs
*D. All of the above
Câu 11. What kind of experience does a visit to Đông Hồ Village offer?
A. A boring experience
B. A dangerous experience
*C. A unique and enriching experience
D. A confusing experience
Test 1
Tom: Hi, I'm Tom. I noticed you have a Sapa backpack. Have you been there before?
Linh: Hi, I'm Linh. Yes, I have. Sapa is a beautiful mountainous town in the northern part of Viet Nam.
Tom: Oh, I've heard a lot about Sapa. What was your experience like there?
Linh: It was amazing. Sapa is home to many ethnic minority groups, including the Hmong and the Dao. The
scenery is breathtaking, with terraced rice fields, rolling hills, and majestic mountains.
Tom: That sounds incredible. Did you do any trekking?
Linh: Yes, I did. There are many trekking routes that take you through stunning landscapes and allow you to
meet local people and learn about their culture.
Tom: That's really interesting. What about the food in Sapa?
Linh: The food in Sapa is delicious and unique. There are many local dishes made with fresh ingredients, such
as bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and wild herbs.
Tom: Wow, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. What other activities are there in Sapa?
Linh: You can also visit local markets, where ethnic minority groups sell their handmade crafts and textiles.
And if you're lucky, you can attend a traditional festival or ceremony.
Tom: That sounds like an incredible experience. I hope I can visit Sapa someday and see all of these things
for myself.

Test 2
Stilt houses are a common type of dwelling in many ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam. These houses are
designed to elevate the living space above the ground, which provides protection from floods and wild
animals. The houses are built on sturdy wooden stilts, which can be up to several meters high. The space
underneath the house is often used for storage or shelter for livestock. The living area is accessed by a ladder
or staircase, which leads to a spacious wooden floor. The interior of the house is often decorated with
handwoven textiles and traditional furniture. Stilt houses are an important part of the cultural heritage of the
ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam, and they continue to be used to this day. Visiting a stilt house is a unique
and fascinating experience that allows you to learn about the rich history and culture of these communities.

Test 3
Đông Hồ Village is a small village in the northern province of Bắc Ninh, Viet Nam, famous for its traditional
folk paintings. These paintings, known as Đông Hồ paintings, are created using woodblocks and natural
colors. They depict daily life, folk tales, and historical events, and are often used to decorate homes during
festivals and special occasions. The village has a long history of producing Đông Hồ paintings, and many
families in the village continue to preserve and pass down this traditional craft from generation to generation.
Visitors to Đông Hồ Village can watch the artists at work, learn about the history of the village, and purchase
paintings to take home as souvenirs. A visit to Đông Hồ Village is a unique and enriching experience that
offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Viet Nam.

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village is located in Da Nang.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The village is famous for its traditional stone carvings.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. They use modern techniques to carve the marble.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Visitors can see the artisans at work and try their hand at carving.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. There are no other attractions in the village.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What kind of items do they make in Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village?
A. Wood carvings
B. Bronze statues
C. Marble sculptures and decorative items
D. Pottery
Câu 7. How do they carve the marble?
A. By using modern technology
B. By using traditional techniques to carve it by hand
C. By using a combination of modern and traditional techniques
D. By using chisels and hammers
Câu 8. How far is Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village from Da Nang city center?
A. 2 kilometers
B. 10 kilometers
C. 20 kilometers
D. 50 kilometers
Câu 9. What can visitors do in Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village?
A. See the artisans at work
B. Try their hand at carving
C. Visit local temples and pagodas
D. All of the above
Câu 10. What can visitors buy in the village?
A. Souvenirs made from wood
B. Souvenirs made from bronze
C. Souvenirs made from marble
D. Souvenirs made from pottery
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village is located in Da Nang.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. The village is famous for its traditional stone carvings.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. They use modern techniques to carve the marble.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Visitors can see the artisans at work and try their hand at carving.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. There are no other attractions in the village.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What kind of items do they make in Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village?
A. Wood carvings
B. Bronze statues
*C. Marble sculptures and decorative items
D. Pottery
Câu 7. How do they carve the marble?
A. By using modern technology
*B. By using traditional techniques to carve it by hand
C. By using a combination of modern and traditional techniques
D. By using chisels and hammers
Câu 8. How far is Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village from Da Nang city center?
A. 2 kilometers
B. 10 kilometers
*C. 20 kilometers
D. 50 kilometers
Câu 9. What can visitors do in Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village?
A. See the artisans at work
B. Try their hand at carving
C. Visit local temples and pagodas
*D. All of the above
Câu 10. What can visitors buy in the village?
A. Souvenirs made from wood
B. Souvenirs made from bronze
*C. Souvenirs made from marble
D. Souvenirs made from pottery

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Hoi An is located in northern Vietnam.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The town was once a major trading port.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Hoi An is famous for its traditional lanterns, silk products, and woodcarvings.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Visitors cannot explore the old town of Hoi An.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Hoi An is not known for its food.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is Hoi An famous for?
A. Traditional lanterns
B. Silk products
C. Woodcarvings
D. All of the above
Câu 7. What can visitors do in the old town of Hoi An?
A. Explore the narrow streets
B. Visit historic buildings, temples, and pagodas
C. See the Japanese Covered Bridge
D. All of the above
Câu 8. What is the Thanh Ha Pottery Village?
A. A historic building in Hoi An
B. A temple in Hoi An
C. A local market
D. A place where visitors can watch potters at work and try making their own pottery
Câu 9. What is cao lau?
A. A type of noodle dish
B. A type of soup
C. A type of seafood
D. A type of meat dish
Câu 10. Why is Hoi An a must-visit destination in Vietnam?
A. It has a rich history and culture
B. It has beautiful natural scenery
C. It has delicious food
D. All of the above
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Hoi An is located in northern Vietnam.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. The town was once a major trading port.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Hoi An is famous for its traditional lanterns, silk products, and woodcarvings.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Visitors cannot explore the old town of Hoi An.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Hoi An is not known for its food.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is Hoi An famous for?
A. Traditional lanterns
B. Silk products
C. Woodcarvings
*D. All of the above
Câu 7. What can visitors do in the old town of Hoi An?
A. Explore the narrow streets
B. Visit historic buildings, temples, and pagodas
C. See the Japanese Covered Bridge
*D. All of the above
Câu 8. What is the Thanh Ha Pottery Village?
A. A historic building in Hoi An
B. A temple in Hoi An
C. A local market
*D. A place where visitors can watch potters at work and try making their own pottery
Câu 9. What is cao lau?
*A. A type of noodle dish
B. A type of soup
C. A type of seafood
D. A type of meat dish
Câu 10. Why is Hoi An a must-visit destination in Vietnam?
A. It has a rich history and culture
B. It has beautiful natural scenery
C. It has delicious food
*D. All of the above

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Phuoc Tich Pottery Village is located in the southern province of Vietnam.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The village has a long tradition of producing high-quality pottery.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Visitors cannot witness the potters at work.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Phuoc Tich has no other attractions besides pottery-making.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Visitors cannot sample local cuisine in the village.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. Where is Phuoc Tich Pottery Village located?
A. In Thua Thien Hue province in northern Vietnam
B. In Thua Thien Hue province in central Vietnam
C. In Thua Thien Hue province in southern Vietnam
D. None of the above
Câu 7. What can visitors see in the village?
A. Potters at work
B. Ancient temples and pagodas
C. Picturesque rice paddies and mountains
D. All of the above
Câu 8. What kind of items do the potters make in Phuoc Tich?
A. Only pots
B. Only jars
C. Only vases
D. A variety of pots, jars, vases, and decorative items
Câu 9. What can visitors do in Phuoc Tich besides pottery-making?
A. Visit ancient temples and pagodas
B. Sample local cuisine
C. Enjoy the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside
D. All of the above
Câu 10. What is the Phuoc Tich Pagoda known for?
A. Its delicious food
B. Its beautiful ornate architecture
C. Its pottery-making techniques
D. Its location in the mountains
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Phuoc Tich Pottery Village is located in the southern province of Vietnam.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. The village has a long tradition of producing high-quality pottery.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Visitors cannot witness the potters at work.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Phuoc Tich has no other attractions besides pottery-making.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Visitors cannot sample local cuisine in the village.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. Where is Phuoc Tich Pottery Village located?
A. In Thua Thien Hue province in northern Vietnam
*B. In Thua Thien Hue province in central Vietnam
C. In Thua Thien Hue province in southern Vietnam
D. None of the above
Câu 7. What can visitors see in the village?
A. Potters at work
B. Ancient temples and pagodas
C. Picturesque rice paddies and mountains
*D. All of the above
Câu 8. What kind of items do the potters make in Phuoc Tich?
A. Only pots
B. Only jars
C. Only vases
*D. A variety of pots, jars, vases, and decorative items
Câu 9. What can visitors do in Phuoc Tich besides pottery-making?
A. Visit ancient temples and pagodas
B. Sample local cuisine
C. Enjoy the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside
*D. All of the above
Câu 10. What is the Phuoc Tich Pagoda known for?
A. Its delicious food
*B. Its beautiful ornate architecture
C. Its pottery-making techniques
D. Its location in the mountains
Unit 5
Test 1
Minh: Hi Susan, have you ever heard of Non Nuoc Stone Carving Village in Da Nang?
Susan: No, I haven't. What is it?
Minh: It's a village that's famous for its traditional stone carvings. They make sculptures, statues, and other
decorative items out of marble.
Susan: That sounds interesting. How do they do it?
Minh: Well, they use traditional techniques to carve the marble by hand. It's really a work of art.
Susan: That's amazing. Is it far from here?
Minh: It's about 20 kilometers from Da Nang city center, but it's definitely worth the trip. You can see the
artisans at work and even try your hand at carving if you want.
Susan: That sounds like a great experience. Do they have any other attractions in the village?
Minh: Yes, there's a beach nearby, and you can also visit some of the local temples and pagodas. Plus, there
are some shops where you can buy souvenirs made from the marble.
Susan: Wow, I'd love to see it. Thanks for telling me about it, Minh.
Minh: No problem, Susan. Let's plan a trip there soon.
Test 2
Hoi An is a beautiful ancient town located in central Vietnam. It was once a major trading port and has a rich
history that can be seen in its architecture and culture. The town is famous for its traditional lanterns, silk
products, and woodcarvings. Visitors can explore the narrow streets of the old town, which are lined with
historic buildings, temples, and pagodas. The Japanese Covered Bridge, built in the 16th century, is one of the
most iconic landmarks in Hoi An. Another must-visit attraction is the Thanh Ha Pottery Village, where visitors
can watch potters at work and even try their hand at making their own pottery. Hoi An is also known for its
delicious food, including local specialties such as cao lau and mi quang. With its unique blend of history,
culture, and natural beauty, Hoi An is a must-visit destination in Vietnam.
Test 3
Phuoc Tich Pottery Village is a charming and historic village located in Thua Thien Hue province in central
Vietnam. The village has a long and proud tradition of producing high-quality pottery using traditional
techniques. Visitors to the village can witness the potters at work, using their hands and simple tools to shape
and mold the clay into a variety of pots, jars, vases, and decorative items. The village is surrounded by
picturesque rice paddies and mountains, adding to its serene and idyllic atmosphere.
In addition to the pottery-making, Phuoc Tich has many other attractions to offer. The village is home to
several ancient temples and pagodas, including the Phuoc Tich Pagoda with its beautiful ornate architecture.
Visitors can also sample the local cuisine at one of the many food stalls and restaurants in the village, which
serves delicious dishes made from fresh local ingredients.
Overall, Phuoc Tich Pottery Village is a wonderful place to experience the traditional craft and culture of
Vietnam, and to immerse oneself in the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside.

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. Trang is not new to the UK.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. People in the UK usually greet each other with a handshake or a nod of the head.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. It is not common to introduce yourself when meeting someone for the first time in the UK.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. People in the UK only say "hello" or "hi" when they meet someone.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. People in the UK are generally not friendly or welcoming.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. How do people in the UK usually greet each other?
A. With a hug
B. With a kiss on the cheek
C. With a handshake or a nod of the head
D. None of the above
Câu 7. What do people usually say when they meet someone for the first time in the UK?
A. "Goodbye"
B. "How are you?"
C. "Pleased to meet you"
D. "See you later"
Câu 8. Is it common to introduce yourself when meeting someone for the first time in the UK?
A. Yes
B. No
C. It depends on the situation
D. None of the above
Câu 9. How might people greet each other in more informal settings in the UK?
A. With a handshake
B. With a kiss on the cheek
C. With a bow
D. None of the above
Câu 10. Are people in the UK generally friendly and welcoming?
A. Yes
B. No
C. It depends on the situation
D. None of the above
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. Trang is not new to the UK.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. People in the UK usually greet each other with a handshake or a nod of the head.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. It is not common to introduce yourself when meeting someone for the first time in the UK.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. People in the UK only say "hello" or "hi" when they meet someone.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. People in the UK are generally not friendly or welcoming.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. How do people in the UK usually greet each other?
A. With a hug
B. With a kiss on the cheek
*C. With a handshake or a nod of the head
D. None of the above
Câu 7. What do people usually say when they meet someone for the first time in the UK?
A. "Goodbye"
B. "How are you?"
*C. "Pleased to meet you"
D. "See you later"
Câu 8. Is it common to introduce yourself when meeting someone for the first time in the UK?
*A. Yes
B. No
C. It depends on the situation
D. None of the above
Câu 9. How might people greet each other in more informal settings in the UK?
A. With a handshake
*B. With a kiss on the cheek
C. With a bow
D. None of the above
Câu 10. Are people in the UK generally friendly and welcoming?
*A. Yes
B. No
C. It depends on the situation
D. None of the above

I. True or False Statements:

Câu 1. The majority of Mongolians live a sedentary lifestyle.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Mongolian nomads rely on their animals for transportation.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. A ger is a permanent structure that nomads live in.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Nomadic Mongolians have a deep respect for the environment.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Visitors to Mongolia cannot experience the nomadic lifestyle.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the primary reason for the nomadic lifestyle in Mongolia?
A. For leisure and relaxation
B. To move livestock from one grazing area to another
C. To avoid tax collection
D. To engage in trade
Câu 7. What is a ger?
A. A type of traditional Mongolian food
B. A portable felt tent used by Mongolian nomads
C. A traditional Mongolian dance
D. A type of livestock
Câu 8. What do Mongolian nomads rely on their animals for?
A. Food, transportation, and clothing
B. Entertainment
C. Protection
D. Currency
Câu 9. What is a valued aspect of the nomadic lifestyle for many Mongolians?
A. Wealth accumulation
B. Freedom and independence
C. Political influence
D. Technological advancements
Câu 10. How can visitors to Mongolia learn about the nomadic lifestyle?
A. By visiting a museum
B. By reading books
C. By staying with a nomadic family
D. By watching documentaries
I. True or False Statements:
Câu 1. The majority of Mongolians live a sedentary lifestyle.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Mongolian nomads rely on their animals for transportation.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. A ger is a permanent structure that nomads live in.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Nomadic Mongolians have a deep respect for the environment.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. Visitors to Mongolia cannot experience the nomadic lifestyle.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the primary reason for the nomadic lifestyle in Mongolia?
A. For leisure and relaxation
*B. To move livestock from one grazing area to another
C. To avoid tax collection
D. To engage in trade
Câu 7. What is a ger?
A. A type of traditional Mongolian food
*B. A portable felt tent used by Mongolian nomads
C. A traditional Mongolian dance
D. A type of livestock
Câu 8. What do Mongolian nomads rely on their animals for?
*A. Food, transportation, and clothing
B. Entertainment
C. Protection
D. Currency
Câu 9. What is a valued aspect of the nomadic lifestyle for many Mongolians?
A. Wealth accumulation
*B. Freedom and independence
C. Political influence
D. Technological advancements
Câu 10. How can visitors to Mongolia learn about the nomadic lifestyle?
A. By visiting a museum
B. By reading books
*C. By staying with a nomadic family
D. By watching documentaries

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Online learning is not a popular choice among teenagers today.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Online learning can help teenagers develop skills such as time management.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Lack of face-to-face interaction is not a potential drawback of online learning.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Online courses and resources are not required to be of high quality.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Teenagers cannot learn at their own pace through online learning.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is one benefit of online learning for teenagers?
A. Access to a wider range of courses
B. Limited interaction with peers and teachers
C. Strict schedules and deadlines
D. Costly and unaffordable
Câu 7. What is an important skill that teenagers can develop through online learning?
A. Public speaking
B. Digital literacy
C. Physical fitness
D. Cooking
Câu 8. What is one potential drawback of online learning for teenagers?
A. Lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers
B. Excessive socializing with peers
C. Limitation on access to courses and resources
D. High cost for online courses
Câu 9. What is an important factor to consider when choosing online courses and resources for
A. The popularity of the website
B. The age of the website
C. The quality and reputation of the website
D. The number of advertisements on the website
Câu 10. What is the overall message about online learning for teenagers?
A. It is not a valuable tool for teenagers
B. It is a tool that should be approached without caution
C. It can be a valuable tool if approached with caution and diligence
D. It is a tool that should only be used by advanced learners
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Online learning is not a popular choice among teenagers today.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Online learning can help teenagers develop skills such as time management.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Lack of face-to-face interaction is not a potential drawback of online learning.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Online courses and resources are not required to be of high quality.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Teenagers cannot learn at their own pace through online learning.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is one benefit of online learning for teenagers?
*A. Access to a wider range of courses
B. Limited interaction with peers and teachers
C. Strict schedules and deadlines
D. Costly and unaffordable
Câu 7. What is an important skill that teenagers can develop through online learning?
A. Public speaking
*B. Digital literacy
C. Physical fitness
D. Cooking
Câu 8. What is one potential drawback of online learning for teenagers?
*A. Lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers
B. Excessive socializing with peers
C. Limitation on access to courses and resources
D. High cost for online courses
Câu 9. What is an important factor to consider when choosing online courses and resources for teenagers?
A. The popularity of the website
B. The age of the website
*C. The quality and reputation of the website
D. The number of advertisements on the website
Câu 10. What is the overall message about online learning for teenagers?
A. It is not a valuable tool for teenagers
B. It is a tool that should be approached without caution
*C. It can be a valuable tool if approached with caution and diligence
D. It is a tool that should only be used by advanced learners
Unit 6
Test 1
Jacob: Hi Trang, how are you?
Trang: I'm good, thanks. How are you?
Jacob: I'm doing well, thanks. I noticed that you're new to the UK. Do you know how people greet each other
Trang: No, I'm not sure. Can you tell me?
Jacob: Sure. In the UK, people usually greet each other with a handshake or a nod of the head. If you're
meeting someone for the first time, it's common to introduce yourself and say "pleased to meet you".
Trang: Oh, I see. Is there any other way to greet people?
Jacob: Yes, some people might also say "hello" or "hi" when they meet someone. And in more informal
settings, like with friends or family, people might give each other a hug or a kiss on the cheek.
Trang: That's interesting. Thanks for letting me know, Jacob.
Jacob: No problem, Trang. And don't worry, people here are generally very friendly and welcoming, so you'll
feel right at home in no time.
Test 2
Nomadic life has been an essential part of Mongolian culture for centuries. Many Mongolians still live a
traditional nomadic lifestyle today, moving their herds of livestock from one grazing area to another in search
of food and water. The nomads live in ‘gers’, which are portable felt tents that can be easily assembled and
disassembled. These ‘gers’ are simple but functional, providing shelter from the harsh weather conditions that
Mongolia is known for.
Living a nomadic life means that the Mongolian people are deeply connected to nature and the land. They
rely on their animals for food, transportation, and clothing, and have a deep respect for the environment.
Despite the challenges of living a nomadic lifestyle, many Mongolians cherish the freedom and independence
that it provides, as well as the strong sense of community and family.
Visitors to Mongolia can experience the nomadic lifestyle by staying with a nomadic family, learning about
their customs and traditions, and helping with daily tasks such as herding animals or making traditional foods.
It's a unique and authentic way to experience the rich culture and history of Mongolia.
Test 3
Many teenagers today are turning to online learning as a way to supplement their education or pursue their
interests outside of school. Online learning offers a flexible and convenient way to access a wide range of
courses and resources from anywhere with an internet connection.
Teenagers can benefit from online learning in many ways. For example, they can take courses on subjects that
may not be available at their school, or they can learn at their own pace without the pressure of keeping up
with a class. Online learning can also help teenagers develop important skills such as time management, self-
discipline, and digital literacy.
However, it's important for teenagers to be aware of the potential drawbacks of online learning, such as the
lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers. It's also important to choose reputable and high-
quality online courses and resources to ensure that they are getting the most out of their learning experience.
Overall, online learning can be a valuable tool for teenagers to supplement their education and pursue their
interests, as long as they approach it with caution and diligence.

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. The environmental campaign aims to raise awareness about environmental issues.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The campaign does not encourage people to take action to reduce their carbon footprint.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. The campaign does not promote reducing single-use plastics.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. There is only one way to get involved in the campaign.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The campaign is not focused on protecting the environment for future generations.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the goal of the environmental campaign in the city?
A. To promote the use of single-use plastics
B. To raise awareness about environmental issues
C. To encourage people to waste energy
D. To discourage public transportation
Câu 7. What are some actions promoted by the environmental campaign?
A. Buying single-use plastics
B. Wasting energy
C. Using public transportation or walking
D. Taking long showers
Câu 8. How can individuals get involved in the environment campaign?
A. By not making any changes in their own life
B. By participating in community cleanups
C. By driving instead of taking public transportation
D. By not volunteering with local environmental organizations
Câu 9. What is one small change individuals can make in their own life to reduce their carbon
A. Taking longer showers
B. Using single-use plastics
C. Bringing a reusable water bottle
D. Wasting energy
Câu 10. Why is it important to protect the environment according to Ann?
A. It is not important
B. It is important only for the current generation
C. It is important only for the future generation
D. It is important for both current and future generations
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. The environmental campaign aims to raise awareness about environmental issues.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. The campaign does not encourage people to take action to reduce their carbon footprint.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. The campaign does not promote reducing single-use plastics.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. There is only one way to get involved in the campaign.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. The campaign is not focused on protecting the environment for future generations.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the goal of the environmental campaign in the city?
A. To promote the use of single-use plastics
*B. To raise awareness about environmental issues
C. To encourage people to waste energy
D. To discourage public transportation
Câu 7. What are some actions promoted by the environmental campaign?
A. Buying single-use plastics
B. Wasting energy
*C. Using public transportation or walking
D. Taking long showers
Câu 8. How can individuals get involved in the environment campaign?
A. By not making any changes in their own life
*B. By participating in community cleanups
C. By driving instead of taking public transportation
D. By not volunteering with local environmental organizations
Câu 9. What is one small change individuals can make in their own life to reduce their carbon footprint?
A. Taking longer showers
B. Using single-use plastics
*C. Bringing a reusable water bottle
D. Wasting energy
Câu 10. Why is it important to protect the environment according to Ann?
A. It is not important
B. It is important only for the current generation
C. It is important only for the future generation
*D. It is important for both current and future generations

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The theme for Earth Day changes every decade.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Earth Day is not a global movement.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Activities for Earth Day include only educational events.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. By making small changes in our daily lives, we cannot make a big difference.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the goal of Earth Day?
A. To promote the use of single-use plastics
B. To raise awareness about environmental issues
C. To discourage people from taking action to protect the planet
D. To inspire people to waste energy
Câu 7. What are some activities that may be included in Earth Day events?
A. Tree planting
B. Buying single-use plastics
C. Wasting energy
D. Taking longer showers
Câu 8. What is the importance of Earth Day?
A. It reminds us that we cannot make a difference
B. It is not important
C. It reminds us that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet
D. It discourages people from taking action to create a more sustainable future
Câu 9. How can individuals make a difference in protecting the environment?
A. By using more single-use plastics
B. By wasting energy
C. By not making any changes
D. By making small changes in their daily lives, such as reducing their use of single-use
plastics and conserving energy
Câu 10. What is the message of Earth Day?
A. We cannot make a difference in protecting the environment
B. We should not take action to protect the planet
C. We should only protect the environment for ourselves
D. We should take action to create a more sustainable future for ourselves and for future
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. The theme for Earth Day changes every decade.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Earth Day is not a global movement.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Activities for Earth Day include only educational events.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. By making small changes in our daily lives, we cannot make a big difference.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the goal of Earth Day?
A. To promote the use of single-use plastics
*B. To raise awareness about environmental issues
C. To discourage people from taking action to protect the planet
D. To inspire people to waste energy
Câu 7. What are some activities that may be included in Earth Day events?
*A. Tree planting
B. Buying single-use plastics
C. Wasting energy
D. Taking longer showers
Câu 8. What is the importance of Earth Day?
A. It reminds us that we cannot make a difference
B. It is not important
*C. It reminds us that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet
D. It discourages people from taking action to create a more sustainable future
Câu 9. How can individuals make a difference in protecting the environment?
A. By using more single-use plastics
B. By wasting energy
C. By not making any changes
*D. By making small changes in their daily lives, such as reducing their use of single-use plastics
and conserving energy
Câu 10. What is the message of Earth Day?
A. We cannot make a difference in protecting the environment
B. We should not take action to protect the planet
C. We should only protect the environment for ourselves
*D. We should take action to create a more sustainable future for ourselves and for future

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. National parks are important areas of land that are protected by the government to preserve
their natural beauty and unique ecosystems.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. National parks do not provide a habitat for endangered or threatened species.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. National parks offer opportunities for recreation such as hiking, camping, and wildlife
A. True B. False
Câu 4. National parks do not promote environmental conservation and education.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. National parks are not important in preserving the planet's biodiversity and natural beauty.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the primary purpose of national parks?
A. To destroy natural habitats
B. To promote the use of natural resources
C. To preserve natural beauty and unique ecosystems
D. To encourage urbanization
Câu 7. Why are national parks important for preserving biodiversity?
A. They provide a place for endangered species to hunt
B. They provide a place for researchers to study the natural world
C. They promote deforestation
D. They do not play a role in preserving biodiversity
Câu 8. What is the social importance of national parks?
A. They do not provide opportunities for recreation
B. They offer opportunities for shopping
C. They offer opportunities for recreation, inspiration, and education
D. They promote pollution
Câu 9. Why are national parks important for promoting environmental conservation and education?
A. They provide a place for researchers to study the natural world
B. They do not provide a place for visitors to learn about environmental conservation
C. They promote environmental destruction
D. They do not serve as a reminder of the beauty of the natural world
Câu 10. What is the overall message about national parks?
A. They are not important for preserving the planet's natural beauty and biodiversity
B. They are important only for promoting hunting
C. They are important only for promoting shopping
D. They are an important part of our natural heritage and play a crucial role in preserving the
planet's biodiversity and natural beauty
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. National parks are important areas of land that are protected by the government to preserve their
natural beauty and unique ecosystems.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. National parks do not provide a habitat for endangered or threatened species.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. National parks offer opportunities for recreation such as hiking, camping, and wildlife watching.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. National parks do not promote environmental conservation and education.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. National parks are not important in preserving the planet's biodiversity and natural beauty.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the primary purpose of national parks?
A. To destroy natural habitats
B. To promote the use of natural resources
*C. To preserve natural beauty and unique ecosystems
D. To encourage urbanization
Câu 7. Why are national parks important for preserving biodiversity?
A. They provide a place for endangered species to hunt
*B. They provide a place for researchers to study the natural world
C. They promote deforestation
D. They do not play a role in preserving biodiversity
Câu 8. What is the social importance of national parks?
A. They do not provide opportunities for recreation
B. They offer opportunities for shopping
*C. They offer opportunities for recreation, inspiration, and education
D. They promote pollution
Câu 9. Why are national parks important for promoting environmental conservation and education?
*A. They provide a place for researchers to study the natural world
B. They do not provide a place for visitors to learn about environmental conservation
C. They promote environmental destruction
D. They do not serve as a reminder of the beauty of the natural world
Câu 10. What is the overall message about national parks?
A. They are not important for preserving the planet's natural beauty and biodiversity
B. They are important only for promoting hunting
C. They are important only for promoting shopping
*D. They are an important part of our natural heritage and play a crucial role in preserving the
planet's biodiversity and natural beauty
Unit 7
Test 1
Ann: Hi Max, have you heard about the new environment campaign that's happening in our city?
Max: No, I haven't. What is it about?
Ann: It's a campaign to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage people to take action to
reduce their carbon footprint.
Max: That sounds interesting. What kind of actions are they promoting?
Ann: They're promoting things like reducing single-use plastics, conserving energy, and using public
transportation or walking instead of driving.
Max: That's great. How can we get involved?
Ann: There are lots of ways to get involved. You can start by making small changes in your own life, like
bringing a reusable water bottle or taking shorter showers. You can also participate in community cleanups
or volunteer with local environmental organizations.
Max: I'm definitely interested in getting involved. Thanks for letting me know, Ann.
Ann: No problem, Max. It's important that we all do our part to protect the environment for future generations.
Test 2
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd that focuses on promoting environmental awareness
and encouraging people to take action to protect the planet. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day has since
become a global movement, with millions of people around the world participating in events and activities to
raise awareness about environmental issues.
The theme for Earth Day changes each year, but the goal remains the same: to inspire people to take action to
protect the environment. Activities may include tree planting, beach cleanups, recycling drives, and
educational events.
Earth Day is an important reminder that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet. By making small
changes in our daily lives, such as reducing our use of single-use plastics and conserving energy, we can help
to make a big difference. Earth Day is a time to come together as a global community and take action to create
a more sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations.
Test 3
National parks are important areas of land that are protected by the government to preserve their natural beauty
and unique ecosystems. These parks provide a habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of
which are endangered or threatened. In addition to their ecological importance, national parks also provide
many benefits to humans. They offer opportunities for recreation, such as hiking, camping, and wildlife
watching, and they can also be a source of inspiration and education.
National parks also play an important role in promoting environmental conservation and education. They
provide a place for researchers to study the natural world and for visitors to learn about the importance of
preserving our planet's biodiversity. They also serve as a reminder of the beauty and diversity of the natural
world, and the need to protect it for future generations.
Overall, national parks are an important part of our natural heritage and play a crucial role in preserving the
planet's biodiversity and natural beauty.

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Tommy's favorite place to shop is the Vincom Center in Ho Chi Minh City.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The Vincom Center only has high-end fashion brands.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. The Vincom Center has a loyalty program for frequent shoppers.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Lina has been to the Vincom Center before.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The Vincom Center often has special events and promotions during holidays like Tet or Christmas.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What kind of stores does the Vincom Center have?
A. Only high-end fashion brands
B. Only affordable options
C. A wide variety of stores, including high-end fashion brands and more affordable options
D. Only electronics stores
Câu 7. What kind of food options are available at the Vincom Center?
A. No food options
B. Only fast food restaurants
C. Many restaurants and cafes
D. Only fine dining restaurants
Câu 8. What is Tommy's favorite place to shop?
A. A small boutique in Ho Chi Minh City
B. The Vincom Center in Ho Chi Minh City
C. A market in Hanoi
D. An online store
Câu 9. Does the Vincom Center have a loyalty program?
A. Yes, it offers discounts and other perks to frequent shoppers.
B. No, it does not have a loyalty program.
C. It is not mentioned in the conversation.
D. It only has a loyalty program for high-end fashion brands.
Câu 10. Does Lina plan to visit the Vincom Center?
A. Yes, she plans to visit it soon.
B. No, she does not plan to visit it.
C. It is not mentioned in the conversation.
D. She is considering visiting it sometime.
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Anh Đinh's favorite place to shop is the Vincom Center in Ho Chi Minh City.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. The Vincom Center only has high-end fashion brands.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. The Vincom Center has a loyalty program for frequent shoppers.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Lina has been to the Vincom Center before.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. The Vincom Center often has special events and promotions during holidays like Tet or Christmas.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What kind of stores does the Vincom Center have?
A. Only high-end fashion brands
B. Only affordable options
*C. A wide variety of stores, including high-end fashion brands and more affordable options
D. Only electronics stores
Câu 7. What kind of food options are available at the Vincom Center?
A. No food options
B. Only fast food restaurants
*C. Many restaurants and cafes
D. Only fine dining restaurants
Câu 8. What is Anh Đinh's favorite place to shop?
A. A small boutique in Ho Chi Minh City
*B. The Vincom Center in Ho Chi Minh City
C. A market in Hanoi
D. An online store
Câu 9. Does the Vincom Center have a loyalty program?
*A. Yes, it offers discounts and other perks to frequent shoppers.
B. No, it does not have a loyalty program.
C. It is not mentioned in the conversation.
D. It only has a loyalty program for high-end fashion brands.
Câu 10. Does Lina plan to visit the Vincom Center?
A. Yes, she plans to visit it soon.
B. No, she does not plan to visit it.
C. It is not mentioned in the conversation.
*D. She is considering visiting it sometime.

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Markets are typically outdoor or indoor spaces where vendors sell fresh produce, meat, and
other goods.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Supermarkets offer a more local and authentic feel than markets.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Markets offer the opportunity to try new foods and products that may not be available in
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Supermarkets are typically smaller than markets and offer a limited range of products.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The choice between markets and supermarkets often depends on personal preference and
the specific needs of the individual shopper.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the main difference between markets and supermarkets?
A. Markets are outdoor spaces while supermarkets are indoor spaces.
B. Markets offer a more local and authentic feel while supermarkets offer a greater variety of
C. Markets only sell fresh produce while supermarkets only sell packaged foods.
D. Markets are more expensive than supermarkets.
Câu 7. What kind of experience do markets offer?
A. A standardized shopping experience with consistent quality.
B. A local and authentic feel with sellers and buyers haggling over prices and sharing stories.
C. A convenient shopping experience with a wide range of products.
D. A shopping experience with lower prices due to standardized processes for sourcing and
handling products.
Câu 8. What kind of products do supermarkets offer?
A. Only fresh produce.
B. Only packaged foods.
C. A wide range of products, including fresh and packaged foods, household items, and
D. Only household items.
Câu 9. What is an advantage of shopping at a supermarket?
A. The opportunity to try new foods and products that may not be available in markets.
B. A more local and authentic feel with sellers and buyers haggling over prices and sharing
C. Lower prices and more consistent quality due to standardized processes for sourcing and
handling products.
D. The opportunity to share stories with sellers and buyers.
Câu 10. What is an advantage of shopping at a market?
A. A standardized shopping experience with consistent quality.
B. A local and authentic feel with sellers and buyers haggling over prices and sharing stories.
C. A convenient shopping experience with a wide range of products.
D. Lower prices due to standardized processes for sourcing and handling products.
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Markets are typically outdoor or indoor spaces where vendors sell fresh produce, meat, and other
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Supermarkets offer a more local and authentic feel than markets.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Markets offer the opportunity to try new foods and products that may not be available in
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Supermarkets are typically smaller than markets and offer a limited range of products.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. The choice between markets and supermarkets often depends on personal preference and the
specific needs of the individual shopper.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the main difference between markets and supermarkets?
A. Markets are outdoor spaces while supermarkets are indoor spaces.
*B. Markets offer a more local and authentic feel while supermarkets offer a greater variety of
C. Markets only sell fresh produce while supermarkets only sell packaged foods.
D. Markets are more expensive than supermarkets.
Câu 7. What kind of experience do markets offer?
A. A standardized shopping experience with consistent quality.
*B. A local and authentic feel with sellers and buyers haggling over prices and sharing stories.
C. A convenient shopping experience with a wide range of products.
D. A shopping experience with lower prices due to standardized processes for sourcing and handling
Câu 8. What kind of products do supermarkets offer?
A. Only fresh produce.
B. Only packaged foods.
*C. A wide range of products, including fresh and packaged foods, household items, and clothing.
D. Only household items.
Câu 9. What is an advantage of shopping at a supermarket?
A. The opportunity to try new foods and products that may not be available in markets.
B. A more local and authentic feel with sellers and buyers haggling over prices and sharing stories.
*C. Lower prices and more consistent quality due to standardized processes for sourcing and
handling products.
D. The opportunity to share stories with sellers and buyers.
Câu 10. What is an advantage of shopping at a market?
A. A standardized shopping experience with consistent quality.
*B. A local and authentic feel with sellers and buyers haggling over prices and sharing stories.
C. A convenient shopping experience with a wide range of products.
D. Lower prices due to standardized processes for sourcing and handling products.

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Shopping malls have many stores and products.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Shopping malls do not have entertainment options.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Shopping malls can be crowded and noisy.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Shopping malls are always cheaper than smaller shops.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The choice between shopping at a mall or elsewhere often depends on personal preference.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What can you find in a shopping mall?
A. Only clothes
B. Only food
C. Many stores, entertainment options, and restaurants
D. Only furniture
Câu 7. What is an advantage of shopping at a mall?
A. There are no people
B. There is no parking
C. There are sales and promotions
D. There is no entertainment
Câu 8. What is a disadvantage of shopping at a mall?
A. It is small
B. It is quiet
C. It can be crowded and noisy
D. There are no stores
Câu 9. Are malls always cheaper than smaller shops?
A. Yes, always
B. No, not always
C. It is not mentioned in the text.
D. Malls do not have prices.
Câu 10. Can you find good deals at a mall?
A. Yes, there are often sales and promotions.
B. No, there are never sales or promotions.
C. It is not mentioned in the text.
D. Malls do not have good deals.
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Shopping malls have many stores and products.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Shopping malls do not have entertainment options.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Shopping malls can be crowded and noisy.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Shopping malls are always cheaper than smaller shops.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. The choice between shopping at a mall or elsewhere often depends on personal preference.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What can you find in a shopping mall?
A. Only clothes
B. Only food
*C. Many stores, entertainment options, and restaurants
D. Only furniture
Câu 7. What is an advantage of shopping at a mall?
A. There are no people
B. There is no parking
*C. There are sales and promotions
D. There is no entertainment
Câu 8. What is a disadvantage of shopping at a mall?
A. It is small
B. It is quiet
*C. It can be crowded and noisy
D. There are no stores
Câu 9. Are malls always cheaper than smaller shops?
A. Yes, always
*B. No, not always
C. It is not mentioned in the text.
D. Malls do not have prices.
Câu 10. Can you find good deals at a mall?
*A. Yes, there are often sales and promotions.
B. No, there are never sales or promotions.
C. It is not mentioned in the text.
D. Malls do not have good deals.
Unit 8
Test 1
Lina: Hi Anh Đinh, I heard you love to go shopping. What's your favorite place to shop?
Anh Đinh: Hi Lina, yes I do enjoy shopping. My favorite place to go is the Vincom Center in Ho Chi Minh
City. It's a huge mall with a wide variety of stores and restaurants.
Lina: That sounds great. What kind of stores do they have?
Anh Đinh: They have everything from high-end fashion brands to more affordable options, as well as
electronics stores, bookstores, and much more. There are also many restaurants and cafes, so you can take a
break and grab a bite to eat while you shop.
Lina: That sounds like a great place to shop. Do they have any special events or promotions?
Anh Đinh: Yes, they often have special events and promotions, especially during holidays like Tet or
Christmas. They also have a loyalty program that offers discounts and other perks to frequent shoppers.
Lina: Wow, that sounds like a great place to shop. I'll have to check it out sometime.
Anh Đinh: Definitely do, Lina. It's a shopper's paradise!
Test 2
Markets and supermarkets are both popular places to shop for groceries and other goods, but they offer
different experiences. Markets are typically outdoor or indoor spaces where vendors sell fresh produce, meat,
and other goods. They often have a more local and authentic feel, with sellers and buyers haggling over prices
and sharing stories. Markets also offer the opportunity to try new foods and products that may not be available
in supermarkets.
Supermarkets, on the other hand, are large retail stores that offer a wide range of products, including fresh
and packaged foods, household items, and clothing. They are typically more convenient and offer a greater
variety of products than markets. Supermarkets also often have lower prices and more consistent quality due
to their standardized processes for sourcing and handling products.
Both markets and supermarkets have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them often
depends on personal preference and the specific needs of the individual shopper.
Test 3
Shopping malls are popular destinations for shopping, entertainment, and socializing. They offer many
advantages, such as a wide variety of stores and products, convenient parking, and entertainment options such
as movie theaters and restaurants. Malls also often have sales and promotions, making it easier for shoppers
to find good deals.
However, there are also some disadvantages to shopping malls. They can be crowded and noisy, and the sheer
size of the mall can be overwhelming for some shoppers. Malls may also be more expensive due to the
overhead costs of running a large retail space. Additionally, some people may find the mall experience to be
impersonal and lacking in the charm and character of smaller, more local shops.
Overall, shopping malls have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between shopping at a mall
or elsewhere often depends on personal preference and the specific needs of the individual shopper.

I. True or False:
Câu 1. Lucy has experienced a natural disaster before.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Lucy's town was hit by an earthquake when she was a kid.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Thomas has been through a natural disaster before.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Lucy suggests having a first aid kit in an emergency kit.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Thomas thinks it's not important to be prepared for a natural disaster.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What type of natural disaster did Lucy experience as a kid?
A. Earthquake
B. Hurricane
C. Typhoon
D. Tornado
Câu 7. What did Lucy and her family do during the typhoon?
A. They stayed in their house.
B. They went to a nearby shelter.
C. They went on vacation.
D. They ignored the typhoon.
Câu 8. What does Lucy suggest having in an emergency kit?
A. Water, non-perishable food, and a first aid kit.
B. Candy, toys, and books.
C. Furniture, clothes, and shoes.
D. Electronics, jewelry, and money.
Câu 9. What should important documents be kept in according to Lucy?
A. A plastic bag
B. A waterproof container
C. A cardboard box
D. A wooden chest
Câu 10. What is Thomas' attitude towards being prepared for a natural disaster?
A. He thinks it's unnecessary.
B. He thinks it's important.
C. He doesn't care either way.
D. He thinks it's a waste of time.
I. True or False:
Câu 1. Lucy has experienced a natural disaster before.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Lucy's town was hit by an earthquake when she was a kid.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Thomas has been through a natural disaster before.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Lucy suggests having a first aid kit in an emergency kit.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. Thomas thinks it's not important to be prepared for a natural disaster.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What type of natural disaster did Lucy experience as a kid?
A. Earthquake
B. Hurricane
*C. Typhoon
D. Tornado
Câu 7. What did Lucy and her family do during the typhoon?
A. They stayed in their house.
*B. They went to a nearby shelter.
C. They went on vacation.
D. They ignored the typhoon.
Câu 8. What does Lucy suggest having in an emergency kit?
*A. Water, non-perishable food, and a first aid kit.
B. Candy, toys, and books.
C. Furniture, clothes, and shoes.
D. Electronics, jewelry, and money.
Câu 9. What should important documents be kept in according to Lucy?
A. A plastic bag
*B. A waterproof container
C. A cardboard box
D. A wooden chest
Câu 10. What is Thomas' attitude towards being prepared for a natural disaster?
A. He thinks it's unnecessary.
*B. He thinks it's important.
C. He doesn't care either way.
D. He thinks it's a waste of time.

I. True or False:
Câu 1. It's not important to stay informed about weather reports and warnings.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. An emergency kit should include water, non-perishable food, and a first aid kit.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. You should not evacuate if you are told to do so by local authorities.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Staying calm during a disaster is not important.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. It's a good idea to have a plan with your family or roommates on what to do in case of a
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What should you do if a disaster is predicted?
A. Ignore it
B. Stay informed and take action
C. Panic
D. Go on vacation
Câu 7. What should important documents be kept in?
A. A plastic bag
B. A waterproof container
C. A cardboard box
D. A wooden chest
Câu 8. What should you do if you are told to evacuate?
A. Stay in your house
B. Evacuate immediately and follow the instructions of local authorities
C. Ignore the instructions
D. Go shopping
Câu 9. What is one way to stay informed about natural disasters?
A. Watch TV shows
B. Read books
C. Sign up for alerts and notifications from your local authorities
D. Listen to music
Câu 10. What is one thing you can do to increase your chances of surviving a natural disaster?
A. Ignore it
B. Panic
C. Stay calm and avoid panicking
D. Go on vacation
I. True or False:
Câu 1. It's not important to stay informed about weather reports and warnings.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. An emergency kit should include water, non-perishable food, and a first aid kit.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. You should not evacuate if you are told to do so by local authorities.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Staying calm during a disaster is not important.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. It's a good idea to have a plan with your family or roommates on what to do in case of a disaster.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What should you do if a disaster is predicted?
A. Ignore it
*B. Stay informed and take action
C. Panic
D. Go on vacation
Câu 7. What should important documents be kept in?
A. A plastic bag
*B. A waterproof container
C. A cardboard box
D. A wooden chest
Câu 8. What should you do if you are told to evacuate?
A. Stay in your house
*B. Evacuate immediately and follow the instructions of local authorities
C. Ignore the instructions
D. Go shopping
Câu 9. What is one way to stay informed about natural disasters?
A. Watch TV shows
B. Read books
*C. Sign up for alerts and notifications from your local authorities
D. Listen to music
Câu 10. What is one thing you can do to increase your chances of surviving a natural disaster?
A. Ignore it
B. Panic
*C. Stay calm and avoid panicking
D. Go on vacation

I. True or False:
Câu 1. Tropical storms typically form over cold ocean water.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Tropical storms can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and storm surges to coastal areas.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. It's not important to have an emergency kit if you live in an area prone to tropical storms.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. During a tropical storm, it's safe to drive through flooded areas.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. After a tropical storm has passed, there are no potential hazards to be cautious of.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What can tropical storms bring to coastal areas?
A. Snow and ice
B. Heavy rain, strong winds, and storm surges
C. Sunshine and warm temperatures
D. Drought conditions
Câu 7. What should you do if you live in an area prone to tropical storms?
A. Ignore weather updates and warnings
B. Have an emergency kit, a plan for evacuation, and stay informed about weather updates and
C. Go on vacation during tropical storm season
D. Do nothing
Câu 8. What should you do during a tropical storm?
A. Go outside and watch the storm
B. Stay indoors and away from windows
C. Drive through flooded areas
D. Stand near downed power lines
Câu 9. What should you avoid during a tropical storm?
A. Staying indoors
B. Driving through flooded areas
C. Eating non-perishable food
D. Listening to weather updates
Câu 10. What should you do after a tropical storm has passed?
A. Be cautious of potential hazards like debris and flooding
B. Ignore any potential hazards
C. Go swimming in flooded areas
D. Touch downed power lines
I. True or False:
Câu 1. Tropical storms typically form over cold ocean water.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Tropical storms can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and storm surges to coastal areas.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. It's not important to have an emergency kit if you live in an area prone to tropical storms.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. During a tropical storm, it's safe to drive through flooded areas.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. After a tropical storm has passed, there are no potential hazards to be cautious of.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What can tropical storms bring to coastal areas?
A. Snow and ice
*B. Heavy rain, strong winds, and storm surges
C. Sunshine and warm temperatures
D. Drought conditions
Câu 7. What should you do if you live in an area prone to tropical storms?
A. Ignore weather updates and warnings
*B. Have an emergency kit, a plan for evacuation, and stay informed about weather updates and warnings
C. Go on vacation during tropical storm season
D. Do nothing
Câu 8. What should you do during a tropical storm?
A. Go outside and watch the storm
*B. Stay indoors and away from windows
C. Drive through flooded areas
D. Stand near downed power lines
Câu 9. What should you avoid during a tropical storm?
A. Staying indoors
*B. Driving through flooded areas
C. Eating non-perishable food
D. Listening to weather updates
Câu 10. What should you do after a tropical storm has passed?
*A. Be cautious of potential hazards like debris and flooding
B. Ignore any potential hazards
C. Go swimming in flooded areas
D. Touch downed power lines
Unit 9
Test 1
Thomas: Hey Lucy, have you ever experienced a natural disaster before?
Lucy: Yes, I have. When I was a kid, my town was hit by a typhoon.
Thomas: That sounds scary. What did you do during the typhoon?
Lucy: My family and I had to evacuate our house and go to a nearby shelter. It was really crowded and
uncomfortable, but at least we were safe.
Thomas: That's good. I've never been through a natural disaster, but I've heard about earthquakes and
hurricanes on the news.
Lucy: Yeah, they can be very dangerous. It's important to be prepared and have an emergency kit in case
something happens.
Thomas: What should we have in an emergency kit?
Lucy: Water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, flashlights, and batteries are some essentials. It's also a good
idea to have important documents, like passports and insurance papers, in a waterproof container.
Thomas: Thanks for the tips, Lucy. I hope we never have to use our emergency kits, but it's better to be safe
than sorry.
Lucy: Absolutely. It's always better to be prepared.
Test 2
Natural disasters can strike at any time, and it's important to be prepared in order to survive and stay safe.
Here are some tips on how to prepare for and survive natural disasters:
1. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with weather reports and warnings so you can take action if a disaster is
predicted. You can also sign up for alerts and notifications from your local authorities.
2. Have an emergency kit: Put together a kit with essentials like water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit,
flashlights, and batteries. It's also a good idea to have important documents, like passports and insurance
papers, in a waterproof container.
3. Have a plan: Make a plan with your family or roommates on what to do in case of a disaster. This includes
where to go, what to bring, and how to stay in contact.
4. Evacuate if necessary: If you are told to evacuate, do so immediately. Follow the instructions of local
authorities and take your emergency kit with you.
5. Stay calm: During a disaster, it's important to stay calm and avoid panicking. This will help you make
rational decisions and stay safe.
By following these tips, you can increase your chances of surviving a natural disaster and minimize its impact
on your life. Remember to always be prepared and stay informed.
Test 3
Tropical storms are a type of weather phenomenon that can cause significant damage and disruption. These
storms typically form over warm ocean water and can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and storm surges to
coastal areas.
If you live in an area prone to tropical storms, it's important to be prepared. This includes having an emergency
kit, a plan for evacuation, and staying informed about weather updates and warnings.
During a tropical storm, it's important to stay indoors and away from windows. Avoid driving through flooded
areas and stay away from downed power lines. After the storm has passed, be cautious of potential hazards
like debris and flooding.
Tropical storms can be unpredictable and dangerous, but with preparation and caution, you can take steps to
stay safe and minimize damage to your home and community. Remember to always heed the advice of local
authorities and stay informed about weather conditions.

I. True or False:
Câu 1. Tony and Natasha think technology has changed the way we communicate.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Natasha thinks it's difficult to stay in touch with friends and family using technology.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Tony thinks we rely on technology too much.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Natasha misses the days when people had to make plans in advance and talk face-to-face.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Tony thinks technology has no benefits.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What do Tony and Natasha think is easy with smartphones and social media?
A. To cook food
B. To stay in touch with friends and family
C. To drive a car
D. To swim
Câu 7. What does Tony think can happen with texting and messaging?
A. People can become better swimmers
B. People can learn to cook better
C. Misunderstandings can happen
D. People can learn to drive better
Câu 8. What does Natasha think is easier with technology?
A. To swim faster
B. To keep in touch with people who live far away
C. To drive faster
D. To cook faster
Câu 9. What does Tony think is important to find a balance between?
A. Swimming and driving
B. Cooking and driving
C. Using technology and taking the time to connect in more meaningful ways
D. Swimming and cooking
Câu 10. What does Natasha think we shouldn't let technology replace?
A. Swimming pools
B. Cars
C. Kitchens
D. Real human connections
I. True or False:
Câu 1. Tony and Natasha think technology has changed the way we communicate.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Natasha thinks it's difficult to stay in touch with friends and family using technology.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Tony thinks we rely on technology too much.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Natasha misses the days when people had to make plans in advance and talk face-to-face.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. Tony thinks technology has no benefits.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What do Tony and Natasha think is easy with smartphones and social media?
A. To cook food
*B. To stay in touch with friends and family
C. To drive a car
D. To swim
Câu 7. What does Tony think can happen with texting and messaging?
A. People can become better swimmers
B. People can learn to cook better
*C. Misunderstandings can happen
D. People can learn to drive better
Câu 8. What does Natasha think is easier with technology?
A. To swim faster
*B. To keep in touch with people who live far away
C. To drive faster
D. To cook faster
Câu 9. What does Tony think is important to find a balance between?
A. Swimming and driving
B. Cooking and driving
*C. Using technology and taking the time to connect in more meaningful ways
D. Swimming and cooking
Câu 10. What does Natasha think we shouldn't let technology replace?
A. Swimming pools
B. Cars
C. Kitchens
*D. Real human connections

I. True or False:
Câu 1. Technology has made it possible to learn from anywhere in the world.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Online courses are not available on the internet.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Technology can make learning less engaging and interactive.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Digital tools like interactive whiteboards and tablets can make it harder for teachers to create
dynamic lessons.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Technology is a substitute for good teaching.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What has technology revolutionized?
A. The way we learn and access information
B. The way we cook
C. The way we travel
D. The way we sleep
Câu 7. What do online courses and e-learning platforms make possible?
A. Learning from anywhere in the world, at any time
B. Traveling to different countries
C. Cooking different meals
D. Sleeping better
Câu 8. How can technology make learning more engaging and interactive?
A. By using educational games and simulations
B. By using traditional textbooks
C. By using paper and pencil
D. By using chalkboards
Câu 9. What should technology be used as in education?
A. A tool to enhance learning
B. A tool to replace teaching
C. A tool to make learning more difficult
D. A tool to make learning less engaging
Câu 10. What does technology have the potential to do in education?
A. Make it less accessible and engaging
B. Make it more accessible and engaging
C. Make it more difficult and less effective
D. Make it less dynamic and less effective
I. True or False:
Câu 1. Technology has made it possible to learn from anywhere in the world.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Online courses are not available on the internet.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Technology can make learning less engaging and interactive.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Digital tools like interactive whiteboards and tablets can make it harder for teachers to create
dynamic lessons.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Technology is a substitute for good teaching.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What has technology revolutionized?
*A. The way we learn and access information
B. The way we cook
C. The way we travel
D. The way we sleep
Câu 7. What do online courses and e-learning platforms make possible?
*A. Learning from anywhere in the world, at any time
B. Traveling to different countries
C. Cooking different meals
D. Sleeping better
Câu 8. How can technology make learning more engaging and interactive?
*A. By using educational games and simulations
B. By using traditional textbooks
C. By using paper and pencil
D. By using chalkboards
Câu 9. What should technology be used as in education?
*A. A tool to enhance learning
B. A tool to replace teaching
C. A tool to make learning more difficult
D. A tool to make learning less engaging
Câu 10. What does technology have the potential to do in education?
A. Make it less accessible and engaging
*B. Make it more accessible and engaging
C. Make it more difficult and less effective
D. Make it less dynamic and less effective

I. True or False:
Câu 1. Smartphones have made it harder to stay in touch with friends and family.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Smartphones are not important for staying informed and connected to the world around us.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Smartphones are not essential for emergency situations.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Smartphones have become an essential tool for communication and staying connected in
today's fast-paced world.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The benefits of staying connected and informed do not make smartphones an important part
of our daily lives.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What have smartphones revolutionized?
A. The way we cook
B. The way we travel
C. The way we communicate with each other
D. The way we sleep
Câu 7. What do smartphones make it easier to do?
A. Send messages, make calls, and access the internet from anywhere
B. Cook different meals
C. Travel to different countries
D. Sleep better
Câu 8. How can smartphones help us stay informed and connected to the world around us?
A. By using social media, news apps, and other online resources
B. By using traditional newspapers
C. By using paper maps
D. By using landline phones
Câu 9. What are smartphones essential for in emergency situations?
A. Making emergency calls and sending SOS messages
B. Cooking meals
C. Traveling to different countries
D. Sleeping better
Câu 10. What is the overall importance of smartphones in today's fast-paced world?
A. They are not important at all
B. They are somewhat important
C. They are very important for communication and staying connected
D. They are only important for playing games
I. True or False:
Câu 1. Smartphones have made it harder to stay in touch with friends and family.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Smartphones are not important for staying informed and connected to the world around us.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Smartphones are not essential for emergency situations.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Smartphones have become an essential tool for communication and staying connected in today's
fast-paced world.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. The benefits of staying connected and informed do not make smartphones an important part of our
daily lives.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What have smartphones revolutionized?
A. The way we cook
B. The way we travel
*C. The way we communicate with each other
D. The way we sleep
Câu 7. What do smartphones make it easier to do?
*A. Send messages, make calls, and access the internet from anywhere
B. Cook different meals
C. Travel to different countries
D. Sleep better
Câu 8. How can smartphones help us stay informed and connected to the world around us?
*A. By using social media, news apps, and other online resources
B. By using traditional newspapers
C. By using paper maps
D. By using landline phones
Câu 9. What are smartphones essential for in emergency situations?
*A. Making emergency calls and sending SOS messages
B. Cooking meals
C. Traveling to different countries
D. Sleeping better
Câu 10. What is the overall importance of smartphones in today's fast-paced world?
A. They are not important at all
B. They are somewhat important
*C. They are very important for communication and staying connected
D. They are only important for playing games
Unit 10
Test 1
Tony: Hey Natasha, have you noticed how much technology has changed the way we communicate?
Natasha: Definitely. With smartphones and social media, it's so easy to stay in touch with friends and family,
no matter where they are.
Tony: Yeah, it's great to be able to connect with people instantly, but sometimes I feel like we rely on
technology too much.
Natasha: I know what you mean. Sometimes I miss the days when we had to make plans in advance and
actually talk to each other face-to-face.
Tony: Me too. And with all the texting and messaging, it's easy for misunderstandings to happen. Sometimes
it's better to just pick up the phone or meet in person.
Natasha: Absolutely. But I still think technology has its benefits. It's easier to keep in touch with people who
live far away, and it's great for sharing photos and staying up-to-date with what's going on in the world.
Tony: That's true. I guess it's all about finding a balance between using technology and taking the time to
connect in more meaningful ways.
Natasha: Exactly. We shouldn't let technology replace real human connections, but we can still use it to
enhance our relationships and stay connected in new and exciting ways.
Test 2
Technology has revolutionized the way we learn and access information. With the internet, we have access to
a wealth of knowledge and resources that were once unavailable. Online courses and e-learning platforms
make it possible to learn from anywhere in the world, at any time.
Technology can also make learning more engaging and interactive. Educational games and simulations can
help students understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way. Digital tools like interactive
whiteboards and tablets can also make it easier for teachers to create dynamic lessons and engage students in
their learning.
However, it's important to remember that technology is not a substitute for good teaching. Effective learning
still relies on knowledgeable and skilled teachers who can guide students through their learning journey.
Technology should be used as a tool to enhance learning, not replace it.
Overall, technology has the potential to transform education and make it more accessible and engaging. By
embracing these tools, we can create a more dynamic and effective learning experience for students of all
Test 3
Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives, and they have revolutionized the way we
communicate with each other. With the ability to send messages, make calls, and access the internet from
anywhere, smartphones have made it easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family.
Smartphones are also important for staying informed and connected to the world around us. With social media,
news apps, and other online resources, we can stay up-to-date on the latest events and trends, and participate
in discussions with people from all over the world.
In addition, smartphones are essential for emergency situations. With the ability to make emergency calls and
send SOS messages, they can help us stay safe and get the help we need when we need it.
Overall, smartphones have become an essential tool for communication and staying connected in today's fast-
paced world. While there are certainly downsides to our reliance on technology, the benefits of staying
connected and informed make smartphones an important part of our daily lives.

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Teachers are not using digital tools in classrooms these days.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Technology can make learning more enjoyable and accessible for students.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Educational games and simulations cannot help students understand complex concepts.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Max thinks that traditional teaching methods are no longer important.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Technology should replace good teaching and personal interaction between teachers and
A. True B. False
Câu 6. What are some digital tools that teachers are using in classrooms these days?
A. DVDs and CDs
B. Chalkboards and textbooks
C. Interactive whiteboards and tablets
D. None of the above
Câu 7. What is one advantage of using technology in the classroom?
A. It can make learning boring and inaccessible
B. It can replace good teaching and personal interaction
C. It can help students understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way
D. It can only be used by students who are tech-savvy
Câu 8. According to Ann, what is the key to using technology in the classroom?
A. Replacing traditional teaching methods
B. Finding a balance
C. Using technology to the exclusion of all other methods
D. None of the above
Câu 9. What is one advantage of e-learning platforms?
A. They limit access to information
B. They restrict students to learning in a classroom
C. They allow students to access information and learn from anywhere in the world
D. They are not accessible to students who do not have internet access
Câu 10. What is Max's opinion of technology in the classroom?
A. He thinks it is a good replacement for traditional teaching methods
B. He thinks it is not useful for learning
C. He thinks it is a valuable tool to enhance learning, but worries about becoming too reliant
on it
D. None of the above
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Teachers are not using digital tools in classrooms these days.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Technology can make learning more enjoyable and accessible for students.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Educational games and simulations cannot help students understand complex concepts.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Max thinks that traditional teaching methods are no longer important.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Technology should replace good teaching and personal interaction between teachers and students.
A. True *B. False
Câu 6. What are some digital tools that teachers are using in classrooms these days?
A. DVDs and CDs
B. Chalkboards and textbooks
*C. Interactive whiteboards and tablets
D. None of the above
Câu 7. What is one advantage of using technology in the classroom?
A. It can make learning boring and inaccessible
B. It can replace good teaching and personal interaction
*C. It can help students understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way
D. It can only be used by students who are tech-savvy
Câu 8. According to Ann, what is the key to using technology in the classroom?
A. Replacing traditional teaching methods
*B. Finding a balance
C. Using technology to the exclusion of all other methods
D. None of the above
Câu 9. What is one advantage of e-learning platforms?
A. They limit access to information
B. They restrict students to learning in a classroom
*C. They allow students to access information and learn from anywhere in the world
D. They are not accessible to students who do not have internet access
Câu 10. What is Max's opinion of technology in the classroom?
A. He thinks it is a good replacement for traditional teaching methods
B. He thinks it is not useful for learning
*C. He thinks it is a valuable tool to enhance learning, but worries about becoming too reliant on it
D. None of the above

I. True or False:
Câu 1. Technology can make learning less engaging and interactive.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Digital tools like educational games, simulations, and virtual reality can help students
understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Technology can make learning less accessible and convenient.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Some students may become too reliant on technology and may not develop important skills
like critical thinking and problem-solving.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The benefits of using technology in learning do not outweigh the drawbacks.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What is one advantage of using technology in learning?
A. It can make learning more engaging and interactive
B. It can make learning less accessible and convenient
C. It can make learning less engaging and interactive
D. It can make learning more difficult

Câu 7. What can digital tools like educational games, simulations, and virtual reality help students
A. Understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way
B. Become less engaged in their learning
C. Develop fewer critical thinking skills
D. Become more distracted during class

Câu 8. What is one disadvantage of using technology in learning?

A. Some students may become too reliant on technology
B. Technology can make learning more engaging and interactive
C. Technology can make learning more accessible and convenient
D. Technology can help students develop critical thinking skills

Câu 9. What is another disadvantage of using technology in learning?

A. Technology can be a distraction
B. Technology can make learning more engaging and interactive
C. Technology can make learning more accessible and convenient
D. Technology can help students develop critical thinking skills

Câu 10. What is the overall importance of using technology in learning?

A. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks, but it's important to use these tools responsibly
B. The drawbacks outweigh the benefits, so it's not important to use these tools responsibly
C. The benefits and drawbacks are equal, so it doesn't matter if we use these tools
responsibly or not
D. There are no benefits or drawbacks to using technology in learning
I. True or False:
Câu 1. Technology can make learning less engaging and interactive.
A. True *B. False
Câu 2. Digital tools like educational games, simulations, and virtual reality can help students understand
complex concepts in a fun and interactive way.
*A. True B. False
Câu 3. Technology can make learning less accessible and convenient.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. Some students may become too reliant on technology and may not develop important skills like
critical thinking and problem-solving.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. The benefits of using technology in learning do not outweigh the drawbacks.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice:
Câu 6. What is one advantage of using technology in learning?
*A. It can make learning more engaging and interactive
B. It can make learning less accessible and convenient
C. It can make learning less engaging and interactive
D. It can make learning more difficult

Câu 7. What can digital tools like educational games, simulations, and virtual reality help students do?
*A. Understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way
B. Become less engaged in their learning
C. Develop fewer critical thinking skills
D. Become more distracted during class

Câu 8. What is one disadvantage of using technology in learning?

*A. Some students may become too reliant on technology
B. Technology can make learning more engaging and interactive
C. Technology can make learning more accessible and convenient
D. Technology can help students develop critical thinking skills

Câu 9. What is another disadvantage of using technology in learning?

*A. Technology can be a distraction
B. Technology can make learning more engaging and interactive
C. Technology can make learning more accessible and convenient
D. Technology can help students develop critical thinking skills

Câu 10. What is the overall importance of using technology in learning?

*A. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks, but it's important to use these tools responsibly
B. The drawbacks outweigh the benefits, so it's not important to use these tools responsibly
C. The benefits and drawbacks are equal, so it doesn't matter if we use these tools responsibly or
D. There are no benefits or drawbacks to using technology in learning

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Robots can perform certain tasks such as grading papers and providing basic information.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Robots can replace the human connection and personalized approach that teachers provide.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Teachers play a crucial role in motivating and inspiring students.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Teaching does not involve a level of creativity and adaptability.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Robots can offer certain benefits, such as the ability to provide personalized learning
experiences and adapt to individual student needs.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is a topic of debate mentioned in the text?
A. Robots replacing doctors
B. Robots replacing teachers
C. Robots replacing chefs
D. Robots replacing athletes
Câu 7. What is something that robots may not be able to replace?
A. The human connection and personalized approach that teachers provide
B. The ability to grade papers
C. The ability to provide basic information
D. The ability to adapt to individual student needs
Câu 8. What is a crucial role that teachers play?
A. Motivating and inspiring students
B. Grading papers
C. Providing basic information
D. Adapting to individual student needs
Câu 9. What is something that teaching involves?
A. A level of creativity and adaptability
B. The ability to grade papers
C. The ability to provide basic information
D. The ability to adapt to individual student needs
Câu 10. What is a benefit that robots can offer?
A. The ability to replace human teachers entirely
B. The ability to provide personalized learning experiences and adapt to individual student
C. The ability to motivate and inspire students
D. The ability to provide support and guidance that robots cannot
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Robots can perform certain tasks such as grading papers and providing basic information.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Robots can replace the human connection and personalized approach that teachers provide.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Teachers play a crucial role in motivating and inspiring students.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Teaching does not involve a level of creativity and adaptability.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Robots can offer certain benefits, such as the ability to provide personalized learning experiences
and adapt to individual student needs.
*A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is a topic of debate mentioned in the text?
A. Robots replacing doctors
*B. Robots replacing teachers
C. Robots replacing chefs
D. Robots replacing athletes
Câu 7. What is something that robots may not be able to replace?
*A. The human connection and personalized approach that teachers provide
B. The ability to grade papers
C. The ability to provide basic information
D. The ability to adapt to individual student needs
Câu 8. What is a crucial role that teachers play?
*A. Motivating and inspiring students
B. Grading papers
C. Providing basic information
D. Adapting to individual student needs
Câu 9. What is something that teaching involves?
*A. A level of creativity and adaptability
B. The ability to grade papers
C. The ability to provide basic information
D. The ability to adapt to individual student needs
Câu 10. What is a benefit that robots can offer?
A. The ability to replace human teachers entirely
*B. The ability to provide personalized learning experiences and adapt to individual student needs
C. The ability to motivate and inspire students
D. The ability to provide support and guidance that robots cannot
Unit 11
Test 1
Max: Hey Ann, have you noticed how technology is becoming more common in classrooms these days?
Ann: Definitely. Teachers are using interactive whiteboards, tablets, and other digital tools to make lessons
more engaging and interactive.
Max: Yeah, it's pretty cool. I remember when we used to just have textbooks and chalkboards!
Ann: Me too. But I think technology can make learning more fun and accessible for students. For example,
educational games and simulations can help us understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way.
Max: That's true. But I also worry that we might become too reliant on technology and forget the importance
of traditional teaching methods.
Ann: I see your point, but I think it's all about finding a balance. Technology can be a valuable tool to enhance
learning, but it shouldn't replace good teaching and personal interaction between teachers and students.
Max: That's a good way to think about it. And I also appreciate how technology can help us learn at our own
pace and in our own way.
Ann: Exactly. With online resources and e-learning platforms, we can access information and learn from
anywhere in the world. It's an exciting time to be a student!
Test 2
The use of technology in learning has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that it can make
learning more engaging and interactive. Digital tools like educational games, simulations, and virtual reality
can help students understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way. Technology can also make
learning more accessible and convenient, allowing students to access information and resources from
anywhere in the world.
However, there are also some disadvantages to using technology in learning. For example, some students may
become too reliant on technology and may not develop important skills like critical thinking and problem-
solving. Additionally, technology can be a distraction, and students may be tempted to use their devices for
non-academic purposes during class.
Overall, the benefits of using technology in learning outweigh the drawbacks, but it's important to use these
tools responsibly and find a balance between traditional teaching methods and digital tools.
Test 3
The idea of robots replacing teachers in the future is a topic of debate. While robots can perform certain tasks,
such as grading papers and providing basic information, they may not be able to replace the human connection
and personalized approach that teachers provide.
Teachers play a crucial role in motivating and inspiring students, and they are able to provide support and
guidance that robots cannot. Additionally, teaching involves a level of creativity and adaptability that may be
difficult for robots to replicate.
On the other hand, robots can offer certain benefits, such as the ability to provide personalized learning
experiences and adapt to individual student needs. They can also free up teachers' time to focus on more
creative and personalized teaching methods.
Overall, while robots may be able to assist teachers in certain tasks, it is unlikely that they will be able to
replace human teachers entirely. The human connection and personalized approach that teachers provide are
essential for effective learning and cannot be replicated by machines.

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Lisa and Andy have thought about the possibility of life on other planets.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. Andy thinks that the universe is small and there is no possibility of life on other planets.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Lisa believes that with advancements in technology, we may be able to discover evidence
of life on other planets in the near future.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Andy thinks it would be boring if we found intelligent life forms that we could communicate
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Lisa and Andy both agree that we can assume that life on other planets exists without proof.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the topic of conversation between Lisa and Andy?
A. Life on Earth
B. Life on other planets
C. Life in the ocean
D. Life in the jungle
Câu 7. What does Andy think about the universe?
A. It is small
B. It is vast
C. It is empty
D. It is boring
Câu 8. What does Lisa believe about advancements in technology?
A. They will hinder our ability to discover evidence of life on other planets
B. They will have no impact on our ability to discover evidence of life on other planets
C. They will help us discover evidence of life on other planets in the near future
D. They will prevent us from discovering evidence of life on other planets
Câu 9. What would be amazing according to Andy?
A. If we found intelligent life forms that we could not communicate with
B. If we found unintelligent life forms that we could communicate with
C. If we found intelligent life forms that we could communicate with
D. If we found no life forms at all
Câu 10. What does Lisa wonder about?
A. If there could be other planets out there with conditions similar to Earth's
B. If there are no other planets out there with conditions similar to Earth's
C. If Earth is the only planet with conditions necessary to support life
D. If Earth has no conditions necessary to support life
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Lisa and Andy have thought about the possibility of life on other planets.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. Andy thinks that the universe is small and there is no possibility of life on other planets.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Lisa believes that with advancements in technology, we may be able to discover evidence of life on
other planets in the near future.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Andy thinks it would be boring if we found intelligent life forms that we could communicate with.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. Lisa and Andy both agree that we can assume that life on other planets exists without proof.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What is the topic of conversation between Lisa and Andy?
A. Life on Earth
*B. Life on other planets
C. Life in the ocean
D. Life in the jungle
Câu 7. What does Andy think about the universe?
A. It is small
*B. It is vast
C. It is empty
D. It is boring
Câu 8. What does Lisa believe about advancements in technology?
A. They will hinder our ability to discover evidence of life on other planets
B. They will have no impact on our ability to discover evidence of life on other planets
*C. They will help us discover evidence of life on other planets in the near future
D. They will prevent us from discovering evidence of life on other planets
Câu 9. What would be amazing according to Andy?
A. If we found intelligent life forms that we could not communicate with
B. If we found unintelligent life forms that we could communicate with
*C. If we found intelligent life forms that we could communicate with
D. If we found no life forms at all
Câu 10. What does Lisa wonder about?
*A. If there could be other planets out there with conditions similar to Earth's
B. If there are no other planets out there with conditions similar to Earth's
C. If Earth is the only planet with conditions necessary to support life
D. If Earth has no conditions necessary to support life

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Scientists have been searching for evidence of other life in space for many years.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. One of the least important tools in the search for other life is the telescope.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. Telescopes can detect planets orbiting other stars and study their atmospheres for signs of
A. True B. False
Câu 4. Scientists are not studying the conditions necessary for life on other planets.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. The discovery of other life forms would have no implications for the future of humanity.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What have scientists been searching for evidence of?
A. Other life in space
B. Other life on Earth
C. Other life in the ocean
D. Other life in the jungle
Câu 7. What is one of the most important tools in the search for other life?
A. The microscope
B. The telescope
C. The stethoscope
D. The periscope
Câu 8. What can telescopes do?
A. Detect planets orbiting other stars and study their atmospheres for signs of life
B. Detect planets orbiting Earth and study their atmospheres for signs of life
C. Detect moons orbiting other stars and study their atmospheres for signs of life
D. Detect moons orbiting Earth and study their atmospheres for signs of life
Câu 9. What are scientists studying?
A. The conditions necessary for life on other planets
B. The conditions necessary for life on Earth
C. The conditions necessary for life in the ocean
D. The conditions necessary for life in the jungle
Câu 10. What would the discovery of other life forms do?
A. Have no implications for the future of humanity
B. Revolutionize our understanding of the universe and our place within it
C. Have no impact on our understanding of the universe and our place within it
D. Decrease our understanding of the universe and our place within it
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. Scientists have been searching for evidence of other life in space for many years.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. One of the least important tools in the search for other life is the telescope.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. Telescopes can detect planets orbiting other stars and study their atmospheres for signs of life.
*A. True B. False
Câu 4. Scientists are not studying the conditions necessary for life on other planets.
A. True *B. False
Câu 5. The discovery of other life forms would have no implications for the future of humanity.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What have scientists been searching for evidence of?
*A. Other life in space
B. Other life on Earth
C. Other life in the ocean
D. Other life in the jungle
Câu 7. What is one of the most important tools in the search for other life?
A. The microscope
*B. The telescope
C. The stethoscope
D. The periscope
Câu 8. What can telescopes do?
*A. Detect planets orbiting other stars and study their atmospheres for signs of life
B. Detect planets orbiting Earth and study their atmospheres for signs of life
C. Detect moons orbiting other stars and study their atmospheres for signs of life
D. Detect moons orbiting Earth and study their atmospheres for signs of life
Câu 9. What are scientists studying?
*A. The conditions necessary for life on other planets
B. The conditions necessary for life on Earth
C. The conditions necessary for life in the ocean
D. The conditions necessary for life in the jungle
Câu 10. What would the discovery of other life forms do?
A. Have no implications for the future of humanity
*B. Revolutionize our understanding of the universe and our place within it
C. Have no impact on our understanding of the universe and our place within it
D. Decrease our understanding of the universe and our place within it

I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. The universe is an enormous expanse of space that contains everything we know.
A. True B. False
Câu 2. The universe is estimated to be around 13.8 million years old.
A. True B. False
Câu 3. The study of the universe is known as biology.
A. True B. False
Câu 4. One of the most fascinating aspects of the universe is the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
A. True B. False
Câu 5. Scientists have found no planets within our own galaxy that could potentially support life.
A. True B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What does the universe contain?
A. Planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial objects
B. Only planets and stars
C. Only galaxies and other celestial objects
D. Only planets
Câu 7. How old is the universe estimated to be?
A. Around 13.8 billion years old
B. Around 13.8 million years old
C. Around 13.8 thousand years old
D. Around 13.8 hundred years old
Câu 8. What is the study of the universe known as?
A. Astronomy
B. Biology
C. Geology
D. Chemistry
Câu 9. What does astronomy involve?
A. The use of telescopes, satellites, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects
and phenomena within the universe
B. The use of microscopes, test tubes, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects
and phenomena within the universe
C. The use of hammers, chisels, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects and
phenomena within the universe
D. The use of beakers, flasks, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects and
phenomena within the universe
Câu 10. What have scientists found within our own galaxy?
A. No planets that could potentially support life
B. Many planets that could potentially support life
C. Only one planet that could potentially support life
D. Only two planets that could potentially support life
I. True/False Statements:
Câu 1. The universe is an enormous expanse of space that contains everything we know.
*A. True B. False
Câu 2. The universe is estimated to be around 13.8 million years old.
A. True *B. False
Câu 3. The study of the universe is known as biology.
A. True *B. False
Câu 4. One of the most fascinating aspects of the universe is the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
*A. True B. False
Câu 5. Scientists have found no planets within our own galaxy that could potentially support life.
A. True *B. False
II. Multiple Choice Questions:
Câu 6. What does the universe contain?
*A. Planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial objects
B. Only planets and stars
C. Only galaxies and other celestial objects
D. Only planets
Câu 7. How old is the universe estimated to be?
*A. Around 13.8 billion years old
B. Around 13.8 million years old
C. Around 13.8 thousand years old
D. Around 13.8 hundred years old
Câu 8. What is the study of the universe known as?
*A. Astronomy
B. Biology
C. Geology
D. Chemistry
Câu 9. What does astronomy involve?
*A. The use of telescopes, satellites, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects and
phenomena within the universe
B. The use of microscopes, test tubes, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects and
phenomena within the universe
C. The use of hammers, chisels, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects and
phenomena within the universe
D. The use of beakers, flasks, and other technologies to observe and analyze objects and phenomena
within the universe
Câu 10. What have scientists found within our own galaxy?
A. No planets that could potentially support life
*B. Many planets that could potentially support life
C. Only one planet that could potentially support life
D. Only two planets that could potentially support life
Unit 12
Test 1
Lisa: Hey Andy, have you ever thought about the possibility of life on other planets?
Andy: Yeah, it's a really interesting topic. The universe is so vast, there must be other forms of life out there
Lisa: I agree. And with all the advancements in technology, we may be able to discover evidence of life on
other planets in the near future.
Andy: That would be amazing. Imagine if we found intelligent life forms that we could communicate with.
Lisa: It would definitely change our understanding of the universe and our place in it.
Andy: But at the same time, it's important to remember that we haven't found any concrete evidence yet. We
can't assume that life on other planets exists without proof.
Lisa: That's a good point. But the fact that Earth has all the necessary conditions to support life makes me
wonder if there could be other planets out there with similar conditions.
Andy: It's definitely a possibility. Who knows what we might discover in the future? The universe is full of
mysteries waiting to be uncovered.
Test 2
Scientists have been searching for evidence of other life in space for many years. With advancements in
technology, they are able to explore the universe in greater detail than ever before. One of the most important
tools in the search for other life is the telescope. Telescopes can detect planets orbiting other stars and study
their atmospheres for signs of life.
Additionally, scientists are studying the conditions necessary for life on other planets, such as the presence of
water and the right atmospheric conditions. They are also exploring the potential for life on other moons and
planets within our own solar system.
Despite the many challenges involved in the search for other life, scientists remain optimistic and committed
to the pursuit of knowledge. The discovery of other life forms would revolutionize our understanding of the
universe and our place within it, and could have profound implications for the future of humanity.
Test 3
The universe is an enormous expanse of space that contains everything we know, including planets, stars,
galaxies, and other celestial objects. It is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old and is constantly
There is still much we don't know about the universe, but scientists have made significant progress in recent
years in understanding its nature and origins. The study of the universe is known as astronomy, and it involves
the use of telescopes, satellites, and other technologies to observe and analyze the objects and phenomena
within it.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the universe is the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Scientists have
found many planets within our own galaxy that could potentially support life, and the search for other life
forms is ongoing.
Overall, the universe is a vast and mysterious place that continues to fascinate and inspire us. There is still
much to learn, and the pursuit of knowledge about the universe will continue for many years to come.

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