Statistical Tools
Statistical Tools
Statistical Tools
Name : .....................
Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.
5. If the first three raw moments about 5 are 2, 20, 40 then find the first 3 central moments.
Size: 5 8 13 20 25 30 40
Freq: 2 10 20 35 18 7 5
16. Explain the effect of change of origin and scale on central moments.
17. Explain the different types of skewness by drawing the sketch of skewed distribution and
indicating the positions of different averages.
Calculate the moment measure of skewness and kurtosis of the following data
Class : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40
Frequency : 1 3 4 2
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
F 1 6 12 25 30 20 9 5 2
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24. Identify the type of skewness exhibited by the following data, relate to the annual
sale of a product in 10 various years using
(a) Bowley’s measure and
(b) Karl Pearson’s measure.
25. Price of wheat (x) and cereals(y) at twelve successive seasons are given below.
x 87 84 88 102 101 84 72 84 83 98 97 100
y 88 79 83 97 96 90 82 84 88 100 80 102
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