The Global Energy Transition

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The Global

Energy Transition
How to Read This Presentation

 This is the first of two presentations covering the global energy transition.

 This presentation provides an overview of the global climate challenge and potential
solutions to reach net-zero emissions.

 The second presentation provides an overview of global climate legislation, with a

focus on the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its implications.

 Each section of this presentation builds on the prior and assumes no prior knowledge
about the discussed topic. At the end of each section, there will be a slide with links to
further short readings and YouTube videos to reinforce your learning.

 By the end of this presentation, you should have a good understanding of the global
climate challenge, potential solutions, and some of the tradeoffs associated with each.

Table of Contents

Chapter Page
01 An overview of climate change 04
02 Sources of U.S. emissions 28
03 Decarbonizing transportation 33
04 Decarbonizing power generation 49
05 Decarbonizing industry 103
06 Decarbonizing commercial & residential 116
07 Decarbonizing agriculture 123
08 Offsetting other emissions 139
09 Wrapping up 145


An overview of
climate change

The environment 101

The Earth’s Atmosphere Is Composed of Various Gases Including ‘Greenhouse Gases’

Argon, 0.9% Carbon Dioxide, Methane & Other,

0.1% - Greenhouse Gases

Oxygen, 21%

Nitrogen, 78%

Source: NOAA 6
Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere Are Necessary to Keep the Earth Warm

30% of the sunlight

that reaches earth is
reflected into space

Greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere

~70% of the sunlight that reaches earth is

absorbed by the atmosphere and earth’s surface

Greenhouse gases insulate the earth by

absorbing and redirecting heat that is radiated

Source: EPA, World Meteorological Organization 7

But Excessive Concentration of Greenhouse Gases Can Lead to Dangerous Warming
Venus is an extreme example of what happens when the concentration of greenhouses gases is too high

CO2 Concentration in
Atmosphere (parts per million) Venus has a surface
temperature of 464°C, which is
hot enough to melt lead



Earth Venus

Source: NASA, Time 8

There Are Four Main Types of Greenhouse Gases
‘Parts per million’ refer to the number of greenhouse gas molecules per million molecules of dry air

Lowest warming potential, Highest warming potential,

highest concentration lowest concentration

Carbon Dioxide Methane Nitrous Oxide Fluorinated

(CO2) (CH4) (N2O) Gases

Concentration in ~1,900 parts per

~420 parts per million ~330 parts per billion ~100 parts per trillion
atmosphere billion

Lifetime in A few weeks to

~300-1,000 years ~12 years ~110 years
atmosphere thousands of years

Removed by ocean, Removed by Removed by sink or Gradually broken

Removal from
forest and other oxidation into carbon destroyed through down by UV in upper
atmosphere carbon sinks dioxide and water chemical reactions atmosphere

Source: NOAA, IEA, NASA 9

Global Temperatures Have Increased as the
Concentration of Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere Has Risen

Global Average Temperature (°C)


CO2 Parts Per Million




13.5 290

Pre- Post- 270

Industrial Industrial
13.0 250
1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Source: EEA, NOAA 10

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 The Atmosphere: Getting a Handle on Carbon Dioxide – NASA

 Greenhouse Effect 101 – National Resources Defense Council

 Climate Change: Global Temperature –

 Scientists Assess Potential For Super Greenhouse Effect in Earth’s Tropics – NASA

 The Carbon Cycle – Ted Ed

 “What is the Carbon Cycle” – NOAA

 Greenhouse Effect and Greenhouse Gases – Khan Academy

 Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2019 – NASA

Why do global temperatures matter?

A warmer climate changes weather patterns
to make wet areas wetter, and dry areas drier.
This could lead to extensive flooding in some
regions, and water shortages in others

Source: NRDC 13
Leading economies have committed to reaching
net-zero emissions by 2050 to keep warming to
1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures

Source: NRDC 14
While even 1.5°C of warming could
lead to harmful global consequences…

Source: United Nations 15

The implications of 2°C
of warming are even worse

More Than a Third of the Global Population
Could Experience Severe Heatwaves at Least Every 5 Years
% of the global population experiencing severe heatwaves



1.5°C 2.0°C

Source: NASA 17
Widespread Food Shortages Could Arise in Southern Africa,
The Mediterranean, Central Europe and The Amazon
% decrease in crop yields in tropical regions

Wheat Production Corn Production

1.8x 2.0x

-9% -3%

-16% -6%
1.5°C 2.0°C 1.5°C 2.0°C

Source: NASA, CarbonBrief 18

Over 70% of Earth’s Coastlines Could See Sea-Levels
Rise By 50cm, Resulting in Extensive Coastal Flooding
Rise in sea level by 2100 relative to 2000



1.5°C 2.0°C

Source: NASA, CarbonBrief 19

More Than 40% of the Permafrost in the Arctic Could Disappear
The Arctic Ocean would go from seeing ice-free conditions
in the summer once every 100 years to once every 10 years

% of permafrost remaining at
59% 2.0°C of warming

% of additional permafrost
12% lost at 2.0°C of warming

% of permafrost lost at
29% 1.5°C of warming

Source: World Resources Institute 20

Thawing of the Arctic Permafrost Could Result in
Feedback Loops That Accelerate Global Warming

High levels of greenhouse

gases lead to rising global

Atmospheric CO2 and

methane levels increase
5 2 Rising temperatures
cause Arctic
permafrost to thaw

Decaying organic matter

releases CO2 and methane 4 3 Formerly frozen organic
matter thaws and decays
into the atmosphere

Source: The Arctic Institute 21

All of This Could Lead to Harmful Economic Consequences
Global Per Capita GDP in 2100



1.5°C 2.0°C

Source: NASA, CarbonBrief 22

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 The Effects of Climate Change – NASA

 The Impacts of Climate Change at 1.5C, 2C and Beyond – CarbonBrief

 How Thawing Permafrost Is Beginning to Transform the Arctic – Yale Environment 360

 Why a Half Degree Rise in Global Temperature Would Be Catastrophic – Seeker

 Climate Change: How Half a Degree Could Change the World Forever – BBC Ideas

There are two methods
to prevent further warming

Reflecting More Sunlight Back into Space

Space-based reflection methods

including giant mirrors to reflect
sunlight back into space

Increasing the amount of
…………………………………. stratospheric aerosol (SAI) by
…………………………………. spraying tiny particles into the
atmosphere that can reflect sunlight

Increasing the
reflectivity of marine clouds by spraying tiny
seawater droplets into the air to make
clouds whiter and more reflective

Increasing the reflectivity of earth’s surface by

painting sections white to reflect sunlight

Source: NOAA 25
Or Restricting the Concentration of Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere

Greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere

Source: EEA 26
Reflecting sunlight back into space
poses harmful potential implications for
global weather, so the world is focused
on reducing greenhouse gas emissions


Sources of U.S. emissions

The world emitted 55 billion
tons of greenhouse gases in 2022

Source: Our World in Data 29

The United States is the Second Largest Global Emitter of Greenhouse Gases
Top 5 Emitters of GHG Emissions (Mt CO2e)

China United States India Russia Indonesia


GHG Emissions (Mt CO2e)






1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Source: ClimateWatch 30
Where do these emissions come from?

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Present Across Every Major U.S. Sector
Total U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector, 2021



Transportation Electric Power Industry Commercial & Agriculture


Source: EPA 32

Decarbonizing transportation

Transportation is Responsible for 28% of U.S. Emissions
U.S. GHG Emissions by Source



Transportation Electric Power Industry Commercial & Agriculture


Source: EPA 34
Vehicle Emissions Dominate U.S. Transportation Sector Emissions
U.S. Transportation Sector GHG Emissions by Source, 2021

Ships & Boats, 3% Rail, 2%

Other, 6%

Aircraft, 8%

Medium- and Vehicles, 58%
Heavy Duty
Trucks, 23%

Source: EPA 35
How do we decarbonize vehicles?

Battery and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Engines
Emit Fewer Emissions Than Internal Combustion Engines

Highest emissions Lowest emissions

Internal Combustion Engine Plug-In Hybrid Electric

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
(ICE) Vehicle (PHEV)

 Gasoline – the most common  Combining an internal combustion  All electric vehicle running entirely
engine found in passenger vehicles engine (ICE) with an electric motor on electricity
and battery
 Diesel – higher torque and fuel  Powered by a large battery pack
efficiency. Found in trucks and  Can operate as electric-only, (typically lithium-ion)
some passenger vehicles gasoline-only, or both to improve
fuel efficiency and reduce  No internal combustion engine so
emissions no tailpipe emissions

EVs Can Replace Internal Combustion Engines For Transportation
U.S. EV Sales & Sales Share Forecast (2021-2030E)

U.S. Annual Battery EV & Plug-in Hybrid EV Sales U.S. BEV & PHEV Sales Share of Total Vehicles

5.0 4.7 35%

4.5 4.2
30% 30%
Annual BEV & PHEV Sales (mm)

4.0 3.7

U.S. EV Sales Share (%)

3.5 25%
3.0 2.7 20%
2.5 18%
2.1 16% 15%
1.6 12%
1.5 1.2 10%
1.0 0.8
0.5 5% 5%
0.5 3%
0.0 0%
2021 2022 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E 2028E 2029E 2030E

Source: 38
But EV Batteries Have a Complex Supply Chain
EV Battery Supply Chain

Upstream Midstream Downstream End of Life

Mining of raw materials Refining and processing Assembly of battery cells Reuse and recycling
such as lithium, cobalt, to create active battery into modules and sale to
manganese, nickel, and materials for cathode and automakers for use in EVs
graphite anode

Challenges: Challenges: Challenges: Challenges:

 Use of child and  China dominates  China, South Korea and  Technically difficult to
forced labor in mining processing of lithium, Japan dominate global separate complex
and extraction cobalt, graphite, and battery manufacturing battery chemistry
 Dangerous ore  Significant energy  Safety concerns (fires)
(tailings) disposal  Significant energy usage
 Water pollution and

Source: RMI 39
How do we decarbonize aviation?

Decarbonizing Aviation Using Lithium Batteries Faces Several Structural Challenges

Energy Density Range Safety

 For the same amount of  Planes need to travel  Charging planes would  Hosting large quantities
energy, lithium batteries thousands of miles in a lead to significant of lithium batteries can
are heavier and bulkier single journey downtime and lost lead to fires and
than diesel and revenue explosions
kerosene  It is often not feasible to
carry enough batteries  It would be costly and  “Thermal runaway”
 Carrying enough to cover these distances logistically challenging occurs when a hot
batteries is often without requiring to build charging battery breaks down,
impractical due to space frequent recharging infrastructure at airports which accelerates the
and weight constraints underlying reaction
leading to
uncontrollable heating

Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory 41

Alternative Sources of Energy Can Be Processed to Produce
Sustainable Aviation Fuel That Can Substitute For Fossil Fuels

Corn Grain & Fats, Oils Agricultural

Other Seeds & Greases & Forestry Residues

Wood Mill Waste Wet Waste Streams Solid Waste Streams Dedicated Energy Crops

Source: 42
Sustainable Aviation Fuel Can Significantly Reduce Aircraft Emissions

Feedstock  Feedstocks like biomass, used cooking oils and Compared with conventional jet fuel, 100%
municipal waste are collected and prepared for sustainable aviation has the potential to reduce
Collection processing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 94%

 Biomass is converted to synthetic gas, which is a
mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide -94%
 Used cooking oils and fats are hyper-processed to
produce hydrocarbons

Fuel  Synthetic gas is further processed to create long

Synthesis chain hydrocarbons

 Hydrocarbons from hyper-processing are further

refined to meet aviation standards

Blending and  The output of this is sustainable aviation fuel, which

Upgrading is blended with conventional jet fuel and further
refined to meet aircraft specifications Conventional Jet Fuel SAF

Source: Neste Worldwide, 43

How do we decarbonize shipping?

Decarbonizing Shipping Using Lithium Batteries Faces Several Structural Challenges

Energy Density Range Safety

 For the same amount of  Ships need to travel  Charging ships would  Hosting large quantities
energy, lithium batteries thousands of miles on a lead to significant of lithium batteries can
are heavier and bulkier single journey downtime and lost lead to fires and
than diesel and revenue explosions
kerosene  It is often not feasible to
carry enough batteries  It would be costly and  “Thermal runaway”
 Carrying enough to cover these distances logistically challenging occurs when a hot
batteries is often without requiring to build charging battery breaks down,
impractical due to space frequent recharging infrastructure at key which accelerates the
and weight constraints ports underlying reaction
leading to
uncontrollable heating

Source: 45
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Can Replace Fossil Fuels to Decarbonize Shipping
Hydrogen and oxygen react to produce electricity, water, heat, and no other emissions

Fuel Cell

A supply of hydrogen is The electrons are conducted

1. stored in fuel tanks on ships -e -e 4. through an external circuit,
producing a current to power
the ship’s motor

Tank Oxygen in
Hydrogen in

Oxygen from the air
The hydrogen 5. combines with the returning
2. molecules are electrons and protons to
split into Anode Cathode form water
electrons and
hydrogen ions
at the anode
Protons move through the Water out
3. electrolyte to the cathode

Source: Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association 46

But Hydrogen Has a Wide Range of Flammable Concentrations in Air and Requires Less
Energy to Ignite Than Gasoline or Natural Gas, Making it Dangerous if Handled Improperly
% Concentration Range Within Which Substance Can Ignite


4.0% 7.6% 5.3%
Hydrogen Gasoline Vapor Natural Gas

Source: Department of Energy 47

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 EV Sales Forecasts – EV Adoption

 The EV Battery Supply Chain Explained – Rocky Mountain Institute

 The Spiraling Environmental Cost of Our Lithium Battery Addiction – WIRED

 Hydrogen Safety – Department of Energy

 Electric Vehicles' Battery Problem – Wendover Productions

 What Is Green Hydrogen And Will It Power The Future? – CNBC

 How Do Hydrogen Fuel Cells Work? – Reactions

 How Jet Fuel Is Made From Trash – WSJ


power generation

Electric Power Generation is Responsible For 25% of U.S. Emissions



Transportation Electric Power Industry Commercial & Agriculture


Source: EPA 50
The U.S. Generates ~60% of its Electric Power From Coal and Natural Gas
U.S. Utility-Scale Electricity Generation by Source

Solar, 3% Other, 2%

Hydropower, 6% Coal, 20%

Wind, 10%

Nuclear, 18%

Natural Gas, 40%

Source: IEA 51
Which Are Responsible For ~98% of U.S. Power Sector Emissions
U.S. Power Sector GHG Emissions by Source, 2022

Petroleum, 1% Other, <1%

Natural Gas, 43%

Coal, 55%

Source: IEA 52
How does burning coal and
natural gas generate power?

Coal and Natural Gas Are Burned to Boil Steam, Which Drives a Generator

Combustion of fossil
1. fuels releases heat
and CO2

Heat is used to boil The rotating turbine drives a

2. water and create 4. generator, which contains coils of
high-pressure steam wire within a magnetic field

Steam Steam Generator
Boiler Turbine
Combustion High pressure steam As the turbine spins, it causes the
Chamber 3. is used to drive a 5. coils to move through the magnetic
turbine which rotates field, inducing an electric current

Source: Solar Power Guide 54

Generators Induce an Electric Current by Rotating a Wire Through a Magnetic Field

Electric Circuit

A coil of wire rotates within a magnetic

field. This rotation is powered by a turbine
which is driven by steam Magnetic Field

An electric current is “induced” in the coil

as it cuts the magnetic field. An electric
current is the flow of electrons (charged
particles) in a specific direction

As the coil rotates, the direction in which
it cuts the magnetic field lines changes,
meaning that the direction of the induced
current changes periodically. This is
“alternating current”

Rotating Coil

Source: EIA 55
Coal and natural gas can be replaced with
renewable sources of power generation

Solar Panels Can Convert Energy From the Sun into Electricity

1. Light from the sun

is made from tiny 5. The inverter converts DC to
particles called AC which is used to provide
photons power to homes

2. Photons hit the solar panel

and knock electrons free
from silicon atoms within
solar cells

3. Loose electrons are free to

move and create an electric 4. The electric current flows to
the edge of the panel into a
current. This current is called conductive wire which leads
“direct current” because it only to an inverter
flows in one direction

Source: Solar Power Guide 57

Wind Turbines Can Drive a Generator Using Energy From the Wind

1. The blades of a 4. The high-speed rotation is

turbine catch the transferred to the generator,
wind and rotate where magnets spin within coils of
Side Profile wire, creating a flow of electrons

2. As the blades rotate, 3. This shaft transfers the

they turn the rotor rotational energy to the
connected to the main gearbox which increases
shaft the rotational speed

Source: Department of Energy 58

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching


 How Electricity is Generated – EIA

 Where Does Our Electricity Come From? – World Nuclear Association

 Electric Power Sector Basics – EPA

 How Do Coal Fired Power Stations Work? – LiacosEM

 How Do Solar Panels Work? – Ted Ed

 How Do Wind Turbines Work? – Lesics

Nuclear power is another emissions-
free source of power generation

How does nuclear power work?

The Nucleus of an Atom Contains Protons and Neutrons
Model of an Atom

Electrons orbit the

atom and carry a
negative charge of -1

Protons are found

inside the nucleus of
the atom and carry a n p
positive charge of +1 p n n
Neutrons are found
p n inside the nucleus of
the atom and carry a
neutral charge of 0

Source: EPA, Department of Energy 62

The Strong Nuclear Force Binds the Nucleus Together and Stores Energy

Protons with a like But the strong nuclear

charge of +1 repel force holds the
each other nucleus together

n p n p
p n n p n n
p n p n

Source: Energy Education 63

Nuclear Fission Involves Firing a Neutron into an
Unstable Nucleus, Which Splits Into Two to Release Energy
Fission also releases multiple neutrons which can continue the reaction as a chain


Neutron Neutron




Source: MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 64

Energy Released During Fission is an Emissions-Free Source
of Heat, Which Can Be Used to Boil Steam and Drive a Generator

Fuel rods of uranium Nuclear fission releases 3. This heat is used to

1. 2.
pellets are placed in water energy in the form of heat boil water into high-
while releasing zero pressure steam
carbon emissions

Turbine &
Reactor Generator 4. Steam moves through a
turbine which drives a
generator, inducing an
electric current

Water 5. The steam is cooled at a

cooling tower, condenses
back into water, and is
Cooling subsequently reused

Source: EPA, Department of Energy 65
But Traditional Nuclear Power Plants Can Take Many Years to Construct
Median Construction Time For Reactors (Years)

10.0 9.8

7.0 6.8
6.3 6.2
4.8 4.8

1981- 1986- 1991- 1996- 2001- 2006- 2011- 2016 2017 2018 2019
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Source: World Nuclear Association 66

Small Modular Reactors and Microreactors Can Be Factory Assembled
and Scaled to Locations Not Suitable for Traditional Nuclear Power Plants

Large, Conventional Reactor Small Modular Reactor Microreactor

700+ MW Up to 300 MW Up to ~10 MW

Located near a body of water, Envisioned for remote areas Suited for microgrids and
suitable for powering cities with limited grid capacity industrial applications

Source: IAEA 67
Nuclear fusion is an evolving technology which
replicates how stars produce energy, and could
produce limitless clean energy if successful

How does nuclear fusion work?

Under Appropriate Conditions, the Energy of an Atom is Interchangable With its Mass
Einstein Mass-Energy Equivalence

E = 𝑚𝑚𝑐𝑐
Speed of
Energy Mass light squared

Source: Britannica 70
Nuclear Fusion Involves Merging Two or More Nuclei Together to Release Energy

(Hydrogen) Neutron




Source: Department of Energy 71

Since the Total Mass of the Fused Nucleus is Lower Than the Mass of the
Two Original Nuclei, the Remaining Mass is Released as Emission-Free Energy

mass released
Neutron as energy

Tritium (Hydrogen)

Source: Department of Energy, Astronomy Notes 72

Normally, Fusion is Not Possible Due to the Repulsive
Forces Between Two Nuclei Which Have Similar Charges

+ charge + charge

n n p
p Repulsion

Source: World Nuclear Association 73

Magnetic Confinement Fusion Methods Heat Hydrogen to Become Plasma,
and Use Magnetic Fields to Concentrate the Plasma to Initiate a Fusion Reaction
Tokamaks, Stellarators and Reversed Field Pinch Devices are Examples of Magnetic Confinement Fusion

1. 2. 3. 4.

(Hydrogen) Neutron

hydrogen Energy

Electron Tritium
stripped away (Hydrogen)

Deuterium and Tritium At these temperatures, the Large magnetic coils Once the plasma is
are heated to an electrons are stripped generate a powerful magnetic confined, a fusion reaction
extremely high away from the atoms, field which concentrates the begins between the
temperature of creating an ionized state charged particles away from deuterium and tritium to
150,000,000°C using of matter called plasma the walls and in the center of produce helium, releasing
high-frequency waves the reactor a neutron and energy

Source: ITER, World Nuclear Association 74

Inertial Confinement is a Developing Method of Fusion Which Focuses Laser Beams
Onto a Pellet of Deuterium-Tritium Fuel, Which Implodes and Compresses to Initiate Fusion

1. 2. 3. 4.

(Hydrogen) Neutron



Laser beams or The outside of the capsule During the final part of the Under these conditions nuclear
produced X-Rays heat expands rapidly, causing the implosion, the capsule fusion initiates, reaching a
the pellet, forming a rest of the capsule to implode reaches ~1,000x its original temperature of over a billion
surrounding plasma inwards per Newton’s law that density and ~30,000,000°C Celsius and releasing energy
envelope every action has an equal and
opposite reaction

Source: World Nuclear Association, University of York School of Physics 75

Currently, Fusion Technologies Require More Energy
as Input Than They Release, Resulting in Net Energy Loss

Deuterium Neutron

Energy Energy
Input Output



Source: Department of Energy 76

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 Nuclear Power 101 – NRDC

 What is Fusion? – ITER

 Helion Energy – Helion Energy

 Nuclear Fusion Power – World Nuclear Association

 Nuclear Physics: Crash Course Physics #45 – CrashCourse

 How Do Nuclear Power Plants Work? – TED-Ed

 Fusion Power Explained – Future or Failure? – Kurzgesagt

 Nuclear Reactions, Radioactivity, Fission and Fusion – Professor Dave Explains

How does electricity reach your home?

Electricity Reaches the Home Through a Network of Transmission and Distribution Lines

Transmission lines carry Transformers on poles

electricity across long step down electricity
distances before it enters homes

Power plant
Distribution lines
carry electricity
to houses

Transformer steps Neighborhood

up voltage to reduce transformer steps
power loss during down voltage for
transmission safe distribution

Source: Energy Power Supply Association 79

Traditionally, U.S. Electricity Demand Was Primarily Served by Vertically
Integrated Utilities Who Owned Both Electricity Generation and Transmission

Owned by Utilities

Electricity Electricity
Generation Transmission

Source: Resources for the Future 80

But Since the 1990s, Many States Deregulated and Restructured Their Electric Systems
by Splitting Power Generation and Transmission to Create Independent Energy Suppliers

Independent Suppliers Owned by Utilities

Electricity Electricity
Generation Transmission

Source: Resources for the Future 81

This Created Competition For Customers, Who Could Now Choose
From a Range of Electric Suppliers Instead of Just Their Local Utility

Independent Suppliers Owned by Utilities

Electricity Electricity
Generation Transmission

Source: Resources for the Future 82

In Deregulated Markets, Electric Utilities Purchase Electricity From Power Generators
at Wholesale Market Prices, and Resell Electricity to Consumers at Retail Market Prices

Wholesale Retail
Market Market


Power plant Load serving entity e.g. End user

generates utility purchases electricity purchases
electricity from power plant and resell electricity from
to end user reseller

Source: PJM Learning Center, Resources for the Future 83

How do power markets work?

Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators
(ISOs) Operate Electricity Grids and Manage Wholesale Power Markets Across Regions
Map of RTOs and ISOs

California ISO 85
RTOs and ISOs Receive Bids From Utilities and Power
Plants to Buy and Sell Electricity Over Different Time Periods

1. Day-Ahead Market 2. Fifteen-Minute Market 3. Real-Time Market

Represents ~95% of energy transactions Market runs in 15-minute intervals to Market runs in 5-minute intervals to fine-
based on forecasted load for next day balance last-minute demand needs tune balance between supply and demand

California ISO 86
They Match These Bids by Organizing the Dispatch of Power in Order of
Lowest to Highest Cost of Generation Until Their Region’s Demand is Met
All bidders receive the market price, which is set by the marginal bid needed to meet demand

Clears demand, all bidders

receive market price $$

Renewables Nuclear Power New Combined Coal Old Combined Combustion

Cycles Power Cycles Turbine
(Natural Gas) (Natural Gas)

Lowest $ Market price $$ Highest $$$

Source: PJM Learning Center 87

After Purchasing Power From the Wholesale Market, Utilities Charge Consumers
Through a Monthly Bill Based Upon the Kilowatt Hours (kWh) of Electricity Consumed
Example Electricity Bill

priced on
monthly kWh

Source: Eversource 88
Electric Power is Measured in Watts, Which
Are Units of Energy (Joules) Used Per Second

Watts (W) Kilowatts (kW) Megawatts (MW) Gigawatts (GW)

Lightbulb Appliance Town City

 1 watt = 1 joule of  1 kilowatt = 1,000  1 Megawatt =  1 Gigawatt =

energy per second joules of energy per 1,000,000 joules of 1,000,000,000 joules
second energy per second of energy per second
 A 10-watt bulb uses 10
joules of energy per  A 1.5kW electric kettle  A 1MW wind turbine  The Hoover Dam has a
second uses 1,500 joules of produces enough generation capacity of
energy per second energy to power ~750 ~2GW, enough to
homes at any instant power ~1.5 million
homes at any instant

Source: California ISO 89

1 kWh Represents 1 kW of Power Used for 1 Hour
Electrical Energy Usage is Measured as Watts Used Over a Period of Time

Watt Hours (Wh) Kilowatt Hours (kWh) Megawatt Hours (MWh) Gigawatt Hours (GWh)
Lightbulb Appliance Town City

 1 watt hour = 1 watt  1 kilowatt hour =  1 Megawatt hour =  1 Gigawatt hour =

device used for 1 hour 1,000-watt device 1,000,000-watt device 1,000,000,000-watt
used for 1 hour used for an hour device used for an
 A 10-watt bulb used hour
for 2 hours = 20-watt  A 1.5kW electric kettle  A 1MW wind turbine
hours used for 3 hours = rotating for 6 hours =  A city that consumes
4.5kWh 6MWh of electricity 1GW at any instant =
production 24GWh of electricity
consumed a day

Source: California ISO 90

Solar and Wind Are Renewable Sources of Power
Generation Which Offer the Lowest Levelized Cost of Energy Per MWh
Levelized Cost of Energy ($ / MWh)





200 Nuclear

150 Gas Peaking

Solar PV - Utility Scale
Wind - Onshore

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Source: Lazard 91
But adding renewable energy sources
to the grid presents several key risks

The U.S. Grid is a Network of Power Plants, Transmission Lines,
and Distribution Centers that Generate and Distribute Electricity

Source: CNBC, EPA 93

It is Divided into Three Major Regions Which
Consist of Locally Interconnected Electricity Grids

Western Eastern
Interconnection Interconnection

Texas Interconnected

Source: CNBC, EPA 94

Extreme Weather and Rising Demand Are Threatening the Resiliency of
Existing Grid Infrastructure, Which Was Mostly Built During the 1960s and 1970s
The average duration of a U.S. power outage has doubled in the last decade



2013 - 2016 2021

Source: CNBC, EPA 95

Adding Renewable Energy Sources Risks Oversupplying the Grid During
the Day When Energy Demand is Lower, Resulting in Wasted Power Generation
California Net Electricity Demand (MW)

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019


Net Electricity Demand (MW)




10,000 Potential Demand in
Overgeneration Evening
5,000 During the Day

















Time of Day

Source: CAISO 96
And Many Renewables Cannot be Dispatched to Respond to
Changes in Electricity Demand in the Same Way That Fossil Fuels Can

Wave & Tidal Solar Power Wind Power Nuclear Power Coal Power Natural Gas Hydroelectric
Power Power Power

Least dispatchable Most dispatchable

Source: Department of Energy 97

How do we build a carbon-free
grid that can continue to provide
power reliably?

A Wide Range of Energy Sources Can Generate Electricity Without Interruption
Continuous sources like nuclear and natural gas are essential for reliable electricity generation

Nuclear Power Natural Gas With Hydroelectric Wave & Tidal Wind Power Solar Power
Carbon Capture Power Power

Most continuous Most intermittent

Source: Department of Energy 99

Solar ‘Microgrids’ Can Decentralize Power Generation Away From the Grid
Residential solar and storage systems can operate independently during outages and during periods of low demand


Solar Panels



Battery Inverter Meter

Source: Forbes 100

Hydrogen Can Be Used to Store Surplus Renewable Electricity Generation

Surplus Renewable Powers Electrolysis Creating Renewable

Electricity Generation Hydrogen Gas

Oxygen is formed Hydrogen ions and

along with positively electrons
charged hydrogen O2 recombine to form
ions and electrons hydrogen gas at the
at the anode cathode

Electrolysis splits water (H2O)

into its constituents, Hydrogen
(H2) and Oxygen (O2)

Source: Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association 101

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 kW and kWh Explained – Solar Schools

 Levelized Cost of Energy – DOE

 U.S. Electricity Markets 101 – Resources for the Future

 Managing Oversupply – California ISO

 Solar Integration: Distributed Energy Resources and Microgrids – DoE

 Creaky U.S. Power Grid Threatens Clean-Energy Progress – Reuters

 What is a Microgrid? – Western Power

 How Electrolysis Works – Penn State


Decarbonizing industry

Industry is Responsible For 23% of U.S. Emissions



Transportation Electric Power Industry Commercial & Agriculture


Source: EPA 104

Industrial Sector Emissions Are Driven by Burning Fossil Fuels
U.S. Industrial Sector Direct GHG Emissions by Activity, 2021

Other, 13%

Cement Production, 3%

Iron & Steel Production, 3%

Coal Mining, 3%

Petroleum Systems, 5% Fossil Fuel

Combustion, 50%

Non-Energy Use of
Fuels, 9%

Natural Gas
Systems, 14%
Source: EPA 105
Fossil Fuels Like Coal Are Burned to Generate Heat Across Key Industries
% Global Share of Estimated Fuel Consumption For Energy, 2017

Examples of processes

Very-high-temperature heat
(>1,000°C) 32% Melting in glass furnace, reheating of slab in
hot strip mill, and calcination of limestone for
cement production

High-temperature heat Steam reforming and cracking in the

(400-1,000°C) 16% petrochemical industry

Medium-temperature heat
(100-400°C) 18% Drying, evaporation, distillation, and activation

Low-temperature heat
(≤100°C) 15% Washing, rinsing and food preparation

(potential not assessed) 19%

Source: McKinsey 106

Steelmaking and Cement Production Account For ~23% of Coal Demand
% Worldwide Coal Demand by Sector, 2020

Other Sectors, 13%

Cement, 6%

Iron & Steel, 17%

Electricity & Heat,


Source: IEA 107

How do we decarbonize steelmaking?

Traditional Steelmaking Emits Large Volumes of Greenhouse Gases
Blast Furnace Production Process

A mixture of iron ore, coke CO2 reacts with the coke to Pig iron is transferred to a
1. (coal), and limestone is 3. produce carbon monoxide, 5. steelmaking furnace for further
loaded into the top of the which reduces the iron ore to refining into steel
blast furnace CO2 molten iron

Iron Blast Basic

Iron Oxygen Steel
Ore Furnace Converter


Hot air is introduced into the Molten iron, called “pig iron”, is Fossil
2. bottom of the furnace and Coal 4. Fuel
tapped from the bottom of the
reacts with the coke, furnace into containers
releasing CO2

Source: International Iron Metallics Association, European Parliament 109

Hydrogen Can Replace Coal in Steelmaking
Hydrogen-Based Direct Reduction Process

Green hydrogen is produced Hydrogen gas is fed into the Oxygen reacts with impurities in
1. using water electrolysis 2. reactor and reacts with iron 4. the iron (mainly carbon, silicon,
powered by renewable ore pellets to produce iron manganese and phosphorous)
energy sources Water and water vapor to produce steel

Iron Basic
Reactor Iron Oxygen Steel
Ore Converter


H2 Hydrogen is used for process H2

3. heat in a basic oxygen

Source: International Iron Metallics Association, European Parliament 110

How do we decarbonize
cement production?

The Chemical Process of Cement Production is Highly Emissive
Cement is the key input in concrete, a vital global building material

Crushed limestone, clay, and The process of “calcination” Other materials including clay,
1. other materials are fed into a
2. breaks limestone into 3. shale and iron ore are added to
huge cylindrical kiln and heated calcium oxide and CO2 the calcinated limestone and
to 1,450°C using fossil fuels produce “clinker”, emerging as
marble-sized grey balls


Hot Air


Clinker primarily consists of Clinker is rapidly cooled to prevent Cement is mixed with water and
4. calcium silicates and residual
5. further chemical reactions and is 6. aggregates as the binding agent
free lime finely ground with gypsum to to produce concrete, a key
produce cement building material

Source: BBC 112

Capturing and Using Carbon Can Produce Carbon Neutral Concrete
Carbon capture can be deployed across a wide range of industries

Inject CO2 into Mineralize CO2 to

Use Sustainable Fuel Capture Flue Gases
Concrete Mix Produce Aggregate

 Replace coal and  Capture CO2 emitted  Inject CO2 into fresh  CO2 is mixed with
natural gas with from cement plants concrete during mixing selected feedstock
renewable-powered materials (such as steel
electric kilns or clean  Pre-treat captured  CO2 will react with slag and fly ash) in a
hydrogen gases to remove water in the concrete reactor to produce
impurities and water mix to form calcium stable carbonate
vapor carbonate compounds

 Compress and transport  This improves the  The resulting

the CO2 compressive strength of carbonates are
concrete and reduces processed to form
the amount of cement aggregates suitable for
required use in concrete

Source: CarbonCure, Blue Planet Systems 113

But Carbon Neutral Methods of Producing Steel
and Cement Are More Expensive Than Legacy Methods

Steel Production Cost Cement Production Cost

+20-30% +70-95%

Conventional Steel Green Steel Conventional Cement Carbon Neutral Cement

Source: Bellona, Rocky Mountain Institute 114

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 The Potential of Hydrogen For Decarbonising Steel Production – European Parliament

 Portland Cement Manufacturing – EPA

 Permanent Carbon Capture – Blue Planet Systems

 Steel Manufacturing – Matallurgy Data

 How Cement is Made – Portland Cement Association

 CarbonCure's Concrete Technology – CarbonCure


Decarbonizing commercial
& residential emissions

Commercial and Residential Sectors Are Responsible For 13% of Total U.S. Emissions



Transportation Electric Power Industry Commercial & Agriculture


Source: EPA 117

Heating and Cooling Drive Commercial & Residential Sector Emissions
U.S. Commercial & Residential Sector Direct GHG Emissions by Activity, 2021

Wastewater Treatment, Other, 1%


Landfills, 13%

Refigeration, Cooling
& Substitution of
Ozone Depleting
Substances, 14%

CO2 from Fossil

Fuel Combustion
For Heating & Other
Uses, 68%

Source: EPA 118

Electric Heat Pumps Are More Efficient Than Gas Furnaces,
and Can Replace Fossil Fuels For Both Heating and Cooling
Energy Efficiency


Natural Gas Boiler Electric Heat Pump

Source: EPA 119

The Lifetime Cost of Electric Heat Pumps is
Significantly Lower Than Burning Fossil Fuels
Total Cost of Ownership Excluding State Incentives





Electric Heat Pump Natural Gas Propane Oil

Source: Harvard Business School 120

But Regional Factors and Infrastructure Upgrade Requirements
Can Make the Installation and Lifetime Cost of Heat Pumps Much Higher
Total Cost of Ownership Waterfall (Lowest to Highest)




Lowest Cost Low Efficiency Regional Home Larger Home Highest Cost
Heat Pump Home Electricity Cost Infrastructure (>2,000 sq. ft) Heat Pump

Source: Harvard Business School 121

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 Why Are We Still Using Super-Greenhouse Gases in our Home Air Conditioners? – TechCrunch

 How Do Heat Pumps Work? – National Grid

 Everything You Need to Know About the Wild World of Heat Pumps – MIT Technology Review

 The Rise of Electric Heat Pumps – Harvard

 Heat Pumps Explained – The Engineering Mindset

 The Cruel Irony of Air Conditioning – MinuteEarth


Decarbonizing agriculture

Agriculture is Responsible For 10% of U.S. Emissions



Transportation Electric Power Industry Commercial & Agriculture


Source: EPA 124

Soil Management and Livestock Drive Agriculture Emissions
U.S. Agriculture Sector Direct GHG Emissions by Activity, 2021

Rice Cultivation, 4% Other, 2%

CO2 from Fossil Fuel

Combustion, 6%

Management, 13%

N2O from
Agricultural Soil
Management, 45%

Livestock Digestion,

Source: EPA 125

How do we decarbonize soil management?

Applying Fertilizer to Grow Crops Results in Nitrous Oxide Emissions

Nitrogen fertilizer Nitrous oxide (N2O)

(NH4) is added to diffuses into the
the soil atmosphere



2. 3. 4.

Soil bacteria convert the Soil bacteria cause When oxygen is limited, not all
ammonium in fertilizer denitrification, which the nitrates are converted into
into nitrites (NO2) and converts nitrates (NO3) nitrogen, resulting in a
nitrates (NO3) into nitrogen gas (N2) byproduct of nitrous oxide (N2O)

Oklahoma State University 127

And Tilling Soil Accelerates Decomposition of Organic Matter Which Releases CO2
Soil stores carbon in various organic and inorganic forms, including living plant roots and decomposed organic matter

Organic Layer
Physical and chemical weathering of parent rock material
1. breaks rocks down into smaller particles including sand, silt
Topsoil and clay

Plants and animals decompose and contribute organic

2. matter to the surface, which becomes part of the
Subsoil developing soil

Microorganisms including bacteria and fungi help to

3. decompose dead plant and animal material to bring
Parent Material organic matter into the soil

Over time, organic matter decomposes into stable

4. compounds called “humus”, a dark, carbon-rich soil which
forms the top organic layer

Bedrock When soil is tilled, it exposes previously buried organic

5. matter, leaving it open to microbial decomposition which
releases CO2

Source: Civilspedia, Queensland Government 128

Reduced Tillage and Cover Crops Can Reduce GHG Emissions From Soil Management
Reduced tillage and cover crops can help to maintain the integrity of soil and carbon stored within

Reduced Tillage Cover Crops

 Reduced tillage minimizes organic matter  Cover crops like legumes naturally add nitrogen to
breakdown, reducing N2O emissions and storing soil and improve nutrient cycling, reducing the
more carbon in the soil need for synthetic fertilizers

 Reduced tillage also leaves crop residues on the  Cover crops sequester carbon from the
surface of soil, which can maintain and increase atmosphere and eventually become a source of
levels of soil organic carbon stable organic carbon in the soil

 Cover crops protect soil from erosion, which helps

to maintain soil structure

Source: UC Agriculture & Natural Resources, EESI, Western Australia Department of Agriculture and Food 129
How do we decarbonize livestock?

Livestock Emit Methane Through Excretion of Gases Produced During Digestion
Cow Digestive System

Cow consumes plant-based Plant material enters a Microbes in the rumen break
1. feed such as grass, hay or 2. section of the cow’s stomach 3. down complex carbs into
grains called the “rumen” simpler compounds through

Hydrogen gas Cows periodically belch to

4. accumulates during Methane 5. release methane and other
fermentation and built-up gases into the
reacts with carbon Enteric atmosphere
dioxide to produce Fermentation
methane Methane
Sugars 
Carbohydrates 

Source: Our World in Data 131

Beef Production Emits More Greenhouse Gases Than Any Other Food Product
Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Kilogram of Food Product (CO2e)

Beef 99

Lamb & Mutton 40

Prawns (Farmed) 27

Cheese 24

Pork 12

Poultry 10

Eggs 5

Rice 4

Milk 3

Tomatoes 2

Corn 2

Bananas 1

Potatoes 0.5

Source: Our World in Data 132

And Beef Production is Less Calorie Efficient Than Other Proteins
Percentage of Caloric Inputs as Feed Effectively Converted to Animal Product

Whole Milk 24.0%

Eggs 19.0%

Poultry 13.0%

Pork 8.6%

Lamb / Mutton 4.4%

Beef 1.9%

Source: Our World in Data 133

Cattle Feed Additives Can Reduce Methane Emissions From Cows
Mean Methane Reductions From Feed Additives (grams/day)

Seaweed -103.6

Fatty Acids -84.5

3NOP -66.4

Oregano -48.0

Tannins -46.1

Nitrate -32.8

Agolin -27.7

Monesin -15.6

Biochar -10.0

Cinnamon -10.0

Garlic -3.6

Saponins -3.3

Source: UC Davis 134

But Harvesting Enough Seaweed For the World’s ~1.4Bn Cows is Difficult to Scale
Seaweed additives for U.S. cows alone would consume over half of global seaweed production

metric tons

metric tons

Dried Seaweed Dried Mass of Global

Required For U.S. Cattle Seaweed Production

Source: Frontiers in Veterinary Science 135

Plant-Based Meat Offers a More Environmentally Friendly Alternative to Beef
Impossible Burger 2.0 vs Conventional Meat

Land Use GHG Emissions Water Use

-96% -89% -87%

Beef Burger Impossible Beef Burger Impossible Beef Burger Impossible

Burger 2.0 Burger 2.0 Burger 2.0

Source: Good Food Institute 136

But Existing Plant-Based Meat Options Use Large
Ingredient Lists Which May Carry Potential Health Risks

Ground Beef
Beyond Burger Impossible Burger
(20% fat)

Calories 270 290 240

Saturated Fat 6.7g 5.0g 8.0g

Protein 6.7g 5.0g 8.0g

Sodium 75mg 450mg 370mg

Water, plant protein (21%) (soy), sunflower oil, coconut
Water, pea protein (16%), canola oil, coconut oil, rice oil, thickener (INS 461), glutamic acid, natural flavors,
protein, flavoring, stabilizer (methylcellulose), potato cultured dextrose, modified starch, yeast extract, soy
starch, apple extract, color (beetroot red), maltodextrin, leghemoglobin (genetically modified), salt, antioxidant
Ingredients Beef pomegranate extract, salt, potassium salt, (INS 307b), vitamins and minerals (zinc gluconate,
concentrated lemon juice, maize vinegar, carrot niacin (Vitamin B3), thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin
powder, emulsifier (sunflower lecithin) B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), riboflavin
(Vitamin B2), Vitamin B12).

Source: AARP 137

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 How Soils Form – Queensland Government

 No-Till Farming Improves Soil Health and Mitigates Climate Change – Environmental and Energy Study Institute

 Plant-Based Meat for a Growing World – Good Food Institute

 Impossible and Beyond: How Healthy Are These Meatless Burgers? – Harvard Health

 Carbon Farming: A Climate Solution Under Our Feet – NHK World Japan

 Cow Burps Are a Climate Problem. Can Seaweed Help? – Vox


Offsetting other emissions

Many Companies Have Prioritized Offsetting
Their Direct and Indirect Emissions to Reach Net Zero

Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3

Direct Emissions Indirect Emissions Indirect Emissions

Direct emissions from sources Indirect emissions from how the Indirect emissions from the
that a company owns and controls energy a company uses is produced rest of a company’s value chain

E.g. Direct CO2 emissions E.g. Indirect emissions from E.g. Indirect emissions generated
from a company’s vehicle fleet using fossil-fuel produced electricity by suppliers of input products

Source: National Grid 140

Carbon Projects Generate Credits For
Companies to Purchase and Offset Their Emissions

Projects that reduce or Companies with carbon Emitters receive these

remove carbon emissions footprints purchase offsets to credits and retire them
from the atmosphere comply with internal or with verified governing
generate carbon offsets external targets bodies to meet their goals

Carbon Projects Carbon Emitters Governing Body

Source: Climate Resources 141

Technology-Based Carbon Projects Are
Considered More Permanent Than Nature-Based Solutions

Lowest permanence Highest permanence

Nature-Based Projects

 Landfill methane  Improved forest  Reforestation  Direct air capture

capture management
 Regenerative  Carbon capture &
 Methane avoidance  Avoided agriculture storage
at farms deforestation
 Biochar  Carbon
 Improved  Wetland restoration mineralization

Source: 3Degrees, Reuters 142

But Technology-Based Projects Are Much More
Expensive Than Nature-Based, Which Makes Them Harder to Scale
Offset Price Range ($/ton)
Min Max

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1,600

$5 $8 $20

Avoided Deforestation

$8 $14 $30

Afforestation & Reforestation

$165 $250

Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage

$300 $1,100 $1,600

Direct Air Capture & Storage

Source: Abatable 143

Dive Deeper…
Further Reading & Watching

 What Are Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon Emissions? – National Grid

 Long-Term Carbon Offsets Outlook 2023 – Bloomberg

 Carbon Credits Prices in the Voluntary Carbon Market – Abatable

 Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions Explained – Climate Now

 Carbon Credits Explained – South Pole

 The Carbon Offset Problem – Wendover Productions


Wrapping up...

Rising Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations and
Global Temperatures Presents a Risk of Dangerous Warming

Global Average Temperature (°C)


CO2 Parts Per Million




13.5 290

Pre- Post- 270

Industrial Industrial
13.0 250
1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Source: EEA, NOAA 146

Reaching Net Zero GHG Emissions Will Require
an Energy Transition Across Every Major Sector

Sector Source of Emissions Solution

Electrification, Hydrogen,
Transportation Fossil Fuels
Sustainable Fuels

Electric Power Fossil Fuels Renewables & Nuclear

Electrification, Hydrogen
Industry Fossil Fuels
& Carbon Capture

Commercial & Residential Fossil Fuels Electrification

Soil Management Sustainable Agriculture

& Livestock & Dietary Change

Source: UCAR 147

Future Deep Dives

Month Theme Deep-Dive Summary

What is climate change and why is it happening? Where are global carbon emissions coming from? What are the
Dec Energy Transition The Global Energy Transition
key pieces of legislation we have implemented to solve this?

What is Artificial Intelligence and what are the different types? How do the various models work? How is value created?
Jan Deep Tech A Primer on Artificial Intelligence
What are the risks?

What are the incentives that drive the behavior and outcomes of drug companies, insurers and hospitals? What new
Feb Life Sciences The Business Model of Healthcare
disruptions are at hand?

Which companies have ‘gone woke’ and why? Where has this business strategy succeeded and failed? Do companies
Mar Economic Analysis ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’?
that ‘go woke’ underperform their peers?

Residential Solar and the Future of

Apr Energy Transition Outline of the solar value chain, industry trends, and how residential solar could disrupt traditional utilities.

What are the legacy and emerging business models built around space? How do we get to space today? What will space
May Deep Tech The Future of Space
look like tomorrow?

Jun Life Sciences The Economics of Drug Development How do the economics of drug companies work? Why have biotech sector returns been so poor over the past decade?

Socio-Political Where is India’s economy today and where might it be tomorrow? What are the key demographic and social factors that
Jul Is India the Next Economic Giant?
Trends are driving the country’s development?

What are global trends driving protein demand? Do we need plant-based meat? What are the challenges to production
Aug Energy Transition Replacing Animal Meats
and adoption?

What is Moore’s Law and has it broken down? What are the different types of semiconductors? Why are companies
Sep Deep Tech Moore’s Law and Next Steps for Silicon
moving towards more custom-designed silicon?

What does it mean for a company to go ‘ex-growth’? Why does it happen? What are the implications for valuation? How
Oct Economic Analysis When Companies Go ‘Ex-Growth’
can companies respond?

Socio-Political A Demographic and Social Where is America today? A visual representation of our democracy, demography, economy, quality of life, progress and
Trends Breakdown of America more.

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