Ad2324 4ep CCL Le in 3 Dislexia

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Avaliación de diagnóstico

4.º curso de educación primaria

Curso 2023-2024


Espazo para pegar

a etiqueta identificadora do/a alumno/a
pola persoa que aplica a proba

Competencia en comunicación lingüística

Lingua Inglesa

Código protocolo: 3
2 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3


Nesta proba vas escoitar e ler unha serie de textos sobre os que terás que responder

algunhas preguntas. Pon moita atención.

Algunhas preguntas terán catro posibles respostas, pero só unha é correcta. Rodea a letra

que se atopa xunto a ela. Fíxate no exemplo:

Example 1

How many days are there in a week?

A. 6 days.

B. 7 days.

C. 8 days.

D. 9 days.

Se te equivocas ou decides cambiar a túa resposta, risca cunha aspa (X) a túa primeira escolla

e rodea a resposta que consideras correcta.

Example 2

How many days are there in a week?

A. 6 days.

B. 7 days.

C. 8 days.

D. 9 days.

Ás veces, terás que marcar o recadro correcto poñendo unha aspa (X).

Example 3

Mark the sentences as true or false with an X.

True False
A week has 7 days. X
A week has 8 days. X
Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3 3

Noutras preguntas pediráseche que escribas unha resposta ou un texto nun espazo sinalado.

Example 4

Write about your feelings doing this exam.

- Use the words ‘happy’ and ‘excited’

- Make predictions about your results.

I feel excited about this exam. At first I was sad, but now I’m happy. I think that I know all the

answers. I’m going to have a 10.

Tes 70 minutos para facer a proba.

Debes utilizar un bolígrafo de tinta azul ou negra non borrable.

Le cada pregunta atentamente e non contestes antes de ler todas as opcións.

Se non sabes contestar algunha pregunta, non perdas o tempo e pasa á


Intenta completar toda a proba.

Nas tarefas de redacción, emprega o espazo preparado para elas.

Se ao rematar che sobra tempo, podes volver atrás.

Avisarante dúas veces: cando falten 30 minutos e cando falten 10 minutos.

Temporizador ( Resto de iconas:

¡Tranquilo/a, vas facelo moi ben!

4 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Listening 1

Annie is with her dad preparing her backpack for their trip:

Nesta tarefa tes que escoitar un diálogo e contestar as preguntas.

Vas escoitalo tres veces en total.

Agora tes un minuto e medio para ler con moita atención as preguntas.

Q.1. Where are Annie and her dad?

a) At school c) In Annie´s bedroom

b) In a shop d) At the park

Q.2. It’s very rainy, Annie needs her…

a) T-shirt c) swimming suit

b) coat d) raincoat
Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3 5

Q.3. Circle the letter of the correct image of Annie’s wardrobe according to the


a) b)

Fonte: Canva

Q.4. What colour is Annie’s scarf? Choose the correct answer:

a) Blue

b) Green

c) Yellow

d) Brown

Q.5. Circle the correct option to complete the sentence: Annie is preparing her


a) to go to school.

b) to go shopping.

c) to walk the Camino.

d) to go swimming.

Non continúes ata que se indique!

6 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Listening 2

Annie and her dad arrive in a town and meet some children playing together

in a square. Annie and the children are having a conversation.

Escoita con atención a conversa e responde as preguntas.

Q.6. Choose the correct answer according to the audio:

a) Annie meets new friends and has a talk.

b) Annie goes to a hospital.

c) Annie has lunch in a restaurant.

d) Annie listens to music.

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Q.7. Listen to the audio and circle the place where Annie lives:

a) b) c) d)

Q.8. Put the means of transport in the right order according to the audio.

Write 1, 2 and 3 under the corresponding picture:

______ ______ ______

8 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Q.9. What time do they have dinner in England? Circle the correct clock:

Q.10. Where are they going to sleep? Circle the right answer:

a) In a campsite b) At home c) In a hostel d) In a friend’s

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10 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Reading 1

Annie and her dad are having a cup of tea with eggs and bacon for breakfast.

They meet Brais, a police officer, and ask him about places to visit.

Brais wants to know about their hobbies.

Brais: So, what do you like doing?

Dad: Well, I like fishing and visiting local markets…

Annie: I like funfairs and I love ghost stories.

Brais: Great! Look at that picture on the wall. It has interesting activities for this


Annie and her dad look at the information in the picture:

Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3 11

1. Spend a beautiful day at river Piollo.

Enjoy its transparent waters with lots of fish.

2. Come to our Carnival party at the old castle.

It’s on a hill and people say that in the tower

there’s a terrifying ghost.

3. Visit our local market.

You can try fresh fruit and vegetables and our

traditional Carnival Filloas.

4. Visit Millo Farm.

Enjoy the horse riding routes they offer.

5. Visit our amazing funfair.

Take a ride on the incredible big Wheel.

Fonte: Canva
12 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Q.11. Look at the picture and the texts in it. What is it?

a) A menu

b) A poster

c) A comic

d) A map

Q.12. Read and circle the best answer. Dad and Annie are talking about…

a) things they like doing.

b) the weather.

c) Sports.

d) Music.

Q.13. Complete the sentence:Annie and her dad are having an…

a) Spanish breakfast.

b) English breakfast.

c) Vegetarian breakfast.

d) French breakfast.
Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3 13

Q.14. Match the activities Annie and Dad

like, two for Annie and two for Dad.

Use 


Annie 2.




14 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Reading 2

Annie is at the tourist office. She is looking at the texts in this board:
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Q.16. Look at the texts on the board. They are…

a) Questionnaires

b) Instructions

c) Conversations

d) Descriptions

Q.17. The texts on the board are…

a) Poems

b) Notes

c) Recipes

d) Songs

Q.18. Where is Dave from? Circle the correct answer.

a) Portugal

b) Spain

c) England

d) Germany
16 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Q.19. Read the text on the board and circle Joan’s gloves.

a) b) c) d)

Q.20. Decide the best title for the board:

a) Lost Objects

b) Favourite Toys

c) Shopping List

d) Men
Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3 17


Q.21. Annie lost her toy.

Activity 1: Imagine Annie’s toy and complete the information. Include Annie’s

phone number.

1. Title: Lost________

2. I lost a _________ (teddy bear /

dinosaur/ doll/…)

3. It's _________ (big/ small / long/…)

4. It’s got _______________

5. It's ___________(red/green/yellow/…)

6. Annie’s phone: __________________

18 Avaliación de diagnóstico de 4.º EP. Curso 2023-2024. CÓDIGO 3

Activity 2: Imagine you are Annie. Use the information in Activity 1 to write a text

for the board in Reading 2 (page 10):

Fonte: Canva

Grazas polo teu esforzo!

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