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Pro j ect' i99 Cost share #: E-19-346 Rev #: 0
Center # : R6430-0A0 Center shr 11: F6430-0A0 OCA file #:
Work type : RES
Contract#: CBT-8717926 Mod #: Document : GRANT
Prime 4/: Contract entity: GTRC

Subprojects ? : N
Main project #:

Project unit: CHE Unit code: 02.010.114

Project direc to s):
tranimit l

Sponsor/division names AATL SCIINCEVMMOkrbbig--4k, liersitNEUVITr""1--

Sponsor/division codeaTIAt07 ----- - / 000

Award period: gai3201 -"Tftd-!T/090531 -,Vpietf6rimattir77,490831-10ramits

Sponsor amount New this change Total to date

Contract value 66,734.00 66,734.00
Funded 66,734.00 66,734.00
Cost sharing amount 667.00

Does subcontracting plan apply ?: N

111111"EriTVIULSION 100ThillitinoN 'KINETICS


OCA contactflipftwir:licli6ar --- ‘ 894-4820

Sponsor technical contact Sponsor issuing office


(202)357-9606 (202)357-9602

Security class (U,C,S,TS) : ONR resident rep. is ACO

Defense priority rating : NSF supplemental sheet
Equipment title vests with: Sponsor GIT

Administrative comments -


Closeout Notice Date 05/23/91

Project No. E-19-699 Center No. R6430-0A0

Project Director POEHLEIN G W School/Lab CHEM ENGR


Contract/Grant No. CTS-8717926 Contract Entity GTRC

Prime Contract No.


Effective Completion Date 910630 (Performance) 910930 (Reports)

Closeout Actions Required: Y/N Submitted

Final Invoice or Copy of Final Invoice

Final Report of Inventions and/or Subcontracts Y 910522
Government Property Inventory & Related Certificate
Classified Material Certificate
Release and Assignment



Subproject Under Main Project No.

Continues Project No.

Distribution Required:

Project Director
Administrative Network Representative
GTRI Accounting/Grants and Contracts
Procurement/Supply Services
Research Property Managment
Research Security Services
Reports Coordinator (OCA)
Project File

- NOTE . a CIL LICJ LL/111c21-1C S CIL

Georgia Institute of Technology
JUly 22, 1988

Dr. Maria Burka, Program Director

Process and Reaction Engineering
Division of Chemical, Biochemical,
and Thermal Engineering
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550
Dear Dr. Burka:
I have enclosed a brief report that covers the first eight months of
my grant. Things are busy since I have recently had twa Ph.D.'s finish and
two new students starting. Istruld have more information on future
research details by the end of the year as the nev students became more
Please let as lox*/ if you need any Rather information.

Gary W. 1cehlein
Associate Vice President
for Graduate Studies and Research
GWP : sd



Grant Muster: 08717926

Period Covered: 12/1/87 - 7/31/88

Title: Emulsion Polymerizaticn Kinetics

Georgia 'Bach Project Number: E-19-699

admitted to:

Dr. Maria K. Burka, Program Director

Process and Reaction Engineering

Division of Chemical, 13icchemicel,

of Thermal Engineering

submitted by:

Dr. Gary W. Poehlein

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

July 22, 1988

Cr. Gary W. Faehlein; Principal Investigator

Richard N. Mead: GRA, Post Doc. (ChE)

Cr. Mead completed requirements for the h in DeoedOer,

1987, Dissertation title, "Emulsion Copolymerization in
Continuous Reactors." He remained as a Post Doc throulliMardh,
1988. He is nor =payed by lion International in Florida.

Magian; Song: GRA, Post Doc. (ChE)

Cr. Song completed requirements for the Ph.D. in J'une, 1988,

Dissertation title, "Kinetics of Emulsion Polymerization." He
will remain as a Post Doc through August when he will leave to
join a research group at Queen's University in Canada.

Glenn A. Straf: Ph.D. Candidate (ME)

Primary financial support from Dry Chemical, TEA. Research

project title, "Emulsion Copolymerization with Vinyl Acid
Monarers." Mr. Moat received NSF and NATO support to attend
the 1988 Advanced Study Institute on Polymer Colloids.

David Lange: Ph.D. Candidate (ChE)

Research project title, “EmuLsian Copolymerization with

Functional Monarers in Continuous Reactors."

Paul Thurner: Ph.D. Candidate (ChE)

Started in March, 1988. Will probably work on a problem

related to grafting kinetics.

Cheryl Matthews Gilmore: Ph.D. Candidate (Ca)

0o-directed by Professor F. J. Schork. Primary financial

support from Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Research project
title, "Modeling and Control of Particle Nucleation aryl Growth
in Sterically Stabilized Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymer-

Yasuhiko Sasagawa: Visiting Scholar

Employee of and supported by Japan Synthetic Rubber Company.

Working in a variety of emulsion polymerization areas.
1. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Transient Particle
Concentration," Z. Sang and G. W. Poehlein, J. Macrtmol. Sci. - Chem.,
A25(4), 403-443 (1988).
2. "Batch and Continuous Emulsion Copolymerization of Ethyl Acrylate and
Methacrylic Acid," G. L. Shoe and G. W. Poehlein, Polym. Process
Daar., 6(1), 61 - 89 (1988).
3. "Free Radical Transport from Latex Particles," R. N. Mead and G. W.
Poehlein, accepted by J. Appl. Polym. Sci., (1988).

4. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Particle amber at

Steady State," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, accepted by J. col.
Sci. - Chem. (1988).
5. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene -
Acrylonitrile in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (I)," R. N. Mad
and G. W. Poehlein, accepted by I & EC Research (1988).

6. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene -

Acrylonitrile in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (II): Aqueous-Phase
Polymerization and Radical Capture," R. N. Mead and G. W. Poehlein,
accepted by 1tMBegge= (1988).
7. "Particle Nucleation in Emulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization:
State 1," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, accepted by s7. Coll. Interface
Sci. (1988).

8. "Particle Formation in EMulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization of

Styrene," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, aomptedbyHJ. CO11. Interface
Sci. (1988).

Considerable effort has been demoted to the understanding and modeling

of particle nucleation in emulsion polymerization. Work has involved
systems with classical anionic surfactants and emulsifier-free recipes
(Song). Work is now underway with vinyl-acetate emulsion polymerization in
the presence of stearic stabilizers (MatthesirGilmore).
Copolymerization studies have involved several monomer systems and a
variety of continuous and batch reactors (Shoe and Mead). CUrrent
copolymerization research is focused on water-soluble fUncticnalamnomers
such as vinyl acids. Batch, semi-batch-mxicxvitimuous reactors will be
used (Shoaf, Lange, and Sasagawa).
New work to be initiated in DU will involve studies of ;retina
reactions emi t in eons cams, tbs inflow/se of meth motions en reticle
Georgia Tech Georgia Institute of Technology
Graduate Studies and Research
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0265
(404 ) 894-3090

November 9, 1988

Dr. Maria K. Burka

Program Director, Process and Reaction Engineering
National Science Foundation
Washington, DC 20550

REFERENCE: NSF Grant No. CBT-8717926 "Emulsion Polymerization


Dear Dr. Burka:

I have enclosed the first annual report on my NSF Grant. The

research is going well and we look forward to a high level of continued

The highlights of the first year were as follows:

(1) Two doctoral students, Richard Mead and Zhigiang Song,

completed PhD dissertations.

(2) Two other doctoral students joined the program; David Lange
and Paul Thumer.

(3) Eleven papers were published or accepted.

Further details are provided in the annual report.

The second purpose of this letter is to request continuation funding

for the second year at the level of $70,563 which was previously
approved. I understand that it is not necessary to submit a new budget.

An Equal Education and Employment Opportunity institution A Unit of the University System of Georgia
Thank you for the consideration of this request. Please let me know
if you need any other information.



Gary W. Poehlein
Associate Vice President and
Dean of Graduate Studies

Lynn Boyd
Contracting Officer

Grant Number: CBT-8717926

Period Covered: 12/1/87 - 11/30/88

Title: Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics

Georgia Tech Project Number: E-19-699

submitted to:

Dr. Maria K. Burka, Program Director

Process and Reaction Engineering

Division of Chemical, Biochemical,

of Thermal Engineering

submitted by:

Dr. Gary W. Poehlein

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

November 30, 1988



Dr. Gary W. Poehlein; Principal Investigator

Richard N. Mead: GRA, Post Doc. (ChE)

Dr. Mead completed requirements for the PhD in December, 1987,
Dissertation title, "Emulsion Copolymerization in Continuous Reactors,"
He remained as a Post Doc through March, 1988. He is now employed
by Champion International in Florida.

Zhiqiang Song: GRA, Post Doc. (ChE)

Dr. Song completed requirements for the PhD in June, 1988,
Dissertation title, "Kinetics of Emulsion Polymerization." He remained as
a Post Doc through August when he left to accept a Post Doctoral
position with a research group at Queen's University in Canada.

Glenn A. Shoaf: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Primary financial support from Dow Chemical, USA. Research project
title, "Emulsion Copolymerization with Vinyl Acid Monomers," Mr. Shoaf
received NSF and NATO support to attend the 1988 Advanced Study
Institute on Polymer Colloids in France.

David Lange: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Research project title, "Emulsion Copolymerization with Functional
Monomers in Continuous Reactors."

Paul Thurner: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Started in March 1988. Will probably work on a problem related to
grafting kinetics in solution and emulsion polymerization.

Cheryl Matthews Gilmore: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Co-directed by Professor F. J. Schork. Primary financial support from
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Research project title, "Modeling and
Control of Particle Nucleation and Growth in Sterically Stabilized Vinyl
Acetate Emulsion Polymerization."

Yasuhiko Sasagawa: Visiting Scholar

Employee of and supported by Japan Synthetic Rubber Company.
Working in a variety of emulsion polymerization areas.
Knut Moller: Visiting Scholar
Dr. Moller is an employee of Metallgesellschaft (West Germany). He will
be spending about 10 weeks at Georgia Tech working on emulsion
c opolymerization.


1. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Transient Particle

Concentration ," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, J. Macromol. Sci. -
Chem.,A25(4) , 403-443 (1988).

2. "Batch and Continuous Emulsion Copolymerization of Ethyl Acrylate

and Methacrylic Acid," G. L. Shoaf and G. W. Poehlein, Polym. Process
Engr., 6(1), 61-89 (1988).

3. "Free Radical Transport from Latex Particles," R. N. Mead and G. W.

Poehlein, accepted by J. Appl. Polym. Sci., (1988).

4. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Particle Number at

Steady State," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.,
A25(12) , 1587-1632 (1988).

5. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene-

Acrylonitrile in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (I)," R. N. Mead and
G. W. Poehlein, in press, I & EC Research (1988).

6. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene -

Acrylonitrile in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (II): Aqueous-
Phase Polymerization and Radical Capture," R. N. Mead and G. W.
Poehlein, in press, I & EC Research (1988).

7. "Particle Nucleation in Emulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization:

State 1," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, accepted by J. Coll. Interface Sci.

8. "Particle Formation in Emulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization

of Styrene," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, accepted by J. Coll. Interface
Sgi. (1988).

9. "Polymerization in Non-Uniform Latex Particles II: Kinetics of Two-

Phase Emulsion Polymerization," C. S. Chem and G. W. Poehlein,
accepted by J. Polym. Sci., Part A. Poly. Chem. (1988).
10. "Polymerization in Non-Uniform Latex Particles III: Kinetics of
Grafting in Emulsion Polymerization," C. S. Chern and G. W. Poehlein,
accepted by J. Polym. Sci.. Part A. Poly. Chem. (1988).

11. "Emulsion Polymers/Emulsion Polymerization, G. W. Poehlein and F. J.

Schork, Polymer News, 11, 231-240 (1988).


Considerable effort has been devoted to the understanding and

modeling of particle nucleation in emulsion polymerization. Work has
involved systems with classical anionic surfactants and emulsifier-free
recipes (Song). Work is now underway with vinyl-acetate emulsion
polymerization in the presence of stearic stabilizers (Matthews-Gilmore).

Particle nucleation is one of the more important aspects of emulsion

polymerization. The complex interrelated phenomena that are involved
are known in a qualitative sense. The work of Song has been successful in
developing good, and in some cases rather simple, models for nucleation in
the presence and absence of classical ionic emulsifiers. Song's models have
been used to simulate a rather broad range of experimental data. The
concept of a variable critical oligomeric chain length in emulsifier-free
emulsion polymerization is new and the models developed from this
concept fit styrene emulsion polymerization data.

Particle nucleation in the presence of polymeric stabilizers is not

nearly as well understood. Important issues such as water solubility,
adsorption, grafting, molecular weight, molecular blockiness, etc. can all be
important in such systems. Cheryl Matthews-Gilmore is studying the
emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate in the presence of
polyvinylalcohol; an important commercial system. We hope the results of
this work will include a better understanding of the important nucleation
pheonomena when dissolved and/or adsorbed polymers are present.

Copolymerization studies have involved several monomer systems

and a variety of continuous and batch reactors (Shoaf and Mead). Current
copolymerization research is focused on water-soluble functional
monomers such as vinyl acids. Batch, semi-batch and continuous reactors
will be used (Shoaf, Lange, and Sasagawa).

New work to be initiated in 1989 will involve studies of grafting

reactions and in some cases, the influence of such reactions on particle
morphology. Grafting can take place in the continuous phase or in the
monomer-swollen latex particles. In some cases added polymeric
materials are involved: e.g., polybutodiene seeds, water-soluble
polyvinylalcohol, etc. Grafting reactions can influence polymerization
kinetics, molecular architecture and particle morphology.

Most commercial emulsion polymerization processes involve two or

more monomers. Mead's work has been focussed on copolymerization in
continuous reactor systems. His models for steady-state CSTR's can be
used to predict reaction rates, copolymer composition and latex particle
size distributions. The models account for difference in monomer water
solubility and for reactions in both aqueous and organic phases. The
experimental results have also been used to study the important
phenomena of free radical transport out of the polymerizing monomer-
swollen latex particles. This component of the work also includes an
evaluation of cross monomer chain transfer reactions for copolymerization.

Mead studied systems in which one monomer had modest water

solubility (Methyl acrylate and Acrylonitrile). This work is being
continued by Glenn Shoaf and David Lange with completely water soluble
monomers such as the vinyl acids. The reactions in the aqueous phase are
more important in such systems.
Gffirgia Tech Georgia Institute of Technology
Graduate Studies and Research
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0265
(404) 894-3090

October 26, 1989

Dr. Maria K. Burka

Program Director
Process and Reaction Engineering
National Science Foundation
Washington, DC 20550

REFERENCE: NSF Grant No. CBT-8717926 "Emulsion Polymerization


Dear Dr. Burka:

I have enclosed the second annual report on my NSF Grant. The

research continues to go well and we look forward to a high level of activ-
ity next year.

The highlights of the first two years are as follows:

(1) Two doctoral students, Richard Mead and Zhigiang Song, com-
pleted PhD dissertations; a third, Glenn Shoaf, will complete his
PhD in December 1989.

(2) Three other doctoral students, Cheryl Matthews-Gilmore, David

Lange and Paul Thurner, are making significant progress on their
research problems.

(3) One undergraduate student, Chris Durden, was supported with

an REU Supplement.

(4) Sixteen papers were published, accepted or submitted.

An Equal Education and Employment Opportunity . Institution A Unit of the University System of Georgia
Of course, not all of these students were supported on my NSF grant, but it
is the keystone. Further details on the students, publications and research
results are provided in the attached annual report.

Thank you for the consideration of this request. Please let me know
if you need any other information.


Gary W. Poehlein
Associate Vice President and
Dean of Graduate Studies

Lynn Boyd
Contracting Officer


cc: OCA Reporting Office



Grant Number: CBT-8717926

Period Covered: 12/1/88 - 11/30/89

Title: Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics

Georgia Tech Project Number: E-19-699

submitted to:

Dr. Maria K. Burka, Program Director

Process and Reaction Engineering

Division of Chemical, Biochemical,

of Thermal Engineering

submitted by:

Dr. Gary W. Poehlein

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

October 26, 1989



Dr. Gary W. Poehlein; Principal Investigator

Richard N. Mead: GRA, Post Doc. (ChE)

Dr. Mead completed requirements for the PhD in December, 1987, Dis-
sertation title, "Emulsion Copolymerization in Continuous Reactors," He
remained as a Post Doc through March, 1988. He is now employed by
Champion International in Florida.

Zhiqiang Song: GRA, Post Doc. (ChE)

Dr. Song completed requirements for the PhD in June, 1988, Dissertation
title, "Kinetics of Emulsion Polymerization." He remained as a Post Doc
through August when he left to accept a Post Doctoral position with a
research group at Queen's University in Canada.

Glenn A. Shoaf: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Primary financial support from Dow Chemical, USA. Research project
title, "Emulsion Copolymerization with Vinyl Acid Monomers," Mr. Shoaf
received NSF and NATO support to attend the 1988 Advanced Study
Institute on Polymer Colloids in France. He will complete his PhD in late
1989 or early 1990.

David Lange: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Research project title, "Emulsion Copolymerization with Functional
Monomers in Continuous Re actors," with additional studies related to
polymerization in large particles. Expected PhD completion in mid 1991.

Paul Thurner: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Research project involves kinetics of dispersion polymerization.

Cheryl Matthews Gilmore: PhD Candidate (ChE)

Co-directed by Professor F. J Schork. Partial financial support from Air
Products and Chemicals, Inc. Research project title, "Modeling and Con-
trol of Particle Nucleation and Growth in Sterically Stabilized Vinyl
Acetate Emulsion Polymerization."

Yasuhiko Sasagawa: Visiting Scholar

Employee of and supported by Japan Synthetic Rubber Company.
Worked in a variety of emulsion polymerization areas. Returned to
Japan in December 1988.

Knut Moller: Visiting Scholar

Dr. Mailer, an employee of Metallgesellschaft (West Germany), spent
about 10 weeks at Georgia Tech working on emulsion copolymerization
and other areas in 1988.

Xizhen Qian: Visiting Scholar

Professor Qian from Tianjin Institute of Technology (P.R. China) spent
the period December 1988 - December 1989 at Georgia Tech. She stud-
ied grafting in emulsion polymerization.

E. Christopher Durden: Undergraduate Research Student

Mr. Durden was funded with an REU Supplement. He worked with
Glenn Shoaf and David Lange on various projects related to Emulsion
Polymerization with Carboxylic Monomers during the Summer of 1989


1. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Transient Particle

Concentration," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.,.
A25(4), 403-443 (1988).

2. "Batch and Continuous Emulsion Copolymerization of Ethyl Acrylate

and Methacrylic Acid," G. L. Shoaf and G. W. Poehlein, Polymer-Plastics
Tech. & Engr., 28(3), 289-317 (1989).

3. "Free Radical Transport from Latex Particles," R. N. Mead and G. W.

Poehlein, accepted by J. Appl. Polym. Sci., (1988).

4. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Particle Number at

Steady State," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.,
A25(12), 1587-1632 (1988).

5. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene-

Acrylonitrile in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (I)," R. N. Mead and
G. W. Poehlein, I & EC Research, 27(12), 2283-93 (1988).

6. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene -

Acrylonitrile in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (II): Aqueous-Phase
Polymerization and Radical Capture," R. N. Mead and G. W. Poehlein,
I & E C Research, 28(1), 51-57 (1988).

7. "Particle Nucleation in Emulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization:

Stage 1," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, J. Coll. Interface Sci., 128(2), 486-
500 (1989).

8 "Particle Formation in Emulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization

of Styrene," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein, J. Coll. Interface Sci., 128(2),
501-510 (1989).

9. "Polymerization in Non-Uniform Latex Particle II: Kinetics of Two-

Phase Emulsion Polymerization," C. S. Chern and G. W. Poehlein,
accepted by J. Polym. Sci., Part A. Poly. Chem. (1988).

10. "Polymerization in Non-Uniform Latex Particles III: Kinetics of Graft-

ing in Emulsion Polymerization," C. S. Chern and G. W. Poehlein,
accepted by J. Polym. Sci.. Part A. Poly. Chem. (1989).

11. "Emulsion Polymers/Emulsion Polymerization, G. W. Poehlein and F. J.

Schork, Polymer News, 13, 231-240 (1988).

12. "Free Radical Transport from Latex Particles," Richard Mead and Gary
Poehlein, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 38, 105-122 (1989).

13. "Kinetics of Emulsifier-Free Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene in the

Presence of Chain Transfer Agents," Z. Song and G. W. Poehlein,
accepted by Polymer-Plastics Techn. & Engr. J., (1989).

14. "Kinetics of Emulsifier-Free Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene," Z

Song and G. W. Poehlein, submitted to J. Polym. Sci., Part A, Poly.
Chem. (1989).

15. "Partition of Carbozylic Acids in an Emulsion Copolymerization Sys-

tem," G. Shoaf and G. W. Poehlein, submitted to Ind. & Engr. Chem.
Research (1989).

16. "Kinetic Analysis of Seeded Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate,"

D. M. Lange, G. W. Poehlein, S. Hayashi, A. Komatsu and T. Hirai, paper
under final review by Japanese collaborators.


The most important contribution during the first two years of this
grant has been the education of students. Two students have received
PhD's and a third will complete all doctoral degree requirements in late

1989. Three doctoral students are in earlier stages of their graduate edu-
cation and dissertation research. Five of these six students are U.S. citi-
zens. The research group has also included three visiting scholars and one
undergraduate student. Obviously not all of these students and scholars
have been supported by funds in the Grant No. CBT-8717926. The NSF
grant, however, represents the centerpiece of my research support struc-
ture. It is the glue that holds the pieces in place.

Research progress during the first year of the grant was focussed on
the following major issues in emulsion polymerization technology.

• Particle nucleation
• Copolymerization in continuous reactor systems.

More details concerning this work was a part of the progress report sub-
mitted in November 1988 and in some of the publications listed in this

The research during the current year has involved emulsion copoly-
merization with functional, water-soluble, monomers and vinyl acetate
emulsion polymerization in the presence of polyvinylalcohol. Glenn Shoaf
is in the final stages of his doctoral dissertation which is concerned with
the copolymerization of carboxylic acids and styrene. The acid monomers
are completely water soluble and hence behave very different from the
hydropholic monomers which are normally used in emulsion polymeriza-
tion reactions. Mr. Shoaf's work included:

• Fundamental studies of the solution polymerization of acid

monomers in water.

• Thermodynamic experiments and modeling concerning the parti-

tioning of the reaction ingredients among the various phases pre-
sent in emulsion polymerization systems.

• Experiments and modeling of the copolymerization reactions.

The results of this work have significantly increased our knowledge

of the important details of emulsion copolymerization with water-soluble
monomers. The work of David Lange with continuous reactor systems has
also contributed to the understanding of these systems.

The second area of research involves the emulsion polymerization of

vinyl acetate in the presence of polyvinylalcohol stabilizer. This system is

important commercially and represents a good system for fundamental

kinetics studies. The use of polyvinylalcohol (water-soluble) stabilizer
results in chain transfer branching reactions which alters the mechanisms
and kinetics of the reaction.

Particle nucleation undoubtably involves chain transfer branching

and adsorption of the PVOH stabilizer. These phenomena are understood
in a qualitative sense but a sound base has not been established for quan-
titative modeling. The present work includes significant modeling efforts
as well as experimental work.

Future work, during the next year, will continue the above projects
and increase efforts in other areas such as dispersion polymerization in
non-aqueous media and the kinetics of branching and grafting reactions.
The development of more fundamental understanding of these phenomena
will help to enhance present polymerization processes and to develop new
OMB Number 345-0058


National Science Foundation
WASHINGTON, DC 20550 Permit No. G-69

PI/PD Name and Address

Dr. Gary W. Poehlein

School of Chemical Engineering and
Office of Interdisciplinary Programs
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0370


1. Program Official/Org. Dr. Maria Burka
2. Program Name Chemical Reaction Processes Program

3. Award Dates (MM/YY) From: 1 2_4_87 To: 6 30 91

- -

4. Institution and Address

ATLANTA, GA 30332-0420

5. Award Number
CBT - 8717926
6. Project Title
Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics

This Packet Contains

NSF Form 98A
And 1 Return Envelope
Attachment 1

P.I.: Gary Poehlein, Georgia Institute of Technology
Project Title: Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics

Emulsion polymerization is a major industrial process used for the production of synthetic
rubbers, plastics and environmentally desirable water-based coatings and adhesives. The primary
objective of this project was to develop a more complete understanding of the fundamental reaction
mechanisms and kinetics of emulsion copolymerization when one monomer has significant water
solubility. The research involved theoretical modeling of batch, semi-batch and continuous
reactors. The utility of these models has been demonstrated with experimental studies involving
five copolymer systems with styrene and comonomers of differing water solubilities such as
methyl acrylate and acrylic acid.

The combination of mathematical modeling and carefully designed experiments has led to a
better quantitative understanding of: (1) the distribution of various ingredients among the various
phases and interfaces in the reaction system, (2) the transfer of active free radicals between the
aqueous and organic phases, and (3) the rates of polymerization in the continuous and disperse
phases. This increased knowledge base has placed in the hands of other researchers and industrial
workers an enhanced ability to define future research and to develop commercial products and
Attachment 2

P.I.: Gary Poehlein, Georgia Institute of Technology
Project Title: Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics

The results of the research conducted under CBT-8717926 have been made available to the
external community via a number of accepted mechanisms: (1) publications in the archival
literature; (2) symposium presentations; (3) seminars; (4) professional consulting and, last but not
least, (5) generation of educated professionals in an important field. Documentation of
contributions in these area are provided in the remainder of this section.
(1) Publications during Grant Period:
1. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Transient Particle Concentration," with Z.
Song, J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem., A25(4), 403-443 (1988).
2. "Particle Formation in Emulsion Polymerization: Particle Number at Steady State," with Z.
Song, J. Macromol. Sci-Chem., A25(12), 1587-1632 (1988).
3. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene-Acrylonitrile in
Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (I)," with Richard Mead, I&EC Research, 27(12), 2283-93
4. "Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene-Methyl Acrylate and Styrene-Acrylonitrile in
Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (II), Aqueous-Phase Polymerization and Radical Capture,"
with Richard Mead, I&EC Research, 28(1), 51-57 (1988).
5. "Emulsion Polymers/Emulsion Polymerization," with F. J. Schork, Polymer News, la, 231-
40 (1988).
6. "Batch and Continuous Emulsion Copolymerization of Ethyl Acylate and Methacrylic Acid,"
with Glenn Shoaf, Polym.-Plast. Technol. Eng., 28, No. 3, 289-327 (1989).
7. "Free Radical Transport from Latex Particles," with Richard Mead, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,
105-122 (1989).
8. "Particle Nucleation in Emulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization: Stage 1," with Z.
Song, J. Coll. Interface Sci., 121, No. 2, 486-500 (1989).
9. "Particle Formation in Emulsifier-Free Aqueous-Phase Polymerization of Styrene," with Z.
Song, J. Coll. Interface Sci., 128. No. 2, 501-510 (1989).
10. "Emulsion Copolymerization in Continuous Reactors," with D. M. Lange, G. Shoaf and R.
N. Mead, Proceedings of International Conference, Polymer Latex III, London (June 1989).
11. "Kinetics of Emulsifier-Free Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of Chain
Transfer Agents," with Z. Song, Polym.-Plast. Technol. Eng., 29(4), 377-405 (1990).
12. "Polymerization in Non-Uniform Latex Particles II: Kinetics of Two-Phase Emulsion
Polymerization," with C.-S. Chern, J. Polym. Sci., Part A, Polym. Chem., 28, 3055-3071
13. "Polymerization in Non-Uniform Latex Particles III: Kinetics of Grafting in Emulsion
Polymerization," with C.-S. Chern, J. Polym. Sci., Part A, Polym. Chem., 211, 3073-3099
14. "Partition of Carboxylic Acids in an Emulsion Copolymerization System," with G. L. Shoaf,
I&EC Research 22, 1701-1709 (1990).
15. "Kinetics of Crosslinking Vinyl Polymerization," with C.-S. Chern, Polym.-Plast. Technol.
Eng., 29(5&6). 575-589 (1990).
16. "Kinetics of Emulsifier-Free Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene," with Z. Song, J. Polym.
Sci., Part A, Polym. Chem., a, 2359-2392 (1990).
17. "Kinetics of Emulsion Copolymerization with Acrylic Acids," with G. L. Shoaf, J. Appl.
Polym. Sci., 42:5, 1213-1238 (1991).
18. "Solution and Emulsion Polymerization with Partially Neutralized Methacrylic Acid," with G.
L. Shoaf, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 42:5, 1239-1258 (1991).
19. "Kinetic Analysis of Seeded Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate," with David M.
Lange, Sadao Hayashi, Akihiko Komatsu and Toshihiro Hirai, J. Polym. Sci., Part A,
Polym. Chem., 29, 785-792 (1991).

(2) & (3) Seminars and Presentations (Selected List):

1. Lectures (2) on "Emulsion Polymerization Mechanisms and Kinetics" and "Reaction
Engineering for Emulsion Polymerization" have been presented every year at short courses at
Lehigh University and in Davos, Switzerland.
2. Seminars have been presented at universities and industrial laboratories including:
• Dow Chemical Co.
• EniChem Corp.
• Rohm & Haas Co.
• University of South Florida
• Japanese Synthetic Rubber Co.
• B.P. Research
• University of Alabama
• GenCorp
3. Papers have been presented by G. W. Poehlein and by graduate students at:
• AIChE Meetings (G.W.P. and Z. Song)
• NATO Advanced Study Institute (G. Shoaf)
• U.K. Polymer Colloids Symposium (D. Lange)
• ACS Meetings
(4) Consulting:
Consulting on emulsion polymerization has included DOw Chemical, Rohm & Haas, B.P.,
GenCorp and Flexible Products.

(5) Students:
Students listed below have received some support from Grant CBT-8716926:
(1) Richard Mead (PhD 1987) - Currently with American Cyanamid.
(2) Z. Song (PhD in 1989) - Currently with Guertin Bros. Coating and Sealant Ltd.
(3) Glenn Shoaf (PhD 1989) - Currently with Tennessee Eastman Co.
(4) David Lange (PhD 1991) - Accepted position with Ameripol Synpol (Uniroyal-Goodrich)
(5) Xizhen Qian (Visiting Scholar) - Currently on Faculty of Tianjin Institute of Technology,
(6) - (12) Kevin Fontenot (PhD Cand.), Paul Thurner (PhD Cand.), Cheryl Matthews-
Gilmore (PhD Cand.) Pei Yang (PhD Cand.), 0. Badmus (PhD Cand.), Ganti
Sriniwas (MS Cand.), and Chris Durden (UG) - Currently students at Georgia
P.I.: Gary W. Poehlein / Georgia Institute of Technology
Project Title: Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics

The major goals of the Polymerization Engineering Research Program directed by Gary
Poehlein are:

(1) Generation of human capital in the form of educated professionals.

(2) Expand the fundamental knowledge base in the general area of heterogeneous free-
radical polymerization reactions.

(3) Achieve technology transfer of important research results to other organizations.

The remainder of this report includes a summary of progress achieved during the period of Grant
CBT-8717926 in each of these "goal" areas.

The students involved in polymerization research who have received financial support of
some form from the subject grant are listed below along with degrees received and current status.

Students listed below have received some support from Grant CBT-8716926:

(1) Richard Mead (PhD 1987) - Currently with American Cyanamid.

(2) Z. Song (PhD in 1989) - Currently with Guertin Bros. Coating and Sealant Ltd.

(3) Glenn Shoaf (PhD 1989) - Currently with Tennessee Eastman Co.

(4) David Lange (PhD 1991) - Accepted position with Ameripol Synpol (Uniroyal-Goodrich)

(5) Xizhen Qian (Visiting Scholar) - Currently on Faculty of Tianjin Institute of Technology,

(6) - (12) Kevin Fontenot (PhD Cand.), Paul Thurner (PhD Cand.), Cheryl Mathews-
Gilmore (PhD Cand.) Pei Yang (PhD Cand.), 0. Badmus (PhD Cand.), Ganti
Sriniwas (MS Cand.), and Chris Durden (UG) - Currently students at Georgia

Brief descriptions of research results are provided in the remainder of this section.
1. Kinetics in Continuous Reactors:
The study of emulsion polymerization in continuous reactors has been an active interest of
the Principal Investigator for a period of years. These studies have resulted in a better
understanding of fundamental mechanisms and kinetics and have helped industrial scientists and
engineers design more effective processes to produce commodity and innovative specialty latexes.
Recent efforts have involved copolymerization with water-soluble monomers in a reactor system
comprising a tubular prereactor followed by a series of two CSTRs. The focus of the work
involves measurement of reaction rate, particle size distribution, composition of the copolymer
formed in each reactor, and molecular weights. These measurements permit evaluation of kinetic
parameters such as radical desorption coefficients and monomer cross-transfer reaction rate
The reactor system is designed to permit variation of feed introduction location. Hence,
portions of recipe components can be added downstream of the tubular prereactor to control
copolymer composition, solids concentration, particle size distribution and particle morphology.
Past copolymerization work involved styrene-methyl acrylate and styrene-acrylonitrile systems.
Present research involves copolymerization with water-soluble monomers such as acrylic and
methacrylic acid. The results of this research will permit a more rational design of commercial
reactors and help to increase our understanding of the important relationships between reactor
design and operation and product quality parameters.
Future work with continuous reactors will involve studies of grafting reaction kinetics,
morphology of the latex particles and molecular microstructure from copolymerization reactions,
the use of functional monomers that are water soluble, and dispersion copolymerization. A more
detailed knowledge of these phenomena is important for the operation and modification of present
processes and especially for the development of new products and processes.
2. Nonuniform Latex Particles:
Reaction kinetic theories for emulsion polymerization have almost all been based on the
assumption that the various reagent species are uniformly distributed (except for stochastic
variations) within the monomer-swollen polymer particles. Grancio and Williams (.I. Polym.
Sci.:A-1, 8, 2617 (1970)) suggested a nonuniform monomer distribution with a monomer-rich
shell but their model has been challenged by other workers. In addition, the experimental results
of Grancio and Williams can be explained without resorting to arguments based on a monomer-rich
Our work has been concerned with the distribution of free radicals in latex particles. Most
emulsion polymerization systems employ water-soluble initiator which generate oligomers in the
aqueous phase. These oligomers have hydrophilic and often ionic end groups. When such free
radicals penetrate the monomer-swollen latex particles, the end groups would have a very strong
tendency to remain at or near the surface, at least during the short active life of the radical. The free
radical end of the oligomer could move into the particle by diffusion or monomer propagation.
We have made calculations of free radical distributions in a lattice model of a latex particle.
These calculations predict a significant nonuniformity in the radial distribution of free radicals.
This phenomena is quite important because it can effect polymerization kinetics, grafting reactions
and particle morphology.
We have used this concept of a nonuniform radical distribution to model grafting reactions.
Initial results are very promising and this work will continue. Future efforts will also be aimed at
studying the development of particle morphology. Being able to predict and control particle
structure is a key factor in developing new and innovative latex products.
3. Particle Nucleation:
Particle concentration and size distribution are very important latex characteristics. They
influence rheology and, in many cases, application performance. The ability to control particle
number and size characteristics is, therefore, essential for the development and manufacture of
most latex products. Work in the areas of nucleation theory and particle number control was the
subject of Dr. Song's Ph.D. dissertation and is being considered in Ms. Gilmore's work on VAc
polymerization in the presence of PVOH stabilizer.
Song's work included nucleation theory and experiments with and without added
emulsifier. The results of his work have enhanced our knowledge of particle nucleation with
conventional emulsion polymerization recipes and in emulsifier-free systems.
Future work will include studies of particle number control efforts for semi-batch systems.
Cheryl Matthews-Gilmore (Ph.D. candidate) is involved with this project which includes
collaboration with Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Systems employing steric stabilizers are
being studied. Grafting reactions with the stabilizer can contribute to particle formation in such
4. Acid Monomers:
Functional monomers such as those with carboxyl groups are often used as minor
ingredients in emulsion polymerization. Such monomers can help stabilize the particles and
improve application performance. We have completed a process development research study with
ethyl acrylate-rnethacrylic acid comonomers in which up to 78 mole % of the water-soluble
monomer, MAA, was used. The fact that typical, nonviscous latexes with very little water-soluble
polymer were formed was somewhat surprising.
The extension of this work to styrene recipes with smaller amounts of acid monomer was
the subject of G. Shoaf's and D. Lange's Ph.D. dissertations. Their work has helped to show
how reactions in the continuous phase can contribute to the overall process. Experimental work
and reaction modeling considered the distribution of reagents in the various phases and the
corresponding reactions. The relative rates of reaction of the different monomers was studied as
was the influence of partial neutralization of the acid monomer. Future work on the nature of the
copolymer molecules formed (i.e., blockiness) represents an important extension of Shoaf's and
Lange's work. A greater understanding of what is happening in the continuous phase is needed.


Communication of the research results of others has involved the standard mechanisms of
published papers, oral presentations, consulting and the employment of graduates by industries
and universities. Documentation of these activities are included in the standard NSF Final Project
Report -- Form 98A.
(To be submitted to cognizant Program Officer upon completion of project)

The data requested below are important for the development of a statistical profile on the personnel supported by
Federal grants. The information on this part is solicited in response to Public Law 99-383 and 42 USC 1885C. All informa-
tion provided will be treated as confidential and will be safeguarded in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act
of 1974. You should submit a single copy of this part with each final project report. However, submission of the requested
information is not mandatory and is not a precondition of future award(s). Check the "Decline to Provide Information"
box below if you do not wish to provide the information.

Please enter the numbers of individuals supported under this grant.

Do not enter information for individuals working less than 40 hours in any calendar year.
Senior Post- Graduate Under- Other
Staff Doctorals Students Graduates Participants 1
Male Fern. Male Fern. Male Fern. Male Fern. Male Fern.

A. Total, U.S. Citizens 1 4 1 1

B. Total, Permanent Residents

U.S. Citizens or
Permanent Residents 2:
American Indian or Alaskan Native .
Black, Not of Hispanic Origin 1
Pacific Islander
White, Not of Hispanic Origin
1 4 1
C. Total, Other Non•U.S. Citizens
Specify Country NIGERIA 1
1 - CHINA (P.R. ) 1 1
2. INDIA 1
D. Total, All participants
(A + B + C) 1 8 1 1 1
Disabled 3

Decline to Provide Information: Check box if you do not wish to provide this information (you are still required to return this page
■ along with Parts 1-111).
1 Category includes, for example, college and precollege teachers, conference and workshop participants.
2 Use the category that best describes the ethnic/racial status for all U.S. Citizens and Non-citizens with Permanent Residency. (If more
than one category applies, use the one category that most closely reflects the person's recognition in the community.)
3 A person having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; who has a record of such
impairment; or who is regarded as having such impairment. (Disabled individuals also should be counted under the appropriate
ethnic/racial group unless they are classified as "Other Non-U.S. Citizens.")

AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who main-
tain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
ASIAN: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. This area
includes, for example, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.
BLACK, NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
HISPANIC: A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
PACIFIC ISLANDER: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii; the U.S. Pacific Territories of Guam,
American Samoa, or the Northern Marianas; the U.S. Trust Territory of Palau; the islands of Micronesia or Melanesia; or the
WHITE, NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.


NSF Form 98A (Rev. 5/90)

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