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Advance Sen ment Analysis with Streaming

In par al fulfillment of the requirement for the degree
Bachelor of Technology
Submi ed by
Suraj Kumar (2001330130168)
Pranav Anand (2001330130113)
Saket Kumar (2001330130135)
Under the supervision of
Mr. K Prabhanjan
(Assistant professor)

Noida Ins tute of Engineering and Technology, Gr. Noida

< Affiliated to>


March, 2024
Table of Content

Background 3
Objectives 3
Purpose, Scope, and Applicability 4
Achievements 5
Organization of Report 5
Problem Definition 6
Survey of Technologies 7-8
Literature Review 9-10
Flowchart 13
Use Case Diagram 14
ER Diagram 15
Feasibility Study 16
Requirements Specification 17-18
Software and Hardware Requirements 18-19
Preliminary Product Description 19-20
CHAPTER 5: References 21

CHAPETR 6: Conclusion 22

Supervisor’s Sign

The ability to understand and analyze human emotions and opinions has become
increasingly valuable across various domains. Traditional sentiment analysis primarily
focused on textual data, analyzing written content like reviews, social media posts, and
articles. However, spoken communication holds a wealth of information beyond just
the literal meaning of words.
Podcasts, live broadcasts, customer feedback and music platforms all use streaming
audio as a common way to consume media due to the rapid expansion of digitalmaterial.
Conventional sentiment analysis, which is centred on textual data, has trouble
identifying the complex emotional expression that audio conveys. Analysing streaming
audio presents a number of challenges, such as the need for context-aware
interpretation, real-time processing demands, and pretreatment complexity such as
speaker identification and noise removal. But new developments in artificial
intelligence, especially in deep learning, present encouraging paths around these

The primary objective of advance sentiment analysis with streaming audio is to develop
robust methodologies and techniques to accurately discern emotional tones and
opinions expressed in audio content. This encompasses overcoming technical
challenges such as preprocessing complexities, real-time processing requirements, and
contextual understanding, while leveraging recent advancements in artificial
intelligence and deep learning.
In achieving this objective, the aim is to provide valuable insights for various
applications and domains, including but not limited to social media monitoring,
customer feedback analysis, content recommendation, and market research. By
extending sentiment analysis techniques to streaming audio, businesses, researchers,
and policymakers can gain a deeper understanding of public sentiment, consumer
preferences, and market trends, thereby informing decision-making processes and
enhancing user experiences.
The Primary purpose of advance sentiment analysis with streaming audio is
multifaceted, aiming to address key challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve
significant outcomes in various domains. Firstly, the purpose is to enhance the
understanding of human emotions and opinions conveyed through audio content,
enabling more accurate and nuanced analysis compared to traditional text-based
approaches. This deeper understanding facilitates improved decision-making processes
across industries, from marketing strategies to public opinion monitoring.
Secondly, the purpose encompasses leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence
and deep learning to develop robust methodologies for sentiment analysis in streaming
audio. By harnessing cutting-edge techniques, the goal is to overcome technical
challenges such as preprocessing complexities and real-time processing demands,
ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of sentiment analysis algorithms.

The scope of advance sentiment analysis with streaming audio encompasses a wide
array of domains, methodologies, and applications. From a technical perspective, the
scope involves developing robust algorithms and methodologies to preprocess
streaming audio data, extract relevant features, and perform sentiment analysis in real-
time. This includes exploring cutting-edge techniques in deep learning, transfer
learning, and multimodal analysis to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of sentiment
analysis models tailored specifically for audio content.
In terms of applications, the scope spans diverse sectors such as social media
monitoring, customer feedback analysis, content recommendation, market research,
and beyond. Understanding the emotional nuances conveyed through streaming audio
enables businesses, researchers, policymakers, and marketers to glean valuable insights
for decision-making processes and improving user experiences.
The applicability of advance sentiment analysis with streaming audio is extensive and
spans across numerous industries and use cases. In marketing and advertising,
sentiment analysis can help companies understand consumer reactions to their products
or campaigns by analyzing audio content from social media, podcasts, or customer
service calls. This insight enables targeted marketing strategies and product
improvements based on customer feedback.
In customer service, sentiment analysis of streaming audio in call centers can automate
the categorization of customer sentiment, leading to more efficient and personalized
Moreover, in healthcare, sentiment analysis of patient interactions with virtual
assistants or telemedicine platforms can aid in monitoring patient well-being and
identifying potential mental health issues.
The achievements in sentiment analysis with streaming audio have revolutionized
industries such as marketing, customer service, healthcare, and entertainment.
Companies now have the capability to understand consumer sentiment more
comprehensively, leading to targeted marketing strategies, improved customer service
experiences, and enhanced healthcare monitoring.
Moreover, sentiment analysis of streaming audio has facilitated personalized content
recommendations, real-time audience feedback in live events, and informed decision-
making processes in finance, politics, and education. These achievements have not only
provided actionable insights but also fostered innovation and growth in various sectors.
Achievements in this field include the establishment of responsible practices in
handling sensitive voice data, addressing privacy concerns, obtaining informed consent,
and ensuring transparency in data collection and analysis processes. These
achievements have contributed to building trust with users and stakeholders, thereby
fostering the ethical deployment of sentiment analysis technologies in the digital
landscape. Overall, the achievements in advancing sentiment analysis with streaming
audio have paved the way for transformative applications and societal impact.

The structure of the report is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding
emotions. This tool is based on data analysis and processing. The first step in
implementing a machine learning algorithm is to understand the right learning
experience from which the model starts improving on. Data pre-processing plays a
major role when it comes to machine learning. In order to make the model more
efficient we need lots of data, so we turned our focus primarily on Kaggle and other
made project on it.

The problem addressed in this report is the need to advance sentiment analysis
techniques to effectively analyze streaming audio data. With the proliferation of
streaming audio content across various platforms such as podcasts, live broadcasts, and
social media, there is a growing demand to extract insights from this rich source of
information. Traditional sentiment analysis methods primarily focus on textual data,
leaving a gap in understanding the emotional nuances conveyed through audio content.
The challenges associated with sentiment analysis of streaming audio include the
preprocessing complexities involved in handling raw audio data, the need for real-time
analysis to provide timely insights, and the requirement to interpret contextual cues
such as tone of voice and background noise. Additionally, there are ethical
considerations related to privacy, consent, and bias in the analysis of sensitive voice
Therefore, the problem definition entails developing robust methodologies and
techniques to address these challenges and advance sentiment analysis with streaming
audio. This involves leveraging recent advancements in artificial intelligence, deep
learning, and audio processing to extract meaningful insights from audio content,
enabling applications such as social media monitoring, customer feedback analysis,
content recommendation, and market research. Moreover, it requires establishing
ethical guidelines to ensure the responsible use of sentiment analysis technologies in
the analysis of streaming audio data.
The survey of technologies showcases the diverse methodologies and approaches
utilized in advancing sentiment analysis with streaming audio, catering to various
application domains and addressing challenges such as real-time processing and
privacy concerns.

Deep Learning Models (CNNs and RNNs)

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are
widely used for analyzing streaming audio data.
CNNs are effective in extracting features from audio spectrograms, while RNNs are
suitable for capturing temporal dependencies in audio sequences.
Matplotlib is a comprehensive library in Python used for creating static, interactive, and
animated visualizations in a wide range of formats. It provides a flexible and powerful
framework for generating plots, charts, histograms, and other graphical representations
of data.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses
on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way
that is both meaningful and contextually relevant. It involves the development of
algorithms and models to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data,
such as text and speech, to extract useful information and derive insights.
A stopwords is a commonly used word (such as “the”, “a”, “an”, or “in”) that a search
engine has been programmed to ignore, both when indexing entries for searching and
when retrieving them as the result of a search query.
VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-
based sentiment analysis tool that is specifically attuned to sentiments expressed in
social media.
VADER not only tells about the Positivity and Negativity score but also tells us about
how positive or negative a sentiment is.
Emotion Recognition Systems
Emotion recognition systems classify emotional states conveyed in streaming audio
Techniques such as audio-based emotion recognition from speech signals or
physiological signals (e.g., heart rate variability) are utilized to infer emotional states.
Real-time Processing Frameworks
Streaming data processing frameworks like Apache Kafka and Apache Flink enable
real-time sentiment analysis on continuous audio streams.
These frameworks provide scalable and fault-tolerant processing capabilities, essential
for applications requiring timely insights.
Feature Extraction Techniques
Acoustic features such as pitch, intensity, and spectral characteristics are extracted from
audio signals for sentiment analysis.
Prosodic features capture rhythmic and intonational patterns in speech, providing
additional contextual information for sentiment classification.
Linguistic features derived from transcriptions or metadata accompanying audio
content contribute to sentiment analysis tasks.
Multimodal Approaches
Combining audio features with textual or visual cues enhances sentiment analysis
Multimodal architectures integrate audio embeddings with text embeddings from pre-
trained language models or image embeddings from visual data, enabling a
comprehensive understanding of sentiment.
Sr. Paper Name Author Findings Year of
No. Publishing

1. A deep learning Chetanpal Singh , This paper presents a deep learning 2022
approach for Tasadduq Imam , approach for sentiment analysis of
sentiment Santoso Wibowo Twitter data on COVID-19 reviews. The
analysis of and Srimannarayana algorithm is based on an LSTM-RNN-
covid-19 Grandhi . based network and enhanced featured
reviews. weighting by an attention layer. This
algorithm uses an enhanced feature
transformation framework via the
attention mechanism.

A total of four class labels (sad, joy, fear,

and anger) from publicly available
Twitter data posted in the Kaggle
database were used in this study.

2. Sentiment Kanhav Gupta , The results that we obtained with three 2021
Analysis of Text Shubhangi Tiwari , different classifiers namely Logistic
and Audio Data. Anamika , Dr. Regression, SVM and Naïve Bayes in
Munish Mehta. two categories (with and without stop

We have made a slight increase in

accuracy of almost all the models.
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
performed the best as compared to
Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes.
However Naive Bayes shows the highest
amount of increase after stop words
Sr. Paper Name Author Findings Year of
No. Publishing
3. Text Sentiment Ronglei Hu , Lu Rui , Ping Among the three existing methods, the 2018
Analysis: A Zeng , Lei Chen , and accuracy of sentiment analysis based
Review Xiaohong Fan on dictionary mainly depends on the
completeness of the sentiment
dictionary. The limitation of the
sentiment dictionary and the
complexity of the Chinese text rules
make the method having certain
limitations. The accuracy of
conventional machine learning
algorithms is mainly dependent on the
selection of features and the
completeness of corpus. Many
scholars have proposed a number of
sentiment feature selection methods.
Chinese corpus is very few at present,
which is a major limitation of
conventional machine algorithm in
sentiment analysis of Chinese text.
Deep learning method is the most
effective method at present.
4. Sentiment Antoreep Jana , The tweets data is collected and then 2020
Analysis using DTU, Delhi, INDIA passed through machine learning
Machine [email protected] classifiers. After being classified by
Learning and the individual classifiers, a voted
Deep Learning. Yogesh Chandra classification mechanism has been
7th International ISSA, DRDO, Delhi, used to finally obtain the class of the
Conference on INDIA. 'tweet' and the percentage confidence
Computing For [email protected] on it. Polarity method for
Sustainable classification has also been used to
Global find the percentage of positive and
Development negative tweets. Lastly, Deep
(INDIACom) Learning Models have been implied to
classify the tweets. Deep Learning
models like CNN-RNN, LSTM, etc.,
and their various combinations have
shown better performance compared
to the machine learning algorithms.
final model will account for all the
possible variance in the social media.

Data Collection and Preprocessing

Gather streaming audio data from various sources such as live broadcasts, podcasts,
and social media platforms and Preprocess that audio data to remove noise, normalize
audio levels, and segment into manageable chunks for analysis.
Convert audio data into suitable formats for further processing.

Text Data Extraction

Extract textual information associated with streaming audio data, such as transcriptions,
metadata, and user comments.
Clean and preprocess text data by removing irrelevant information, special characters,
and Stopwords. Tokenize text data into words or phrases for further analysis.

Feature Extraction
Extract relevant features from both audio and text data for sentiment analysis. For audio
data, extract acoustic features such as pitch, intensity, and spectral characteristics.
For text data, extract linguistic features such as word frequency, sentiment lexicons,
and syntactic patterns.

Sentiment Analysis Model Development

Develop machine learning or deep learning models for sentiment analysis tailored to
streaming audio data.
Train models using labeled datasets to classify audio segments or textual data into
sentiment categories (positive, negative, neutral). Explore ensemble methods or transfer
learning techniques to improve model performance.

Integration with NLP Techniques

Integrate text-based NLP techniques such as named entity recognition (NER), part-of-
speech tagging (POS), and topic modeling with sentiment analysis.
Combine audio and textual features for a comprehensive understanding of content and
Visualization and Reporting
Develop interactive visualizations to display sentiment trends over time from streaming
audio and text data.
Generate comprehensive reports summarizing sentiment analysis results, including
sentiment distribution, key insights, and trends.

Testing and Evaluation

Conduct rigorous testing of the sentiment analysis models using benchmark datasets
and real-world streaming data.
Evaluate model performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
Validate the robustness and scalability of the system under various scenarios and

Deployment and Integration

Deploy the sentiment analysis system in production environments, ensuring seamless
integration with existing workflows and systems.
Provide APIs and SDKs for easy integration with third-party applications and
A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process or system, displaying the steps
involved as well as the sequence and flow of those steps. It uses standardized symbols
and shapes to illustrate the various stages, decisions, and actions within the process.
Flowcharts are widely used in various fields such as software development, business
process analysis, project management, and system design.
A use case diagram is a graphical representation of a user's possible interactions with a
system. A use case diagram shows various use cases and different types of users the
system has and will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams as well. The use
cases are represented by either circles or ellipses.
An ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram is a graphical representation that illustrates the
entities (objects), attributes, and relationships within a database or information system.
It's used to design and visualize the structure of a database schema, depicting how data
entities relate to each other.
Technical Feasibility
The project involves implementing advanced natural language processing (NLP) and
audio processing techniques for real-time sentiment analysis of streaming audio data.
Necessary technologies and tools such as deep learning frameworks, audio processing
libraries, and streaming data processing platforms are available and well-documented.
The technical team possesses the required expertise in NLP, machine learning, and
audio signal processing to develop and implement the system effectively.

Operational Feasibility
The project aims to address the need for real-time sentiment analysis of streaming
audio data, which is increasingly important for businesses, media, and researchers to
understand audience sentiments, trends, and feedback.
Stakeholder consultations and market research will be conducted to assess the demand
for the proposed solution, identify user requirements, and validate the project's
operational feasibility.

Need and Significance of the Project

In today's digital landscape, streaming audio content is pervasive across various
platforms, including podcasts, live broadcasts, and social media. However, traditional
sentiment analysis techniques primarily focus on text data, leaving a gap in
understanding the emotional nuances conveyed through audio.
There is a growing need for advanced sentiment analysis systems capable of analyzing
streaming audio data in real-time to extract valuable insights into audience sentiments,
preferences, and feedback.
Businesses can leverage real-time sentiment analysis of streaming audio data to
enhance customer engagement, improve product offerings, and make data-driven
Media and entertainment companies can use sentiment analysis to gauge audience
reactions during live events, podcasts, and broadcasts, enabling them to tailor content
and programming accordingly.
Researchers and analysts can benefit from real-time sentiment analysis of streaming
audio data to uncover trends, patterns, and insights in fields such as market research,
social sciences, and public opinion analysis.


Functional Requirements
Real-time Audio Processing
Ability to process streaming audio data in real-time from various sources such as live
broadcasts, podcasts, and social media platforms.
Implement efficient algorithms for noise removal, speaker diarization, and
segmentation to prepare audio data for sentiment analysis.

Sentiment Analysis
Develop models for sentiment analysis tailored to streaming audio data.Perform
sentiment classification on audio segments to determine emotional tone (positive,
negative, neutral) and intensity.
Explore deep learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and
recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for feature extraction and sentiment prediction from
audio spectrograms.

Integration with NLP Techniques

Integrate text-based NLP techniques such as named entity recognition (NER) and topic
modeling with audio-based sentiment analysis for a comprehensive understanding of

Visualization and Reporting

Provide visualizations of sentiment trends over time from streaming audio data.
Generate reports summarizing sentiment analysis results for stakeholders, including
sentiment distribution, key insights, and trends.

Scalability and Performance

Ensure the system can scale to handle large volumes of streaming audio data without
compromising performance.
Implement efficient data processing pipelines and distributed computing frameworks
for scalability.
Non-Functional Requirements
Accuracy and Reliability
The system should produce accurate sentiment analysis results consistently across
different audio sources and content types.
Implement error handling mechanisms to ensure reliability and robustness in sentiment

Real-time Processing
Achieve low-latency processing to provide timely sentiment analysis results for
applications requiring real-time insights.

Privacy and Security

Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of streaming audio data processed by the
system.Implement encryption and access control mechanisms to protect sensitive data.

Usability and User Experience

Provide a user-friendly interface for configuring sentiment analysis parameters,
visualizing results, and accessing reports.
Include documentation and tutorials to assist users in understanding and utilizing the
system effectively.


Software Requirements
Operating System: The system should be compatible with various operating systems,
including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Programming Language: Utilize programming languages such as Python for
implementing sentiment analysis algorithms, audio processing, and system integration.

Development Frameworks and Libraries

PyTorch: For building and training deep learning models for sentiment analysis.
Scikit-learn: For implementing machine learning algorithms and data preprocessing
SpeechRecognition: it is a library that allows developers to integrate speech
recognition into their applications easily
Matplotlib : For data visualization and generating sentiment analysis reports.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, or Visual Studio Code: For code development, debugging,
and testing.

Hardware Requirements
Processing Power: The system should have sufficient computational resources to
handle audio processing and sentiment analysis tasks efficiently.
Memory (RAM):Minimum 8 GB RAM
Storage: Minimum: 256 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) for storing software, datasets, and
analysis results.
Network Connectivity: A stable internet connection is required for accessing
streaming audio data from online platforms and APIs.
Audio Input/Output Devices: For testing and development purposes, audio
input/output devices such as microphones, speakers, or headphones may be required.


Our advanced sentiment analysis system with streaming audio capabilities is a cutting-
edge solution designed to analyze real-time audio data from various sources, including
live broadcasts, podcasts, and social media platforms. Leveraging state-of-the-art
natural language processing (NLP) and audio processing techniques, our system
extracts valuable insights regarding the emotional tone and sentiment expressed in
streaming audio content.
Key features of our system include:
1.Real-time Audio Processing: Our system processes streaming audio data in real-
time, enabling timely analysis and insights extraction. Advanced audio processing
algorithms handle tasks such as noise removal, speaker pitch, and segmentation to
prepare audio data for sentiment analysis.
2.Sentiment Analysis: We utilize deep learning models and NLP techniques to perform
sentiment analysis on streaming audio content. Our system classifies audio segments
into positive, negative, or neutral sentiment categories, providing insights into the
emotional tone conveyed.
3.Integration with NLP Techniques: Our system integrates text-based NLP
techniques such as named entity recognition (NER) and topic modeling with audio-
based sentiment analysis for a comprehensive understanding of content.
4.Visualization and Reporting: We provide intuitive visualizations of sentiment
trends over time from streaming audio data. Our system generates comprehensive
reports summarizing sentiment analysis results, including sentiment distribution, key
insights, and trends.
5.Scalability and Performance: Our system is designed to scale and handle large
volumes of streaming audio data efficiently. We implement efficient data processing
pipelines and distributed computing frameworks for scalability and performance
1. Chetanpal Singh , Tasadduq Imam , Santoso Wibowo and Srimannarayana
Grandhi , A deep learning approach for sentiment analysis of covid-19 reviews.
in 2022.

2. Kanhav Gupta , Shubhangi Tiwari , Anamika , Dr. Munish Mehta, Sentiment

Analysis of Text and Audio Data in 2021.

3. Ronglei Hu , Lu Rui , Ping Zeng , Lei Chen , and Xiaohong Fan , Text
Sentiment Analysis: A Review in 2018.

4. Antoreep Jana (DTU, Delhi, INDIA) and Yogesh ChandraISSA (DRDO, Delhi,
INDIA) , Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning andDeep Learning.7th
International Conference on Computing For Sustainable Global Development
(INDIACom) in 2020.

5. D.Radha, R. Jayaparvathy, D. Yamini, Analysis on Social Media Addiction

using Data Mining Technique, International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 8887) Volume 139 No.7, pp. 23- 26, April 2016.

6. Emotions data-set


7. Singh, C.; Wibowo, S.; Grandhi, S. An integrated non-linear deep learning

method for sentiment classification of online reviews. In Advances in Natural
Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery; Meng, H., Lei, T., Li,
M., Li, K., Xiong, N., Wang, L., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 2020;

8. Chakraborty, K.; Bhatia, S.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Platos, J.; Bag, R.; Hassanien,
A. Sentiment analysis of COVID-19 tweets by deep learning classifiers–A study
to show how popularity is affecting accuracy in social media. Appl. Soft
Comput. 2020, 97, 106754

9. Naw, N. Twitter sentiment analysis using support vector machine and K-NN
classifiers. IJSRP 2018, 8, 407–411.

10. Schmidt, A.; Wiegand, M. A survey on hate speech detection using natural
language processing. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on
Natural Language Processing for Social Media, Valencia, Spain, 3 April 2017.

In conclusion, the development of an advanced sentiment analysis system with

streaming audio capabilities offers significant potential benefits across various domains
and industries. By leveraging state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) and
audio processing techniques, this system enables real-time analysis of streaming audio
data to extract valuable insights into audience sentiments and emotional trends.
Throughout the project, we have outlined a comprehensive methodology encompassing
data collection, preprocessing, feature extraction, model development, integration with
NLP techniques, real-time streaming data processing, visualization, testing,
deployment, and maintenance. By following this methodology, we aim to create a
robust and scalable system capable of handling large volumes of streaming audio data
efficiently while providing accurate sentiment analysis results.
The proposed system addresses the growing need for advanced sentiment analysis
solutions tailored to the unique challenges of analyzing audio content. Businesses can
benefit from understanding customer sentiments from live broadcasts, podcasts, and
social media platforms to enhance customer engagement, improve product offerings,
and make data-driven decisions. Media and entertainment companies can leverage real-
time sentiment analysis during live events and broadcasts to tailor content and
programming based on audience reactions. Researchers and analysts can explore
emotional trends and sentiment patterns in streaming audio data for academic or market
research purposes.
In conclusion, the development of an advanced sentiment analysis system with
streaming audio capabilities represents a significant advancement in the field of
sentiment analysis, offering powerful tools for understanding and interpreting the
emotional content conveyed through audio data in real-time.


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