AYJR 2024 (Advanced) - Paper 1 - Provisional Answer Keys

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Consider 3 waves described by following electric fields.

E1 = [^
x cos(ωt − kz) + y^ sin(kz − ωt)]
E2 = E0 x^ cos(ωt − kz + π/4) + 0 y^ cos(ωt − kz + 5π/4)
E0 E0
E3 = x^ cos(ωt − kz) + y^ sin(ωt − kz)
√2 √3
Choose the correct options.

(1) A particle of charge q sits on z = 0 under field E1 At any t > 0, the instantaneous speed of q aE0 /w

(2) Light wave E2 is not linearly polarized

(3) Light wave E3 is elliptically polarised in clockwise rotation

(4) Light wave E3 is elliptically polarised in counter clockwise rotation.


A solid sphere of mass M is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. A sudden blow is given horizontally to the

sphere at a height h = 4R/5 above the centre line. If I is the impulse of the blow.

(1) The minimum time after which the highest point will touch the ground is 2I

(2) The displacement of the centre of mass during this interval is 2
(3) Angular velocity of sphere just after impulse provide is MR
(4) Velocity of sphere just after impulse provide is M


A potentiometer has a cell of emf 10 V and internal resistance 2Ω. It is connected to a resistance box in which we

can have any integral resistance from 1Ω to 20Ω. The resistance of the potentiometer wire is 10Ω and its length is

4.000 m. The least count of the scale is 1 mm. We wish to measure the emf of a secondary cell whose emf is 7 V.

(1) The reading will be most accurate when we set the resistance box at 2Ω.

(2) The reading will be most accurate when we set the resistance box at 3Ω.

(3) If the resistance box is set at 1Ω and we balance the secondary cell on the potentiometer wire, the null point

will be at 3.640 m.

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(4) If the resistance box is set at 8Ω and we balance the secondary cell on the potentiometer wire, the null point

will be at 2.000 m.


A gas containing hydrogen like ions with atomic number z emits photons in transition n + 2 → n where n = z.

These photons falls on a metallic plate and eject electrons having minimum de-Broglie wavelength = 5 A. Find

the value of z. Work function of the metal is 4.2eV.

(1) n + 3z = 9
(2) 3n + z = 8

(3) 8n − 3z = 10
(4) 3n + 4z = 14


In figure A, a stationary spacecraft of mass M is passed by asteroid A of mass m, asteroid B of the same mass m,

and asteroid C of mass 2 m. The asteroids move along the indicated straight paths at the same speed; the
perpendicular distances between the spacecraft and the paths are given as multiples of R. Figure B gives the

gravitational potential energy U(t) of the spacecraft-asteroid system during the passage of each asteroid treating
time t = 0 as the moment when separation is minimum. Which asteroid corresponds to which plot of U(t) ?

(1) B − 1

(2) A − 2
(3) C − 3

(4) A − 3

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n moles of an ideal gas undergo an isothermal process at temperature T. P-V graph of the process is as shown in
the figure. A point A (V1 , P1 ) is located on the P-V curve. Tangent at point A, cuts the V-axis at point B. AO is
the line joining the point A to the origin O of PV diagram. BC is perpendicular to OB. Then

(1) The coordinates of point C are (2 V1 , )


(2) The coordinates of point C are ( 2 V1 , 3 P1 )

3 2

(3) Area of the triangle AOB is equal to nRT

(4) Area of the triangle AOB is equal to 2


Consider a bob of mass m and having charge q attached with a light string of length l and pivoted at point O. It is

released at rest at 60∘ with vertical. There are two regions- Region-I (left of line P Q) has a uniform and constant

magnetic field B directed inside plane of paper. Region-II (right of line P Q) has a constant and uniform electric

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field E directed vertically up as shown. Consider no effect of gravity in both the regions.

(1) Time taken by particle to cross region-I for 1st time is π√ 5qE

(2) Time taken by particle to cross region-I for 2nd time is π√ 13qE

(3) Angular speed of 1st revolution in magnetic field is √ 2ml


(4) Angular speed of 2nd revolution in magnetic field is √



The figure shows a snapshot of a vibrating string at t = 0. The particle P is observed moving up with a velocity

20√3 cm/s. The tangent at P makes an angle 60∘ with x-axis. Then (μ mass per unit length of string = 50gm/m

(1) the wave is moving along negative x-axis

(2) the wave is moving along positive x-axis

(3) the equation of wave is given by y = 0.4 sin 2π (5t − )

x 1
+ 12

(4) the total energy carried by the wave per cycle is 3.6 × 10−6 J

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A capacitor of capacity 6μF and initial charge 160μC is connected with a key S and resistance as shown in figure.

Point M is earthed. If key is closed at t = 0 then the current through resistance R = 1Ω at t = 16μsec will be
_____ Amp. (Assume e = 2.7)


The long, horizontal pair of rails shown in the figure is connected using resistance R. The distance between the

rails is ℓ, the electrical resistance of the rails is negligible. A conducting wire of mass m and length ℓ can slide

without friction on the pair of rails, in a vertical, homogeneous magnetic field of induction B. A force of

magnitude F0 is exerted for sufficiently long time onto the conducting wire, so that the speed of the wire becomes
nearly constant. The force F0 is now removed at a certain point P. The distance the conducting wire cover on rails

from point P before stopping is (316 + n) meters. Find ' n '. (Given : F0 = 20 N, m = 1.6gm,

R = 0.01Ω, ℓ = 10 cm, B = 0.1 T)


A body of mass m = 4 kg starts moving with velocity v0 in a straight line in such a way that on the body work is
being done at the rate which is proportional to the square of velocity as given by P = βv2 where β = 2
. Find

the time elapsed in seconds before velocity of body is doubled (nearest integer).


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A tube of uniform cross-section is used to siphon water from a vessel, as shown in the Figure. Assuming that the

cross-section of the vessel is very much greater than that of the tube, find the maximum value of height h1 (in m ),

for which the siphon will work. [Take h2 = 3 m, atmospheric pressure Patm = 105 Nm−2 , density of water
ρ = 1000 kg − m−3 and acceleration due to gravity g = 10 ms−2 ]


Figure shows a uniformly charged spherical shell B of charge (qB = q) kept inside uniformly charged spherical
→ →
shell A of charge (qA = q). Let electric field due to A and B at any point are E A and E B respectively. If dV
→ →
∫ entire E B ⋅ E B dV
represents elementry volume, then the value of → → will be
∫ entire E A ⋅ E B dV


An object is placed 21 cm in front of a concave mirror of radius of curvature 10 cm. A glass slab of thickness

3 cm and refractive index 1.5 is then placed close to the mirror in the space between the object and the mirror.

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Find the position of the final image (in cm) formed from mirror.


The production of electrical power through the use of a conducting fluid moving through a magnetic field is
referred to as a MAGNETO HYDRODYNAMIC (MHD) GENERATOR. A simplistic way of functioning of

MHD is shown in the figure. In the figure shown, a horizontal rectangular plastic pipe of width w and height h is
filled with mercury of electrical conductivity σ. A pressure difference ΔP is produced by a turbine which drives
this fluid with a constant speed V0 . The two opposite vertical walls of a section of the pipe with length L are made

of copper.
To simplify the situation we assume the following.

- Although the fluid is viscous, its speed is uniform over the entire cross-section.
- The speed of the fluid is always proportional to the net external force acting upon it.
- The fluid is incompressible.

These conducting walls are electrically shorted with an external wire as shown in the figure. The steady state
velocity of the fluid after application of magnetic field is v.

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The current flowing in the shorting wire in the steady state is

(1) BLhσv

(2) BLωσv
BL2 hσv
(3) ω

(4) Bvhσω


The production of electrical power through the use of a conducting fluid moving through a magnetic field is
referred to as a MAGNETO HYDRODYNAMIC (MHD) GENERATOR. A simplistic way of functioning of

MHD is shown in the figure. In the figure shown, a horizontal rectangular plastic pipe of width w and height h is
filled with mercury of electrical conductivity σ. A pressure difference ΔP is produced by a turbine which drives

this fluid with a constant speed V0 . The two opposite vertical walls of a section of the pipe with length L are made
of copper.
To simplify the situation we assume the following.

- Although the fluid is viscous, its speed is uniform over the entire cross-section.
- The speed of the fluid is always proportional to the net external force acting upon it.
- The fluid is incompressible.

These conducting walls are electrically shorted with an external wire as shown in the figure. The steady state
velocity of the fluid after application of magnetic field is v.

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Taking the assumption taken in the MHD working that speed of the fluid is always proportional to the net external
force acting upon it, the expression of steady state velocity v after application of magnetic field is

B2 Lσ
ΔP v0
ΔP+B2 Lσv0
ΔPh+B2 LWσv0
ΔP+B2 wv0



Consider YDSE arrangement shown. The screen in the arrangement starts accelerating from rest in the positive x-
direction with acceleration a = Kt at time t = 0 (here K is a constant and t is time)

Rate of change of fringe width (R) for the fringe pattern on the screen varies with time as

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Consider YDSE arrangement shown. The screen in the arrangement starts accelerating from rest in the positive x-

direction with acceleration a = Kt at time t = 0 (here K is a constant and t is time)


Velocity of nth maxima (above " O ") at any time t in ground frame is -

(^i + j)
nλ ^

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(2) Kt(^i + j)
nλ ^

(3) Kt2
( nλ
^i + ^j )

(4) None of these


In a chemical reaction, the compound (X)

Can rather conveniently be converted to another compound (Y) which is

Which of the following is/are suitable for this purpose.

(1) Trans isomer of (X) can be treated with anhydrous AlCl3 .

(2) Cis isomer of (X) can be treated with HF.

(3) Trans isomer of (X) can be treated with conc. H3 PO4 .

(4) Cis isomer of (X) can be treated with NaOH.


Which of the following statements is/are false ?

(1) Chromium on reaction with Concentrated Nitric Acid liberates Nitrogen Dioxide gas.
(2) In solid state, PCl5 exists as [PCl−
4 ] [PCl6 ]

(3) H2 P2 O6 is formed when Phosphorus Acid reacts with Bromine.

(4) The Hydrolysis of XeF2 , XeF4 , XeF6 all yield Oxygen Gas.


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For real gases various equation of state are known, like Vanderwaals equation, Berthelot's equation, virial

equation, Dieterici's equation etc. Although Vander waal's equation is easy to use, but the experimental value of '
Z ' (compressibility factor) at critical condition does not match with the predicted value [Experimental ≈ 0.27,
predicted by Vanderwaal ≈ 0.375]. The experiemental value more appropritely match by Dieterici's equation :

P = ( VRT−b ) ⋅ e− VmRT

Where a, b are Dieterici's constant, Vm = molar volume, P = Pressure & T = temperature. Pc , Vc & Tc in terms

of Dieterici's constant will be respectively -

a a
(1) , 2 b, 4bR
4 b2 e2
a 8a
(2) 27b2
, 3b, 27Rb
a a
(3) , 3 b, 4bR
4 b2 e2
a a
(4) 2 2 , 2 b, 4bR
b e


Which of the following statements is/are false ?

(1) In [PtCl2 (NH3 )4 ] complex ion, the cis-form is optically active, while trans-form is optically inactive
(2) In [Fe(C2 O4 )3 ] , geometrical isomerism does not exist, while optical isomerism exists
(3) [Mabcd] n± square planar complexes exhibit both optical as well as geometrical isomerism

(4) In [Mabcd] n± tetrahedral complexes, optical isomerism cannot be observed


1 dk
In order to study effect of temperature on rate of reaction, another term " σ " is defined as σ = k dT
[where k is
rate constant and T represents temperature]. If for a reaction, the value of σ = K−1 [ T should be in

Kelvin], then identify the correct statement(s).

(1) Activation energy for the given reaction at 250Kelvin is 10Kcal/mol.

(2) Activation energy for the given reaction at 2000Kelvin is 1.25Kcal/mol.

(3) Activation energy of this reaction increases on increasing temperature.

(4) The value of dT
at 2000 Kelvin is 0.625 × k.

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Following two equilibria are established on mixing two gases A2 and C.

(i) 3 A2 (g) ⇌ A6 (g), Kp = 1.6 atm−2

(ii) A2 (g) + C(g) ⇌ A2 C(g)

A2 and C are mixed in 2 : 1 molar ratio in a sealed container at a constant temperature. If the total pressure of the
reaction mixture is given to be 1.4 atm and partial pressure of A6 to be 0.2 atm at equilibrium, then identify the

correct statement(s) of the following:

(1) Equilibrium partial pressure of A2 (g) is 0.5 atm.

(2) Equilibrium partial pressure of ' C ' is 0.4 atm

(3) Equilbirium partial pressure of A2 C(g) is 0.3 atm

(4) KP of reaction (ii) is 1.5 atm−1


Which of the following is(are) correct?



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Which is / are correct statement?

(1) Won the system, adiabatic > Won the system,isothermally in an ideal gas compression from same initial state to same

final volume

(2) The value of γ (γ = ) remains constant for diatomic gas at all temperature

(3) Entropy increases when an ideal gas expanded isothermally.

(4) Δr H&Δr S both are + ve for the decomposition of MgCO3 ( s).


Note: Do not care about the Dimensions of the Physical Quantities in this Problem.

The energy of a particle in a 1 Dimensional Box (1D Box)is given by

n 2 h2
En = 8mL2


n is an Integer starting from 1 and represents the quantum number for the energy state
is assumed to be a constant with a value equal to β.

h is the Planck's Constant

m is the Mass of the Particle
L is the Length of the Box.
Note that no more than 2 electrons can occupy an Orbital (Energy Level).

The energy difference between the HOMO and LUMO of a hypothetical particle having 47 Electrons is given by

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HOMO: Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
LUMO: Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital.

Then, the Value of f is _________.


In the following sequence, product P, Q, R and S are formed, if the molar mass of S is M, then what is value of
(i) NaBH4 (i) Mg/ ether SOCl2 H2
PhCH2 C ≡ CCH2 CHO −−−−−−→ P −−−−−−−−→ Q −−−→ R −−−−−−−−−−−−−→ S
(ii) PBr3 (ii)) CO2 Pd/BaSO4 / Quinoline
(iii) H3 O⊕


The total number of metals that can be the best refined by liquation method from following - Copper, bismuth,
silver, lead, gold, zinc, mercury ?


Henry's law constants for O2 and N2 dissolved in water at 273 K are 2.03 × 108 Pa and 5.07 × 108 Pa.

respectively. A sample of water at a temperature just above 273 K was equilibrated with air (21% oxygen and

79% N2 ) at 1 atm. The dissolved gas was separated from a sample of this water and then dried. Determine the
composition of N2 in percentage (nearest integer).


A compound (A) having molecular formula C7 H11 Br is optically active. A reacts with HBr in the absence of
peroxide to give isomeric products (B) and (C). Treating (A) with potassium-t-butoxide gives (D). (D) on

reductive ozonolysis gives two moles of formaldehyde and one mole of 1,3 cyclopentane dione. (A) in the

presence of peroxide reacts with HBr to give (E). The total number of chiral carbon in one molecule of (E) is:


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Identify the species in which the "actual" as well as the "average" Oxidation number of the marked element is/are

an EVEN integer



Compound (A), C11 H12 O, which gave no Tollen's test, was treated with LiAlH4 , followed by dilute acid, to give

compound (B), which could be resolved into enantiomers. When optically active (B) was treated with CrO3 in
pyridine, an optically inactive sample of (A) was obtained. Heating (A) with hydrazine in base gave hydrocarbon

(C), which, when heated with alkaline KMnO4 followed by acidification, gave carboxylic acid (D).

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Another compound (X), C6 H12 O2 , was found to be optically active and was slowly oxidized to an optically active
carboxylic acid (Y), C6 H12 O3 , by [Ag(NH3 )2 ] . Oxidation of (X) by anhydrous CrO3 gave an optically
inactive compound that reacted with Zn amalgam /HCl to give 3-methylpentane. With aqueous H2 CrO4 ,

compound (X) was oxidized to an optically inactive dicarboxylic acid (Z), C6 H10 O4 .


The most probable structure of (A) will be







Compound (A), C11 H12 O, which gave no Tollen's test, was treated with LiAlH4 , followed by dilute acid, to give
compound (B), which could be resolved into enantiomers. When optically active (B) was treated with CrO3 in

pyridine, an optically inactive sample of (A) was obtained. Heating (A) with hydrazine in base gave hydrocarbon

(C), which, when heated with alkaline KMnO4 followed by acidification, gave carboxylic acid (D).

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Another compound (X), C6 H12 O2 , was found to be optically active and was slowly oxidized to an optically active
carboxylic acid (Y), C6 H12 O3 , by [Ag(NH3 )2 ] . Oxidation of (X) by anhydrous CrO3 gave an optically

inactive compound that reacted with Zn amalgam /HCl to give 3-methylpentane. With aqueous H2 CrO4 ,

compound (X) was oxidized to an optically inactive dicarboxylic acid (Z), C6 H10 O4 .

The structure of compound (X) would be







There are 4 glass bottles containing water solutions. These bottles are not labeled. Bottles 1, 2, 3 Contained

colourless solutions, while bottle 4 contained a blue solution. Each bottle is having any one solution among the
following (Each bottle is having different solution).

Copper (III) sulphate

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Sodium carbonates

Lead nitrate

Hydrochloric acid
By mixing samples of the contents of the bottles, in pairs, following observations are made:
(1) Bottle 1 + Bottle 2 White ppt.
(2) Bottle 1 + Bottle 3 White ppt.
(3) Bottle 1 + Bottle 4 White ppt.
(4) Bottle 2 + Bottle 3 Colourless gas evolved
(5) Bottle 2 + Bottle 4 No visible reaction
(6) Bottle 3 + Bottle 4 Blue ppt.

Colourless solution present in Bottle 1 is :

(1) CuSO4
(2) HCl

(3) Pb(NO3 )2

(4) Na2 CO3



There are 4 glass bottles containing water solutions. These bottles are not labeled. Bottles 1, 2, 3 Contained
colourless solutions, while bottle 4 contained a blue solution. Each bottle is having any one solution among the

following (Each bottle is having different solution).

Copper (III) sulphate

Sodium carbonates

Lead nitrate

Hydrochloric acid
By mixing samples of the contents of the bottles, in pairs, following observations are made:

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(1) Bottle 1 + Bottle 2 White ppt.
(2) Bottle 1 + Bottle 3 White ppt.
(3) Bottle 1 + Bottle 4 White ppt.
(4) Bottle 2 + Bottle 3 Colourless gas evolved
(5) Bottle 2 + Bottle 4 No visible reaction
(6) Bottle 3 + Bottle 4 Blue ppt.

Nature of gas evolved in observation (4) is:

(1) Acidic
(2) Neutral

(3) Basic

(4) Amphoteric


Let P = ∣z 5 + z̄ 3 + 6z∣ − 2 ∣z 4 + 1∣ and |z| = 1 and Q is number of real roots of 5 − x = √x + √x + √x,

where z ∈ C, x ∈ R, then which of the following is/are FALSE ?

(where Pmin and Pmax are minimum and maximum value of P respectively)

(1) Pmin + Q = 5

(2) Pmax + Q = 4
(3) P + Q ∈ [4, 5]

(4) P − Q ∈ [3, 4]


If Ψ1 = ( n16 + ) and Ψ2 = ( n16 + ), then which of the following

32 243 1 32 243 (n−1)5
+ n6
+…+ n n6
+ n6
+…+ n6

is/are true?

[x] denotes greatest integer less than or equal to x

(1) limn→∞ [6Ψ1 ] = 1

(2) limn→∞ [3 (Ψ1 + Ψ2 )] = 1

(3) limn→∞ [3 (Ψ1 + Ψ2 )] = 0

(4) limn→∞ [6Ψ2 ] = 0

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Let A be a square matrix of order 3 which satisfies the equation A4 − 8A3 + 24A2 − 37A + 16I = 0 and

B = A − 2I be another matrix. If Det A = 5 and Det B > 0, A−1 represent inverse of matrix A, then

(1) Det(Adj(I − 2A−1 )) is equal to 1

(2) Det(Adj ( B5 ) ) is equal to 625

(3) Det(I + 2B−1 ) is equal to 1

(4) Det B = 25


^ v→2 = β^i + γ^j + αk,

Consider three vectors v→1 = α^i + β^j + γk, ^ v→3 = γ^i + α^j + βk
^, where α, β, γ are

determined by randomly selecting 3 cards from a pack of 52 cards, such that a King represents 13, a Queen

represents 12, a Jack represents 11 while an Ace represents 1 and remaining cards represent number on them, then

(1) probability that v→1 , v→2 , v→3 are linearly independent is 425 .
→ → → 1
(2) probability that v 1 , v 2 , v 3 are linearly dependent is 425 .
→ → → 24
(3) probability that volume of tetrahedron formed by v 1 , v 2 , v 3 is maximum is 52 C
13⋅4 C3
(4) probability that volume of parallelepiped formed by v→1 , v→2 , v→3 is minimum is 52 C .

f : [0, 1] → R is a function such that f ′ (x) is continuous and ∫0 f(x)dx = 0, if maximum value of |f ′ (x)| when
x ∈ [0, 1] is 24, then possible value of ∣∣∫0x f(t)dt∣∣ , x ∈ [0, 1], is/are:

(1) 1
(2) 2

(3) 3

(4) 4


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Let f : R → R be defined as
⎧ limn→∞ ( [x] + 3[x] 5[x] (2n−1)[x]
), π
f(x) = ⎨
+ + …..+ x≠

1+n2 2+n2 3+n2 n+n2 2
, where [.] denotes GIF, then
1, x= 2
which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?

(1) f(x) is injective but not surjective

(2) f(x) is non - differentiable at x = 2
(3) f(x) is discontinuous at all integers and continuous at x = 2

(4) f(x) is unbounded function.


The curve satisfying the differential equation (2x2 y − 2y 4 ) dx + (2x3 + 3xy 3 ) dy = 0 and passing through
(1, 1) is given by 2ℓn(xy) + xn
= 1(m, n ∈ N), then

(1) m + n = 5

(2) m + n = 4
(3) m × n = 6
(4) m × n = 4


Tangent is drawn at any point (x1 , y1 ) other than vertex on the parabola y 2 = 4ax. If tangents are drawn from any
point on this tangent to the circle x2 + y 2 = a2 such that all the chords of contact pass through a fixed point

(x2 , y2 ) then

(1) x1 , a, x2 are in G.P.

(2) 2
, a, y2 are in G.P.
y1 x1
(3) −4, y2
, x2
are in G.P.
(4) x1 x2 + y1 y2 = a2 .


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The polynomial P(x) = (1 + x + x2 + … … + x17 ) − x17 has 34 complex roots of the form

zk = rk [cos(2πak ) + i sin(2πak )] , k = 1, 2, 3, … .34 with 0 < a1 ≤ a2 ≤ a3 ≤ … … … ≤ a34 < 1 and rk > 0.

Given that a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 = q, where p, q are relatively prime positive integers, then (p + q) is equal to


Number of ways in which two distinct natural numbers can be selected out of first 100 natural numbers so that
sum of their cubes is multiple of 8 is N, then [ 200
] is equal to (where [.] denotes greatest integer function)


Consider a tetrahedron Die that has four integers 1, 2, 3 and 4 written on its faces. Roll the Die 2000 times and for
each i, 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 let f(i) represent the number of times i is written on the bottom face.

Let A denote total sum of the numbers on the bottom face for these 2000 rolls, if A4 = 6144f(1)f(2)f(3) f(4),
The value of ∣∣ f(4) ∣∣ is equal to


f(x) = ax17 + b sin x ⋅ sin 2x ⋅ sin 3x + cx2 sgn(sin x) + d log(x + √1 + x2 ) + x(|x + 1| − |x − 1|) ( ex +e−x )
ex −e−x

be defined on the set of real numbers, (a > 0, b, c, d ∈ R ) if f(−7) = 7, f(−5) = −5, f(−2) = 3, then the
minimum number of zeroes of the equation f(x) = 0 is equal to ______.

x−3 y−1 z−2 π
The plane ax + by + cz = 1 containing the line 2
= 4
= 5
is rotated through an angle 2
about this line
to contain the point (4, 3, 7). Value of (2a + 3b + 8c ) equals


+ ∣∣
1 |x|+|y| |x|−|y| ∣ A−ln 4
If A be the area bounded by the curves |y| = e−|x| − 2
and 2 2 ∣ ≤ 2, then 2
equal to

AYJR (Advanced) 2024 - Paper 1 Are You JEE Ready (AYJR - Advanced)

Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo


Continuous probability distributions, a continuous distribution is one in which the variate may take any value

between certain limits a and b, a < b. Suppose that the probability of the variate X falling in the infinitesimal
interval x − 12 dx to x + 12 dx is expressible as f(x)dx, where f(x) is a continuous function of x Symbolically,
P (x − 12 dx ≤ X ≤ x + 12 dx) = f(x)dx where f(x) is called the probability density function (abbreviated as

p.d.f.) or simply density function. The continuous curve y = f(x) is called probability curve; and when this is
symmetrical, the distribution is said to be symmetrical. Clearly, the probability density function possesses the

following properties
(i) f(x) ≥ 0 for every x in the interval [a, b], a < b
(ii) ∫a f(x)dx = 1, a, b > 0 since the total area under the curve is unity
(iii) Furthermore, we define for any [c, d], where c, d ∈ [a, b], c < d;
P (c ≤ X ≤ d) = ∫c f(x)dx ...(1)
We define F (x), the cumulative distribution function (abbreviated as c.d.f.) of the random variate X where
F (x) = P (X ≤ x)
or F (x) = ∫a f(x)dx ...(2)
A random variable x has the density function f(x) = x2 +1
, −∞ < x < ∞.
The probability that x2 lies between 3
and 1 is

(1) 6
(2) 3
(3) 3
(4) 6



Continuous probability distributions, a continuous distribution is one in which the variate may take any value
between certain limits a and b, a < b. Suppose that the probability of the variate X falling in the infinitesimal
interval x − 12 dx to x + 12 dx is expressible as f(x)dx, where f(x) is a continuous function of x Symbolically,

AYJR (Advanced) 2024 - Paper 1 Are You JEE Ready (AYJR - Advanced)

Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

P (x − 12 dx ≤ X ≤ x + 12 dx) = f(x)dx where f(x) is called the probability density function (abbreviated as

p.d.f.) or simply density function. The continuous curve y = f(x) is called probability curve; and when this is
symmetrical, the distribution is said to be symmetrical. Clearly, the probability density function possesses the
following properties

(i) f(x) ≥ 0 for every x in the interval [a, b], a < b

(ii) ∫a f(x)dx = 1, a, b > 0 since the total area under the curve is unity
(iii) Furthermore, we define for any [c, d], where c, d ∈ [a, b], c < d;
P (c ≤ X ≤ d) = ∫c f(x)dx ...(1)
We define F (x), the cumulative distribution function (abbreviated as c.d.f.) of the random variate X where
F (x) = P (X ≤ x)
or F (x) = ∫a f(x)dx ...(2)
Suppose the life in hours (x) of a certain kind of radio tube has the probability density function f(x) = when

x > 100 and zero when x < 100. Then the probability that none of three such tubes in a given radio set will have
to be replaced during the first 150 hours of operation, is
(1) 27
(2) 27
(3) 225
(4) 27


A sequence of ellipse E1 , E2 , … … . . . , En are constructed as follows: Ellipse En is drawn so as to touch ellipse

En−1 at the extremities of the major axis of En−1 and to have its foci at the extremities of the minor axis of En−1 .

If eccentricity of En is independent of n, then eccentricity of the ellipse En−2 is

(1) 2
(2) 2
(3) 2

AYJR (Advanced) 2024 - Paper 1 Are You JEE Ready (AYJR - Advanced)

Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

(4) 2



A sequence of ellipse E1 , E2 , … … . . . , En are constructed as follows: Ellipse En is drawn so as to touch ellipse

En−1 at the extremities of the major axis of En−1 and to have its foci at the extremities of the minor axis of En−1 .

If eccentricity of ellipse En is independent of ' n ' then the locus of the mid point of chords of slope -1 of En (If
the axis of En is along Y -axis)

(1) (√5 − 1)x = 2y

(2) (√5 + 1)x = 2y

(3) (3 − √5)x = 2y
(4) (3 + √5)x = 2y

AYJR (Advanced) 2024 - Paper 1 Are You JEE Ready (AYJR - Advanced)

Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

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