DODD 5205.07 Special Access Program (SAP) Policy
DODD 5205.07 Special Access Program (SAP) Policy
DODD 5205.07 Special Access Program (SAP) Policy
NUMBER 5205.07 July 1, 2010 DoD SAPCO SUBJECT: Special Access Program (SAP) Policy
1. PURPOSE. This Directive: a. Reissues DoD Directive 5205.07 (Reference (a)) to update policy and responsibilities for the oversight and management of all DoD SAPs, consistent with References (b) through (s), and authorizes the publication of other SAP issuances, as appropriate. b. Incorporates Reference (j).
2. APPLICABILITY. This Directive applies to: a. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (IG, DoD), the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities in the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as the DoD Components). b. All DoD Component contractors and consultants that require access to DoD SAPs pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contract or agreement. c. Non-DoD U.S. Government departments, activities, agencies, and all other organizational entities that require access to DoD SAPs pursuant to the terms and conditions of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) or other interagency agreement established with the Department of Defense.
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 4. POLICY. It is DoD policy that: a. DoD SAPs shall be established and maintained when absolutely necessary to protect the most sensitive DoD capabilities, information, technologies, and operations or when required by statute. Establishment shall be consistent with Reference (b). b. The Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC), hereby established, shall advise and assist the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) and the Deputy Secretary of Defense with governance, management, and oversight of DoD SAPs, as provided in Enclosure 2. c. The DoD SAP Central Office (SAPCO), under the authority, direction, and control of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, is established and is the primary DoD liaison with agencies of the Executive Branch and the Congress on all issues relating to DoD SAPs, except as noted in Reference (k). The Director, DoD SAPCO, shall be a flag officer or Senior Executive Service equivalent appointed by the Deputy Secretary of Defense. d. DoD Prospective SAPs (PSAPs) shall be initiated by the SAPCOs of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L)), the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)), the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)), the Military Departments, and the Joint Staff and forwarded to the Director, DoD SAPCO, for evaluation and processing through the governance structure. All DoD SAPs must be approved by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense. e. All personnel accessed to DoD SAPs shall notify the Director, DoD SAPCO, in a timely fashion, when briefing or providing DoD SAP material to any members of Congress or congressional staff. No DoD contractor entity, contractor employee, contractor representative, or consultant shall provide SAP material to any members of Congress or congressional staff without Director, DoD SAPCO, approval. f. Members of Congress assigned to designated defense and intelligence committees shall be authorized access to DoD SAPs within the respective committees SAP oversight role, except for waived programs pursuant to Reference (c). Unless approved by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense, only the chair, the ranking minority member, and the staff directors of the defense and intelligence committees shall be authorized access to waived SAPs within their committees respective SAP oversight role. g. The congressional defense and intelligence committees shall enforce the physical custody procedures in practice by the Department of Defense for all non-waived SAP material and information. h. All waived SAP material submitted to Congress, to include annual reports and other products, shall remain in DoD custody. No copies shall be stored outside DoD repositories or control without the approval of the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense.
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 i. SAP access approval authority (AAA) shall be exercised in accordance with the Table in Enclosure 3. Congressional SAP access requests shall be processed in accordance with the procedures in Enclosure 4. j. Personnel security requirements for DoD SAPs shall comply with Reference (d) and Reference (e), which supplements Reference (d).
7. RELEASABILITY. UNLIMITED. This Directive is approved for public release and is available on the Internet from the DoD Issuances Website at
Enclosures 1. References 2. Governance and Procedures 3. AAA 4. Procedures Governing Congressional Access to DoD SAPs 5. Responsibilities Glossary
DoD Directive 5205.07, Special Access Program (SAP) Policy, January 5, 2006 (hereby cancelled) Executive Order 12958, Classified National Security Information, December 29, 2009 Section 119 of title 10, United States Code Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information, August 2, 1995, as amended Office of Management and Budget, Deputy Director for Management Memorandum (M-06-21), Reciprocal Recognition of Existing Personnel Security Clearances, July 17, 2006 DoD Directive 5210.48, Polygraph and Credibility Assessment Program, January 25, 2007 DoD Directive 5148.11, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight (ATSD(IO)), May 21, 2004 DoD Directive 5240.12, Department of Defense (DoD) Intelligence Commercial Activities (ICAS), December 2, 1992 DoD Directive O-5240.02, Counterintelligence, December 20, 2007 Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Congressional Oversight Procedures, June 22, 1999 DoD Instruction O-5205.11, Management, Administration, and Oversight of DoD Special Access Programs (SAPs), July 1, 1997 DoD Directive 5111.1, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)), December 8, 1999 DoD Directive 5143.01, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)), November 23, 2005 DoD Directive 5230.11, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations, June 16, 1992 Chapters 31 and 33 of title 44, United States Code (also known as The Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended) Parts 1220-1228 of title 36, Code of Federal Regulations DoD Directive 3020.40, DoD Policy and Responsibilities for Critical Infrastructure, January 14, 2010 DoD Directive S-5210.36, Provision of DoD Sensitive Support to DoD Components and Other Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government, November 6, 2008 DoD Directive 5105.79, DoD Senior Governance Councils, May 19, 2008 DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, February 28, 2006 National Security Directive 79 (Classified Title and Date) Federal Acquisition Regulation, current edition Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, current edition Section 102 of title 5, United States Code
1. The Director, DoD SAPCO, on behalf of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, shall receive and document the establishment of PSAPs and initiate the SAP approval process to include appropriate reviews by the SAP governance structure. Details of the SAP approval process are contained in Reference (k). 2. The SAP governance structure shall review the SAP related actions listed in section 4 of this enclosure on behalf of the Deputy Secretary of Defense. The SAP governance structure shall consist of the SAPOC, which shall advise and assist the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense in the governance, management, and oversight of DoD SAPs and shall be supported by the Senior Review Group and the SAP Senior Working Group, hereby established. (See Reference (k) for additional information.) The Deputy Secretary of Defense shall Chair SAPOC meetings. The USD(AT&L) shall serve as the SAPOC Vice Chair. 3. The members of the SAPOC shall be the: a. USD(P). b. Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD(C))/Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Department of Defense. c. USD(I). d. Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)). e. Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. f. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief Information Officer (ASD(NII)/DoD CIO). g. General Counsel of the Department of Defense (GC, DoD). h. Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE). i. Under Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. j. Vice Chiefs of Staff of the Army and the Air Force. k. Vice Chief of Naval Operations. l. Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps.
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 4. Once the SAP governing bodies have completed a review and issued a proposed action or actions related to a SAP, the Director, DoD SAPCO, shall forward requests for approval or disapproval to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense for: a. Proposals to establish or terminate DoD SAPs. b. SAP type, category, and classification. c. Designation of and changes to oversight authority (OA) and cognizant authority (CA). d. Removal of DoD programs from special access controls. e. Apportionment and deapportionment of SAPs into and out of integrated joint special technical operations (STO) (IJSTO) billets. f. Alteration of a SAPs scope, category, or type. 5. When the Secretary of Defense determines that national security would be adversely affected if SAP data is reported to Congress using standard processes, he or she may designate select unacknowledged SAPs as waived in accordance with Reference (c). 6. The CAs shall prepare and submit annual reports and other required SAP information through the Director, DoD SAPCO, and the governance structure in order to report the state of DoD SAPs to congressional committees, in accordance with Reference (c). 7. A CA may seek DepSecDef approval to relieve the Defense Security Service (DSS) of its SAP security oversight role and use DoD Component procedures instead for oversight, security review, and SAP automated information system (IS) accreditation for designated SAPs. DoD Component-designated procedures shall, at a minimum, meet the standards and frequency authorized by DoD 5220.22-M (Reference (t)). 8. The Director, DoD SAPCO, shall annually request DepSecDef approval of the billet structure that assigns individual access by organization and duty position to the entire suite of DoD SAPs. The Director, DoD SAPCO, is delegated AAA for the individuals in this billet structure. 9. DoD Charters and Security Plans for Executive Committees involving DoD SAPs shall be submitted through the Director, DoD SAPCO, and approved by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense. 10. Prior to gaining access and during a period of access to DoD SAPs, all personnel shall consent to, and be subject to, a random CI-scope polygraph examination. CI-scope polygraph examinations shall not be used as the only basis for granting access to DoD SAPs. Exceptions to these requirements shall be granted only by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense.
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 11. Use of a polygraph examination as an initial SAP access determination requirement shall be specifically approved by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense and consistently applied to all candidates according to Reference (f). 12. Only the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense may approve access of foreign nationals to DoD SAPs. MOAs for international involvement with DoD SAPs shall be submitted to the Director, DoD SAPCO, for review and forwarding to the Deputy Secretary of Defense for approval. Access for foreign nationals not covered in an MOA shall be approved by the Deputy Secretary of Defense on a case by case basis. 13. DoD participation in non-DoD SAPs and joint SAPs with entities of foreign governments shall be governed by MOAs establishing the relationship of the participants regarding security, administration, decision making, and resourcing. MOA terms shall be consistent with national foreign disclosure policy when foreign governments are signatories, and shall follow the disclosure and approval policies established in Reference (n). The DoD Components shall determine the applicability of DoDD S-5210.36 (Reference (r)) prior to participating in non-DoD SAPs or establishing a relationship with entities of foreign governments. 14. Treaty compliance requirements, obligations, or constraints shall be considered as an integral part of the policy, planning, operations, and acquisition process for all DoD SAPs. 15. The responsible CAs shall ensure that SAPs are properly evaluated for potential critical assets that are identified, prioritized, and assessed by authorized SAP personnel in accordance with Defense Critical Infrastructure Program policy guidance outlined in Reference (q).
Table. AAAs INDIVIDUAL1 ASSIGNED TO USD with CA SAPs2 WAIVED USD with CA or designee Deputy Secretary of Defense Deputy Secretary of Defense USD(AT&L), USD(P), USD(I), or Component Head when exercising CA, or designee USD or Component Head when exercising CA or OA, designee, or pursuant to Component Head policy USD with CA and OA or designee IJSTO Billet. Joint Staff J-3 Deputy Director for Global Operations using published Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff procedures Non-IJSTO Billet. See Reference (k) NONWAIVED3 APPORTIONED SAP CAPABILITIES3
USD with OA OSD Without CA and OA Service Joint Staff DoD Agency Federal Agency3, 4 Judicial Officials3, 4 Contractors Combatant Command Joint Functional Component Command Joint Task Force Legislative Branch NOTES:
1. An individual denotes Government, contractor, and consultant personnel. 2. The Director, DoD SAPCO, has AAA for all SAPs unless expressly withheld by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense. 3. DoD SAPCO shall coordinate on DD Forms 2835, Program Access Request, (PARs) for judicial and other Federal agency personnel for waived programs. (DD Form 2835 is available at 4. Director, DoD SAPCO, shall coordinate on PARs for the White House, National Security Council, and political appointees of the Executive Branch. The Director, DoD SAPCO, shall be informed of accesses for all other personnel from Federal agencies by inclusion in the DoD SAPCO database, quarterly updates through media or hard copy, or by providing selected DoD SAPCO personnel access to the database containing the program access information.
1. All DoD employees accessed to DoD SAPs shall coordinate with or notify the Director, DoD SAPCO, in a timely fashion when briefing or providing DoD SAP material to any member of Congress or permanent professional congressional staff member. 2. Members of Congress appointed to designated defense and intelligence committees of Congress shall be authorized access to all DoD SAPs that are within the respective committees jurisdiction for oversight, except for waived SAPs as set forth in Reference (c). Unless approved by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense, only the chair, the ranking minority member, and the staff directors of the defense and intelligence committees shall be authorized access to waived DoD SAPs within their committees oversight jurisdiction. 3. Members of Congress not assigned to the defense or intelligence committees shall be granted access to non-waived DoD SAPs if, after consulting with the chair and ranking minority member of the respective committees, the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense concurs. 4. Permanent professional congressional staff member access to non-waived SAPs shall be determined by the staff director or the minority staff director of the defense and intelligence committees (on behalf of the chairman and ranking minority member). In general, access to individual non-waived SAPs shall be limited to one staff member each for the majority and the minority elements of the committees. The staff directors can, however, exceed this limit with justification. Only those professional staff members who meet SAP access eligibility requirements shall be granted access. Accesses shall be coordinated with and approved by the Director, DoD SAPCO, to ensure compliance with personnel security requirements. 5. DoD SAPCO shall complete a PAR for each congressional and professional staff member requesting access to a SAP. 6. Personal staff shall not be granted access to DoD SAPs. 7. No later than March 1 of each year, DoD SAPCO shall obtain from the staff directors updated information on the access status of professional staff members. DoD SAPCO shall ensure the staff directors provide notice of employment changes so that the Department can initiate the appropriate de-access procedures. 8. General Accountability Office (GAO) personnel shall be granted SAP access if: a. The Director, DoD SAPCO, concurs after consultation with the chair and ranking minority member of a defense or intelligence committee. b. The GAO nominee has the appropriate security clearance level.
1. DIRECTOR, DoD SAPCO. The Director, DoD SAPCO, under the authority, direction, and control of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, shall: a. Serve as the DoD designated proponent for developing and implementing policies and procedures for DoD SAP execution, management, and administration. b. Coordinate with the USD(I) to ensure SAP security policy is appropriately reflected in DoD issuances. c. Serve as the Executive Secretary of the SAPOC. d. Serve as the DoD primary point of contact for SAP matters with agencies of the Executive Branch and the Congress. This role does not preclude the Under Secretaries of Defense or the Heads of the DoD Components from advising, notifying, or reporting SAP matters to agencies of the Executive Branch and the Congress as required by statute or regulation, with timely notification to the Director, DoD SAPCO, of their activity. e. In coordination with the ASD(NII)/DoD CIO, develop policies and procedures related to the management of SAP records for the Department of Defense to include long-term retention and storage of SAP records in accordance with References (o) and (p). f. In accordance with Reference (s), coordinate with the Executive Secretaries of the Defense Senior Leadership Conference, the Senior Leader Review Group, and the Deputy's Advisory Working Group to ensure that SAP issues prepared for those forums are staffed and presented with the appropriate security control measures and procedures. g. Coordinate SAP actions with the OA SAPCO prior to forwarding them to the Deputy Secretary of Defense and before coordinating, discussing, or exposing the SAP information outside the Department of Defense. h. Serve as or appoint the designated accrediting authority (DAA) for SAP IS for which the Director, DoD SAPCO, is the CA. i. In coordination with the ASD(NII)/DoD CIO, develop and issue supplemental guidance for information assurance (IA) and certification and accreditation of DoD SAP IS. j. Develop and manage a SAP process for governing specialized activities in support of all DoD SAPs and protect those processes under the appropriate subcompartment of the operations and support SAP for which DoD SAPCO is the CA. This process shall allow personnel to access the level of information necessary to perform their duties while limiting the need for detailed program briefings. Examples of such activities include Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 audits, technical security countermeasures, polygraph examinations, and joint inspection activities, to include inspection of information technology systems. k. Verify that congressional committee physical security standards meet DoD standards and that a record is made of such certification. l. Support OSD efforts to resolve issues and decisions related to SAP security, technology transfer, technology export, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, and foreign ownership, control, and influence.
2. USD(AT&L). The USD(AT&L), in addition to the responsibilities in section 16 of this enclosure, shall exercise OA for those SAPs designated by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense to be overseen by the USD(AT&L).
3. DIRECTORS OF THE DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY (DLA), MISSILE DEFENSE AGENCY (MDA), DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY (DARPA), DEFENSE THREAT REDUCTION AGENCY (DTRA), AND DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AGENCY (DCMA). The Directors of DLA, MDA, DARPA, DTRA, and DCMA, under the authority, direction and control of the USD(AT&L), shall maintain a sufficient cadre of SAP-trained personnel to perform agency tasks associated with SAPs.
4. USD(P). In addition to the responsibilities in section 16 of this enclosure, the USD(P) shall: a. Exercise OA for those SAPs designated by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense to be overseen by the USD(P). b. Ensure SAPs are integrated into and consistent with the development of national security and defense strategies, plan development, and contingency operations. c. Review annually, in collaboration with the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all DoD SAPs to ensure: (1) SAPs support guidance for the development of the force and guidance for the employment of the force (GEF). (2) SAPs are apportioned into IJSTO at the earliest opportunity. (3) SAPs are integrated into Combatant Commander GEFs. (4) The process to review and approve the deployment and employment of SAPs is timely and effective.
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 d. In coordination with the Director, DoD SAPCO, carry out responsibilities assigned by Reference (l) for SAP matters involving the National Security Council, excluding matters arising pursuant to National Security Directive 79 (Reference (u), and those related to the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State. e. Operate the OSD STO office to coordinate and process DoD issues with IJSTO issues. f. Develop, coordinate, provide, and oversee the implementation of special security countermeasures policy, including countermeasures associated with arms control and nonproliferation initiatives that could impact DoD SAPs.
5. USD(C)/CFO. The USD(C)/CFO, using the SAP governance structure, shall: a. Lead all budget and execution reviews for DoD-funded SAPs. Participate in program and Acquisition Oversight Integrated Process Team reviews for DoD SAPs. b. Develop and provide budget call and guidance preparation instructions for all SAP budget submissions, including reprogramming actions and mid-year and other program execution reviews.
6. DIRECTOR, DCAA. The Director, DCAA, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(C)/CFO, shall maintain a sufficient cadre of SAP-trained personnel within the DCAA Field Detachment to conduct audits of DoD SAP contracts in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (Reference (v)), the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (Reference (w)), and cost accounting standards.
7. USD(I). In addition to the responsibilities in section 16 of this enclosure, the USD(I) shall: a. Exercise OA for those SAPs designated by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense to be overseen by the USD(I). b. In accordance with his or her responsibilities as the DoD Senior Security Official, develop, coordinate, and establish DoD SAP security policy and provide security oversight of the DoD Components that manage SAP equities. c. Direct the USD(I) SAPCO, established in accordance with section 16 of this enclosure, to serve as the SAPCO for the ASD(NII)/DoD CIO. d. Monitor the investigation of counterintelligence (CI) matters, security violations, or infractions within DoD SAPs.
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 e. In coordination with the Director, DoD SAPCO, carry out the responsibilities assigned by Reference (m) for SAP matters involving the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and other members of the Intelligence Community. f. For SAP matters involving National Security Council intelligence programs, execute the responsibilities assigned by Reference (u) and other applicable guidance that may be issued by the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
8. DIRECTOR, DSS. The Director, DSS, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I), shall: a. Maintain a dedicated cadre of SAP-trained personnel to conduct security oversight functions, to include serving as the DAA for industrial SAP IS, as required. The Director, DSS, is relieved of this oversight function when a carve-out provision is approved by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense. b. Develop a continuum of SAP-specific training courses and maintain a cadre of personnel proficient in SAP policies, procedures, and security to support all aspects of SAP training and education. c. In coordination with the SAPCOs identified in this Directive, support the professional development and certification of SAP security professionals.
9. DIRECTORS, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (DIA), NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE (NRO), AND NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (NGA) AND THE DIRECTOR, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/CHIEF, CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE (DIRNSA/CHCSS). The Directors, DIA, NRO, and NGA and DIRNSA/CHCSS, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I), shall maintain a sufficient cadre of SAP-trained personnel to perform agency tasks associated with SAPs.
10. ASD(NII)/DoD CIO. The ASD(NII)/CIO shall: a. Maintain a sufficient cadre of SAP-trained personnel to perform assigned responsibilities for sensitive information integration. b. Provide technical guidance to the Director, DoD SAPCO, on the development, installation, and maintenance of secure networks in support of SAPs, and in the development of supplemental SAP IA policy. c. In coordination with the Director, DoD SAPCO, develop policies and procedures related to the management of SAP records for the Department of Defense, to include long-term retention and storage of SAP records in accordance with References (o) and (p).
11. ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT (ATSD(IO)). The ATSD(IO) shall: a. Maintain a sufficient cadre of personnel with clearances and accesses adequate to perform intelligence oversight inspections of DoD intelligence SAPs according to References (g) and (h). b. Ensure that the audit functions required by Reference (h) are performed. c. Review the CI support provided to specifically identified DoD SAPs to verify compliance with Reference (j).
12. DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONAL AND TEST EVALUATION (DOT&E). The DOT&E shall: a. Maintain a sufficient cadre of SAP-trained personnel to perform organizational tasks associated with SAPs. b. In conjunction with the AT&L SAPCO, identify acquisition SAPs for operational test and evaluation oversight. c. Provide advice to the appropriate acquisition executives on SAP test and evaluation programs, assess the adequacy of operational test and evaluation conducted, and evaluate the operational effectiveness, suitability, and survivability of these programs. d. Identify and request access for personnel within the office of the DOT&E to perform oversight of the operational test and evaluation of SAP programs.
13. DCAPE. The DCAPE, using the SAP governance structure, shall: a. Serve as the principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense and other senior DoD officials to provide independent analysis and advice on the cost for acquisition SAPs within the Department of Defense. Evaluate SAPs and conduct studies in light of current and projected threats, estimated costs, resource constraints, and U.S. defense objectives and priorities. b. Oversee the development of SAPs to assist and guide funding efforts and resolve issues that arise as programs mature. Participate in the budget and program reviews for DoD SAPs. c. Develop and provide program objective memorandum (POM) preparation instructions for SAP POM submissions. d. In accordance with Reference (s), coordinate SAP issues prepared for the Senior Leader Review Group and the Deputy's Advisory Working Group with the Director, DoD SAPCO.
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 14. IG DoD. The IG DoD shall maintain a sufficient dedicated cadre of SAP-trained personnel to perform inspection, investigation, evaluation, and audit functions for DoD SAPs and SAPrelated activities.
15. GC, DoD. The GC, DoD, shall: a. Provide legal advice, as it relates to DoD SAPs, to the SAP governance structure and other DoD entities, as required. b. Provide legal reviews of DoD PSAPs. c. Maintain a sufficient cadre of SAP-cleared personnel to perform tasks associated with SAPs.
16. HEADS OF THE DoD COMPONENTS AND OSD PRINCIPAL STAFF ASSISTANTS (PSAs) WITH CA AND OA OVER SAPs. The Heads of the DoD Components and the OSD PSAs with CA and OA over SAPs shall: a. Establish a SAPCO and designate a SAPCO Director to be responsible for providing general oversight of all SAPs for which the DoD Component Head or OSD PSA has responsibility. When directed, the Director of the Component or PSA SAPCO shall be responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures for the execution, management, oversight, administration, security, IA, and records management for SAPs. This responsibility applies to all SAP policy executed on behalf of the respective Component Head or PSA and includes, but is not limited to: (1) Submitting SAP actions requiring DepSecDef approval, as specified in Enclosure 2, to the Director, DoD SAPCO. (2) Nominating programs to be apportioned into IJSTO; ensuring that SAPs transitioned to IJSTO are assigned a separate and unique nickname and tri-graph different from the originating program. (3) Evaluating and, when appropriate, approving SAP subcompartments and projects in accordance with, and subject to, the respective SecDef or DepSecDef-approved SAP compartment. b. Designate a DAA for SAP IS. If the DAA is an official other than the DoD Component or OSD PSA SAPCO, that DAA shall coordinate the accreditation decision with the Component SAPCO. c. Conduct an annual review and validation for each assigned program for continued SAP protection to include confirming any program changes of the types listed in section 4 of Enclosure 2.
d. Provide support to the Director, DoD SAPCO, for SAP congressional briefings. Coordinate and prepare responses to congressional SAP inquiries. e. Use organic or servicing CI organizations to provide comprehensive CI support to DoD SAPs in accordance with Reference (i). f. Determine whether to employ a polygraph and credibility assessment program for personnel accessed to the SAPs under their cognizance. g. Develop a dedicated cadre of security and audit professionals to administer and execute SAP security and internal audit requirements for assigned programs. h. Support and execute individual component and team inspections in accordance with guidance published by the Director, DoD SAPCO. i. Delineate roles and responsibilities in an MOA or other interagency agreement when multiple CAs (DoD and/or non-DoD) are involved in a SAP activity.
17. CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in addition to the responsibilities in section 16 of this enclosure, shall: a. Establish an office to review and disseminate planning information concerning the operational aspects of apportioned DoD SAPs. b. Manage and operate a joint process to ensure the Combatant Commanders and designated members of their staff are afforded knowledge of current and emerging SAP-protected systems, technologies, and methodologies as well as currently available SAP-protected weapon systems and end items appropriate to their missions. c. In accordance with Reference (s), coordinate SAP issues prepared for the Defense Senior Leadership Conference with the Director, DoD SAPCO.
AAA access approval authority ASD(NII)/DoD CIO Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief Information Officer ATSD(IO) Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight CA CI DAA DARPA DCAA DCAPE DCMA DepSecDef DIA DIRNSA/CHCSS DLA DOT&E DSS DTRA GAO GC, DoD GEF IA IG DoD IJSTO IS OA MOA NGA NRO PAR POM PSA cognizant authority counterintelligence designated accrediting authority Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Defense Contract Audit Agency Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (formerly Program Analysis and Evaluation (PA&E)) Defense Contracts Management Agency Deputy Secretary of Defense Defense Intelligence Agency Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service Defense Logistics Agency Director of Operational Test and Evaluation Defense Security Service Defense Threat Reduction Agency General Accountability Office General Counsel of the Department of Defense guidance for the employment of the force information assurance Inspector General of the Department of Defense integrated joint special technical operations information system oversight authority memorandum of agreement National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency National Reconnaissance Office Program Access Request (DD Form 2835) Program Objective Memorandum Principal Staff Assistant
DoDD 5205.07, July 1, 2010 PSAP SAP SAPCO SAPOC SecDef STO USD(AT&L) USD(C)/CFO USD(I) USD(P) Prospective Special Access Program Special Access Program Special Access Program Central Office Special Access Program Oversight Committee Secretary of Defense special technical operations Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, Department of Defense Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
PART II. DEFINITIONS These terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this Directive. acknowledged SAP. A SAP whose existence is acknowledged but its specific details (technologies, materials, techniques, etc.) are classified as specified in the applicable security classification guide. acquisition SAP. A SAP established to protect sensitive research, development, testing and evaluation, modification, and procurement activities. CA. The DepSecDef-designated DoD Component Heads, PSAs, or DoD agency heads accountable for management and execution of their respective DoD SAPs. carve-out. A provision approved by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense that relieves DSS of its National Industrial Security Program obligation to perform industrial security oversight functions for a DoD SAP. DAA. The official with the authority to formally assume responsibility for operating a SAP IS at an acceptable level of risk. The term is synonymous with designated approving authority. DoD agency. Any Military Department as defined in section 102 of title 5, United States Code, (Reference (x)) and any other entity within the Department of Defense that comes into the possession of SAP classified information. DoD SAPCO. The office charged by the Deputy Secretary of Defense with responsibility as the designated proponent for developing and implementing policies and procedures for DoD SAP execution, management, and administration. intelligence SAP. A SAP established primarily to protect the planning and execution of especially sensitive intelligence or CI operations or collection activities.
OA. The designated official assigned oversight responsibility for a SAP. Oversight responsibilities include, but are not limited to, endorsing change of category, endorsing apportionment into or de-apportionment from IJSTO, conducting program reviews, endorsing termination or transition plans, ensuring SAPs do not duplicate or overlap, and coordinating SAP annual reports with DoD SAPCO. operations and support SAP. A SAP established primarily to protect the planning for, execution of, and support to especially sensitive military operations. An operations and support SAP may protect organizations, property, operational concepts, plans, or activities. PSAP. A DoD program or activity for which enhanced security measures have been proposed and approved to facilitate security protections prior to establishing the effort as a DoD SAP. SAP. A program established for a specific class of classified information that imposes safeguarding and access requirements that exceed those normally required for information at the same classification level. SAP-trained. Individuals are considered SAP trained after successful completion of the DSS Academy SAP Orientation Course. SAPCO. The office within a DoD Component or OSD PSA that, when directed, executes, manages, administers, oversees, and maintains records on the SAPs for which it has been assigned CA. Responsibilities may also include developing and implementing policies and procedures for oversight, management, execution, administration, SAP security, IA for SAP IS, and records management of SAPs under their cognizance, as directed. unacknowledged SAP. A SAP having protective controls ensuring the existence of the program is not acknowledged, affirmed, or made known to any person not authorized for such information. waived SAP. A SAP for which the Secretary of Defense has waived applicable reporting in accordance with Reference (c) following a determination of adverse effect to national security. An unacknowledged SAP that has more restrictive reporting and access controls.