Midterm Exam

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Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

Name: _Bryan M Alfaro_________________________________________Date: Apr 19________________

Program: BSIHM________________________________________Section: HAcLo2_____________


I. Write your goal above the table. Carefully think about your goal and fill out the
sentence with details that will ensure that it is S.M.A.R.T. (50 points)
III. Goal: To increase my sales by 20% within the next quarter by implementing a new
marketing strategy focused on targeted advertising campaigns.
How my goal is because it clearly outlines the desired outcome of increasing sales
SPECIFIC? by a specific percentage through a specific strategy.
How my goal is because it includes a specific percentage increase in sales that
MEASURABLE? can be tracked and quantified.
How my goal is because a 20% increase in sales is a challenging but realistic
ATTAINABLE? target that can be achieved with the implementation of a new
marketing strategy
How my goal is because increasing sales is directly tied to the success and
RELEVANT? growth of the business.
How my goal is because it specifies a deadline of within the next quarter for
TIME-BOUND? achieving the 20% increase in sales.

V. Carefully read and analyze each goal and fill out the sentence with details that will
ensure that it is S.M.A.R.T. ( 50 points)
“I will get 98% grade in my E-versity course.”
SPECIFIC The goal is specific as it clearly states the desired grade of 98% in
a specific course.
MEASURABLE The goal is measurable as the percentage grade of 98% is a
quantifiable and objective measure of success.
ATTAINABLE The goal may not be entirely attainable as it is extremely high and
may be unrealistic depending on the difficulty of the course.
Revising the goal to aim for a high grade while considering the
course's difficulty level would make it more attainable.
RELEVANT The goal is relevant as achieving a high grade in an academic
course is directly related to personal academic success and future

TIME-BOUND The goal is time-bound with the deadline set for the end of the
semester, providing a specific timeframe for achieving the desired
Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

“I will improve my studying skills by using library resources and taking notes
from the recommended readings for my course. I will do this every Wednesday
afternoon for 1 month. I will aim for a subjective statement on my end-of-
semester feedback about my studying skills.”
SPECIFIC The goal clearly states the specific actions to be taken - using
library resources, taking notes from recommended readings, and
dedicating Wednesday afternoons, focused on improving studying
MEASURABLE Progress can be measured by tracking the consistent use of
library resources, notes taken from readings, and the dedicated
time each Wednesday afternoon over the specified one-month
ATTAINABLE The goal is attainable as it sets a manageable and specific action
plan for improvement which can be achieved within one month's
RELEVANT Improving studying skills is highly relevant as it directly impacts
academic performance and success in the course.
TIME-BOUND The goal is time-bound as it sets a specific timeframe of one
month for implementing the study improvement plan and aiming
for a subjective statement on the end-of-semester feedback.

“I will improve my focus during class this term by leaving my phone in my bag,
sitting alone instead of with friends, and ensuring I turn up well-hydrated and
SPECIFIC The goal is specific in targeting the improvement of focus during
class by implementing specific actions such as leaving the phone
in the bag, sitting alone, and ensuring hydration and rest.
MEASURABLE The goal can be measured by monitoring progress throughout the
term, tracking improvements in focus during class, and evaluating
whether the actions taken are effective in achieving the desired
ATTAINABLE The actions identified to improve focus during class are realistic
and achievable, as they are simple and practical steps that can be
easily implemented without requiring significant resources or
RELEVANT Improving focus during class is relevant to academic success and
overall well-being. By implementing these strategies, the individual
can enhance their learning experience and performance in class.
TIME-BOUND The goal is time-bound as it is focused on improving focus during
the current academic term. By setting a specific timeline for
implementing the actions, the individual can stay focused and
Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

accountable for their progress.

“I will obtain the confidence to give a public speech by practicing speaking from
note cards in front of a mirror and friends for the next 3 weeks.”
SPECIFIC The goal is specific in targeting the improvement of confidence in
giving a public speech by practicing speaking from note cards in
front of a mirror and friends.
MEASURABLE The goal can be measured by tracking progress in confidence
levels before and after the 3-week practice period, evaluating
feedback from friends, and assessing improvements in public
speaking skills.
ATTAINABLE The actions identified to build confidence in giving a public
speech, such as practicing in front of a mirror and friends, are
realistic and achievable within a 3-week time frame.
RELEVANT Building confidence in public speaking is relevant to personal and
professional development, as effective communication skills are
valuable in various settings. By working on this goal, the individual
can enhance their ability to communicate effectively in public.
TIME-BOUND The goal is time-bound as it focuses on practicing speaking from
note cards in front of a mirror and friends for the next 3 weeks.
Setting a specific timeline provides a clear deadline for working
towards improving confidence in public speaking.

“I will minimize the amount of stress I’m experiencing by exercising an hour a

day, only studying for a maximum of one hour per day, and meditating for 15
minutes after each study session. I will do this for 5 weeks.”
SPECIFIC The goal is specific in targeting the reduction of stress by
incorporating exercise, limited study time, and meditation into the
daily routine.
MEASURABLE The goal can be measured by tracking stress levels before and
after implementing the actions, monitoring the consistency and
duration of exercise, study time, and meditation, and assessing
the overall impact on stress levels.
ATTAINABLE The actions identified, such as exercising for an hour a day,
studying for a maximum of one hour, and meditating after each
study session, are achievable within the individual's schedule and
resources. The plan is realistic and can be maintained for 5 weeks.
RELEVANT Minimizing stress is relevant to overall well-being and academic
performance. By incorporating regular exercise, limited study time,
and meditation into the daily routine, the individual can effectively
manage stress and improve their overall mental health.
TIME-BOUND The goal is time-bound as it focuses on implementing the actions
of exercising, studying, and meditating for 5 weeks. Setting a
specific timeline provides a clear deadline for working towards
Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

reducing stress levels and establishing healthy habits

VI. Answer the 2 questions in essay form. (100 words each question) (20 points)

1. What is your best practices in taking down notes in attending face to face and
online classes? Give 3 of each mode of learning.
2. How do you practice good communication skills in your study? Do you think you
still need to improve it? If yes HOW and if no WHY?

Question 1


1. Make use of the Cornell Note-Taking Method by splitting your paper into two

sections: one for summaries or queries, and another for important topics.

This approach promotes active learning and aids in information organization.

2. Pay attention to the major points and essential concepts that the instructor

emphasizes throughout the lecture, then write them down while listening intently.

Avoid taking notes verbatim and instead engage in active listening.

3. Review and consolidate: After the class, review your notes, fill in any gaps, and

summarize the main points. Consolidating your notes helps reinforce learning and


Online Class

1. Utilize digital note-taking tools: Use apps or software like Evernote, Microsoft
Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

OneNote, or Google Keep to take notes during online classes. These tools allow you

to organize, search, and access your notes from anywhere.

2. Create a dedicated note-taking space: Minimize distractions and create a

conducive environment for online learning. Designate a quiet space, free from

interruptions, where you can focus on taking notes effectively.

3. Engage actively in discussions: Participate in online class discussions, ask

questions, and interact with your peers and instructors. Note key points from

discussions and incorporate them into your notes for a holistic understanding of the


Question 2

Yes In order to practice good communication skills in my study, I make sure to actively

listen to my peers and professors, clearly articulate my thoughts and ideas, ask

questions when I need clarification, and participate in group discussions and

presentations. I also make an effort to communicate clearly and professionally through

written assignments and emails.

Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

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