Portofolio 2024 SERA31

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Agricultural Training Institute
Regional Training Center Xll

Presented to:
Work Immersion Teacher

Submitted by:
Humss Parsons
May 2024



This Work Immersion Portfolio will serve as a workbook for the students who will
take up the course/subject Work Immersion in Senior High School. The framework is
based on DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017, entitled Guidelines for Work Immersion.

This workbook will essentially foster in-depth learning of the world of work and
assessment of student’s performance during work immersion.

Furthermore, the purpose of this portfolio includes but is not limited to the following:

For Student-Trainees:

The portfolio will be used as a source of motivation and guide for work immersion.
This will serve as a documentation and approval of lessons learned.
This will provide feedback of their performance level.
This will pave the way in preparation for real job application.


This contains regulations and conditions regarding contract between school and
This is an information about curriculum and record of lessons learned.
This is a record of student-trainees performance for assessment.

Agency / Company:
This contains introduction of company in general.
This enumerates training rules and regulations for training inside the
This provides feedback to and from student-trainees.

Grade: 12
No. of Hours: 80 hours
Pre-requisite: Should have taken at least 4 Specialized Subjects

Course Description:
Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High
School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to
the student’s postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed
to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of
specialization to enhance their competence. Specifically, the students are able to: (i)
gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and
workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories
taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their
skills in communications and human relations; (v) develop good working habits,
attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs
and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Learner

In this course, the learners are expected to:
 Attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities;
 Report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual
 Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for work
immersion list of tasks/activities; and
 Prepare the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the
Partner Institution.
The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor
will jointly assess the learner’s performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s.
2015 Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education


Name: Micahael James G. Sera

Date of Birth: October 31 2005
Place of Birth : Poblacion Tantangan South Cotabato
Parent’s / Guardian’s Name: Novielyn G. Sera
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Cellphone Number: 09638348521
Religion: Iglesia Filipina Independente
Track/Strand: Humanity and social sciences/ Humms
Is Education is important to you? Why?
Yes because it will help us to improve ourselves and by the help of education it equips
us with knowledge and skills necessary navigate the world and contribute to our
community and pursue our goal.
What was your most memorable subject / class? Why?
For me the memorable subject in our class is the personal development because it
helps us to gain confidence foster our communication skills and other skills we need
in our daily life.
What are your plans after Senior High School?
I will continue to collage

Do you have plans to go abroad?

Why or Why not? For me it will depend on my future situation if I will go to abroad .

What are you Dreams and Ambitions in life?

My dream is to become a seaman travel the world and have a stable life with my

What are your expectations and apprehensions for work immersion?

My expectations in our work immersion is I hope it will help me to improve myself
observe what actually people with work are doing and the apprehension I have in my
mind is Im scared that I cant complete the task given to me.



Before we immerse into the workplace we will first understand the immersion
process, proper work ethics, workplace safety, confidentiality, and effective conflict resolution
and teamwork skills, as agreed in the DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017. Also, we need to hone our
skills in writing a resume, filling of application forms, and complying requirements.

Learner’s Activity

1. Attends the pre-immersion orientation

2. As one to join the workforce in the future, you will need to do, prepare and secure the
 Resume
 Application letter
 Job Interview Documentation
The Worker

Work is on your way. Are you prepared to work? Do you have the potential,
character, talents, and skills to take up the vigour of being a worker? What should you
possess to become a good worker? How will you prepare for work immersion?

Yes im prepared To be a good worker, I must have the potential, character,

talents, and skills like reliability, integrity, communication this things is what I needed
to become a good worker I also possess problem-solving, and technical abilitiesthet
will help me to my work . To prepare for work immersion, I’ll research the company,
develop relevant skills, , and be proactive and adaptable.
After the pre-immersion orientation, list the Do’s and Don’ts employed in the
workplace you are assigned.


• Always be polite
• Have good manners
• Be cooperative
• Be friendly
• Listen when someone is speaking
• Say excuse before going out or going to CR
• Always get permission if you leave


• Don’t go to the third floor

• Don’t shake your legs while sitting
• Don’t be noisy
• Don’t say bad words
•Don’t leave without permission
Situational Analysis


Suppose you work in a police station or a law firm and signed a confidentiality
agreement regarding all their cases at hand, suddenly your friend who was a suspect to a crime
asked you for some documents that are in your office’s possession that may help him in his
case. How would you deal with the situation?

In this situation, I would explain to my friend that I am bound by a confidentiality agreement

and cannot disclose any information related to ongoing cases, including providing documents
from my office’s possession. I would advise my friend to seek legal counsel and follow the
appropriate legal procedures to obtain any relevant documents or assistance for their case. It’s
important to uphold professional ethics and maintain the trust and integrity of my workplace.
Conflict Resolution

Let us presume you experienced disagreement and conflict with co-workers in you
immersion workplace? How did you handle the situation? How would you rate your skills in
handling differences of opinion? Please give an example that illustrates that skill.

In handling disagreement and conflict with co-workers, I prioritize

communication and empathy. I strive to understand their perspective while
expressing my own thoughts calmly and respectfully. My rating of my
skills in handling differences of opinion would be high, as I believe in
finding common ground and working towards solutions together.
For example, in a recent project meeting, there was a disagreement about
the direction to take. Instead of escalating tension, I suggested we take a
step back, listen to each other’s concerns, and brainstorm alternative
approaches. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, we were able to
find a compromise that addressed everyone’s concerns and ultimately led
to a successful outcome.

A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant

and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant
should be hired. How you answer questions during job interview can have a big
impact on you being hired or accepted as a work immerse. Jot down questions that you
have come across during your first dialogue with the partner-industry work supervisor
or head of office you will be assigned

During my initial conversation with the work supervisor, I encountered several key
questions. They asked about my background and how it relates to the role, as well as
my motivations for wanting to join their company. Additionally, they inquired about
my relevant skills and experiences, and how I handle working under pressure. Lastly,
they wanted to know what my career goals are and how this position aligns with them.
Mock Job Interview
Mock job Interview

During the conduct of the mock job interview, do you think you did well?

I think I did well because I give my best to answer the following questions by the interviewer

Base on my experience and knowledge.

What are the areas that you think you are good at and areas that needed to be improved?

I think the part im good is answering my interpersonal and skills problem solving
The part that I needed to improve is my communication skills

Are you more confident now to answer during job interview?

Yes because I have experience in the mock interview and I have more idea now in the potential
Company/Establishment Vision-Mission-Core Values

Our vision Food availability And affordability For every Filipino Family through
Excellent Extension Services in Agriculture and Fisheries.

MISSION: Our Mission Empowerment And building Capacities of Agriculture and

Fisheries Stakeholders for Sustainable Development.

The institute supports the government objectives of accountability transparency, ethics
integrity. With the institute core values that direct the way we relate to our stakeholder
Beneficiaries and each other, we at the ATI adhere to and upload the following values

Costumer focus- we give the best

Commitment – we serve with passion
Innovation and excellence -we keep raising the bar
Resource stewardship – we work with integrity and teamwork
Report on Daily Task Activities Performed

A daily task record is a work log that summarizes how an employee spent his time on the job.
Through a daily work log, an employee can create a mental picture of what comprises his day
and how he uses his time. It is also helpful in understanding how productive an employee is
during a particular period of the workday.

Department/Area: Agricultural Training Institute

Date of Tracking Started: March 20,2024

Date of Tracking Ended: April 19,2024


(Write in a narrative form from the date started until on the last day. Don’t forgate to
write the Date and Day)

Day 1
March 20, 2024 (Wednesday)
March 20 2024 the start of our immersion I got assigned in the ati or agricultural
training institute we travelled me and my fellow classmates to tantangan barangay san
felipe to immerse on ati the first day on the immersion is we got oriented introduce
ourselves some tour to the venue and learned new things about proper manners. After
that its break time at 12:00 we eat at the carenderia near the ati after eating we came
back and continue our discussion then break time and wait the jeep to go home

Day 2
March 25,2024 (Monday)
On the second day of our immersion march 25 2024 we are tasked to clean the front
view of the ati so we gather some cleaning materials and starts cleaning after that we
have a breaktime and comeback this afternoon for a lesson we learned things about
agriculture and about the chickens how to run a chicken farm after that we go home
but the jeep did not come so we ride in a tricycle to go home

Day 3
March 26,2024 (Tuesday)
On the third day of our immersion march 26 2024 we clean cottage and remove
grasses and wet the ground and plants after our duty we eat our lunch in the cottage
and wait some task the will command after that we go. Home riding tricycle again

Half Day 4
March 27,2024 (Wednesday)
On the fourth day of our immersion march 27 2024 we clean the back area of ati we
gather cleaning materials and start cleaning after that we get a little rest on the kubo of
ati then eat our launch after because we are only half day we go hom early
Day the fourth day of our immersion march 27 2024 we clean the back area of ati we
gather cleaning materials and start cleaning after that we get a little rest on the kubo of
ati then eat our launch after because we are only half day we go home early

Day 5
April 01, 2024 (Monday)
In the fifth day of our immersion april 1 2024 early at the morning at exactly 8:00 we
arrived in the ati the first thing we do is to clean the front and side view of the ati we
also wet the plants and the plants and just wait for the task the will offer to us in the at
12:00pm we go out and take a lunch in the sarisari store near the ati and then go back
after eating our lunch we arrange some papers in the office and then take break. And
wait for the next task but at 4:30 the jeep is already there so we ask to the staff if we
can leave

Day 6
April 2, 2024 (Tuesday)
we start our day at ATI as the first thing we do is to clean the front and side view of ati
we also water the plants and the parking space of ATI to maintain the fresh air after
that we are assigned to different offices and help the staff on arranging papers then we
eat our launch at the cottage of ATI and we are assigned to get back to work at 1:00
after we eat we go back inside the ATI to continue our work and finish it after a long
work we are free now to relax and wait till the jeep come and we go home.

Day 7
April 3, 2024 (Wednesday)
Today held great promise with scheduled training, yet space constraints dashed our
hopes of participating. However, a .Not only were we welcomed to join the training,
but I also took on the role of documenting the coconut-coffee farming system training,
capturing essential moments for future reference.

Day 8
April 4, 2024 (Thursday)
The day commenced with our usual cleaning routine, followed by unexpected tasks
inside the company premises. Despite the added workload, we approached it with a
spirit of teamwork, swiftly organizing documents alongside the staff. In the afternoon,
we indulged in a spirited game of volleyball with students from neighboring schools,
fostering camaraderie and relaxation after a productive day.

Day 9
April 5, 2024 (Friday)
Another day of cleaning and relaxation at the cottage awaited us. As the sun beat
down, the staff kindly invited us into the cool confines of the company, ensuring our
comfort and well-being.

Day 10
April 10, 2024 (Wednesday)
With the culmination of our work immersion nearing, tasks took precedence. We
meticulously listed documents on the third floor, mindful of the importance of proper
record-keeping. Despite the dusty environment, we persevered, equipped with masks
and supplies provided by Ma’am Jey Annie. After a brief respite for lunch, we
resumed our duties, culminating in a refreshing break to savor mangoes from the
company’s garden.

Day 11
April 12, 2024 (Friday)
The long-awaited culmination day arrived, tinged with both excitement and nostalgia.
As we wrapped up tasks and prepared for the ceremony, reflections on our journey at
ATI filled the air. Gratitude overflowed as we received certificates of completion and
e-learning achievements, symbolizing the culmination of our efforts. A group photo
captured the essence of camaraderie forged during our tenure, marking the end of a
fulfilling chapter at ATI. Reflecting on the experience, I emerged with a deeper
understanding of the importance of ethics and humility in the workplace, values
ingrained by ATI’s welcoming culture.
Work Performance Artefacts

Attach photos, illustrations, and other evidences (e.g. certificates of awards received) of
performed hands-on skills that include knowledge of work and quality of work done
Post- Immersion

Dear students you are now on the final stretch of your work immersion course.
At this juncture you need to revisit the things that have been done in the past few
days. What are the events that are memorable to you, what are the key learning’s that
you have achieved and lastly you need to evaluate if the experienced gave you more
confidence to face what lies ahead.

A memorable moment during our work Immersion course was forming new
friendships and collaborating at the Agricultural Training Institute. This experience
helped me realize the importance of teamwork and networking in achieving our goals.
Additionally, I learned valuable skills related to agriculture and gained confidence in
facing future challenges. This skills and experience will help me on my future career
and challenges that will come in my journey.
My Reflection

How did the experience change me as a person, and how will it help me in the future.

Participating in the work immersion at the Agricultural Training Institute has truly
transformed me. Interacting with fellow trainees and experts in the field has not only
expanded my knowledge but also enriched my understanding of agriculture. The
friendships I’ve formed and the experiences I’ve gained have undoubtedly shaped me
into a more well-rounded individual. Looking ahead, I see this experience as a
springboard for my future endeavors. Whether I pursue a career in agriculture or
beyond, the skills and insights I’ve acquired will undoubtedly be invaluable assets.

 Make a collage pictures of your SENIOR HIGH moments and

 School activities /immersion related pictures

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