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IM Mastery Academy

Statement of
Policies &

Effec ve Date – April 22, 2022

1.1 Mutual Commitment Statement 5
1.2 Code of Ethics 6
1.3 IM Policies & Procedures and Compensa on
Plan Incorporated into the IBO Agreement 7
1.4 Purpose of the Policies & Procedures 7
1.5 Changes, Amendments & Modifica ons 7


2.1 Becoming An IBO 8
2.2 New IBO Registra on 8


3.1 Correct Address 9
3.2 Training and Leadership 9
3.3 Sponsorship 10
3.4 Unethical Sponsoring 10
3.5 Cross Sponsoring Prohibited 11
3.6 Solicita on for other Companies or Services 11


4.1 Rights Granted 12
4.2 Renewals and Expira on of the IM Agreement 13
4.3 Effect of Cancella on 13
4.4 Modifica on of the IBO Agreement 13
4.5 Unauthorized Transfer & Re-Enrollment 14
4.6 Change of Sponsor or Placement of Ac ve IBOs 14
4.7 Change of Organiza ons 14
4.8 Placement Lounge 15
4.9 Voluntary Termina on 15
4.10 Involuntary Termina on 15


5.1 Defini on 16
5.2 Independent Business Rela onship (Indemnifica on for Ac ons) 16
5.3 Insurance 17


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6.1 Repor ng Policy Viola ons 18
6.2 Adherence to the IM Compensa on Plan 18
6.3 Adherence to all Laws, Regula ons & Ordinances 19
6.4 Compliance with all Applicable Income Tax Laws 19
6.5 One IM Business Per IBO 19
6.6 Ac ons of Household Members or Affiliated Par es 19
6.7 Iden fica on Numbers and Pay-Out 20
6.8 Sell, Assign or Delegate Ownership 20
6.9 Separa ng an IM Business 21
6.10 Succession 21


7.1 Imposi on of Disciplinary Ac on (Purpose) 23
7.2 Consequences & Remedy of Breach 23
7.3 Suspension Procedures 23


8.1 Grievances 24
8.2 Media on 26
8.3 Termina on of Media on 27
8.4 Severability 27
8.5 Waiver 28
8.6 Governing Law 28


9.1 Bonus and Commissions Qualifica ons 28
9.2 Computa on of Commissions and Discrepancies 28
9.3 Adjustments to Bonuses and Commission for Returned Services
or IBO Memberships 29


10.1 General Ordering Policies 29
10.2 Sale to Customers 30
10.3 Insufficient Funds 30
10.4 Credit Card Purchases 31
10.5 Sales Tax Obliga on 31
10.6 Refund Policy 32
10.7 Return Process 32


11.1 Presenta on of Compensa on Plan – Income Claims 33

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11.2 Trading Policies
11.3 Events


12.1 Business Reports, Lists, and Proprietary Informa on 34
12.2 Obliga on of Confiden ality 35
12.3 Breach and Return of Materials 35
12.4 Return of Materials 35


13.1 Introduc on 35
13.2 Expecta on of Privacy 35
13.3 Employee Access to Informa on 35
13.4 Restric ons on the Disclosure of Account Informa on 35


14.1 General Ordering Policies 36
14.2 Use of Company Names and Protected Materials 36
14.3 Faxes and E-Mail – Limita ons 38
14.4 Internet and Third-Party Website Restric ons 39
14.5 Adver sing and Promo onal Materials 41
14.6 Tes monial Permission 41
14.7 Telemarke ng – Limita ons 42


15.1 Interna onal Marke ng Policy 43


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1.1 IM Policies & Procedures and Compensa on Plan Incorporated into the IBO Agreement

Throughout these Policies & Procedures, when the term “Agreement” or “IBO Agreement” is used, it
collec vely refers to the on-line applica on, electronic signature process, the IBO Agreement Terms and
Condi ons, these Policies and Procedures and any addendums thereto, the IBO Social Media Policy and
the Compensa on Plan, incorporated herein for all purposes), and any and all other guidelines that may
be implemented from me to me and any amendments thereto.

1.2 Mutual Commitment Statement

Interna onal Markets Live, Inc. (hereina er referred to as “IM”) recognizes that in order to develop a
long-term and mutually rewarding rela onship with its independent business owners (“IBOs”). IBOs must
acknowledge and respect the true nature of the rela onship and support IM’s customers (“Customers”).

In the spirit of mutual respect and understanding, IM expects that its IBOs will:

(i) Conduct themselves in a professional, honest, and considerate manner;

(ii) Comply will all applicable laws and regula on;

(iii) Present informa on about IM and its services in an accurate and professional

(iv) Present the Compensa on Plan, services and refund policies contained herein in a
complete and accurate manner;

(v) Not make exaggerated income or service claims;

(vi) Not make any product or income claims related to replacement of income impacted by

(vii) Not state or infer that IM sells or promotes the sale of financial services, broker
services or provides investment advice of any kind;

(viii) Make reasonable effort(s) to support and train other IBOs and Customers in their
sales and marke ng organiza on;

(ix) Not engage in crossline sponsoring, solicita on of compe ng services, unhealthy

compe on or unethical business prac ces;

(x) Provide posi ve guidance and training to IBOs and Customers in their sales and
marke ng organiza ons; and

(xi) Support, protect, and defend the integrity of the IM income opportunity;

1.3 Code of Ethics

(a) The IM Code of Ethics states as follows:

(i) An IBO must show fairness, tolerance, and respect to all people associated with IM,
regardless of race, gender, social class or religion, thereby fostering a posi ve
atmosphere of teamwork, good morale and community spirit;
(ii) An IBO shall strive to resolve business issues, including situa ons and disputes with
other IBOs, by emphasizing tact, sensi vity, and goodwill, taking care not to create
addi onal problems;

(iii) IBOs must be honest, responsible, professional, and conduct themselves with integrity;

(iv) IBOs shall not make disparaging statements about IM, other IBOs, IM officers,
employees, contractors, suppliers or agents, services, strategies, sales and marke ng
campaigns, or the Compensa on Plan, or make statements that unreasonably offend,
mislead, or coerce others;

(v) IBOs shall not represent IM’s services other than as an educa onal and informa on
pla orm and service and under no circumstances shall an IBO represent that IM, any
IBO or IM educator provides investment or trading advice or is affiliated with a broker
or investment advisor; and

(vi) IBOs shall not recommend brokers or investment advisors to IM Customers or to other

(b) IM may take appropriate ac on against an IBO if IM determines, in its sole unfe ered discre on,
that an IBO’s conduct is detrimental, disrup ve, or injurious to IM or to other IBOs.

(c) Nega ve and disparaging comments about IM, its services, strategies, the Agreement, or
Compensa on Plan, made to IM, or to the field, or at any IM mee ng and/or event, or
disrup ve behavior at any mee ng and/or event, serve no purpose other than to dampen the
enthusiasm of other IBOs and Customers. IBOs must not beli le, disparage, or speak nega vely
of IM, fellow IBOs, IM services or strategies, the Compensa on Plan, or any and all IM directors,
officers, or employees, contractors, suppliers or agents. Such conduct represents a material
breach of the Agreement and may be subject to sanc ons as deemed appropriate by IM.

1.4 Purpose of Policies & Procedures

(a) IM is a direct to consumer, subscrip on based, training and educa on company that markets its
services and strategies through a network of IBOs. To clearly define the rela onship that exists
between IBOs and IM, and to explicitly set a standard for acceptable business conduct, IM has
established the Agreement, including these Policies and Procedures.

(b) IBOs are required to comply with: (i) all of the terms and condi ons set forth in the Agreement,
which IM may amend from me to me in its sole and unfe ered discre on in accordance with
the terms hereof; and (ii) all federal, state, and/or local laws governing his, her and/or its IM

(c) IBOs must carefully review the informa on in the Agreement, including these Policies and
Procedures. Should an IBO have any ques ons regarding a policy, rule, or guidelines, they are
encouraged to seek an answer from the Company FAQs, found in the IBO back office, their
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personal Sponsor, or the IM Customer Service Team by submi ng an e-mail to:
[email protected].

(d) It is the responsibility of the Sponsor to provide the most current version of the Agreement,
including these Policies and Procedures (published at www.im.academy and in the IBO back
office), the Income Disclosure Statement, the IM Compensa on Plan, and any and all social
media guidelines or any other guidelines which may be implemented from me to me and any
amendments thereto to their downline IBOs.

1.5 Changes, Amendments, and Modifica ons

(a) Because applicable laws, as well as the business environment, periodically change, IM reserves
the right to amend the Agreement and the prices for its services in its sole and unfe ered
discre on.

(b) Any such amendment, change, or modifica on shall be effec ve ten (10) days following no ce
by one of the following methods:

i. Pos ng in the IBO back office and on www.im.academy;

ii. Electronic mail (e-mail); or

iii. Any IM communica on channels or social media outlets (i.e., Facebook, Instagram,
Twi er and/or IM App).


2.1 Becoming An IBO

To become an IBO, an applicant must comply with the following requirements:

(i) Be of the age of majority (not a minor) in the IBO’s country, state, province, or
territory of residence and at least 18 years old.

(ii) Reside or have a valid address in the United States, U.S. territory, Canada, Australia, or
a country wherein IM operates its business.

(iii) Have a valid taxpayer iden fica on number (i.e., Social Security Number, Federal Tax ID
Number (TIN), federal business number, or proper personal iden fica on number of the
respec ve country);

(iv) Provide a verified mobile phone number or e-mail address, which is not in use or
associated with any other IM account.

2.2 New IBO Registra on

(a) A poten al new IBO may self-enroll on any IBO or Sponsor’s IM replicated website by entering
his, her or its personal informa on and accep ng the terms of the Agreement,

(b) If one applicant enrolls crea ng an account lis ng a certain Sponsor and enrolls a second me
lis ng mul ple Sponsors, only the first completed form received by IM will be accepted. IM
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reserves the right, at its sole unfe ered discre on, to make the final decision with respect to all
such registra ons.


3.1 Correct IBO Informa on

(a) It is the responsibility of the IBO to make sure IM has the correct contact informa on for all
correspondence and in the IBO account profile.

(b) An IBO must allow up to seventy-two (72) hours for processing a er any change to the
informa on in the IBO’s account profile has been received by IM Support Team.

3.2 Training and Leadership

(a) Any IBO who sponsors another IBO into IM must perform an authen c assistance and training
func on to ensure the IBO’s sales and marke ng organiza on is properly opera ng the IBO’s IM
business. Sponsoring IBOs should have ongoing contact and communica on with the IBOs in
their sales and marke ng organiza ons. (Examples of communica on may include, but are not
limited to, newsle ers, wri en correspondence, telephone, direct contact, team conference
calls, voicemail, e-mail, personal mee ngs, accompaniment of downline IBOs to IM mee ngs,
training sessions, events, workshops, and any other related func ons).

(b) A Sponsor IBO should support, educate and mentor the IBOs in his, her, or its sales and
marke ng organiza ons to ensure that IBOs do not make improper business claims or engage in
any illegal or inappropriate conduct.

(c) Sponsoring IBOs are encouraged to educate and train new IBOs about IM’s services, strategies,
effec ve sales techniques, the IM Compensa on Plan, along with compliance with the
Agreement, and any and all social media guidelines or any other guidelines and amendments
thereto implemented at that me.

(d) IM emphasizes and encourages all IBOs to sell IM’s services and strategies to Customers. IBOs
are not compensated other than for sales to Customers.

(e) Use of sales and marke ng collateral. To promote the services, strategies, and opportuni es IM
offers, IBOs must use the sales and marke ng collateral and support materials produced by IM.
If IBOs develop their own sales and marke ng collateral and promo onal materials, which
includes Internet adver sing, those materials must comply with these Policies and Procedures
and applicable law. All IBOs shall safeguard and promote the good reputa on of IM and its
services and strategies. The marke ng and promo on of IM, the IM business opportunity, the
Compensa on Plan, and IM services and strategies shall be consistent with the IM code of
ethics, and must avoid all discourteous, decep ve, misleading, unethical or immoral conduct or
prac ces.

3.3 Sponsorship

(a) A Sponsor introduces IBOs or Customers to IM, helps them complete their enrollment, and
supports and trains those in their sales and marke ng organiza on.

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(b) IM recognizes the Sponsor as the name(s) shown on the first IBO online applica on submi ed to

(c) IM recognizes that each new prospect has the right to ul mately choose his, her, or its own
Sponsor, but IM will not allow IBOs to engage in unethical sponsoring ac vi es.

(d) All Ac ve IBOs in good standing have the right to sponsor and enroll others into IM. While
engaged in sponsoring ac vi es, it is not uncommon to encounter situa ons when more than
one IBO will approach the same prospect. It is the accepted courtesy that the new prospect will
be sponsored by the first IBO who presented a comprehensive introduc on to IM services,
strategies, or opportuni es.

3.4 Unethical Sponsoring

(a) Unethical sponsoring ac vi es include, but are not limited to, en cing, bidding or engaging in
unhealthy compe on by a emp ng to acquire a prospect or new IBO away from a fellow IBO
or influencing another IBO to transfer to a different Sponsor.
(b) Allega ons of unethical sponsoring must be reported in wri ng to the IM Compliance Team
within the first thirty (30) days of a new IBO’s enrollment. If the reports are substan ated, IM
may, but is not obliged to, transfer the IBO or the IBO’s downline to another Sponsor or
organiza on and any such transfer may be effected without approval from the current up-line
Sponsor or Placement IBOs. IM remains the final authority in such cases.

(c) IM prohibits the act of “Stacking.” Stacking is the unauthorized manipula on of the IM
marke ng system and/or the Compensa on Plan in order to trigger commissions or cause a
promo on off a direct or indirect IBO in their sales and marke ng organiza on in an unearned
manner. One example of Stacking occurs when a Sponsor places IBO(s) under an inac ve IBO
lower in the IBO tree without that IBO’s knowledge in order to trigger unearned qualifica on
for commissioning purposes. Stacking is unethical and unacceptable behavior, and as such, it is
a punishable offense with measures up to and including the termina on of the independent
IBO posi ons of all individuals and/or en es found to be directly involved.

(d) Should IBOs engage in solicita on and/or en cement of members of another direct sales
company to sell or distribute IM services or strategies, such IBOs bear the risk of being sued by
the other company. If any lawsuit, arbitra on, media on, or other ac on is brought against an
IBO rela ng to allega ons that such IBO engaged in inappropriate sponsoring/recrui ng ac vity
of another company’s sales force or customers, IM will not pay, and will not be responsible for
paying, any of the IBO’s defense costs or legal fees, nor will IM indemnify the IBO for any
judgment, award, or se lement.

3.5 Cross Sponsoring/Recrui ng Prohibi on

(a) For the purposes of this sec on, “Cross Sponsoring” or “Cross Recrui ng” is defined as the
enrollment into a different line of sponsorship of an individual, or Business En ty, that already
has a signed IBO Agreement. Actual or a empted Cross Sponsoring is not allowed. If Cross
Sponsoring is verified by IM, sanc ons up to and including termina on of an IBO’s posi on may
be imposed. If an IBO Cross Sponsors, they must return to their original posi on or wait six (6)
months before rejoining IM.

(b) Cross Recrui ng IM members into an IBO’s organiza on may result in suspension, fines, and
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possible termina on.

(c) The use of a spouse’s or rela ve’s name, trade names, assumed names, DBA names,
corpora on, partnership, federal business numbers, or fic ous ID numbers to evade or
circumvent this policy is not permi ed.

(d) This policy does not prohibit the transfer of an IM business in accordance with IM Sale or
Transfer Policy set forth in these Policies and Procedures.

3.6 Solicita on for Other Companies or Services

(a) An IBO may par cipate in other direct sales, mul level, network marke ng, or rela onship
marke ng business ventures or marke ng opportuni es, as long as they are for non-compe ng
services, strategies, or products. However, during the term of the Agreement and for one (1)
year therea er, an IBO may not solicit or recruit any fellow IBO or Customer to whom the IBO
has marketed IM services or strategies within the immediately prior two (2) years to (i)
par cipate, personally or through any en ty or other medium, in another mul -level marke ng,
network marke ng, or other direct selling business opportunity (ii) to move their business away
from IM; or (iii) purchase products or services that are the same as or similar to any IM Services
and/or strategies unless expressly approved in wri ng by IM.

(b) For purposes of this Sec on, the terms “sponsor” or “recruit” means the actual or a empted
solicita on, enrollment, encouragement, or effort to influence in any other way (either directly
or indirectly) of another IBO or Customer to enroll or par cipate in any other direct sales or
network marke ng opportunity. Such conduct represents recrui ng even if the IBO’s ac ons are
in response to an inquiry made by another IBO or Customer.

c) Due to the nature of network marke ng the par es to the Agreement agree that it is reasonable
that the foregoing solicita on prohibi on extends to all markets in which IM conducts business.

d) All Customers solicited by an IBO for the promo on or sale of IM Services and strategies are
deemed to be Customers of IM and not of the IBO, whether or not the IBO originally introduced
such Customer to IM.

(e) During the term of this Agreement, IBOs must not sell, or en ce others to sell, any compe ng
services or strategies, including training materials, to IM Customers or IBOs. Any product or
service in the same category as an IM strategy or service is deemed to be compe ng (i.e., any
compe ng product or service regardless of differences in cost or quality).

(f) An IBO may sell non-compe ng services or strategies to the IM Customers and IBOs that they
personally sponsored.

(g) An IBO may not display or bundle IM services or strategies, in sales literature, on a website, on
social media pla orms or in sales mee ngs, with another business’s services, products, or
strategies in order to avoid confusing or misleading a prospec ve Customer or IBO into believing
there is a rela onship between IM and non-IM services or strategies.

(h) An IBO may not offer a non-IM opportunity, strategy, service, or product at any IM-related
mee ng, event, seminar, or conven on, or immediately following an IM event.

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(i) An IBO may not be affiliated with a broker or investment advisor and bundle or associate IM
products, services or strategies with the services of a broker or investment advisor.

(j) A viola on of any of the provisions in this sec on shall cons tute unreasonable and
unwarranted contractual interference between IM and its IBOs and would inflict irreparable
harm on IM and its IBOs. In such event, IM may, at its sole discre on, impose any sanc on it
deems necessary and appropriate against such IBO or such IBO’s posi ons including
termina on, or seek immediate injunc ve relief without the necessity of pos ng a bond.


4.1 Rights Granted

IM hereby grants to the IBO a non-exclusive right, based upon the terms and condi ons contained in the
Agreement, to:

(i) Promote and sell IM services and strategies; and

(ii) Sponsor new IBOs and Customers in countries where IM is currently opera ng or
operates in the future.

No feature of the Compensa on Plan cons tutes a personal purchase requirement to become an IBO,
move up in rank in or otherwise fully par cipate in the Compensa on Plan. No purchase is required of
anyone at any me to fully par cipate as an IBO, outside of the monthly administra ve fee which is
payable for the administra ve support of the IBO’s business, the IBO back office and support services.

4.2 Renewals and Expira on of the IBO Agreement

If the IBO allows his, her, or its IBO account to become inac ve due to non-payment, the IBO will lose any
and all rights to his, her, or its downline organiza on during any period in inac ve status un l the IBO
re-ac vates the account.

(i) If the former IBO re-ac vates the account, IM may permit the IBO to resume the rank
and posi on held immediately prior to expira on. However, such IBO’s paid-as level will
not be restored unless the IBO qualifies at that payout level in the new month. The IBO is
not eligible to receive commissions for the me period that the IBO’s posi on was
inac ve.

(ii) Any IBO who was terminated or has cancelled their account is not eligible to re-apply for
an IM business for six (6) months following the expira on of the IBO Agreement except
with the express wri en consent of IM.

(iii) The sales and marke ng organiza on of the terminated or cancelled IBO account may at
the op on of IM compress up to the immediate, Ac ve IBO in the hierarchy.

4.3 Effect of Cancella on

Following an IBO’s cancella on for voluntary or involuntary termina on, (collec vely, a “Cancella on”)
such IBO:

(i) Shall have no right, tle, claim, or interest to any commission or bonus from the sales
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generated by the IBO’s former sales and marke ng organiza on or any other
payments in associa on with the IBO’s former posi on;

(ii) Waives any and all claims to property rights or any interest in or to the IBO’s former
sales and marke ng organiza on; and

(iii) Shall receive commissions and bonuses only for the last full pay period in which the
IBO was ac ve prior to cancella on, less any amounts withheld during any period of
suspension or during an inves ga on preceding an involuntary cancella on, and less
any other amounts owed to IM.

4.4 Changes to IBO Account

(a) An IBO may add a spouse or partner to the account or change the form of ownership from an
individual to a Business En ty owned by the IBO by submi ng a wri en request, accompanied
by a new IBO Agreement completed and signed designed by the authorized representa ves of
the Business En ty and a Business Registra on Form, if applicable, and any appropriate
suppor ng documenta on. IM has the right, in its full and unfe ered discre on, to accept or
deny any such requests.
(b) IM may charge a fee of $200 for the cost of administering a change to the IBO account in
accordance with these Policies and Procedures.
4.5 Unauthorized Transfer & Re-Enrollment

In the event an IBO discovers that another IBO in their downline has re-enrolled under a different IBO,
the IBO has ninety (90) days from the date the downline IBO enrolled under a new IBO to no fy the IM
Compliance Team and request the downline IBO be transferred back to the IBO’s downline. Upon the
expira on of the ninety (90) day period, an IBO’s right to reclaim a new IBO to the IBO’s downline will be

4.6 Change of Sponsors or Placement for IBOs

(a) Placement changes/correc ons may be requested within a ten-day (10) period from the
enrollment date. Such adjustments require a request for wri en permission directed to the IM
Customer Support Team submi ed from the personal back office of the Sponsor as well as the
IBO to be moved and in some cases addi onal IBOs ranked above the IBO.

(b) Sponsor changes are generally not permi ed. However, Sponsor correc ons can be made if they
are reported to the IM Compliance Team within twenty-four (24) hours from the me of
enrollment. Sponsor correc ons must be requested from the IBO back office of the current
(original) Sponsor and must state the reason that the correc on needs to be made.

(c) At the full unfe ered discre on of IM, IBOs who have been inac ve for at least six (6) months,
and who have not tendered a le er of voluntary termina on, are eligible to request to transfer to
a new Sponsor or Placement of their choice.

(d) When an IBO transfers in accordance with this Sec on 4.6 a new IM ID number will be issued to
the IBO.

(e) The transferring IBO does not retain former rank, downline, or rights to commission from the
IBO’s former sales and marke ng organiza ons. The exis ng downline sales and marke ng
organiza on of the transferring IBO shall remain in its original line of sponsorship or placement.
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(f) IM reserves the right to correct Sponsor or Placement errors at any me and in whatever
manner it deems necessary.

4.7 Change Organiza ons

(a) An IBO may only transfer between IM sales and marke ng organiza ons, if he, she or it submits
a le er of voluntary termina on to the IM Customer Service Team and remains inac ve with, or
in, IM for six (6) months from the receipt by IM of the request le er. A er six (6) months the IBO
will be eligible to re-enroll under a different Sponsor or receive a different Placement.

(b) IM retains the unfe ered right and discre on to approve or deny any request to re-enroll a er
an IBO’s termina on.

(c) If an IBO re-enrolls a er voluntary termina on, the IBO will be issued a new IM ID number. The
IBO will not be en tled to keep any former rank, sales and marke ng organiza on, or rights to
commission from any prior organiza on.

4.8 Voluntary Termina on

(a) An IBO may immediately terminate his, her, or its posi on by submi ng a wri en no ce or
e-mail to the IM Customer Support Team at [email protected]. The wri en no ce must
include the following;

(i) The IBO’s intent to terminate their IBO account;

(ii) Date of termina on;

(iii) IM Iden fica on Number; and

(iv) The IBO’s signature.

(b) An IBO may not use termina on as a way to immediately change Sponsor and Placement. Instead,
the IBO who has voluntarily terminated is not eligible to reapply for a posi on or have any financial
interest in any IM business for six (6) months from the receipt of the wri en no ce of termina on.
They may also not promote IM, hold themselves out as affiliated in any way with IM or a end IM
events a er termina on.

4.9 Involuntary Termina on

(a) IM reserves the right to suspend or terminate an IBO for any reason, including, but not limited

(i) Viola on of any terms or condi ons of the Agreement, including these Policies and
Procedures in effect at the me the viola on occurred or was discovered;

(ii) Viola on of any provision in the Compensa on Plan;

(iii) Viola on of any applicable law, ordinance, or regula on affec ng the IM business; or

(iv) Engaging in unethical business prac ces or viola ng standards of fair dealing.

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(b) IM will no fy the IBO in wri ng through the e-mail on file or mail at the IBOs last known address,
of IM’s intent to suspend or terminate the IBO’s posi on and the reasons for suspension or
termina on. The IBO will have fi een (15) calendar days from the date of mailing of such no ce
to respond in wri ng to the allega ons or claims cons tu ng cause for suspension or termina on
as stated in the no ce. IM will then have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the
IBO’s response to render a final decision as to suspension or termina on. During the no ce
period the IBO’s account will be suspended and will not earn commissions under the
Compensa on Plan.

(c) A er the expiry of the no ce period, if a decision is made by IM to suspend or terminate the
IBO’s posi on, IM will inform the IBO that the posi on is suspended or terminated effec ve as of
the date of the no fica on.

(d) Where jus fied by the gravity of the allega ons against an IBO IM may accelerate or omit any part
of the process set out in this Sec on 4.9.

(e) If the suspension or termina on is not rescinded by IM, the suspension or termina on will be
effec ve as of the date of the original no ce. The former IBO shall therea er be prohibited from
using the names, marks or signs, labels, sta onery, adver sing, or business material referring to
or rela ng to any IM service or strategies. IM will no fy the ac ve Sponsor within ten (10) days
a er suspension or termina on. The volume associated with the sales organiza on of a
terminated IBO will “roll up” permanently to the next immediate ac ve direct Sponsor on record.

(f) The IBO who is involuntarily terminated by IM may not reapply for a posi on, either under his,
her, or its present name or any other name or en ty, without the express wri en consent of an
officer of IM, following a review by the IM Compliance Team. In any event, such IBO may not
re-apply for a posi on for twelve (12) months from the date of termina on.


5.1 Defini on

(a) A corpora on or partnership (collec vely referred to as a “Business En ty”) may apply to be an

(b) An IBO may change their status under the same Sponsor from an individual to a partnership, or
corpora on or from one type of Business En ty to another.

5.2 Independent Business Rela onship; Indemnifica on for Ac ons

(a) IBOs are independent contractors ac ng in the capacity of a wholly independent marke ng
representa ves who establish and service retail customers for IM services and strategies. IBO
status, as such, does not cons tute either a sale of a security, franchise, or a distributorship
(exclusive or otherwise), and absolutely no fees have been or will be required from IBO for the
right to market and sell IM services or strategies pursuant to the IBO Agreement, outside of the
monthly IBO administra ve fee. The IBO Agreement is not intended to and shall not be
construed to create an employer-employee rela onship, agency, partnership, or joint venture
between IBO and any other par cipant in the IM Compensa on Plan and/or IM. As independent
contractors, IBOs must: (i) comply with all applicable federal, state, provincial, and local laws,
rules, and regula ons pertaining to the Agreement, including the sale, distribu on and

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adver sing of IM services, and strategies; and (ii) at an IBO’s own expense, complete all filings,
and obtain such licenses as are required by applicable federal, state, provincial, and local laws,
rules, and regula ons, with respect to the Agreement and IBO’s ac vi es as an IBO.

(b) IBOs have no authority to bind IM to any obliga on. It is each IBO’s responsibility to pay all
income, local, or applicable taxes as an independent contractor, and IBOs are not eligible for
employee benefits, such as unemployment compensa on, worker’s compensa on, or minimum
wages. IBOs are responsible for se ng their own hours and to supplying all of their own
equipment and tools for opera ng their IM business, such as telephones, transporta on,
professional services, office equipment, and supplies. Further, IBOs should determine their own
methods of sale, so long as they comply with the Agreement. Without limi ng the foregoing,
IBOs shall be fully responsible for (i) all applicable federal, state and local withholding taxes,
worker’s compensa on contribu ons, license requirements, and fees related to the IBO’s
earnings and ac vi es as an IBO, and (ii) all expenses incurred in connec on with the opera on
of the IBO’s IM-related businesses, including but not limited to travel, meals, accommoda on,
secretarial, office, telephone, and other business expenses.

(c) The IBO is fully responsible for all of his, her, or its verbal and wri en communica ons made
regarding IM services and strategies, and the Compensa on Plan. IBOs shall indemnify and hold
harmless IM, its directors, officers, employees, contractors, suppliers, and agents from any and
against all liability including judgments, civil penal es, refunds, lawyer fees, and court costs
incurred by IM as a result of the IBO’s unauthorized representa ons or ac ons. This provision
shall survive the termina on of the Agreement.

5.3 Insurance

IM encourages IBOs to arrange insurance coverage for their business. A homeowner’s insurance policy
normally does not cover business related injuries, or the the of, or damage to, inventory or business
equipment. IBOs need to contact their insurance agent to make certain their business property is
protected. In most instances, this may be accomplished with a “Business Pursuit” endorsement to an
exis ng homeowner’s policy.


6.1 Repor ng Policy Viola on

An IBO who observes a policy viola on by another IBO associated with IM should submit an e-mail to the
IM Compliance Team at [email protected]. Any and all viola ons should be reported directly to
the IM Compliance Team including the following:

(i) The nature of the viola on;

(ii) Specific facts to support the allega ons;

(iii) Dates;

(iv) Number of occurrences;

(v) Persons involved; and

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(vi) Suppor ng documenta on.

6.2 Adherence to the IM Compensa on Plan

(a) An IBO must adhere to the terms of the IM Compensa on Plan, including as set forth in the
Agreement, as well as in official IM literature. Devia on from the Compensa on Plan is

(b) An IBO shall not offer the IM opportunity through, or in combina on with, any other system,
program, or method of marke ng other than that specifically set forth in official IM literature.

(c) An IBO shall not require or encourage a current or prospec ve IBO to par cipate in IM in any
manner that varies from the Agreement and as set forth in official IM literature.

(d) An IBO shall not require or encourage a current or prospec ve IBO to make a purchase from or
payment to any individual or other en ty as a condi on to par cipa ng in the IM
Compensa on Plan.

6.3 Adherence to Laws and Ordinances

(a) Many countries, ci es, coun es, and townships have laws regula ng certain home-based
businesses. IBOs must check their local laws and obey the laws that do apply to them.

(b) An IBO or Customer shall comply with all federal, state, provincial, and local laws, regula ons
and licensing requirements rela ng to the conduct of the IBO or Customer’s IM business.

(c) IBOs and Customers accepts sole responsibility for and agrees to pay all fines and incur all
liabili es for their ac ons that violate any laws, regula ons, or ordinances.

6.4 Compliance with Applicable Income Tax Laws

(a) An IBO accepts sole responsibility for and agrees to pay all federal, state, provincial, and local
taxes on any income generated as an IBO, and further agrees to indemnify IM from any failure to
pay such tax amounts.

(b) If an IBO’s business is requested to do so he/she or it shall provide IM with his, her or its federal
Tax Iden fica on Number or federal Social Security Number or other tax iden fier in wri ng or
by uploading the same to the IBO profile in his, her or its IM back office.

(c) IM encourages all IBOs to consult with a tax advisor for addi onal informa on for their business.

6.5 One IM Business Per IBO

An IBO may operate or have an ownership interest, legal or equitable, as a sole proprietorship, partner,
shareholder, or beneficiary, in only one (1) IM business unless expressly authorized by IM to operate or
have an ownership interest in more than one (1) IM business. Individuals of the same family unit,
excluding spouses, may each enter into or have an interest in their own separate IM businesses, only if
each subsequent family posi on is placed frontline to the first family member enrolled. A “family unit” is
defined as parents or dependent children living at or doing business at the same address. Each posi on
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must build their posi on separate and independent of the other or the posi on will be deemed to be

6.6 Ac ons of Household Members or Affiliated Par es

If any member of an IBO’s immediate household engages in any ac vity which, if performed by the IBO,
would violate any provision of the Agreement, such ac vity will be deemed a viola on by the IBO, and IM
may take disciplinary ac on pursuant to the Agreement against the IBO. Similarly, if any individual
associated in any way with a Business En ty violates the Agreement, such ac on(s) will be deemed a
viola on by the Business En ty, and IM may take disciplinary ac on against the Business En ty. Likewise,
if an IBO enrolls in IM as a Business En ty, each affiliated party of the Business En ty shall be personally
and individually bound to, and must comply with, the terms and condi ons of the Agreement.

6.7 Iden fica on Numbers and Pay-Out

(a) IM pays commissions only to an e wallet account held in the name of the IBO. Each IBO will
receive an invita on to ac vate their e wallet account on enrollment as an IBO and commissions
shall not be paid or due un l the IBO ac vates the e wallet account. The e wallet account is
provided by a third-party provider and the IBO’s use of the e wallet is subject to the terms and
condi ons of the third-party provider which shall be supplied to the IBO prior to e wallet
account ac va on. Once IM has transferred any commissions due to the IBO to the IBO’s e
wallet account IM shall have no further liability to the IBO in respect of such funds.

(b) Each IBO is required to provide his, her, or its federal Social Security Number or Federal Tax
Iden fica on Number, if located in the United States or any of its territories, to IM at the me
IBO ini ates a transfer of monies or earnings to the IBOs e wallet. The transferring and
disbursement of commission payments or bonuses acquired is known as a Pay-Out and IM
reserves the right to withhold Pay-Out from any IBO who fails to provide such informa on or
who provides false informa on.

(c) Upon enrollment, IM will provide an IM Iden fica on Number to the IBO. This number will be
used to place orders, structure organiza ons, and track commissions and bonuses.

6.8 Sell, Assign, or Delegate Ownership

(a) In order to preserve the integrity of the hierarchical structure, it is necessary for IM to place
restric ons on the transfer, assignment, or sale of a posi on.

(b) An IBO may not sell or assign his, her, or its rights or delegate his, her, or its posi on as an IBO
without prior wri en approval by IM. Any a empted sale, assignment, or delega on without
such wri en approval may be voided at the unfe ered discre on of IM.

(c) Should the sale be approved by IM, a buyer assumes the posi on of the seller at the current
qualified tle, but at the current “paid as” rank, at the me of the sale and acquires the seller’s

(d) To request authoriza on for a sale or transfer of an IM posi on, the following items must be
submi ed to the IM Compliance Team:

(i) A Sale or Transfer Form properly completed, with the requisite signatures;

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(ii) A cer fied or notarized copy of the executed sale agreement;

(iii) An IBO Agreement completed and signed by the signed by the Buyer and proof of good

(iv) Payment by seller of the $250 administra on fee;

(v) Any addi onal suppor ng documenta on requested by IM.

(e) An IBO who sells his, her, or its posi on or his or her or its interest in a Business En ty that holds
an IM posi on his not eligible to re-enroll as an IBO in any IM sales organiza on for six (6) full
calendar months following the date of the sale except as otherwise expressly set forth in the

6.9 Separa ng an IM Business

(a) Pending a divorce or dissolu on of a partnership or other Business En ty, the par es to the
divorce or owning that Business En ty must adopt one of the following methods of opera on:

(i) One of the par es may, with the wri en consent of the other(s), operate the IM
business whereby the relinquishing spouse (which term herein means either an
individual that is legally married or an individual that is party to a legally recognized
common law rela onship), shareholders, partners, or members authorize IM to deal
directly and solely with the other spouse, non-relinquishing shareholder, partner or

(ii) The par es may con nue to operate the IM business jointly on a “business as usual”
basis, whereupon all compensa on paid by IM will be paid in the name designated as
the IBO or in the name of the en ty to be divided, as the par es may independently
agree between them. If no name is s pulated, IM will pay compensa on to the name
on record and in such event, the IBO named on the account shall indemnify IM from
any claims from the other business owner(s) or the other spouse with respect to such

(b) IM recognizes only one sales organiza on for an IBO, and IM will issue only one commission
payment per IM business per commission cycle. Under no circumstances will the hierarchy of an
organiza on be divided, nor will IM split commissions and/or bonuses.

(c) If a relinquishing spouse, partner or owner of the business has completely relinquished
(“Relinquishing Party”), in wri ng, all rights to the original IM business, he or she may
immediately therea er re-enroll under the Sponsor and Placement of his, her, or its choice. In
such cases, however, the Relinquishing Party shall have no rights to, and shall not solicit, any IBO
or ac ve Customer in his, her, or its former organiza on, and must develop a new business in
the same manner as any other new IBO. An IBO in the Relinquishing Party’s former downline
who wishes to transfer to the Relinquishing Party’s new organiza on or to any other
organiza on, must comply with the requirements of the Agreement.

6.10 Succession

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(a) The Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the par es and their respec ve
successors and assigns.

(b) Upon the death or incapacity of an IBO, the IBO’s business may be passed on to his or her legal
successors in interest (the “Successor”). Whenever an IM business is transferred by will or other
testamentary process, the Successor acquires the right to collect all bonuses and commissions of
the deceased IBO’s sales organiza on. The successor must:

(i) Provide evidence of en tlement to assume the posi on;

(ii) Complete and sign a new Agreement;

(iii) Comply with the terms and condi ons of the Agreement; and

(iv) Meet all of the qualifica ons for the last rank achieved by the former IBO.

(c) Bonus and commission of an IM business transferred based on this sec on will be paid in a single
transfer to the Successor. The Successor must establish an e wallet account to which all bonus and
commission payments will be sent. Payments will be based on the current performance of the
posi on, not the highest rank or volume achieved.

(d) If the business is bequeathed to joint devisees (“Successors”), they must form a Business En ty
and acquire a federal business number. IM will issue all bonus and commission payments to the
managing Business En ty only.

(e) Appropriate legal documenta on must be submi ed to IM Compliance Team to ensure the
transfer is done properly. To affect a testamentary transfer of an IM business, the Successor must
provide the following to IM Compliance Team;

(i) A cer fied copy of the death cer ficate; and

(ii) A notarized copy of the will or other appropriate legal documenta on establishing the
Successor’s right to the IM business.

(f) To complete a transfer of the IM business because of incapacity, the Successor must provide the
following to the IM Compliance Team;

(ii) A notarized copy of the documenta on establishing the Successor’s right to
administer the IM business; and

(iii) A completed IBO Agreement executed by the Successor.

(g) If the Successor is already an exis ng IBO, IM will allow such IBO to keep the IBO’s own posi on
plus the inherited posi on ac ve for up to six (6) months. By the end of the six (6) month
period, the IBO must have compressed (if applicable), sold or otherwise transferred either the
exis ng posi on or the inherited posi on.

(h) If the Successor wishes to terminate the IM posi on, the Successor must submit a notarized
statement sta ng the desire to terminate the posi on, along with a cer fied copy of the death
cer ficate, appointment as trustee, and/or any other appropriate legal documenta on.

(i) Upon wri en request, IM may grant a one (1) month bereavement waiver and pay out to the

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Successor at the last “paid as” rank.


7.1 Imposi on of Disciplinary Ac on - Purpose

It is the spirit of IM that integrity and fairness should pervade among its IBOs, thereby providing
everyone with an equal opportunity to build a successful business. Therefore, IM reserves the right to
impose disciplinary sanc ons at any me, when it has determined that an IBO has violated the
Agreement, including these Policies and Procedures as they may be amended from me to me by IM.

7.2 Consequences and Remedies of Breach

Disciplinary ac ons for breach of the Agreement may include any one or more of the following:

(i) Counselling the IBO on compliance;

(ii) Monitoring an IBO’s conduct to assure compliance;

(iii) Issuance of a warning or requiring the IBO to take immediate correc ve

ac on;

(iv) Imposi on of a fine (which may be imposed immediately or withheld from future
commission payments as they are earned) or the withholding of commission payments
(“Commission Hold”) un l the ma er causing the Commission Hold is resolved or un l
IM receives adequate addi onal assurances from the IBO to ensure future compliance;

(v) Suspension from par cipa on in IM or IBO events, rewards, or recogni on;

(vi) Suspension of the IBO’s posi on for one or more pay periods;

(vii) Involuntary termina on of the IBO’s Agreement and posi on;

(viii) Any other measure which IM deems feasible and appropriate to justly resolve injuries
caused by the IBO’s Policy viola on or contractual breach; or

(ix) Legal proceedings for monetary or equitable relief.

7.3 Suspension Procedures

(a) IM may, but is not required to, follow the following suspension procedures (the “Discipline Policy”):

(b) First Viola on: Counseling and ini al warning.

(i) A first viola on may occur because the IBO is not familiar with the Agreement or
obliga ons of an IBO. Counseling and the ini al warning provide an opportunity for the
IM Compliance Team to bring to the a en on of the IBO the Agreement and the specific
viola on, and to provide counseling on compliance with the Agreement. The IM
Compliance Team may also describe expecta ons and steps the IBO must take to resolve
the viola on. Within three (3) days of this no ce, IM’s Compliance Team will determine if
the non-compliant material or other policy viola on has been remediated. If so, the IM
Compliance Team may close the file. If not, the IM Compliance Team may proceed to the
Second Viola on procedure.
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(c) Second Viola on: Second warning and temporary suspension

(i) Although it is hoped that the IBO will promptly correct the viola on(s), IM recognizes
that this may not always occur. The second warning may indicate the seriousness of
repeated viola ons and may prompt a temporary suspension of the IBO’s account.
During the suspension period, the IBO waives any and all rights to Pay-Out. Once the
viola on has been remedied the suspension may be li ed. The IBO may be subject to
addi onal discipline up to and including termina on if the viola on is not remedied or
further viola ons occur.

(d) Third Viola on: Termina on

As described above, IM will try to exercise the progressive nature of the Discipline Policy by first
providing warnings, a final warning and suspension and commissions forfeiture before proceeding
to termina on; however, IM reserves the right to combine and omit steps depending on the
circumstances of each situa on and the nature of the viola on. Furthermore, an IBO may be
suspended or terminated without prior no ce or disciplinary ac on.

(e) Serious Viola ons

As described above, IM will try to exercise the progressive nature of the Discipline Policy by first
providing warnings, a final warning and suspension and commissions forfeiture before proceeding
to termina on; however, IM reserves the right to combine and omit steps depending on the
circumstances of each situa on and the nature of the viola on. Furthermore, an IBO may be
suspended or terminated without prior no ce or disciplinary ac on.

IM treats the pos ng of non-compliant content on social media as a serious breach of the
Agreement and will accelerate the disciplinary process for such breaches.


8.1 Grievances Between IBOs

(a) If an IBO has a grievance or complaint against another IBO regarding any prac ce or conduct
rela ng to their respec ve IM businesses, that IBO is encouraged to resolve the issue directly
with the other party. If resolu on cannot be reached, it should be reported directly to the IM
Compliance Team as outlined below in this Sec on.
(b) The IM Compliance Team will be the final authority on se ling any grievance or complaint
between IBOs in ma ers rela ng to the IM business and its decision shall be final and binding
on all IBOs.

(c) IM will confine its involvement to disputes regarding IM business ma ers only. IM will not
decide issues that involve personality conflicts or unprofessional conduct by or between IBOs
outside the context of an IM business. These issues go beyond the scope of IM and may not be
used to jus fy a Sponsor or Placement change or a transfer to another IM organiza on.

(d) IM does not consider, enforce, or mediate third-party agreements between IBOs, nor does IM
provide names, funding, or advice for obtaining outside legal counsel.

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(e) Process for Grievances:

(i) The IBO should submit a le er of complaint (e-mail will be accepted) directly to the
IM Compliance Team. The le er shall set forth the details of the incident as follows:

(A) The nature of the viola on;

(B) Specific facts to support the allega ons;

(C) Dates;

(D) Number of occurrences;

(E) Persons involved; and

(F) Suppor ng documenta on.

(ii) Upon receipt of the wri en complaint, IM may conduct an inves ga on according to
the following procedures:

(A) The IM Compliance Team may send an acknowledgment of receipt to the

complaining IBO;

(B) The IM Compliance Team may provide a verbal or wri en no ce of the

allega on to the IBO under inves ga on. If a wri en no ce is sent to the IBO,
the IBO will have ten (10) business days from the date of the no fica on le er
to present all informa on rela ng to the incident for review by IM.

(C) The IM Compliance Team will inves gate the complaint and consider
submi ed informa on it deems relevant, including informa on from collateral
sources. Due to the unique nature of each situa on, determina ons of the
appropriate remedy will be on a case-by-case basis, and the length of me to
reach a resolu on will vary.

(D) During the course of the inves ga on, the IM Compliance Team may only
provide periodic updates simply sta ng that the inves ga on is ongoing. No
other informa on will be released during this me. IBO calls, le ers, and
requests for progress reports during the course of the inves ga on will not be
answered or returned.

(E) IM will make a final decision and mely no fy the IBOs involved.

8.2 Dispute Resolu on


(a) IBOs, Customers, and IM (for the purposes of this sec on, collec vely “the Par es”) recognize
disputes and differences may arise between the Par es and therefore agree it is in their best
interest to appoint an impar al mediator to resolve such disputes as they arise.

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(b) All disputes and claims rela ng to IM, the IBO Agreement, or IM services and strategies, the rights
and obliga ons of an IBO and IM, or any other claim or causes of ac on rela ng to the performance
of either an IBO and IM under the Agreement (“Dispute”) shall be se led totally and finally by
arbitra on in Las Vegas, Nevada, or such other loca on as IM prescribes, in accordance with the
Federal Arbitra on Act and the Commercial Arbitra on Rules of the American Arbitra on
Associa on, except that all par es shall be en tled to discovery rights allowed under the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure, subject to all limita ons contained therein. All issues related to arbitra on
shall be governed by the Federal Arbitra on Act. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding on the par es and may, if necessary, be reduced to judgment in any court of competent
jurisdic on. Each party to the arbitra on shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses of
arbitra on, including legal and filing fees. Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent IM from applying
to and obtaining from any court have jurisdic on a writ of a achment, a temporary injunc on,
preliminary injunc on, permanent injunc on, or other relief available to safeguard and protect IM’s
interest prior to, during, or following the filing of any arbitra on or other proceeding pending the
rendi on of a decision or award in connec on with any arbitra on or other proceedings. For the
avoidance of doubt, the claims of different IBOs shall be heard in separate, bilateral arbitra on
proceedings. Arbitra on proceedings and any award shall be kept confiden al. No amendment to
this arbitra on provision shall apply to a Dispute of which IM had actual no ce on the date of the
amendment. Any termina on of this arbitra on provision shall not be effec ve un l ten (10) days
a er reasonable no ce of termina on is given to IBOs or as to Disputes which arose prior to the
date of termina on.



(e) Delega on to Arbitrator. Except as provided in this Sec on 9, I acknowledge and agree that the
arbitrator(s), and not any federal, state, or local court, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any
Dispute rela ng to the interpreta on, applicability, enforceability, or validity of these Dispute
Resolu on Provisions, including without limita on any claim that these Dispute Resolu on
Provisions are void or voidable.

(f) Severability. If any provision contained in these Dispute Resolu on Provisions is deemed invalid or
unenforceable, such provision shall be modified automa cally to the minimum extent necessary to
render the par es’ agreement to arbitrate valid and enforceable. If a provision conflicts with a
mandatory provision of Applicable Law, the conflic ng provision shall be severed automa cally, and
the remainder construed to incorporate the mandatory provision. In the event of such severance or
modifica on, the remainder shall not be affected.

(g) Termina on. The Dispute Resolu on Provisions shall remain in effect even a er termina on of the
Agreement or the termina on of the IBO’s business associa on with IM.

8.3 Severability

If any provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, only the invalid
provision shall be severed. The remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full force and shall be
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construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision never had comprised a part of the Agreement.
8.4 Waiver

(a) Only an officer of IM can, in wri ng, affect a waiver of the Agreement.

(b) IM’s waiver of any par cular breach by an IBO shall not affect IM’s rights with respect to any
subsequent breach, nor shall it affect the rights or obliga ons of any other IBO.

(c) The existence of any claim or cause of ac on of an IBO against IM shall not cons tute a defense
to IM’s enforcement of any term or provision of the Agreement.

8.5 Governing Law

Subject to and without waiving the terms set above, jurisdic on and venue of any controversy or claim arising
from the Agreement or between IM and IBO, shall be in Las Vegas, Nevada. The laws of the State of Nevada shall
govern all ma ers rela ng to or arising from the Agreement or between IM and IBOs.


9.1 Bonus and Commission Qualifica ons

(a) An IBO must be ac ve and in compliance with the Agreement to qualify for commissions. So
long as an IBO complies with the terms and condi ons set forth in the Agreement, IM shall pay
commissions to such IBOs in accordance with this Agreement, the Compensa on Plan and any
amendments thereto.

(b) IM will not issue a payment, in any form, to an IBO without first receiving all administra ve fees
and a completed electronic IM applica on, which includes an executed copy of this Agreement.

(c) IM reserves the right to postpone commission payments un l the cumula ve amount of
bonuses and commissions owed to an IBO exceeds $50.00.

9.2 Computa on of Commissions and Discrepancies

(a) Commissions, bonuses, overrides, and achievement levels are calculated each month.

(b) An IBO must review his, her, or its earnings cer ficate in their back office promptly and report
any discrepancies within thirty (30) days of receiving a commission payment. No addi onal
requests will be considered a er thirty (30) days.

(c) For addi onal informa on on payment of commissions, please review the Compensa on Plan.

9.3 Adjustments to Bonuses and Commissions for Returned Services or IBO Memberships.

(a) An IBO receives commissions based on the actual sales of services and strategies to Customers
through service and strategy purchases. When services or strategies are canceled by a Customer
and a refund is paid by IM to the Customer, the commissions a ributable to the refunded
service will be deducted from the IBO who received commissions on such sales. Deduc ons will
occur in the month in which the refund is given and con nue every pay period therea er un l

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the r commission is recovered.

(b) In the event that an IBO terminates his, her, or its posi on, and the amounts of the bonuses or
commissions a ributable to the refunded services or strategies have not yet been fully
recovered by IM, the remainder of the outstanding balance may be offset against any other
amounts that may be owed by IM to the terminated IBO.

If an IBO has ques ons about, or believes any errors have been made regarding commissions, bonuses,
business reports, genealogy, orders or charges, the IBO must no fy IM in wri ng within thirty (30) days of
the date the error or incident in ques on occurred. Any such errors, omissions or problems not reported
within thirty (30) days shall be deemed waived by the IBO.


10.1 General Service Ordering Policies

(a) “Bonus Buying” is strictly and absolutely prohibited. Bonus Buying includes; (a) the enrollment
of individuals or Business En es without the knowledge of and/or comple on of an online
enrollment by such individuals or Business En es; (b) the fraudulent enrollment of an
individual or Business En ty as an IBO or Customer; (c) the enrollment or a empted enrollment
of non-existent individuals or Business En es as IBOs or Customers (“phantoms”); (d)
purchasing IM services or strategies on behalf of another IBO or Customer, or under another
IBO’s or Customer’s ID number, to qualify for commissions or bonuses; and/or (e) any other
mechanism or ar fice to qualify for rank advancement, incen ves, prizes, commissions, or
bonuses that is not driven by bona fide service or strategy purchases by end consumers.

(b) IM requires that IBOs use their own payment method and not allow others to use them. An IBO
shall not use another IBO’s or Customer’s credit card or debit account to enroll in IM or
purchase services without the account holder’s wri en permission.

(c) Where an IBO’s payment method is invalid or payment cannot be processed, IM will a empt to
contact the IBO by phone, mail, or e-mail in order to obtain another form of payment. If these
a empts are unsuccessful, any service order related to the invalid payment method may be
(d) Prices are subject to change without no ce.

(e) Any errors or incorrect charges to an IBO payment method must be reported to IM within three
(3) calendar days from date of the transac on.

10.2 Sales to Customers

(a) Sales to Customers must be done directly through an IBO’s replicated website.

(b) IBOs must comply with applicable consumer protec on laws and regula ons (including any
consumer rights to receive specific no ces and any rights to return services) afforded

10.3 Insufficient Funds

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(a) All electronic payments that are declined for insufficient funds will be automa cally
re-submi ed for payment.

(b) Any outstanding balance owed to IM by an IBO of an IBO from NSF (non-sufficient funds) or
insufficient fund fees (ACH), will be withheld by IM from that IBO’s future bonus and
commission funds.

(c) All transac ons involving insufficient funds, which are not resolved in a mely manner by the
IBO, cons tute grounds for disciplinary sanc ons or termina on of the account.

(d) If a credit card order or automa c debit is declined the first me, IBO will be contacted directly
and a request for an alternate form of payment will be made. If these a empts are
unsuccessful, any service order related to the invalid payment method may be canceled.

10.4 Credit Card Purchases

(a) Credit card purchases may only be made by the individual whose name and address are on the
credit card. Any IBO who uses another individual’s credit card to pay for purchases risks having
his, her, or its IM account suspended pending an inves ga on and resolu on of any complaints
regarding unauthorized charges. IM considers such transac ons fraudulent and will report them
to the proper authori es.

(b) Under no circumstance may any IBO unreasonably charge back any credit card purchases. If an
IBO charges back any payments due to IM such IBO will immediately lose all credit card ordering
privileges un l the disputed charges are resolved. If the disputed charges are found to be valid
and/or the chargeback is found to be unreasonable and/or unjus fied IM may terminate the
IBO’s posi on. If an erroneous charge is applied to an IBO’s credit card, the IBO should
immediately contact the IM Support Team via e-mail at [email protected] ini ate an
inves ga on and resolu on.

10.5 Sales Tax Obliga on

(a) The IBO shall comply with all federal and local taxes and regula ons governing the sale of IM
services or strategies.

(b) IM encourages each IBO to consult with a tax advisor for addi onal informa on for his, her, or
its business.

(c) IM may be required to charge and remit sales tax to the various states and U.S. territories based
on the retail price of services.

10.6 Refund Policy

IM Customers:

(i) If within the first seven (7) days, a Customer is not sa sfied with the service he, she or it
must contact [email protected] for a full refund of the amounts, paid to IM with the
excep on of Bitcoin purchases.

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(ii) All purchases are charged and refunded in U.S. Dollars. All refunds and exchanges will be
made to the payment method used for the original purchase and will be refunded or
exchanged in U.S. Dollars. IM. is not responsible for any losses due to fluctua ng exchange


11.1 Presenta on of Compensa on Plan – Income Claims

In presen ng the IM opportunity to poten al IBOs, an IBO is required to comply with the following

(i) An IBO shall not misquote or omit any significant material fact about the Compensa on

(ii) An IBO shall make it clear that the Compensa on Plan is based upon sales of IM
services and not upon the sponsoring of other IBOs.

(iii) An IBO shall make it clear that success can be achieved only through substan al and
diligent independent efforts.

(iv) An IBO shall not make income projec ons, claims, or guarantees while presen ng or
discussing the IM opportunity or Compensa on Plan to prospec ve IBOs. An IBO
should inform all prospec ve IBOs that success requires substan al work. Income
claims include, but are not limited to, copies of payment checks, bank statements, rank
earnings, tax documents, trading profits, lifestyle claims, or photos (i.e., cash, exo c
cars, yachts, etc.). Income claims are prohibited at events and/or pos ng on social
media, websites, or videos. If found to have posted income or lifestyle claims on social
media, an IBO will receive a no ce to remove the post immediately. Failure to remove a
post on request may result in suspension. Repeated offenses will result in suspension
or possible termina on.

(v) An IBO may not make any income or profit claims or show trading results based on or
regarding services or strategies offered by IM.

(vi) An IBO may not recommend or be affiliated with brokers or investment advisors or
make any claim that IM is offering any products or services other than an educa onal
pla orm and services

(vii) An IBO may not make any claim or infer that the IM opportunity or Compensa on Plan
can replace or exceed income impacted by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

11.2 Events

(a) IBOs are limited to charging a reasonable seat charge per person for events to cover the cost of
venue hire and associated out of pocket event costs.
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(b) All marke ng materials created by an IBO to support an IBO event and all on stage content must
comply with the Agreement including these Policies and Procedures and all applicable laws and
regula ons.

11.3 Trading Policies

(a) IBOs are strictly prohibited from selling Signals, Trading Bots, Auto-traders or taking investments
to trade. Any viola on of these will result in immediate termina on.
(b) Trading challenges or projected growth charts are prohibited.

11.4 Sales Requirements Are Governed by the Compensa on Plan

There are no exclusive territories granted to anyone. No franchise fees are applicable to an IM business.


12.1 Business Reports, Lists, and Proprietary Informa on

By agreeing to the Agreement, IBOs and Customers acknowledge that business reports, the iden ty and
contact informa on of Customers, IBOs, and poten al Customers or IBOs (including as available on group
chats), informa on about IM’s or an IBO’s genealogy, and any other financial, technical or other informa on
that is not generally known and/or is of a sensi ve nature and that is circulated by IM or pertains to the
business of IM, both wri en or otherwise, whether that informa on is received directly from IM or from other
IBOs are confiden al and proprietary informa on and trade secrets belonging to IM. Such informa on shall be
referred to collec vely as “IM Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets.”

12.2 Obliga on of Confiden ality

IBOs shall not use IM’s Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets for any purpose other than to promote an
IBO’s IM business. An IBO may never disclose IM’s non-public Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets to
anyone outside IM without the wri en consent of IM management. This Agreement, among other things,
prohibits the replica on of IM’s or an IBO’s genealogy in another network marke ng company. This provision
survives the termina on of this Agreement. To reduce the risk of inten onal or inadvertent misuse of IM’s
Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets, during the term of the Agreement and for a period of one (1) year
a er the termina on or expira on of this Agreement IBOs shall not:

1. Use any informa on obtained from IM or its affiliates (whether or not the IBO believes that it is
IM Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets) to compete with IM or for any purpose other
than promo ng an IBOs IM business; or
2. Disclose to any person or en ty any Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets obtained from
IM or its affiliates during the life of this Agreement (whether or not the IBO believes that it is IM
Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets).
12.3 Breach and Remedies

IBOs acknowledge that IM’s non-public Confiden al Informa on and Trade Secrets are of such character as to
render them unique, and that disclosure or use thereof in viola on of §12.1 et seq. will result in immediate
and irreparable harm to IM and to IBO’s IM businesses. In addi on to recovering any damages, IM and its IBOs
will be en tled to expedited injunc ve relief against any IBO who violates this provision in any ac on to
enforce its rights under this sec on. IM may seek such injunc ve relief on an expedited basis under the federal
Defend Trade Secrets Act and/or the laws of the State of Nevada. The prevailing party shall be en tled to an
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award of lawyer’s fees, court costs and expenses.

12.4 Return of Materials

An IBO shall immediately return to IM the original and all copies of all IM Confiden al Informa on and Trade
Secrets in such person’s possession upon (1) termina on of this Agreement, or (2) demand by IM.


13.1 Introduc on

All IBOs shall understand and adhere to the basic principles of confiden ality and data privacy and their
use of the IM website is subject to the terms of the IM Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) published at the
im.academy website as amended from me to me. Without limi ng the terms of this sec on, all IBOs
must comply with applicable privacy laws governing the collec on, use and disclosure of Customer and
fellow IBO informa on.

13.2 Expecta on of Privacy

(a) IM recognizes and respects the importance its Customers and IBOs place on the privacy of their
financial and personal informa on. IM will safeguard the privacy of, and maintain the
confiden ality of its Customers’ and IBOs’ financial and account informa on and non-public
personal informa on in accordance with the terms of its Privacy Policy.

(b) By entering into the Agreement, an IBO authorizes IM to disclose his, her, or its name and
contact informa on to Upline IBOs solely for ac vi es related to the furtherance of the IM
business. An IBO hereby agrees to maintain the confiden ality and security of such informa on
and to use it solely for the purpose of suppor ng and servicing his, her, or its downline
organiza on and conduc ng the IM business.

13.3 Restric ons on the Disclosure of Account Informa on

IM will not share non-public personal informa on or financial informa on about current or former
Customers or IBOs with third par es, except in accordance with the Agreement, the Privacy Policy, as
permi ed or required by laws and regula ons, court orders, or to serve the Customers’, or IBOs’ interests
or to enforce its rights or obliga ons under the Agreement or with wri en permission from the account
holder on file.


14.1 Displaying Services

(a) An IBO may not re-brand electronically or otherwise any IM services, strategies, informa on,
materials or program(s) in any way. IM services and strategies must only be sold through the IM
ecosystem of replicated websites, hosted on IM servers.

(b) An IBO shall not cause any IM service, strategy, or any IM trade name to be promoted, sold or
displayed in retail establishments except where the retail establishment is owned or managed
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by the IBO and the establishment does not exceed $1 million in annual gross revenue, and there
are five (5) or fewer establishments under common ownership of management.

(c) An IBO may sell IM services or strategies and display the IM trade name at any appropriate
display booth (such as trade shows, exposi ons, conferences, etc.) with the express wri en
consent of IM subject to the following.

(i) An IBO is prohibited to sell IM services or strategies or display the IM trade name,
trademark, or service mark at any kiosk or booth located in any retail establishment,
including, without limita on, a mall or retail facility.

(ii) IM reserves the right within its unfe ered discre on to refuse to provide authoriza on
for an IBO to par cipate in any func on that IM does not deem a suitable forum for the
promo on of IM’s services and strategies, or the IM business opportunity.

14.2 Use of Company Names and Protected Materials

(a) An IBO must safeguard and promote the good reputa on of IM and the services they market.
The marke ng and promo on of IM, its services, the IM business opportunity, and the
Compensa on Plan must be consistent with the public interest, and must avoid all discourteous,
decep ve, misleading, unethical or immoral conduct and prac ces.

(b) All promo onal materials supplied or created by IM must be used in their original form and
cannot be changed, amended or altered, except with prior wri en approval from the IM
Compliance Team.

(c) The name of IM, each of its service names and other names that have been adopted by IM, in
connec on with its business are proprietary trade names, trademarks, and service marks of IM.
As such, these marks are of great value to IM and are supplied to IBOs for their use only in an
expressly authorized manner.

(d) An IBO’s use of the name “IM Academy” is restricted to protect IM proprietary rights and to
ensure that the IM protected names will not be lost or compromised by unauthorized use. Use
of the IM name in rela on to any product, service, or strategy not produced or offered by IM is
prohibited except as follows:

(i) [IBO’s name] Independent IM Academy IBO or IM Academy Independent Business Owner.

(ii) [IBO’s name] Independent IBO of IM Academy Services.

(e) Addi onal restric ons on the use of the IM name include:

(i) All sta onary (i.e., le erhead, envelopes, and business cards) bearing the IM name or
logo intended for use by the IBO must be submi ed via e-mail to the IM Compliance
Team for approval. Submit to: [email protected].

(ii) IBOs may list “Independent IM Academy IBO” in the white pages of the telephone
directory and equivalent online directories under his, her, or its own name.

(iii) IBOs may not use the name IM Academy in answering his, her, or its telephone,

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crea ng an outgoing voice message, or in rela on to the use of an answering service in
such a way as to give the impression to a caller that he or she has reached IM’s
corporate office. IBOs may answer calls by describing themselves as an “Independent
IM Academy IBO.”

(f) Certain photos and graphic images used by IM in its adver sing, packaging, and websites are the
result of paid contracts with third par es that do not extend to or cover IBOs. If an IBO wants to
use such materials, they must nego ate individual contracts with the third par es for a fee.

(g) An IBO shall not appear on, or make use of, television or radio or any other media to promote or
discuss IM or its programs, services, products, or the IM business opportunity without prior
wri en permission from the IM Compliance Team.

(h) An IBO may not produce for sale or distribu on any IM event or speech, nor may an IBO
reproduce IM audio or video clips for personal use or sale without prior wri en permission from
the IM Compliance Team

(i) An IBO shall not promote non-IM services, strategies, or products in conjunc on with IM
services or strategies on the same social media site or same adver sement without prior
approval from IM Compliance Team.

(j) IBOs may not make claims, including personal tes monials, rela ng to any services or strategies
offered by IM, except as contained in official IM literature. For avoidance of doubt, IBOs are
prohibited from making any claims that IM services or strategies, or the IM business
opportunity, guarantee financial or investment growth, profits, or any other statement that
could be understood to guarantee a return on investment.

14.3 Faxes and E-mail - Limita ons

(a) Except as provided in this sec on, an IBO may not use or transmit unsolicited e-mail, mass
e-mail distribu on, other commercial electronic messages, or “spamming” that adver ses or
promotes the opera on of his, her, or its IM business. The excep ons are:

(i) E-mailing any person who has given prior permission or invita on; and/or

(ii) E-mailing any person with whom the IBO has established a current business or personal
rela onship.

(b) In all states or U.S. or interna onal territories where prohibited by law, an IBO may not
transmit, or cause to be transmi ed through a third-party (by telephone, facsimile, computer
or other device), an unsolicited adver sement to any equipment, which has the capacity to
transcribe text or images from an electronic signal received over a regular telephone line, cable
line, ISDN, T1 or any other signal carrying device, except as set forth in this sec on.

(c) All e-mail or computer broadcasted documents subject to this provision shall include each of
the following:
(i) A clear and obvious iden fica on that the fax or e-mail message is an adver sement or
solicita on. The words “adver sement” or “solicita on” should appear in the subject
line of the message;
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(ii) A clear return path or rou ng informa on;

(iii) The use of legal and proper domain name;

(iv) A clear and obvious no ce of the opportunity to decline to receive further commercial
facsimile or e-mail messages from the sender;

(v) Unsubscribe or opt-out instruc ons should be the very first text in the body of the
message box in the same size text as the majority of the message;

(vi) The true and correct name of the sender, valid senders’ fax, or e-mail address, and a
valid sender physical address;

(vii) The date and me of the transmission;

(viii) Upon no fica on by recipient of his or her request not to receive further faxed or
e-mailed documents, an IBO shall not transmit any further documents to that recipient.

(d) All e-mail or computer broadcasted documents subject to this provision shall not include any of
the following:

(i) Use of any third-party domain name without permission; or

(ii) Sexually explicit materials.

14.4 Internet and Third-Party Website Restric ons

(a) An IBO is prohibited from crea ng or registering any third-party website in order to promote,
sell or adver se their IM business. An IBO is prohibited to use or a empt to register any of
IM’s trade names, trademarks, service names, service marks, product names, URLs,
adver sing phrases, the IM name or any deriva ve thereof, for any purpose including, but not
limited to, Internet domain names (URL), third-party websites, e-mail addresses, web pages,
or blogs.

(b) An IBO may not sell IM services or strategies, or offer the business opportunity using “online
auc ons,” such as eBay®, Amazon, Etsy or other external retail websites, or auc on sites.

(c) Social media sites may be used to market, sell, or offer to sell IM services or strategies. PROFILES
par cipates in any such communi es, IBOs must avoid inappropriate conversa ons, comments,
images, video, audio, applica ons or any other adult, profane, discriminatory or vulgar content.
IM reserves the right to determine what is considered acceptable within its sole and unfe ered
discre on, and IBOs who violate this provision may be subject to disciplinary ac on.

(d) Banner ads and images used on websites must be current and must come from the IM approved
library, official IM website or social media outlet. If a link is provided, it must link to the pos ng
IBO’s replicated website.

(e) Anonymous pos ngs or use of an alias on any social media site is prohibited, and offending IBOs

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may be subject to disciplinary ac on.

(f) IBOs may not use blog spam, spamdexing, or any other mass-replicated methods to leave blog
comments. Comments IBOs create, or leave, must be useful, unique, relevant and specific to the
blog’s ar cle.

(g) IBOs must disclose their full name on all social media pos ngs, and conspicuously iden fy
themselves as an Independent IM Academy IBOs for IM.

(h) Pos ngs that are false, misleading, or decep ve are prohibited, including in rela on to the IM
income opportunity, IM’s services, strategies, and/or an IBO’s biographical informa on and
creden als.

(i) IBOs are personally responsible for their pos ngs and all other online ac vity, even if an IBO
does not own or operate a blog or social media site.

(j) IBOs are responsible for any pos ngs on any pla orm that the IBO owns, operates, or controls,
regardless of who made the post.

(k) As an IBO, it is important to not contact or par cipate in communica ons with any persons or
en es that publish poten ally nega ve post against an IBO or IM. Nega ve posts should be
reported to IM at [email protected]. Responding to such nega ve posts o en simply fuels a
discussion with someone carrying a grudge that does not hold themselves to the same high
standards as IM, and therefore damages the reputa on and goodwill of IM.

(l) The dis nc on between a social media site and a third-party website may not be clear, because
some social media sites are par cularly robust, IM therefore reserves the sole and exclusive
right to classify certain social media sites as third-party websites which are herein prohibited.

(m) If an IBO’s IM business is terminated for any reason, that IBO must discon nue using the IM
name, and all of IM’s trademarks, trade names, service marks, and other intellectual property,
and all deriva ves of such marks and intellectual property, in any pos ngs and all social media
sites. To the extent an IBO has posted on any social media or other Internet site iden fying the
IBO as affiliated with IM, the IBO must immediately and conspicuously disclose on all such
websites or social media sites that the IBO is no longer an IBO.

(n) Failure to comply with the Agreement for conduc ng business online may result in the IBO
losing their right to adver se and market IM services, strategies, and the IM business
opportunity online in addi on to any other disciplinary ac on available under the Agreement.

14.5 Adver sing and Promo onal Materials

Adver sing and all forms of communica ons must adhere to principles of honesty and propriety.

14.6 Tes monial Permission

IM may use without compensa on an IBO’s tes monial or image and likeness in any and all corporate
sales materials, including but not limited to print media, electronic media, audio, and video. In
considera on of being allowed to par cipate in the IM business opportunity, an IBO waives any right to
be compensated for the use of his, her, or its tes monial or image and likeness even though IM may be

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paid for items or sales materials containing such image and likeness, and represents that any tes monial
represents IBO’s current, original, honest opinion, thoughts, beliefs, findings or experiences, based on
the IBO’s actual experience with IM and any stated use of IM services and/or strategies, and IBOs agree
to no fy IM immediately of any changes in the views expressed in the tes monial. In some cases, an
IBO’s tes monial may appear in another IBO’s adver sing materials.

14.7 Telemarke ng - Limita ons

(a) An IBO must not engage in telemarke ng in rela on to any work performed for or in rela on to
IM in breach of applicable laws, regula ons and codes. The term “telemarke ng” means the
placing of one or more telephone calls or facsimile transmissions to any individuals or en es
with the purpose of inducing those individuals or en es to purchase IM services or strategies
or to recruit them for the IM opportunity.

(b) The United States federal government administers the Unsolicited Telecommunica on Rules and
operates a na onal Do-Not-Call registry that requires businesses to refrain from calling phone
numbers listed on a “Do-Not-Call” list (DNCL) and or people who tell the caller directly not to
call/fax in the future.

(c) While an IBO may not consider himself or herself a “telemarketer” in the tradi onal sense,
regula ons broadly define the term “telemarketer” and “telemarke ng” so that the
uninten onal ac on of calling someone whose telephone number is listed on a “Do Not Call”
registry could be a viola on of the law. These regula ons must not be taken lightly, as they carry
significant penal es.

(d) “Cold calls” or unsolicited calls/faxes made to prospec ve Customers or IBOs in order to
promote IM services, strategies, or the IM opportunity is considered telemarke ng and is

(e) AN IBO shall not use automa c telephone dialing systems in the opera on of his, her, or its
IM businesses.

(f) Failure to abide by the Agreement or applicable laws, regula ons or codes regarding
telemarke ng may lead to sanc ons against the IBO by IM, up to and including termina on
of the IBO.

(g) By accep ng the Agreement, or by accep ng commissions, other payments or awards from IM,
an IBO gives permission to IM and other IBOs to contact them as permi ed under the Federal
Do Not Call regula ons.

(h) In the event an IBO violates this sec on, IM reserves the right to ins tute legal proceedings to
obtain monetary or equitable relief.

(i) Excep ons to Telemarke ng Regula ons. An IBO may place telephone calls or faxes to
prospec ve Customers or IBOs under the following limited situa ons:

(i) If the IBO has an established current business rela onship with the prospect;

(ii) In response to the prospect’s personal inquiry or applica on regarding a service or

strategy offered by the IBO, but only for a period of three (3) months following that
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inquiry or applica on;

(iii) If the IBO receives wri en and signed permission from the prospect authorizing the
IBO to call or fax;

(iv) If the call/fax is to family members, personal friends, and acquaintances. However, if an
IBO makes a habit of collec ng business cards from everyone, he, she, or it meets and
subsequently calls or faxes them, the federal government may consider this a form of
telemarke ng that is not subject to this exemp on;

(v) IBOs engaged in calling “acquaintances,” must make such calls or faxes on an occasional
basis only and not as a rou ne prac ce.


Each IBO shall comply with all applicable laws and regula ons in the country, state or province where he,
she or it is marke ng the IM services strategies or business opportunity outside of the United States.


ACTIVE IBO: AN IBO who is in good standing with respect to the Agreement and who sa sfies the minimum sales
volume requirements, as set forth in the Compensa on Plan.

COMPENSATION PLAN: The guidelines and referenced literature for describing how IBOs can generate commissions
and bonuses.

COMPLIANCE TEAM: The IM Compliance Team which can be contacted at [email protected]

CUSTOMER: An end consumer who purchases IM services and does not engage in building a business or promo ng
the sale of the IM services and strategies.

CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM: The IM Customer Service Team, which can be contacted at: [email protected].

DOWNLINE: IBO or IBOs located beneath another IBO in any IM sales or marke ng organiza on network or

SPONSOR OR SPONSORING IBO: AN IBO who enrolls a Customer, retailer, or another IBO into IM, and is listed as
the Sponsor on the IBO Agreement. The act of enrolling others and training them to become IBOs is called

Independent Business Owner (“IBO”): An individual or en ty who ac vely promotes, markets and sells IM services
and/or strategies for profit and who ac vely seeks and recruits others to do the same in accordance with the

LINE OF SPONSORSHIP (“LOS”): A report generated by IM that provides cri cal data rela ng to the iden es of
IBOs, sales informa on, and enrollment ac vity of each IBO’s organiza on. This report contains confiden al and
trade secret informa on which is proprietary to IM.

ORGANIZATION or MARKETING NETWORK or GENEALOGY: The Customers and IBOs located above or below a
par cular IBO in IM’s marke ng and sales structure or genealogy.

IM MATERIAL: Literature, audio or video tapes, and/or any other materials developed, printed, published, or
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otherwise distributed by IM, including to IBO and Customers.

PLACEMENT: An IBO’s posi on inside his, her, or its Sponsor’s organiza on.

RECRUIT or RECRUITING: The actual or a empted solicita on, enrollment, encouragement, or effort to influence in
any other way, either directly, indirectly, or through a third-party, another IBO or Customer to enroll or par cipate in
a mul level marke ng, network marke ng, or direct sales opportunity.

SUPPORT TEAM: The IM Support Team, which can be contacted at [email protected].

UPLINE: An IBO or IBOs located above another IBO in any IM marke ng network or genealogy.

Interna onal Markets Live Inc.

108 Village Square # 146
NY 10589
PH: +1 518 801 1010
E Mail: [email protected]
© 2022 Interna onal Markets Live Inc. All rights reserved.

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