The Comprehensive Study Plan Engli-Vision 7.2022f

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Summer, 2022

The Comprehensive Study Plan for IELTS from

Instructor: Muhammad Khalil(2022)
Moussa, PhD
WhatsApp: (002)-01000190890 (8AM-10PM)
(Value for Knowledge)
Email address: [email protected]


(2022) Copy Rights (Engli-Vision)

1 | ENGLI-VISION Golden STUDY PLAN(2022) Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa (002-01000190890)

A Farewell Message from Engli-Vision Team

‫ﺣﺮام ش�ﻋﺎ وﻣﻤﻨ�ع ﻗﺎﻧﻮﻧﺎ ﻣﺸﺎرﻛﺔ اﻟﻤﺎﺗ��ﺎل اﻟﺪراﺳ�ﺔ ﻣﻊ أي ﺷﺨﺺ ﺧﺎرج‬
Dear Candidates,
Thank you for your efforts with us during the IELTS course. Please read the notes below:
● You are kindly requested to study the material before sitting for the exam.
● IELTS needs at least 10 days of non-stop study before the exam.
● When to book the exam?
- You can answer the writing exam in 52-55 minutes.
- You are aware of your grammatical and vocabulary mistakes in writing. If there are
grammatical mistakes, please do not waste your money and take the Advanced Grammar
- You have got rid of speaking pauses and no grammatical mistakes.
- You can score 35/40 in listening (band 8) with the speed of 1.25 on YouTube
- You can score 37/40 in reading in 1 hour only.
- You have to answer Cambridge Exams (from volumes 15 to 17).
- You’re fast and accurate in typing (at least 20 words per minute)
● If you are a fast typist, then you should consider the computer-based IELTS.
● Please, take at least 1 to 2 days off from work or duties before the exam to get enough sleep.
● You must sleep well before the exam, have your breakfast and go to the toilet just before
stepping into the exam venue.
● No need to be stressed; it is an exam you can repeat anytime you want.
● Before your exam, please feel free to contact Dr. M. Khalil Moussa for any advice or support.
We are all there for you. Send me two essays before your exam.
● If you are planning to repeat the course any time, you will get 20% discount.

Expected Dates of IELTS Courses:

Start Date: 15 July, 2022 End Date: 10 September, 2022
Start Date: 1 October, 2022 1 December, 2022

● We provide a Crash Course for Students (two weeks) 4 times a year. If interested, contact
the coordinator. (WhatsApp: 00201061567332 )

It has been a pleasure having this academic experience with you all; any stress during the course
was for good intentions. Please watch our videos on Engli-Vision Facebook page.

2 | ENGLI-VISION Golden STUDY PLAN(2022) Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa (002-01000190890)
Engli-Vision provides a number of courses:

- English for Beginners

- English for Pre-Intermediate Level
- English for Advanced Levels
- English for Proficiency and IELTS
- Conversation and Fluency
- Conversation for Advanced Levels: Speak like a Native
- French Courses
- Conversation and Fluency for Kids
- Kids’ Diploma: Arabic, French, English and Information Technology
Check our official website:
Contact us:
WhatsApp or Calls: (002) 01061567332

Wishing you all the best.

Best regards,
Engli-Vision Team (2022)


3 | ENGLI-VISION Golden STUDY PLAN(2022) Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa (002-01000190890)

• Download Cambridge books
• Download Cambridge 17
• Download Mini-IELTS Book (My book in brief).
• List of Common Synonyms for Band 9.
• Download the grammar book.
• Download the collocation book.
• Download Oxford Picture Dictionary
• Barron’s Book in IELTS Tests
• IELTS Trainer 2
• IELTS Trainer 1
General • Call IDP: 01024805889 (Book the Exam with IDP)
Instructions • Book your IELTS Exam from IDP or the British Council:
o IDP Egypt
o British Council
• Improve your Typing Speed
• Practice IELTS on: or
Online IELTS •
Practice •
• Recent Topics in IELTS:


IELTS Material (Engli-Vision Copy Rights 2022)
(Exclusive Summer 2022)
Fundamentals o Watch the grammar videos and their file
(3 days) o Listen to the Pronunciation Video
o Study Vocabulary through reading essays and band 8 vocabulary file
Speaking: General Tips: Study techniques + Apply them to the important topics + Listen to samples:
Listen and o Speaking Techniques file: Study R-I-C-E and the Skeleton to use speaking chunks.
then speak o Watch Speaking Videos Playlist on YouTube.
(3 days) o Read Expected Files.
o Record voice notes of all topics, and listen to yourself. Write down your mistakes.
o One day before your exam, speak English for hours with a friend or even on your own.
o An hour before going to the exam, speak English. Don’t forget your ID.

4 | ENGLI-VISION Golden STUDY PLAN(2022) Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa (002-01000190890)

Writing: Task 2: (40 minutes + at least 250 words + manage your time + study your mistakes)
Read o Writing Task 2 Video in Brief
samples, o Writing Task 2 file and Skeleton
study o Examples file
skeleton, o Task 2 Sample Essays
study your Task 1 General: (20 minutes + at least 150 words + for immigration purposes):
mistakes and
o Task 1 General Video
manage your
o Task 1 General File
o Task 1 General Sample Essays
Task 1 Academic: (20 minutes + at least 150 words + for studying and academic purposes):
(4 days)
o Task 1 Academic Video
o Task 1 Academic file
o Task 1 Academic Sample Essays
o Print out Task 1 and Task 2 Answer Sheets for the Paper-Based Exams: Print out and
practice before you sit for the exam.
o Study your grammatical and spelling mistakes. (Grammatical and spelling mistakes
can take you down to band 5).
o Manage your time by using this Countdown Stop Watch Here (60 minutes for both
(Answer listening in the morning + answer at least 4 tests before your final exams)
(3 days)
o Answer Listening Exam on YouTube
o Download Cambridge 14-17
o Watch the Video entitled: How to answer Listening Questions
o Study 1200 vocabulary: use these words in speaking and writing as well.
o Answer a listening exam, write down mistakes and read the listening script.
o Print out the Listening Exam Answer Sheet for the Paper-Based Exams.
Reading o Skim through the Reading Vocabulary File
(3 days) o Download Cambridge 14-17
o Watch reading video: Udemy Course
o Print out the Reading Exam Answer Sheet for the Paper-Based Exams.

5 | ENGLI-VISION Golden STUDY PLAN(2022) Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa (002-01000190890)

Suggested Daily Study Plan (2 hours a day)
Duration: 10 days
- Morning: Answer a listening exam
Day 1 - Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
- Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
- Morning: Answer a reading exam
Day 2 - Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
- Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
- Morning: Answer a listening exam
Day 3 - Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
- Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
- Morning: Answer a reading exam
Day 4 - Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
- Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
- Morning: Answer a listening exam
- Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
Day 5 - Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
NOTE: Study your grammar mistakes by writing them on a paper.
- Morning: Answer a reading exam
- Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
Day 6 - Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
NOTE: Study your grammar mistakes by writing them on a paper.
- Morning: Answer a listening exam
- Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
Day 7 - Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
NOTE: Study your grammar mistakes by writing them on a paper.
- Morning: Answer a reading exam
Day 8 -
Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay

- Morning: Answer a listening exam

- Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
Day 9 - Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
NOTE: Study your grammar mistakes by writing them on a paper.
- Morning: Answer a reading exam
Day - Afternoon: listen to the speaking audios and speak on your own
- Evening: Read sample essays, summarize 1 and rewrite the essay
NOTE: Study your grammar mistakes by writing them on a paper.

Thanks for being with us in your journey of success.

Check our official website:

6 | ENGLI-VISION Golden STUDY PLAN(2022) Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa (002-01000190890)
Contact us:
WhatsApp or Calls: (002) 01061567332

Wishing you all the best.

Engli-Vision Team (2022)

7 | ENGLI-VISION Golden STUDY PLAN(2022) Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa (002-01000190890)

Very Important skills you need to learn
:‫ﯾﺟب ان ﺗﺗﻌﻠم اﻵﺗﻰ‬
1) ‫إذاى اﻧزل اﻟﻣﻠﻔﺎت ﻣن ﺟوﺟل دراﯾف‬
How to download files from Google drive? Watch Another tutorial here
2) (‫إذاى اﻧزل اﻟﻔﯾدﯾو ﻣن اﻟﯾوﺗﯾوب )ﻻ ﯾﻧﺻﺢ ﺑذﻟك ﻻﻧﮫ ﻣﺧﺎﻟف ﻟﺳﯾﺎﺳﺔ ﺣﻘوق اﻟﻣﻠﻛﯾﺔ‬
To download videos from YouTube? You can use:
3) ‫إذاى اﻋﻣل ﺑﺎﻛب ﻟﻠواﺗﺳﺎب؟ ﺗﻠﯾﻔوﻧﻰ اﻧدروﯾد؟ ﺗﻠﯾﻔوﻧﻰ آﯾﻔون؟‬
How to Backup your WhatsApp (Android)? For (iPhone)
4) ‫ﻓك اﻟﺿﻐط ﻋن اﻟﻣﻠﻔﺎت اﻟﻣﺿﻐوطﺔ ﻣﺛل ﻣﻠف اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت ﻛﻣﺑرﯾدج‬
How to unzip a compressed file? Another tutorial Important to unzip Cambridge
5) ‫إذاى ﺗﻧزل ﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ ورد )ﻟو ﻣش ﻋﻧدك( وﺗﺳﺗﺧدﻣﮫ‬
How to download and use Microsoft Word? Important to write your weekly
6) ‫إذاى ﺗﺑﻌت إﯾﻣﯾل‬
How to send an Email? Important to send your weekly assignments

Course material download advice

1) Please download the material to your PC every day and organize them.
2) All the links are available on the Study Plans.
3) Don’t lean on your phone or your WhatsApp to keep the material.
4) Once you lose the files on your phone, you cannot recover them back.

Thank you
Englivision IT Support.

IELTS Bootcamp 2021

Supporting Mobile/PC/iOS applications and websites
Updated 25/05/2022
Application Android Laptop/PC/Mac
name phones Any web browser Install Install
Reverso translate and learn Install Install translation
WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
IMO Install Install
BOTIM Install Install
Thesaurus dictionary Install Not Available
Oxford collocation Install Install Oxford Collocation
Collins dictionary Install Install Collins Dictionary
The Guardian Install Install The Guardian
The Economist Install Install The Economist
BBC Learning English
Install Install BBC
6 minutes English
Ted Talks Install Install Ted Talks
Zoom meetings Install Install Zoom
Engli-Vision IT support

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