NOS4 Software

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NOS – Noptel Optical Shooting software

The Noptel Optical Shooting software has been developed in co-operation
with shooting professionals over the last 20 years. Thousands of shots have been
compiled since 1985 to produce a sufficient data base, which has now been analysed
and put into a form that a normal shooter or instructor can utilise in daily training.
The Windows based software is updated frequently and the latest version is
The system measures the
downloadable free of charge from our Internet pages. gun orientation path on the target.

Measurement of gun movement Training efficiency

The Noptel ST-2000 family products measure the gun orienta- The shooter receives immediate, objective feedback on the
tion path on the target surface and record the shot. Every shot shot from the PC screen, so as to make the necessary correc-
leaves a unique track, which provides information on how the tions before the next shot or series, thus making the training
shot was generated. This enables a thorough analysis of the very efficient. In fact, the sooner the shooter can correct any
shooter's skill to be made. bad shooting habits, the sooner he/she will learn the right
shooting technique. Faulty techniques can mean a lot of extra
Analysis of results work and unnecessary time spent on the way to becoming a
The NOS software provides the shooter with objective, skilled shooter. This method gives better results in a shorter
accurate information concerning the whole shooting session. time and saves money.
We have developed the shot model on the basis of theoretical
work and many years of scientific study of a massive body of User friendly
shot data collected from hundreds of shooters at all levels of The software does not require a computer specialist. A normal
skill. The analysis provides a reliable description of the computer user can handle the operations easily. Most of the
shooter's Hold, Aim and Trigger Control capabilities, which activities are automatic, the computer-aided zeroing of the op-
are the key factors in shooting. The software illustrates these tical unit is easy to perform, and the shooter can replay the
key factors both visually and numerically, revealing both the shots or series after the training session to study the results
weaknesses and strengths of the shooter. The numerical data and possible faults.
make it possible to keep
track of the shooter's de-
velopment and make com-
parisons with other shooters.
All the analytical data can be
printed out as well.

Multi-user display
Shots can be displayed in different forms for simple and illustrative
Disciplines analysis.
The software includes all common rifle and pistol disciplines,
and new ones can be easily created. The idea is that the user
can train in a genuine environment and with normal targets Sergeant Marwin Hodges, Fort Jackson, SC, USA
and distances rather than with standard, unfamiliar targets. "I work as a drill sergeant at Fort Jackson SC. This is the
largest training post in the United States. I train the new
RESULT soldiers coming into the US Army on all of the basic skills
to include the hardest thing shooting. The one time I got to
use the Noptel system to train soldiers I had a improvement
in BRM (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) from about 45% first
time go to about 85% first time go, and I think I could
improve this with more time on a Noptel system."

• Objective shooting skill analysis • Easy zeroing system
• Graphical and numerical • Real-time display
presentation of results • All possible disciplines
• Analysis easy for the shooter or • Multi-user operation
instructor to understand • Multi-language
ST-2000 MilTrainer
Hold, aim and trigger control are the three key factors which characterise
a shooter’s performance.

Noptel Oy · Teknologiantie 2 · FI-90570 Oulu · Finland · Tel +358 8 551 4351 · Fax +358 8 556 4101 · Email [email protected]

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