Giải Mã 300 Phrasal Verbs
Giải Mã 300 Phrasal Verbs
Giải Mã 300 Phrasal Verbs
AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
1 account for giải thích, lý giải to explain the reason Rural Americans are often older
~ explain cho cái gì for something than those in other parts of America
and that may account for the slower
adoption rates for internet access.
2 allow for tính toán, xem xét to consider someone We have to allow for the possibility
đến or something when of the project being delayed.
you are planning
3 ask for - yêu cầu, xin phép- to want someone to - I always ask for extra tomato
give you something sauce on my pizza.
- to say that you
would like to see or - A young man was here asking for
- muốn /nói chuyện speak to someone
với ai you this morning.
4 ask (sb) out Mời ai đó đi chơi to ask someone to go I asked Sharon out but she said
out with you she had lots of homework to do.
5 ask after sb hỏi thăm sức khỏe to ask for information Tell your father I was asking after
ai đấy about someone, him.
especially about their
7 approve of tán thành to think sth is good I don’t approve of all this loud
modern music.
8 bounce back khôi phục, tự tin to start to be Children often seem to bounce back
trở lại, vượt lên trở successful again after from illness more quickly than
lại a difficult period adults do.
9 be down with bị ốm Have caught some Barry can’t come to the meeting.
kind of illness. He’s down with a virus.
10 Belong to thuộc về (sở hữu) Be owned by That ship must belong to someone
really rich.
11 Build up xây dựng, phát to cause something to She does exercises daily to build up
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
12 Bump into sth vô tình gặp, va phải Meet by chance I bumped into an old friend in town
14 back up - giúp đỡ, hỗ trợ - to give sb help and - If I ask for more money will you
support back me up?
- dự phòng - to make a copy of - I always back up my work in case
work on a computer something happens.
15 blow down thổi đổ (gió, bão) to cause to fall down The trees were blown down by the
(of wind) fierce wind.
16 blow out thổi tắt to stop sth burning Mother blew out the candle and the
when a person or the room went dark.
wind blows on it.
(especially candles)
17 blow up (at sb) - làm nổ tung - to destroy sth with - We’ll need more explosives to
an explosion blow up the bridge.
- nổi giận với ai - to suddenly become - My dad blew up at me when he
very angry saw the test results..
18 blow over trở nên mờ nhạt to become gradually I thought that after a few days the
dần (không còn less important until it argument would blow over.
quan trọng nữa) ends and is forgotten
19 break down - hỏng - to stop working - Our car broke down and we had to
(machine push it off the road.
- suy sụp - to be unable to - When we gave her the bad news,
control your feelings she broke down and cried.
and to start to cry
- to separate - The data breaks down into three
- tách rời something into main categories.
smaller parts
22 break off - dừng - to end or discontinue - Tanya broke off their relationship
(a relationship) when she went to college.
23 break out - trốn tù - to escape from - The prisoners broke out during a
prison rest period.
- bùng phát, bắt - to start (outbreak) - Fighting has broken out and
đầu many people have been injured.
24 break through - vượt qua chắn - to force yourself - The crowd broke through the
bằng cách sử dụng through something barriers and onto the pitch.
lực để phá nó. that is holding you
- Scientists believe they have
- to make new and broken through in their fight
- đột phá
important discoveries against the disease.
25 bring about gây ra, mang lại to cause to happen What brought about this change in
26 bring along Đưa ai đi cùng bring someone with If She's interested, why not bring
you her along to the next meeting?
27 bring back - Gợi lại kí ức - make you think - This place brings back memories
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
30 Bring on - Gây ra, dẫn - Cause, lead to - All the exertion brought on an
đến attack of asthma.
- đào tạo, phát - train, develop - We try to bring on any
triển promising athletes.
31 Bring out (a Ra mắt sản phẩm Introduce a product We’re bringing out several new
product) on to the market models next year.
33 bring forth sth sinh ra, tạo ra to cause something to Maddie brought forth a new line of
happen or be seen or clothes.
34 Burst into Vỗ tay Suddenly start The audience burst into applause
(applause) applauding when the star appeared.
35 Burst into Khóc òa lên Begin (crying) Ari burst into tears when I told her
(tears) that her cat had died.
36 Burst into Bùng cháy Suddenly start burning I was cooking with the frying pan
(flames) when it burst into flames.
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
37 Burst out Cười phá lên Suddenly start (eg The crowd burst out laughing at the
(laughing) laughing) (n. outburst) clown.
38 Butt in Nói xen vào Take part in a Can I just butt in here and make a
conversation without point?
being asked
39 Call .. after Đặt tên giống với Give the same name She was called Elizabeth, after her
as grandmother.
40 Call for … - Yêu cầu, đòi hỏi - Require - This situation calls for urgent
- My boyfriend’s calling for me at
- đến và đón ai - go (to a building)
half past six.
and collect someone
41 Call off Huỷ Cancel They called off the match because
the weather was so bad.
42 Call on - Yêu cầu,kêu gọi - Ask, appeal to - I call on you all for your help. -
- ghé thăm - visit Shall we call on your sister when
we go to London?
43 Call out - Liên hệ gọi ai - Contact someone - When the fire got serious,
đến để giúp đỡ and ask them to we called out the fire brigade.
mình (trong một come and help
hình huống khẩn
- La to, gọi to (tên)
- Speak in a loud - When I call out your name, I
voice want you to step forward.
44 Calm down Bình tĩnh Stop being angry Calm down! Think of your blood
46 Catch up Nắm được Get to the same I’ve missed some lessons and I need
standard as the others to catch up.
47 Catch up on Theo kịp Do work which should You’ve got all that homework to
… already have been done catch up on.
48 Catch on Bắt kịp với Get to the same level I had to work hard to catch up with
with … the rest of the class.
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
49 Carry on tiếp tục (một hành to continue to do or be Don’t let me disturb you. Carry on
(with) động nào đó) involved with with what you are doing.
50 Carry out Tiến hành, thực Conduct, perform (eg We’re carrying out a survey into
hiện, thi hành(một a survey) people’s eating habits.
khảo sát)
51 Charge … Buộc tội Formally accuse of The man we’d arrested was charged
with with burglary.
53 Check out (of Trả phòng Pay the bill and leave a We have to check out by eleven at
a hotel) hotel the latest.
54 Cheer up Phấn khởi Become less miserable Cheer up! Things c1n’t be that
55 Chop down Chặt Cut (eg a tree) with an The tree was diseased so we had
axe until it falls to the to chop it down.
56 Clean up Dọn dẹp Clean thoroughly (n. This room is a mess! When are
clean up) you going to clean it up?
57 Clear up - Dọn dẹp, sắp - Tidy, put in order - We’ll have to clear up this mess
xếp gọn gàng before the visitors arrive.
- biến mất, hết - (of an infection) - The antibiotics will help the
disappear infection to clear up.
58 Close down Đóng cửa Close permanently If business doesn’t improve, we’ll
have to close down a factory.
59 Confuse … Bối rối Not be able to tell the You’re confusing me with my
with difference brother, who’s also a doctor.
60 Cool down Nguội Become cooler The soup’s too hot. I’ll leave it to
cool down.
61 Come across Tình cờ nhìn Find by chance I was lucky. I came across this
thấy, tìm thấy, vase in a second-hand shop.
bắt gặp
62 Come apart Vỡ ra thành Break into pieces This model just came apart when I
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
63 come about xảy ra (không theo to happen, or start to How did such a confused situation
~ happen kế hoạch) happen come about?
65 come down mắc bệnh gì to catch or show signs I feel like I’m coming down with a
with sth of an illness cold.
66 come off sth ngừng sử dụng to stop using medicine He's come off the tablets because
(thuốc đang dùng) or drugs they were making him dizzy.
67 come out - xuất bản - become available for - When does their new album come
people to buy or see out?
- tiết lộ (thông tin) - become known - When the truth came out, there
publicly after it has was public outrage.
been kept secret
- to be in a particular - Your painting came out really
- trở nên (kết quả condition when well.
cuối cùng) finished
68 Come round Tỉnh lại Recover consciousness She took ages to come round after
=come round she’d fainted.
69 Come up to Đáp ứng được kỳ Reach the level Unfortunately, the holiday didn’t
expectations vọng của ai expected come up to expectations
70 Come up Nghĩ ra giải pháp, Think of (eg a Even the experts can’t come up
with đưa ra, phát hiện ra, solution) with the answer to our problem.
khám phá
71 count on - kỳ vọng vào (ai/ - expect something - She didn’t count on rain, and
(sb/sth) việc gì) didn’t bring an umbrella.
- trông cậy vào ai về - to be confident that - I can count on my parents to help
việc gì me.
you can depend on
72 cut back on/cut cắt giảm (chi tiêu) to spend less, do less, The government has announced
down on or use less of plans to cut back on defence
something spending by 10 percent next year.
73 cut in cắt ngang lời to interrupt someone I was talking to Jeff when Amy cut
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
74 Cut out (of an Ngừng hoạt động Suddenly stop The engine suddenly cut out and I
engine) working couldn’t start it again.
75 cross (sth) out gạch bỏ, xoá đi to draw a line through If you think it's wrong, cross it out
something you have and write it again.
written, usually
because it is wrong
76 Cry out Thét lên Make a loud noise of We heard him cry out in pain as the
pain, fear etc ball bit his arm.
77 Dawn on … Trở nên rõ ràng Become clear to It finally dawned on me that I’d
made a terrible mistake.
78 Deal with … Xử lý Do something about The manager will deal with any
79 Deal with … Giao thiệp Do business with We deal with many foreign
80 Dig into … Thọc vào Put your hand inside The security guard dug into his
something and look for pocket and took out a key.
81 Dig up Đào bới Discover hidden The reporters were trying to dig up
information information about her.
82 Disagree with Không hợp (of food or drink) make I don’t eat onions. They disagree
… you feel ill with me.
84 Die out / die off tuyệt chủng to become less Dinosaurs died out millions of years
common and finally ago.
stop existing
87 Do over Sửa sang Decorate, make repairs I’ll need some more paint as I’m
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
88 Doze off Ngủ thiếp đi Fall into a light sleep It was so warm that I must have
dozed off for a moment.
89 Dress up Ăn diện Put on smart, elegant It’s a formal wedding so we’ll have
or formal clothes to dress up.
90 Drink up Uống cạn Finish your drink It’s time to drink up and go.
91 Drive off Rời đi Leave in a vehicle One customer drove off without
paying for the petrol.
92 Drop in Ghé thăm ai, nơi Visit casually I just dropped in to see if anyone
nào một cách ngẫu wanted to go swimming.
nhiên, không
thường xuyên
93 Drop out - Rời khỏi, rút - Withdraw (eg from a - He has dropped out of active
khỏi, không còn competition) politics.
tham gia vào cái
gì nữa
- nghỉ học giữa
- leave, not complete - Some students drop out when the
chừng course gets more difficult.
(eg a college course)
(n. Drop out)
- không còn là thành - stop belonging - After she dropped out of college,
viên của cái gì to (eg a college) she worked as a waitress.
94 end up + kết thúc (với 1 vị to finally be in a After working her way around the
V_ing trí, vai trò là) particular place or world, she ended up teaching
situation English as a foreign language
95 eat up ăn hết, dùng hết to use something so Legal costs ate up most of her
that little or nothing is savings.
96 eat out đi ra ngoài ăn to eat in a restaurant When I lived in Spain, I used to eat
out almost everyday as I didn't have
time for cooking.
97 face up to đối mặt, đương to accept that a She's going to have to face up to the
đầu với difficult situation exists fact that he's not going to marry her.
98 Fall back Rút lui Retreat The enemy fire was so intense that
the troops had to fall back.
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
99 Fall behind chậm hơn so với to not make as much Companies that failed to modernize
dự định, rớt lại progress as someone fell behind quite dramatically.
phía sau else
100 Fall down Ngã xuống Fall to the ground The girl on the roof slipped and fell
101 Fall for … Bị thu hút Be strongly attracted Byron always falls for women with
to, fall in love with long red hair.
102 Fall off - Rơi ra - Fall from where it - I knocked the table and a glass fell
was placed on to the off.
- Giảm sút - Decrease - Membership has fallen off since
they put up the prices.
103 Fall in love Yêu ai đó say to have strong feelings I was 20 when I first fell in love.
with sb đắm of liking a person
104 Figure out tìm ra, hiểu ra to understand or solve If they know the cause of the
(cách giải quyết) something problem, they might be able to
figure out how to prevent it
happening again.
105 Find out Tìm ra, hiểu ra to obtain knowledge of I just found out that he was cheating
something on the test.
106 Fit in (with - Vừa (quần áo, - Be contained in the All this luggage won’t fit in. The
sth) không gian) space provided boots are too small.
107 Fill in - Điền, hoàn thành - Complete (a form) - Make sure you fill in the form
bằng cách correctly.
- thay thế ai đó, làm - take someone’s - I’m filling in while the manager’s
công việc của ai place and do their away.
trong thời gian ngắn work
khi họ vắng mặt.
108 Fill up Làm đầy Make someone very The coach’s talk filled the team
confident with confidence.
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
109 Fool around trêu đùa ai Behave in a careless You shouldn’t let children fool
with … or irresponsible way around with matches.
110 get away Chạy trốn Escape (n. Getaway) The thieves got away in a stolen car.
111 get back - Trở lại (từ một kì - Return from a - The family got back home in the
nghỉ) journey early evening.
- trả lại đồ đã mượn - be given back - I’ve finally got back those books I
something you have lent her.
112 get by Xoay sở được chỉ Just manage It’s difficult to get by on my salary
với ít cái gì ,chỉ có financially
đủ tiền để sống
113 get down to Bắt đầu nghiêm túc Start (some work) That’s enough talking. Let’s get
làm việc, bắt tay vào down to some work.
làm gì
114 get into Rơi vào, dính líu Be involved in an They were forced to sell their house
(nợ nần, rắc rối) unpleasant situation when they got into debt
(eg trouble, debt
115 get off - Rời đi - Leave (a bus, train - Get off at the stop after the town
etc) ball.
- not be convicted of a - Morris might get off if the judge
- trốn phạt
crime believes his story.
116 get on - Có mối quan hệ tốt - Have a good - Trish is very pleasant and easy to
đẹp với relationship with get on with.
- tiếp tục hoặc bắt - continue with an - Please stop talking and get on with
đầu làm gì activity your work!
117 get on with - Trốn thoát - Escape from a - The boys managed to get out by
building climbing through a window
- rời khỏi - leave a car or - The car stopped and the driver got
building out
118 get out Hồi phục Recover from You need rest to help you get over
your operation
119 get through Liên lạc Contact (eg by phone) All the lines are engaged. I can’t get
to through to the head office.
120 get together Tụ họp Assemble (n.Get- We get together once a year to talk
about old times.
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
121 give back Bỏ cuộc Return something When is Heather going to give back
borrowed the ladder she borrowed?
122 give off ... Phát ra sự ô nhiễm Emit (eg a smell) The mixture was giving off a strange
hoặc điều gì đó khó smell.
123 give out - Phân phát - Distribute - Can you give out these books as
the people arrive?
- phát ra, bốc hơi - emit (eg heat, fumes) - The factory chimney was giving
out black clouds of smoke
- Ngừng làm việc vì - stop working because - After all these years the drinks
tuổi già hoặc quá of tiredness or overuse machine has finally given out
124 give up - Dừng lại vô thời - Stop permanently - Since I gave up smoking my cough
hạn has gone
- dành thời gian - spend time - I give you some of my time to help
run the local youth club
125 go after Đuổi theo Chase It’s no use going after the thieves.
You’ll never catch them
126 go ahead Tiến hành Proceed with We now intend to go ahead with the
with final stage of the project
127 go along Chấp nhận gợi ý Agree to a suggestion Let’s have a pizza. I’ll go along
with(a with that
128 go away Rời khỏi Leave a place I do not want to buy anything!
Please go away!
129 go back on a Không giữ lời Not keep a promise Grandma said she’d come but she
promise went back on her promise
130 go by - Trôi qua -(Of time)pass - As time went by, Graham grew
more found of her
- đi qua - pass. Go pass - We stood in the front garden and
watched the parade go by
131 go down (of Lặn Set The two of them stool band in band,
the sun watching the sun go down.
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
132 go down on Cầu xin, xin lỗi Kneel down or You should go down on your knees
your knees apologize and apologies!
133 go down with Suy nhược Catch some kind of Viv’s gone down with flu so she
disease won’t be in the office today
134 go for - Lựa chọn - Choose - I expect the council will go for the
cheaper option
- tấn công - attack - My wife suddenly turned and went
for me with the kitchen knife
135 go off - Bị hỏng - Become bad - Smell this cheese. I think it’s gone
- rung chuông - (of an alarm suddenly - The beating goes off automatically
make a noise at midnight.
- (at the deep end) - When Steve saw the damage, he
- trở nên rất tức giận went off at the deep end.
become very angry
137 go on with Tiếp tục làm việc Continue doing Please go on with your work. Don’t
let me stop you.
138 go out with Đi chơi với ai Go with someone to If Trevor asked you, would you go
the cinema etc out with him?
139 go through - Thành công - Be completed - After a lot of discussion, the deal
successfully finally went though
- trải qua - experience - I hope I never go through an
experience like that again!
- kiểm tra - examine, review - I’ll go through my notes once
more just before the exam
- làm điều gì đó theo - (a procedure)
một cách nhất định - You go through a complicated
hoặc theo các thủ Perform a procedure procedure to start the machine
tục nhất định
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AWAKEN PASSION AND ABILITIES WITHIN - đánh thức niềm đam mê và khả năng Tiếng Anh tiềm ẩn.
0974609188 – 0868829980
141 go with Kết hợp Combine well with I need a brown handbag to go with
the jacket
142 hand down to đưa cho, truyền lại to give something to a My grandmother handed down this
younger member of necklace to my mother.
your family when you
no longer need it
143 hand in Nộp bài Give someone work Please band in last night’s
you have done homework
144 hand out Phân phát Distribute Can you band out these books to all
the people here?
145 hand over Đưa cho Give to someone else Mr. Bly’s banded over the
(n.Hand-over) running of the company to me
146 hang out hẹn ở ngoài to spend a lot of time I've been hanging out backstage
in a place or with with the band.
147 hold back Kiềm chế Restrain, bow show It was difficult to hold back the
(eg tears) tears.
148 hold off trì hoãn to not do something They've decided to hold off on
immediately buying a car until they're both
149 hold on Chờ đợi Wait Hold on a moment. I’ll see if she’s
150 hold up - Cướp bằng bạo - Use the threat of - That’s the second time the bank’s
lực hoặc đe dọa violence to rub (n. been held up this year.
- delay, stop moving - The traffic was held up because of
- hoãn an accident
151 jump at a chớp lấy cơ hội to accept an She jumped at the chance to go to
chance/ an opportunity eagerly Paris.
152 jump to vội kết luận to guess the facts about Don't jump to conclusions! Perhaps
conclusions a situation without it was his daughter he was dancing
having enough with.
153 jump into (out nhảy vào (ra) to suddenly decide to Investors shouldn't jump into
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0974609188 – 0868829980
154 keep away tránh xa to prevent someone Keep away from the edge of the
from from going somewhere cliff.
or near something
155 keep sb/sth Ngăn cản ai làm gì Prevent someone from I tried to keep my dog from chasing
from doing something the car
156 keep on … Tiếp tục Continue I haven’t found a job yet, but I’m
(+ing) going to keep on trying
157 keep up - Duy trì một hành - (Appearances) - To keep up appearances they still
động liên tục continue to have as go to the best restaurants
you did previously
- theo kịp - go at the same speed - The others were walking so fast
as the it was difficult to keep up
- continue, not stop - The snow kept up all day so I
- tiếp tục
didn’t go out
- maintain (payments - I couldn’t afford to keep up the
- duy trì etc) payments on the car
158 keep up with - Di chuyển mức - Go at the same - He had to run faster to keep up
tương đương speed and stay level with the leaders.
- inform yourself of - I always buy this paper to keep up
- bắt kịp
the latest news with the business news
159 Kick up (a Làm ầm lên Cause a fuss Mum will kick up a fuss if
fuss) everything isn’t neat and tidy.
160 Knock down Đánh gục, gục ngã Hit and cause to fall to The child was knocked down as she
the ground was crossing the road.
161 Knock down Phá hủy Demolish They’ve knocked down the
swimming pool and built a car park.
162 Knock out Làm bất tỉnh Hit and make He hit me so hard that he knocked
unconscious me out.
(n. knockout)
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164 Laugh at … Cười nhạo Make fun of, ridicule They all laughed at his ridiculous
165 lay down - Thiết lập các quy - Establish (rules, -You must follow the procedure I
tắc hoặc thủ tục regulations) have laid down.
- hi sinh - (your life) sacrifice - They laid down their lives for
your life their country.
166 Lay off Sa thải Dismiss from work Times were hard and we had to lay
(often temporarily) off several employees.
167 Leak out (of Lộ ra (bí mật) Become known When news of the concert leaked
a secret) out there was a rush for tickets.
168 leave sb off sa thải to not include He left three people off the list by
something or someone mistake.
on a list
169 leave out bỏ quên, bỏ sót lại to fail to include You left out the best parts of the
something or someone; story.
170 leave behind bỏ rơi, bỏ lại to go away and not We left him behind to continue to
take something or help out
someone with you
171 let down Làm thất vọng Disappoint, not keep a Don’t worry. I’ll come. I won’t let
promise you down.
172 let in - Cho phép vào - Allow in - They won’t let you in if you’re
under eighteen
- không trừng phạt - not punish - I’ll let you off this time but don’t
let it happen again
- giải phóng năng - (steam) releases - I told the children to run round the
lượng tension, energy
garden to let off steam
173 Lie down Nằm xuống Lie somewhere, I feel tired so I’m going to lie down
usually to rest or sleep for a bit.
174 Light up Chiếu sáng to make something When I’d say there was a letter for
bright or shiny him you could see his eyes light up.
176 live on - Sử dụng tiền cho - Have (food or money) - How can I be expected to love on
những nhu cầu thiết for survival such a low salary?
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177 liven up Khiến thú vị, sôi Make more interesting Our host suggested some games to
động hơn and livelier try and liven up the party
178 live up to Đáp ứng mong đợi Be as good as expected Vanessa lived up to her reputation
hoặc tiêu chuẩn as a super actress
179 look after chăm sóc take care of, be This patient has a special nurse to
responsible look after her at night
180 look back on Nhìn lại quá khứ Think about things that When I look back on those days I
happened in the past realise how lucky I was
181 look down on Coi thường Consider inferior They looked down on her because
of her poor clothes
182 look for Tìm kiếm Try to find Excuse me, I’m looking for the
police station
183 look forward Mong đợi Await the pleasure I’m looking forward to seeing my
to friends again.
184 look into Xem xét, nghĩ về ai Consider, think of I look on James as someone I can
đó hoặc một cái gì someone or something always be franks with
đó theo một cách in a certain way
nhất định
185 look out Cẩn thận Be careful Look out! He’s got a gun!
187 look up - Tra thông tin - Find information in a - Look up the meaning of the word
book in this dictionary
- Things are starting to look up.
- nâng cao, cải thiện - improve
Business is improving
- We looked up and save the cat in
- nhìn lên - raise your eyes and the tree
189 make out - Giả bộ - Pretend - The guards made out that they
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190 make up your Quyết định Decide I’ve made up my mind to look for a
mind new job.
191 make up - Tạo ra - Invent (a story) (adj, - I’m sure be make up that story
- làm lành make-up) about getting lost in the jungle
- become friends again - Tome and Susan have finally
after an argument made up after their argument
192 make up for Bù đắp cho Compensate for Tim bought her some flowers to
make up for arriving late
193 Pass by Đi ngang qua Walk past None of the people passing by took
any notice of her
194 Pass on - Gửi tin nhắn, - Give someone (a - The next time I see her, I’ll pass
thông điệp cho ai message etc) from on your news
đó someone else
- lây nhiễm, truyền - transmit a disease - The disease was passed on
qua 1 bệnh gì đó through the drinking water
- chuyển khoản (chi - transfer (the cost or - We hope to pass on any savings to
phí hoặc tiền tiết our customers
195 Pass out Ngất, mất ý thức Faint The room was so stuffy that I
passed out
196 Pass over Không cân nhắc cho Not consider for Pratt’s been passed over for
thăng chức, bỏ qua, promotion promotion yet again
làm lơ đi
197 Pick at Ăn một ít thức ăn; Eat small mouthfuls of Robin’s only picking at her food.
(food) ăn một cách miễn food Something must be wrong
198 Pick out Lựa chọn Choose Try to pick out the smaller tomatoes.
They’re sweater.
199 Pick up - Học không cần nỗ - Learn without much - I picked up some of my English
lực nhiều, học effort by listening to pop music
nhanh chóng
- đón ai đó - stop a vehicle and - The coach will pick you up
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200 Pull down Kéo xuống Pull something so that If the sun is too hot, pull down the
it comes down blind
201 Pull in - Dừng xe bên - Drive to the side of - Let’s pull in at the next parking
đường the road (and often place and have some sandwiches
- attract - Pop concerts usually pull in a
- thu hút
large crowd
202 Pull over Dừng xe bên đường, (Of a vehicle): move to Pull over for a moment and let the
tấp vào lề đường the side of the road other cars go past
203 Put back - Sắp xếp để họp lại - Arrange to have (eg a - Can we put the meeting back until
sau meeting) later the following Tuesday?
- để lại, đặt lại (vào - return something to - Don’t forget to put the matches
chỗ cũ,…) the place it was before back where you found them
204 Put by Để dành, dành dụm Save for future use I’ve got some money put by for
205 Run into - Đâm vào, va vào - Crash into - The car ran into the back of a lorry
- We ran into difficulties during the
test flight
- tình cờ gặp - meet unexpectedly
206 Run out of Cạn kiệt Exhaust, not have any I’ve run out of butter so I’ll have to
left use margarine instead
207 Run over … Đâm (bằng phương Hit The bus ran over a child crossing
(of a vehicle tiện giao thông) the road
or driver)
208 Set in Bắt đầu (1 mùa) (Of a season) become As winter set in, the weather got
established much worse
209 Set off - Gây, khiến cái gì - Cause something to - The burglars set off an alarm
đó bắt đầu start when they broke the window
- bắt đầu cuộc hành - leave on a journey - We’re setting off about eight
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210 Set out - Bắt đầu một cuộc - Start on a journey: -The cyclists set out early the
hành trình following morning
- bắt đầu 1 hoạt - begin an activity with - We set out to get more people
động với lý do cụ a specific purpose interested in African music
211 Set up Tổ chức, sắp xếp Organize, start We’re going to set to an inquiry
into the disaster
213 Stand for - Đại diễn cho, có - Represent - What do the letters FBI stand for?
nghĩa là
- chịu đựng, dung - tolerate
- He won’t stand for any nonsense
- thay thế tạm thời - take someone’s place
- You’ll have to stand in if he’s
(n. Stand-in)
unable to attend the meeting
214 Stand in for Đại diện cho Take someone’s place Jill had to stand in for her boss, who
(eg if they are ill) had suddenly been taken ill
215 Stand out Nổi bật Be noticeable (adj. Eastern Europe stands out as an
Outstanding) obvious area for expansion
216 Stand up for Bảo vệ quyền lợi Strongly defend you Don’t be afraid to stand up for your
(your rights) rights rights as a citizen
217 Stand up to - Dũng cảm đương - Not run away from - Don’t expect me to stand up to
đầu với someone somebody with muscles that big!
- có thể chịu đựng - endure (rough - This tower was built to stand up to
được all kinds of weather
218 Stay in Ở trong, không ra Not go out I’m staying in tonight. I’ve got too
ngoài much homework to do
219 Stay up Thức khuya, không Not go to bed Shall we stay up and watch the late
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220 Take after Trông giống Resemble She’s very intelligent. She takes
after her mother
221 Take apart Chia nhỏ, tách ra Dismantle, take to I had to take the model apart to fit it
pieces into the box
222 Take back - Rút lại ý kiến - Agree that what you - I take back everything I said. I
- lấy lại, mang về said is not true really enjoyed myself
- làm ai đó nghĩ lại - return - I must take these books back to
quá khứ the library
- make someone think - This dance music takes me back
of past events to the time I met your father
223 Take down - Ghi chép - Write down - The reporter took down the details
information of the accident
- tháo xuống, bỏ - remove from a high - On the shelf was an old box which
place he took down and opened
- dismantle, undo - I needed help to take down the
- tháo dỡ, dỡ ra một something you have tent
cái gì đó bạn đã erected
dựng lên
224 Take in - Lừa phỉnh, lừa gạt - Fool, deceive - The official was so convincing
that he took everyone in
- thu nhỏ, làm nhỏ -(clothes) make clothes - When I lost weight, I had to take
in all my clothes
quần áo lại narrower
- I couldn’t take in all the
- hiểu, nắm được - understand
everything information at once
-The suspect was taken in for
- thẩm vấn, đưa đến - take to a police questioning about the robbery
đồn cảnh sát để hỏi station to question
225 Take off - Đảm nhiệm, gánh - (Of a plane)depart (n. - The plane is due to take off at six
vác Take off) o’clock
- nhận vào làm, - remove (clothes etc) - Mr Tidy took off his shoes and put
thuê, tuyển dụng from your body on his slippers
- cho phép hành - deduct - As a special offer we’re taking ten
khách lên tàu, máy percent off for new customers
226 Take out - Mượn sách thư - (A book): borrow a - You can take out four library
viện book from a library books if you want to
- take someone to the - He’s taking me out to the disco
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227 Take over Tiếp quản, kế tục, Gain control of (a The company was taken over by a
nối nghiệp company) (n. larger competitor
228 Take over Thay thế Replace Head office has sent someone to
from take over from the old manager
229 Take up - Bắt đầu (1 công - Start (a job or hobby) - I took up water-skiing during a
việc hoặc sở thích) seaside holiday
- chấp nhận lời đề
nghị - (an offer) accept an - We decided to take up her offer of
offer accommodation
- choán, chiếm (thời
gian, không gian) - use, occupy (time, - Organizing the meetings was
space) taking up too much of my time
- đề cập đến, xét đến - I’ll have to take up the question of
(1 vấn đề) - raise a topic
overtime with head office
- làm ngắn, rút ngắn - shorten (eg a skirt) - The skirt was too long so she had
to take it up
230 Turn away Không cho phép ai Refuse entry to The restaurant was full so we had to
đó vào turn away customers
231 Turn back Dừng và quay trở lại Stop and return the The road was blocked so they were
way you have come forced to turn back
232 Turn down - Gạt bỏ, bác bỏ, từ - Refuse, reject - The boss turned down my request
chối for a day off
- giảm (âm lượng, - reduce (the heating, - If it gets any warmer, we’ll turn
nhiệt độ,…) volume etc) down the beating
233 Turn … into Trở thành, đổi thành Change into something It’ll take more than smart clothes to
different turn him into a gentleman
234 Turn off Khóa, tắt, cắt Stop an electrical If the red light flashes, turn off the
device working machine immediately
235 Turn on - Bật, vặn, mở - Start an electrical - Turn on the grill and give it time
device working to beat up
- bắt đầu hành xử - start behaving in a - Your secretary can certainly turn
theo 1 cách nhất certain way on the charm!
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236 Turn out - Sản xuất (hàng - Produce - This factory turns out four hundred
hóa) bicycles a day
- be in the end - The show turned out to be a great
- hóa ra, thành ra
- tắt (đèn, gas) - switch off (the - Could you turn out the light
light or gas) when you leave?
237 Turn up - Tăng(âm lượng, - Increase (eg the - Don’t turn up the volume! It’s
nhiệt độ,…) volume) loud enough already
- xuất hiện - arrive, appear - One cleaner turned up an hour late
somewhere today
238 Line up Đứng thành hàng Stand in a line Could all the contestants line up in
front of the judges?
239 Lock in Giam giữ Prevent someone from I can’t get out! They’ve locked me
leaving by locking the in!
240 Lock out Chặn lại Prevent someone from When I got back to the flat, I found
entering by locking the I’d been locked out.
241 Lock up Nhốt Put in a room and lock The sheriff locked up the prisoner
the door and put a guard outside.
242 Meet with … Gặp chuyên gì Have something I’m afraid your husband has met
happen to you with an accident.
243 Miss out Không bao gồm Not include I’ll check the list again in case I’ve
missed something out.
244 Move on Rời đi Make someone move The police moved the crowd on to
away from a place stop them blocking the road.
245 Move on Di chuyển Disperse, go away The tour party moved on and started
from a place looking round the gardens.
246 Move on Tiến lên Make progress (eg to a Kerry wanted to move on and get a
better job) job with more responsibility.
247 Pay … back Trả thù Get revenge Amy’s determined to pay him back
for embarrassing her.
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248 Pay for … Trả tiền Use money to buy Tina’s uncle paid for her holiday in
something Spain.
249 Pay in Trả vào (tài khoản) Deposit money into an Have you paid that customer’s
account cheque in yet?
250 Pay off Trả nợ Pay the money you I should have paid off my debts by
owe the end of the year.
251 Piece Ghép lại Assemble, form a We’re trying to piece together
together complete idea exactly what happened here.
252 Point out Chỉ ra Draw attention to a fact I must point out that we don’t
or something worth normally work on Sundays.
254 Pour down Mưa như trút Come down slowly It was pouring down and I didn’t
(of rain) have an umbrella.
256 Pour into … Tràn vào Enter in large numbers The doors were opened and the
customers poured into the store.
257 Pour out (a Rót Pour a drink into a Give me your cup and I’ll pour out
drink) glass or cup the tea.
258 Remind … of Nhắc nhở Make someone This scenery reminds me of the
remember valleys of South Wales.
259 Resign from Từ chức Say officially that you Nora resigned from her job after
… want to leave (eg your arguing with her boss.
260 Ring … back Gọi lại Phone (someone) again I’ll ring you back if there’s any
later more news.
261 Ring off Cúp máy End a phone I must ring off now as someone
conversation wants to use the phone.
262 Ring out (of Vang lên Ring loudly The bells rang out as the couple left
bells) the church.
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264 Rise up Vùng dậy Rebel against those in Finally, the people rose up against
authority (n. uprising) the dictatorial government.
265 Rush in Lao vào Enter quickly The pupils rushed in as soon as the
bell rang.
266 Rush into (a Vội vàng (quyết Make a decision Don’t rush into a decision. Think
decision) định) without thinking about it carefully first.
267 Rush out Lao ra Leave a room or We all rushed out but the coach had
building quickly. already left.
268 Save up Dành dụm Collect money in I’m saving up to buy a new
order to buy sth motorbike.
269 Scare away Làm cho ai hoảng Frighten someone The sound of the alarm scared away
sợ bỏ chạy and make them go the thieves.
270 Scare off Làm cho ai hoảng Make someone too These guard dogs should scare off
sợ không dám đến frightened to come any thieves.
gần near
271 See through Thấy rõ bản chất Not be deceived by The others were fooled but I could
see through all his charm.
272 Send for … Gửi đến Send a message for Marie’s condition got worse so we
someone to come and had to send for the doctor.
273 Send in Đưa ai tới Tell someone to go Mrs. Jones is here. – Please send
into a room her in.
274 Show in Mang ai tới Bring someone into a Mr. Jones is outside. – OK. We’re
room ready. Please show him in.
275 Show off Khoe khoang, phô Do things or show The girl tried to show off and
trương things to try and impress everyone with her
impress people dancing.
276 Show out Dẫn đường Lead someone out of a She showed me out through a side
place door.
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277 Shut down Tắt nguồn Stop (a machine etc.) We had to shut down the machine
working (n. shutdown) as it was overheating.
278 Side with … Ủng hộ Support In this dispute, I side with the
279 Slow down Chậm lại Go or happen less fast The train slowed down as it entered
(n. slowdown) the tunnel.
280 Speak out Lên tiếng Not be afraid to give People were afraid to speak out on
your opinion (adj. such a controversial topic.
281 Speak up Nói to hơn Speak more loudly Can you speak up? I’m a bit deaf.
282 Speed up Tăng tốc Go faster The car begun to speed up and was
soon out of sight.
283 Spit it out Nói thẳng ra đi “Say what you are Spit it out! Tell us what’s on your
really thinking!” mind.
284 Split up Tách ra Divide into groups I want you to split up into groups of
285 Spread out Trải ra Open something and The general spread the map out on
put it on a surface the table.
287 Storm out Rời đi với sự tức Leave in a very bad Owen lost his temper and stormed
giận temper out.
288 Suffer from Đau Be in pain because of When I do a lot of typing, I suffer
… from terrible neck ache.
289 Sum up Tóm tắt Briefly state the main I’ll try to sum up the situation in a
points few words.
290 Switch off Tắt điện Stop electrical Be sure to switch off all the lights
equipment working before you leave.
291 Switch off Không tập trung Stop paying attention, The lecture was so boring I
not be able to switched off.
292 Switch on Bật điện Start electrical Can I switch on the TV and watch
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293 Tear apart Tan vỡ Disturb emotionally, She was torn apart by wildly
pull in different conflicting emotions.
294 Tell … apart Chỉ ra sự khác biệt Differentiate between The twins wear the same clothes so
it’s difficult to tell them apart.
295 Think of … Có ý kiến về Have an opinion about What do you think of her latest
296 Think over Suy nghĩ kỹ Consider I’ll think over your offer and let you
know tomorrow.
297 Think Suy nghĩ cẩn thận Think carefully about My client needs to think it
through all the possible through. There could be problems
298 Throw away Vứt bỏ thứ không Get rid of something Throw away any old magazines you
có ích no longer useful (adj. don’t want.
299 Tidy up Dọn dẹp Make (eg room) neat You’ll have to tidy up his room
by putting things away before your father gets home.
Use up Tận dụng to use all of something, Have we used up all of the paper
so that nothing is left towels?
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