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1. What is project?

a "project" typically refers to a collaborative effort undertaken to create, enhance, or maintain

software systems or applications. A software project involves various activities such as planning,
design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

2. What is project Development?

"project development" refers to the process of creating a software application or system from
concept to completion. It encompasses all the activities involved in turning an idea or set of
requirements into a fully functioning software product.

3. What is CCB ?
CCB stands for "Change Control Board." A Change Control Board is a group of individuals responsible
for evaluating, prioritizing, approving, or rejecting proposed changes to a software project.

4. What is CMM ?
CMM stands for "Capability Maturity Model." It's a framework used to assess and improve the
maturity of an organization's software development processes. It has become a widely adopted
approach for evaluating and enhancing software development practices.

5. What is Cost Estimating ?

It involves estimating the costs associated with various project activities, resources, and deliverables,
helping stakeholders make informed decisions about budgeting, resource allocation, and project

6. Explain COCOMO-I model.

COCOMO stands for "Constructive Cost Model," which is a well-known model used in software
project management for estimating the cost, effort, and duration of software development projects.
COCOMO-I is a single-level, static model. Effort = a * (KLOC)^b person-months.
Basic COCOMO: The basic COCOMO model estimates software development effort as a function of
the size of the software product, measured in lines of code (LOC).
Intermediate COCOMO: Intermediate COCOMO extends the basic model by considering additional
factors that influence project effort and duration.
Detailed COCOMO: Detailed COCOMO further refines effort estimation by considering specific
attributes of the software project, such as the number of modules, the size and complexity of each
module, and the capabilities of individual team members.

7. Explain COCOMO-II model.

COCOMO-II, or Constructive Cost Model II, is an updated and more comprehensive version of the
original COCOMO model developed by Dr. Barry Boehm in the 1980s. COCOMO-II was introduced in
the late 1990s to address some of the limitations of the original COCOMO model and to provide
more accurate and flexible estimation techniques for software project management.
Size Estimation: COCOMO-II uses lines of code (LOC) or function points (FP) as measures of software
Duration and Cost Estimation: COCOMO-II provides estimates not only for effort but also for project
duration and cost.
Risk Management: COCOMO-II includes provisions for risk management, allowing project managers
to assess the impact of risks on project effort, duration, and cost.
Effort Estimation: The effort equations are derived from historical data and are calibrated using data
from previous projects.
17. What is long form of PMBOK.
Project Management Body of Knowledge
8. Write short note on Staff acquisition.
the process of acquiring and onboarding the necessary human resources to execute a software
development project successfully. Staff acquisition is a critical aspect of software project
management, as the success of a project often depends on the capabilities and effectiveness of the
project team.
Identifying Resource Requirements: Project managers work with stakeholders to determine the
specific skills, knowledge, and experience needed for the project.
Assignment: Once the resource requirements are identified, project managers may recruit new
team members, assign existing employees to the project.
Team Integration: Team-building activities and regular team meetings can help strengthen cohesion
and alignment within the team.
Performance Management: Throughout the project lifecycle, project managers monitor the
performance of team members, provide feedback and support as needed.

9. What is project Development?

"project development" refers to the process of creating and delivering a software product or system.
It encompasses all the activities involved in bringing the project from conception to completion,
including planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Project development in SPM typically follows
a structured approach to ensure that the software is delivered on time, within budget, and according
to quality standards.

10. What is project reporting? Why is it so important?

Project reporting in software project development refers to the process of collecting, analyzing, and
presenting project-related information to stakeholders in a structured and timely manner. Project
reports provide insights into project progress, status, key performance indicators (KPIs), risks, issues,
and other relevant metrics to help stakeholders make informed decisions, track project performance
and ensure project success.
Communication: Project reports serve as a primary communication tool for keeping stakeholders
informed about project progress, achievements, challenges, and upcoming activities.
Transparency: Project reports provide visibility into project activities, timelines, resource utilization,
and budgetary allocations.
Decision-making: Project reports provide data-driven insights and analysis that support informed
decision-making by stakeholders.
Monitoring and Control: Project reports serve as a means of monitoring project performance
against predefined goals, milestones, and benchmarks.

11What is GANTT chart? what are the uses of GANTT charts ?

A Gantt chart is a visual representation of a project schedule that displays tasks, activities, or events
plotted against time. It provides a graphical illustration of a project's timeline, showing when tasks
start, duration, and end, as well as dependencies between tasks.
Project Planning: Gantt charts are commonly used during the project planning phase to create a
detailed project schedule.
Task Management: Gantt charts help project managers and team members track and manage
individual tasks within the project.
Communication and Reporting: Gantt charts serve as a communication tool for sharing project
schedules, progress updates, and status reports with stakeholders.
Risk Management: Gantt charts can aid in identifying and mitigating project risks by highlighting
critical tasks, deadlines, and dependencies.
12. What is long form of CMM. :- Constructive Cost Model,"
13. What is long form of WBS. :- Work Breakdown Structure
14. What is long form of CCB.:- Change Control Board.
15. Short note on Matrix Structure.
Matrix Structure is a project management organizational structure that combines elements of both
functional and projectized structures. In a Matrix Structure, team members report to both a
functional manager and a project manager. The Matrix Structure in SPM allows for greater flexibility
and adaptability in managing software projects. Project managers have authority over project-
specific decisions, including scope, schedule, budget, and resource allocation. Effective
communication is essential in a Matrix Structure to ensure coordination and alignment between
functional departments and project teams.

16.What is Solicitation.
solicitation refers to the process of requesting proposals or bids from external vendors, suppliers, or
contractors to fulfill specific project needs or requirements. It is a key step in the procurement
management process, where project managers seek competitive offers from qualified vendors to
acquire goods, services, or resources needed for the project.

18. What is WBS ? Explain different types of WBS.

WBS stands for Work Breakdown Structure. It's a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of
work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and deliver the
required deliverables.
Phases-based WBS: In this type of WBS, the project is broken down into phases or stages based on
the project lifecycle. Each phase represents a major stage of the project, such as initiation, planning,
execution, monitoring, and closure
Deliverable-based WBS:This type of WBS breaks down the project scope based on the deliverables
or outputs of the project. Each deliverable is identified as a top-level component,
Organizational-based WBS: Organizational-based WBS organizes the project work based on the
organizational units or departments responsible for completing the work.
Product-oriented WBS:This type of WBS structures the project work around the products, services,
or components that need to be developed as part of the project.

19. What is project plan ? Explain components of a project plan.

A project plan in software project development is a comprehensive document that outlines the
approach, strategies, activities, resources, and timelines required to achieve the project objectives. It
serves as a roadmap for project execution, guiding project teams and stakeholders through the
various phases of the project lifecycle.
Introduction:Provides an overview of the project, including its purpose, objectives, scope, and key
Project Overview:Describes the background and context of the project, including the business need
or problem the project aims to address.
Project Approach:Describes the methodology, approach, or framework that will be used to manage
and execute the project.
Schedule and Timeline Presents the project schedule, timeline, and key milestones using techniques
such as Gantt charts or project calendars.
Resource Management Identifies the human, financial, and material resources required to complete
the project.
Risk Management:Identifies potential risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that may impact the
project's success.
Communication Plan:Defines the communication objectives, channels, frequency, and stakeholders
involved in project communication.
20. Discuss PSP/TSP in detail.
Personal Software Process (PSP): By adopting PSP practices, engineers can become more
disciplined, organized, and efficient in their development activities. PSP focuses on improving the
productivity and quality of individual software engineers by providing a structured framework for
personal process improvement. PSP emphasizes following a disciplined approach to software
development, including planning, tracking, and reviewing individual work. PSP helps individual
software engineers improve their productivity, quality, and predictability of their work. Engineers
analyze their data to identify patterns, trends, and areas of inefficiency.
Team Software Process (TSP):
TSP extends the principles of PSP to the team level, focusing on improving the performance of
software development teams by fostering collaboration, communication, and shared accountability.
TSP teams are formed based on complementary skills, experience, and expertise. TSP teams define
their own process tailored to the needs of the project. TSP teams collect and analyze data on project
progress, quality, and productivity. TSP helps software development teams improve their
productivity, quality, and collaboration skills.

22. What is quality assurance? Discuss various activities of QA.

Quality Assurance (QA) in software project development refers to the systematic process of ensuring
that software products and processes meet specified quality standards, requirements, and customer
Quality Planning:Define quality objectives, goals, and criteria for the project.
Requirement Analysis and Review:Conduct thorough analysis and review of project requirements to
ensure clarity, completeness, and consistency.
Quality Control Testing:Design and execute test cases, test scenarios, and test scripts to verify and
validate software functionality, performance, usability, and security.
Risk Management:Identify, assess, and prioritize quality risks, dependencies, and uncertainties that
may impact project quality and success.
Documentation and Reporting:Quality Documentation: Creating and maintaining documentation
related to quality assurance activities, including quality plans, test plans, test cases, and test
reports.Status Reporting: Communicating the status of quality assurance activities, including
progress, issues, and risks, to project stakeholders through regular status reports and meetings.

25. Discuss different types of risk in software project Management?

Technical Risks:Technical risks arise from uncertainties or challenges related to the development
process, technology stack, or technical complexity of the project.
Requirements Risks:Requirements risks stem from ambiguities, inconsistencies, or changes in
project requirements throughout the project lifecycle.
Schedule Risks:Schedule risks pertain to uncertainties or factors that could lead to delays in project
milestones, deadlines, or overall project completion.
Resource Risks:Resource risks involve challenges or constraints related to project resources, such as
human resources, budget, equipment, or facilities.
Organizational Risks: Risks associated with organizational changes, such as restructuring, leadership
changes, or mergers, which may disrupt project continuity or introduce uncertainties.
External Risks: Risks related to changes in market conditions, customer preferences, or industry
trends that may impact project requirements, priorities, or business viability.

34. What is risk Identification?

the process of systematically identifying potential risks and uncertainties that could impact the
success of a software project. It involves identifying events or conditions that may have positive or
negative effects on project objectives, such as schedule, cost, quality, scope, or stakeholder
27. What do you mean by a stakeholder? Describe different types of stakeholder.
a stakeholder refers to any individual, group, or organization that is affected by or has an interest in
the outcome of the project. Stakeholders can influence the project's objectives, requirements, and
execution, and their involvement is essential for the project's success. Identifying and managing
stakeholders effectively is crucial for ensuring that their needs and expectations are addressed
throughout the project lifecycle.
Customers/Users:Customers or end-users are those who will ultimately use the software product
being developed.
Project Sponsor:The project sponsor is typically a senior executive or manager within the
organization funding the project.
Project Manager:The project manager is responsible for planning, executing, and overseeing the
project to ensure that it is completed on time, within budget, and according to quality standards.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs):SMEs possess specialized knowledge, expertise, or domain-specific
skills relevant to the project.

28. Difference between PSP and TSP.

PSP:1) PSP focuses on improving the productivity and quality of individual software engineers.2) PSP
primarily focuses on the personal development and improvement of individual software engineers.
3) It provides a structured framework for personal process improvement, emphasizing disciplined
development practices, measurement .4) It aims to help engineers become more disciplined,
organized, and efficient in their development activities. 5) PSP is suitable for individual software
engineers or small teams.
TSP:1) TSP extends the principles of PSP to the team level.2) TSP shifts the focus from individual
developers to the entire software development team. 3) It focuses on improving the performance of
software development teams by fostering collaboration, communication, and shared accountability.
4) TSP aims to improve team productivity, quality, and effectiveness by establishing team norms,
roles, processes, and measurement practices. 5) TSP is suitable for larger software development
teams or projects.

29. Explain Qualities of project Manager.

Leadership: Project managers need strong leadership skills to inspire, motivate, and guide their
teams toward achieving project goals.
Problem-Solving: Project managers encounter various challenges and obstacles during the project
Customer Focus: Project managers prioritize customer satisfaction by understanding and meeting
customer needs and expectations.
Decision-Making: Project managers make numerous decisions throughout the project lifecycle.
Risk Management: Effective project managers are adept at identifying, assessing, and mitigating
risks that may impact project success.
Organization: They develop and maintain project plans, schedules, and budgets, ensuring that all
project activities are executed in a timely and coordinated manner.

30. What is strategic planning?

strategic planning refers to the process of defining the long-term objectives, goals, and direction of a
software project or organization, and developing strategies to achieve them effectively. Strategic
planning in SPM involves assessing the current state of the project or organization, identifying
opportunities and challenges, and formulating plans and initiatives to guide future actions and
31. Explain Scope Control
Scope control involves implementing a formal change management process to evaluate, review, and
approve or reject proposed changes to the project scope. the process of managing changes to the
project scope throughout the project lifecycle to ensure that project objectives are met within
defined constraints. It involves controlling additions, modifications, or deletions to project scope,
requirements, and deliverables to prevent and maintain project alignment with stakeholder
expectations. Scope control requires identifying and documenting changes to the project scope
promptly. Scope control requires documenting approved changes to the project scope, updating
project documentation, and communicating changes to relevant stakeholders.

32. Explain CMM level.

Level 1 - Initial: At this level, processes are ad hoc, chaotic, and unpredictable. There is no formal
process in place for managing software development, and success depends heavily on individual
effort and heroics.
Level 2 - Managed: Organizations at this level have begun to establish basic project management
practices and process discipline. Project processes are documented, standardized, and repeatable,
which helps in achieving more consistent project outcomes.
Level 3 - Defined: At this level, organizations have defined and documented their standard software
development processes across the entire organization. These processes are well-understood,
communicated, and enforced consistently throughout the organization.
Level 4 - Quantitatively Managed: Organizations at this level have implemented quantitative
management techniques to monitor and control their software development processes.
Level 5 - Optimizing: At the highest level of maturity, organizations are continuously striving to
improve their software development processes based on quantitative feedback and innovation.

33. Explain project Communication.

the process of exchanging information, ideas, and updates among project stakeholders to ensure
that project objectives are understood, expectations are managed, and collaboration is facilitated
effectively.Information Sharing: Project communication involves sharing relevant information,
updates, progress reports, and deliverables with stakeholders in a timely and transparent manner.
Closure and Documentation: Project communication includes communicating project closure
activities, deliverables, and outcomes to stakeholders.
Feedback and Evaluation: Project communication involves soliciting feedback from stakeholders on
project processes, deliverables, and performance.
Change Management: Project communication plays a crucial role in managing changes to project
scope, requirements, schedule, and budget.
Risk Communication: Project communication involves communicating risks and uncertainties
associated with the project to stakeholders.

35. Explain role of software matrices.

Project Planning and Estimation:Metrics such as lines of code (LOC), function points, and use case
points are used for estimating project size and effort.
Requirement Analysis and Design:Metrics can help in assessing the completeness and consistency
of requirements through metrics like requirement volatility and traceability.
Project Management and Control: Metrics related to project schedule, effort, and cost help in
tracking project progress and identifying deviations from the planned targets.
Risk Management: Metrics related to defect trends, schedule slippage, and resource utilization can
help in identifying and mitigating project risks.
Decision Support: Software metrics serve as a basis for data-driven decision-making in SPM.
Resource Management: Software metrics support resource allocation and management by
providing visibility into resource utilization, availability, and performance.

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